The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 17, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY. JUNE 17. 1920.
. ?
I Murray Department
're pared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Jouraal Readers
Iffcuyofthe readers of th
Jouraal Unor" of any social
eTent or item of interest In
this vicinity, and will mail
ime to tbls office, it will ap
pear under this heading. W' .
w4Dt all newt Items Kditou
a V
r. .... 'sJTr-... ," '
1 J
Mr m
km IM
m '
Win. Troop and Clarence Drown
were visitors' in Omaha last Tuesday
afternoon, where they were looking
after some business.
Dr. Oscar Sandin was a visitor
west of Murray at the honle of
James Karhart. where he was called
to look after a sick cow.
G. M. Minford and family were
visiting in Lincoln last Sunday, hav
ing driven up in their car and en
joyed the occasion greatly.
Jesse Chambers and C. Brown were
busy this week at the home of Worth
Click, where they were finishing the
new house of C. W. Christweisser.
Mrs. Adam Hild was visiting in
Murray for the most part ol the
week, being the guest at the home of
her daughter. Mr. L. H. I'uis.
Among hose who have recently
shelled their corn near Murray and j
had to haul the same to l'lattsmouth
were John Hodsheidt, Geo. S. Kay and i
Alva Long. i
J. A. Seotten, the contractor, with
his assistants C. R. Kennedy and
Mrs. Root has had an excellent visit
and a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Root
will in a short time depart for York,
where they will join their son and
take a trip through Kstes Tark and
other places of interest in the west.
ity, Messrs. and Mesdames Gust Man
nier, the parents of Chester Mannier, 1
Walter Mannier of Plattsmouth, Fred
Meisinger, George J. Meisinger and
their families and also Jacob Man- ,
Missionary Society Meets
Mesdaies John Karris, Herman
Wolforth and Wm. Gilniore assisted
Mrs. N. Freidrich in the entertain
ment of the missionary society last
Friday afternoon. Much good was
derived by all who attended in the
study hour, while the refreshments
which were served were excellent.
Mrs. Schaefer, mother of Mrs. Freid
rich, and also Mrs. Freidrich's sisters
were also in attendance.
Community Spirit Growing
When the ladies of the Lcwiston
churoh gave a supper a short time
ago, they were greeted with the larg
est crowd ever gathered at one of
the Saturday night suppers and
among them were many new faces,
which was very gratifying as it is in
dicative of the growth of the com
munity spirit and the matter of the I
getting together of the people, is;
j making rar better conditions in
I Murray. Let us see if the supper j
which is 10 i3 given ai inc unrary
this coming Saturday cannot be the
largest ever yet given.
Reels Were Delayed
On account of the failure of the
reels to arrive the one thousand feet
of special films which were to have
been given at the show last Satur
day evening they will be presented
the coming Saturday, they having
arrived this week.
The man with a good savings
account can leave his loved ones
each day with a clear conscience
and a happy disposition.
He knows that his family will
be protend from immediate want
no matter what befalls him.
If you haven't given your fam
ily this well-deserved protection,
open an account with us at once
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
been busy this
the farm of Mr.
Harry Smith of l'lattsmouth was
a isitor in and near Murray last
Tii'-silny, i;re lie was looking alter
soiiK- nsin'ss matters!
Charles Kennedy, who is nvikin-;
his 1: ine at Salix.. Ia., was a visitor
at th.- home of his parents. V. A.
Ken;,' dy. for t'.ie past few days.
-Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Kennedy enter
tained at t Ik ir-lMiiM for Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sn:it;i i.nd
vlrs. Davis ai.'l K;.: li jen-
Mr. ;i
i: dy.
s. :
liU'i I e
ol v, h
t!i-- .
Sliiil !:
.ip' in line w:lhali
x-s in t!te prices of lumber.
!.: -: Niekles m Murray, for
. ; i: i l im.i! ' of cii:-t -'.
I'.WNi.N'i; v XK'KKi.S
v.- tins.- who have been re
! leaving iu'msIps ,::d piost
m ;irc gi-ning a!ig ni- elv are
inilips r.i' 11. L. Smith. Thonas
!'r;ui!i R.'ed and Harry
Ct iIllT.
Ir. !!. IIr rd l was a li'i'inc-s
vi-idr last Monday morning ' l"n
!n!i. where lie was fvll'-d to 1im.! :if
tr -mo matters and in th :fi-r-'.!!i
.dfpart-d for Ott'al'.a, he
lias si::'-!' busiiws and later stayed
to ;..i.t':iil tl'- Nelr;:--ka l'ahar.ia'nit i
e;l :!.-.-"eiat ion.
W. R. VO
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Trlcphonp 1511 Knrr.iv Exo rancf
Tlie children's day exercises at the
Presbyterian church was marked
w ith much good playing and Hio au
dience wa well pleased with the ex
cellence of The p-.-rformance.
C. F. Vallery ail w ife of . Platts
mouth, were west of Murray last
Tuesday afternoon, where Mr. Val
lery was looking after some of 'the
grading which i.s being done on the
road running to Murdock.
Rev. Puehanan. t'ae new minister
at the Presbyterian church will in
the future, organize a company of boy
scouts for Murray and with the in-tfre-t
of the boys of the community,
will make a success of the vent tire.
When wanting prices on, lumber
and building materials, remember we
are keeping in line with all redu -tii.
n.s in mat:als. K.tiniates an I
prices checrfirlly furnished. See
(leorge Nickles at Murray.
Clinton Totten. who n stay- I
the home of Pert L'oytl.
been reported sick and the :.ewi.-e
' -f Dr. H. C. I'opold f PlaUsinout ii.
was obtained during the first of
week. Mrs. Tott.'ii is rejiortef! as
being slightly itnprovet!.
W. G. Moedeker. CHshier of ilio
State Pank of Murray, acconu'vi :i i-'d
by Mr. L. 1. Hiatt, were visiting la-t
Tit; day at Omaha, where the lori.i. ;
was attending the bankers conven
tion, while Mr. Hiatt v.-a:; looking
after some business at the wholesale
Mrs. Louis Puis, whci is the chair
man of the committee for the supper
at the library at Murray on Satur
day next, with the committee will
, give an excellent supper and the oc
casion should receixe the patronage
i of all the citizens of the communitj",
both in town and the adjoining
country. . j
ing at
Wm. Human, have
week on a barn on
Otto Tuls.
A. L. P.aker was a visitor the
fore part of the week at Lincoln,
w here he was the guest of his sisters
and was alsi looking after some busi
ness matters.
James Kykendall of Plattsmouth
was looking after some business mat
ters interesting the Nebraska Gas
and Electric company, of which he
is the superintendent.
L. II. Plus was hauling corn with
his truck for Gust Mannier. which
had to be taken to l'lattsmouth on
account of the scarcity of cars on
the Missouri Pacific.
Phil Lamb.Mt began the work of
painting his house lat Tuesday and
is doing it at easy stages, as he is
just getting accustomed to Ihe work
again since his accident.
C. W. Clarke, the proprietor of the
Union Hotel accompanied by J. P.
Koddy of that place, were looking
after some business matters in Mur
ray last Tuesday morning.
T. S. Barrows and family were
visitors at Omaha " last Tuesday
, having driven there during the
morning to look after some trading
and also to visit with friends for
thc day.
Taylor Wilson, the traveling au- j
ditor for the Missouri Pacific, was a
visitor in Murray for a short time
last Tuesday, coming in on the even- ,
ing passenger and catching the lo- '
cal to Omaha. He was looking af-'
ter soni? redball work for the road.
Mrs. J. A. Walker and -Walter,
Mannier shelled their corn last Tues- J
day and Wednesday, marketing the
same at Plattsmouth and had the
same hauled there in trueks. Anions ,
those assisting, being J. F .Wolff of j
Plattsmouth. having two trucks. L.
H. Puis. Frank Marasek, Herman
Pichter and others.
Sells All Home Guard Rifles
During the time of the war, th."?y
were supplied to the company of
home guards at Muray some 34 rifles,
which have since been sold and Lee
Kniss, who had charge of the matter,
went to Plattsmouth last Tuesday af
ternoon, where he settled for the
same with the county commissioners
who were in session at that time.
The guns which were good ones
were disposed of at eight dollars
Many Enjoy Excellent Dinner
At the home of Mr. Chester Man
nier, last Sunday wes tof Murray,
were gathered a large number of
friends who enjoyed one of the most
excellent dinners imaginable. The
..occasion was the greeting of Mrs.
Mattie Kemster of LaFayette, Ind.,
who is visiting for a week at the
home of her brother. Mr. Chester
Mannier. Tliere were present at the
gathering and enjoying the sociabil-
Brightening Up Some
The Missouri Pacific station at this
place is looking better after having
a coat of paint and with the other
building of the company, look the
brighter and better for the appli
cation of the brush. We are con
gratulating the road on their enter
prise in keeping their property in
better condition even if they do not
get thv cars which is necessary to
keep the grain from being Irauled
via trucks to the county seat.
Loses a Valuable Horse.
Chester Mannier is the loser of a
valuable horse one of a team for
which he but recently paid the sum
of $550 for. The animal was sick
but a short time and was attacked
with a sort of colic from which the
animal died within a few moments.
Mr. Mannier, who is just starting
in the farming business for himself,
can ill afford to sustain the loss.
the Boys and Girl on the Farm
llv sriivng them every city conven- i
ience in th? way of a beautifully
lighted liotn.-. as well as all the out
buildings, also furnishing power for
all low vol 'a ire motors almut the
plac See the modern farm home in
pictures and the eon veninees of an
Alamo Light Plant at the Murray
picture show next Saturday eveninu,
June 10th, one extra re-el in addi
tion to the regular program.
W wmc disappointed in nt re
ceiving this reel for last Saturday
evening's show as advertised, but will
positively be shown next Saturday
evening. , This reel i.s her? now, do
not fail to fee it.
The Show Saturday Evening!
The eleventh episode of that thrilling serial, "The
Midnight Man" will be shown at Puis hall.
This is a story of one, Farmer Brown, trying to
read by a kerosene lamp, but without good results, and
after his failure to get any sense from the printed page
of his paper he has an electric light plant installed, and
oh what a difference it makes. Of course this is an ad
vertising as well as educational reel, but you will not re
gret seeing this additional thousand feet at the show
Saturday night. Remember, eleventh episode of serial.
Puis Company
fey. Pay the Big Price?
when the clmncc is yours to make the saving we offer
on Fancy Santos Peabcrry Coffee? No freight to pay
or waiting for the cat in the bag.
Fancy Santos Peabe'rry ; lots
of 5 lbs .$1.98
. Fancy Santos Peabcrry; lots
of 10 lbs . .$3.90
Single pound 45
iatt L Jutt
Fretty Busy These Days
We dropped around at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. CJco. S. Kay, south
east of Murray lat -week and there
found one of the nicest and n -vales;
k.-pt lawns and yards that one would
see in a days travel. Mrs. Ray was
caring , for the flowers about the
place, making it appear at its be: I
which is pretty fine. Mr. Ray is
very busy in his alfalfa harvest
which is .sandwiched in between ins
corn plowing. lie nas toiii. mui
acres in alfalfa which he is expect
ing to give him some twenty-five
acres of good hay. We can speak
with knowledge as to the excellence
of their strawberries and cream with
the cake added", as we were given the
rare treat of a generous supply pf all
while we rested for 'a short time un
der the grape vines which makes a
cool retreat as they cover the back
Keeping in Line in Prices!
To all who are interested in building we would have you know
we are keeping in line with the market reductions on lumber.
Come to us for estimates and figures. We will furnish yon the
best of goods and at the lowest possible prices. Here you will al
way.; pet the benefit of reductieins as they occur.
Sec II. P. Panning at Union or George Nickels, at Murray.
Banning & Nickels,
Lumber Dealers - - Murray, Ncbr.
oiiiDleie Line
Of Summer Apparel for Every Member of the
Family will be Found at Our Store
Pojij' work shirts f
Men's broad, long work thirts M
Hoys' union suifs
Men's union suits
Men's Hatch One-IJutton 'union suits (
Povs' Hatch One-Button union suits ?
aOc and up
$1.00 and up
Also Local Agent for the Famous Singer
Sewing Machines.
The Service Store
What a Difference it
Makes to Mother
WATCH the average farm mother your mother,
for example as she goes about her daily work.
You'll be amazed at the amount of physical labor
she does. .See her operating the churn straining
over the pump stooping under the heavy pail of
water rubbing and rubbing and rubbing over wash
board to say nothing of her ordinary daily chores.
Then after the day is done, see her trying to se
or read by sickly, cheerless kerosene lamp light.
Think what a world of difference it would make
to mother if your install a . 4
the plantthat has won thousands and thousands of friends
This remarkable plant is free from ruinous vibration. All
that terrible shaking and jolting is gone due to the quiet run
ning Ide Super-Silent Motor and scientific balancing of weight.
A throttle governor controls engine speed gives tapered
charge to the extra size batteries. Automatically stops when
batteries are full. Motor is fully protected at every point.
When oil gets low, motor stops. When cooling water gets low,
motor stops. The Silent Alamo is practically trouble-proof
built to give long, efficient and economical service.
Come in, write or 'phone for demonstration. See it and it
will be your choice.
School Meeting last Monday
At the school meeting which was
held last Monday, there were two
members of the board of education to
be elected as Mr. W. G. Boedeker's
t ?rm has expired and Mr. L. I). Hiatt
has resigned. At the meeting Mr.
Uoedeger w as re-elected and the otiier
position was filled by Mr. A. Ganse-mer.
Visited at Omaha Sunday
James Karhart and wife were vis
iting in Omaha last Sunday, where
they were the guests for the day at
the home of A. H. Karhart and wife,
the parents of Mr. Karhart of this
place and also at the home of Mr. and I
Mrs. I. X. White the letter'a sister!
of Mrs. Karhart. The ydrove up in
their car.
Binder Twine 17c
This price holds good only while the
present supply lasts and you had better
get what you want before it is gone.
Some John Deere and some Deering
Also Ice Cream Freezers, Oil Stoves, Garden Hose,
Scythes, Grass Hooks and Lawn Mowers
Arrive Home After Nice visit
Monday evening Ti. A. Hoot, who
has been staying at the home of his
son at York, for the past two months,
returned home to Murray and on
Wednesday morning departed for
Omaha, "wher.- h met Mrs. Root, who
has been in the east for fhe past sev
eral weeks, visiting with her child
ren at Canton and Cincinnati. Ohio.
Chicago; and also at Mannistee and
Fremont, Michigan. While away
Good Home Grown
Soudan Grass Seed for sale. Soudan Grass is next to
prairie hay in food value. AU mail orders filled same
day received. Price 15c per pound.
Phone 2321
Murray, Neb.
We Are Closing Out
our Lamps and Lamp Chimneys
and have an assortment of chimneys that should fit any
lamp from Aladdin's down to the latest model.
The' ail go lantern and lamp 'flues alike, regard
less of size, shape or model at the special close out
price of 1 0c each. A few fancy and plain lamps at
less than half price. 9
W care making a special price on VENUS T alcum
Powder. 20c per can. Tax paid.
mu gray bji-u;
G. W. McCracken, Prop.