The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 27, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920.
PAGE 213
till I I1 'L J I til I ' f ... 1
Come on, "fellers!"
Silk Shirts are Down
The silk market is off, and we can buy fancy
silk thirls a little cheaper and are only too glad to
give you the benefit.
All Fancy Silk Shirts on Hand
Our old prices have always been 20 under
city stores'. Here's a saving really of 40. You
can afford a silk shirt at these reductions.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Frorr Tuesday's Daliy.
The latest reports received from
Lincoln state that Hubert Goodman,
the young son of H. F. Goodman of
this city, who was so severely in
jured at Havelock on Thursday. May
13th. is now doing nicely and hopes
for his ultimate recovery is now very
LriKht. The injuries of the joung
man were of such a severe nature
that at first it was thought impos
sible for him to recover but he is
now gaining so fast that his attend
ing physicians are hopeful that he
will won be restroed to his normal
John G. Claus came down from
Omaha this afternoon to spnd a
few hours looking after some mat
ters of business.
S.-ini Gilmour was a business vis
itor in Omaha today for a few hours,
returning home this afternoon.
We do all kinds of Jot) printing
Prom Monday's Da 11 v.
James H. Donnelly and family de
parted today for their future home
in Omaha and Fevering a residence of
many years in this city. During the
residence of the family here Mrs.
Donnelly and Miss Gretchen have
been active in the social circles of
the city as well as workers in the
church societies of St. Luke's church
in which they will be greatly missed
by their many friends. The ladies
of St. Luke's parish will tender a
farewell to Mrs. and Miss Donnelly
and Mrs. J. Peters, who is also
to leave the city in the near future,
at the home of Mrs. J. T. Begley
on Wednesday afternoon. The hos
tesses will be Mesdames J. T. Degley
and J. W. Falter.
Empty goods boxes for kindling.
l.'c each. See F. R. Gobelman. tf-d.
it Will Pay You
to investigate our prices on
Especially our Men's Blue Ribbon Work
Shoes and Furnishings.
Bach & Libershal,
East Main St.
Phone No. 236
B. K. F. Timers
This little accesory on your Ford car will work
wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into
the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford.
No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short
your motor.
Money Back Guarantee With Every
B. K. F. Timer Sold
We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock
for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed.
We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU.
Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks
Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your
command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived.
Main St. Garage Telephone 79
Block South of Postoffice
From Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening the Parmele theater
was filled to its utmost capacity by
a well pleased audience to witness
the class of 1920 present their class
play, which this year had been se
lected from one of the clever come
dies of the last few years, "What
Happened to Jones".
The comedy is woven around the
startling developments that follows
the visitation of Prof. Goodley with
his prospective son-in-law i? to a so
called glove contest and which sud
denly stopped by the arrival of a
raiding party of police and which is
followed by the escape of the profes
sor and his son-in-law via the spout
ing of the building and are followed
home by "Jones" also a participant
in the unlucky match. To prevent
exposure of themselves and to save
Jones from arrest for assaulting an
officer, the versatile Jones who is a
combined bible and card salesman.
s presented as the brother of the
professor, Anthony Goodley, D. D.,
Bishop of Ballarat. The startling
situation that developes followed the
adoption of the role of the bishop by
Jones makes the play a very interest-
ng one. In the close the real bish
op appears on the scene and after a
harrowing experience is duly rec
ognized and restored to his sweet
heart, Jones is exposed but wins
the lady of his choice.
One of the most effective of the
members of the cast was Miss Henri
etta Waintroub, who appeared as the
wife of the professor and in her part
she was smooth and finished in her
dramatic work. Miss Carla Brandt
divided with the ladies of the cast
the honors of the play and her part
as the romantic old maid sister of
the professor, was one of the most
delightful characters In the play.
Miss Nellie Mae Cowles as the world
ly wise ward of the professor was
very clever and kept "Jones" guess-
ng during the entire play. As the
Swedish maid. Miss Claire Creamer
was delightful and aided materially
n the comedy situations of the play
and displayed to perfection the ser
vant whose palm is constantly itch
ing. Miss Janet Bajeck took the
character of the promised bride of
Richard Heatherly and a daughter
of the professor while Miss Mable
Lee Copen haver appeared as the eld
est daughter who was interested in
Darwin and the theories of evolution
and the younger sister was devoted
to poetry and romance. Miss Myr
tle Petersen appeared as a nurse
caring for the escaped patients from
a sanitarium.
The principal role of the play was
taken by Harley Becker who appear
ed as "Jones" and Mr. Becker car-
ied out this part in a most pleasing
manner and displayed remarkable
cleverness In handling the part of
the traveling man whose line was
bibles in a dead town and a fine as
sortment of playing cards in a "live
one". The unfortunate professor
whose troubles were many and var
ied, was taken by Ernest Janda in
very pleasing manner. Marion
Duxbury appeared as the young man
engaged to the daughter of the pro
fessor and who was responsible for
steering his father-in-law up against
the prize fight that resulted so un
fortunately for them both. As the
real bishop, Harley Cecil gave a
most pleasing presentation of the
character and his contribution to the
offering of the evening aided mater
ially in its success. Principal H. A.
Stromsburg assisted the class by tak
ing the role of the policeman detail
ed for the work of capturing the elu
sive Jones.
The play as a whole was one of
the most Interesting given by a gra
duating class of the school and a
pleasing departure from the usual
line of school plays and affording
a greater opportunity for the young
people to display their talents.
The enjoyment of the play was
slightly marred at the conclusion of
the first act when one of the revolv
ing electric fans in the balcony tore
loose from its fastening and fell, and
very fortunately the fan and the
metal pipe through which the wires
led, fell in the aisle way and did not
injure anyone although the sudden
ness of the accident caused a great
deal of excitement among those sit
ting near the place where the fan
During the Intermission of the.
play Miss Honor Seybert gave a most
pleasing piano selection that was
much enjoyed.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Dr. D. G. Golding of Fremont,
Neb., who was in the city last week
for a few days is preparing to re
move from Nebraska to Fresno, Cal
ifornia, where he has prepared to lo
cate. Dr. Golding has just recently
returned from the coast and brought
with him a number of specimens of
fruit, lemons and orange blooms,
which are now on exhibition at the
R. W. Knorr store. Dr. Golding will
return to Plattsmouth the last of
this week or the first of next week for
a few days visit with his mother
Mrs. Levi Golding and his brother
Byran Golding, and from here v.ii
go on to the Pacific coast.
General Expression Over Action o
City Council One of Approbation
in Starting of Improvement
Kiom Wednesday's Da My.
The general expression of the res
idents in the various portions of the
newly created improvement district
seem to be that the city council va
thoroughly right in their preparation
for an extended paving proportion
this year. For many yeai'3 'lie rts
idents along high school hill, north
Sixth street and Seventh streets
have suffered by the constant wash
ing out of the streets by rains that
have made the streets disagreeable
to travel at certain seasons tf the
year. The extension of the pa?i:r
on Oak street will take away some
of the worst pieces of roadway ir
the city and which after a heavy rain
are almost impassable for trav
el. That portion of Pearl street be
tween Third and Fourth streets
which adjoins the Alfa-Maize mill
will also remove an unsightly spot
and one that will link up ths pav
ing on Fourth street with that oi
The launching of the paving pro
position out in the residence district
and also along Seventh street from
Washington to Chicago avenue has
caused the property owners along
Main street to desire some change
in the present paving, but of course
this will not interfer with the other
work as Main street would be a pro
position in itself. Just what is de
sired on Main street has not been
fully determined. A five Inch vitri
fied brick paving with concrete base
seems the most popular at the pres
ent time,' but a thorough expression-
will be secured as to the wishes of
he property owners before anv ac-
ion is taken in this matter.
from Monday's Dally.
Thomas E. Parmele. the Louis
ville banker, was an over Sunday vis
itor in this city with his family.
A. B. Fornoff of near Cedar Creek
was in the city Saturday for a few
hours attending to some matters of
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water, was in the city today for a
few hours looking after some busi
ness affairs at the court house.
Ralph Larson of Louisville, was
visitor in the city over Sunday
with his parents and friends, return
ing .this morning to his duties.
Walter Schneider motored in Sat
urday afternoon from Cedar Creek
with his mother, Mrs. J. J. Schnei-
If your Ford needs atten
tion, bring it to our shop
and ask
Our Shop Foreman
for the cost of the necessary
He "Will give you honest,
reliable advise and a careful
estimate of the expense re
quired. We have trained and effi
cient Ford mechanics 100
men and you will like our
work and Ford prices.
Storage Supplies
Dally Journal, 16c a week.
T, H, Pollock Garage
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth
During all the years the Ford Model T One Ton Truck has been on- the mar
ket, we have never had one complaint of rear axle trouble. We have had no
complaints of motor trouble. As the motor and the rear axle are the vital funda
mentals in a motor truck, we have the right to conclude that the Ford One Tor
Truck has not only met the demands of business, but has done so in a satisfactory
end economic way. There is no other evidence so convincing as that which
comes from long practical experience. Ford One Ton Trucks are serving along
all industrial and commercial lines. You will find them everywhere. If these
statements were not facts, the demand for the Ford One Ton Truck would not
be as large as it is, because people are not buying trucks vhich do not give
service. Coupled with the dependability of the Ford One Ton Truck in all classes
of usage, comes the economy in operation and maintenance. On the farm, in
factory delivery, for the merchant, manufacturer, and contractor, in these days
of modern business methods, this worm-driven One Ten Ford Truck has become
an actual necessity. Couc la and talk it over.
Open Day and Night!
Tel. No. 1.
Plattsmouth. Neb.
der, and spending a few hours here
attending to some trading.
James I. Hall was a passenger this
morning ror umana, wnere ne win
visit for a short time in that city
and while there, will attend a Hoi
stein cattle sale being held there.
Louis Iteinhackel and George Ray
of Murray, were in the city today
loading two cars of corn at the Bur
lington yards for shipment to mar
ket. Owing to the scarcity of cars
ut Murray it has become necessary
for them to ship over the Burling
Paul H. Roberts and wife of Cedar
Creek, were in the city today for a
short time, coming over with Jesse
Roberts of Sioux Falls, South Da
kota, an uncle of Mr. Roberts and
who has been visiting at Cedar
Creek and in this city with his
brother, J. M. Roberts and family.
.'rorn Tuesday's Pally.
The boat of summer has arrived.
Rather slow in getting here, but, O,
boy! Look at it now.
Thcmas Troop of near Xehawka,
was among those going to Omaha
this morning to visit for a few hours.,
I). J. Pitman of Murray, was in
the cjty for a few hours today look
ing after some matters of business.
Mrs. Jack Patterson. of Union,
was amoug those going to Omaha this
afternoon for a short visit, having
jpent a few hours here with lier
father, Joseph Fetzer.
John Chalfant of Burlington, Col
orado, who has been visiting for a
few days at his old home in Union,
caine up this morning to spend the
day in the county seat with friends.
type of building for cities of the
class from 1,000 to 5,000. The ar
ticle gives a full detailed description
jf the building and its equipment as
well as the plans of the structure.
The recognition" of this leading
authority on school matters is a very
pleasing matter to the patrons of the
school and to the members of the
board of education that have been
devoting so many long weary months
in getting the building prepared and
ready for service and the success that
it has given to the school system of
the city has made the high school
here the equal of any in the state.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Chris Schumaker of near Weuping
Water, was in the city today for a
few hours looking after some matters
of business.
Oscar ZInk and son Carlton of
near Murdock were in the city today
fcr a short time attending to b'.'Tt.e
matters of business.
J. R. C. Gregory from Eight Mile
Grove precinct; was in the city yes
terday afternoon for a few hours
looking after some trading.
Miss Helen Hunter accompanied
by her cousin, Mrs. Fred L. Hild of
near Murray, were among those go
ing to Omaha this morning to spend
the day looking after some business
The American School Board Journal
of Milwaukee, Gives Descrip
tion, of Building.
From Monday's Daily.
The Plattsmouth high school
building has had a distinction given
it in the latest issue of the American
School Board Journal, the leading
publication of its kind in the United
States and which is published at Mil
waukee, Wisconsin. The Journal has
a fine half tone of the new building
that is the pride of the Plattsmouth'
school system, and has selected it as
the most satisfactory and perfect
Aged Lady Passed Away at Early
Hour Sunday at Home of Her
Daughter, Mrs. G. W. Rennie
r'r-om Monday's Oatlv
Early Sunday morning, Mrs. Mary
Kearns, one of the oldest residents
of the city passed away after an ill
ness covering several months during
which time she has suffered from the
disabilities due to her advanced
years. At the time of her death
Mrs. Kearns was in her ninety-sixth
year and has for many years made
her home in this city.
The funeral services were held
from the home in the western part
of the city this afternoon at 2
o'clock, conducted by Rev. E. H.
Pontius, pastor of the Liberty Unit
ed Brethern church and the body
laid to rest in the Horning cemetery
south of the city beside that of the
husband who passed away a number
of years ago.
Saturday afternoon at the Presby
terian manse occurred the marriage
of Zenas Morey and Miss Carolyn G.
Parker, both of Omaha. The mar
riage was witnessed by Mrs. McClus
ky and Miss Ethel Hughes of Omaha.
Following the marriage the young
people returned to their home In the
Kodaks for Sale
Some special high class kodaks at
the right price. We teach the pur
chaser to use them. Phone 645.
D&w Plattsmouth, Neb.
Let Delco-Light do your milking.
An electric motor pulls the milking
units steadier, and because of using
kerosene for fuel, is more economi
cal than gas engines.
Phone Walnut 999
OMAHA -:- :- NEBR.
Notice to Ford Owners!
How are your lights? Does your motor
crank hard? If you have these troubles your
magneto is weak. A new magneto would
cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge
your magneto without taking your motor
down for $5.00.
Gome In and Lot Us Explain!
Garage Phone 650
House Phone 502