The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 20, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1920.
rii ; i i f rasr jrii?rfTtrf lifts.
OmSnAi&i Plan. M'
Owning a New Edison is easy. Regulate your
'pleasure expenditures that's all. Then you'll
quickly have your New Edison in your favorite '
period cabinet without straining your income. t
Our Budget Plan shows how to do this. A thrift
way. Come in and we'll explain.
' Weyrich & Wadraba
AUTOMOBILE TIRES c Ted Ryan at Neb. City Re
sults in Recovery of C. M.
Parker's Fcrd Tires.
oin Monday's Dally.
Shcrih' ('. u. Q'lin'ion depart oil
this morning for Omaha, '.vherc he
v.iM interview Ted Ryan, a young
l i-K .!rrf .:i;l at Nebraska City on
S : nr. lay. .'harued with having stol
ir: ;;n nuto truck and a largo mim
b r- . ' :: ;.:.d who it is claimed
I:r(t in his possession the tiros taken
lru;;i automobile of Charie.- M.
Parker .:' this city.
'.:; was arrested at Nebraska
t'ity by .Sheriff Kd Fisher, of Oioo
tt'.nn'y. cm Saturday and taken to
Omaha la-jt nit-'ht, w litre he was
1 -i in jail pending an investiga
tion f his arioiu deals in stolen
tire? and autos and where a large
part if the stolen property has been
.-:: red.
The fact that the tires of Mr.
Parker hate been recovered by the
authorities is very fortunate for the
owner as it will save him a neat sum
of nioiiry and is an excellent piece of
work on the part of bpth Sheriff Fis
cher and Sheriff Quinton, who lias
been on the-lookout for the tire thief
for the past several days and has
been in touch with the authorities
of the neighboring counties to ap
prehend anyone offering the tires
for sale.
Li hiu daily rounds recently, a
Journal representative heard a gen
tleman fay "It's a nice mild winter,
we're having this summer." And,
really, stopping to think of it, doesn't
that express weather condition to a
nicety? We haven't heard it done
better for some time.
&Zy Sk
'X S
SlV SjtV S-ry
DRESSING the walls is one of the
arts of today. More money is facing
put into it by the average family
than, say for pictures or other wall deco
mtion. From the mere covering of an
unsightly wall surface, it "has grown to
the dignity of a decorative art.
Can there be any surprise, therefore,
in the fact that the public is evincing a
Crcaler interest in better wall decoration?
And having helped to lift wall deco
ration to its proper place in home beau
iification, wc feel this concerns the in
terest of every home owner who feels
justly satisfied with only the best in home
. Painting - Decorating
Wood Finishing
The condition of the high water
in the Missouri river has apparently
reached the flood stage at this point,
and the mighty river has spread its
turbulent waters over the bottom
land east of the Hurlington station
and is the highest that it has been
for a number of years.
The Missouri, following the rise
of the smaller streams throughout
Wyoming and Nebraska all of which
empty into the IJig Muddy, has been
swollen to flood proportions and yes
terday was rising at the rate of an
inch an hour for the entire day.
For the tirst time since the high
ivater of 1914 the waters of the
river has covered the larger portion
of the bottom land east of the Tur
lington right-of-way and threaten
to make that tract of land one vast
sheet of water. The flood has now
reached to the residence property of
A. G. Bach just east of the Burling
ton station and it is necessary to look
t"he aid of a row boat, which can be
the air of a row boat, which can be
propelled clear up to the -doors of
the house. The buildings on the
land of Chief of Police Manspeaker
are all surrounded by water and
the stream pouring through there is
quite deep. The eastern portion of
the base ball park has been visited
by the flood water as it has backed
up from the south and covered the
low lands in that direction. The
flood has served to back up the sew
er outlet near Kocky Point and this
water has spread out in the direc
tion of the road to th ferry.
In Omaha the flood has done quite
a large amount of damage to resi
dence property in the north part of
the city and families have for the
past two days been engaged ia mov
ing their stock and household effects
to higher, ground where they will be
safe from the floe .!.
On the east sido of the river from
Folsom south to a point opposite this
city the Burlington is .maintaining
close watch to check any attempt of
the river to break through the pro
tecting rip rap and all day esterday
a force of workmen were engaged in
strengthening the protections against
the ravages of the stream.
This afternoon a dispatch to the
Burlington from Forecaster Welsh
at Omaha, states that the Missouri
river was falling at Sioux City and
approaching a standstill at Omaha
and in twenty-four hours should
show signs of falling at that place
and also at Plattsmouth.
' The Burlington railroad has just
issued announcement of changes in
their passenger train schedules, ef
fective on May 30th, and which in
clude a number of changes that will
improve the service to this city.
No. 1, the. fast west; bound pas
senger train will leave Chicago un
der the new schedule at r:o0 p. in..
land arrive in Omaha via Council
Bluffs at 7 a. m.
No. 10 frojn the west will leave
Denver at fl a. m., and arrive at
Omaha at 1:4" a. in., leaving Omaha
at 2 a. m.. and arriving in Platts
mouth at 2:40 a. in.
The placing of No. f on the
schedule for travel via Plattsmouth,
give3 this city a direct train from
Chicago. This train will leave Chi
cago at G:I0 p. in. and arrive at
Plattsmouth at S:00 a. in., and Om
aha at 8:40 a. ni.
Under the new schedule No. tj, the
early morning train from the west,
will leave Omaha at 7:00 a. m., in
stead of 7:05, as now.
No. 4 which now leaves Omaha at
9:15, will also leave earlier under
the new schedule, at 9:0.r am! will
reach this city at 9:45 a. m.
The fast train No. 4 4, on the Alliance-Black
Hills line will connect at
Lincoln with the new train. No. 10,
for Chicago and Omaha and eastern
The last of the week Guy and W.
A. Ileil. two of the young farmers
residing west of the city made a suc
cessful coyote raid that resulted in
securing the old coyote as well as
four young ones. The coyotes were
shot at. the farm of Uudolph Ileil,
whore the den was located in an old
straw stack.
For several days the old coyote
had been noticed around the farm
and a few mornings ago was discov
ered in the hog lot at the farm but
when an attempt was made to se
cure the animal it made a getaway
and on the way carried oil a nice
fat chicken.
A number of the chickens on the
farm have suffered since by reason
of the raids of the animal.
Attempts to locate the den of the
coyote failed until Friday when Guy
and his brother, W. A. began to stir
up the straw stacks to see what they
could unearth and came to one that
had a hole in it which they pro
ceeded to investigate. The hole w.u
apparently partially filled with water
but a few pokes with a pole brought.
out the old Coyote. The animal was
Riled with fight and put up a strug-
le before it was possible to shoot it.
The young ones were then shot and
the scalps brought in to the office of
the county clerk.
prom Monday's Dallv
Miss Margie Walker, of Murray,
was a week end visitor in this city
with friends, a guest of Miss Hazel
Ralph Larson, of Louisville, re
turned this morning to his duties at
i he Bank of Commerce in that city,
after an over, Sunday visit here.
Mrs. Guy McMaken was a passen
ger this morning for Omaha to visit
at the hospital with Mr. McMaken,
who is recovering from an operation
for stomach trouble.
Fred Kezner and wife,' of Omaha,
who were in the city over Sunday,
visiting at the home of Mrs. Rezner's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Tains,
returned this morning to their home
in the metropolis.
Dr. J. S. Livingston and wife re
turned yesterday morning from Deli
ver, where Mrs. Livingston hasb?en
enjoying a six weeks' visit at he
home of her parents and where the
doctor also enjoyed a few days stay.
J. II. Albert departed this morn
ing for Lincoln where he goes to at
tend the conference of the Kvangeli-
cal church of Nebraska being hold in
that city this week. Mr. Albert is
the delegate from St. Paul's church
of this city.
T. M. Patterson departed Saturday
afternoon for Washington, I). C,
where he will visit his daughter,
Miss Jennet te, for a few days and
accompany Mrs. Patterson back home
from the east, she having spent sev
eral weeks in Washington with their
Mrs. Charles F. (! nth maun and
two little sons, of Boise, Idaho, who
have been spending a few weeks jn
tli is city at the home of Mrs. F. R.
Guthuianu and Miss Margaret Halla
han, aunt of Mrs. Gutbmann, depart
ed yesterday afternoon for Spring
field, Mass., for. a visit at the old
home of Mrs. Gulhmann.
S. Ray Smith. Wallace Warner!
and John Micin have just purchased
a Woods Brothers separator from the
T. H. Pollock Auto company and will
hereafter do their threshing with
the aid of the Ford son tractor re
cently purchased by Wallace Warner.
Mauy farmers are fortifying them
selves against long waits for the
threshing crew by purchasing small
nc-ighborhcod outfits.
I'-rorr. Tuesday's p.iily.
Frank Detlef was among the Oma
ha passengers this morning to spend
a few hours looking after some mat
ters of business.
Dr. G. II. Giluiore of Murray, was
in the city today for a few hours en
route to Omaha, where he goes as a
delegate to the democratic state con
vention from Cass county.
Hon. W. 11. Puis and wife and sin.
Harry, and daughter' Margaretcamo
up this morning from their home at
Murray and departed on the early
morning Burlington train for Omaha
to spend the day and where Mr. Puis
will attend the democratic state con
vention. John R. Pierson of Gering. Neb.,
who has been here for a few days
visiting at the home of Mrs. Mary
B. Allison, with Mrs. Pierson, who
has been here with her mother dur
ing her illness, departed this morn
ing for his home in the western por
tion of the state.
Built to give unsurpassed
mileage and they give it.
Next time BUY FISK
4. . ...... ..--..-
John Price, manager of the Ne
T.awka rock quarry, who has taken
to Omaha the latter part of last
week was operated on Tuesday for
appendicitis. The last reports had
from him were that he was doing
Mrs. J. Forsythe, grandmother to
Mrs. H. L. Thomas, was paying the
latter a visit this week, 'leaving
Thursday for her home in Lincoln.
Another guest of the Thomas fam
ily was Mrs. J. W. Gamble of Oma
ha, who left Sunday.
The Nehawka base ball team met
with defeat Sunday when they
played their first game of the sea
son with the Certified team at Ne
braska City. The local boys se
cured as many hits, lielded a-s well,
and got more strike outs to their
credit than the victors, but lost the
game 1 to in on account of wild
throwing. Robert Katon of Union,
was on the mound for Nehawka and
did -excellent pitching, but the sup
port was not behind him.
The Sheldon Manufacturing Corn
pan now has installed and in run
ning order, a mammoth blower or
vacuum cleaner in the mechanical
department of its factory. With the
new appliance the floor is easily kept
clean of all accumulations such as
shavings, augur borings, slivers,
particles of wood, wood blocks, etc.
The blower is operated by a number
of electric fans which sucks the re
fuse litter into i large hollow pipe
which runs outside the building
where it is deposited into a bin to be
later hauled away or burned. The
suction is said to be so strong at the
exit that wood blocks are hurled as
far as fifty feet.
Mike Kime and J. M. Stone re
turning home from the democratic
county convention had a good joke to
tell oil J. II. Steft'ens and Mrs. J. M.
Palmer who went to Plattsmouth al
so to attend the republican conven
tion. They declare that Mr. Steft'ens
and Mrs? Palmer came into their con
vention, took comfortable seats and
sat down. When the convention had
proceeded for a considerable time
and the resolutions were about to be
adopted "renewing the party's fidel
ity to Jefi'ersonian principles", or
something of that kind .the two re
publicans suddenly discovered their
mistake and bolted the convention.
Mr. Kime and Mr. Stone had lots of
fun and said it was too good a joke
to keep.
"err ?-
t w air Fay You
to investigate our prices on
SB. ??. 13K
Yam P T
Espccially otir Men's Slue Ribbon Work
Shoes and Furnishings.
East Main St.
Phone No. 236
- Dry
For earache, toothache, pains,
burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr.
Thomas Kclectric Oil, a splendid
remedy for emergencies.
You will fund a fine line of gift
stationery at the Journal office.
Good Auto Roads
TO -
All the popular'copyright books
on sale at the Journal office.
Itching piles provoke profanity,
but profanity won't remove th?m.
Doan's Ointment is recommended for
itching, bleeding or protruding piles.
60 at any drug store. '
No mud! No water!
Roads in good condition
that will satisfy yon!
-the kind you will appreciate!
looked after with careful attention!
Send your next order to
Phone 166 Plattsmouth, Neb.
When in need of a fine hand tailored suit call and
look our tailoring department. We can save you money.
2-grWe Call! We Deliver!: ,
'A -
WATER COLORS in all shades
and tints.
MODERN WALLPAPER in an endless va
riety of styles and effects to choose from
Painter - Decorator
Murdock -:- -:- -:- Nebraska