The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, MAY 10, 1020.
Oe plattsmouth Journal
Eatered at PostofTlce. PUttsmoutn. Neb., aa aecoad-clasa mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publishe.
A friend in need clings to you for
all you are worth.
Nebraska produces more wheat
ar..l orr. c. r acre and pv cap'i.i
than any olher state.
One million foreign born laborer:
have left the United States for Eu
rope since the armistice.
Railroad rates will advance 25 per
cent and coal go up a dollar a ton,
is a coal expert's prophecy.
Make hay while the sun shims
ami get your ground ready to u.ov
it when the harvest is ready.
The way some people scheme tc
secure free publicity is sufficient ?o
convince the editor that they do not
believe that paper has advanced in
Although the packers say they
aren't getting it, and the meat re
tailers say they aren't either, we
wonder why we never hear of pack
ers and butchers going broke In such
numbers as cattlemen are reported
to be in some sections.
Air. McAdoo admits he is for tax
reforms, but of course his views are
not important, as he i not a candi
date for anything. Also, he thinks
the railroad question should be re
opened, if private ownership fails af
ter a reasonable trial.
Candidates for the meanest v.-onian
are also in order. And our ntry
i- the woman who spanked Iut little
g'rl for betraying to visitors that she
1i;m1 tb whooping cough, as though
the fear of quarantine could enable
a child to remain silent through a
paroxysm of whooping cough.
A bi'l to coin 7-cent 8-cent
pi ces has 5-eeii introduced into co:i-rrt-j-s.
which the author of Ihe bill
i. ut. believe that such con s are
l;:re enough to buy som-?thin:7. Or
inaylif. we might add. he is under
the d'-lusion that such coins might I
be stable as street car fare.
j - Mid-Season
ffSy-J- &i$
A mostly timely offering of Authentic styles in Mil-
linery at prices you can't afford to miss.-
- -
! Commencing Tuesday, May 11th I
. i
j The Collection of Styles Is Inclusive j
Large Picture Hats Close Fitting Hats j
"Off the Face" Style Chin Chin Hats !
Side Roll Hats , Smart Turbans !
j Gage Sailors j
j Toreador Sailors j
! Hand Made Hats (
j All these fashionable styles and shapes are included. j
i All new, flower trimmed, feather trimmed, transparent ef- j
I feet and banded sailors. Also including original models j
I and pattern hats.
At These Very
$2.75, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00
mm a
j Telephone 352
The rent hog would boost the price
of occupying mansions in Ihe skies
if they owned them; which, thank
goodness, they never will.
The former kaiser would like to
i-iiso n.ft- in South Amenca. L'm
what ho raised during th- war vili
g'-e l;m a 1 1 the busin33 lie
h; r.d! .
The sugar probe in Kansas City
will be continued through this week.
That's about the only thing to do
when the sugar is short to stir vio
lently. :o:
The old time system that the of
fice seeks the man may still hold
true, but if it does the presidential
office this year is doing a lot of flirt
The Journal can never believe that
the vice-president holds no important
office and yet throws the first ball on
the opening of the season in "Wash
ington. :o:
Probably the real reason why over
alls are not entirely popular is be
cause the average man is afraid
folks will think his wife is wearing
the pants.
Once more it has been demonstrat
ed that May day cannot be turned
into a day of anti-social demonstra
tion in America. Americans are too
busy moving.
In Vienna a safety razor, exactly
like a popular Ameriman make, pack
ed in a leather case with a dozen
blades, sells for SO crowns or about
twenty-five cents.
Another federal judge holds that
the Lever act has a kick in it after
all. Fcrhaps all it needs is mixing
with an attorney general who is not
all campaign foam.
A Plattsmouth youngster tob!
some older friends up town the other
day that he liked his little baby
brother all right, but "there was a
lot of things we needed more."
Sale Special! -
Iff a
Attractive Prices: I
Riley Block
Rheumatism and Other Troubles Be
gan to Disappear After Tak
ing Tanlac.
"There's no mistake about Tanlac
being a real medicine, for nothing
but a real medicine could do what it
has for me," said Mrs. Ilattie Camp
bell, of 1808 Grace St., Omaha, Neb.
"Beginning with indigestion four
years ago," continued Mrs. Campbell,
"my troubles multiplied till my life
became one of constant suffering.
F.vprvthinc I would eat soured on
my stomach and almost tortured me
to death. The gas would press on
my heart at times so I could hardly
hrpathe and I would almost smoth
er. I suffered from heartburn and
had nervous sick headaches and was
so dizzy that I would almost fall ev
ery time I stooped over. I had rheu
matism in mv hands so bad that my
fingers were all bent over, and at
times they would become so numb as
to be almost useless. My appetite
was Door and I fell oft" from one hun
dred and thirty pounds to ninety-
four and nobody will ever know how
much I suffered.
"I was in an awful fix. and while
I tried everything recommended, I
found no relief until my sister and
some of my friends got me to take
Tanlae. While on mv second bottle
my appetite returned, I could eat al
most anything I wanted and my oth
er troubles began to leave me. I
have regained sixteen pounds of my
lost weight and am now able to eat
anything I want without suffering
from gas or indigestion afterwards.
Mv hands and finirers have become
supple again and I hardly notice any
rheumatic pain in them. Those head
aches and dizzy spells are gone and
T have imnroved so much that I
hardly feel like the same person."
Tanlac is sold in l'lattsmouth by
F. O. Fricke and Company and the
leading druggist in every town.
It takes tw-j to make a collisWu,
as well as a contract.
Transportation seems to T)e the
missing key to most difficulties.
i")me men will never go to wcrk
until labor is made unlawful.
A little more red blood and less
red flag is needed everywhere today.
Whiskers are cultivated by young
professional men who feel tlie need
of greater dignify and by bank cash
iers who are leaving the community
and feel the need of greater secur
The rumpus at the Chatham Epis
copal Institute at Richmond. Ya.,
over the matter o! the delivery of a
lecture on Harriet Beecher Stowe is
regrettable as showing the persis
tence of some of the prejudices and
passions of the days of the 'fiOs which
we had hoped had entirely died out.
The lecture was arranged for and
later the engagement was cancelled
by President Frudcn of the institute
who held that a lecture on Harriet
Beecher Stowe before southern girls
would be out of place. Whereupon
the larger part of the faculty, com
posed in large part of women gradu
ates of northern colleges, and the
principal resigned.
It would seem that a discourse on
so eminent a little personage as the
author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
should not be out of place now at
any educational institution in the
country, and that even southern peo
ple themselves could not get a true
historical view of the struggle over
slavery without becoming acquainted
with the standpoint from which the
author of the famous book wrote.
It would be easy, also, to explain and
discuss this standpoint with an ap
preciation at the same time of the
southern view and in a manner and
temper that would not give offense.
At any rate, if President Pruden
considered that a v difficult situation
had been created by the engagement
of the lecturer, he did not improve
it, and seems to have acted from an
excess of caution that appeared ridi
culous even to many of his southern
This morning Ed Doran, assessor
of Tipton precinct, was in the city to
make his report in the assessment of
that precinct. Mr. Doran has the
distinction of being the first assessor
to complete his work and file his re
port with County Assessor George L.
Farley and it is no slight distinction
as the job of assessing this year has
been exceptionally strenuous with all
the real estate values and property
to list.
For sale, a farm of 125 acres, well
Improved, hog tight, 11 acres prair
ie, good house, barn, hay shed, ce
ment walks, garage, granary, corn
crib, wash house, wood house, cob
house, chicken house, fhopt machine
shed. Located 4 miles from Union
on state road.
J19-2w; 2d)' Union, Neb.
mill Notice on Petl'tioi for Set
tlement f
In tlie County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
tat of Nebraska, Cass county, 88.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of William Tavior, deceased:
On reudinir the petition of Mary J,
Taylor M'iivintr a final settlement and
allowance of h r account li loci in this
Court on Hi.- -ith day of Alay, lttHO,' and
for tier discharge as administratrix of
said estate;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, sind do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said counts-,
on the i::th dav of May ,A. L). 190,
at ten o clock a. m.. to sliow canst
if any there be, why the prayer of
the petitioner should not be grranted.
and that notice of the. pendency of
said petition and the hearing thereof
be iriveii to persons interested in
said matter - publishing a copy of
this order in the I 'latlsmout n journal,
a weekly newspaper printed in said
county, !"r one week prior to said day
of Irvarinir.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set mv hand and the .seal of said Court,
I this 4 1 li dav of May. A. I. IHL'O.
! "... f.V f . I . -W V
(Seal) County Judge.
oicm:it or m:itio
ami Notice of ITobiile of
V ill
-In the County Court of Cass county.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass
To th- heirs ami all persons interest
ed in the c.-tate of Humphrey Iee Old
ham. dee.ased:
! reading the petition of Sarah M.
Oldham praviriu- that the instrument
tiled in tl i.-- court on the l'ith day of
April. Itcjii, and purport intr to be tlie
last wili and testament of the said de
ceased, may be proved, and allowed,
and recorded as the lust will anil tes
tament of Humphrey Iee Oldham, de
ceased: that sahl instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the adminis
tration of s:iid estate be granted to
Sarah M. Oldham as executrix;
It is licrebv ordered that you and all
oersons interested in said matter may,
and do. appear at the County Court to
be held in and for said county, on the
I' day ;" May, A. I '., l'Jl'O, at ten
o'clock a. in., to show cause, if any
there be, wl:v the prayer of the peti
tioner should' not be granted, and that
notice of the pendency of said petition
and the hci'ijuir thereof be K'lveti to
all persons interisted in said niatter
by pu hi ish i r. j: a copy of this order in
the riattsnioiith Journal, a setni-week-!y
newspaper printed in said countv
for three successive weeks prior t
said day of hcarintr.-
Witness mv hand, ami seal of said
court, this I tb .lav of May. A. 1 . l'JJU.
Seal) in''i-"v County Judge.
it i i : ic of m:ititi
n 1'clilioii for (iiiiitiiicnt i'f
AilminiNl ruler
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
t y, ss.
in the County Court.
In the matter of tiie estate of Cath-Hip.-i
Tams, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Hans Tains, praying that adminis
tration of said estate may be irranted
to said Han-- Tams, as Administrator;
Ordered, that Mav ''t!i. A. I . "l'JJ".
at nine o'clock a. in., is assigned for
!.earin:v said petition, when all per interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
ami for said conntv, and show cause
why the prayr of petitioner should
lot lie m;i"lol: and that Motive of the
f -ndi ncy ot sai l petition and the hear
i.yiz thereof be uiveti to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the l'latts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for three
-uccessive weeks, prior to said day of
hen ring.
Oated Apiil :-' Ith, 19-0. j. hkkson.
(Seal) County Judge.
!i:-3w. Attv. for Petitioner.
itiii;it c hi:hi;
oil I'ctltioti for A ppoltitiiiVnt of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Fred
Condell, lleeeased.
on reading and filing the petition
of i'uuline Young praying that admin
istration of said estate may be grant
ed to l'auline Young as administratrix;
Ordered, tlat May .".th, A. 1 . l'.'JO.
; t ten o'cloek a. m., is assigned for
hearing sahl petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in ami for said county, and show- cause
why the piayor of petitioner should
not be granted: and that notice of the
pendeni y of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of tliis order in the l'latts
mouth Journal, a senii-weckly news
paper printed in said county, for three
successive- weeks, prior to said day of
bea ri n g.
Hated April 11. 1!20.
ali'J-.'iw Comity Judge.
The central Missouri farmer who
selected pop corn for his principal
crop found this festival cereal a
good investment. Five hundred and
fifty bushels brought ? 1,600. Since,
this best seller at the circus has risen
in social scale to a chocolate coated
confection in a rose and gold box the
price has kept pace with its popular
ity. ' ' ...
Pcrchorn Black Stallion
Weight 1950
17 Hands High
Will make the season at my
$15.00 to insure colt to stand
and such.
- -' -
Minn: ok iii:ii;
' on I'rliliitn fur I i-i i-rrn I mi Iiii
of lloirthi
Instate of !;ir!iara J. Wili-s, iKi-fas-1,
ii tin? i'minty Court ot Cass coun
ty, Ni-Joaska.
Tin.- Stall- nf .iliniska, lei an pr
imis i n t i-i t imI in sail 'tatp, tri'ili-
toi-M hi! lit-irs taki' imtin1 that 'ash
1.. Wili-s lias lili-il his pt-titioii alU-n-iun'
that Harhara J. Wili-s ilieil intes-
itf in Cass roimty, Ni-hiaska. on or
at. out April ::. l:",, lifin a resilient
mil in halo t a n t of Cass lounty, Nc-
hraska. ami the owiiit of the follow
ing ili'si-ri ht-il estate, tu-wit: Tin
outh half (S2 of southwest quar
ter iSW'd of SfOtion tln-df '). and
the northeast iiuaitci' (XK!i of the
southv. st (niartcr iSW'i ) of Section
four M. all in Township twelve 12.
North ' Kanre thirteen (l.'i), east of the
Slh I'. M., Cass county. Nebraska, now
owned ly .'anna J. Finch; also tl:e
south half S'2 of the northeast
'iraiter iXKVi and north half (N'il
of tiorth half iN'i of north lialf (NVs)
.f southeast iuailer SK'il of Section
tour (II ami the north half (N'-i ) of
the southeast i;iarter (SKi) and the
north half N'i) of the northeast
Muaiti'i- 1NIOV4) of the southwest quar
ter iSff 1 of Section fourteen (li),
all in Township twelve (12), North
llante thirteen MS), east of the Hth
1. M.. Cass count v. Xehraska. now
owned hy Thomas Wiles, Jr.; also the
smith half NS!2) of the north half
(N'2 of the north half (NVi) of the
southeast quarter (Slil'i) of Section
four (t. and the south half (S2) of
the southeast quarter tSKi and the
south half (S1.) of tl-.e northeast quar
ter (Ni;'4) of the southwest quarter
SW' of Section fourteen (Hi, ail
in Township twelve (12), North llans?e
thirteen (r,). east of the th 1". M.,
Cass county, Xehraska, now ownetl hy
Cash l. Wilis-; also I,ot forty-four
ill), in Section thirteen (IC). east of
the tith 1. M.v Cass county. Nebraska,
now owned by l.uke 1,. Wiles; also
the south half (S'.j) of the northwest
quarter (NW'i) of Section five (c,
and the east half K) of the north
east quarter (NK'i) of Section six
( all in Township seven (7), North
lianttc twenty-nine (2!(), west of tlie
'ith J". !., Frontier county. Nebraska,
now owni'd by James Burnett: also
the northeast quarter (NK'.t) ot Sec
tion twenty-nine, and the east half
iK'i.) of the southwest quarter (SW14)
of Section twenty-nine (29) and the
southeast quarter (SK'i) of Section
twenty (20). all in Township eisrht (S),
North Kantie twenty-nine 121)). west
of the nth 1'. M-, Frontier county. Ne
braska, now owned by Loren M. Wiles,
and leaving; as her sole and only heirs
at law the following named persons,
to-wit: Thomas Wiles. Jr., widower,
and J.oren M. Wiles and Cash L. Wiles,
sons, and Carina (i. Finch, daughter;
and piayins for a decree barrins
ilaims; that said decedent died intes
tate; that no application for adminis
tration has been made and the estate
of sahl decedent has not been admin
istered in the State of Nebraska, and
that the heirs at law of said decedent
as herein set forth shall be decreed
to be the owners In fee simple of the
above described real estate, which has
been set for liearlns on the 29th day
of Mav, A. I.. 11(20, at ten (10) o'clock
a. in.
Iiated at
this 2Mh clay
(SeaH m3-lw,
Flattsiriouth, Nebraska,
of April, A. I). 1!20.
County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
tv, Nebraska.
irobeit Klotz, riaintiff, vs. West half
of Northeast quarter of Section 17.
Township 12 North. Kanse 9, in Cass
conntv, Nebraska, and all persons
clainiinir anv interest of any kind in
said real estate or any part thereof:
Also the following named persons and
their unknown heirs, devisees, lega
;ees and personal representatives of
inch' of them, to-wit: S. X. Merriam.
Selden N. Merriam. I.ydia Merriam. A.
Corbin, Austin Cor bin, I. W. Newsum,
J. W. Newsum, Israel W. Newsum,
William Dvirfee. William Utirfua, Den
nis Dean, Samuel (j. Bryan and S. CI.
Hrvon, Defendants.
The above named defendants ana
each of them are hereby notified that
on the 2lth dav of April. 1320, plaintiff
tiled his suit in the 'District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, trie object and
purpose of which is to confirm plain
tiff's title in and to the. West half of
the Northeast quarter of Section 17,
Township 12 North. Kanje 9, in Chk
conntv. Nebraska, and to permanently
enjoin each and all of said defen
dants from having or claiming- to have
anv riuht. title, lien or interest either
leal or equitable in or to said real
estate or anv part thereof, and to en
join said defendants from interfering
in anv manner with plaintiff's posses
sion, eniovment and title of said prem
ises and for general equitable relief.
v I
Making the Tractor Pay
The value of your tractor es an investment?,
depends upon the amotnt of dependable,
service yon ct from it and its ccst for main
tenance. A very important factor in lowering
opcratinj errpenees and keeping the engine
smooth-running and fall-powered, is clean,
reliable fuel.
Perfection Kerosene OA is t!,e ideal furl fcr trpctors
onl all kercscne burning engines. Its ecn vaporiza
tion m l complete combustion keote engine at bih
ejt c.T.cicncy delivering full horyr-povver continurHly.
I!ee.- the tsr.b filled with Perfection Kerosere C:l
end give j-our trp.ctor a fair chance t - sho v what i t can
do. Telephone err nearer.t p.Z"t nn 1 he will rrrane
fcr nn immediate delivery of Perfection Kerosene Cil
in arjy quantity.
For engines use Red Crown
' Omaha
This notice is R'lvon you pursuant to
the oriler of said Court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday, the 14th
day of June, 1 ! 2 0, or your default Will
be entered therein against you ai.d
each of you and decree quieting title
against you and each of you entered
in favor of plaintiff.
L!y D. O. mVYKK.
a2ii-4w. His Attorney.
First class six-year-old gelding,
weight 1550 pounds and sound.
Good second hand wagon almost good
as new. 1 set work harness, 2 coon
hounds. Phone C51, North 9th St.
3td. 2tv. It. C. COOK.
Lawyer. 4"
Est ot Riley Hotal
Coates Elock,
Second Floor. 4.
-Dry Cleaning-
Phone 166
When in need bf a fine hand tailored suit call and
look our tailoring department. We can save you money.
JrWe Call! We Deliver!":
Modern Wall Paper
the latest, x
the most exclusive
in Blends, Stipples, Mottles; Plains, Velour Engravcurcs
and Non-Fadable Inks. Colonial and Japanese Silk
Tapestry for) Moulding and Border Panels.
320 Acre Improved
Cass Co. Farm
The Jacob. Vallery, Jr. farm
for $250.00 per acre. Terms
to suit purchaser.
The unimproved 120 acres of the
Stephen Wiles estate sold a few days
ago for $295.00 per acre and is just
one mile east of the Improved 320
acres I am offering for $250.00 per
Phone No. 1
that will satisfy you!
the kind you will appreciate!
looked after with careful attention!
Bend your next order to
Plattsmouth, Neb.