PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1020. PAGE FOTTB Cbc plattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Pos toff Ice. Plattsmoutb. Neb a coad-claaa man matter R. A. BATES, Publishe. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER TEAS IN ADVANCE If Mr. Burleson ever wrote that reported resignation he must have mailed it. :o: , The experienced town gardener never counts his potatoes before the bugs hatch. . . :o: Charley Chaplin has been knocked down by a lawyer. Maybe they were only making a scenario. :o: Mr. Ford's new street car will be another admirable result of his ab sence from the United! States senate. :o: Knee deep in April mud, that is the only time some folks ever con sider the advantages of good roads. :o- "The man who never makes a mis fake never makes anything." The chap who originated this remark was a friend to humanity. Regarding a third term, the pres ident is making Colonel House sound like a motor car salesman the first day of the show t :o: Jack Dempsey has thirty-nine suits of clothes and the Atchison Globe recalls that none of them was issued by the war department. :o: : The henpecked husband is a crea ture of cheap comedy. Li":e the officious mother-in-law, he exists on ly in the imagination of fun makers. :o: t As the Toledo Blade points out, you can fool all the people all the time with daylight saving. Now nobody has any Idea what time it is. :o: . . j " Someone calls attention to the fact that seven of our presidents married widows,, and it sounds as if the widows had employed a .press agent. :o: ' After reading of so many towns which have doubled or trebled their population since last census, isn't it funny how hard it is to remember their names? -:o;- Congress is thinking of taking a recess, and if it does probably it will be In June when the summer resorts at Chicago and San Francisco are at the heighth of their season. -ro: This plight be a much -happier world for husbands if socially prom inent wives could ever be made to understand that they must not ex pect to dress as well as working girls. :o: The ouija board is probably only better ,is the hopeful verdict as "ev sion. It is easy now to forecall a number of celebrated typewriters which seemed during the last ten years to have had ouija board at tachments. The world is certainly growing better, is the hopeful verdict of "ev ery printing office used to have an office devil. Now not a dozen offices in this country can find a boy willing. to act." -:o:- The Croker children say the form er Tammany boss Is menally incom petent because he ia wholly under the influence of his wife. Is it pos sible there are such weak men in this country? :o: The London physicians's assertion that coffee is more harmful than cigarettes contains nothing to alarm the man who smokes forty cigar ettes a day to overcome the effects of one cup of coffee. :o: The question, just what are ne cessities, is becoming a broader is sue. In Denver, which is consid ering ordering horse-drawn vehicles off the streets, potatoes have been dropped from hotel menus. :o: The" German government has asked the allies for more time in which to reduce the German, army in accordance with the peace terms, but the French are understood to take the view that 'the more time the Germans get the larger their army is likely to be. :o: DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES Sudden activity on the part of friends of Governor Cox of Ohio is explainable by the developing logic of the democratic presidential situ ation. Insofar as there' is any form to the badly mixed muddle of dem ocratic affairs, that form focuses just now' in the direction of the Ohio governor. w Attorney General Palmer was in the running till he alienated the la bor element with his coal strike injunction. "He is still running, but there is small chance that the party managers will care to risk a candi date who is anathema to organized labor. Mr. McAdoo has, been strong in his own right.. But he is son-in-law of the president. His candidacy has too much of the heir-apparent look to attract the party managers. They would be on the defensive with Mr. McAdoo as candidate. They will look elsewhere. No other candidate now in na tional imagination. Edwards is good, to promote the liquor rebellion but would not do as a candidate. Hitchcock is unthinkable, outside of Nebraska because of his pro-Ger man services in the senate preceding the war. Owen is too radical and too far south. The supply is as scanty among democratic governors. There are not many, for one thing, outside the solid south, New York has a demo cratic governor, but he is a member tt Tflmmanv hall. The one out standing possibility Is James M. Cos of Ohio. He Is outstanding because he has repeatedly carried that rpub lican state and has administered its affairs without scandal. Incidental ly, he has taken one course which most particularly draws the finger nf thft loelc in his direction. He Is a wet, and would doubtless agree to the beer and light wines plans of the wets. But he has enforced tht Ohio dry laws effectively. Thai will give democratic drys an excuse, to stay in their party if he is noirun ated. Apparently, too, Cox has not had the ill fortune to acquire Mr. Bryan's hostility. . All this makes Cox more nearly a lncical candidate than democrats have 'a right to expect of these illog ical times. He is fifty years old, a frrvtd residential aee. He was a farm boy, a fine political asset. His one perhaps fatal weakness is the career as printer and newspaper man which-followed his abandonment of agriculture. State Journal. :o: . MOREHEAD FOR GOVERNOR 'There is one great reason why Ex-Governor John H. Morehead should be nomination at this time. He has served two terms and in both instances his administrations wet with approval of the taxpayers of Nebraska. His many friends were insistant on his coming out at this time because he can come nearer pacifying all factions than any other candidate could do at the general election. His record is still fresh in the memory of the voters of Ne braska, and they all know he served to the best interest of the state at large, and they have the utmost faith in him doing the same if nom inaed and elected again. They all know he is able, conscientious, a splendid business man and honest as the day is long. A vote for him is a vote for the right man for gov ernor. : . :...- :o: ' DEATH OF FRED BONNE S3 MEMORIAL DAY The Cass County Monument Co. has a fine lot -of Monuments and Headstones from which to select. The prjce3 are right. Remem ber, there are not many days left in "which to have your work done by the 30th of May. We also cut inschiptions at the cemetery. Give Us a Trial! Cass County onumcht Company H. W. SMITH, PRopr. Telephone 177 :- -:.v- PlatUmouth, Neb. From Friday's Daily. Fred Ronne long time resident and highly respected citizen of Case county and this community died at his home in our city about three o'clock this Thursday morning after a week of severe illness. Mr. Itonne went to the train, a week ago this morning with his eon Emory and wife who were leaving for their home in Idaho. Later in the day Mr. Ronne was taken sick and his condition became so serious Emory was caught at Kearney by wire . and came back. Erneet ot Lake Cristo, Minn., and Jesse of Hemingford, Neb., were notified and reached here the first of the week. In fact all five boys, the three men tioned and Roy of Louisville and Frank from the country besides the daughter, Mrs. Frank Pankonin, northwest of town were all with him in his last days, all the children be ing present except the daughter Mrs. E. C. Hammer of Great Falls, Mon tana, who was unable to come at the time of receiving the message. Mr. Ronne commenced farming on the prairie seven miles northeast of town almost a half century ago where he lived and enjoyedj the esteem and respect of his neighbors until a few years ago when he retired from the farm and moved to town, where he has continued gaining new friends amonir all with whom he came in contact. Funeral arrangements are not completed on account of word not yet being received from the daugh ter in Montana; other than that, ser vice will be held at the M. E. church probably Friday or Saturday. Mr. Ronne was about 78 years old and leaves to mourn his death beside the widow, five sons and two daugh ters a host of long time neighbors and friends Weeping Water Repub lican. I 0 ti it ii S3 n 0 You still occasionally see celluloid collars, but not on farmers. :o:- : . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The great benefit derived from the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been gratefully acknowledged by many. Mrs. Benjamin F. Blakeney Decatur, 111., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is by far the best medicine for colds and coughs " we have ever used in our family. I i;ave it to my children when small for croup and have taken it myself." ST, LUKE'S CHOIR IS ENTERTAINED Mesdames J. H. Donnelly and Annie Britt Entertain at J. H. Donnelly Home for the Members From Friday's Dally. - The members of the St. Luke's choir were very pleasantly entertain ed' on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. H. Donnelly on Vine street, with Mrs. Donnelly and Mrs. Annie Britt as hostesses. The members of the choir spent some time in the rehearsing of the num bers of the church music and then en joyed. to the utmost the social fea tures of the evening which consisted in visiting and in the rendition of m 9 1 A. 1 1 a numoer oi musical selections oy the members of the party. One spe cial feature of the evening was the solo given by Master Edwin Field, and which was thoroughly enjoyed by the party. At a suitable hour very enjoyable refreshments were served that brought to a close a most pleasant evening to all those who were fortunate enough to be present. HAD NARROW ESCAPE From Friday's Dally. Yesterday when - County Clerk George R. Sayles was at Union mak ing the delivery of the election sup plies he was treatd to an unusual auto accident. The car in which Mr. Sayles was traveling was driven by Ed Creamer and the car had been working nicely all the way into Un ion, and as they started to drive up onto a crossing near the residence of Rev. W. A. Taylor, one of the front wheels came off and it re quired some little time to repair the damage." ORDER OF I1KAR1SO on Petition for Appointment of Administrator Tlie State of Nebraska, Csvss coun ty, SB. ' In the county wun, . in the matter of the estate of ElUa- xth Barry, deceased. rn rnriinr and filing the petition of Ytary E. Carney, praying that admln- ctration or kuki estate may oe uruui .J to A. O. Bach as Administrator: Ordered. That May ;ira. a. l. iviv. it 10 o'clock a. m-.. la assigned lor Hearing said petition, when all per- ons interested In sain matter may ear at a County Ceurt to be held In ind for said county, and show cause vhy the praver of petitioner should lot be granted, and that notice of the tendency of KalU pennon anu mw earing thereor be givon to an persons nterested in said matter by publish er n conv of this ordiT in the Platts- nouth Journal, ,a - semi-weekly news paper printed in saia county, lor mree uccesslve weeKS, prior to saia oay oi nearing. Dated April z. 192U. ALLEN J. BEESO.V, A.3-3 w. County Judge. L.KUAL MITH fi In the Dictrict Court of Cass coun- y, Nebraska. -Plattsmoutb Lodge No. 8. Ancient 5rder of United Workmen. Plaintiff, s. Enos Williams et al. Defendants. To the defendants. Knos Williams nd wife. Catharine Williams; the inknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per- tonal representatives and all other lersons interested in tne estate or inos Williams, deceaied; the unknown leirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep- esentatives and ail otner persons in erested in the estate of Catharine Williams, deceased: ! You and each of you are hereby no :lfled that on the ISth day of Janu- try, A. D. 1920, Plaintiff filed its suit n the District Court of Cass county. Vebraska. the object and purpose of which is to quiet and confirm plaln- lff's title In and to mat part oi imib I and 2 In Block 42, lying outside of he boundary of Chicago avenue, in he City of Plattsmoutn, in t'asa coun v. Nebraska, and to enjoin each and til of you from having or claiming to tave any right, title, lien or interest, ither legal or equitable,, in or to said eal estate or inv Dfert thereof, and to .nlnln von and each Of YOU from In any manner Interfering with plaintiff's me. nnsspssinn and enjoyment or saia premises and for equitable relief. This notice Is given pursuant iu " rder of the Court. You are required o answer said netltlon on or Derore Monday, the 10th day of May, A. D. 1920, or vour default will be entered therein. PLATTSMOUTH LOUUti inu. , Ancient Order United Workmen. Plaintiff. By A. L. TIDD, m29-4w. Attorney. C .(H) & M ID) L E I . S I X Famous For Its Marvelous Motor 'ft II . ' Europe Welcomes The Ghaiciler Six " NOW and then you read something about "French style and line" In automobiles, or perhaps it's "the newest English idea." And some folks have gone across to get the newest suggestions. Europe . hasn't built automobiles-for five years and Europe is crying for new cars and good cars. America's style is Europe's style now. The Chandler Six, popular in many other countries for years but kept out of Europe the past three years because of war-time prohibition of shipments, is welcomed everywhere in Europe now welcomed for the excellence of its performance, and quite as much for the beauty of its styles of body. The Chandler, represented in the British Isles by Messrs. H. G. Burford & Company, Ltd., of London, was exhibited by that old established English automotive house, at the great Olympia Motor Show, end was "quite the sensation of the show" says a London cable. "Three hundred and seventy Chandlers were sold in two days." Apparently England is greatly pleased with America's best style In motor cars. The Chandler Offers Highest Qulity At The Fairest Price SIX 6PLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Car, $1895 . Four-Passenger Roadster, SI 89$ Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, S1975 Seven-Passenger Sedan, S289S Four-Passenger Coupe, 12795 Limousine, S339S (Alt Prices, o. b. Cleveland) CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO IIRDEK OI' HEAH1XG on Petition for Appointment of AdoiinlMtrntrlx The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- ty.-js. In the County court. ... Tn th muitor ni' the estate of Al- ... . - - l ..... . Vnlllt.IT .lA.a-111011 On reading and ruing me v rrances, vantery piayins mc iu i t. n i.i octntp mav be grant- li i niivrii vr - - ed to her as Administratrix; " l i rr-i. a r 1 p1 A TV 19 20. vi uri t:u, i hill J " - ' , at 10 o'clock a. m., i assigned for .Atisn wVipn nil ner sons Interested In said matter may ap- si kA KnlH In and for said county and show causer wny me praver i iwuuuiicr . . . not le granted; ard that notice of the . . . ' ... . I. ..nil tllA Hearing thereor oe given iu i .. . .a ,n calrl matter It V It I I) Ilshing a copy of this order in tho . . . .1 ..II n 1 1 n t " for three successive weeks, prior to said aay oi hearing. uaiea April znu. AI.IJ3M J. BKESON, aa-3w. County Judge, JNOTICK TO CBED1TORS ' , The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty. as- ' .. In the County court. . . In the matter of the estat of John iicnois. deceased. . T . l . r 9 .a il IP t M I " You are hereby notified. That I will l . . . i t ... J-.,.,,.. -rrti in I'lH 1 1 S- mouth in said county, on the JOth day or -April. ana on n' " July. 1920. at ten o'clock a. m., to re celve and examine all claims against said ' estate., with a view to their ad-, justmcnt and allowance. The. time lim- t . .1 .. 1 . nf ft a 1111 against said estate is three months from the 20th day of April. A. L. debts is one year from said 20th day M ..... II .Win Witness mv hand ami the teal of said County "Court, this 22nd day of ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) County Judge XOTICE OF HEAHING ou Petition for Dete-rmluatlon - of Heirship Estate of Andrew Barry, deceased. In the County Court of Cass county. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said estate, creditors and heirs, take notice, that Mary E. Carney has riled her petition alleging that Andrew Barry died intestate in Cass county on or about June 15, 1914. being a resident and inhabitant or Cass county and the owner of the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Thirty-three acres off the south side of Lot six (6) in Section thirty-three (33) and Lot twenty-seven (27) being the South half of Lot three (3) of Section thirty-three (33), all in Town ship twelve (12) North, Itange four teen (14), together with all accretions now made or hereafter acquired, all of said lands being In Cass county. Nebraska; leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named per sons, to-wit: Ills widow, Klizabeth Barryj Lena Jordan, daughter; Robert Barry, son; Edward Barry, son; Mary Carney, daughter; Agnes Bach, daugh ter; (Jeorge Barry, son and .Ellen V o borll. daughter: and praying for a de cree barring claims; thet said decedent died intestate; that no application for administration has been made and the estate of Bald decedent- has not been administered in the State of Nebraska, and that the heirs at law or said de cedent as herein sat forth shall be de creed to be . the owners in fee simple of the above described real estate, which has been set for hearing on the 10th day of May. A. D. 1920, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated at I'lat tsiaouth, Nebraska, this 2nd day of April, A. I. 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. along the west side of said East half of the Northeast quarter (NEi) ten feet wide on the south end thereof and broadening as "the line is extend ed northward until it is forty-nine feet wide on the north end; and also, the Northeast quarter (NE',4) of the South east quarter SEi-), all in Section twenty-three. Township twelve, Range nine East, Cass county, .Nebraska, and to enjoin you, and each of you, and all other persons. from asserting riRni, line, uen, ciaim, mieresi or estate. In, or to or upon said described real estate, or any part thereof; to remove certain, clouds from the title thereto; to decree that Richard A. Johnson, and those under whom' he claims, has been in open, notorious, peaceable, continuous and adverse pos session, . under claim of ownership thereof and title thereto for more than ten years last past, made valuable improvements thereon, paid the taxes as they became due; and for general equitable relief. You and eacli of you are hereby re quired to answer plaintiff's petition on or before the 10th day of May, 1920, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as confessed and as being true. RICHARD A. JOHNSON. Plaintiff. I. C. BUELL. Attorney for rialutlff. al-4w. ,. Ashland, Nebr. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS! For State Senator I desire to announce my candi dacy for the nomination to the posi tion of state senator for the second senatorial district of Nebraska, com posed of Otoe and Cass counties, sub ject to the decision of the voters of the republican party at the primary election to be held on April 20, 1920. A. F. STURM, Nehawka. Nebr. XOTIl'f? TO XOIV-HKSIDENT DEKE.1AXT In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Richard A. Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. Wm- D. Merriam and Merriam, his wife (first "real name unknown); V. E. Speck, a single man; William Brokaw, a single man; Frank M. Price, a single man; JohanathannB. Quin and C2u(n, his wire nrsi real name unknown): Harlan R. Quln and Quin, his wife (first real name un known); the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,- personal representatives, and aU other persons Interested In the es tates of the foregoing named defen dants, and each of them; and the East half E, jof the Northeast quarter (NE'4), less, however, a strip of land one rod wide off of the south end, being about, one and one-half acres; and also less al strip of land along the west side of said East half.(EMi) of tha Northeast quarter NE',i) ten feet wide on the south end thereof and broadening as the line Is extended northward until It is forty-nlne (49) feet wide on the north end; and also, the Northeast quarter (NE4) of the Southeast quarter (SK), all in Sec tion twentv-three (23), Township tw tion twenty-three (23). Township twelve (12). Range nine (9) East, Cass county, Nebraska. and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind In said real estate or any part thereof. Defendants. .' - . You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 3lst day of March. 1920, the plaintlfT In the above entitled action filed' In the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, his duly veri fied petition in an action against you. and each of you. the object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of said court adjudging Richard A. Johnson to be the owner in fee simple of the following described real estate: to wit: East half (E) of the Northeast quarter (NEi. less, however, a strip of land one. rod wide 'oft of the "south end, being " about one and one-half acres, and -also less a strip of land i "QUALITY IS ECONOMY" ! DostfceAoff vtaerior One of Superior Quality! t The skill of the well train ed mechanic and the wise suggestions on practical and artistic ideas, applied to our jobs, have resulted in gain ing more satisfied customers. They, considered and receiy- t ed real value. - r-X-XXXX4X!-X-'$- When you intend to renovate, call on us for sug gestions and estimates on painting and decorating. No job too large; no job too small or too. far away to receive our careful attention. M. D US TERHOFF, Painting- Decorating Wood Finishing MURDOCK -:- -:- NEBRASKA f. ................ ......... 0 " it