PAGE 8ft PLATT5M0TJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1920. PHOTOGRAPHS PQvl(i IS WITH US! ZfTHEN you invest in that Wlnew Spring finery which -you have already picked out, don't forget that your friends have long been waiting for a photograph of you and your new spring suit would make a most appropriate costume. . . Sunday sittings by appointment. -Ghrist & Ghrist, PHONE 645 12 Hour Kodak Service. Plattsmouth, Neb. FRED IIAFFKE HAS CLOSE GALL FROM DEATH TRUCK IN WHICH HE WAS CON VEYING HOGS TO SOUTH OMA HA MARKET HIT BY TRAIN FARM BUREAU NOTES ACCIDENT HEAR FORT CROOK ONE OF THE BIGGEST IMPROVEMENTS YET Sewer Extension on Washington Av enue One of Best Pieces of Public Improvements Yet Proposed From Wednesday's Dally. The action of the city council in bringing to the front the matter of the extension of the sewer on Wash ington avenue at, their meeting on Monday evening was a step in the di rection of securing for the city a lasting improvement and one that will add much to the appearance of the city and to the value of pro perty In the portion of the city abut ting on the avenue. Where the sew . er ends at the present time is one of the worst spots on the old creek for overflowing and there has hardly been a severe rriin that has not caused some overflow at least at this point and under unusual rains as sometimes visits this locality the body of water overflowing here has been very great and. has did a great damage to the surrounding property. With the sewer extended to the west side of the 10(h street the danger of overflow 13 reduced a .great deal and practically all chances of the heavy overflows is eliminated. This Is logical as the nearer the sewerage is pushed toward the headwaters of the creek the Jess chance there is for the water getting out of the banks and at the point where it is proposed to complete the sewer this year the creek Is quite deep, and amply able to hold a great deal of water, that it cannot do under the present circumstances with the sew er extension stopping Just west of the O. K. garage. The property that lies along the creek has been handi capped by the fact of the existence of the streams and the sewer does away with this entirely and makes the property desirable in every way with paving,' and all danger of over I flow eliminated. The city is also interested as the park purchased for the north side'of the city is located along the creek and the sewer will make passible the completion of the idea for which the old brick yard property was purchased that of i nice park for the use of the res! dents of that part of the city. The seewr will demand a big fill and this will use up most cf the dirt that is needed to be removed from the park site and when taken, away it will assist in the completing of the park and save the expense of having dirt hauled a great, distance. EPISCOPAL LADIES MEET AT RECTORY Foir Chevrolet Touring Good $400.00 Six Cylinder Buick Good $750.00 Several Good Re-built Fords Priced Right! AVE SELL FOODS on payment plan cash, balance in 12 equal monthly payment. T. II. Pollock Garage Phone No. 1 St. Luke's and St. Mary's Guilds Are Entertained at Rectory by Father Leste, Wife and Madame Leete From W'edneHday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon the ladies of both the St. Luke's and St. Mary's guild were very pleasantly entertain ed at the rectory of the church and a very large number of the ladie3 were present to enjoy the occasion. The invitations had conveyed the request that each of the members bring with them a potato and on their arrival they found a very In teresting contest had been arranged for them in which they were re quested to prepare a dress for the poiato to be constructed freni the paper napkins provided, and with tacks , for eyes, and hairpins for the limbs some very interesting figures were constructed by the guests from the potatoes. In this contest Mrs. John W. Falter received the first prize, Mrs. Percy Fields, second prize and the consolation prize was awarded to Miss Verna Leonard. During the afternoon seme very pleasant musical numbers were en Joyed, Mrs. T. B. Petersen presiding at the piano and the members of the party joining in the singing. of the songs which proved a pleasing feature of the entertainment." The rooms of the honre were very prettily arranged with decorations of flowers on the tables in the living and dining room and made a very ar tistic setting for the occasion and here the dainty and enjoyable lunch eon was served that was enjoyed to the utmost. - The fact that, the wedding anni versary of Mrs. Fred Tiamge, one of the members of the party falling on this date, was remembered by the members who presented her with a very handsome gift in honor of the happy event. , Mrs. W. H. Young of Fremont, who is a house guest of the Leete family for a few days was a guest of honor of the occasion. Truck is Demolished and Fred Carried Two Hundred Yards on Pilot Not Not Thought Dangerously Injured Tuberculossi. Some of our farmers in the cjtinty who have pure bread cattle had a tuberculin test run in their herd and found deceased animals. These men had not made application for an accredited herd so they did not re ceive federal or state money which is appropriated for this cause. A farmer or breeder does not have to 1 have all pure bred cattle to get an accredited herd, but all pure breds j and grades on his farm must be test- 1 ed. Any breeder wishing: to-test his J herd, write or phone "Farm' Bureau j office, and we" will be glad to tal;e this up. Don't wait until tuberculo sis. Is found in your herd to apply or you cannot make application. Read the Journal. B. K. F. Timers for FORD CARS This little accesory on your Ford car will work wonders. , Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into ' the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford. 'No oiling required. No rollers to wear" out and short your motor Money Back Guarantee With Every B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed. GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU. Studebaker Cars Maxwell Can and Trucks Repair and overhaul your car now -Our shop is at your command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived. From Wednesday's Daily. - This morning as Fred Haffke was enroute from his farm to the stock market at South Omahawith a truck load of hogs he had a close call from death as the truck which he was driv ing was struck by southbound M. P. passenger train No. 104 at the cross ing near Pappion, north of LaPIatte Mr. Haffke did not see the train as he approached the crqssing but as he was starting over ne neara the whistle and glanced to the south but saw no train and looking around was startled to see the train a short distance from him and coming at a rate of speed that made it impossi ble to escape from the- path of the onrushing train. The force of the collision demolished the truck and hurled Mr. Haffke from his seat on to the pilot of the engine and he was carried some two hundred rods before the train could be stopped and the Injured man revived and placed in the train and brought on to this city. The train , was met at the station by Dr. R. P. Westover, who had been called and the injured man brought down to the office of the surgeon where an examination was made of his injuries.- The small ankle bones are both cracked and the legs of Mr. Haffke badly skinned and scratched and the head and face also quite badly scratched up, but no danger ous injuries could be found on him and he apparently did not suffer nternal injury as no trace' of this could be found in the examination. The Injuries of Mr. Haffke were dressed by Dr. , Westover. and he was made as comfortable as possible" and taken to his home to recuperate, but will be some time before he Is able to be around as usual. It was very fortunate thing that Mr. Haffke escaped "as easily as he did o thA fnannaa nr fidQin arprp vfrv great and the force of the collision completely wrecked the truck which was thrown clear of the track by the force of the, impact. The load of hogs were scattered over the sur rounding country but as far as can be learned only one of them was se verely injured. ' Mr. Haffke states that he remem bered seeing the train a short dis tance away and the force of the col lision, but was knocked unconscious by the force of his fall and did not remember anything more until re vlved by the train crew and pas sengers before being brought on into Plattsmouth. V Pure Bred Sires Onlv. A survey to find how many farm ers use only pure bred Sires on their farms will be made in a few weeks. When you receive this blank follow it according to instructions and help to make this a 100 per cent survey. ,k Mote of the many new Spring Suits we are showing just now in Single and Double Breasted styles for young men and young old men. . We've been very fortunate in getting these suits this spring, as manufacturers are all way behind with deliveries We have every size from 32 to 42 in high line, body fitting models and staple models to size 50. They're all the finest the country affords at prices you can afford. Let us -show you what your 40c dollar will do here. . E. Utfescott's Sons 'EVERYBODY'S STORE" Sheared Sheep Need a Dry Place. If sheep have a dry place there is little danger in shearing any time now. a Darn or shed is essential for a day or two after shearing, unless the weather is very mild. If such a shelter is available there is little danger even in bad weather. Sheep are more or less susceptible to pneu monia at all times if they get wet and cold. The longer the wool the slower it drys out, and hence a sheared sheep is little more liable to pneumonia than one with long wool. Hand power shearing machines are giving satisfaction. Kxperiments show that they will take off. from one to two pounds of wool more than hand shearing. Fleeces are tied with the bright side out. and -the tying done with wool twine and the. fleece placed in special nacks. The use of binder twine and gunny sacks resul.ts In a dock in the price. Wool stored in a damp place heats and discolors. L. R. SNIPES, County Agent. MALE 'VAMPS' TAK EN FOR SCHOOLBOYS Plattsmouth Young Men Who Have Car Stranded in Hud Near Nebras- : ka City Regarded With Suspicion FOR SALE Strawberries Everbearing. $2.50100. $10.00 500. Other varieties: Jessie, Black Prince, Senator Dunlap, Aroma: $1.25 100 ' $5.00 500. $9.00 1,000. Telephone 631-W. 4-9 2w-d MRS. NELLIE GORDER. USED TOURING CARS FOR SALE. Have one each used touring cars. Dodge and Ford. See me at once for price on these. dawtf) . JOHN GORDER. PUBLIC SALE! J. F WOLFF, Main St Garage - Telephone 79 : Block-South of Postoffice - Q I will offer at public auction at my home in Murray, Neb., at 2:0 p. in., on --. SATURDAY, APRIL 17th, the below listed household goods, at terms made known on day of sale One wooden bedstead; one folding bed; one bronze bedstead; two dres sers; one commode; four rocking chairs; five dining room chairs; one cabinet organ; one library table; one center table; one bevel French Plate mirror; five rugs, one 9x12", one 7x9; one 5x8 and two 2x5; one cupboard; one refrigerator; kitchen cabinet; dining. room table; Clark Jewel high shelf cook stove, with oven; carpet sweper; sewing 1 ma chine: eieht-dav alarm elorV- ing utensils; window shades; fifteen1 the household remedy, yards of linoleum and other articles sizes, 30 1 and 60S at all too numerous to mention. !Etnrp, W. R. Young. Auctioneer. jv ' "Glen Boedeker, Clerk. ARTHUR L. BAKER, Owner from Tuonday'B Dally. The friends of aquartet of Platts mouth young, men: are having more or less fun at their expense and as the outgrowth of. a trip the younj men made to our Neighboring town of Nebraska City on last Saturday evening to. attend the closing hours of the Eagle carnival. Now as most everybody knows the roads have been very poor for the past several days and were particu larly so on Saturday evening when the party loaded in their jitney and started for Otoe cou.ity full of pep and preparing for a big time in Nebraska City. As the car sped ov er the road the spirits of the party rose and they foresaw hours of tri umph at the ball when they would make one big hit with the ladies of Nebraska City by their irresist- able aDDearance. But the fates were aeainst the members of the party for as. they neared Nebraska City and were speeding down a steep hill a large mud hole suddenly loomed ahead of them at the fcot of the hill and the car sank peace fully in the mud and remained there. The . party had arrayed themselves with unusual care for their triumph and consequently were unable to get out and use their pep in getting the car "out of the mud so the car owner visited one of the nearby houses and secured , a farmer to Dlace the cac In his farm yard and let it remain until a better day. The party then Tilt the re maining distance, on foot into the city and arrived in all their glory at the ball late in the evening. But this Is not the worse. Yester day morning Sheriff Quintan received a call from Nebraska City inquiring after. the ownership of the jitney as the party who had it had stated that a party of s-chool boys had left it at his farm and he thought it might have been taken from this city and later abandoned. This last blow was the most severe school boys an the young men had prided themselves on their reputation as male "vamps" and felt rather crest fallen when the bitter facts in the case became circulated among their friends as well as the members of their families. For bruise. any pain, burn, scald or apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Two drug LOCAL NEWS from Monday's Daily. Philip Keil and family from near Murray, were in the city for a few- hours today attending to some trad ing with the merchants. Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray was in the city today .for a few hours looking after some matters at the court house in. the White e-.tate case D. J. Pitman of Murray, was in the city today, coming up to attend the hearing in the final settlement of the estate of Mrs.. Ann White, deceased. 'E. E. Chamberlain of near Cedar Creek departed this morning for Omaha, where he.was called to look after some matters of business in that city. C. F. Vallery, county highway commissioner, departed this morning .for Greenwood to look after the plac ing of a grading outfit and from there will go to Eagle to look ovei road work. 4 Mark White came in Saturday ev ning from Lincoln, where he is tak ing treatment at the sanitarium and f.pent some time 'here and at hie heme near Murray looking after come business affairs. "roirt Tuesday's Dally. Mrs. W. M. S?hneiuer and daugh ter, Verla, who have been here vi 'ting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Tohn F. Wolff, departed this morn ing, for their home at Cedar Creek, William Chalfant, one of the old residents of Liberty precinct, was in '.he city yesterday for a few hours looking after some business matters ?.nd visiting with! his friends in the cuntv seat. - Levi , Rakes, an old time Cass rounty man. but , who for the past "ew years has been located at Long Beach, California, was in the city yerterday visiting with his old friend?. Mr. Rakes has been look ing after his farming interests at Memphis. na Guthmann and family and with Miss Margaret Hallahan, aunt of Mrs. C. F. Guthmann. Tiey will then continue their journey east for a few weeks visit in Massachusetts. R. H. Norris, assessor of Avoca precinct was in the city today spend ing a few hours at the office of Coun ty Assessor G..L. Farley.,- Lionel Ashman departed this af ternoon for Council Bluffs, where he expects to take up his. duties as the manager of a large dairy farm near that place. FOR SALE Doun's Regulets are recommended by nifny, who say they operate eas ily, w-ithout griping and without any bad after effects. 30 at all drug stores. Kodaks for Sale Some "special high class kodaks at the right price. : We teach the pur chaser to use, them. Phone 645. GHRIST & GHRIST, H&w . Plattsmouth. Neb. ' Ford Sedan in fine condition. Has only been run 2,000 miles. Equipped with electric starter, storage battery, front and rear bumpers, extra tire carrier and tire, and looks almost like new. Price right. Call and let u sshow the Sedan and demonstrate it. Phone No. 1. T. II. POLLOCK GARAGE. 2td ltw. STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE Senator Dunlap variety, $1.25 per hundred post paid. S. O. Cole. My nard, Neb. lw-w. vx-H":-x-)-x-H-!-:-H-:yxr: DR. H. C. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN T3I ono u. vuaics uitv. a nunc uo . t Coates Blk. mm Wednesday's Dally. W. H. Puis of Murray was in the :ity yesterday for a few hours en -cute home from Omiha. . Mrs. C. F. Guthmann and two children of Boise,. Idaho, arrived in the city last evening for a weeks 'sit here at the home of Mrs. An- NEXT YEAR AT THIS TIME WILL YOU SAY "But when the end of ihe monih comes I find I have nothing left." - Perhaps the reason the end of the month rinds you without money is that ydu make' the mistake of wait ing every week or every month to see how your pay is going to last. ' J . This plan, keeps thousands of people from saving and getting ahead. Whether the cost of living is high or low, deposit A certain amount in our Savings Department as soon as you receive your wages or salary then live on the balance. IT'S THE ONLY CERTAIN WAY TO SAVE IN ALL KINDS OF TIMES. - ' v Do this NOW open a Savings Account in this bank; your money is always ready for you when you need it. Farmers State Ban! PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA (Political Adcertutivg) (Political Advertising) " (Political Advertising) If it's- in the card the Journal office. line, call at -..US? V v v ' if 5 w f 1 mJzrx TO VOTERS IN THE Democratic Primaries ON APRIL 20: The Four Candidates for delegate-at-large to the Democratic national convention, pledged to support Senator Gilbert M. , Hitchcock for president, are: SOPHUS NEBLE, Omaha BERNARD McNENY, Red Cloud KEITH NEVILLE, North Platte ASHTON C SH ALLENBERGER, Alma j ' 1 '. ' Friends of Senator Hitchcock throughout the state should vote for all four. . Gilbert M. Hitchcock. The Hitchcock candidates for delegate1 -from the , First Congressional District are: ; i : W. F. MORAN, Nebraska City VICTOR E. WILSON, Lincoln Friends of Senator Hitchcock in the First District should vote for both these candidates. The campaign to nominate Senator Hitchcock for president will be greatly as sisted by the re-election of-Arthur F. Mullen for national committeeman. If you favor Hitchcock for president place a cross X before the names of all persons mentioned above. Women voters as well as men are entitled to vote for all these candidates. JOHN H. MITHEN, President J Hitchcock" for President Club.