The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 05, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The Bank of burdock
Murdock, Nebraska
Conducts a general commercial banking business ,and
"is equipped to attend to your wants in every manner
consistent with honest and conservative banking. We
also draw up leases, contracts for sale of real estate,'
affidavits, wills and testaments, and other legal blanks
as deeds, conveyances, mortgages, etc. Our land set
tlements for March 1st just past, totaled over half a
million dollars, and were for dozens of our patrons, and
every settlement had the individual attention of the
president and cashier. We are , here to serve you and
serve you well, and invite you to join the hundreds of
satisfied customers doing business at this bank, and
who are the best testimonial we have to offer as to our
ability and willingness to assist in every manner pos
sible. , ,
The Bank of Murdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
John Church and wife are now
nicely situated in their apartments
and are well pleased with Murdock
as a place of abode.
Mottled and Stippled walls of ex-
I ceedingly charming colors and true
frnntlnp thfi council is whether to
vote bonds of make a special taxi :
levy as a means of raising the neces-' '
sary amount to insure construction ' JTUlUttiiK, COJNUfiSSMAIi ISSUES
Merchants Bank
of the line. This will be decided at
an early date and doubtless . Mur
artistic value. You will find them in dock will wake up some of these
Max Dusterhoff's wall paper stock. bright summer days to find herself
Edward Thimgan was a visitor in in possession of electric service..
Omaha a few days during the middle
of the week, where he was looking Passine of Murdock Pioneer
after some business matters for a After ,ong niness eitending
short time. , throughout the winter and late fall,
Edward Thimgan was a visitor in red gchewe 8uccumbed to her
Lincoln during the first part of the afflIctlon . and the infirmities of ad
week, having some business to look agt Baturday.
after with Emll Kuehn and Arthur . Mrg Schewe wn08e maiden name
Bornemeier was Mies Amelia Dittman, was born
c ?8-Fr? WeAtZGV fnnJ in Germany. January 29. 1843. and
South Dakota, attended the funeral tQ tnlg country when a
fhe thef.V r dP?S woman. In J876 she was united in
and visited with friends for a short inarrIage to Ferdinand Schewe.
time as well. they then liTing ln south Bend pre-
Rev. A. Brauchle departed last t.ia ,,nion Wn .
Thursday evening for Harvard,
At Time of His Filing Only One Can
didate Was Entered Against Gov.
MeKelrie for Nomination '
emng ior xib-iyiu, of whom survive their
which, place he expected to conduct . T fatner . everal
services incident to Good Friday and
Easter Sunday. s
Mrs. Albert Zaebel, of College
View, who formerly lived in this vil
years since. The children are Mrs.
Mathilda Weitzel, Gardner, North
Prom Monday's Dally.
Ernest M. Pollard of Nehawka,
member of the state constitutional
convention and one of the six candi
dates against Governor Samuel R.
McKelvie for the nomination for gov
ernor on the republican ticket has
decided to remain in the race and
iage, was a visitor in luruocK uui- Llncoln. Pau! schewe. Will Schewe
ing the week, coming to attend the . Alovrn Wpti oil f nr
Dakota; Mrs. Martha Rennwatz, of ; leave the settlement of the issues to
near Greenwood; Mrs. Paul Fritz, of, the Deople of the state.
You can get floor wax at all times
of Max Dusterhoff. tf.
Jesse lndholm and wife were
visiting in Duncan at the home of
the brother of the former over last
H. A. Giithiuann and family were
-visiting in the county seat and look
ing after some business matters on
last Monday, driving over in their
car. and returning home Tuesday
Are You
of Your
The finest varnish that money can
buy at Max Dusterhoff's.
Dr. Trenholm, of Elmwood, was a
visitor in Murdock last Thursday,
looking after some business matters
for a short time.
The ice cream season was ushered
in last week by the arrival of the
first consignment of that delightful
frozen compote from the Omaha
Chintz papers, Tapestry and plain
colors for beautiful combinations
are part of our fine wall paper stocks.
Let us show you how to make up
such combinations. Max Dusterhoff.
The three Pickwell boys, who are
attending the state university at
Lincoln, visited at home the past few
days on account of the short vaca
tion for Easter.
In the construction of the electric
line to Murdock, the main lead will
funeral of Mrs. Fred Schewe.
Conrad Baumgartner, Jr., who has
been attending the Lincoln Medical
college, was spending a few days
at home this week owing to the Eas
ter vacation from school duties.
Noah Murdock. who has been in
the employ of Max Dusterhoff for
some time past, left last Friday for
his home at Hamburg. Iowa, where
he expected to spend the Easter sea
son with his parents.
Mrs. Win. Schroeder, of Lincoln,
was a visitor in Murdock during the
week, coming over to visit with the
rplativfts of her late friend, Mrs.
and Mrs. Jdayme Neitnel, all of near
The funeral services were conduct
ed in Murdock by the Rev. A. H.
Schwab, pastor of the church to.
which Mrs.. Schewe belonged and had
been a constant member, for so many
Last fall Mrs. Schewe suffered an
infection on one of her feet, which
grew worse and became 60 serious
that it could not be controlled by
a local physician and she was taken
to a hospital in Lincoln, where on
November 16th an amputation of
the foot and leg at the knee was
performed. Following this, Mrs
j Fred Schewe. and to attend the fun- Schewe seemed to improve, but the
erai oi mis esumaui iau. recurrence of the trouble and weak
Mrs. J. A. Bauer was a visitor in ness resulting from continued ill
Plattsmouth for a few days durins ness "rendered her unable to .copibat
the past week, visiting at the "home the grim monster death longer and
of Mrs. Frank Cheval and other rel- 6he accordingly answered the call,
atives in the county seat. She re- Mrs. Schewe was a woman admir
turned home last Saturday, after ed and beloved around Murdock and
having enjoyed an excellent visit. was possessed of admirable charac
W. II. Rush, assisted by Albert ter. Besides her family, a large host
Bauer, has been grading the streets of friends mourn her departure.
about town and has done an excel-
lent piece of work. Mr. . Rush uses Have Fine Time at Kensington
one of his Huber tractors, which ; The members of the Royal Neigh
pulls ,the grader to the utmost sat- bors of America, who also belong to
anu imis a kensington club made up of them-
Let us redecorate it
for you now with
new 1920 wall paper
and we will be pleased to bring. our
books for your selection of the very
latest patterns. Estimates r.nd spec
ifications for all kinds of papering,
painting, outside work and interior
decorating gladly furnished. Only
the very besl of work at all times.
H. H.
Phone 34-J
Murdock, Neb.
work, selves, gathered at the home of one
Mrs. John Copple. of Lincoln, has of their members, Mrs. Joseph Jo
been visiting in Murdock at the hanBen, last Thursday afternoon and
home of her mother, Mrs. Crawford, enjoyed the time In social conversa
and with her brother, Robert Craw- tion and needle work, having in all
extend as far as the Daniel PanskafordV during the past few days. She a very pleasant time. Mrs. Johansen
expeciSt.ns buuii as one van ovuic pi uveu uerseii ruyai entertainer
place in which to live,, to make her and the afternoon, session was .brot
home in Murdock. to a most " delightful close by an
The revival meetings which have elegant two course luncheon which
been in progress, ably conducted by me nostess served
Rev. A. H. Schwab, have beea pro-,'
ductive of good results and much in-1 Havine House Decorated
place, from where branch lines will
be-built-to-South-Bend, Murdock and
Weeping Water, the later via Man-
ley . :f5J3J2
Arthur Bornemeier and mother
and sister, Mrs. .Ray Veach, of Lin
coln, were in Murdock last Tuesday,
having driven down in their car to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Fred
Miss Marie Schmidt was a visitor
with friends in the capital city dur
ing the fore part oflast week, hav
ing spent a few days there very
pleasantly, and returning home last
Thursday noon.
Herman Schmidt, 'the veteran as
sessor of Elmwood precincts and Mar
vin Bushnell of South Bend precinct,
both well experienced in the busi
ness, were in Plattsmouth the fore
part of last week attending the, as
sessors' meeting at the court house.
While driving along the highway
northwest of town, Art Bornemeier
struck some soft dirt on an embank
ment which caused his -car to skid
and turn over. Mr. Bornemeier con
siders himself very fortunate in be
ing able to get out without suffer
ing serious injury.
A young man living near Murdock
sought to attend a dance near South
Bend last week, and with the lady
of hi? choice, started for the place
where the dance was to be held. But
fate was unkind to him 'and turning
his car wheels caused him to run
into a bank. And then came an ex
plosion the noise of which sounded
like the breaking of the day of doom
and the dance was spoiled, as well
as a large bill of expense for repair
ing the car being contracted.
Automobiles and Accessories
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We
are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetyline welding.
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.
-ni ff.-StJ-tl I
sized crowds in attendance every 1 Tne farm home of otto
evening whin the "eat he? was not whlch Is owned b Chrls Gue". "1
tJo severe to VermU of holdTng se?- north ot town' ls Deln "lecorated
v?ces permit or holding ser bQtn Ing,de anJ tfae Mjde wQrk
oI . ,ij being done by Max Dusterhoff and
book on the streets of Murdock last '"Le f rmen. Lhe e.V
Ia? l Ew7 thereby "insuring That both
i.,o o, fiin. it w 00,0 interior and outside will receive the
was about to pick it up, the thought , Dest oX attention.
came to him as to the date, and he:
forebore finding the aforesaid w. f. I Many Attend Service at Ithaca
P., and the joke was on the loser. J A large number of people of Mur
Harry Gillespie who has been dock and vicinity attended church
working about his home, trimming services at Ithaca last Sunday, driv
trees and getting the place in con- ing there in their cars, notwithstand-
dition ror tne summer, as wen as ing the inclemency of the weather.
decorating the home both inside and which prevailed. There were some
out, was compelled to stop to as-, forty who went and sure made an
sist Lacey McDonald in getting the interesting time. The speakers from
telephone lines in repair, following this place who took part being G
the excessive wind storms, which Baur, Fred Stock, Henry Reickman,
have been playing havoc with all August Neiburg, and L. Neitzel.
lines in this part of the state.
Wm. Weddell and O. J. Pothast! will Stock and family were visit
are doiii considering me maiier oi jng at Ithaca and attending the
erecting homes ror themselves dur- church services there last Sunday,
ing the coming summer and are atj Held Quarterly Meeting.
I c i wh o "r " ! El Rer. H. 8ohl of Lincoln, presiding
. " . , . Y. j' , ' elder, was in Murdock Saturday and
the new home- which is to be built Easter conducting quarterly meeting
by Charles Long, and for which the at the churcn nere and tQe Ea
grounu nas aireauy ueen oroKen. i ter services during the morning. In
win mane uiree goou. suusianiiai tfee evening, the message bearers of
nuust.3 i" iu.uwh aim wnu ue the church had charge of the ser
bank building will make a nice in- vices and had an excellent program.
cctau iu lue auvauji list ui
new buildings in the city.
Has Purchased a Hew Machine
Max Dusterhoff has just invested
in a new wall paper remover, which' ers
generates sufficient steam to soften those who have used them, will you
Please Return Ky Jack Scuws.
I have some fifty dollars invested
in jack screws, which have been bor
rowed by some one and loaned to oth-
As this is an accommodation to
the paper on the wall and allow the
operator to scrape o.T the old paper
as rapidly as he can go over the
wall with the steam jet. At the same
time the steam also sterilizes the
wall from any germs or impurities
which may be lurking there. The
new machine will prove a labor sav
er and permit of doing more effective
work in this line than before.'
Looks Much Like Electric Lights
Harry K. Davis, or Omaha, repre
senting the Omaha-Lincoln Lighting
anu I'ower comnanv. was in th vil
lage again last week looking after
please see that they are returned. I am
needing them. H. V. Tool, at Mur
dock Lumber Yard.
Cass County Girl Dies at Tekamah
Miss Mable Rough formerly of near
i Nehawka, and daughter of Mr. and
i Mrs. John Hough, died at Tekamah
a rew days ago an was buried at
Nehawka last Friday. Mrs. H. W.
Tool, who is an .aunt of the young
lady was iu attendance at the funeral.
Frank H. Stander, accompanied hi3
daughter, Mrs. Joseph Kelly of Bern
matters relative to the extension of ard. Iowa, who has been visiting her
. HT, c,r;ui1 lo uruocK. 1 father at Wabash for a short time,
! hlle here Mr. Davis met with a to her home in Iowa, where Mr.
committee from the village council Stander and wife will visit for some
, and after going over the proposition time.1 -
pretty thoroughly proposed the ex- '.
comnanv f,,trn1Kh?nliCne,.be mde:lhis H. A. Tool and wife were visiting
nHPit2L 1 f.aU 1UPP1,y, llneS w"h friends in Lincoln last.Friday.
n S!l",th,e different residences Koing on the earljr train and return.
and places of business as requested, ' Tnf: on the Jersev
in return for which the town
5o,20U.OO to help bear the cost of
building . the. line and also provide
the company with franchise to op
erate in the- village.
Bluffs, 'accompanied by a little ne
phew, Kenneth Letts, visited over
Sunday at the home of her mother.
Mrs. L. Amgwert, and returned to
'"'3 viimuu iuoh very reas- their home Tuesday and being ac
able considering the present high companied by "Bud" Amgwert. who
cost of construction and it is the be-' will visit at Council Bluffs for some
lief of everyone that the town should time. t
avail itself of the oportunity of se-. c. L. Miller has been having his
curing 24-hour electric service. home prepared for the spring season
" The principal question now con- and getting ready for summer.
An effort had been made by the
various candidates to reach an agree
ment as to the withdrawal of all but
one of the men who are opposing the
governor for re-nomination, but the
greater part of the candidates re
fused to accept the various compro- I
mise measures. The changes in the
situation, if any occur, must be by
the voluntary withdrawal of some of
the candidates.
Mr. Pollard taxes the position that
he is in no way responsible forN the
tangle- and confusion that exists
among the numerous candidates. He
declined for weeks to get into the
contest for the governorship and
yielded only when a showing of a
general sentiment for his entering
the race was made by the republicans
of the state. At the time the peti
tions for his nominations were filed
only the name of Adam McMullen of
Beatrice was in the field. Since the
filing of the name of Mr. Pollard,
Hall, McLaughlin, Bachelor and
Mathewson have- filed. The state
ment of Mr. Pollard given out is as
"Soon after I came to Lincoln as a
member of the constitutional con
vention, republicans from over the
state as they came to the
city began to urge me to file as
a candidate, for governor. I always
replied that I was not a candidate
and did not care to be considered at
all in connection with any office. I
maintained this postion for over two
months. Finally I said that before
I would give the matter considera
tion, I must be convinced that there
was a general demand for me from
republicans all over the state.
"Against my advice, petitions were
circulated in a number of counties,
come of which were filed with the
secretary of state, presenting my
name as a candidate for governor.
The plea was made to me that in
view of my having represented Cass
county In the legislature two terms
and the first .congressional district
in the United States congress two
terms, and being a member of the
constitutional convention, that my
qualifications and public record were
such as to make me the most avail
able man to make the race.
"I was told that I have been hon
ored by the party in days gone by,
that I was indebted to the republican
party for any political successes I
had enjoyed, and that now it was my
duty as a republican to come to the
rescue of the party in its hour of
"Four years ago I withdrew my
name as candidate for governor in
order to insure the election of a dry
candidate to lead the party in the
prohibition fight which was the do
minant issue at that time. -I with
drew then because I felt that the
interests of the republican party aid
the temperance cause were para
mount to my personal ambition.
"At the time my petitions were
filed with the secretary of state, one
filing only had been made, other than
the present incumbent. All the fil
ings except this one, were made sub
sequent to mine. Consequently I am
not responsible for the present con
fused situation.
"I was drawn Into, the contest
against my wishes as the result of a
general demand on the part of re
publicans over the state. It is im
possible now for me to communicate
with them In regard to the situation
confronting the party at this time.
However,. I have talked with as many
of my personal friends as I have been
able to reach. Without a single ex
ception they tell me that the same
situation that confronted the party
at the time my name was filed still
obtains, and that my duty, now, is
to remain in the field. I have given
this matter careful Consideration and
I have finally concluded that under
no clrcumstant-es will I withdraw. I
none, that republicans all over the
state will stand by me now in this
campaign as I stood by them when I
withdrew four years ago.
"If elected governor I will be
found at the executive office to give
my personal attention to whatever
business may properly come Deiore
the Eovernor. I will eee tnat every
citizen is eiven full protection in ev
ery right guaranteed under the laws
and the constitution of the state. So
far as it is within my power, I wm
administer the affairs of. the state,
economically and In a business-like
is a productive force; it makes for better un
dettariding and the fullest co-operation be
tween a bank and its clients. This is the spirit
of the Farmers and Merchants Bank service.
How can we serve you?
Farmers and Merchants Bank,
All ways at Your Service.
O. J. POTHAST, Cashier
Robert Stivers of Cedar Creek, was
in the city last evening for a few
hours visiting with friends.
W. O. Gillespie was looking after
some business matters at Wabash last
E. L. Pothast was a visitor in Mur
dock from Lincoln last Wednesday
looking after some business matters.
John Gakemeier and E. XV. Thim
gan, were in Plattsmouth last Mon
day looking after some business matters.
Leslie Rush of near Primrose, wa3
a visitor at the home of his brother
W. H. Rush for a few days the past
Mrs. Dr. S. B. McDirmud of Oma
ha, was a visitor in Murdock for a
few days during the past week being
guest at the home of her parents, L.
Neitzel and wife.
Jerry E. McHugh was a business
visitor in the capital city last Mon
day, where he was looking after some
business matters for the city as well
as for the business enterprise which
he represents.
Lloyd and Ralph Richards of near
Wabash, sons of Warren Richards,
rode their ponies to Murdock last
Friday to get their hair cut for the
Easter exercise which the former was
taking part in Easter.
T. J. Brendel of Murray, district
representative of the American Na
tional Auto Insurance company was
looking after some business at Mur
dock last Friday and went from here
to Greenwood, where he also.had.
some matters to look after. " "
Kenneth Tool is assisting in the
bank during his short vacation from
the state university, on account
of Easter.
Miss Selrfia Brauchle was a visitor
with friends in Lincoln for a few
days in the latter part of the week,
returning home on Thursday even
ing, after enjoying the occasion
W. A.. Bouten of near Wabash,
Henry Reike and Antone King of
near Alvo, have had their names ad
ded to the list of readers in the vi
cinity of Murdock and the list con
tinues to increase.
Miss Margaret Amgwert will assist
the Murdock Mercantile company
in the store' in the future as occasion
shall require, on Saturdays and at
other times when required. Miss
Margaret should make an excelent
sales lady, she having the tact and
talent which is required for the position.
Bust- of Riley Hotel.
Coatea Elock
Second Floor.
A Good Assortment of
Prices Range from. $1.75 to $6.00
Also a nice line of children's straw hats. Hats
for the little fellow in cloth and silks.
Our Line of
for every day wear is the most complete we
have ever had. -
Ulurdock Mercantile Go.
." . JERRY E. McHUGH, Manager
Thresher Tractors Power Machines
iJL :;.-.;'fv:y55
The International Lino Gomplcto!
Power plenty of power and efficiency at all times, reliable
and dependable is what all want. We have It iu the International
Line. ,
Wc carry a full and complete line of Kerosene Engines, Gaso
line Engines, Kerosene Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separators,
Farm Wagons, Farm 'Trucks, Grain Tanks, Manure Spreaders,
Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and Binding Twine.