PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1920. umm Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. SERVICE s a word you often see in advertising with many it is onlya word here it is anjactual fact. Service means to us just what it means to you. Service is some thing we practice as sincerely as we preach. Hank off (UJitdoodIi UNION, NEB. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson or Brule, have been visiting in Union with the family of Frank Anderson and other relatives for the past few wofks. Mont Itobb, who spent Sunday at home, departed in the afternoon for I-incoln and then out into the state looking after his work as a grain buyer, v Attorney C. L. Graves was a bufi rifss visitor in Elmwood last week, where he was called to look after tome legal matters for a client at t'jat place. While Ed Shaw was kept from h'S work on account of illness, his place was ably filled by Mr. Ellis LaRue, who is a very cleaver young man, and able to look after the work at the station in the best of manner. Julian D. Graves of Peru, who had loen looking after some business ii.atters at Omaha during last week, t-lcrpcd :n his way home last Friday and spent some time with his broth rr. Attorney C. L. Graves, and later continued to his home. I. O. Mullison. of Shenandoah, Iowa, who is selling stock food to the farmers in this vicinity, had the misfortune to break an axle in his car, which has laid him up tor a short time, while the same is- being repaired by the genial garage man, Robert Willis, and his excellent force of workmen. Mark freeman and family of Iowa, who is a brother of Miss Ida Free man of Union, were the guests of Miss Ida Freeman, at her home in Union, for the week end driving from their home in Iowa in a car and spending a few days with the sister, and returning to their home last Monday morning. George Sherwood departed a few days ago for Omaha, where he se cured employment on a ranch in the western portion of the state, and departed to that place for the sum mer. On account of the illness of her father Wm. Hoback, Miss Leila Ho back, who has been assisting the sales force in the A. L. Becker store, has been compelled to remain at home. Mrs. John Campbell of Union, who has been visiting In Weeping Water for a short time with her sister Mrs. A. A. Johnson, on her return stopped in Union for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Barbara Taylor, and returned to her home at Murray last Monday evening. Miss Jessie TodJ who has been feeling very poorly s'ace her getting up from her sick spell, has decided to go to Lincoln, where she will take a series of treatment at the sanitar ium, with the hopes of an improve ment in her general health. Jack McXatt and familj of near Rock Bluffs, were visiting In Union for a short time -last Monday,-driving down in their auto, for the pur pose of visiting at the houid of Mr. McN'att's parents, Geo. Lindsay and also were looking after some busi ness matters as well. Dr. G. JL Gilmore and wife with their little son John, accompanied Miss Margery Walker and her moth er Mrs. J. A. Walker, all of Murray, is a ride In Miss Margery's elegant new Dodge car. in a trip to ynion last Sunday, where they visited for the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mont Robb. All had an -excellent time, and returned home in the evening. 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO LAND FOR SALE! We are making trips to Colorado every week. Come and make a trip and see the country. Special prices on farms to March 1, 1920. Prices $17.50 to $50 per acre, according to location and improve ments. One wheat crop will pay for the land. Land already sown in wheat. Have 60 acres 3 miles east of Union for quick sale at $135.00 per acre. Good terms. Phone L. R. Upton, phone No. 39. CHAS. BOWDISH, . Box 11. Union, Neb. John Clarence shipped some six cars of alfalfa to the Kansas City market last Monday and Tuesday. Misses Anna and Frances Bauer de parted last Monday morning for Ne braska City, where they spent the day visiting with friends. Jack Davis of Elmwood, has just completed a good well for Saw the Steelier Pictures Nels Martin, Ralph Davis and John Irwin drove to Plattsmouth last Friday evening, where they enjoyed the Stecher-Caddock wrestle as shown in the movies at that place, and declare they were well paid for their trouble. 1 which will merit success, both for him and the church to which he mln- . Isters, as well as to the communities in which he lives and the church Is situated. Has Excellent Eating Place ' Orvllle McQuinn, who purchased the popular eating house of Jay and , the toe was mashed jacK Austin a short time ago is conducting- the place in an excellent Interesting Wrestling Match, The Union social club had a very interesting evening in a number or bouts at their rooms, the principal one being a wrestle betweun Mr. Wilber Eaton and F. P. Miller. There had been some preliminary work by others, but interest was centered in the principal event, which resulted in Mr. Wilber Eaton securing the .first fall only, while the others went to Mr. Miller, he re ceiving the victory. manner, having . the assistance oi David Mrs- McQuinn, they both being excel- Murray, and began last Tuesday on I ". I one on the D. w! Foster place. W nlf ?l?ce. all things being n W. Phenev and fanillv were vis- v-icx" 6l""B if ins- in Plattsmoiith last Sundav. be- to their patrons ng the guests of friends and driv ing up in their Franklin Sedan. James Lewis was visiting with friends in Nebraska City last, Mon day, going down on'the early train in the morning, and remaining all day. Otto Bishop of Nehawka, repre senting a Chicago firm, was a visitor in Union last Monday and was taken to Nehawka by his friend, A. L. Becker. ' W. H. Marks was a visitor for a short time at Nebraska City last Monday, going -down on the morn ing train to look after some busi ness. Dick Chriswiesser of south of Ne hawka was a brief visitor in Union last Monday, when on his way to the county seat to look after some business. Jack and Jay Austin were assist ing Blair Porter in sawing wood for the summer's use last Monday and have a pile which will carry Blair through the summer. Dale Philpot of Weeping Water, was a viistor in Union for a short time last Monday, while waiting for a train on his return from a visit at Omaha for a few days. W. H. Porter, just like the rest, left the cap off his car when getting gasoline, and made a trip to Nehaw ka. and had to borrow a cloth to put over the spout to get home. H. C. Beverage is painting his car at the battery hospital of W. If. DuBois and is making It look like new. Beverage is someiuiug painter when it comes to the matter of autos. Mick Klaurens of Nehawka. and an excellent fellow withal was visitor for a short time in Union last Monday afternoon, while on hi wav to Omaha to look after some business matters. Mrs. J. B. Taylor and children are viisting for the week at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Easter, during tn absence of Rev. Taylor, who is out in the state this week and will re main until Saturday evening. Nearly Missed His Foot Not quite, but nearly, was the re sult, when L." It. Upton, dropped a box of goods while handling the same, but the results were the same, He has been giving it any amount of favors, and attention and it is getting along fine, but had exacted a considerable suffering doling the time since the accident. Spring millinery! We have received a very beautiful stock of Spring Millinery, including an appropriate hat for each woman in the vicinity. They are now on display at our 'store. Come and inspect them and get the choicest as they will soon go at the money-ravin prices we have put on them. Union, R. D. STIME, Nebraska Entertained All Three. Leagues Entertainments were given to the membership of the three younger leagues of the Methodist church last 4 Thursday and Friday evening, at which all who attended enjoyed the occasion, and were loud -in their praise of those who promoted the entertainment. Will Preach at Wyoming. The Rev. L. Morrison who is min ister at the church at Union and Wyoming will preach at the latter place on the next Sunday, and at Un ion in the evening. The other ser vices will be conducted at the Meth odist church during the day with the single exception of the morning preaching. Huge Evangelical Drive The BaDtist church in the state of Nebraska, being one of the church es interested in the Inter-Church World Movement, are this week be- rinnin? their drive of the state. In an attempt at world evangelism There have been twenty teams or eanlzed for the initial effort in we braska. The Rev. J. B. Taylor, who Is one of the foremost of the leaders in the movement, has been selected as the leader of one of the teams and is out this week in the western portion of the state, where he is with the team of which he is the leader, will bear the message, and with the others inaugurate. the work for the following which will soon push the work on to its ultimate success, ine state organization has done well in the selection of Mr. Taylor for this nosition and will be rewarded ty large amount of good work for the team under his charge. A. H. woran of the BaDtist church at Cedar Rap ids, is the stereoptican speaker of the team, while A. O. Newburg of Ashland, is the .instructor in the in stitute work. To Hold "Bake Sale" Series The ladies of the Baptist church under the siiDervision of Mrs. J. B Taylor, will continue their "bake sales" during the coming summer the initial one, which was given last Saturday, oroving a great success. The ladies have arranged to have f the Droducts .every three weeks and always on Saturday. Those who have eaten of the baking of the ladies of this church know well the excellent quality. Hens 29c lb. 40c Ooz. Egg s r R. and MRS. POULTRY RAISER: Can you afford to let your chickens roost in trees and sheds and deposit those gold nuggets called eggs under some barn or out in. the weeds. or no telling where some place where they may never' be found, or will be spoiled'when you do find them? Now is the time to build Biddie a new bungalow. Let us furnish the material and .Mr. and Mrs. Rhode Island Red, yourself and we will all be happy. " Frans Bros. Lumber Co., Phone 69-A Union, Neb. Will Give Entertainment Here One of the teams of the Baptist church who are inaugurating the Inter-Church World Movement, will be at Union on Tuesday, both dur ing the afternoon and evening, from three to four in the afternoon and from' 7:30 to 8:30 in-the evening, when they will give a special pro gram, consisting . of addresses, am! a stereoDtican exhibition. All an esnecially invited to be in attend ance, being assured of the tone and quality of the entertainment and for which there will be no charges. Visited with Friends in Union Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Porter, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Van Pattor, the latter formerly Miss Ada Porter, ail of Lincoln, visited in Un ion, being the guests of J. C. Snave ley and wife and also visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Blair Porter and wife and W. II. Porter and daughter Leatha. .They all enjoyed the occa sion immensely, and returned - to their home in the evening, in Mr. Porter's car. For a time it looked like walking would be crowded, as the car was put out of commission when an axle broke, but they hav ing been looking for such a contin gency, had the necessary accessories to mend the break and were on their way home In a short time. Are Trying to Make It Pay John Becker purchased a couple of truck loads of calves, which he, ac companied by his brother, H. H. Becker, took to Omaha, where they were sold on the stock market. In order to make the matter pay both ways, the boys brought on their re turn, a load of sugar for the A. Becker store, while Henry also pur chased some repairs for his tractor. Modern Tern Sawyer et al. In imitation of the famous char acters, created in the fertile brain of Samuel Clemmons "Mark Twain", . ... I Klarta VTflallemt A rl rf rope a m ion spent a night a short time ago uun,vS , on an island in the Missouri. river. I At the entertainment given last , They were out with their guns, try- Sunday evening at the Methodist ing to dsive some fish of the Missouri church and which was participated river out on the Nebraska shore, in by the intermediate, Junior and where the better ones couli be se- primary Epworth league, the address lected, and like truant school boys, made by Rev. L. Morrison was one did not realize the lapse of time, nor . well worth while as a exponent of the conditions of the weather, until j the aims and ideals of the founders they essayed to return, and found of these orders for younger Chrls the elements against them with a ; tians, and would be an excellent fierce gale humping, touching only ' guide for the workers in this line. the high spots of Nebraska, In its , Mr. Morrison is well equipped for a hurried trip from the Rocky moun- . talk along the line of work with the young people as he is also with the organized workers of the church of more mature years. Miss Alice Crozier, who is the su perintendent of the Junior league, In her address disclosed the fact of a most thorough knowledge of how a young peoples society should be conducted, and from the results which has come from her excellent work, no one can help but know that her heart has been in the work as well as her possessing a knowledge of how the work should be accom plished.. Miss Crozier's address was enthusiastically received, and with the assistance of the older members of the church we expect to see great er results from the efforts of the younger societies. . - . tains. The boat could not be in duced even by the strong arms of the trhee young men, with biceps strong as iron bands, to approach the Nebraska 6hore, and they were driven to the island north of town, where they made a fire and camped for the night, not at all comfortable, but camped just the same. They re turned the following morning after the wind had subsided, and declare they found no cave with gold therein. Had His Car Damaged While David LaRue wan driving along the road south of Nehawka, and had stopped in the road, the. car following behind, driven by W. S. Norris of near that place, collided from the rear causing -some injury to result from the "contact. While probably both parties were endeavor ing to exercise all the earn possible, the accident occurred any way and fortunate it was that the damage was not greater.,. Card of Thanks . " . We desire to express our sincere thanks for the kindness shown at the time of the death and burial of our beloved mother, and to the Baptist church who extended courtesies, to the Rev. W. A. Taylor, who delivered the funeral service, as well as to those who furnished flowers, and au tomobiles for the occasion. Mrs. W. L. Stine and husband. Will Give Class Play Friday The Junior class of the Union schools will give a class play, for the year at the Woodmen hall, on Friday evening of this week. This is an interesting play with a num erous plot, and well filled with solid matter as well. The members who are nutting on the entertainment have done a good deal of work and will surely give an excellent evening The title of the entertainment is, "And Ted Comes Home". You can not afford to miss this entertainment Enjoyed Instructive Af ternoon . The intermediate, junior and prl mary league of the Methodist church last Sunday evening had a most ex cellent program, in which the child ren had a considerable share of the production, they doing the singing and much of the recitation. Besides this there were a number of addres ses, among which was one by Mrs. E. J. Mougay, when she made an ex cellent address on the topic, of "duty of the church to the child." Mrs. J, D. Cross also spoke on the matter of the "duty of trte home to the church". Miss Fannie McCarroll, on the theme of "what, can we do for the children of Union", made an ex cellent talk, and which was well re ceived. .The entire evening was one well worth while. - Has Held Charge 14 Years Last Sunday completed, full four teen years of service to the church at Wabash by the Rev. W. A. Tay lor of the! BaDtist denomination. Dur ing this time, hie had miissed but a few appointments, and those in gen eral only because he was called to say the last sad words when some one was taken to their last resting place, and to bury the dead was one of the sad, . yet.' beautiful offices to which he was caller to the ministry. With the Easter morn, hewlll began the fifteenth year of ministry to the church at that place, and will as In the past, work with a riitntuiness, a complete general line of Staple Merchandise When in need of anything call on j A. L. DECIIIER, Union, Nebraska a g fj if WABASH NEWS Written exclusively for the Semi-Weekly Journal by Our Wabash Correspondent g ji g I a Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pool and family were in town for a while Saturday. Mrs. Eugene Colbert and family were in town for a while Saturday. Sirs. A. M. Van Every is back home for a while, after spending some time with her daughter in Ne hawka. Edd Van Every came in Saturday evening for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jack in an and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jack-man. Mrs. Henry Thomas and children are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' W. T. Richard. O. O. Thomas, of Lincoln, was in town Tuesday looking after some business matters. Mrs. John Hess returned. Monday morning after a few months visit in Oregon. II. T. Squires returned Friday evening. ' Monday afternoon . a number of the ladies went in to surprise and welcome Mrs. Hess back home again. A very pleasant afternoon was spent. Howard and Faith Murfin visit ed1 with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Murfin, over Sunday. C. S. Murfin commenced work in Weeping Water Monday morning. March 15th. The manager for the Farmers Ele vator has arrived and commenced work March 15th. The Park Otte home has been re leased from quarantine. . Mr. and Mrs. William Langhorst were Elmwod visitors on Saturday evening. Osbert Griffert moved to a farm northwest of Elmwood one day last week. '.". George Creamer of Steiner, Ne braska, visited, at the home of Frank Reese and family Sunday and Hon day. Two Jacks for Sale I have two large jacks, one 6 years and the otlfer 8 years old, which I am offering for sale. The younger one especially, large. Their colts can be seen here. Address or telephone me. - j. tu. iAuxi, tf) . Union, Neb. FOR SALE 1920 Reo touring car. Never been run. V A bargain. Jesse Domingo, Weeping Water, Neb r. 25-2sw. Ready for Spring Work I have paper books from three different firms, with very beautiful and tasteful patterns contained therein. I am prepared to do your interior decorating and out side painting. Call at my home and see samples, or phone me and I will call on you. EARL MERRITT, Painter and Decorator Phone No. 86 -:- -:- -:- Union, Nebr. Things Sood to Eat! I am selling Staple and Fancy Groceries. Come in and we will help you solve the problem of the hif?h cost of living. Wc have everything in the grocery line in season, and-it'll at the lowest price, consistent with reliable lines of mcrcli;indiEe. Give us a trial. R. D. STIW UNION NEBRASKA "That Baby Overland" .We have accepted the agency in Union and vicinity for the "Baby Overland," which you must see and ride in to appreciate. We also carry OldsoraoblJa Cars and Trucks and llco Cars and Trucks. We have a number of good mechanics ready for any work that may be offered in the repair line. We also carry a full steel; of tires and accesories for all makes of cars. See us for cars or repair work. C30BEGT WILLBS, UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Somo Real Spring Bargains In ordeT to reduce the heavy stock we are carrying at present, wc are offering some extraordinary bargains in several lines of merchandise. Canned goods are being sold for less than you could otherwise buy them and they're all prime goods. We have a big bar gain in lanterns at $1.10. See them. Work clothes at wholesale prices, as good as the market affords. We also have some extra bargains in paints, leads and oils, as low as the present wholesale prices. You know what that means. A fine line of breakfast foods bought so Ave can sell them right. You can also save money here on a cream separator or a Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine. Head quarters for all lubricating oils, axle grease and hard oil. bought to sell right. If you drink java, get our special prices on coffee. Here is a genuine opportunity to save money. Let us serve you. We guarantee complete satisfaction. UNION NEBRASKA leaning and Pressing IS OUR SPECIALTY! en's and Ladies' Garmcnls Hade as Good, as Hew! Will call for garments when requested and will also pay parcel post charges one way on all mail orders. Prices r.lost Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed! When in need of a fine hand tailored suit call utid look our tailoring department. We can save you monty. LU3SGI-5 Phone 166 DRY CLEANER AND TAILOR Plattsmouth, Neh. PicrO-nln Pav Whnn'Piirnrl 1 1 - . A tnildfyatem of treatment that cores Piles, Fistula and 1. other Rectal Diseases In a short time, without a wmmui,. SS gical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general anasmeuc osea. a care guarameea in every ease accepted for treatment, and no money to be paid onUl cared. Write for book on Recta 1 Diseases, with names and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. a DR. C R. TARRY 240 D Dulldlnff OMAHA, NEDRASKA Dns. nncn a agii, the dentists The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts jf 3 in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES. U Porcelain filings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilised f: after using. ' , i j uTFHRD FL008, PAXTOK BIOCK, OMAHA