The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 04, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Cbe plattsmouth lournal
Sntered at PostofTice-. Plattsmouth. Neb.. aecood-clasa ma.Il matter
R. A. BATES, Publishe.
Friends of Carter Glass have not
yet despaired of finding an office for
which he is suited. They're now
dressing him up for president.
Why should Mr. Hoover be asked
to declare his politics by the Georgia
democrats, or by anyone else? Hasn't
he just said he is not a candidate?
One of the lessons we learn from
Hie last years, the things we insist
upon will be made terms of the ar
mistice, instead of the peace treaty.
Information that Lenine's salary is
eight thousand rubles a month would
be more illuminating if we knew
what a ruble was worth in terms of
Rir Oliver Lodge's description of
the next world pictures a being that
might easily be worse. While he
Fays the men do not smoke, neither
do the women dance.
Germany's offer to try her own of
fenders against the rules of war is a
generous one, at least. Sounds like
murdered offering to act as judge
and jury in his own trial.
After drinking three quart!" of bay
Turn, a bottle of milk and eating a
dish of pickles, a Delaware man is
dead. But everybody ought to know
that milk and pickles are a combina
tion that is deadly.
Those who fret for the paucity of
feminine clothing should take a more
cheerful view. Spring is coming
is coming with its high collared
suits, and then summer will follow,
furs, sweaters and all.
"Why does the doctor prescribe
more sleep?" queries an advertiser.
It's a great mystery, and especially
after having prescribed it for years
and years to patients who never pay
anv attention to it.
Of course there is but one logical
man for the chairmanship of the na
tional baseball commission, and of
course that is Herbert Hoover. But
of course lie is not a candidate, and
that is why they are still looking.
Senator Gronna wants Congress to
take tighter control of uieat packers.
They are slippery ducks and unless
somebody tightens down on them
they are likely to drive another "dis
solution" bargain with the courts.
SusDicions that the ex-kaiser is
losing his mind are based mainly on
the fact that he is regaining his tem
per. Which is no sign at all
less. ncrchance. he is gaing a little
judgment along w ith them temper. I
A young woman telephone operat
or vecentlv attended a watchnight
service and fell asleep during the
sermon. At the close the preacher
said: "We will now sing hymn No.
341 341." The young woman, jus
wakinsr in time to hear the number
vawncd and said: "The line is busy.'
ill one of the Saturday Evening
Post stories this week, the business
success of the hero dates from the
ilav nn which he discovered that the
law of supply and demand stands in
business much as "Absence makes
thp Viosri. irrow fonder" stands in
literature lovely for quoting pur
Two aviators recently fell a thou-
ea n d feet in Virginia and because
they refused to tell their names when
nirkpil u n. their rescuers think them
r ' r '
a mysterious pair. How would you
like to tell your name after hitting
the ground from a thousand foot
drop? Dou you think anybody
would have a right to suspect you of
idiocy because you didn't answer?
hike," says a
that be nice.
pays the coal wage
headline. Gee, won't
The body of D. Ward King lies
moulding in the grave, but his road
drag goes marching on.
If the real people will go to work.
even the politicians will not be able
to ruin the country.
Why all this talk about a new 2-
cent pieoe, while the buffalo nickel
answers identically the same pur
pose? Even when an anti is as dry as a
desert he 'will tell you he doesn't
believe national prohibition will pro
hibit. Washington, the preliminary cen-
figures show, has four 437,000
people, but some of whom are not on
the government pay roll.
Some days we are quite enthusias
tic for Herbert Hoover, and then
again we recall that it might mean
four years more corn meal mush.
What do you think of New York
bandits going in a Tammany club
and pulling off a holdup? What did
they ithink they were doing re
hearsing for election day?
Attorney General Palmer says he
is going to lower the retail price of
meat, or know the reason why. Well,
that's one thing the dealer always
has in stock a reason why.
A soliloquy of the abject slavery
to fashion and the absolute inconsisU
ency of garb, may be easily called
forth by seeling the women in straw
(spring hats in zero weather.
Times have changed and the peo
ple have changed with them. Not
many moons ago we frequently heard
the expression
merry." Now
'Eat, drink
and be
is no longer
The ice cream freezer was invent
ed by a woman according to the De
troit News, and it sounds reasona
ble. If a man had invented it he
would have made it so a woman
could run it without any assistance
from him.
The debonair face of Myron
Learned, chairman of the republican
state committee by virtue of th
resignation of Beryl Kirk's efficient
attorney, wears a worried look. It
not due principally to the high
cost of living or the lamentable ab
sence of bird baths from bird cen
ters. It it caused by something far
more serious.
For the non-partisan league is out
to capture the republican party in
Nebraska, and name its candidates,
as it nas already done m Jortn .Da
kota and threatens to do in Minne
sota. It wants to put the Plumb
plan for public ownership and soviet
control of the railroads at public ex
pense into operation, it proposes to
use the public funds for the public
credit to create state packing plants.
flour mills, stock yards, creameries,
elevators, beet sugar p!ants, abba-
toirs, cold storage warehouses, pow
er plants and telegraph and tele
phone lines and put its own select
ed men into office to operate them
according to the plans, specifications
and desires of Mr. Townley of Min
nesota. The league has already announced
its candidates for governor, lieuten
ant governor and attorney general
and will enter them in the primaries.
Hhere is a pretty how(-do-you-do!
Chairman Learned had already on
his hands the most unpopular gover
nor in the history of the state. He
is a candidate for renomination, a
victim of the delusion that the
of his destiny ia not. setting but
T pr
ins. On the theory that anybody
could beat McKelvie four seperate
and distinct candidates have pre
cented themselves against Nebraska':
Little Napoleon in the republican
primaries McMullen, Pollard, Mc
Laughlin and Hall. Now, with the
ifield so hopelessly divided, along
comes the pestiferous non-partisan
league and enters another candidate,
its own Elmer E. Youngs, a farmer,
of Dawson county.
The perils of that situation, from
Chairman Learneds viewpoint, are
sufficiently obvious. Had the N. P.
L. kept out of it, McKelvie might
have won the nomination through
a scattering of the vote opposed to
him. That would be bad enough.
But now. with the new entry assur
ed the solid support or an organiza
tion that may bring heaven knows
how many thousand voters to the
polls in a solid block. It Is easily pos
sible that McKelvie will be beaten,
all his regular republican opponents
go down with him, and the non-partisan
league nominate the candidate
and pin the Grand Old Party as 'a
red, red rose on Its weather-beaten
Perhaps the alternative will be
McKelvie or the non-partisan league:
Is it strange that Chairman Lear-
ned's face looks drawn and haggard?
Or that Luther Drake and Nels Up
dike and Walter Head and the other
G. O. P. bosses who have their hab
itat in Omaha are looking wildly
about for a secluded spot in which
to confer and for Pete's sake do
Class against class. Special in
terest against special interest. The
result, either way under republican
rule, class government, growing
class antagonism, more monkey
wrenches thrown into the complex
machinery of popular government.
Fortunately the democratic par-
tv, which is ruled by no class, which
stands for no class, but which broad
ly and generouslv represents all the
people on the hallowed platform of
equal rights for all and special priv
ileges to none fortunately it offer
haven of refuge. To it all good
men and true turn as they note the
danger signals. To its protecting
folds oil citizens are ever welcome
who are content with the square deal
who do not ask that the government
be controlled so as to give them an
edge over others on the outside.
The heathen may rage. Old ma
chine may battle with new machine.
The class that already enjoys privi
lege with the class that longs for it.
The clash may precipitate a tempest
terrible in its fury. But through it
all the democratic party will stand;
as the shadow of a great rock in a
weary land, inviting all who are dis
tracted and confused and fearful to
come to it. It is a good time to set
tle down and be calm and fair and
Why not, for a good beginning.
recister and vote in the democratic
primaries this spring? There opens
In them, the way to political safety
and salvation for Nebraska. World
i.r.f;i, mitk i:
John Rouse, if livintr. if deceased
his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees
personal representatives and all oth;
persons interested in his estate: An
drew M. Rouse, if living, if deceased
his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees
personal representatives and all other
persons Interested in his estate: the
American Freehold Land .Mortgage
Comnanv of London (Limited) and all
persons claiming any interest or any
kind in the north half of the south
east fiunrter of Section twenty-eigh
i2St. Township twelve (12. North
Range nine (! east of the 6th 1. M
(."ass county, Nebraska, or any part
You and each of you are hereby no
titled that on the 2Sth day of Febru
arv. 1!20. a petition was tiled in the
District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska. in which Peter Halmes is plain
tiff and John Rouse, if living, if de
ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives anil
all other persons interested In his
estate: Andrew M. Rouse, If living. ir
deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in his es
tate: The American Freehold Iand
Mortgage Company of London (Limit
ed) and alK persons claiming any in
terest of any kind in the north half
of the southeast quarter of Section
twenty-eight (2S), Township twelve
(12), North Range nine- (9 east of
the Gth P. M., ('ass icounty, Nebraska,
or any part thereof, are defendants.
The" object and prayer of which pe
tition is to quiet the title in the plain
tiff J'eter Halmes to the north half of
the southeast quarter of Section tweu-
ty-efjrht. Township twelve. North
Canue pine cast of I he (Hh P. M., Cass
county, Nebraska, because said plain
I tin, and Mm grantors, have had the ac
tual. open, notorious, exclusive and
.adverse possession thereof, and every
part and parcel thereof, for more than
ten years last past prior to the com
mencement of this action, and for
eauitable relief.'
I You and each of you are further
inoimeu inai yuu 'uiitu io an
swer saiil petition on or before Man
lav t1 19th dflv Of ADril. !
ml Iw. Attorney
Notice is hereby Riven that a Pri
mary Election will be hehl on Tues
day, the -JOtli day of April, 1920. in
each of the voting precincts and wards
of Casa county.
The polls will be open from 8 a. m.,
until 8 p. m., for the following pur
poses, to-wit
1. To express a preference for can
didates lv each of the political par
ties for President and Vice-President
of the United States.
2. For the election of four delegates
at large and two from the First Con
gressional district to the National
conventions of the respective political
parties, and the election of a like num
ber of alternates.
;:. For the election of one National
Committeeman by each of the politi
cal parties.
4. For the non-partisan nomination
of two candidates for Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court.
For the non-partisan nomination
of two candidates for Judge of the
Supreme Court to fill vacancy.
fi. For the nomination of one can
lhhite for Congressman from the First
Congressional district, by each of the
political parties.
7. For the nomination by each of
the political parties of the following
tate officers, to-wit:
(1) (Sovernor
n )
Secretary of State
Auditor of Public Accounts
State Treasurer
Attorney General
Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings.
Kallway Commissioner, and
llailway Cbmmissioner to fill
N. For the non-partisan nomination
of four (1 candidates for Regents of
the state University, and
For the non-partisan nomination
of two candidates for Superintendent
of Public Instruction, as provided by
the Session Laws of l'J17.
1. For the non-partisan nomination
of two candidates for Judge of the Dis
tinct Court for the Second Judicial
district, apportioned as provided by
the Session laws of 1917.
11. The nomination by each of the
political parties of one candidate for
State Senator from the Second Sena
torial district, apportioned as provid
ed by Statutes.
12. The nomination by each of the
political parties of one candidate for
representative from the Eighth Repre
sentative district (Cass and Otoe coun
ties), apportioned as provided by
l::. The nomination by each of the
political parties of one candidate for
Representative from the Seventh Kep-
!- utative district (Cass county), ap-
poi-tioned as provided by Statutes.
1 I. t or the nomination or one can
ilate by each of the political parties
or the lonowing county oiuces, io-vii:
1 Clerk of the District Court
(1) County Assessor
(1) County Commissioner, First
For the non-partisan nomination
two candidates for County Judge.
It;. For the non-partisan nomination
of two candidates for Police Magis-
ute (Weeping Water city).
17. For the non-partisan nomination
of two candidates for Police Magis
trate (Plattsmouth city).
IX. For the election by each or the
otitical parties of, delegates from
ac!t precinct and ward to the county
(inventions as provided by the ies
io;i Uiwa of 191!.
For the election by each political
parlv of one man and one woman
member of the County Central commit-
ee from each precinct anil ward, as
provided by the Session Raws of J 919. my nann ana me e:i oi
iss county, at Plattsmouth, Nebras
ka, this 2Sth day of February. i.u.
Scal) County Clerk.
lierebv given of the In
Notice Is
The Murray
Tlit name of the corporation is
Mrriay Library Association.
r!:e principal place or iransai'iius
its business is at Murray, Nebraska.
The general nature ot the nusiness
be transacted by said corporation
shall be the purchasing, receiving ny
donation or otherwise, all kinds of
looks, magazines. daily and weeKiy
papers ami otner penouicais,
keeping the same for general circu
lation 'among the citizens of Cass
oiinty. either with or without cnarge.
and to fix the limit of time wnicn any
one shall retain any book, paper or
iodical. which may be given out to
cad: to purchase and own real estate.
o.m'lher with necessary buildings for
the maintaining of the property oi me
orporation, and the accommodation oi
the public in the way of reading rooms.
eception room, vaults and places ior
aleguarding the property of the com-
iidiiv iim to m:i k anv ait iici cs-
sarv, medful and proper rules and
reiriii.-itioiis for the conduct or tne
general public library business
rh.e amount ot tne capital
authorized is J10.000.00.
The time of commencing business
shall be the 21th of January, 1920, ana
the time of termination twenty-nve
vesn-s from the date or commencement
The highest amount of Indebtedness
to which said corporation snail at any
time subject itself shall not be more
tb:ni one-half the aggregate of Its
capital stock.
T hp business nliairs or tlie corpora
tion shall be managed by a Koara or
Directors colilhosed of not less than
three, nor more than rive members.
f9-4w. President.
Order of hea.rinsr on petition for an-
nointment of Administrator or Ad-
m i i-i i ss t t-si I i v
The state of Nebraska, Cass county.
in dm Count v Court.
in the matter of estate of John Nich-
I )n refidinir an d filing the petition of
Karl. John and Clinton Z. Nichols, pray
ing that administration of said eslate
niHv be irranted to Harry Nichols as
Ordered, that March 9. A. T. 1?20. tit
ton" n'r-ineir - m.. is assigned for hear
ir.f Kiiwi petition, when all persons in-
terpsted in said matter may appear nt
it enuiitv- court to be held In and for
eon'ntv nd show cause wliv the
uraiipr of netit loner should not he
granted: and that notice of the pond
enc-v of said netitfon and the hearirv.
thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
journal, a. weekly newspaper printed In
said countv, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Dateil. fenruarv i-, j:'-'p.
ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge.
In tlie County court of Cass coun
tv. Nebraska.
Jn the matter ot tne estates of Kate
I-:. McMaken. Deceased and JIattie E
McMaken. Deceased.
To all persons mteresteu in sam es
tates. creditors and beirs at law:
You arc bereby notified that on tne
l'Jtli day of February, 1920, Joseph If
.ic.lit ken hied a petit ion in this Court
alleirintr that Kate 13. McMaken. late
a resident of Plattsmouth, Cass coun- I
ty, Nebraska, departed this life In-t.-state
on or about the 11th day of!
September. 1!00. ill raid city, and left 1
surviving her as tier solt- and only
heirs at law, Jieury tj. jicMaKn, ner
husband, and six children, viz: Kva C.
Iteese. Kdivard M. McMaken, Joseph
li. McMaken, Guy D. McMaken, Carrie
Scott and Hattle E. McMaken. all of
legal age, and that said decedent was
seized and possessed of the fee simple
title to 4.38 acres of land in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, described aa follows:
Commencing 12 chains and 72 links
north of the southeast corner of Sec
tion 12. Town 12, North, Range 13,
Ea-st; thence west 3 chains and 60
links; thence north 12 chains and 12
links; thence east 3 chains and (0
links; thence south 12 chains and 1
links to the place of beginning, which
was the homestead of said deceased
and her husband. Henry C. McMaken
anil that the title thereto descended
according to the decedent law than in
force to the children of said deceas
ed before named in common and un
Also that on the day of April,
11)02, Hattie E. McMaken, one of said
heirs at law of said Kate E. McMaken,
deceased, then a. resident of Platts
mouth, in said county, departed this
life intestate, and without Issue and
left her surviving as her sole and
only heirs at law, her father the said
Henry C. McMaken, who thereby be
came seized of an undivided one-sixth
interest in said land according to the
decedent law then in force; that the
petitioner is entitled to an undivided
one-sixth interest in the estate of said
Kate E. McMaken, deceased and that
more than two years have now elaps
ed since the death of said decedents
and that no application has been made
in the state of Nebraska for the ap
pointment of an administrator, either
by the heirs of said decedents or by
persons claiming to he creditors of
said decedents, and praying for a de
termination of the time of the death
of the said Kate E. McMaken and also
of the time of the death of said Hat
tie E. McMaken, and of their heirs at
law, and the degree of kinship, and
the right of descent of the real prop
erty belonging to said decedents in
the State of Nebraska, and for an or
der barring claims against said es
tates, and for such other orders and
proceedings as may be necessary for a
correct determination of said matter.
Said matter has been set down for
hearing at tho County Court room In
Plattsmouth, in said countv, on the
27th day of March, 1920, at ten (10)
o'clock a. m., at which time and place
all person3 interested may appear and
contest said petition.
Dated February 19, 1920.
f22-3w) County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Eliza
hot h' Phili ps. formerly Elizabeth "Walk
er. Deceased.
To all persons interested in said
estate, creditors and heirs at law:
You are hereby notified that on the
21st day of February, 1920, Frank
McCarthy filed a petition- in this court
alleging that Elizabeth Philips, form
erly Elizabeth Walker, late of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, died
intestate, in said county, on or about
the 17th day of April, 1902, seized and
possessed of the title in fee simple of
the following described real estate, to-
wit: Commencing at a point on the
one-eiarhth section line 7.40 chains
north of the southwest corner of the
southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter or section in town l.
Noi th. Range 14, East and running
thence east at right angles to said
one-eighth section line, 2.90 chains to
the west line of the county road No.
thence north, (Va. 11 degrees E.)
26'-i degrees west, on the west line of
said county road 6 chains, intersect
ing said one-eighth section line: thence
south on said one-eighth section line
; chains to the place of beginning.
all In Cass county, Nebraska: and
that said decedent Elizabeth Philips,
formerly Elizabeth Walker, ielt sur-
iving her as her sole and only heir
at law. a daughter. Nancy L. 1'atton
(nee Walker), the sole issue of a prior
marriage, and a nusuanu, jonn j-miips,
of (Slenwood. Iowa: that the petition
er Is now the owner of said premises
by virtue of mesne conveyances in
which the title of the said Nancy E.
Pat ton was conveyed to petitioner.
and that more than two years have
now elapsed since the death of saul
decedent, and that no application for
the appointment or an administrator
of said estate has ever been made in
the State of Nebraska, and praying for
a determination ol me iimu ui mc
depth of the said Elizabeth Philips,
formerly Elizabeth Walker, deceased
ami of her heirs at law, the degree of
kinship and the right of descent or
the real property belonging to saia
estate in the State of Nebraska, and
for an order barring claims against
aid estate, and for such other orders
and proceedings as may be necessary
lor the determination of said matter.
aid matter has been set tor Hear
ing at the County Court room in tne
City of Plattsmoutli, Lass county, Ne
braska, on tho 2ith day of March, A.
n. It) 20. at 10 o clock a. m., at wnicn
time and place all persons interested
may appear aim contest sam pen nun.
Dated February 21. 1920.
f23-3w.) county Judge.
ouiiEit or iii;iiinj
nnil .Not tee on Petition tnr
of Aeeotnit.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Henry Kautmann, tieceaseu:
tin readins the petition or .Maggie
Kaufmann, Administratrix, praying a
finnl settlement and allowance oi ner
-innnt filed in this court on tne jisl
Hh.- of Fervruarv. 1920. and for distri
bution and assignment or saia es
tatf and the discliarge oi sam au-
m in 1st rn tvlx :
it is hereby ordered that you ami
all persons interested In said matter
ii-.!. v .ind do. annear at the County
I'ourt to be beld in ana tor saia
countv on the Xth day or luarcn, n.
ii o at 10 o clock a. m., to snow
cause. It anv mere ne. wny me uioj
er of the petitioner should not ne
irranted. and that notice of the pen- f said petition and the hear-
Ini- I hereof be Klven to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishin
a com- of this order in the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly new
nauer printed in said county, tor one
week prior to said day of hearing.
in witness whereof. I have here
unto set mv hand ana the ieai oi
said Court, this 21st day ot rcuruary,
A. JJ. 1920.
AL.L.I3N J. ljKI'JM),
(Seal) County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty. ss- .
in th countv uourt.
in the matter of the estate of Mae
E. ijooiJman. deceased:
To tin? creditors of saia estate
You are hereby notified. That I will
sii at the Countv court room in riaus
mouth in said county on the lutn day
of March. 1!VJ0. and the 16th day of
June, 1920, at ten (10) o'clock a. m., of
each dav to receive and examine all
claims airainst said estate, with a view
to their adiustment- and allowance
The time limited for the presentation
of claims airainst said estate is three
months from the loth day ot .uarcn
A. I). 1920, and the time limited for
oavment of . debts is one year from dav of March. 1920
Witness mv hand and the seal of
said Countv Court this 10th day of
February, 1920.
(Seal) fl2-4w. County Judge
I have
tvo large jacks, one 6 and
one 8 years
olu, wtiicu l aru ouering
for sale. Tlio younger one especial
ly large. Their colts can be seen
, here
Address or telephone inc.
i E. E. LEACH,
Msw-tf) Union, Neb.
Dusterhoff Interiors
bear the distinctive mark or
They are al-ays recognized by those
who appreciate the BEST!
We strongly urge that you book
your orders for SPRING WORK with
us now, so that you may be sure to
have your work done well and with
out any delay.
Call, write or phone today.
Wlax Dusterhoff,
Exclusive INTERIOR DECORATING and Practical
Painting for 23 years.
Murdock, Nebraska
We carry the newest and finest Wall Paper in stock!
I have the pure strain of single
comb Rhode Island Red chicken
;gs for hatching, can deliver
promptly, $S.OO per hundred or
.Z0 per setting of 15 eggf. Thone
Sin TJiis'ioII Tndd JtsW
Dyspepsia is America's curse. To
restore digestion, normal weight,
good health and purify the blood, use
Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold at all
drug stores. Prize, $1.25.
Saves Your Money and
Doubles Life of Your Suit!
Here's your chance to double the life of a suit you
buy. A extra pair of pants FREE with every suir or ov
ercoat. There is a limited yardage on these rich fabrics.
Order it today and you will not be disappointed.
Phone 166
Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work
not to be paid for until it is set in the spring.
To many wait until spring to buy.
Cass County Monument Company
H. W.
Telephone 177
j g feu iij
for treatment, and no moner to be paid anti 1 cared. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with name
and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who bave been permanently cured.
DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Dee Bulldlnff OMAHA, NEBRASKA
Drs. EViach & Rlach, The Dentists
Ui 'pHifWi'i crate Prices.
ii att in -m .r n ft ' :mtv
The name Doan's inspires con
fidence Doan's Kidnej' Pills for
kidney ills. Doan's Ointment for skin
itching. Doan's Regulets for a mild
laxative. Sold at all drug stores.
v Lawyer.
-2 Est of Riley Ilotdl.
Coates Elock,
Second Floor.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Plattsmouth, Neb. y
. Fistula-Pay Vhen'Cured
other Recta I Diseases la a thort time, without a aerere ur
gical operation. No Chloroform. Etber or other general
asasthetic used. A care guaranteed i D every case accepted
The largest and best equipped denial ofiices in Umaha.
Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod-
Porcc1 in fillings just like tooUu Instru-
rnents careiully sterilized t'ltr using.
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