1. ? li ' . " - MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY 70UBNAL FADE FIVE. t t A URBOCK D EMT. r PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. The Bank of burdock Murdock, Nebraska CALLS YOUR ATTENTION: That all income tax returns must be properly made out, and rdaced in the United Slates mails not later than March 15th. That we are read- to assist all of our friends and patrons in making correct return?, and will always use our best efforts to have these returns correct, and at the Fame time, we are looking out for our friends, and will see that they are allowed all proper deductions, expenses, depreciation and exemptions. The Revenue Officers look out for Uncle Sam and insist that all income be included in the returns, and the tax payer is left to look out for himself. We do every thin.; possible to see that he gets a square, fair deal, in his income returns hen we make them out. Remember, that we have been here a long, long time; that we have always given excellent service in general banking, real estate settlements and personal business affairs of our friends and customers. Our resources are ample and our personal standing, Loth morally and financially, enable us to take care of you in time of plenty, as well as in time of scarcity. Our settlements for March 1ft business transacted through :his bank will tot:-l just about HALF A MILLION DOLLARS, per haps more. We have at the present time over FOUR HUNDRED satisfied depositors in our bank. Every year sees our number of depositors increase, and this is because they realize that we give all a square deal, and make their interests ours. If you are not at the present time one xji our customers, why rot drop in and talk matters over with us, and join the satisfied list cf the customers of THE BANK OF MURDOCK "The Bank where You Feel at Home" EEKSY A. TOOL, Fresidsnt J. E. GUTIIMANN, Vice-Pres. II. A. GUTHMAKN. Cashier REPORT OF THE CONDITION ! OF THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK of Murdock, Nebr. Charter No. l."S6 in the State of Ne braska at the close of business n February 14, 190. S. M. Cox was looking after some liii-imv.s matters at Ashland last Tuesday, driving up with his car. Hurr Oak lVsts and IVdes Tele j !...r M in-: a 274. li. L. Saycr, i-lattsi.ioii'.ii. 11. V. 1). 1. -Jt?w-2-i J-.idge II. A. Oast, who has been f "cling rather poorly during the en tire v inter, is much improved . at th't writing and is looking after the iiu.-iiuss with more zeal. Frank Uoenow. who has resided r.'Tth of M unlock for tome time, has j ; : :.:ovi(i i ito town, o.cupying t he building which he recently acquir ed from Jacob Goehry. Kmil Miller moved onto the place vacated by Mr. Kosenow. Superintendent J. H. Harwell of the M unlock schools, was a visitor at rnn-e in the capital city over Sunday. Prof. Willard and Miss Lois Jack iit-tn. two other teachers in the .Murdock schools, visited at their home near Elmwood over the weekend. Wm. Lourke, the shipper, sent a car of stock to market from this place last Thursday, shipping them via the Hock Island. Edward Thimgan. proprietor of the garage, was a business visitor in Elmwood last Friday afternoon, driving over in a car. Henry A. Guthmann, of the Bank of Murdock, made a hurried business trip to Omaha last Tuesday, going early in the morning and returning on the evening Hock Island train. Wm. Rush, the dealer in threshing machinery and engines, as well as corn shellers, etc., was a visitor in Lincoln last Friday, where he had some matters in his line to look af ter, returning home on the "Jersey." Mr. G. Mcrcley, who has been con fined to his hoirie for some time past with a case of pneumonia, was able to be up a short time the fore pari of the week, and is showing very satisfactory improvement at this time. Exclusive burdock Agency FOR THE FAMOUS ip-1 op Bread 10 - 15 CENT SIZE This bakery runs 24 hours per day three shifts of 8 hours each. Out of your oven at 1 2 o'clock and on your table for supper. We receive fresh bread every day on the evening train from Omaha. If you hayen't used Tip Top bread, 3'ou don't know what you are missing. Try one loaf cv.d be convinced. luidook mercantile Go., JERRY E. McHUGH, Manager MURDOCK -:- -:- ' NEBRASKA Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Pothast were j guests of the former's parents at i Lincoln last Sunday and Monday, en- joying a vacation with the folks at j home during the holiday occasioned ( by Washington's birthday. j Elsewhere observe the ad of Mr. 1 A. J. Tool regarding the agency for one of the most popular lines of har ness being put 01 t, and which is considered as being the best har ness for the price manufactured. -August Bauer, who resides north west of town, was a Visitor in town Friday and had the Journal sent to his address at South Bend in order that he may, in the future, keep posted on the doings of Murdock and vicinity. George Boardman, living north west of Murdock, in South Bend pre cinct, was a visitor in Murdock last Friday afternoon, coming to look af ter some business matters, and while here had his name placed on the list of readers of the Journal. In order that the house they have been occupying might be had by its owner. Mrs. L. Amgwert, Mr. -and Mrs. O. J. Pothast have moved to the horns of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thimgan. where they have apart ments and will also board with Mr. and Mrs. Thimgan. Wm. Weddell and A. J. Bauer are kept pretty busy just now loading corn and at the same time unload ing coal, as veil as conducting the business of the lumber yard. They are looking after matters at the lum ber yard as well as at the elevator and it keeps them on the jump. Herbert Heaves is the pleased owner of a new bicycle which he re cently purchased from Ed Vander berg, and which he is using a great; deal, getting all the pleasure and use there is in it while the new lasts. And we could not help but notice that he rides like a racer already. 1 Henry F. Schlueter, living somo two miles southeast of Murdoch and about the same distance from Wa bash, was in town last Friday, com ing to get some flour from the car load which Me?srs. Kraft and Bauer shipped into Murdock. Mr. Schleu ter also had the Journal sent to his address in order that he might keep in touch with the news of the coun ty and state. Mr. J. E. Mellugh. while in Oma ha a few days ago endeavored to se cure a personal interview -with Mr. Edminson, the man having in charge tiie construction of the new high tension electric line from Louisville 1o Weeping Water. but found the gentleman coafined to his home on account of an attack of influenza, and not able to be seen. ! Joe Johansen is fortunate in the j securing of a salesman in the market I in the person of L. B. Goerthy, who i began work in this business enter prise a short time ago. Mr. Goerthy is well qualified to look after the salt's department of the market and will make a valuable assistant to Mr. Johansen. He formerly was em nloyed with the Burlington at Have lock. J. E. McHugh and wife were visi tors in Omaha during the past week. where" they were guests of friends and also attended the events of Mer chants' week. They returned home Friday morning, having enjoyed the visit greatly. During their stay they also purchased a large bill of goods for the Murdock Mercantile company, of whose store Mr. McHugh is the resident manager. Carl Conrad, whe has made his home between Weeping Water and Elmwood for some years, has sold out tuid departed last Thursday for his new home in California. Messrs. Art Bornemeier and S. M. Cox had an excellent crowd ayid a good sale at the home of the latter last Thursday. Mr. Bornemeier was down from Lincoln assisting with matters pertaining to the sale and returned to his home in the capital city the following morning. t John Gakemeier and G. Baur were visitors in the eastern end of . the county during the fore part of last j week, being called to Union to look after tzv.ia matters pertaining to a farm in that neighborhood, and go ing from there to Plattsmouth, at which place they also transacted some business matters. Merchant T. H. Stanley, of Wa bash and Mr. Homer Sylvester, of the same place, were in Murdock last Friday morning, looking after some business matters, having driv en over in the Dodge truck of Mr. Stanley's to get some flour from the ear which Messrs. Kraft and Bauer received last week. At the sale of S. M. Cox last Thurs day the bidding was spirited and everything sold exceptionally well. Mr. Cox had purchased a Ford car several years ago for $385, which when placed on the block brought $4 00", or $15 more than it cost when new. The car was still in excellent condition and since its purchase the prices have so far advanced as to make it worth more second hand than it cost new. HLSOUUCES Loans arul discounts $ 10.801. i'J Overdrafts &6.5S Banking house, furniture and fixtures 1,607.00 Current expenses, taxes and interest paid 30.29 Due from National and State banks.. 9,931.16 Checks and items of exchange rfi.28 Currency 2,615.00 !ld coin G.OO Silver, nickels and cents 1'79.".0 12,906.91 TOTAL I 25,402.30 LIABILITIES Visited With Friends Here Mrs. F. M. Spies and son. Bert, of Louisville. Ky.. who were the form er neighbors and friends of Mrs. L. Amgwert. when the family lived in I the sunny south, was a visitor in Murdock, guests at the home of Mrs. Anrgert and son and daughter, for a few days, while enroute to .California for an extended visit. On their return from the west they will again stop here for a visit. Visits Grandson i La.-t week Mrs. II. V. McDonald made a visit at the home of her son, I Gale McDonald and wife, at Hamp ton. The interesting part of the visit of Grandmother McDonald was 'the greeting which she received from her little grandson, who had just come to make his home with the proud parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gale McDonald. While the parents are happy over the arrival, they cer ' tainly have nothing on the grand j parents who are as proud of the i young arrival as they can be. Install Furnace in Church Messrs. John Crowley and Bert Stoner completed the installation of ' a new furnace in the church of the i Evangelical association at Murdock i last Friday, the former one having ! served its purpose. The new fur nace is one of the celebrated "Torrid Zone" plants sold by L. Neitzel. RETORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE nc of Murdock. Nctr. jCl. alter Ni. 07n in tin- State of Xi ' luaka at the close of business I o:i l'tbiiuiiy 14. i:i:. l'.ESOlT.Ch'S all Automobiles and Accessories AGENCY FOR MITCHELL AND DODGE CARS CUSHMAN MOTORS Our machine shop is especially well equipped witji modern machinery and first-class workmen. We are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acetylinc welding. WE CAHP.Y A LARGE LINE OF ALL KLTJDS OF TIRES HI less Usf B til li u Phone 35-B Murdock, Neb. I,.;ins end il is ; i r 11 1 s ! v.m lra ft s i:!!!s. .-i-c; lit i-s. .iudtrmcnt ; claims. t ., I intuit; ir- rniiwn t iunis Ilan'Kjar lion.'-, furniture ami lix tu res Cm rent expenses, taxes ami interest ail I 'ie front Xa t iona I aii-1 State dunks.. $ oJ,7i !.!: 1 IK'.Ks anl Items f exchange . . . . Virreiiev , oil.l coi n .Silver, nickels uml j cents 0..5 i iTOTAl $js.t;.". t.r,:i ,1'"S.01 7.0 I7.0' i, rii.trt.txt i::.7" J, i!:t.mt s7.."i' .17 io.n.",:t.t;i $JS1.7!t.l LIAUILITIKS C;itiitl Ntocl: nail in S :n noi (to j Surplus Inrnl iV.Oon.Ou i l'tilt iile! profits SJTi. -In I tnli v iilua i il vjios its j" snl.jeet to hot k . . $1 Jl'.VMt.tM i Ti me cert ilica t es of ' ieposit l"j. i:: i r.it Cashier's clie:ks ! nitstaii.ii'i i.ir.n.tHi jr.:;. 41. vi 7 i e posit or s guaranty ftinJ.. ........... TOTAL . .$Jil,7!.l; I ! State of Xcl.raka ) I . ss- j ' ninty of Cass J I I. II. A. Cull.mann. Cashl-r of tlif ;ilov n:it:e-l l.;.nk lo hercl.y :.-vear 11. a' tl,? at.ove statement is n correct ,'in-l trje co;,v i,f thf report made to 11. e State Kunkii, l!oar.l ! li. A. rTIIMAX.V, Attest: Cashier. : JIi:Xl:Y A. TOLL. Oirrctor ! J. L. OI.TII.MANX. lMrector. Sii.s( i i;,f.,i a-,'l sworn to before lne this j:;nl luy ..t KVI.rnarv. i:ii-rt. jkuky i;. Kiel iron. SpuD Notary IMblic. .ly Commission expires Mar. ZZ. 1920) Wm. K. Bohn, Auctioneer PHONE 005 ELMWOOD NEBRASKA Have Excellent Time at Box Supper At the box supper which was hold last Tuesdaj- at the Murdock school, there were a good number of voting; people in attendance and all enjoyed themselves, at the same time bringing: into the treasury for use in school improvement a hand some sum of money, which will be spent for books and pictures. It is contemplated to buy a Victrola, but at the present time not enough funds are available. Among those o resent. vere a number from out of town, all of whom felt well repaid for coining. In the neighborhood of $70 was realized from the sale of boxes, etc. Held Kensington Thursday The Royal Neighbors of America held a Kensington at the home of Mrs. Wm. Gehrts last Thursday at which there were a large number of the members of the order in atten dance and alL enjoyed the afternoon greatly, being well pleased with the hospitality of their hostess. Will Make Home in West Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Becker, who have made their home southwest of Murdock for some time, where they were engaged in farming pursuits, moved a few days ago to Grand Is land where they will reside in the future. Mt. Olympus to Be Some Boat Captain A. J. Bauer is devising some plans at this time for the en forcement of discipline, as he fears there is a tendency toward insubor dination with some of the oificers. He iu forms us that it is the inten tion of the owners of the craft to have her seagoing in as short a time as possible. He says that Electric ian W. O. Sehewe now has in hand a plan whereby he will run the ves sel by electricity, gathering the re required juice from the clouds and the water by means of a duplex set of generators. The device which the electrician is to install, will also provide for a battery of lights to protrude from the bottom of the beat, making seeing in the water as easy as in the air. This will also attract the finny tribe and when they come up in large numbers a scoop net will be held in readiness to envelop them. So, unless ade quate laws are passed. : the entire stream will soon be depopulated. The discovery was made by the electrician as a result of hours of study of these appliances, while others were enjoying themselves in sports or sleeping the sleep of the just. Truly, the Mt. Olympus will be a wonderful boat, equipped with ev ery desired convenience. Capital stock paid in.... I niltvided profits Individual deposits suhject toclieck..$ 8,016. IS Time certificates of deposit G31t.ir TOTAL. . $ 10.000.00 H6.7 .$ ij,40.'.30 State of Xeliraska 1 County of Cass J 1. O. J. l'otliast. Cashier of the above named .hank, do hereby swear that the above statement is -i correct JTnd true copy of the report made to the State Banking Hoard. O, J. I'OTJI AST. Attest: Cashier. hoflS XKITZKU Director. Al'Ol'ST I'AXSKA, Director, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1Mb day of February. I'Ji'rt. 11. V. McDOXA 1-1 . (Seal i Notary l'ubllc. (My commission expires March 1920) See This Harness You no doubt have seen the fam ous "lioyt" harness advertised. You can examine the harness for your self at the store of A. J. Tool and judge of its merits. Absolutely the best harness in the world for the money. ml-4w: Farewell Surprise Party Sunday afternoon the relatives, friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. John Stroy gave them a very pleasant surprise and farewell party. Mr. Stroy has sold his farm and other property and will move his family tp Lincoln in a few weeks. The party was planned by Mr. Stroy's sister. Mrs. Conrad Baum gartner, and it was a surprise to the entire family. The guests arrived at about 3:30 in the afternoon, bring ing with them well filled baskets. A four course luncheon was served. consisting of sandwiches, cake and many other good things. Those present at this enjoyable event were Ilev. and Mrs. J. W. Pet ers. Hilda and Arthur; Mr. and Mrs Charles Kupke, Carl, Paul. Louie and Elsie; Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rein ke. Magdalena and Gertrude; Mr and Mrs. John Scheel, John. Rose Anna. Clara and Alma; Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Lau, Anna, Ella, Willie, Sarah. Amanda, Elnia and Selma; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gakemeier, August and Magdalena: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stroy. Amanda, Walter, Eleanor. Irene. Hugo and Albert; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lau, Aleda, Louie and Leonard; Mrs. Conrad Baum gartner, Carl and Hildegarten; Mr and Mrs. Walter Thimgahn and Ruth; Conrad Wherman, Freda, Lou ise. Clara, Conrad and Louie; Mr and Mrs. Conrad Reinke; Herman, August and Walter Kupke; Henry Heineman and Mr. and Mrs. John Stroy, Arthur, Evelyn and Mrs. Densing. Having Market Decorated Joe Johnson, the market man, is having the interior of his place dec orated and placed in spic and span condition by the painter, Mr. H. H. Lawton, who is painting the inter ior of the market room in white, and which, when completed, will make a very presentable place of business. Mr. Lawton is an excel lent painter and worthy of doing the finest of work. Tractor Show Big Affair Messrs. Wm. Gehrts. Henry Wendt. Carl Kupke and Gust Gakemeier, all of whom were in attendance at the tractor exhibition in Kansas City last week, returned a few days ago, having enjoyed the show to the limit, and feel that they were more than repaid for the trip, though it was rather arduous, requiring the traveling both ways by night. A PLATTSMOUTH MAN'S EXPERIENCE Can you doubt the evidence of this Plattsmouth citizen? You can verify Plattsmouth en dorsement. Read this: E. M. Buttery, stationery engineer. Tenth and Walnut streets, Platts mouth. says: "Pains caught me in my hips so that I could hardly raise a shovel of coal. At time3 there was lameness across my loins. I had rea son t6 btficve that the trouble was caused by disordered kidneys so I used some Doan's Kidney Pills. I got quick relief." OVER NINE YEARS LATER, Mr. Buttery said: "It has been several years since I have had any trouble with my kidneys and I have enjoyed good health in every way. I recom mend Doan's at every opportunity." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kiducv Pills the same that Mr. Buttery had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Farmers s Merchants Bank The Thing Needful! To do the regular routine operations of banking requires no uncommon effort by the banker, but to live up to the slogan 9 'All Ways at Your Service means to do the thing needful, at the time needed, for every customer. This is our interpretation of service. Isn't that what you expect? Farmers and Merchants Sank, AH ways at Your Service. HENRY BECK AMEYER, Pres. AUGUST PANSKA, Vice-Pres. O. J. POTHAST. Cashier MURDOCK -:- -:- NEBRASKA Are Changing. Their Residence G. E. Steele, who has been mak ing his home on a farm a few miles east of Murdock, moved last week to a place south and east of Elmwood, where he will farm the coming sea son, his breaks up tne oasuet oau team cf the Murdock schools, as Walter Steele, the son. will have to quit the school and ball team with the impending change of residence. The neighbors who have lived near this excellent family regret the los ing t)f such fine people .'rom their midst, but the people in the new community will be gainers. Are Enjoying the West Friday Mr. and Mrs. II. Y. Tool, who are visiting in the west, left Brewster, Washington, where they have been enjoying life, lor San Krancisco to visit a brother f Mrt Tool's at the Mare Island navy yard, where he is instructor in music and band master .s well. From there they will go to Los Angek-i for a brief stay before returning to Murdock. Celebrates 4th Birthday Last Friday, Rev. A. I'.rauchle passed the 7?th miN-stoue in hi-; life, and in a very quiet and uuos tentious manner passed the day in recollection of the parsing years. Mr. Brar.clile is well pn-serM l for his age and his many friends join the Journal in extending congratulations. to DO YOUR own threshing with your own help when the jxrain is just rujht. Save loss from sprouting if the season is wet and save loss from shelling out if the season is dry. Hitch your tractor to the: p A il M Mi p IP o? 1 The savin of threshing )V will soon pay for it. It may pa; for ilt-rlf by .vjvinj y-)nr crop ihtx ienr. The Ilubcr is known the world over .is the m:u Iii;r: th:it ' s;t a the grain." The Junior Thrasher is larve cuo.i-!. to io your own threshing and your n?uhbor.s if you like. It is small enough to 12 run by a 10--20 tractor. The Iluber Liaht Tour, the efficient tractor f,li:nv:i above, fur nishes ample power for the thresher with all attachments. Made only by The Iluber Manufacturing Co., Marion, O. Phone 16-B FOR SALE BY WILLIAM RUSH -:- Murdoch, Nehr. Threshers Tractor Power rViachines - -. -;Ti TTwgy rsj '".. fx IT - i.-'v- - The International Line Complete! I'ower plenty of power and ofliciency at all time-;, rcliaMf and dependable is what all want. We have it in the International Line. We carry a full and complete line of Kero.;cne Kugines, Ga line Engines. Kerosene Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separator.-. Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks, Manure Spreader.-;, Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and Binding Twine. CALL. OX US FOR YOUU WANTS IS OUU LINE. WM. GE Murdock HRTS, -:- Nebraska j r