V If -r TAOE FOUJL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Che plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postofflce. Plattsmouth. Neb., a second-class mall matter R. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Jealousy bass drum. is as hard to hide as a :o:- It than is better to a friend. lose an argument :o:- An automobile is chine for wild oats. a sewing ma- -:o: Always dangerous stretching patriotism to reach votes. Congress is though it is not -:o: going all right, sure where to. :o:- If Ananias had we would have never not been a liar heard of him. THE BREATH OF PESTILENCE -:o:- The knocker and the pessimist have ailments that even radium can not cure. :o:- The advance in the tresses may cause more this country. prices of mat unrest in -:o:- V'o will never pence. People wrtl ting married. have universal always be get -:o: There is only one thing harder to get than a square deal and that is a square meal. -:o: One man in Mexico, Senor Ter ranzas, had to pay $6,000,000 to get out. It's worth it. :o:- Storage eggs have fallen ten cents a dozen. That's trrt? trouble with a storage egg. It has fallen so low it can't look you in the face. "Predicts a Drop in Clothing" was the headlines over a recent Chicago dispatch. The prediction is justified, ours is just about to drop off of us. -:o: lie who imagines he can do with ovit the world much, but he who cannot do without mistaken. deceives himself fancies the world him is still more as "People are spending money they never spent before," says an economic writer. Yes, and they are getting less for it than they ever got before. :o:- with The prospect of communing Mars is a little discouraging, con sidering the difficulty the scientists are having communicating with each other on the subject. -:o:- In Madagascar' womtn are mak ing use of spider webs as a silk sub stitute. That might also appeal to some American girls, if they live up north where the winters are cold. :o:- When the people realize the fu tility of waiting for congress to cut the cost of living and begin to get busy themselves with the pro?)lem we shall be started In the right direction. :o:- A Xew York woman has sued her husband because he wouldn't give her 10 cents to go to a movie. Is it possible Xew York biryl the times as movies? is still so far be to have 10 cent INVESTMENTS Public Service Corpora ticn Paying 7 rcz Can be had in amount of $100 PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank Bid's, Omaha, Neb. TY2 II The big slump in the stock mar ket, with heavy selling of securi ties and the forcing of United States bonds to a new low level, merely re veals the effect of European demor alization, political as well as in dustrial, upon the prosperity and se curity of this country. Even the British pound sterling, long the standard of value the world i over, is today worth only about 70 per cent of its face value in the American market and that means, today, the World market. As for the money of Italy and France, its val uation is immensely more depreci ated, and German money is accepted at only about 5 per cent of par. The back of all Europe is on the point of breaking under the burden it bears; a mountain of debt; ex hausted credit; depleted stocks; de moralization, of industry; diminish ing production; governmental inse curity. Not in the height of the war of Prussian autocratic aggression against democracy; not when the Germans were hammering at the gate of Taris; not when the inter- vention of American arms alone saved the day was European civil ization in euch deadly, imminent peril of destruction. And never, not- even when the war was at the crest of its fright fulness, when its death tolls and destructiveness were most ghastly, was its toll of human ago ny greater than now. nearly 13 months after Armistice dav. The evil of the world war lives after it and mounts daily to more appalling and more nearly unbear able proportions. How It is to be overcome, if" over- beyond the vision of to foresee. Britain, France and Italy, but also for Germany, since the rushing tide of events has bound up the fate of all Europe with the fate of Germany. If Germany falls and dissolves into a welter of chaos the same fate will threaten every other European peo ple. But the United States Is still at war with Germany! It is still at war with Austria! Until that state of war is ended the part America must play in re-establishing peace cannot be undertaken. And that state of war will continue to exist until the peace treaty, delayed for months in the senate, is disposed of. However good or bad the treaty of Versailles may have been, wise or unwise in its terms and exactions, the one way that now exists to make that peace real, and to make it Just and workable, is through the instru mentality of the league of nations with the United States a wise, judi cious and justice-serving member of it. Because of the aDsence of the United States the league today 13 little better than a paper league. It cannot function vigorously. It lacks effectiveness and power. It lacks promise and hope. It is impotent to revive faith and order and industry. Europe is prostrate and hungry, and its mind is being poisoned by the doctrines of despair. Meanwhile the LKGAL JVOTICE In the District Court of Cass coun ty. Aeinaska. riattsmouth Lodge No. 8, Ancient Order of Tnited Workmen. Plaintiff, vs. r.r.ose Williams et al, Defendants. To the Defendants, Enose Williams, aiiu w 1 1 e fatharine wtliiams: the un known ho irs, devisees, legatees, per- finai representatives ana all other per sons interested in the estate of Knose Williams, deceased; the unknown heirs, ue isees, legatees, personal representa- iie-., ami jill other persons interested in the estate of Catharine Williams, deceased; .i,,lm Williajns and wife I.o- refta Williams; the unknown Iieirs, ie iM'i's, legatees, personal represen tatives arid all other persons interest ed in the estate of John Williams, de ceased; the unknown lieirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate ot I,orcttu Williams, deceased; .-v r. .n i nam nnd wlte ljydia JUerriam: tho unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives ami all other persons interested in the estate of N. aierriani, deceased; the unknown Mens, devisees, legatees, personal rep- reseniaiiv, -s and all other persons in terested in the- estate. of Lydia Mer- riam, reeeased; A. K. Alexander and husband Alexander, first audi real nam. unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives, ana an otner persons in terested in the estate of A. K. Alexan der, deceased; the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives, and all other persons interested in mo estate of Alexander, d. ceased; olive A. Williams and husband illiams, iirst and real name nnKtiown: the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, i i rsonal representatives and all other persons interested in tin estate o njive .. A illiams. deceased. the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees personal i . presentat 1 ves and all othe persons m-erested In the estate o Williams, deceased; Catharin Williams: the unknown heirs, devisees legatees, i .-rsonal representatives ant' hii unier persons interested in the es tate of Ctharin Williams, deceased: II wr5)n r7n? It Km ; . i come at all. is the wisest men A repudiation of the debts of al! the European nations that fought the war, including the allies as well as the former central powers" is among the mildest possibilities con jectured. And this possibility is fast coming to take on the likeness of a very strong probability. So keen is the distress of the en tente powers that they have about brought themselves to the point of partial recognition of the bolshe- vist government of Europe, with a view to restoring trade with Rus sia, whose immense natural re sources are direly needed to prevent general collapse and a desolation of anarchy and starvation. And the German problem is criti cal. Germany's late enemies are im mensely concerned in its stability and recuperation. mensely concerned tion of the present ment, not merely against the spread senate fiddles. And meanwhile, too. the United States is beginning to feel on its cheek the hot and pesti lential breath that blows from the fetid nostils of a decaying Europe. Is it t fie role of a Nero we court for ourselves and a Nero's fate? We, that only yesterday were the noble and unselfish champion of hu man rights and servants of human happiness? World-Herald. English barrooms are decorated these days with this alarming sign: "If prohibition wins there will be no beer." That must be real prohibi tion they're talking over there right at the start. FOR SALE Eighty acre farm 4 miles south of Plattsmouth. Good soil; lots of tim ber, wild hay meadow. 7-room house and outbuildings good. j29-2sw MRS. W. A. TAYLOR. I tlUI ..III In n known : legatees, . alf other They are im in the prcserva- German govern- as a bulwark of bolshevism from the east, but as against a bol- shevist coup d-etat in Germany it self. It Is feared that should the existing democratic government go down it would be succeeded by a government of red radicalism. And it is realized that pressure for the surrender of notable German war offenders, as stipulated; In the treaty of Versailles.-put the German government in grave danger of over throw. At the same time it is real ized that to yield that demand would establish a precedent for the non-enforcement oT the treaty that might speedily convert it into only anoth er "scrap of paper." What every government in Eur ope must have, if It is to survive, is the re-establishment of trade and in dustry, the stimulation of produc tion,' and all these are predicated up on the establishment of commerce and commercial credit with the United States. These are necessary not alone fort i.i:;ai. irnci; In the Pistrict Court of Cass coun tv, Nebraska. Jessie 15. Todir. 1'laintifC vs. The Scottish American Mortgage Company, limited; the east half of southwest quarter (KM SV' I of Sec. 2'J; the cast half of northwest quarter NW'i ): south half of the south half of northeast quarter S,i. S'A. KE"i. :t;id north half of tile southeast quar ter (Nii, SKi,) of Sec. "2, all in Town ship ten (lo. North' Ilange fourteen east of the tith 1'. M.. in Cass county, Nebraska; and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof; I'nderwood & Clarke; Iowa Loan Trust Company; William If. Marks; KM Katon: Jokn Katon: Vernie llar num Cheney; Kugene Austin; Almond H. Austin: the following named per sons and also their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and personal repre sentatives of each of them, to-wit: Klbert Katon: Albert Katon; David Stewart: David Stuart: Dixon. 'first name unknown), husband of Jessie Dixon: S. N. Merriam; Soklen N. Men lam: Francis Mcl'ourl; John Katn:' Sarah Katon; Wm. H. Katon: M. l' Katon: James Jerome; Mrs. James Jerome, wife of James Jerome: James K. McClurg: J. K. McClurg; Wllliam 11. Parks: W. 15. Parks: Isaac Coe; I. Coe; Daniel H. iobb: Joseph H. Aus tin: A. 11. Austin; Almond H. Aaustin; L.tla M. Austin; Lydia M. Austin: Kl-vlra- Austin; .Alvira Austin; Alvira Hard-well: Holland Hard well: Joseph ine McClurg; Thomas McClurg; John K. Austin: Anna Austin: I'lysess-Aaustin; I'lisses Austin: 1 S. Austin; hcon :rd S. Austin; Mary Austin; O. M. MacKonzIc; Ceorge Millar MacKenzie; Margaret I5uster; Maglte Huster; Margret I'.uster; James Duster; Kugcn Austin; Kuene Austin: Kugeane Aus tin: Stella Austin; Kmiline 1 Jlnkes; Kmaline Ii Hakes; Hakes Hirst Jiatne iiuknown). husband of Kmiline K. Hakes; Klmire Fletcher, wife of Jacob Fletcher: Klizahctli Jacobs, wife of John Q. J:cobs; Phoebe Cannon, wife of Joseph T. Cannon: Cal vin Stewart: Calvin Stuart: Calvin Seward: Mary Stewart: Hhoda .Long; leorgo Hong; JacobOish; Hobccca Ji:ih; David Long; Audley II. Harnhill: A. II. Harnhill: H. H. Townsend; K. II. Katon, I eCendants. The above named detemTan's and rach of them are hereby notified that on the L'7th day of January, 190, plain tiff filed her suit in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and pnrp'ose of which is to quiet ami confirm plaintiffs title in and to the ast ha'f of the southwest cpiarter iK'i, SWU) of Section twenty-nine 20: east half of the northwest quar ter IKVi. NW'4); south half of south half -if the northeast quarter (S,$, SU, NW'i) and the north half of the south east quarter (X'j, SK',i I of Section thiit5'-fw (32). all in Township ten (10), . Hange fourteen (14), e&st of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebras ka: and to permanently enjVin each and all of said rtefendants from hav ing or claiming to have apy right, title, lien or interest, either lei;al or equitable In or to said jeal estate or any part thereof and to enjoin said defendants from interfering in . any manner with plaintiffs possession." en joyment and title of said premises and for general, equitable relief. This notice Is given you pursuant to the V"der of said Court. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday, the litli dav of March. 1920. or your default will le entered therein and decree title entered In favor of quiet ftJg plaititlt. JESSIE B. TODD. t" Plain tilt. D. O. DWYER, " Her Attorney. Joseph t. Newbury; the unknown heirs ue isees, i. gatees, personal representa tives, ami nil other persons interestet in the estate of Joseph C. Newburv, deceased; ..,hn Sundell; the unknown heirs, devi ces, legatees, personal rep- resentattv. s and all other- persons in terested in the estate of John Sundell deceased: c. J. Hoffman; the unknown heirs, devi.-ees, legatees, personal rep reseniaii vex and all other persons In terested in the estate of C. J. Hoffman deceased: i'iiul Nuckolls and-wife,-Mrs i .nil rucK"iis, nrst and real namo tiie unknown heirs, devisees personal representatives and persons interested in tin estate of Paul Nuckolls, deceased; tin unknown ! . irs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all othei persons interested in the estate of Mrs Paul Nuck-dis, deceased: Htipert Nuck- oiis and wife Mrs. Hupert Nuckolls. Iirst and real name unknown; the nnKtiown i, .-irs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives- and all other persons interested in the estate ol Hupert Neekolls, deceased; the tin known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all othei persons interested In the estate ol .Mrs. Jiupeit nuckohs, deceased; Hruce Johnson Nuckolls and wife Mrs. Hruce Johnson Nuckolls, first and real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of l'.ruce Johnson Nuckolls, de ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives anc all other persons interested in tht estate of Jits, r.nice 'Johnson Nuckolls. deceased: William J-.zra Nuckolls and Mrs. Willi. i:n Ezra Nuckolls, his wife first and real . name unknown. the unknown heirs. devisees, ie-gatees. personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Wil liam Ezra Nuckolls, deceased; the un known lieii-;, devisees, legatees, per sonal repre.-entati ves and all other per sons intere.-ted in the estate of Mrs William Kzui Nuckolls, deceased; and the unknown claimants and the un known owners of that part of Lots 1 and i in Hlock 42 lying outside of the boundaries of Chicago avenue in the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass coun ty, Nebraska: Lots 1 and 2 in Hlock 4 lying outside of the boundaries 1 fliicago avenue In the City of Platts mouth. Cass county, Nebraska; and all persons claiming any interest of any kiml in said real estate, or anv part thereof ; S. F. Eaton: Mrs. S. F. Katon; r . Ij. Katon: Mrs. j- l. hatnn; W. T. Eaton: Mrs. W. T. Katon: John II. O'Neill: Fannie O'Neill: Iifayette O'Neill; Louis O'Neill and Dora O'Neill-. You and each of you are hereby no tified that on the 19th clay of January, A D. PJl'O. Plaintiff tiled its suit In the District Court of Cass county, Nebras ka, the object and purpose of which is to quiet and confirm plaintiffs title in and to that part of Lots 1 and -1 in Hlock 4-' Iving outside of the boun daries of Chicago avenue, in the City of Plattsmouth in Cass county, Ne braska, and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming to have anV right, title, lien or interest, either legal or equitable, in or to said real estate or any part thereof and to en join you and each of you from in any manlier interfering with plaintiifs pos session and enjoyment of said prem ises and for equitable relief. This notice is given pursuant to an order of the Court. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, ,the Sth day of March, A. I . P.l.'O. or your default will be entered therein. PLATTS-MOCTII LODOE NO. S. Ancient tinier of United Workmen, Plaintiff. A. L. TIDD. jl'6-4w. Attorney. TVTHEN you see this famous trade-mark, think a minute! Think of the delicious taste of a slice of fresh toasted bread! That's the real idea back of the success of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Toasting improves tobacco just as well as bread. And that's a lot. Try a Lucky Strike cigarette; 1 ICs toasts u:;m, xotick In the District Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. In the matter or the guardianship of Hutli Shannon, a minor. , g Order to show cause why license stioqld not be issued to guardian to sell real estate. On reading and filing the duly veri fied petition of Edna D. Shannon, guar dian of 1 ii:tt Shannon, a minor, for a license to sell the share and interest of the said minor in the following de scribed re;:! estate, situated in Pawnee t'ity, in the County of Pawnee, and State of Nebraska, being an Undivided otie-t wolf Pi thereof, to-wit: The west half (WVi of Lot two (2), anl the east half ( E '. ) of I jot three CI), in Hlock eighteen 1S), in the Original Town of Pawnee Citv, according to the re corded plat thereof, for the purpose of applying the pro ceeds therefrom, or as much thereof as may l necessary, to the support and e. location of the said minor and to reinvest the residue thereof for the benefit of the said minor. It is therefore ordered that the next of kin said minor and all persons Interested! in said estate and lands ap pear befo e me in the court house in Plattsmon-ii, Cass county. Nebraska, on the 1st dav of March. HI20, at ten (10:ufl) o' lock a. .m.. to show cause, if any then- be, whv license should not be grante, to said Edna D. Shannon, guardian of said L'uth Shannon, a minor, to soll the share and interest of said miii'.p jn and to the above de scribed i,. estate for the purposes set forth jn said petition: arid that a copv ,,f t:,is order be published once each 'week for three successive weeks in the Piittsinouth Journal, a legal sc mi-wee!. y newspaper printed anil published n sjiid County of Cass, and of geneni! circulation therein. Dated tin jMli day of January, A. D. : 1920. -',. J A M ES T. H EO LE , Judy., of the District-Court of j2-3w Cass County, Nebr. NOTICK TO XOV-HKS1IJKXT UKKKMI.VVTS To CeOfge W. Hvrkit Mrs nnn..rrr W. Hyikit and their unknown heirs: David Samson. Mrs. David Samson and their unknown heirs: Philin virion. 'triker, Mrs. Philip Seidenstriker and heir unknown heirs and nil .ir,n.i-,.ti. lent defendants named i n the 1 t i t Inn if the Lyman Sand t'omnani- v :..,... Y. Hj rkit et al. filed and now rtenclim- n the District Court of r":i Nebraska: the Orea ooIi (Ymumnv "u orporation, and all othei- nersons'in- ei-ested in the estates of Oeortre W i'lyrkit, David Samson, Philip Seiden striker anil the non-resident stock lolders of the said Oreanol is c'nmnntiv ind all other non-resident defendants lamed in said petition: You and each of you are herebv no tified that on the llUh dav of .lan'nnri- tyi'0, the Lyman Sand Comnanv a cr.r- loration. filed its petition in the Dis trict Court of Cans county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to piiet the title in the said Lyman Sand Lompany, plaintiff, in and to the fol lowing described property, situated in the County of Cass, State of Nebraska. to-wit: Commencing at a point IT.O.S.."! feet ast of the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest luartcr (Si;1. SWVi) of Section thir ty-six cm i, in Township thirteen l:), of Uange thirteen 1". cast of the ;th P. M.. and running northwesterlv 1 1) T, r, . feet to a point 72:5.4 feet east of he northwest corner of said southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said -Section thirty-six: thence running east i:x feet to the Platte river; thence southeasterly along the bank of said Platte .river until it intersects the south line of said Section thirtv-six; thence running west on siid line 1.':t feet to the place of beginning, con taining y.tt acres, be the same morel or less; 1 All that portion of the northeast luarter of the northeast quarter (NE'i. SHU) of Section one 1), Township twelve (12), North Hange thirteen 13) East. lying north of the line of the right-ot-way of the H. tc M. 11. II. Co., In Nebraska, and west of a line com mencing at a point 3!S feet east of the northwest corner of said northeast luarter of the northeast quarter and running in a southeasterly direction un til it intersects said railroad right-of- .vy sufficient to contain eight acres. F.eginning at a point on the east line of the west one-half of the northeast quarter (W'14, NE'i) of Section one (1) in Township twelve (12), Hange thir teen (13) east, 20412 feet south of the northeast corner of said west one-half of the northeast cpiarter; thence south on the east line of said west one-half of the northeast cpiarter 131. S Teet to the right-of-way of the V.. & M. H. H. Co., thence northwesterly along said right-of-way 20H feet; thence north easterly to the place of beginning, con. I. lining thirty-one onc-hundrcdjhs (31 lnoi of an acre, be the same more or less; A portion of government lot number seven 7l. Section thirty-six (3t), Township thirteen (13) North of Hange thirteen (13) east, described as fol lows: Heginning at' a point on the south line of said Section thirty-six. 132 feet east of a stone set In the northeast corner of the west half of the; northeast cpiarter of Section )ne (1), Township twelve ( t2 ) North of Hange thirteen (13) east, thence east S9 feet, thence north 3D degrees and 30 degrees, west 94 feet; thence southwesterly fi2 feet to the place of beginning, containing six one-hundred-tbs (6-100) of an acre more or less. You are further notified that you are required to answer or implead said petition on or before Monday, the 15th day of March. 1920, or judgment wiil be taken by default against you and each of you and a decree quiet ing title in the plaintiff to all of said real estate herein described as prayed for in said petition. . LYMAN SAND COMPANY. jl5-3w. Plaintiff. IlKFKIIKK'S S.UK situated in the County of Cass, State of Nebraska, to-wit: The west one-half (w4) of the northeast one-fourth Cnw1,) of Section seven (7), in Township ten (10), North of Hange- eleven (11), containing eighty acres, more or less. That said saie will he made upon the following terms and conditions: One third cash to be paid at the time of sale: one-third in ope year ami one third in two years, said deferred pay ments to draw interest at the rate of six per cent (6) per annum, secured by a mortgage on the real estate above described, the purchaser to have the option of paying any grenter sum than one-third in cash or the entire pur chase price in cash, but all subject to a mortgage now existing against said land for tiie sum of $3,000.00 due on of September, 1922. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, of January, 1920. MATTHEW GEHING, Heferee. the 4th Dated this 6th day at day jS-Ow. OKDKIl OP IlKAIUMr The- i Petition for Appolntrtient of cl ml nlut rnl or. State of Nebraska, Cass coun- In the County Court. In the 'matter of the estate of Mat tie J. Porter, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of William 11. Porter praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to him as Administrator: Ordered. That February 16th, A. I). 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter ni,:iy ap pear at a' County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of tliis order in the Plattsmoutli Journal,' a semi-weekly newspaper printed . in . said c-ocnty, for three uc cessivc weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated J26-3W. January 22nd, 192". ALLEN J. HEESON, County Judge. TWO JACKS FOR SALE I nave two large jacks, one t am one 8 years old, which I am offering for sale. The younger one especial ly large. Their colts can lie Keen here. Address or telephone me. E. E. LEACH. . Msw-tf) Union, Nth. I FOR SALE 15 tons For price see ray, Xebr. No. 1 prairie hay. Baled. Charley Vallery, Mur-f2-4tw. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the Dis trict Court In and for Cass county, Nebraska, made and entered- on the mh day of November, 1919, in the case of Hay . vs. Hay et al, and -an order of sale issued by the Clerk of said courj on : the 6th day of January, 19-', the undersigned, referee duly ap pointed by the court, will offer for sale at pablic auction at the south front door of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, .Ne braska, on Saturday the 14th clay of February 1920, at the hour of " ten o'clock a. ni.. the sale to be held open for" two hours on' said day; the follow ing described reaPestate, together with all appurtenances thereunto belongin:. Saves Your Money and Doubles Life of Vour Suit! Here's your chance to double the life of a suit you buy. A extra pair of pants FREE with every suir or ov ercoat. There is a limited yardage on these rich fabrics. Order it today and you will not be disappointed. FC3ED LUSCH, DRY CLEANER AND TAILOR Plattsmouth, Neb. Phone 166 AND HEADSTONES xmaxoxi fi M ri n a - B M n n a M Buy this winter and save 16 percent. Work not to be paid for until it is set in the spring. To many wait until spring to buy. Cass County Monument Company Telephone 177 H. W. SMITH Plattsmouth, Neb. H a -1 H y 0 M H i-4 B CI a y y : A : - j- r