The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 02, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Entered at Postofflce. Pltttsmouth. Neb mm coad-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
A short man you can always cheer,
As you mix with the throng;
Just talk to him of old-time beer,
And that will make him long.
Bread should be a very hefty
staff of life with flour $10 a barrel
Uncle Sam. was so slow that final
ly an eartquake felt compellefl to
take a hand in Mexico.
The country had three and a half
months of "official" coal strike, but
the men went back to work a month
Voting prohibition and going
are often two different things.
Use a little
voice and
axle grease on your
manners occasionally.
angel who
a woman looks like
doesn't act up that
ln omen limes sinners were con-
verted and women wooed with a
No girls, having your
counted will not make the powder
rag more necessary.
Perhaps, after all, the most prac
tical plan would be to cut Ireland
in two, and have two united Ire
Anyhow, the time is coming when
somebody, nobody knows who. will
get a chance to speak fearlessly his
opinion of Hoover.
Ireland has always been one of
the world's spoiled darling?; her
wit. her romance, her gay Irrespon
sibility have made her irresistible.
A standardized dress for women
Is suggested as a means of reducing
the cost of living. But what could
be more standard than this sea
son's fur coat?
Over in Iowa
school children
and paraded the
the other day the
went on a strike
streets demanding
e have not beard of any man
taking to the tall timber through
fear of leap year proposals.
The Statements of Plattsmouth Re si
dents are Surely More Reliable
Than Those of Strangers
Home testimony is real proof.
Public statements of Plattsmouth
people carry real weight.
sk your neighbor!
nat a menu or neighbor says
compels respect.
The word of one whose home is far
away invites your doubts.
Here's a Plattsmouth man's state
And it's for Plattsmouth people
Such evidence is convincing.
That's the kind of proof that backs
Doan's Kidney. Pills.
Edward Martin, machinist, 140D
vine street says: Whenever my
kidneys get out of fix or act irregu
larly, a box of Doan's Kidney Pills
relieves the trouble. Occasionally my
back starts aching but it requires
only ;i few doses of Doan's Kidney
Pills to relieve me."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney reniedy-
et Doan s Kidney Pills the same
that Mr. Martin had. Foster-Mil
burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
ln June tne country win watch
San Francisco to see what democrat-
ie Lochinvar comes out of the west.
a con
; cam
The money you spend In
sistent newspaper advertisln
paign will come back to you trippled
In a very short time.
ine average bachelors idea seems
to be that all there is to keeping
it to prevent if from running
State of
ji itf-:iiToiti
Nebraska, Cass
con II-
Too many are taken nowadays
for better or for worse," when the
maximum Intention is really "for
the present."
better salaries for their teachers.
A strike of that sort is worth while.
Another thing that has gone out
of style is the old-fashioned fellow
who used to fall of the water wagon
about this season, and smash a
of new year resolutions all
is casus helium. We
what kind of a
know just
cuss word that is, but that's
he is anyhow, as well as sev
eral other things the United States
malls will not allow us to mention
in print.
Maurice Maeterlinck says our
American girls are as pretty as our
jazz music is ugly. It is a good
thing to have some discerning art
ist with a proper perspective drop
In once in a while and tell us just
how ugly our music has become.
A congressman has introduced a
resolution to suspend the operation
of trie national prohibition laws for
90 days and allow physicians to se
cure whisky immed'ately for Influ
enza sufferers which led a lawyer
a thirst to remark yesterday,
flu, where is thy sting."
Lenine and Trotzky are ambitious
to make the world into one big
country of which they will be dic
tators. For example of this sort of
ambition wo would point out for
their consideration Wilhelm Hohen
rollern and the frog that strove to
swell up to be the biggest In the
Public Service Corporation
Can be had in amount of
Investment Securities
First National Bank Bid',
Omaha, Neb.
Our tailor informs us that hip
pockets m spring suits will be very
shallow. Why not leave it off al
together? Nobody has any use now
adays for hip pockets. Both pistol
toting and liquor-toting have been
along the line
reading of Admiral
so far as published
they run exclusive'y
of alleged' failure j
navy department to co-operate
Tilly with the allies during our pai
ticipation in the war.
Charges so general ani of such a
character may and doubtless should
impress congress as worthy of mott
rigid investigation. But they wMf
fail to impress the American pub
lic as either sensational or disturb
ing In the slightest degree. This Is
because they tend to impeach the
general record of American naval co
operation in winning the war, ar.d
that record is entirely beyond im
peachment. It is known, it is inter
nationally admitted, it is broadly es
tablished in actual fact, it is as se
cure as the past is secure.
When the record shows that our
naval co-operation made the block
ade of Germany as perfect as any
thing of the kind could possibly be;
when it shows that thereafter the
German high seas fleet went into
permanent hiding as against even oc
casional forays; when it shows that
the tide of the submarine war turn
ed instantly and completely against
the Germans with that co-operation ;
w-hen it ehows that under convoy of
the American navy through enemy
infested seas the life of not a single
American soldier was lost among
the many hundreds of thousands
transported across the Atlantic no
amount of congressional Investiga
tion can pro,ve failure to co-operate
fully in the winning of the war.
"Knocking" the navy or the army
for personal purposes, knocking for
professional purposes, knocking for
partisan purposes, is no doubt to b?
expected after a victorious war as
often in peace for no higher pur
poses. Mistakes have almost neces
sarily been made which none the yless
may call- for K serious investigatiotr
that the future may profit from th
past. But-in the large sense of naval
co-operation, probable cause for in
vestigation has not been shown arid
cannot be shown. There Is the rec
ord, and it stands. New lork
World. ,
ty. ms.
In the County ourt.
In the matter of tho estate ol James
Deles Dernier, deceased.
To tlx' creditors of said entitle:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room In Platts
mouth in said county, on the "nd day
of March, llto, and on the 1st day of
June, 190. at ten 10 o'clock a. m..
of each lay, to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a view
to their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims airainst said estate is three
months from the :.'nd day of March, A
l. 1920. and the time limited for pay
ment of dents is one year from said
2nd day of March. 1920
Witness inv hand and the seal of
said County Court, this COth day of
January, 1920.
(Seal) f2-4w. County Judge.
II. O'Neill; Fannie O'Neill: Lafayette
O'Neill; Louis O'Neill and Dora O'
Neill: You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 19th day of January,
A D. 1920. Plaintiff filed its suit In the
District Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, the object and purpose of which is
to quiet and confirm plaintiff's title in
and to that part of Lots 1 and 2 in
Block 42 lying outside of the boun
daries of Chicago avenue, in the City
of Plattsmouth in Cass county, Ne
braska, and to enjoin each and all of
you from having or claiming to have
any right, title, lien or interest, either
legal or equitable, in or to said real
estate or any part thereof anil to en
join you and each of you from in any
manner interfering with plaintiff's pos
session and enjoyment of said prem
ises ano lor equitable relief.
i ins notice is given pursuant to an
order of the Court. You are required
to answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 8th dav of March. A. 1.
1920. or your default will lie entered
Ancient Order of United Workmen
A. L. T1DD.
J26-4w. Attorney.
i.i:;ai, xotk k
In the Iistrict Court of Cass coun-
tv, Nebraska.
Plattsmouth I.odge No. S. Ancient
Order of I'nlted Workmen. PlaintilT,
vs. Knose Williams et al. Defendants.
To the Defendants. Knose Williams
ami wife Catharine llliams; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Knose
Williams, deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives, and all other persons interested
in the estate of Catharine Williams,
deceased: John Williams and wife Lo
rd t a Williams; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other jversons interest
ed in the estate of John Williams, de
ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estate of Loretta Williams, deceased;
S. N. Merriam and wife Lydia Merriam:
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of S.
N. Merriam, deceased; the unknown
heir, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Lydia Mer
riam. deceased; A. K. Alexander and
husband Alexander, first and
real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives, and all other persons in
terested in the estate of A. K. Alexan
der, deceased; the unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives, and all other persons interested
in the estate of Alexander, de
ceased; Olive A. Williams and husband
Williams, first and real name
unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested In the
estate of Olive A. Williams, deceased;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Williams, deceased; Catharin
Williams; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives ami
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Catharin Williams, deceased;
Joseph C. Newbury;-the unknown l.eirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives, and all other persons interested
in the estate of Joseph O. Newbury,
deceased; John Sundell; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of John Sundell,
deceased; C. J. Hoffman; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons In
terested In the estate of C. J. Hoffman,
deceased: Paul Nuckolls and wife, Mrs.
Paul Nuckolls, first" and real name
unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons Interested in the
estate of Paul Nuckolls, deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Paul Nuckolls, deceased; Bupert Nuck
olls and wife Mrs. lUipert Nuckolls,
first and real name unknown; the
unknown licirst devisees, legatees, per-1
sonal representati ver and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Tlupert Nuckolls, deceased; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Mrs. Rupert Nuckolls, deceased; Bruce
Johnson Nuckolls and wife Mrs. Bruce
Johnson Uiekolls, first and real name
unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives, arid
all other persons interested in the
estate of Bruce Johnson Nuckolls, de
ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons'1 interested in the
estate of Mrs. Bruce Johnson Nuckolls,
deceased: William Kzra Nuckolls and
Mrs. William Kzra Nuckolls, his wile,
first and real name unknown, the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Wil
liam Kzra Nuckolls, deceased; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all. other per
sons Interested in the of Jlrs.
William I-Jzra Nuckolls,-' deceased; and
th'e unknown claimants and ' the un
known owners of that part of Lots 1
and 2 in Block 42 lying outside of
the boundaries of Chicago avenue in
the City of Plattsmouth. in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska; Lots 1 and 2 in Block 42
lying ' outside of the boundaries of
Chicago avenue ,in the City of Platts
mouth. Csss county, Nebraska; and
all persons claiming any interest of
anv-kind in eaid real estate, or anv
part thereof; F. Katon: Airs. S. F.
Katon; F. L. Katon: Mrs. F. L. Eaton;
XV. X. Baton; airs. W. T. Eaton; John
To Oeorire W. Rvrkit. Mrs. Oeorire
. J.yrKit and their unknown heirs
avid sam.son. Mrs. David Samson and
their unknown heirs: Philip Seiden
striker. Mrs. Philip Seidenstriker and
their unknown heirs and all non-resi
dent defendants named in the petition
of the Lyman Sand Company vs. (leorte
. jyrKit et al, filed and now pending
in the District Court of Cass county.
. i ..i . . . . . .. . .
.M-uia.Mtii; me tireapons company, a
corporation, and all other persons In
terested in the estates of Oeorire W
Kyrkit, David Samson. Philip Seiden
striker and the non-resident stock
holders of the said Oreapoiis Company
and all other non-resident defendants
named in said petition:
i ou ami eacli or vou-are icrehv no-
tmed that on the 13th day of January
me i.vtnan cand company, a cor
poration, lih-d its petition in "the Dis
trict ( ourt of Cass county. Nebraska
the object and prayer of which is to
quiet the title in the said Lyman Sand
Company, plaintiff, in arfd to the fol
lowing described property, situated in
the County of Cass. State of Nebraska.
Commencing at a point 2308. .'5 feet
east of the southwest corner of the
southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter (Si;'4 sV!i) of Section thir
ty-six (3t. in Township thirteen (LO
f 1 ante thirteen (13). east of the ith
P. M., ami running northwesterly
1 !.;. 0 feet to a point 723.4 feet east of
the northwest corner of said southeast
piarter of the southwest quarter of said
Section thirty-six: thence running east
S feet fi the Platte river: thence
southeasterly along the bank of said
Platte river until it intersects the
south line of said Section thirty-six
iiiiuiiiiK weM ii sam line ii.
feet to the place of beginning, con
taining acres be the same more or
All thai portion of the northeast
quarter of tl.e northeast quarter (NK'i.
XK'i i of S-ction one (1). Township
Twelve ti-'i. .-sorth llange thirteen (13
Kast, lying north of the line of the
right-of-way of the B. & M. K. II. Co.,
in Nebraska, and west of a line com
mencing at a point 39C feet east of
the northwest corner of said northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and
running in a southeasterly direction un
til it intersects said railroad right-of-way
sufficient to contain eight acres.
Beginning at a point on the east line
of the west one-half of the northeast
quarter (W.. N K ' of Section one (1)
in Township twelve tl2), Kange thir
teen 13 east. 204 'i feet soutii of the
northeast corner of said west one-half
of the northeast quarter; thence south
on the east line of said west one-half
of the nortbiast quarter 131. S feet to
the right-of-.vay of the B. & M. R. it.
Co., thence northwesterly along, said
right-of-way 205 feet: thence north
easterly to tht place of beginning, con
taining thirty-one one-hundredths 31-
100 of an acre, be the same more or
A portion of government lot number
seven 7). Section thirty-six (36)
Townsiiip thirteen (13) North of Range
thirteen (13) east, described as fol
lows: Beginning at a point on the
south line of said Section thirty-six
152 fectf east of a stone set in tin
northea corner of the west half of
the northeast quarter of Section one
(I). Township twelve (12) North of
Ftange thirteen (13) east, thence east
X!) feet, thence north 39 degrees and
0 degrees, west 94 feet; thence
southwesterly 62 feet to the place of
beyinning. containing six one-hundred
ths (H-100) of an acre more or less.
You are ftirther notified that vou are
ret uired to answer or implead said
petition on or before Monday, the 15th
day of March. 1920, or judgment will
be taken by default against you and
each of yoti and a decree quiet
ing title in the plaintiff to all of said
real estate herein described as prayed
for in said petition.
jl5-5w. Plaintiff.
GET a package today. No
tice the flavor the whole
some taste of Kentucky Burley
Why do so many "regular
" buy Lucky Strike
They buy them
for the special flavor of the
toasted Burley tobacco.
There's the big reason it's
toasted, and real Burley. Make
Lucky Strike your cigarette.
Guaranteed by
vs. Patrick
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an order of the Dis
trict Court in and for Cass county.
Nebraska, made and entered on the
ISth day of November, 1919, in the
case of llav vs. nay et al. and an
order of sale issued by the Clerk of
said court on the 6th day of January.
1920, the undersigned, referee duly ap
pointed by the court, will . offer for
sale at public auction at the south
front door of the Court House in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Ne
braska, on Saturday the 14th day of
February, 1920, at the hour of ien
o'clock a. in., the sale to be held open
for two hours on said day; the follow
ing described real estate, together with
all appurtenances thereunto belonging,
situated in the County of Cass, State
of Nebraska. to-wi.: .
The west one-half (w.) ot the
northeast one-fourth (iiw'i) of Section
seven (7), in Township ten (10), isoriii
of Range eleven til), containing eighty
acres, more or less.
That said saie will be made upon the
following terms and conditions: One
third cash to be paid at the time of
sale: one-third In one year and one-
third in two years, said deferred pay
ments to draw interest at the rate or
six per cent (6) per annum, secured
by a mortgage on the real estate above
lescribed, the purchaser to have the
option of paying any greater sum than
one-third in cash or the entire pur
chase price in cash, but all subject to
i mortgage now existing against said
land for the sum or $3,000.00 due on
the 4th dav of September, 1922.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 6th day of January. 1920.
j8-5w. Referee.
oi Petition for Appointment
f AdntlulHtrMlor.
The State of. Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the Couritv court.
In the matter of the estate of Mae
E. Ooodman. deceased:
On reading and filing the petition
of Benjamin F. Ooodman praying that
administration of said estate may be
granted to him as Administrator:-
Ordered. That February 5th. A. . i.
1920, at 10 o'clock a. in., is' assigned
for lieariiiLc said petition; -w lien all
persons interested- in' said matter may
appear 'at at County Court to te nepi
in and for said county, and -show- cause
why. 'the prayer- of theo petitioner
should not be granted; and that notice
of the pendency of said 'petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks, prior to said
day of ilea ring. ' ' .
Dated Januarv 9, 1920.
J15-3w. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
David Foltz. Plaintiff.
Kclley et al. Defendants.
To the defendants. Patrick Kellev;
Mrs. Patrick Kelley. first real name
unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estate of Mrs. Patrick Kelley, first
real name unknown, deceased: James
Keane: Mrs. James Keane. first real
name unknown: the unknown heirs.
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. James Keane,
first real name unknown, deceased: and
James Kane: the north half of the
northeast quarter (N, XK'i) of Sec
tion thirty-three (33), in Town eleven
(11). North. Range twelve (12), east
of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska and all persons claiming any
interest of any kind in said real es
tate, or any part thereof:
You and eacli of you are hereby no
tified that on the 17th dav of Janu
ary, 1920, Plaintiff in the foregoing
entitled cause filed his petition in the
District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, wherein each and all of you
are made parties defendant, the ohject,
purpose and prayer of which said pe
tition Is to obtain a decree from said
court removing clouds from and quiet
ing the record title to the following
described real estate in Plaintiff, David
Foltz, to-wit:
The north half of the northeast quar
ter of Section thirty-three- (33), in
Town 11. North, Range 12. Fast, in
Cass county, Nebraska. as against
you and each of you, and exclude and
enjoin you and each and all of you
from ever asserting or claiming any
estate, right, title or interest therein
adverse to plaintiff, by reason of
plaintiff's adverse possession of said
premises for more than ten years prior:
. . . i . .... . . . . : ,i I
it, nit- t. , nil ine ii t r-ineii i ii rtiu
and for such other and further relief
is may be just and equitable.
This notice is given and published
pursuant to an order entered by said
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the Sth day of
March, 1920, or your default will be
duly entered therein and a decree en
tered according to the prayer of said
j!9-4w. His Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardianship
Ruth Shannon, a minor.
Order to show cause why license
should not be issued to guardian to
sell real estate.
On reading and filing the duly veri
fied petition of l-Mna D. Shannon, guar
oian oi ituiu Mmnnon, a minor, lor a
license to sell the share and interest
of the said minor in the-following de
scribed real estate, situated in Pawnee
City, in the County of Pawnee, and
State of Nebraska, being an undivided
one-twelfth thereof, to-wit:
The west half (W) of Lot two
(2). and the east half (EV.) of
Lot three (3), in Block eighteen
18). in the Original Town of
Pawnee City, according to the re
corded plat thereof,
for the purpose of applying the pro
ceeds therefrom, or as much thereof
as may be necessary, to the support
and education of the said minor and
to reinvest the residue thereof for the
benefit of the said minor.
It is therefore ordered that the next
of kin of said minor and all persons
interested in said estate and lands ap
pear before me in the court house in
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
on the 1st day of March. 1920. at ten
(10:00 1 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if
any there be, why license should not
be granted to said Kilna D. Shannon,
guardian of said Ruth Shannon, a!
minor, to sell the share and interesjtf
said minor in and to the above 14)
scribed real estate for the purpei
set forth in said petition: and
copy of this order le published Op
each week for Hire successive wfl
in the Plattsmouth Journal, a lej
semi-weekly newspaper piintcd tf
published in said County of Cass, tt
of general circulation therein. i
I'aieil mis
D. 19 20.
Judge of the District Court M
Jw Cass -county, Ncbr.
.ion lliereill. j
day of Januart:
One milk cow
two bred Chester
ones; one P. &
bined riding. and
fresli in Mar
White pilts, fj
O. 6-sliovel
walking culti
or, extra set of 4-shovel ganj
bushels yellow ear corn. Phd
356-W. II. II. Cotton.
Registered Poland China boar
No. 3230. j29-2tii
Petition fori Appoint mcn(
of Administrator.
State of Nebraska, Cass.coun-
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Mat-
tie J. Porter, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of William II. Porter praying that ad
ministration of said estate may be
granted to him as Administrator;
Ordered. That February ibtn, A. D.
1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
and for said County, and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted: and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing'
a copy of this order in tne piatismoutn
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc
cessive weeks, prior to t-aid day of
.... SfSStoT 0
s ' .... &s i r ' .si
Mi M
January 22nd, 1920.
County Judge.
4 acres of land with 4 room house
in, good condition. Electric lights,
two wells and cistern, bsrn.'aud out-j
buildings,, in the west p?.rFlpt PIatts-(
mouth. 0 For: terms see' James Janca,
Plattsmouth. . J234-daw lwk.
Saves Your Monoy and
loubles Life of Your Suit!
Here's your chance to double the life of a
a suit von
buy. A extra pair of pants FREE with every suir or ov
ercoat. There is a limited yardage on these rich fabrics.
Order it today and you will not be disappointed.
Eighty acre farm 4 miles south of
Plattsmouth. Good soil; lots of tim
ber, wild hay meadow. 7-rooin house
and outbuildings good.
j29-2sw MRS. W. A. TAYLOIl.
Phone 166 Plattsmouth, Neb,1