1 lllf K'jLAY. .lANfA'i'Y :":", K)'7Q. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKXY JOUItNAL PAGE F.I07IT PUBLIC SALE! DEMOCRATS THREATEN AN OPEN CONTEST Having sold my farm and goinsi to move to Colorado. I will offer for sale at public auction, at my late homo 1 milo west and 1'- miles south of I'nion; 2 miles south and :i mile east of Xehawka': 7 miles west and 4 miles north of Nebraska City on- WEENESrAY. FEBRUARY 11 commeiicins at l:i' ocl.uk a. m..! iil 1 my personal proptrty. consist inn j .,f tiv. kt.irk. farm machinery .audi household furniture as follws: HORSES AND MULES One span of mouse colored jenny mules, well matched, weight -"00. cumins years old: e-no brown span jenny mules, vomins years old. well matched. weight 2..i0; one span wU matched jenny mules, witfi The unexpected interruption of the conference and the decision to refuse i.i:;i. Tiri: In'tlie IM-niit Court ft ty. .Xel.i;isWa. anv compromise on Article 10 is all fIir ",al"'r of k"-''"--s-',i, 'f 1 1. ut li h:inn.n. a minor. the more surprising because it r.ier to show cause why lieense J ,vls, conn- 444Ti4rlr vvvv . . X Hitchcock Notifies G. 0. P. Leaders cf Decision as to Parley Pro posal Given to the Public. siv.ooth jnouth. 11 and 14 years !!. weight :N0: one span of mules. ! nieni'as old; or.e black mare. '. ars old. round, weight 1 2 0 : one j;rey mare 9 years old. .md s.iddlr. sin gle driver, sound, weight 1 .": one Mack Shetland fatr.il pony. 4 .ir old. CATTLE AND KOGS Twelve head of Hur.v tilts, due to farrow lu!-.cr:i March 1st and April 1st; thrte barrows; seven he ail of good milk cows. to t". e.-rs old: five cows giving milk. - to be fresh ?-.! : ten ht-ad ?hor: ejrl:nu h: i ie '.il call; ed bull. two steer calvt s. ;.-v ear-oi l lied. V TARM MACHINERY Independent- binder: I1 r:n; er; :-rovv John lvere lister: '.l,i' I : i . i - n t- w WY.-hington. Jan. 27. Notice was I served on republican leaders of the senate today by Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, the administration leader, that, unless compromise negotiations on the peace treaty were continued, he would carry the tight to the sen ate floor by moving; to take the treaty up there. The rot ice was given in the reply cf the informal democrat io coni-pemi-?e committee to the refusal of the i c;.iM kv.r. to compromise on Art itle Hi f the league cS nation covenant. Out of the discussion that followed came an agreement for the bipartisan committee to meet again Thursday. Thus the door to co:. mi"e" was no entirely closed. Hors fieri White House. l'tf 't-' he wont to the ccnferer.ee i S n-.-.tir Hitchcock was in com riuntcac'on with the white hoitse. bi;t it dtd not derelop 1 nv rar the prest dtn: misht be in accord with the seemed from expressions on both sides of the table that we were close to a possible compromise on this very important reservation by means of the following draft prepared by several senators and already assent ed to bv most, of the members of the conference on both sides of the table before the interruption: The l nited states assumes- no obligation to employ its militarv or naval forces or the economic boycott to preserve the territorial integrity or political independence or any other country under the provisions of Article 10 or to employ the military or naval forces of the United States under anv article of the treatv for any purpose unless in any particular case the congress, which under the constitution has the sole power to declare or authorize tlx employment of ffco military or naval forces cf the V:iu 1 States, shall by -act or joint resolution provide. Nothing herein shall be deemed to impair the obliga- ton i:i Article 10 concerning- the eco nomic boycott." INCOME TAX RETURNS edge drop combine John IVere lister: St. .too r.ster; waj ;!.!; n-ier. icm- bin d- J,hn IVcre planter; Van- VPd oo-prom:e reservation as r.rttt.t ."-.Use wheat drill; Canul corn m.-.-'.e public by the s.r.ate drill; lttir. Jam s ill r.mi'.fn.u die: two rows; wood stalk ra' leader. Senators cf the irreconcilable ;:p indicated to.i.-y that they . u'.d stirport any move to I ri'.n; the it P for debate, declaring dis- r disc: 10. ln -section har-2-row rl.tlk cutter: 2-row Sterling corn pjow : three New Century ci.lt i at i rs. uood us new; three Jenny I.ind cultivators, almost new; Avery walking cultiva tor; two sulky plows: l;-inch walk ing plow; ,'-shovel carden plow; 1 h.ole corn tliellir: John Deere hay rake; road drag; grind-stor.e : Itain wagon. giod as new; three c;!:i r good wagons; truck wason. with hay rack; top buggy; set single harness; two saddles; two s-;s of l"4-imh harness; two sets of 1 inch har ness; steel grain bin. at" luishtl ca pacity; galvanized w ater tank. 4 " barrel; galvanized water tank. 1 :. barrel; two shelled corn Keener.; y hog feeders; two hog oilers; two tank heaterr; 1H1 rois woven wire; 700 hedge posts; abottt 1 r tor.s t;: . otliy hay. Three irbn be.lstead.s. full si.e. with springs; two - sir.e bed, with springs and matresses; three n...; resses; wood bedste:d; dresser: ).-. case; commode; writing desk; two dining tables; kitchen table; center table; couch; kitchen cabinet; kit chen safe; six dining chairs; t! ro- rocking chairs; arm chair; throe kitchen chairs; heating stove: u n:b'e washer with gasiine e:i--.i;io; si:i:!e washing machine; thr- e steel i il barrels; wood barrel: l0-egc Tr'.stv incubator: 2.0-egg Kerry's Itiddy in cubator: 24-font step lad. ler: . .:gt a jack; cross cut saw; now- buck saw; heating stove: wheel burrow; 10 gallon iron kettle: bee b.i.o: ! I. aval cream scparat'T: p lob forV.s; shovels and many other articles too numerous t, mention. Lunch Served on th? Gronrd TKK.MS OK S.M.K All sums cf $10 r.nd under, cash in hand. On sutr. over a credit of (1 to S months will be given. purchaser giving conference have considered the an- good. bankable note bearing eight ' per cent interest fmr.i i! r M:i nronertv must !,, v.,,fil.l i-,r lipfnn i ' a in '!'s being removed from the premises. BEAT G0MPERS FOR DELEGATE v r.p lor oc'iate citssion wculd strengthen their case before the country. The mild reser vation repiMicar.s also have evi denced a desire to get the treaty into the senate again, should negotia tions fail. Deir.ccrats Surprirc-d. Democratic loaders replying to the I '.ioan nit :::;:'.: tr.n regarding Ar ticle 10. di.i tvot presetit a definite refusal to ro on with the r.egctia tiots. but expressed creat surprise, declaring an Article TO compromise ".tlreadv hid been ns-e-ue.l to by to. st of the members cf the eonfer-e-.et"' 1 efore t!ie republicans served r. '.ice they would not agree to a com rrotv. ise. I'r.iier lite propo--ed cotr.promise as r.-.a do p'jMio by Senator Hitchcock cf Ne'orn-k-.'. t !: r.ctinc dtinoeratic lead er, the seitato would declare lv reser- vrtiot that the 1": :ted S:?tes would rot err.T'lov tho economic bcveo'.t or j FLU IS HERE; EUT :s a-r-.e! f-;ces to preserve the terri . (. ::7-Ty ,-f ;-,-y o"h-r co-UT.Ty tti'ess rer.gres-- acted i:i each specific c i e. Afe- fh" rr.c-t-.g. which developed s- tre i'iirt(i j t c t c s ; n f -,r-seta- ' - -m-,' . . . ( end A deputy revenue collector will be in riattsmouth from Kebrnarv 7 to li inclusive. , All persons having returns to make should meet him at that time as ho i mes for the purpose of assisting; on. IV sure and have your information ready for him. He will also be at Murray the "h. Mvnard the 6th. Cedar Creek the 14th and Ixuisville the 16th and 17th. Hank cf Cass County. First National bank, riattsmouth State bank. Farmers State bank. New Yrrk. Jan. 26. Samuel Gom pers. president of the American Fed eration of Labor, was defeated to day in the election for delegates to the Cigarmakers' International l"n r."s cor. vent ion. held by local 144. the organisation to which ho has he-'e-.ged for 40 years. Morris Fcrown. or.e of the elected delegates said to night he believed the defeat of Mr. clrmpers was due to the influence of younger nen. "They are progres sive." I;e slid, "and believe Mr. llom pers jj too conservative." Mr. Ctor.i rers will 70 yea-s eld tomorrow. DO NT EE FRIGHTENED ; t - s - 1 . s ee i hope irat a cor.Tromi--o ia:ht yet be reach: e 1. Tiie general attitude cf the corf reretv however, was itot F. W. YOUNG. Ow-ner. J M PATTF.KSON. Clerk. CO'... V. U. YOl Nt;. A ict. FOR SALE 4 acres of land with 4 room he-;se one of optimism. Text cf the Reply. '"The democratic members of the nouncement made bv Senator Idge associates are r.ot willing to ccmsider any compromise on the Lodge reservation concerning Article 10 nor on that relating to the Monroe doctrine." said Senator j Hitchcock in the democratic reply to the republican ultimatum. "In reply we desire to say that we entered upon this conference with ' ut any reservations or restrictions in good condition. two wells at d , in the hope that we could compro- cistern. barn and outbuilding the west part of Plattsmonth. terms see Jam Nebr. I '"ise differences net only on Article i 1" hut on all other reservations. We Janca. Plat'smouth. ) assumed that the other side of this j2I daw lwk : conference had the same purpose. Ie cairn! Remeinlr the famous c.r.nc".nctment of Commodore Perry after the I-ake Krie battle in 1S13: "We have met the enemy and they .-.re ours." It is easy to meet the flu and defeat it victoriously, if you use common sense, exercise the necessary preventative precaution and keep your bowels open by the help of Triner's American Elixir of P.itter Wine. Triner's remedy not nly cleans the bowels, it also builds tp the body defenses. Other excel lent remedies for these days of flu epidemic: Triner's Angelica Bitter Tonic which helps to increase vital ity: Triner's Cough Sedative, which ;ives a quick relief in case of cough, and Triner's Antiputrin. which is the most etf.cient gargle and nose tiouche for nose elouche dilute one part of Antiputrin to four parts of lukewarm water (. Kvery dealer in medicines has Triner's remedies in stock or can get them for you. only insist upon Triner's. Joseph Triner Company. 1 33-4 ?. S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. Illinois. should not l.e issued to guardian to seil iial estate. ' n leu.imv: and filins: the duly veri- lied petition of Kilnn 1 . Shannon, guar dian of Itutii Shannon, a minor, for a lieense to s.-n the share and interest of tin said minor in the following de seriLed real estate, situated in l'awnee it'. in the County of l'awnee. and State of Nebraska, beinir nn undivided one-twelfth tiiereof. to-wit: Tin- wt-M half iW'-i of Lot two il. i:d ti east l'alf (i:1-..) of l.ot tSu-ee in Hlock eit:teen ilM. iti tl:e tuifiinal Town of l'awnee t'.iv. aetordins? to the re iorded p!. i thereof, for the p.!! ; ose of applying the prr eeeds ti;iT! dm, or as mmh thcrmf as may i. nrc-fssary, to thf support and edu.'at i. ;1 ,,t' the said iniiiO- ai..'. to reinvest : residue ti;eieof for the henerit f t': - said minor. it is t h:.- re ordered that ti.e i,et of kin of s. , minor a!el ai! persons intereste,! ir. aj,i estate and iands ap pear lief.. re ill the Cilllt t.o-e if. I'l.iltsinoiit! . cw eiiunty. Nef.jaska. on the 1st ,y of March.' lJ!'". at t.-n li: o'e .. M m.. to sln.w a.jsf. if atiy there . why )i.nse sI.ol;!'! no: he Kianted . said Kln;i I . Shaat.oij. liiiardian . o: said K'.itii Shanr.on, ;t minor, to s.-, ti e share and irit.r'-st : said mirier and t-. the a'.ove ie s. iihe.l ia'. -state for the pi;: poses set forth i-j -ai.i petition: af.d t :. p. eojiv .f tti ..rlr t- pul.iisfi. ! e a. h Week : r tt.r.e s.,. . esn- v in the l'i:.t:-!nout!i Joarnal. a J -ciMi-w.ck . -ewspal.er prif.te.l (Hihlishe.! -ai.l Cunlv of ';.-s. of cent-rii! . u.ation ti.-rejn. I ate.! ti.is sth dav of J :. '..'i-r . . 1 JAM KS T. B.rOI.KY. .Ui.ls.- t; .e l;s;ri;t '".-.: r: .iCt'-.-.w i-.os Cou".ty, Ne)r. - h s ?a! ll! the I tv. Nehrask;. .lessjr i: s.ottish .r?-.. Limited : i; ii" i t er t . east half of V 4 I ; t..u.: of nortln-ast Hid north i . ter i N Si: sh!t tell 1 t . east . i i'Tintv, Ne! ' olaiminu an. aid real es; C'ldel woo.l .i. Trust e'on-.p. Ki i Ka ton : .' num Chenev 11. Austin: : sons and a. lie vi sees, Itc sen tat irs Klhert Kat. Stewa rt : I .i first nam. 1 es s le I M i. t.-rriam: t' I'aton: S,ir;-. M K. Kator. Jerome. wi:'. K. MVO'.iT-t. M larks: 'oe. I'arti.-; in: A 11 A a da M. An-: iia Austiti iar.'f ! . I ne McC'iirc H. Austin: A tin; I'lisses . d s. a -.is:. Msi K enz se . Malta ret V 'd 1 1 t IPis: vast in: Kv : tin: Stella A Kma'ine K. I I . VI. NOT i i: a- . cjr.- ro.id. Iialr.tiff. vs. t: e : tn M i.-tsasr Co". : - i. . ast'la'.f f so t.w ,-st SYVV, i ..f s-i . I i If northwest .juarter 1 1: . i.ulf of the so-.::1' taif ualter 'S:2. Sij. NK-4 . f of tie southeast .".ar- i of Sec. a'.i in Town North l:.U:i."c f.-.i.!i.en the Sth r M. :n tiss ska: and a. 1 i-erse.r.s-.nteiest f a-.y kind : i :e or an part t r er-.-.f : C!sikt. Tiw:i L-.-.n A: y: Vi:l;an. H Matks. hn Katen : Verr.ie Har Kucer.e Ausf.n : A".n-. --d fi.iinwir.c riameOj r li.eir ;;r.kriOwn !ot, :ees and personal jepte- rSi' of IVere,. 1-W:! A".!-ert Ka:. r. : 1 av i.i l Sl'.ian: l;xen. ar.kni.ST. . ' ..si ,.t s N. Mfrr.Htii S- hlen N. an. i Mi : .1,-h:i Ka ton : Win H "a:n: ..m s .Vrcrr.f: Mrs. J.mts f -7::r.s Jeri'-ne. Jr-fS V K. M. o: .:r : W... tV IV.rks: I.aac C-e !:: i.. jc?:; H. o ... s :in: A.ni.-rd H. Aav.sf-.: -.. lod.a M. Ai:s::: K -Ah !ra A:s;:-:. V". :ra An-'. Srvarwe.5 . Jo' ro Thcn-as MeCV.re; .K0-.n Aust:-; nvsf.s a;.S t:r.: 1- S. Au.:.n. I-evr-NUrf Austin M orge M'-!sr Ma.-V.r- itti : M.ic::e K :s:e f IV I mm) fir Mid-Winter Clearance Sale Coats, Suits and Dresses ; 'J lirm iifvrr wih itiorr opportune time to p.ovulrt lur yur fuhirr wnU than right now whit ir.rr. liiwlfr in Wif irormsnz to Le much higher i.rxt fall. With M:v,ra! thousand dollars woith of fhnii-r wintrr tiu rchandise on liand, we aic (oniprilrd to i.riir j.ll h'-ifpluv ttock in order to nmkc toon: for iftf omintf prinv goods. Three Where Quality Tells and Prices Sell OUR LOSS IS YOUR CAIN! ig Bargain Days s ja Friday Special Child ren s I lose IllucU. titti iitnl i'i.riipv;i n colors. A trench tnirr"! KiviMi frvv with each pur chase', tspocially prict'fl 35c; 3 for $1 Saturday Special CORSETS ltMi To:i afil K')al r liosU r trn' t i all Ktylott. liiiv lliin e'.it'ir ilay only at 25 Off I I Monday Special Union Suits !,-i'li'- f'i!I rotton riljij'-'J i.ni'.n s'lits. ft'" til:; .- tz:,h vali:. K"r .'.'(ji.;!'i)' .n)y - $1.63 Each' Join the Economy Club Composed of Women Who Appreciate Savi-g and Who Fill Their Every Ready-to-Wear Need Here! jP J li U mmj irtrinna & lin if riattsmou th. Fr2ED P. DUSCH, Marisger Neb ra; :a . .Urres V :ii!V! : T-ti: Krr.: : r kes ; r. k v w ' r ' H.istr: . r.v.c-rs r.i:.i!'.e . i-s-.;:. K. ":ak. s : r. tst i-.ame i::iT.iir.e K. !. n- : I'.'rv.re K.--:. " er. v.fe ' Ja. KSett -et : l'...s:ill'. .ta.'iiis. wife o J.it.n O- Jio!: l!i--te nrin. vii o. Joseph T. t r.non: iil- v:n ste.Trt: .Hv:n st;:art: a.!n Sewaril; M.iry s:trart: Kt-va 1v..t-c: orcet.oric; Ja ,.tl .s-: Ke c: :. : nai.1 l.or.--; A.rev H. KArn t:: . w SALE OTTO AND PHILIP SCHAFER'S SECOND DU ROC-JERSEY will be held on vvhat is known as th J. L. Teiryberry farm, 7! miles southeast of Cedar Creek, 5 miles east and 3V1 mi'es south of Louisville, 4 miles east and 5 miles north of Weeping Water, 10 miles west and 4 miles south of Platts mouth, on onday, February 9th THE OFFERING CONSISTS OF 55 HEAD OF IMMUNED Tried Sows, Fall Gilts, Spring Gilts And we consider them the best lot we have ever raised. Three were sred by Kern's Sensation, one by Joe Orion 2nd. two by Disturber of Sterling, and the others by Crimson Modell 22d. The sows are bred to Improved Pathfinder 2d, Great Orion King, Crimson Disturber and Title Defender. M This sale will be held in a warm tent and free lunch will be served at noon. OTTO and PHILIP SCHAFER WRITE FOR A CATALOGUE Col. W. R. Young, Auctionejr Louie Friedrich, Clek i:.i!on. 1'. ii r.oar.ts. Tt.e a'..--.v r.i-rel f. r. r. t : each of t'en are t eret net 1 on ti e I'Tt) .lav :' j.ir.-.;..n. 1 . 'V t t irr file.1 her suit ;rt the P:s:r:ot C of .ss ei-.:r.t . Ne! rask.i. I.'.e oh purpose v i-..r.T;.rri j'!a:r.:iTs . t 1 ' f t sv of ;:". e.Ast l-.l'f ..f ter i:-- Nvv 1 : 'f ..f i ' e :;.-.r: . "K"u i a:..! the e. ea.t ii::itft-r i N t'- i rt v- tv.- :'.. i lui. V Kar.ce f : i: -s to f l::.e :n sr.. s-.; T ' s t SlVJ :st I . I . r. twe-.f r t V west ? a'.f f . rt r : ; r " e r - r. i r. : , t SK:, ' -f S?i : .! in T.i r.s-h ip te-j jrtee!-, ( 14 . e:st t!.e f.th 1. M. ir r.is-; o.-;:nt. Ne'. i xs ka: aril t tet:- .iiir.t'v er. o-in ea h .n.l ail of sa .1 . fen.iants from V: insr or eiaintintr to have ar.v risrht. title, lion or :r.:-rest, either "eca! or e.iuital!e in or t sai.l rea. estate or "iv part tl-ereo: ar.it to er.;oir sail .lefetulant. fron- jnterferir.c :n any manner with phi -.tirTs possession en joyment ar.il title of sail, premises an.l for peneral. e.jiitarile relief This notice is civen voi; n:rsu.ir.t to the or.ier vf sai.l d- .M. Yon are rei:u;r." to answer saul pe tition on ir l. -re Mon.lav. tie l.' th. .!av of Male'. 12). or our ,-efa;s't will t-e entere.l tiieteln an.l i'.eeree iiuietititr title . nt red in favor of plaintiff. .tKssn: n. Tonn. I'ia.nt iff. j.. o. mvYiii:. j;'.-4w. Her Attirr.-y. 80 ACRES FOR SALE Eighty acres. I1 miirs northeast f I'nion. known the Wm. Albin farm, offered for sale if taken with in the next four weeks; large brick house. For further particulars call on J. K. ShradVr. Nehawka. Nebr. Mrs. Ward Clark was a passenger this afternoon for Omaha to spend a few hours with her daughter in that citv. : : : V j. HURRYING OUT OF SIBERIA RAPIDLY Bat American Soldiers and Red Cross Workers May be Detain ed Until Slarch 15. :s o;' v,.r tVttj iy have- r.eri-he fr. :.i :::i', to Vladivc-N Vladivostok. Jan. -American Chita. Soldiers of the 27th are still in pos session of the armored train cap tured near Verkhnie-l'dinsk, on Jan uary 10 from Russian troop j hs'loi' ins: to one of General S jnienof T's ct r.i- Two Anu-ricans wero killed March 15 before the last American I in this fieht which was caused by soldiers and the Red Cross workers . the iiidopomU nt action of :i station are out of Siberia. Orders have ; master who is allejrcd to have been been srnt that all American women ; intoxicated at the time, itepoits state would be hurried out of trans-Siberia that the bolsheviki have swung- east which is in the path of the advancing ward from Taiga and have reached bolsheviki army and that has moved the Mongolian frontier. units are reported at Chita, a city j r r i just north of the Manchuriun border ; io where the Amur valley branch of the j and typhus, accordii: trans-Siberian joins the main line, j dispatches to ir.ternaticr.al KM 'r -s while the 27th United States infan- head. The re t were kept alive :..v try is at Verkhnie-I'dinsk, v. est cf ; by the off t.t work rf tK J;-r-a- nc.-e. Ai.rk-n r.-i.l Kngliih ;". tcrs. East cf Luke Uaikal the i c?e physicians 'ire also !:e'.pii.g 'it the w jrk is difficult rwinrr to t; btdshfviki invasion. Mrs. L. I-:. Vrcm-.m and Mrs. Vrcn.an departed this ::i-.-i:i:!-. ll!ir'!.a whf.-e tr.cy e.-jjj V:-i: f day looking after srr.io !.r.-i:..s ters. Mrs. Adam Fr:cke of Funk. :..-h.. i is in the city for a short vi-it wji steadily eastward along the trans-Si- I Triends and relitivos and ueparte l berian railroad and new seems to be Geneva. Jan. 27. Nearly 375. COn j this morning for Omaha to J near Irkutsk. Rear guard Red Cross of the 500,000 Austro-IIungarian the day. AU T PAINTING! We now have a Paint ing Department and have an experienced Automo bile Painter. Let us dress up your old car with a new coat of paint and make it look like new. Better stop in and ar--ange for a date as our paint shop is always in ne. T.H. Pollock Garag j THE UNIVERSAL CAR PHONE NO. 1 THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may in a minute be changed to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof,vater-proof, cold-proof Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and demountable rims with 3-inch tires all around. A real family car.Anybody can safely drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation and maintenance. Won't you come in and look at it? -i-ccczizccrn T. fl Pollock Garage Phono No. 1 Plattsniouth, Neb. HUH i H x , . ir- - n ! ,. J EOT1 . j x pi .0, i - - - - j. : -m ,i rr , . 1," " 1 1 Tt'r- " ' ! ! "tl'V-.V.. - n-.-.-.-." f. -.- . v- -r, .3"t.-v