MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920. PLATTSM 0 UTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE MURDOCK DEPM R TMENT. ;PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. The Bank of Murdock The Real Service Bank The best service is the real test of the good bank, and the bank whih renders the best service, with safety, is the one, which is of the most benefit to a community. This is the time of the year when the filling out of the income tax schedules are to be filled. Bring in your lists, we have the blanks and are willing to as sist you in getting the blank schedules filled out. We are always at your service and glad to render it. The Bank of Murdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHJIANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier Mr. ami Mrs. H. V. McDonald were quests of friends iu Omaha for the past week, hdvin? fione there last Sunday. A part of the week was also s-pent at Sprinsrtield. -where they en joyed a pleasant visit. j Ir. Tretiholni, the dentist, of Elni v ood. was in the city last Thursday, and was doing some excellent work for the citizens of Murdock. He makes periodical visits here to look after, the wants of the people of this com-! jr. unity in the dental line. j Henry Dornemeier was shredding and placing his fodder in the barn last week for roueh food for his fiocl:. Mr. Dornemeier has found Irom continued experience in feed ing this kind of roughage that it produces good results. A number of cithers in the community are also shredding this week. Union Postoffice Mail Schedule. NORTH. Arrival 6:00 9: CO m. m. rn. Departure 6:00 p. in. . j it 9:30 9:35 a. m. Lincoln Branch 3:15 LYDA CLARK . P. P a. P- M. m. m. m. John Amgwert and wife were vis iting in Omaha last Sunday with a sister of Mr. Amgwert. Mrs. Philip luissanizzo. remaining over night to i-)k after souk trading Monday. W. O. Gillespie departed on last Thursday evening for Lincoln where he had some business matters to look after. From there he will go on to Colorado to look after some land matters. Mrs. V. O. Gillespie, who has been visiting at Fairmont and Tobias for the past three weeks with relatives, returned home last Thursday, being real glad to get back to Murdock again, although she enjoyed a most delightful visit. Matt Thiiugan and Diller I'tt were unloading a car of sand the latter part of last week lor use in the con struct ion of the new bank building. which is soon to be commenced and which, when completed, will be occu pied bv the Farmers and Merchants Bank. Harry Davis is conducting a bach elors hall at this time, on account of the absence of his wife, who is staying with her mother, Mrs. P. V Pickwell. and helping care for her since the accident of last week in which she suffered a severe lacera tion on one of her arms and some bad tuts on the other hand. John Tiinm, of South Dend, was a visitor in Murdock last Thursday, looking after some business matters for a short time. George Hall, of Alvo, was a visitor along with others from that place, at the sale of Henry Ruhge. south of Wabash last Thursday. Martin Dornemeier from south west of Murdock was attending the sale at the Fred Ruhrre farn south of Murdock last Thursday. Wm. Lau was a visitor in Platts mouth and Omaha last Thursday, be ing called to both places to look af ter some business matters. Martin Dornemeier was visiting in Lincoln last Wednesday as a guest at the home of his mother and also looking after some business mat ters there. Mrs. D. F. Wise, of Los Angeles. Calif., arrived in Murdock on last Tuesday evening and is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Drauchle for a short time! Mr. Duck, the local blacksmith, is kept pretty busy these days at the shop, there being a great deal vf horseshoeing to he done as well as other work in the line of his trade. I Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Pothast. cash- ier of the Farmers and Merchants Dank, spent the week end last week with friends in Lincoln, being guests at the home of the parents of Mr. Pothast. j Prof. Willard Jackman of the Mur dock schools, and Richard Tool, one of the students in the high school, were visiting friends and looking af ter some business matters in Lin coln last Saturday. , 0 Fred To'.vle. of near Wabash, was a visitor in Murdock the other day and tells of having lost th- crank to his P.uick auto, which he would be very pleased Jo have left at th- K. W. Thimgan carafe. K. L. Pothast. of Lincoln, was a visitor in Murdock last Tuesday, where he is looking after some busi ness matters connected with t ii Farmers and Merchants Dank, and visiting with his son. C). J. Pot has:. Misses Esther and Marie Schmidt were visiting in Lincoln lar-t Friday, where they were doing some shop ping and also visiting witli friends. Miss Marie has accepted a position in Elmwoud with the mercantile firm of Ponterman Prothers. 1 Fred Dauer. who lives son!" mile, northeast of Murdock, is en joyin -r an abundance of good water since tiie completion of a v.el! which he which he knew. Samuel, who had been at Fort Worth. Tex., sailed in with a determination to win and came oui aneau wiui me Inst prize,; a $z iountain pen. .s evidence that he had to make a good showing there were over a hundred who received honorable mention in the same con test. prize and also ot having the ability to win in the conte.-i. Elsewhere in the .paper wiil be found the letter which won the prize and you will see in reading it the -.-pellent descrip tive power manifested in its production. Dornemeier and who will make most excellent members. After the busi ness and other work of the lodge had been concluded the meeting was re solved into a social affair in which all present gave their full powers to make an evening of much enjoyment. The ladies had invited their hus bands and probably in an instance one or two of their sweethearts and music and games helped hasten the passing of the rapidly flying hours. An oyster supper was a very agree able feature of the pleasant evening. Were Guests Last Sunday At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samuel is well pleased with his i Lau last Sunday were entertaineed a number of their friends as quests at this hospitable home. The time was spent in music and song interpersed with very enjoyable conversation and was a time of much pleasure by the numbers of friends who assem bled to snend the time at the home of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lau are royal entertainers as was evinced bv the most pleasant time which was had. Those from out of the city and com munity to pirtake of the pleasure of the even in c were Misses Gladv Con- f'in. Svlvia Rohertcon. Ruhv Haas. Betty Polfahl. Messrs. Max Renschal. Walter Rntt. Clf-ence Haa. all of Omaha. Mi?se AT'da Lau. Ella Lau pnrt Sarah Liu. Messrs. Ixiuis Lau WilUnrn Lau and Leonard Lau of Murdock. Are Succeeding Very Nicely Dr. Arnold DlaP sneiler and wife the latter formerly ;iis Vera Isenhut of this nlaee arrived here last Wed- ! nesday for a very :-h.r? visit and to . hnk after the property which was j left by the father o: Mrs. Blattspeiler at his death a short time ago. They! vi- ited v'th friend- and relatives be ing guests at the h- me cf W. O. Gil- I iespi and wife. wh. were the f os-' ter partents of Mrs.. Dlattspeiler.1 Dr. Dlattspeiler is succeeding very, nicely in Tobias. t!.eir home, where he has an excel!- v.t practice and. they have a very beautiful home. Mrs. Sarah Schewe Better C.rr.nama hrhewe. who has been ir Lincoln for a ntimr-r of weeks and where, on account -i infection in one compelled to have J Is Kent Busv These Times J See the new aa of Max Dusterhoff I in another place on this page of the j ppper this week. Mr. Dusterhoff is ! busv at this time preparing designs of her fet. she was ne of them renn" been making stric f hr some time the home of a d-' cf Lincoln. ?rd h; pri-ved t'at she t porpiise the ilnicl'.' -f s; me cruifliei 1 e vo.Mn ') wh.ic' kitchen where ' vo-!-'c and :v. 0 I T 1 ffil env no way liurtinnr ; 1 i r-1 1 w a s in f ti f' i v her fall verv plea: ,-;r rrosTe-c Jlp for- ;"..-t out of town. e;l. pnd who ha :s toward recov ince removed to .-'.iter. Mrs Frit'. '! so renidly in- ought She WO!:l " r i 'rettinc Ho1'' saved to go from sh2 wa to tl" i-e diutrhtrr w? : r o ' l'lpoil and b'iis?-'. bill )! i.e injured 1 i t: i f GraioUnT tool n'lv pill i n1-'1'- "ownrd "O'-'O'v Vriio 'bp. t cl.' lir: of ber two :.l Schewe. livi' -:r which he will use in the decorations for the coming season. We were per mitted to view seme of them which are very artistic and beautiful and we are certain will produce a very pleasing effect in the homes which lie will decorate the coming season. As a niece of artistic decorating we viewed an accordion which he has just refinished and makes a most ex quisite piece of art work. Ccjmrjjig, jrf, Supply ES? n Iht T W 3 Rfl ft jft M Auiomobiles and Accessories AGENCY FOR MITCHELL AND DODGE CARS CUSHMAN MOTORS Our machine shop is especially well equipped with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acetvhne welding. Idii WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF TIRES F i W. THiiftGMl Phone 25-B Murdock, Neb. drill is adequate for - DO NOT DELAY Until the busy season arrives to have esti mates made of your INTERIOR DECORATIONS or other work in the painting line. BOOK YOUR ORDERS NOW so we can take better care of your work and thus give you better service. A KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR NEEDS will enable us to plan to care for them better. Ell AX DUSTERHOFF, interior Decorator Painter MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA has recent lv had farm. The supply all his needs and is srrvatlv app c;ated following a time of putting iiji witii a meagre amount. ; Karl Dai ley and family, who have been farming near Fimwood. have" disposed of their belongings and de parted last Friday for Oregon City. Oregon, where they will make their i home in the future. Mrs. Paib y and children are visiting at the home of her parents. Samuel ("ox and wife.' until Mr. Dailey shall have gotten; located. .' While Judge II. A. Cast desired to r;uit the cream station, he has been prevailed upon to continue it until the termination of the year for which he took it. The Lincoln Pur-. Fool! and Putter company, for whom le works, is well pleased with hi -c-r-j vices and also the inspector l.;.ii highly complimented his work as a' tester f (ream. Ferdinand Drunkow was a visitor in 1'nioii last Friday, being a guest at the home of his sister. Mrs. S (' Keckier. who with her husband and family are soon to depart for Arriba. ("olorado. where thev will make their future hon e. Mr. Dronkow was joined at Wabash bv his brother. Ed Prunk'w and wife, of Ehnv.ood. who also spdnt the day at Union. Mrs. H. A. Guthinanii was a pas senger to Omaha last Fridav. where he went to meet Miss Minnie Guth- mann. and where they spirit the day visiting with friends. They visited at the hospital with Mrs. Harrv T Long, of near South Dend. who war at the hospital with a severe case it' blood poisoning, and which liner re sulted in her death. Mrs. Lor a sister of Mrs. A. J. Tool, of Mur dock. I Milton Magnus and mother, Mr:,, i lb-leu Magnus, who have made their! onio in Wisconsin for some time ! past, were visiting in Murdock last week, guests the home of .Mr.-:. Magnus' daughter. Mrs. Horace p. Reeves. Thev departed for Lincoln. where they will purchase a modern home and expect to make that eiry ineir phiee ot abode m the future. This will make it handy a they will then be close lo their daughter ai d tister in this citv. toe Johanscn. i he meat market 'en a very bu.-;. v. hi'e securing a s: !-rrkef ard to se!! r-'e of Murdoch, tlo Tiie ice ha been ' W. (). Schewe at P .: west of town. It the eron harveste d as possioie and a- lie proprietor ft in Murdock. man these days '.'ply of ice for his ij the good peo- coming summer. :it at the lake of wnee farm nort li the hustle to ge' in ai good shape soon as convenient it " ;); r.eessa'-y for Mr. Johansen li 'ernc as mneh help as possible. He 1hs the 'ervjees of the following gen tlemen: Robert Williams. Homer H. Iiwton. William Yolk. Oilier Utr. AUin Xeiinel. Albert Dowers. Uav ilaldvin. John Dornemeier. Rev and Frank G'Tthy. James Mills. Art The!-n1-". Robert Stoek. Ln Rickli. John M ' ' er with W. O. Scheme and self. j Some Talk of Community Club j Seme of the people of Murdock , are thinking of the organizing of a i community club for the town that , the work of those who are wishing a better town of Murdock may work j with more effect. The idea being to j cultivate a community of interest? i for the betterment of the town in all ! ways. That it may be a better place j to do business in and that the wel I fare of the business interets of the whole- community may be benefited. That the tcv n may he a better place 'e.r hemes of the people who live here. That there may b better results ! from the public schools and the rhurchec. That in fact anything which may have a tendency to help the rown may be fostered. Places where this community spirit hpc been cultivated have found that all the interest of the town have bee" benefited. See for instance, the good resulting from the Christmas com munitv spirit in the very excellent ! time and display of the eommunitv ! ("hritmas tree and program which was had at Murray this winter. Vere Msrried in Lincoln Puts Us There a Dav Sooner It has been th rr rres'.. r. t at ive r .f : Murdock and in cone tti Weeping were working w he I ',; vi -. come alo; g e practice of th-: his paper to raak" dong so we had Water where wo p. our friend. Trc--with his auto an'l !-aid "Come go out to the sale," whice was at the home of Henry Ruhge and we accepted when after having been there a while a like invitation came from Louis Dornemeier to go to Mur dock and thus we were put in that r'.:ee a day sooner than our regular custom. Last Wednesday two of the young neonle of this neighborhood went to him- i Lincoln where they secured a mar riage license and were united in the ' holy bonds cf matrimony. The youn people to surprise their friends were Hss Ella Meier and Conrad Reinke. On the following dny at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Heier. they proved themselves as game a the youne: people and ten dered a sumptuous dinner and a very elaborate reception to the youug peo ple to which the countryside was present to extend congratulations and good wishes. The Journal with their many other friends extend greetings and hope that their joys may be as deen as the ocean and their troubles as light as its foam. f t 1l A Have Eoyal Feed After Work The Roval Neighbors of America, which is the ladies lodge of the Mod ern. Woodmen of America, held an instruct ion meeting at their last reg ular period in which they gave to keeping of a c-:ass of two of the Murdoch ladies th" keeping of the mysteries of the order. The ladie-. to heroine members of the order were Mrs. Jesse Landhoim and Mrs. Louis VISITING IN THE CITY from "fr'dav's Daily. Captain Hamilton Thorn of Camp Upton, X. Y.. is in the city for a short visit here -with his wife and two little daughters at the home of Mrs. Thorn's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Dwyer. Captain . Thorn was called west by the illness of his To Begin Euilding in Xear Future Rev. John 0"'icr ;,-ii:g et s; noint was a vi:-ii- j- in Murdoch last w ef k Ir',k:ng ai'f'-r v ome busire s matters in connection with the new hc.use which he is having const ruci- I ed on his farm east . Murdock. lie j v.-a- locking after the placing ;f aa order for the hardware for the !iouie and other matters in connection with its erection. The new J.Mise is to 1 e seme 25x:i feet, and two stories with a porch xtending along one entire side lo feet wide had the excavation 'ione la1! fall and is re-dv ;s soon c. . the weather will permit for O e ph nig il the loundatioii. After "'n truct ion of the hou.-e Rev. Oeh lo:king will also have a burn anr crib constructed. The cont ract fri tiie construction of the bou:-e ha oeen given to J .hn Flei:-chma v. r ! Manlcy who will look after the worl: of its erection. ihe Kurdcck Bov Wins Prize as Writer Samuel Wetherford of Murdock w(n a prize for the writing of the best letter in the column" of the State Journal in that portion which is under the charge of UncV' Den : The requirement s being that one had to write a letter about some city o or J5i: Extra Pants szj Offer! c WerIl give an extra pair of pants FREE with each tint or coat and pants order. For a LIMITED TIME only. Strictly all-wool samples to select from. All crriers must be in by February 10th, 1920. Don't pass up this opportunity. We Guarantee a Fit! Murdock Mercantile Co., J. E. McHUGH, Manager MURDOCK -:- -:- NEBRASKA Farmer's s Merchant's Bank Farmers, Get the Right Bank Back of You! Then you can count more on realizing your plans for the future. The present is the time to plan for the future. A new year is ahead of you and well laid plans are the first step toward a prosperous year. Talk over your farm plans with us now. If we can make helpful suggestions, they are yours. Always at Your Service Farmer's and Merchant's Bank, HEKEY BACKAMEYER, President E. L. POTHAST, Vice-Pres. 0. J. POTHAST, Cashier MURDOCK -:- -:- NEBRASKA mother in South Dakota and stopped here on the way to his post to visit with his family. Mrs. Thorn may accompany her husband to the new home if her health will permit and if not will remain here until later. Captain Thorn is well pleased with his new post, which is one of the largest and best equipped military camps in the east and is situated not far from New York City on Long Island. If you have anything to sell o. wart to buy something use the DailT Journal want-ads. To the Dyspeptic Would you not like to feel that your stomach troubles are over, that you can eat any kind of food that you crave? Consider then the fact that Chamberlain's Tablets have cured others why not you. There are many who have been restored to health by tailing these tablets and can now eat any kind of food that they crave. Wm. H. Bohn, Auctioneer PHONE 2 SO 5 ELMW00D -:- NEBRASKA The Best Harvesting and Haying Machines The International Line Complete! The International Harvesting machinery is the first standard of excellence the world over. We are now carrying Hinders. Headers. Harvester-Thresh rs. Reapers, Shockers and Threshing Outfits. For haying v c can fill your needs with Mowers, Dump Hakes, Tedders. Hay Loader:, S-.vcepes, Stackers, Baling Presses and Bunchers. WM. GEHRTS, Murdock Nebraska II SI tf Mi tlx! a 1 1.5 II U USD' I mo 15 A DO YOUR own threshing with your own help when the grain is just right. Save loss from sprouting if the season is wet and save loss from shelling out if the season is dry. Hitch your tractor to THE The iivins of tlircshin Mils v.-i!l soon pny for it. It ma; qui; for if.telf hij .iwiig y:mr crop fln'.t year. The IIuor is knov;i the world over as the machine ".;uves the grain." T!iei Junior Tlireaher is laryc enough to do your own thrashing and your neighbors if you like. It is small enough to be run by a 10-0 tractor. The Huber Light Four. iKc rfBcient tractor shown above, fur nishes ample power for the thresher with all attachments. Made only by The Ilubcr Manufacturing Co., Marion, O. FOR SALE BY WILLIAM RUSH Phone 16-B -:- -:- Murdock, Nebr. i