The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 22, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Tlirri: f: i; a V, JjnUj7:Y 9-?. 1000.
is a word you often see in advertising
with many it is only a word here it is
an actual fact. Service means to us just
what it means to you. Service is some
thing weJpractice as sincerely as we
ank of
I'roi. r.. A. want was a viuori Kue t rans was a husiness visitor
ov. r Sunday at his home in I'latts-iin I'lattsmour'h last Monday even
mouth., where he spent the time as ( ing. returning home on the midnight
a gin-st of his parents. train.
Misses Grace Bogenrief and Anna! Miss Margaret Garrison, who has
Alheiisen. teachers of the I'nion pub- 1 been having a tussle with tonsilitis
lie schools, spent hist Saturday in ! since Wednesday of last -week, is
l-inei.'.n v. here they were doins; some
shopping and visiting with friends.
Kdward Svoboda. of Plattsmouth.
was a visitor in I'nion for a few:
hears last Monday, coming to visit .
at the lu. me of F. H. McCarthy and:
wife, the latter being a daughter of j
Mr. Svcboda. I
T. K. Hathaway has been so he,
could nut do much work lately by j
r as H t i an attack of lumbago. Hej
has : 1 1 y been able to g-t aror.nd. '
and that with some di'ficulty. but lie;
hopes to auain lie able to work'
Charles r.e.-tor and L. L. McC'ar
thv. ot r'.nttsinouth. the lormer an
ne.-l and implement store and the'?'"1 wl e st Sunday, enjoying the
latter one of the night vardmast ers j ;(P' al,t ' of this pleasant home be
.f ih, Lurlingron. were in Union a i tore dar,in? ,or thpir new home in
1. .. .! I the west.
Ml. J l 1 ill'- ill- o.liei it.ii. ii
through or, their v.av irt.m Nebraska
it to I'latt.-iiiouth with two new 1 were visiting in I'nion for the past
Dodge ears which Mr. Gorder had ! w being guests at the home
sob! and was unable to get any where of their daughter. Mrs. H. L. Swan
but at the 'itv. i son and husband. They returned
j home the first of the week.
l . j, j jjai 0f Xehawka, accom
Frite $.210 00 per Acre.
SO acre farm for sale. 4 miles;
northwest of I'nion. well improved. '
Will rent D'-O for live years if d?-!
sired, corn
ground, two-iift lis del; v-,
cred; 1 " acres alfalfa
acre; 2 acres pasture
t s 1 0.00 peri
at 4.0 per !
j.cre. Will lease only to party ptir th' acre tract.
Call Phone No. 64
a complete general line of
When in need of anything
call on
Union, Nebraska
A Union Business!
Owned by Union People!
Managed by Union People!
We Solicit the Patronage of the
Entire Community.
H Frans Bros.'
Phone 38-A
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
making some improvement.
E. E. Leach suffered the loss of one
of his fine horses last Sunday night,
and one which he had but recently
purchased. He had the animal skin
ned and the carcass hauled away.
Mrs. Mable Reynolds, the efficient
saleslady at the I'nion market, has
been kept to her home by reason of
the illness of her mother and her
self for the past few days.
Mrs. J. C. Xiday, who has been
in Lincoln, where she was receiving
treatment for her health, returned
home a few days ago, much benefit
ted by her stay in the capital city.
F. YY. Young and family were
naries itenner ana wue, 01 tagie.
panied by Mrs. Hall and the little
babe, were in Union last Monday on
their way east of town to look at a
farm over on the river which is be
ing offered for sale or rent.
Joseph Fetzer. of Plattsmouth, was
a visitor in Lnion for the week-end.
being a guest at the home of his
daughter. Mrs. J. M. Patterson and
family, and on Monday evening de-
parted for Omaha where he had some
business matters to look after be
fore returning to his home.
Ben Roddy, who has been visit
ing in Omaha with Mrs. Roddy, who
is now progressing very nicely fol
lowing her operation of a short time
ago. returned home the first of the
week. While Mrs. Roddy is making
very satisfactory progress she will
have to remain for some time yet be
fore she can return home.
L. J. Hall and wife, of Nebraska
City, who formerly were residents of
this place, but who have been mak
ing Nebraska City their place of
abode for a number of years, were
visitors in I'nion over Sunday, being
guests at the home of Derwood II.
Lynde and wife. The latter is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hall.
The Bank of Union has a new
storm door placed at the entrance to
the building, which is unique in its
construction, being so arranged that
in the winter time a sash makes a
storm door of it, while in the summer
a screen replaces the sash and it is
transferred into a screen door by the
turning of a few buttons. The doors
are sold by the Frans Lumber Co.
Lumber Co.,
Union, Neb.
was engaged in
sawing wood at his home last Tues
day with a power saw.
Frank Ilojrsrs. while not husv in
ti rpt:niP!in to haiilln? wnrul from
the creek west of town and thus
conserving the supply of coal.
...v. ... .
Mrs. Itclle Frans was a visitor with
friends in Nebraska City last Mon-
'day, both visiting with inenas ana
looking after some business matters
as well.
Daniel Lynn was a business visi
tor in Nebraska City last Monday,
goinff on the early train of the Mis
souri Pacific and returning home in
the .evening.
ATm Prank KptkImH tthn hn been
makinir her home in Milford for
Forae months pas.t, has returned to
I'nion and will make her home here
for the present.
Fred McCauley. of Plattsmouth,
was a visitor in Union last Monday,
coming down to look after some
business matters for the Nebraska
Gas & Electric company.
W. B. Canning was in Lincoln a
few davs this week, where he was
engaged in looking after some busi-j
Tiess matters connected with the en-
forcement of the pure food laws of
the state.
E. L. Shumaker and V. H. Porter,
secretary and president, respectively,
of the Farmer's Union Store in this
place, attended the state convention
of the Farmer's Union which con
vened in Omaha last week,
Harry Vantine Mas a Tisitor in
Union for a short time, coming from
his home near Murray to get his car
which he had left at the home of
It. It. Hatheway
Wm. Ost some time ago. Mr. Vantine mons and enjoy Rev. Taylor's fitting
took the car home Monday evening, (application of the scripture to pres
Ed Fahrlander, who has been vis-1 eut day parallels. The discourses
iting in Union for some time, left ' from this particular passage of scrip
last Monday for his home at Brule,
where he and his brother are en
gaged in the electrical business. Mr.
Fahrlander has been here since the
Christmas season.
Mrs. Matt McQuinn and daugh-1
ter, Mrs. John Sheffield, were visit-, was requested to take charge of the
ing with friends and also looking af-; Inter-Church Work movement for
ter some business matters in Ne-j Cass county, but due to the stress of
braska City last Monday, being pas- other work and sickness in the home
sengers to that place on the morning; of the minister for some time, he
Missouri Pacific train. iwas unable to respond to the call,
J. Y. Amick. of Murrav. and Mr. and a minister residing in Weeping
R. B. Rice, w ho is a brother-in-law, I Water has accepted the responsibili-
and who has been working on the
new home on the Amick farm near .
Murray, departed a lew days ago for
Haddon. Kansas, where Mr. Prive
Price resides and where Mrs. Amick
will visit for some time.
L. E. Reynolds, son of James Rey
nolds, southwest of town, who has
been making his home at Omaha,
where he is engaged in telegraphy,
was a visitor at the home of his par
ents for a short time, coming down
last Saturday and making an over
Sunday visit, returning to his work
Monday morning.
departed yesterday for Arriba. Colo.,1
. .1 . V ;, , . '"Itlie communitv are to
to that place. They will also take !.,., ;t " , ,,
... r . , , I program either in tht
with them some household iroods as' ,.? ; ,,
Mr. Young will move to the west in
a short time. Derald Young, who is
there now, is employed as a salesman
in a store there.
Solomon C. Keckler. who has re
signed his position with "the Farm
er's Union Elevator company, de
parted last Saturday for Arriba, Col
orado, accompanied by Messrs. J. M.
Clarence and Lloyd Clarence. Mr.
Keckler will make his home in the
west, while Messrs. Clarence go to
look over the land with a view to
purchasing additional acreage.
Mrs. L. G. Todd entertained at
her home in Union the ladies of the
Woman's Home Missionary society
of the Methodist church last Thurs
day, at which there were a large
number of ladies in attendance. A
delightful program was given and af
ter a session of sociability, the pleas
ant afternoon culminated with the
serving of delectable refreshments.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Cross was held last Friday a very
pleasant meeting of the members of
the Epworth League?, in which a
pleasant and profitable afternoon was
had. Besides matters pertaining to
the order, games and music were in
dulged in and the evening's gather
ing was consummated by a very de
licious luncheon. Mr. Cross and his
good wife will in a short time re
move to their new home in the west
at Arriba. Colorado, and this meet
ing was in the nature of a farewell
reception for them.
Attended Superintendents' Meet
Prof. McDonald, superintendent of
the Union schools, was a visitor at
the meeting of the school wperin-'
. . . . . . - , ,i
tendents which was held in Lincoln
last week
; v '"'A! " V",u. u
a meeting of a committee from the
constitutional convention, at which
an address was made by Supt. Bever
age of the Omaha schools. Miss Rabe
j of the Union schools, was also in
: attendance at the meeting
Will Have Demonstration Saturday
The National Biscuit company
will have a demonstration of the
products of their factories at the
get some
thing good' to eat. Thus they hope
to demonstrate the good results that
come from the tise of the products
they will have on exhibition.
Methodist Services Sunday Morning
mere win oe ail tue usual ner-
vices at the Methodist church next
Sunday. The morning services will
be followed immediately by the Bible
school. In the afternoon there will
be meetings of the Junior, Interme-
diate and Primary Epworth leagues,
while the senior League will meet
in the . evening Just before the
preaching hour.
All members of the church are
urged to attend and all tnos who
do not attend elsewhere are cordial,
ly invited to come and worship with
us each week.
Returned from Shipping Wheat
l F. Morton. Mho has been in
the west for the past few weeks look-
ins after some matters at his farm
there, including the shipping of his
wheat crop to market., hilled out the
last tar load of grain Saturday and
returned to I'nion Sunday, reriortinir
ii.!,. nrettv wet out that Wav mi
account of the melting of a heavy
coat of snow that has covered the
ground a greater part of the winter.
.rL , j.. . .1., . ;i !
1 ur wmei is suamuo iu me oil
an1 putting it in excellent condition
for the comlnS spring's crops. A
large acreage
sown accordin
of wheat has been
g to Mr. Morton, and
it is expecteu mere win ue a very
generous yield.
Helpers Have Afternoon
Vrc Matthew McOllilin entertain
ed the HelDers. which has come to
? Jieipers, wnicu nas come to
own in Union as being exactly
the name implies, one day the
rinrt nf the week. Ti' vnunc
be known in Union as being exactly
. latter part of the week
t havA established a nrsot'ino n'r
working one hour for themselves,
one hour for the hostess and enjoying
the third in sociability. They surely
are a merry bunch and do lots of
work to lighten the labors of the
hostess with whom they meet.
Visited Former Friends Here
Mrs. R. L. Newell, wile of Dr.
New ell. who formerly was engaged
in the dental business here, stopped
off in Union a few days ago. while
enroute to her home in Omaha from
an extended visit in the south, most
of which was spent in New Mexico.
Will Preach Character Sketches
Beginning with the meeting Sun
day evening. Kev. J. B. Taylor will
deliver a series of character sketch
sermons, using the scripture found in
the 10th chapter of the letter to the
Romans. Better attend these ser-
ture may, in a way, prove a revela
tion to a good many people, so don't
miss it.
Couldn't Take Charge of Work
Rev. J. B. Taylor, of this place.
lies OI le worK ana wm et "
is Pushed rapidly forward now.
Fiddlers' Contest Next Friday
The Union Social club has ar
ranged for a very interesting and pe
culiar entertainment to be staged at
their club rooms here on Friday
evening of this week. It is in the
nature of an old fashioned fiddlers'
contest, which a few years ago were
much the rage in certain parts of
the country. In addition to prizes
for various kinds of "fiddling," there
will also be several athletic contests,
with suitable prizes offered the Win
ers. A large number of citizens of
appear on the
e capacity of a
modern Kreisler. or Dempsev. or
Another interesting feature of the
program will be some turning dem
onstrations of merit by local per
formers on the saddle-bars.
See the bills, and if possible ar
range to attend this evening of en
tertainment and merriment. The best
of order will be maintain and ladies
as well as gents may feel parfectly
at home as well as enjoy a worth
while time.
Enjoyed the Wrestling Match
Harry McCarroll, Sherman Austin,
Edgar Morton and Wayne Propst all
visited in Omaha last Friday even
ing where they enjoyed witnessing
the great wrestling match between
Stecher and Pesek. They were well
pleased with the exhibition of skill
and strength, possessed by both the
w restlers.
Attended Lumbermen s Meeting
Messrs. Ray and Rue Frans, who'. . , . . . . . . , . ,
have been the boys who made lhe . to eat which had been brought by the
lumber business in Union one of the surprisera "we brought forth and a
best of all the local enterprises, were' dainty and delicious luncheon served,
both in attendance at the Nebraska j Those who enjoved the afternoon
rnteWhtUpmbrnlnnaSfnCnti0H "f K h i,rs- Thompson were Mesdames
Ing which convened m Omaha last'
week. There were a large number of Bcn H'de- James Higley, M. E. Earl,
the representative business men in R. B. Smith, Fred Gise. H. C. Dooley.
this line in attendance and a general a. E. Murray. L. E. Vroman, J A.
tX-?fa"ee idCaS wa34effect,e!' Wh,ich. Cahoon. 0. L. York. M. B. Allen and
will go a long ways toward the fur- ,,. ' . .
ther improvement of the business
over the state generally, but It would
be pretty hard to suggest anything
along this line that would aid the al-
"' Th. ,rnVnr
uros. yaru. i ne bovs returned home i
tIij.. n .i . i
time put in at the convention had
been well spent.
Received Three Jeweled Watch
Some time ago. Nelson Martiu, the
and lunch room in Union, suffered '
the loss of his gold watch, which
he mourned greatly. He made re-J
peated efforts to locate the ticker,'
as 11 was a piece 01 mecuauism worm
while. Among other things, he noti
manufacturers of the watch of the
loss, that they might keep a lookout he was phvsically disqualified for
f0rA,hfeewBPdaaryserago he received thru ther service in the army and dis
the mail a package bearing every charged. His condition is such as to
evidence of the restoration of his
long lost and longed for timekeep
er. On opening the package he was
pleasantly surprised to find that the
company felt that he should not be
the loser, even if the watch had been
stolen. For there was a watch which,
not stopping with the works, had
three additional jewels in the case
having been shellaced In to prevent
their loss.
A letter accompanied the package
s - ayimi that the company was not In-
sensible to his iosb im as he had
been a good boy they wwiid make
the leas good.
Air. Martin is very highly pleased
at the action of the company, as are
also n's friends, Messrs. ('. I... Graves.
Frank Baur and L. .11. Upton, who!
were Pained that their friend should'
suft'er the loss of his chronometer.
'jecse Queen Former Union Bov is
n tTij- n J
Victorious Over Eddie Carman,
Falls City Grappler,
Last Saturday evening, the wrest
ling match between Jesse Queen, the
former Union hoy, but who is now
a resident of Omaha, and Eddie Car
-man. of Falls City, resulted in Queen
; -
I w,nnins tho
! aftor he nimself hai
. ... I I Vn - - 1... . a :
eomesi, OUL noi unm
au been thrown
i A mediunt sized crowd only was
in uiiriiuaurr, iue pitriiv 111 iue
rough roads and the difficulty of
getting to the hall.
After the preliminary stunts had
been pulled off the main event of
the evening was called, which was
a contest to the Jinlsh between the
above mentioned wrestlers.
The first fall went to Queen after
:3 minutes of active mat work on
the part of both wrestlers. The next
fall was won by Carman in Just 13
minutes. With a fall each to their
credit, the wrestlers ejitered the
ring determined to do their utmost
to win, and after IS minute of real
snappy wrestling Queen secured the
advantage and pinned his opponents
shoulders safely to the mat for the
second and deciding fall.
Queen was formerly a resident of
Union and his friends are glad to
note the ease with which he flops
most of his opponents.
Prom Tuesday's Dallv.
Two Plattsmouth ladies are "off"
of any more of the alluring bargain
advertisements of the Omaha depart
ment stores as the result of their ex
purience there yesterday. They Lad
been attracted by the unusual offer
ing of the winter ready to wear suits
for ladies which were offered at very
low prices and accordingly they made
their way bright and early to the
metropolis to be in on the big bar
gains but on their arrival found that
several hundred other ladies had
done likewise and from the time the
doors of the store opened there was
something stirring. The Platts
mouth ladies were caught in the cen
ter of the onrushing bargain seekers
and pushed and shoved from one side
to another and when they reached a
point of vantage where they might
lay their hands on one of the suits
were soon shoved aside by wiue more
Amazonian bargain hunters and as a
result all they got of the sale was
the experience in the line of foot ball
tactics employed by the seekers of
the cheap priced suits. They have
agreed that never again will they
get into a similar mix up.
Pi Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday was the
75th birthday
anniversary of one of the aged resi
dents of the south portion of the
city, Mrs. Mary Thompson, known
to the old friends and neighbors as
"Grandma" Thompson and in honor
of the occasion a large number cf the
neighbors and old friends arranged a
very pleasant surprise unknown to
the guest of honor and yesterday af
ternoon invaded the Thompson home
and gave the guest of honor a real
surprise. The afternoon was spent
very pleasantly in visiting with their
. , . , . ... . ...
(h manv Kajik-Ata of tho cnnii thin
Miss Dorothy Cahoon.
Prorr Tuesday's Dally
Percy Warthen of this city has
been notified by the pension office
that be baa been awarded a pension
of $1G per month and back pension
aggregating the sum of $338.00. Mr.
, Warthen entered the service in the
early part of 1917 a member of
tne Nebraska national guard and
while at Camp Cody was taken sick
and a mastoid developing it was nec-
cssary to perform a number of oner-
man and as a result of his sickness
make a permanent disability and the ,
many friends of the young man are
pleased to note that the government
has taken this prompt action to give
him relief.
From Tuesday' Dally.
Philip Schafer, a former resident
of Cas county, is enjoying a visit in
caw county with old time friends
. . . . I4t.
having come to Omaha with s car T
hSs and decided te eome to the old
,'J M
C 6 6 3 i2 d
Immunity by Means
Chiropractic not only wcrtls oif disease, but in any
! case attacks disease at its source. Read these few lines: Z
; Health supplants disease whenever the mental impulses Z
h?ve iree
Cf' the brain
tffc'J solely
The Spine in Perfect Alignment
WkpS--H'ih Chiropractic adjustments bring the
Iw'r'- 5 Spine
SiM' disease.
fits of Chiropractic.
Dr. I-M ward". !;it, ;,.
of Hied '.cir.f UT vca! :i:
r.K ! ;!
o. I n
1M11 1 10 look tiin-N r' i.i
Chiroprael u and !.a c r.'.i',' A
Ills jiivic; '( To !l:i; M-rn .. !.'
was for "-''vcia! .u- t. -ii.i
fdiyiciuu of the Ni'i:-a
I Vnitc ntiarv.
home for a short vi.-it and join Mrs.
Schafer who has been here for a
more extended stay. While here Mr.
and Mrs. Schafer are vi.-it with
the John Meisinger and John Cau -r
families near Cedar Creel-. It has
been something like Un years a'o
since Mr. Schafer left i'a count;'
and located near Phi in i :w ::t'd
Creighton and at that time j;.id the
price of ?J0 per acre for the k.'id
which was considered a big prh e but
today he has refused an offer of
$300 for the same land. His nicrfs
will be good news to the .Id friend:
in Cass county and comes as the rp
30,000 Acres
We are making trips to Colorado every week.
Come and make a trip and see the country. Special
prices on farms to March 1, 1920. Prices $17.50
to $50 per acre, according to location and improve
ments. One wheat crop will pay for the land. Land
already sown in wheat. Have 60 acres 3 miles west
of Union for quick sale at $135.00 per acre. Good
terms. Phone L. R. Upion, phone No. 39.
Box 11.
Things Good to Eat!
I am selling Staple and Fancy Groceries. Come in and we
will help you solve the problem of the high cost of living. We
have evervthine in the rrocerj line in season, and pell at the
lowest price, consistent with reliable lines of merchandise. Give
us a trial.
"That Baby Overland"
We have accepted the agency in Union and vicinity for the
"Baby Overland," which you mutt see and ride in to appreciate.
We also carrv Oldsomohilc Cars and Trucks and Reo Cars and
Trucks. We have a number cf good mechanics ready for any work
that mav be offered in the repair line. We also carry a full stock
of tires and accesories for all n.akes of cars. See u for cars or
repair work.
The largest and best equipped
in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MUDH-kaj. E. Kiu.a.
Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized
after usine.
A ratld
t-y J3i Cical opera tion. No Chloroform. Eiher or other fieneral
anasthetii: ned. A cure Guaranteed in evert case aocented
for trefltmenf unrt nn mnnr to he naid anLil ctnrefL
and testimonials of more than 1000 pronrioent people who have been permanently cured.
o. Chiropractic Spinal
and unimpeded passage from
to the tissue cells, which thus Z
lilt vuji ciiLigjr ujjuii nniLii nicjr
depend for their harmonious
f his done, disease cannot exist.
lisease symptom
iman body with
into natural alignment and thus
r 1 i.i. i
1 housands have learned the bene-
; I
j 1
2-iih and rarnam Sts., Omaha
suit of his excellent judgment and
I management.
A choice acres close in. Modern
l:-,i:- of 1; rooms, furnace, electric
lights. wHl, eistern. chicken' house,
barn, sor." fruit. This property is
: bars-'ain. Will be off the market
r.-bruary 1st Inquire of A. A. Alex
ander: phono 231. JliMwdaw
For tasty printing you rtn't go
uonc in having the Journal office
urn out your Job.
Union, Neb.
dental offices in Omaha. Experts
. Fistula Pay When Cured
system of treatment that cores PUea. Fistula and
Write for book on Recta 1 Diseases, with namea