MONDAY. JANUARY 19, 19:20. PAflF. srx PLATTSM0UT1I SF.MI-WEEKI.Y JOURNAL 1 ac Why Give Jones $20? If you need a suit for Spring and fail to buy now, you are slipping twenty dollars worth of "Jack into Jones pocket, for he is buying your suit he knows good clothes when he sees 'em; knows that $25, $30 and $35 suits are almost a thing of the near past. Keeping up with the Jones' is a profit able pasttime just now-if you act along with other Jones and snap up one of those suit?. For prices are much lower than you will see again. We unearthed several dozen men's good suits during invoicing-many of them are 40, 42 and 44, stouts and regulars, and considering the way they are marked $25 to $35, and nearly all good worsteds, it's a shame so many men are going with the southeast corner of their pants absent. About 50 of you hard to fit, fat ginks, come in! Philip Shiaicil LWUJWlUJBWi jj m$Sm Hi Ilia ii&li. ift tf,J-.iJic -.r Ff 1 omen of v COUNT V COMMISKIONKHH X M' ('iisq I'ntinl.v. Plattsnioutli. Neb., .hill. S. 1 !- Hoard iiu-t in pr luljiuiriiiueiit with all members, present when th'' fi llowitiii business was t r;i hmhc I" regular form: State Examiner's Report fieorjie Ant lies. stal' nxaminiT "r county treaxirers. lllcd n report showing the culled ions anl disburse ments of the Chsh county treasurer w. t!ir-l i -. inin in I Ii'imiii ln 4. 1919. with a balance of $2','..!.r..-, fcjj ham Is of i he count y I i ;is- 32B SOU i 71 in ih urer. Appointed Clerk by Co. Ji'l:;c Comitv Jm! .. All. ii .1. INm'hoii IIIimI his appointment of Florence Vhil ;as Clerk of the Comity Court for h" year 1920 an. I request l the sahiry i bo fixed at tl.-Joo a vcir. Th' Moan! confirmed the appoint meiit at!l liei, the salary at si.iino per year. Road Fetition. roHnrd Et Al Tlie count. clerk reported that In had performed all duties required in li is olfice in the maMer of the petl- lon tor a new road iv ic. . i "i- lard al. an. I presented the peti tion and all r port:: to the Hoard for its consideration. The Hoard i ik the matter under advisement for further consideration. Mothers' Pension Orders Order Of Cimntv .lild.' All'MI .1. i Hee.-on .ranti::- inothers' pension to I Mrs. Fannie Xieliols of ; i'or June ' month for the rare of four dependent cniiuren. approved. Claims Audited The follow i' i' hills were present ed for audit. ;.: 1 allowed or refused. six month-. January. I'.ijo ,0ip,J e. 1920. iri-lnsive. at ?10.imi perjBv 'Hmm n q $ JP J? t MwMjkq I .' : COFFEfc AT 1 i l i f1f ii QiQi! PER POUND! id Murdoch co PROCEEDINGS Of COPiSSIONEBS OF CASS COUNTY (Continued frcm I'ase .1.) MOTHERS' PENSION FUND Mrs. Viola Auxier. mother's penpion. Jan., 1920 40.00 Mrs. Ethel Boetel, mother's pension. Jan.. 1920 Mrs. Martha Haddon. moth er's pension, Nov., Dec. and January Mrs. Esther Heneger. moth er's pension. Jan.. 1920 Mrs. Ida Schlieske, mother's 2S.00 C0.00 20.00 pension. Jan.. 1920 Mrs. Margaret Lahoda. moth er's pension. Jan.. 1920 Mi':. Ellen Davis, mother's pension. Jan.. 1920 Mrs. I!?ttie Covert, mother's pension. Jan.. 1920 Mrs. Katherin Myers, moth er's peiifioa. Jan.. 1920 Mrs. Chlora Allen, mother's pension, Jan.. 1920 Mrs. Edith Duckworth, moth er's pention. Jan.. 1920 Mr.-. Minnie Mason, mother's pension. Jan.. 1920 Mrs. Clara Matzke. mother's pension. Jan., 1I20 . Mrs. Martha Frauke. nioth- I er's pension, Jan., 1920 Mrs. Hallie HIack. mother's j pension. Jan.. 1920 Mr;?. Hyde, mother s pen- , sion. Jan., 1920 ! i mia h; :nc; fi nd .). J; haiiiisen. for drai;inp: roads, road din. No. 7 10. 00 20.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 40.00 $ 4 0.G i i ? -5- 1 4-v Wan ted ! 500 Teachers ! For Southeastern Nebraska. Calls are coming daily to Th3 Peru Stafa dermal Schoo! 7.50 S7.S0 110.90 C.40 17.50 29.00 12.00 indicating this neeH. It is a serous crisis schools go down the nation goes with it. pared to do our part. ve fc. If the a re p re- All Who Enter January 24th lo 3!st $ may secure a State Elementary Certificate by the close of the summer school, provided therv have co.nnlefed either $ a three or four-year high school course. This S a e EI-- -i mentary Certificate is accepted in most school and is a There never was such a de Salaries will be most satis- basis for a City Certificate. mand for trained teachers factory. Students who enter the Commercial department up" on this date may be prepared for stenographic end cleri" cal positions August I, 1920. Whv spend your money for tuition when the state furnishes this education FREE? The Summer School Opens J;?ns 1 71b High school graduates and teachers should take 3d vmtage of the summer school for further information. For information write PRESIDENT E. L. ROUSE, Peru, Nebraska. . . . . 1 .............. 1. .. ,i 1. ........ ., ,T, . .. . . . . .............. -' i- 5- 20.00 1 John I". (Jorder. for drasginjj ! roads, road dist. No. 1 20.00 J. F. W'ehrbein, ior dragging i road.s. road dist. No. 1 25.00 J. D. Allen, dragging roads, j road district No. lb 10.00' ROAD Fl'.N'D j W. W. Wishy, road work in 10.00' road district No. 16 $ City of Weeping Water, pro portion road money to road district No. 24 Village of Louisville, propor tion road money to road dis trict No. IS Win. S. Doughty, grading road, road dist. No. 12 C. F. Vallery. road work in road district No. 1 I J. D. Allen, road work in 20.00 road district No. It I H. F. Goodman, road work in road district No. 1 I J. Johannsen. road work in f road district No. 7 I Hinger & Coal Co., road i math, road dist. No. 14 S. A. Wiles, roail work in I road district No. 1 ' Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co.. one plow to Hennett Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co., one iron culvert, road dist. 1 Galion Iron Works, one pole for. steering gear, road dis trict No. 1 L H RIDGE FUND Hinger Lbr. & Coal Co.. for bridge lbr., road dist. 14 $1G II. A. Funke. biidge lumber road district No. o Cedar Creek Lbr. Co., lumber and nails, road dist. No. 2 Hinger Lumber & Coal Co in in her to road dist. No. S ;.liyrch Eng. Co.. part pay, bridge No. 61. Sec. Weep ing Water pet .'.lonarch Eng. Co.. bridge No. ; 2 9 between Sees. 10 and 11. ' Greenwood Mo:i9rch Eng. Co.. bridge No. between Sees. 27 and 34, Center precinct .Y'ojtarch Eng. Co.. bridge No. 4 4. between Sees. 2S and ::, Greenwood precinct Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due, bridge No. 14. Co. 2S, bet. ; Sees. 11 and 14. Weeping 1 Water Monarch Eng. Co., bridg" No. 4S. between Sees. 25 and 2 6, Salt Creek precinct 1 Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due. . bridge No. 50, bet. Sees. 1G i and 17. South Bend Hinger Lbr. & Coal Co.. for l lumber to road dist. 14 ' Dinger Lbr. & Coal Co.. for j lumber to road dist. 14 Roy Hennett, grading on the channel, south of Louis ville as noted: GENERAL Fl'.N'D j Wales Adding Machine Co.. 10.S5) aihling machine to county I treasurer 67.50 7 50 ! Allen J. Hee n. marring" license fees ::.()( 20.25 'Allen J. re'..un, mother's pension order ...uu i:k 1 1 m ; i: fi'ND 24.25 j J. Adams, bal. duo on former claim, cut by I'.oard as price charged $50 instead of ?I5 400.00 per M.; claim.' I $:: Refused RO! FI'ND Villac" of Alvo. ironor.t ion of (00.00 I ro:il moiled i!n.. ni nl dis trict No. 2S $400.00 0.00 MOTHERS' PFVSinV FI'VIl Mrs. Fannie Nichols, moth- 45. "0 1 ir's riensioii. .lui 1 ) ft S "(1 firt CHICAGO This price is made possible by our purchase of an exceptionally large ship ment. It is a well known fact that coffee will not be cheaper. And as Monarch ccfi'ce is packed in air tight containers it vi!I keep indefinitely. If you wish to o?.ve money or; your coffee purchases and at the came time get the highest grade blend, call us up or come in to see. us in regard to special prices in lots of ten to fifty pounds. mgEBE&SSESB SUGARS ill. ii ' SUGAR The sugar situation is still very unsatisfactory and the outlook for cheaper sugar is not very premising. We have contracted for 400 bags of cane sugar which v,c can offer to our trade for March delivery one sack to a custo mer. Get your order in early and be pro'-ected as sugar will become more scarce as the season advances. A FEW SPECIALS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION On motion by Harris the Hoard r.djotirned Sine iie. TJoard Reorganizes After a short recess the Hoard a" sembled and reorganized as follow? for the year 1 j 0 : c. F. Harris, chairman. II. J. Miller, vice-chairman. Julius A. Hit:, junior member. No further bu.-iners appearing, the Hoard adjourned to meet on Tuesday, the loth day oi Januarv, 1920. Attest: GEO. It. SAYLES, County Clerk. 1S.T.49 74. ?.T, soo.oo 633.24 620. 7S 166.64 500.00 ".22. 23 94.35 Ii !0 50.00 The board adjourned to meet on Thursday, January Sih, 1920. Attest: GEO. R. SAYLES, County-Clerk. DEATH OF WALTER MEISINGER LAST EVE Young Man Passes Away at Ho.r.e of Parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Miisinger After Long Iilnesj. Kron rs!a v's I :i i ! v La t night at 11:30 Walter Meis inger, son of Mr. and .Mrs. V. II. MeU- inger, residing west of the city, pass- j ;.onuiK. 3 -' Cranberries, 4 qts. for 25c Apples, per peck. ...... .50, 75, $1.00 Oranges, per doz 35, 60, 75c Grape Fruit 6V3 and I 5c Quaker whole wheat flour, pkg. . . .50c Gcoch's Best and Virginia Smith pancake flour 25 and 50c New York buckwheat, 6 lbs. for. . .30c HEAD LETTUCE CELERY M QOFMNIr 1 ". AND CABBAGE HSEN, 111 Phones 33 and 54 We Like to Serve SOME GQ90 ADVICE jtlieneu by Pl?.ttsrr.ctitu Experiences. s Here's something you have to have it's a necessity, not a luxury, and here's a chance to buy it at New Yoik wholesale price. We have a case of underwear delayed in delivery and instead of pricing it at the market value we are giving you the benefit Men's ribbed unions $1.95 Men's fleeced unions $1.95 Men's one button suits $2.15 Boys' union suits $1.25 C. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE" oil away after an i!!nes of sever::! Months duration (hiring which time I. e has been a sufferer from ISright's disease. The young man was 27 years of age at the time of his death and has made his in this c mnnriity during his entire lifetime. He was a young man held in the highest esteem by a large circle of warm friends and to whom the news of his death comes as a very seve! e blow. In his loss ti.e deepest sympathy goes out to the sorrowing parents and sisters and brother in the grief that has ceme to them. To mourn his loss there remains the parents, two sisters and one brother. Mrs. Ed II. Tritsch, Miss Lena Meisinger and f'arl Meisinger. The funeral of Mr. Meisinger will be held on Saturday afternoon(at 1 o'clock from the Eight Mile Grove Lutheran church and the Interment made in the cemetery there. Kidney disease is too dangerous to neglect. At the first sign of back i';he. headache, diziness or urinary disorders, you should give the weak ened kidnevs prompt action. Eat meat, take things easier and n-.c a rename Kidney ionic. 1 nere s no other kidnev medicine so well nded as I loan's Kidney Pills. : niattsmouth people Ask your neighbor! rely on them. Here's one of the many statements from Tlatts mouth people: Mrs. Harry Kuhnc-y, Eighth and Pearl streets, says: "I couldn't 8ay anything but good words for Doan's Kidney Pills, for I know from per sonal experience that they are all that is claimed for them. I use Doan':? v. hen my back and my kidneys are not acting as they should and they never fail to give quick relief. We use I loan's Kidney Pills in our home. when necessary for widney roi'ble. and they always give' good results." Price COc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney that Mrs. Kuhney had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. POULTRY WANTED The following prices will be paid for poultry delivered at the Lutz store In Plattsraouth on Thursday. January 22: Hens 2Sc Springs 2fc Uocsters 14c Advertising 's the heart ot trade F.verybody uses It in some form 01 other to advance their business. But remedy j newspaper advertising 13 the cheap t 1 :ins Kidney Pills the same ?st and best. Try It. 8. a 1. 1 1 a y t PAINTING! We now have a Paint ing Department and have an experienced Automo bile Painter. Let us dress up your old car with a new coat of paint and make it look like new. Better stop in and ar range for a date as our paint shop is always in US3. T.H. Pollock Garag 8 J TUB UNIVERSAL CAR Only a Limited dumber of Ford Cars There sre mighty good reasons why you should buy your Ford car now. But the biggest one is that there are only so many Ford cars just a specified limited number allotted to this territory. Those who buy their cars now will be wise. They will have them to use whenever thzy wish. PHONE 110. 1 Don't put it off next spring, even next month, is an uncertainty. Even nov, v:e jnust have signed bona-fide ordsrs before our monthly allotment' is ship ped us. So the only way for you to be sure of getting a Ford car, is to order it now. Get your name on an order. It is your protection. Again we tell you, the allotment for this territory is limited and you must buy now while deliveries are possible. As ever, the demand for Ford cars is away iu advance of production. So, it's first come, first served. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are all the same to the Ford car. It is a valuable servant every day of the year. Rain or shine, it is ready for your demands. Buy now and get prompt delivery. You won't have to store it. Yon can use it. Buy now while the buy- AY) A IIO Of All AVAW0A n m J . 1 1 V "-n " i'ut-iu'' vAcjiac ttuu wc wui nave our salesman call you for your signed order. BRING IN YOUR OLD FORD and let's see if we can get together on a trade for a new Ford with electric starter. T. H. Pollock Oarage, FLATTSK0UTH PHONE NO. 1 j ; i i I !S1