The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 19, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. JANUARY 19, 1920.
The Bank of Murdock
We invite our friends who have business in our
line to take advantage cf the excellent service we are
able to render. We have but little to say in our ad
this week as we are very busy with our annual balances
and ether things that go to keep the work up in tip-top
shape. But this need not deter you from coming in,
for we arc never so busy but what we have time to
look after your banking needs.
i lie Dm.
"The Bank vhere You Feel at Home"
IIE2U1Y A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
The ladies shoes in button and laec
at .2.-lf. certainly spell ECONOMY.
A' Murdoek Merc. Co.
Mi.-s Jcs:-.i? Wood, who teaches the
.i. 'oj northeast of Murdoek, was a
visitor in Lincoln where aim spent
w' k-end with friends.
Mrs. Prank Glaublitz was a visitor
in Omaha for a few days last week
where she was the finest of relatives.
Albert Glaublitz spent a few days
in Omaha last week where he was
the gi:et of friends for a siiort time.
Mi.-s Lois Jackmnn who lias been
kepi to hr home for a good portion
of last we k by sickness, has re
turned to take up her work in the
schools again.
Ginghams, percales, going fast.
Hid you get your supply yet? At the
Murdoch Mercantile Co. Hurry!
Henry Gerbling of near Wabash
was a visitor in Murdoek last Friday
looking after some business matters
and while in town told of a very se
vere attack his son had recently of
rheumatism but he is at this time
slowly recovering. The little fellow
was suffering very severely for a
number of days it being necessary to
turn him by lifting him by the head
and feet, so intense was the pain
that the lxidv could not be touched.
reafors g!
idinsHvs Inferior
Public Piaces, Etc.
Max Busteriioff,
Interior Decorator,
Phone 19-G Murdock.Ncb.
Aiiioiiiebilas and Acoessories
Cur machine shop is especially well equipped
modern machinery and
dy to do all kinds
are rea
acetyline welding.
Phone 35-B
k or muraocK
Men's shoes at unheard of prices
at the Murdoek Merc. Co.
James Mills was a visitor in Oma
ha last Friday and Saturday and was
in attendance at the wrestling con
tesi there Saturday evening.
Will McCory who is in attendance
at the state university in Lincoln
was a visitor at the home of his
brother. Ivan McCory and family, for
over Sunday, returning to his studies
late Sunday evening.
Warren Richards of Wabash who
has a farm north on Murdoek near
South Lend was in town for a few
hours last Friday and Saturday go
ing back and forth between his home
and his farm as the man who was on
the place had left the stock
without care. Mr. Richards will
soon place another man on the farm.
Ladies shoes in button and lace
at "ECONOMY" prices at the Mur
doek Merc. Co. Come early!
Art Rornemeier with s force of
workmen last Friday shelled a portion
of his crop cf corn
delivering the i
same to J. J. Gustin where it is be
inc fed to some seven loads of cattie
j which that gentleman has in his
! feed lots. W. H. Rush with his ma
chine did the shelling while the corn
was handled by Mr. Rornemeier and
the following get lenient: Al Rowers.
C. F. Hite, George Utt. diaries Rucll.
Rav Raldwin, Diller L'tt and Frank
William Weddell is a busy man or
was last week having the elevator to j
look after which is his regular work
and in the absence of H. W. Tool,
who was attending the lumbermen's
convention at Omaha, was looking af
ter the lumber yard, and when L.
Xeitzel was called to Omaha last Fri
day to look after the wrestling match
between Stecher and Pesek he also
had charge of the hardware store.
Mr. Tool returned home last Friday
and Mr. Xeitzel last Saturday even
ing and the stress was greatly re
lieved. Mr. Weddell is sure capable
of much work though.
Union Postcfilce Mail Schedule.
Z.Z p.
9:30 p.
D part u re
0:00 p. m.
a. in.
Lincoln Branch
C o a. m.
: P.
p. m.
first-class workmen. We
or repair work, including
n I if l Until
Murdoek, Neb.
Ave you taking advantage cf the
reduced prices at the Murdoek Mer
cantile company?
Rev. A. Schwab was a visitor in
Lincoln for a short time during the
week and returned home lust Friday i
Uncle Henry Sehlueter of this city
has had his name nlaced on list of !
readers of this paper and will receive
the Jcr.raal from this date forward.
Men's shoes at unheard of prices
at the Murdoek Merc. Co.
co and son Walter were
; visiting in Omaha last Thurniay
: locking after somo business matters
j during the day and returning home
on the Jersey in the evening.
W. K. Palmeter was a business vis
itor in Murdoek last Friday from his
home in Klmwood and from here go
: ing to Ashland where he was loowing
j after some business matters for the
' day.
; Cleaning house! All old stock on
hand goes out. Get in o:. the bar
; gains. Murdoek Merc. Co.
Warren Rodgers formerly of near
,Murdock but vhi ha been staying
on a farm near Greenwood was a v
: itor with friends and was looking af
' ter some business matters at Mur-
dock la t Friday.
Herman Kupke was a visitor in
Op'aha last Saturday where he was
called to look after some business
matters going via South Rend' and
the Rurlingtrn. ai.d returning heme
via the Rock I.-land railway.
Cleaning house of all old stock on
hand at the Murdoek Mere. Co.
J. II. Rurwell. superintendent of
the city schools ot ..i unlock, wa.s n
visiter at his home in Lincoln l"s
Friday evening remaining until the
late train Sunday on which he re
turned to take up his work again.
O. W. Gillespie departed last
Thursdav for Lincoln where he visit
ed for a short time and later wont to j
Tobia; where lie visited with Mrs.
Gillespie, who is a guest with then j
formerly Miss Vera Isen- t
and IV- ek
t lio:?e
cant r?;i
who ai tended !h
betwfen Slech r
from Murdoch v ;
L. Neit?el. Cha
re F
w. ;
nv.ii j
Ed Ran. John and Gnsi
thev going on the noon
Oakcmcier. j
rain on the ;
Rock Island.
Mr. and Mrs. O. .1. I'othast enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Pickering,
friends tram Lincoln, for the week
end last week, they" enjoy inc the
friendship urcatly. The guests re
turned to their home on the early
train Monday.
J. L. McIIugh. the manag' r of the
Murdoek Mercantile Co.. with Mr;.
McHugh. wce visitors in Omaha lasf
Wednesday, going Tuesday evening
and remaining over until the even-
ing train Wednesday looking after
some purchases for the store hero.
Mrs. Fred Schewe who h-a been at
the hospital in Lincoln for several
weeks past is so far recovered from
her recent operation that she has
been able to go to the home of her
daughter. Mrs. Paulino Frisz of that
place, where she is niak'ng improve
ment rapidly.
T)r. A. R. Uornheck and wife and
Louis Hornbeck and, wife were vi-
iters for the day in Oma
l las wee!-, i
they goin;
no the
evening Potoro and I
! Wodnc-'dr y p'-cp- 1
ret urn in:
home o
While there they loc.'ed after :
fsome l;m ii
es? mat tors as v e'l a; is- j
lriends. ;
i ' I i W ! I i 1
The semester examinations have'
just been held and have shown m"di ,
progress by the scholars during thisj
portion of the school year and they
are all doing nicely. 1 lo scaools tire
being conducted in a manner satis
factory to those who have scholars
to attend and much jo.r.tres t
ing made by the scho! --.
oe- i
Mr:. Krr.esl Rernemi i"r who h;i ;
been suffering from Mood poisoning
for a 'iuniber of days pat d'-velopjng
from a scratch w hieh she ro" i' oil
on her ha.t d is report "d ::.;ting bel
ter and the grave appr-In ".si.jiis on
tcrtai'.icd regarding te.e cond'tion cf
the lady liavi; been relieved.
, . ;
Doing: a Very
H. P. Deb'.::-.
..insive woitv ,
ing ill"! son . S ' 1 : e? and i
daughter I" is Minnii
irom lUiir ii a-
bash wcr n Murueok Lv-'
evening coming over to ai
lecture whieii w.o; given
t Friday j
;onu trie
hy Mis:;
Rank wli: has been a mi:
ionar-.' to
Japan for thf past I'O years and i:?s
returned home for a few months" vis
it. Mis-- Raiiok. whose home former
ly was in Ohio, has been in the far
east for the last score of years as rep
renesta t ive of the Kv.iugeliea 1 church
and is now visiting the various
churches with a burning message as
to the need.? of the count rv wh-'-r"
I she has elected to make the scene of
j her life work. That one can go
J from the home ties and fnend her
l life working with what wins to be
(a very uninteresting p"oplo but for
i lie purpose oi Dealing me message
of Ihe Master to these people, evinces
a fervent devotion to a desire to do
service for the Master wherever the
call may sand one. Those who at
tended the locture given feel very
well repaid for their attend, nice and
also for the c ir.t ribul in:'-; which they
nave gladly given for the furthering
of the work whieh is b"ing done by
the church in this direction.
WiU Hold a Wolf Hunt
The people of and near Murdoch
arc to have a real wolf hunt jest out
of the town on tomorrow, the terri
tory over which thv will in?u- fr
the feitive wolf is that embraced j
within the following limit-, com-j
mencir.g one mile south of Mnrdock j
and running west four miles, t'leneo
north four milo, then east lour miles '
to n point three mileri north of Mur- !
dock, thence south, four .miles to the!
point of beginning. making l . j
srptare ni'le". In this instance It is j
expected there will bo sufficient men '
fti to co-er flic grr-und that the'
wolves may not be able to break
through as formerly. :
ft mi
Farm Brings Good Price
Samuel Cox, who lived just one
half mile west of Murdoek, last
Thursday sold his farm home, which
J consisted of SO acres of good Cass
county dirt, and with but moderate
improvements thereon at the rate of
$;',7r per acre or $30,000,000 for the
SO acres. The purchaser was John
Bornemeier, who well knows the val
ue of the land which he has been
purchasing. While this seems a good
price at this time it no doubt will
sell for a greatly advanced figure
before it has been owned long by Mr.
liornemeier, and if not will have en
hanced in price in his possession.
Cas3 County land Good Property
The sale of the 70 acres of land
which was formerly owned by Jacob
Gochry has been disposed of by him
to G. Paur and Joan Iieckmeyer ot
Murdoek at a figure which is consid
ered a very fair ;rice. The land
abuts the city of Murdoek and has
the house in the city. Mr. Goehry
who will net eu -et to farm any
more will soon hav ' a sale at which
he will dispose
me its as well
of his farming im ple
as other goods and
v. i'l visit w ith his
coming year they
children for the
being scattered
over many states.
He will also spend
time in
; of his c)
visiting the
Are Bdildiag a Boat
I.acey McDonald. Harry Gillispie
and A. Rowers are building a boat,
not member." of the Ship Sibeidy. but
the boat when finished will be
!: unched on the I'latte river with
tonropriate ceremonies and by the
'reuking of a bottle of distilled water
over the bow. They will be fortu
nate if the ventare does net come
near breaking them. They will be
a.-si-ted in the construction of the
vessel hy William Schewe, who ii an
'xrert cf tli building of water craft.
d it is a wonder that, the govern
ment failed to find out of the abili
Jies e i .Mr. Schewe or he would have
been imprcsed into building boats
daring the late unpleasantness with
tlie central powers. However they
will have the structure ready by the
time navigation opens in the spring.
Witness Conferring cf Degrees
a :
baU'iday n number of the
members of the Masonic lod
of M ".: -
dock visited the
i where srine seven
I clars who were
odge at Elm wood
e.andidates made a
vl'! the mv.steries
into the-r keeping of ihe third degree
of the Masonic order. The lodge at
', Klmwood is in a very prosperous con
dition and at every meeting there is
generally work iri some of the de
gree. There were freni Murdoek to
visit the meeting of the lodge and to
participate in th conferring of the
('cirrees on the- candidates. II. W.
Tool, William Gehvts. I. G. Horn
beck. Charles Schaefer and Fred
Attended Frmerc' Unicn Convention
Among those who during the week
were at Omaha in attendance at the
faremrs' union convention for the
-tale of Nebraska were from the
ncighliorliood of Murdoek A. A. Lin
dell. Dan Sehlaohoff. Henrv Oehler-
kj,12r Albert Reikman. The con
vent ion extended over a number of
rluvs and had much business to come
before it. The farmers are displaying
much interest in the union matters
jU6t at this timo
Enjoyed Evening1 at Alvo
Louis Rornemeier and wife with
their little child were visiting at
j Alvo l st Friday evening where they
were attending a meeting ot tlie Jolly
Neighbors, a younger set of the mar
ried folk of that neighborhood and
who have maintained the organiza
tion for seme time. The young peo
ple have regular meetings at the
homes o ft he various members and at
all the meetings have most enjoyable
I times, which consists of music, a very
interesting program and conclude!
v. ith a fine luncheon. Mr. and Mrs
P.ornemeipr ti ioved tlie eveninf witl
i ...... ... j . .
I'.ipip friends and consider tlie time
ell spent in the societv of their
Was Visitor in Omaha
Walter J. O'Prian. living east of
Murdoek but on the Wabash mai'
route was a visitor in Omaha last
Saturday joining Mrs. O'Hrian win
was there. they, besides visiting
with friends, were looking after the
matter of having sonle dental work
done. Mr. O'Hrian has added to his
winter budget a copy of the Journal
a id will keep in touch with the hap
penings m about Murdoek as well as
the entire county.
Done Excellent Work Here
Frank Huzzell and Valter Hill-
iard, who have been working at the
plumbing of a number of fine resi
dences in Murdoek and vicinity and
who have done excellent work, have
completed for the present time all
tiic r wortc ami last Friday evening
departed for tneir home in Lincoln.
Ji-t.ue departing Mr. miliar had the
Journal man put his name on" the
list of readers. This firm which has
done a large amount of excellent
work while here will return in the
spring for a number of contracts
which they have in hand.
Visits Sister Who is 111
Kudolph Kan and wife, formerly
of Miudock but for the past 14 years
residents of Atchison. Kas., were he
i-. connected with the Raylor Plow
Co., being foreman of the woodwork
ing department of the shop. They
have been visiting also at the home
of Mr. Kail's sister. .Mrs. Charles
Kraft of Louisville, who is critically
ill with a milKiiant cancer of the
stomach. Mr. Rati was called to his
sister's bedside as her case was con-
sidered of such seriousness that her
recovery was not hoked for. How
ever, the patient is reported as rest
ing some easier and is considered as
being slightly improved.
Basket-Ball Practicing
A basket ball team has been ar
ranged and Professor Jacknian lias
begun the training of the team
which consists of Richard Tool, Lou
is Lau, Wilbur Steel, Herbert. Oehler
king and Fred Wendt, in order that
they may be in condition to hold
their own and probably advance some
when the time comes for a contest
with other towns. In the practice
game last Thursday they developed
good team work and the spirit being
fine they promise to make rapid prog
ress towards efficiency. After the
game there were some sore niuscle,s
but the next time they develop more
than at the former game. i
Are you taking advantage of the
reduced prices at the Murdoek Mer
cantile Co?
Royal Neighbors Kensington Meet :
Last Thursday at the home of one j
of the Royal Neighbors of America.
Mrs. II. V. McDonald, the Kensing- !
ton club of that order met for a pleas
ant afternoon at which there were!
some 25 of the ladies in attendance, j
They were immediately occupied by j
the business which called them to-1
gether and after transacting the busi- !
nes.3 of the society their nimble fin- j
gers plied needles, which is a dem- j
onstration of their ability as good j
housewives. The atternoon was
pleasantly spent and culminated in
the enjoyment of a most delightful
luncheon, served by the hostess and
her efficient coterie of assistants. The
ladies in departing declared the af
ternoon one of much joy as well as
being eminently worth while and
their hostess one of the best of en
tertainers. Ginghams, lawns, percales, going
fa--t. Did you get your supply yet?
At the Murdoek Merc. Co.
Friends Assist in Celebration
Last Friday, January 1G. was the
29th anniversary of the birth of Har
ry Gillispie and he was rejoicing in
the fact of having an abundant sup
ply of good health and many friends
as well as the fact of his 29th birth
day coming on the day before na
tional prohibition. At supper time as
he was at the hotel quite a number
of his friends slipped into the kitchen
where he was and a gave him a good
wallowing the boys holding him
while the young ladies gave him as
many licks as he was years old and
one to grow on. After the closing
of the business houses he was decoy
ed to the home of H. V. McDonald,
the home of the parents of Mr. (iil
lispie where there were assembled a
large number of the friends of this
fortunate gentleman. The evening
was spent in much glee and merri
ment prevailed until a late hour,
celebrating the event of the passing
of the milestones of life.
If it's in
the Journal
the book
line, call at
Horses, Mules, Cattle and
Farmins: Implements.
On account of poor health. I am
forced to quit farming and will sell
at Public Auction on the Henry
Lehnhoff farm 4 12 miles southeast
of Louisville; miles north and
mile east of Weeping Water; 4 miles
northeast of Manley on
sale to commence at 10 o'clock sharp.
Free lunch at noon. 1
7 Head of Horses 7 j
One span geidings, one span tdiire!
mares, one span
of blacks, a mare '
and a horse.
3 Head of Mules 3
One bay mare mule, coming 3 yrs.
old; one black horse mule, coming
3 yrs. old; one bay mare mule com
ing 2 years old.
9 Head of Cattle S
Eight stock cows, two with calves
by side; one milch cow. All will be
fresh in spring.
Farm Machinery
Stroughton wagon; Newton wag
on; spring wagon; Rock Island rid
ing lister; Peru riding lister; John
Deere riding cultivator; 2 Jenny Lind
cultivators; John Deere 2-row ma
chine; Budlong disc; 7-foot McCor
mick binder; 12-hole Monitor press
drill; broadcast seeder; 3-section har
row; 14-inch John Deere gang plow;
12-inch walking plow; ttmerson hay
rake; oscillator bob sled; iron low
truck wagon; hay rack; Grecheon
corn planter with drill; standard
Emerson mower; ball bearing grind
stone; 2S-foot corn elevator and
power; hand corn sheller; pump
jack; 3 sets of '1' inch harness;
one set 1 v4 inch work harness; set
single harness; saddle and bridle;
S tons good prairie hay; Economy
Chief separator; 32 gallon iron ket
tle; 120 egg Old Trusty incubator ;
some household goods and other ar
ticles too numerous to mention.
TERMS OF SALE: Sums under
$10 cash. On sums over $10 a credit
of one year's time will be given on
bankable notes drawing S per cent
iteres.t. o property to be removed
until settled for.
Farmer's Merchant's Bank
Solving the H. C. of L.
"If the people would increase their savings by 10.
the cost of living would fall 20 in a brief time."
This is the recent statement made by Attorney Gen
eral Palmer. Will you help solve the high cost of living?
A Savings Account here will help you save.
Doing your share now will materially advance your
own position in money matters. It's a logical thing to
have a growing Savings Account all the time particu
larly right now.
'Always at
Farmer's and Merchant's Bank,
HENRY BACKAMEYER, President E. L. P0THAST, Vice-Pres.
0. J. P0THAST, Cashier
To the Dyspeptic
Would you not like to feel that
your stomach troubles are over, that
you can eat any kind of food that
you crave? Consider then the fact
that Chamberlain's Tablets have
cured others why not you. There
are many who have been restored to
health by taking
can now eat any
they crave.
these tablets
kind of food
a n d
Don't You Foisret It.
Bear in mind that Chamberlain's
Tablets not only move the bowels but
The Most Popular Plows
r- ;7,t5..- , r.LMt.
The International Line Complete!
We are offering the complete International Harvester line of
farm machinery for all seasons of the year and all class of work.
You men who farm know that means absolutely the best
Corn machines, such as Drills, Planters, Walking Listers, Tractor
Listers, 2-Horse Cultivators. 2-P.ow Cultivators, Lister Cultivators,
Motor Cultivators. Corn hinders, Hnsilage Cutters, Corn Pickers,
Huskers and Shredders and Corn Shelters.
O YOUIl own
help when the grain is ju&t right. Save
loss from sprouting if the season is wet
and save loss from shelling out if the season is
dry. Hitch your tractor to
U 9
Ihe saving ot ihresmng lulls
vtin pay jar tt.;cij uy saving your crop tir.t yenr. nic
Iluber is Known Hi? world over as the machine that ":s;ives
the grain." The Junior Thresher is large enough to do
your own threshing and your neighbors if you like. It is
small enough to be run by a 10-20 tractor. The Huber
Light Four, the efficient V2-ir tractor shown above, fur
nishes ample power for the thresher with all attachment.?.
Made only by The Huber Manufacturing Co., Marion, O.
Phons 16-B
improve the appetite and strengthen
the digestion. They contain no pep
sin or other digestive ferment, but
strengthen the stomach and enable
it to perform its functions naturally.
Are you, Mr. Business Man, tak
ing advantage of our stock of print-
j Ing inks? Need letterheads, envel-
! opes, statements, Invoices, checks or
cards? Let us print them for vou,
Wro. H. Bohn, Auctioneer
rilONi: 2903
and Tillage Implements
threshing with your own
wm .soon p.iy
for it. It
Your Service,
-:- -:- Murdoek, Nebr.