s JxOHDAY, JANUARY 19. 1P2). PAGE T770 rLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL a if ) i feslsogccd 53 -4. it A Trtll r-r- -t Til M will make you feel better. Oct a Good custom tailor ing brings out the best that's in you; your build, the vay ycu stand, your ideas, are all made to count. That easily can be seen in pleas ing expression, in the fine lines of sal.? 5 Try Cleaner and Tailor PHONE 163 Pattsmouth, Nebraska It's the expert work manship, the correct ctyle, the pan? ivooi fairies ihrt makes our tailoring give you last ing satisfaction. lessnred No r. 3 l M ?" i? AT 4 rile southwest of Louis villc, to be sold Wednesday, January 21, at Public Auction on the premis2s known as the ..ailon farm. Sale begins at 1 : 30 p. m. There are 1 6 acres seeded to fall wheat, 14 acres alfalfa, balance land. farm in" an d pasture Lay of land from level tc rolling. Would make un ideal feeding farm, chicken or hon ranch. Buy this and get away from the city and be indepen dent, cr live in Louisville and C . . .1 iarm it, as mere are no im provements but fences and a good well a. Terms: $400 cash, $600 more March 1st. Balance to be carried, payable on or be fore ten years, $200 each year or all cash if desired. AUCTIONEER Fhone 91 Springfield, Neb. A line ot stationery a' M,- .?ou: nal office that can't be eitIl- d ar.l 13 hard to equai 1 1 3 I. (ft OVER THE GOUTY ELM WOOD Leader-Echo A news item which comes a littlo kite is the report of the birth of a boy baby to Mr. and Mr.s. Del Tyson on New Year's day. Uncle w'm. James, who has been iuite sick ivilh pneumonia is recover ing and is doing nicely for one of li is advanced ago. Mrs. Dan Steele is quite sick at her home in this city. Her daughter, from Winside. arrived Wednesday night to help care for her. The Klmwood high school team de feated the Murdock ex-bin.li school team in a fast game of basket-ball at the hall on Tuesday night by a core of IS to Itoy Hhoden is the loser of two irood horses. nresumably iron; the reported corn stalk disease. It is that otliers are losing their horse;; from the same cause. John Parriott reports the loss of three horses, tv. o of which are extra Kood ones. Announcement of the wei'din.:: of .Mr. Gaile Butler Current to Mio Verda Hayes lias j'i.-t been received by friends of the voting man in this city. The marriage took place on December 24. 191H. This will be interest ins news to Elm wood peopie and readers of the Eeader-Echo. Last week near the Wiseman place. e-.-t o town, a large eagb wa. sp!nl. h"j:iis to have iiJtten ir.to a uci i!ui;"iie for a vl:o!o raft of "r.Jaek crcv " a-re clir.ini; him ;;tuI lie was inakitiK a lively flight. Those who av him later perched upon a tree :.y that he was an exception-ally lari,t one. (Mi .Monday morniui; Oswald John while riding a horse liad the mi--fortur.e to i;et liis risht let; broken, when the horse in some way slip )e.i ar.d i-'.l. Oswald was unable to rehase li is Tool from the ftirru? and the horse fell with iTs weight on i:is log with the above result. An X ray of the les; wa in:me;!iately .nr. le and the limb set. Ii v.'iil bv--lime time before lie will he able i-i ;e uround. a:;ai:i and is an unfortti iate accident witii'a'.I the work that '.e has to do on the farm. LOUISVILLE ' Courier The many friend:; of I '..roll Wil liaius a'.id Dowt-y Spangler. the two '.ouisville young men operated on la.-.t week for apyendiciiis, will 1 oKa: ed to know th.at they are gt t 'ing along nicely at the M. vl. hos oit.l in 0:..aha. .ir. Peter Voglcr. of .Manley 'ame over Monday to viit her ol 1 friend. Mrs. Charles Kraft, who is seriously ill at her i-.orne in the cust part of to '.mi. Mrs. Vogk r drove ver with her son-in-law and daugh-i-f. Mr. and Mrs. August Jochim. Dan Phelps is hero t'roni tl rd"Ti, is:ti.'ig wit!; uis la'it'icr and oiher relatives. I ): n is fiiperiiOemlen! of h.r.-.o ranoii iti t'.mt country, ten Jor.in. i.i a pn-fit-s and savs he is m.ik- K-f"'t O ring i, .trine !i:g mere money than l::- eer di.' he tore and lie seems w(l! satisfied uid pros pen !;.-, which will be pleading to his mar.v (dd f riemls. Mr. r.r.d Mrs. Theodore Mart- s and two sons, of Manic', and Miss Min nie Peters were supper guests last siiiiiiay at the home ct .Mr. ana Mrs. August Pautseh. Other visi tors at tni Pautseh home opon the time 'n,do:i were Mtlxin and Mis- Alia Sv'ilicfert and tluir cousin Miss Mt:I):l I'.ornnm. r.f Aiil;uul. w!. i were here for an over Sunday visit. Mr. and Mr.--. Andrew Stohlman have been visiting for the wast two wee it at the homo of Mrs. Stoiil- (Jo:-g- mans sister. .Mr. and .Mrs Neb !r. Stonlman returned heme last Satur- lay atter Iniving .stopped tt P.attle .'reek, where he visited with F. W. li-M'i.tr. t.ust ol.itin ana tne iioiiniar Mr. vs. all former Louisville people. Mr Str o!i 1 in n rfrinnp.'l l'rtil Tues day. EAGLE lieacon Miss Florence Manker of D"s fines'. Ia.. came Thursday eening lo spend ;t few ivcti, - wi'Ii lior grandmother, Mr. T. 11 Adams. Dilly Wulf suffered a severe loss P'.TidcV night w i m fi:e dest r yt-.i b;-; range contain i1? two tuitomo biles and tome farm implements. M. and Mrs. Tom Paughman of iVh.Ht Cheer. Ia.. nre here visiting .l!b Mrs. P.'i'ir.iitn.i n's f-i fer. .A'r- Fred Trunkeniio!.. Will Muencheati is carrying a b id ly disfigured face around these days, the result of cranking a Duick, which kicked him in the beezer. liual Mick had the misfortune to break his collar bone Sunday. While out with some boys he jumped and l caught a limb of a tree that was frozen and broke off and as it fell hit ! Rual in just the right place to break the collar bone. M:s. W'ill Hudson received word early this (Thursday) morning that her brother,, Emmons Royer, died at Elnnvood last night and she and her husband went immediately to that I iace. We are unable at this time to state any of the particulars further than his death was rather sudden and entirely unexpected. WEEPING WATER Republican John W. (.'art or who lias spent the year on a wheat ranch in Colorado returned Sunday night. John is verv em nusiastic over v. tieat raising in I ('ult;rail hus out a iar; crop lor next year and will return with the first signs of spring. Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Dorr of Wahns! and thiir guests Mr. and Mrs. Ver "on Perry of IJig Springs were Sat urdiy visitors at the home of their cid neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Colh-rt. While here the little son Xeal of Mr. and Mrs. Dorr met with the misfortune of breaking his right l arm while coasting. NV. J. Loeffel of the ate eyperi t.ierr Ff?tion and Co. Agt. L,. R stupe-; !se!:l a butchering demonstra ti(.:i at the V.'ill Mirse farm Frhi.iv r d c-,e at the 7,. A. Coalman farm '""Hi" o. ;.:cn demonstration was a'tentled !y farmers to Cue number .of 27 and 2S. J no i)roperty of the Mvers Cru-h'-'d Stone Ci. is a husv .cene of activity and ha been every day thi winter as tne Myers continue push ing their .work toward opening it i the (j'.nrry in full bl;:-t this spring. A goedly portion of the side track is now laid and part of the cement forms are in for mounting the ma chinery part of which has been shin per and is due to arrive here almost any day. Xels S'.m-ird sold l.U elevator and cr.nl business last .''riday 'o Leslie J uilei who too":: possession immedi ately after the deal was closed. Mr. Sogard has no plans for the future as yet. other than a trip to Denmark with his familv about the first May to visit his brothers and sisters and Mr. Sogard 's parent who are e;u;te aged. They expect to re turn to Weeping Water September 1 in time for the commencement of Fchool. We are glad to know that Mr. Sogard expects to T:eep his home in AVcping AVafer fs he is a m;:n mat t no tr.wn could not afford to lo r from its business or social circ!. As to Mr. Wiles he is one of oar home grown boys with a tpiendid ri ptitatioti, who will no doubt keep up the good reputation of the busi-ne-s as established by his predeces sor. N E H A W K A News Sam M;u ! in who leased the V. P. SheM"n farm adjoining town moved lo the farm the first of the week. Hairy Duckorth who had been the foreman of the farm the past year moved into the house vacated by the Martin family. Mr. and Mis. F. 15. Imion. who were called to Minnesota by the seri ous illmss and death r.f Mr. Lemon's father, returned to Nehawka Wed nesday afternoon of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lemon departed on Christ mas day and arrived there before the death of his father which occurred or. the 27th. Miss (Jay Lean who lias been teaching at the Ftict ory ville school tlii ; term, resigned last week and has accepted ;i position in the grade ::Jiool at Otoe, Sfh. She left here Saturday and bc.an her new work first of the wsc-k. Mr. Wort ham has be,,, f.-oor.rod to fill th. vacancy at t he school. Last week Sheldon & Giles pur cht'Kd a boar of Philip- Hirz of PlaHsmouth. Thi boar was farrow ed March 10. into, ni is Kin of Orion's Jr. His dam is Mollie Or ion by Pates Orion King, and be by Orion Cherry King Jr. and grand champion a the Omaha national rovine show in 101 fi. Mr.-Tlirz has bred several of the sows that go into his spring bred sow stile to this boar. He 's the long, big bone kind with plenty of daylight under him and the present owners believe by mat ing him to their string of gonl retr istered ;-nws it will still further im prove t heir herd of Duroc-Je, wys. Moihd Ko--e Comb Rhode Island T'r-I CoeJ; . ; :;jd White Wv.T.ldcMO C:',s: single i.Uile bird. ?2.f". I. IT. Keii . Sh-i'ly Spring Farm. South J i'.end. Xnbr. d20-lmo. WHEN NEURALGIA ATTACKS NERVES Sloan s Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain A little, applied it-it hout rubbing, will fenctratc immediately and rest and soothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment is very effective in allaying external pains, strains, bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore muscles, lumba go, neuritis, sci.itica, rheumatic twinges. Keep a big bottle always on hand for family use. Druggists everywhere. 35c, 7Uc. $1.-KJ. sacra? POBLIC AUCTION ! As I am going west in the spring I will offer for ;-ale at public auction at my home on the F. M. Young, Sr., farm, two mile;- east of Murray and seven miles .oith of Plattsmouth. commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday, January 23, the following d-scribed pioperty, to wit: Ten Head of Horses. One gray mare, weight 1600; one bay hore, wei-lit 15.0; one brown horse, weight 1.100; on 2 gray horse, weight 1450; o.ie black mare, weight 1 400; one bay mare, v eight l.'!00: one bay coll. :: years old. weight 900; one mare colt, 2 years old; two mare colts, 1 yetir old. Two good milk cows, fresh soon; two stock cows; four Duroc senvs. Farm Machinery. One John Deere' binder, 7-foot, good a.s new; one John Deere disc ''arrow: one Prdjrer cultivator; one Limy Liiul cuitivator; one New De parture cultivator; one 10-inch walk ing ploy; one :;-section harrow; one broadcast seeder: one hay rake; one McCormick mower; one wagon with box; one new 2-rw machine; one wagon gear; one carriage; one hay rack ; one spri" wagon; f feet of half inch cable with Louden car; two sets of IV. harness; many other irticles not mentioned here. Lunch will be served on the z rounds at noon. Ten;-- of Sale. Ail sums of 10 and under ct"h in hand. On st.-ms over $10 six to "ight months time will De given, pur- cltaEer givinrr bankable note bearing ceght per cent interest from date of ;ale. All proierty must be settled for before removed from t lie premise?!. WAUKKX WILKV, Owner. V. II. Young. Auctioneer. W. O. Poedeker. Clerk. F1U0 AUCTION! The undersigned will sell at public auction at his home on the Kd Spang ler farm, ono-half mile north of Mur ray, oii- Tuesday. January 27, commencing at 10 a. in., the follow ng described property, to-wit: Four Head of Horses. One bav horse, S years old, weight 1100! one bay horse, G years old weight loOO: one black mare. 2 years old. weight 1000; one sorrel horse, 10 years old. weight 1G00. 18 Head of Cattle. Two milk cows, fresh soon: one ni'.k cow. fresh in April; one milk ov.-. fresh in February; three milk cows; seven coming yearlings; mree calves; one 2 year old heifer, fresh soon. Farm Machinery. Two discs; one J. I. Case sulky plow; one Western Bell lister; two Bradley listers; two riding cultivat ors; one Jenny innci walking culti vator; one stalk cutter; one J. I. Case corn planter; one McCorniick mow ing machine; one Sterling 2-row ma chine; one C-foot Deering binder; one S-foot Deering binder; one pow- r washer; one 2-hp. engine; one mi nip jack; one Del-aval cream sep arator; one buggy: one truck wag on; two hay rack; one wagon; two ets of harness; many other articles too numerous to mention. I-unch will be served at noon. Terms of Sale. On all sums of $10 and under cash; on all sums over $10 a credit of 6 to 22 months will be given, purchaser giving good bankable note bearing S per cent interest from date. All prop erty to be .settled fr before removed from the prtmises. J. W. TII-SOX, Owner. W. K. Young. Auctioneer. W. (J. Boedeker. Clerk. We print law briels-, sale " r.ius, letter hnds. envelopes, statements. cheeks, invoice-; and in fact every- thing but money, postage stamps and tter. T.et us have your next Job 1 MRS. GALLAGHER KNEW WHAT TO DO Experience She'd Had Before Taught Her the Wonderful Value of Tanlac. "When I felt myself going down this summer 1 knew exactly what to do, for I had taken Tanlac before and it fixed me up so fine I just knew it would do so again," said Mrs. Barbara Gallagher, who lives at 1000 Plum St., Lincoln, Nebraska. "For many years," she continued. "I suffered agonies from rheumatism and never knew what it was to be without pains or .aches anywhere in my system. My head ached like it would burst, and I would get so dizzy at times that everything seemeel to be whirling around till I would feel like I was going to fall. My nerves were in such a dreadful state that I would roll and toss half the night without being able to sleep a wink, and my appetite was so weak that I would have attacks 'of indigestion and sometimes they would nearly put me out of business. "One of my friends advised me strongly to try Tanlac and I could see a marked improvement right af ter I starteel on it. My nerves grew quiet so I could sleep better, the headaches anel dizzy spells passed away, my appetite increased and my digestion soon became all right. Tan lac soon fixed me up all right and I have, enjoyed splendid health, ever since. Whenever i feel the least bit out of the way I take a little Tan lac." Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke & Co.; in Alvo by Alvo Drug Co.; in Avoca by O. E. Copes; in South Bend by E. SUirzenegger ; ;n Greenwood by K. F. Smith; in Weeping Yv'ater by Meier Drug Co.; in h'lmwoDil by L. A. Tyson; in Murdoch by 11. V. McDonald; in Louisville by Blake's Pharmacy; in Eagle by F. W. Pdoomenkantp; in Cnion by E. W.'Keedy; in N'ehawka by 1). D. Adams; in Murray by Meier Drug Co.. and in Manley by Rudolph Bergman n. I'li.ii te- X". I'M I Keserve 1 ist. 1H-J REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At I'hittsmoiMli, in the Sti'te of Ne ln iikii, ;i t tin" el'iso f liiisines.s on J if eeiTilier SI, l'Jltl. HKSOl'KCKS ;i ti t 1 is-HK-liiilin units $ i .". io:".;; :itlS illlil !is-itinl-d I .Oil IIS -it i'lisc ! i. ! i. I -S t 7 .i0 ver.li-;; ft. ; 'ast'cu red ! 1 1 1 1 e it !.:.; t". S. ;vt. Sccurit's owned: ' '(! s i ti l 1 1- se nile i irenlation il'. S. lx'nils pa r Vlllllel $ .".0. "'. 01) l'pls'I as -..ll;ii- T;il !! State or other deposits or bills payable I . "..'(!'. tin 'Mvnod unpledged. . 7. . t jej.r. 59.00 Securities, oilier than l". S. bonds (not incl mling stocks i owned and unpledged Slock ot' federal Keserve bank (." per cent of sub script ion i Value of banking bouse, ovned and unincumbered.. ''limit lire and fixtures Ileal estate owned other than banking house ! awful reserve with Federal Keserve bank I'asli i! vault :'nl net amts. ilue from National banks . i 'hecks on other banks in the same city or town as re porting bank Cheeks on banks located out side of city or town of reporting- bank and other cash items' Kedcmption fund with C. S. Treasurer and due. from V. S. Treasurer Interest earned but not col lected (approximate on Notes and Hills Keceivable, not past due 1 l.j's.i;:t L 1150. 00 11.000.00 4,:j30.00 7.4S2.00 17,45'J.!'S t;o.oo 2,500.00 5, 500. 00 Total Kcsources , .?7-1.7S LiAnn-iTJ i:s Capital stock paid in $ Surplus fund 50.000. 00 1T, 000.00 I nil i vnled proms .f I-ess current ex penses, taxes and interest paid none Interest and discount collect ed or credited in advance of maturity and not earned l a pprox imatc 'iroulating notes outstand'g 5.500.00 50,000.00 1 6.'i o n5,t;ic.y i 1 ."..! 17.00 5,000.00 :oi,j:u.u'i 51.000.00 Net amount due to banks. bankers and trust cotnp ies Individual deposits, subject to check Certilieates of deposit due m less than "o days (other than for money borrowed). lHvidcnds unpaid Time certificates of deposit (other than for money bor rowed Hills payable with federal Keserve bank Total Liabilities .6l'7,OU1.7S Total contingent liabilities . .$ 1,92.00 State of Nebraska County of Cass I. F. I-:. Sehlater. Cashier of the i box e-nainel bank, do solemnly swear hat th above statement is true to the best of my knowledge a.nd belief. t . 1Z. SCHLATI-.I;, Correct-At test: Cashier. II. N. Oovcy, A. (J. Cole, (!eo. C. Iovey, IMrectors Subscribed and sworn to before mo this mil day of January, 1020. ANNA" WAROA. (Seal) Xotary Public' (My cotiibiik expires lisv. 2, 132.) The papular line o: Eoanison stick trs and cards at the Journal office. Winter Course University of Nebraska School of Agriculture JANUARY 26 TO FEBRUARY 20, 1020 GENERAL AGRICULTURE Better Fanning meih ods Study of seed selection, crop rotation, coil t ill lace; Live Stock Farming Judging of cattle, hoga, sheep and horses. Qire of and feeding live sIgck; Diseases ,qf Animals and Plants; Growing of FruKs and Vegetables; Poultry Raising for Profit. DAIRYING A Practical Training in the essentials cf the dairy business; Selection and Care of Dairy Ca'. tle, feeding, housing and management; Butter Tv!r.k ing, cheese making, marketing or dairy products; Milk Testing, preparation of milk for market. RURAL ECONOMICS Farm Accounling, bookkcen ing, farm records; Farm Organization, farm equip ment, cropping systems, marketing, grain exchange cooperative organization Fee for Agricultural Courses, $8.00 AUTOMOBILES AND TRACTORS Course Opens January 5 Four weeks Students enter Every Mon day. Instruction for the Farmer who handles his own machines; Lectures and Shop Work on engines, ignition, transmissions,, differentials, carburetors, etc; Practice in operation, repair and care of tractors; A New Building, splendid equipment, expert instructors. Fee $10 Minimum Age Limit, 18 Years For Further Information, Address Principal, SchoaS of feisulhsr. UNIVERSITY FARM ' LINCOLN, NEBRASKA The Best Cough Medicine When a druggist finds that hi eir-.tomers all fpeak well of a certain preparation, he forms a gou opin ion of it and when in need of sveh a medicine is almost certain to use it himself and in his family. Thin is why so many druggists use and recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. J. 15. Jones, a well known 1 AND HJeEJO' Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work not to be paid for until it is set in the spring. To m?ny wait until spring to buy. Gass County Monument Company tr W. Telephone 177 of Laeal I - I Under orders of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, I will sell at Public Auction to iho highsl bidder for cash at the south door of the Court HoiSe a: Plattsmouth,, Nebraska, January 26th, 1C20, at 10 00 o clock a. m., the following described land: THE EAST HALF (Ey2) OF THE II0RTKWEET - QTJARTEH (NWi4) OF SECTION THIRTY-TFRET: r33) ; IKiTOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH OF RANGE NIFE . (9), EAST OF THE SIXTH P. M. IN CASS COUNTY NEBRASKA. x' m : This is the sale of the Dean Kamm Eighty whih is located one mile north and one and one-half miles west of Alvo. Nebraska. This farm is improved. Tl are $3,000.00 cash at time of bid as earnest money the zd:vtin cash at the time f thc c'nfir- i CARL D. GANZ, Referee. druggist of Citbrun, Ky., says, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy in n:y family for the p-.-.zl seven yon .-5. n. ltd have found it to be the best lough medicine 1 have ever Known." Money to loaii on city real estate by the Plattsmouth Loan & RullJInK Association. See T. M. Patterson. Secretary 3-2tM E2 ST ON SMITH Plattsmouth, Neb. V ii B ra ti n rj ii pi B n a u f3 a w u ii u b ti 3 A- h I ) 1 J