t'W ! THURSDAY, JANUARY S. lft- -, PAGE SIX PLATTSM0TJTT1 SEMI-WUEKL? JOURHAt Umsiin maun MeCook from lies Moines, la., three years ago and for two years was in charge of the christian church in S3 HS22 IUUNU IVIHii PAYS PENALTY 1 1 . Price! that city, resigning about a year ago Men's Suits and Overcoats to enter the produce liter the produce business in Mc.-'ji k and was engaged, in this line'H Cool FOB MISDEED of work at the time of his appoint ment to the bench. The announcement of the appoint ment came as ;: reat surprise to the friends in this city as it was not known that the minister had any po litical ambitions. Durng their stay in this city. Kev. an. .Mrs. Zink did excellent work for the church and greatly increase' the interest in the church and 'their success here called them to the larger scene of useful ness at Des Moi!:.-s. VICTOR KRIVANEK SENTENCED BY JUDGE BEGLEY TO 90 DAYS IN COUNTY JAIL. 1 1: WAS PAROLED LAST YEAR Yz T lif Most ' L 12 iS7 Captivating ?6nK Comedienne ffJ "l"3?0 v e Screen. ) 1 t v let at .?? H 15 u A-Verij HqpWoods Hilarious Farce JL Hysterically Funny . , & Wonderfully Human Yv Tlay tOitli Complications Compromises, a marVeb ' o us Cocktail"" & a Kick! Directed hy Henry Otto., HaXTVell Karger Director - general. SEE IT ATc But in Last Few Months Left City and Made Himself Subject to Original Sentence. PARMEILE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, January 13th and 14th -TWO SHOWS EACH NlGHT- Admission Entire House, 25c Remember this is the movie - even better than the p!ay! From Wednesday's Dally Late vesterdav afternoon Victor Krivanek, one of the ynnns men who was involved in considerable trouble here a vear ago in connection with the loss ot goods ana money lrom a number of the places in the city, and who has since that time been under a suspended sentence, was arraigned before District Judge James T. Heg- ley, to answer to the charge of hav ing violated his parole in leaving the jurisdiction of the court without the permission of the judge and the parties to whom he was paroled. The i I young man prior to leaving the city had been in the employ of the firm of C. E. Wescott's Sons as a salesman ii their store and in that capacity serv ed during the time, after he was originally released under suspended sentence, unt'l late in October when he departed for parts unknown. The firm of C 'E. Wescott's Sons how ever have no part in the action that was brought against the young man as he has fully settled his accounts with that firm far as thev are concerned and they made no com plaint to the county attorney. The young man when brought into district court yesterday afternoon in the custody of Sheriff Quinton enter- ed a plea of guilty to ihe charge of . having violated his parole and was I accordingly sentenced to serve 90 ! days in the Cass county jail for the violation of the parole and after re ceiving his sentence was turned over to the custody of Sheriff Quinton and removed to the jail to serve out the pentence of the court. Of the young men who were ar rested here in 19 IS this is the onlv case of the violation of the parole as the other members of the party have appeared in court and been released from t he parole. KNIGHTS OF COLUM BUS HOLD A SMOKER Large Numbers of Members of Order and Friends Assemble at Lodge Rooms for Social Time. I-Yorn Wednesday's Pa My. Last evening the Knights of Co lumbus enjoyed ;i very pleasant time at their hall in a social meeting to which the members and their friends has been invite.l. The inclement weather served to keep a number from out of the citv attending as the snow made the travel verv di agreeable and therefore interfered with the attendance somewhat. The time was spent most delight uitiy n a social way with cards as uie of the chief amusements of the evening and much interest was cre ated in the various games while plenty of smoke- served to keep the players going a full speed and ev eryone present ia the best of spirits. rather M. A. Shine, rector of St. John's church gave a short talk on the benefits of the organization and the general spirit of the knights in their work for tlieir countrv and heir church and the remarks of the loquent rector were very much en joyed by the membership and the nvited guests. A very dainty and enjoyable luncheon was served at a uitable hour and to which the mem bers of the party did ample justice ind brought to a close a very enjoy able evening. HEARINGS ON CON SOLIDATION UP SOON DOES THAT SOUND REASONABLE? You know it doesn't. You know there is "a nigger in the woodpile" somewhere whenever you see an ad like that, especially in these days. Might as well advertise - r . CORN AND WHEAT -Vz PRICE ' BUTTER AND EGGS Vz PRICE DAY LABOR Vz PRICE You would be suspicious of the eggs or the labor that was offered at one-half price today. You may as well be usspicious of the clothing that is thus offered. It simply "can't be did" unless a man is a philanthropist and has plenty of money to give away. Selling men's clothes today at one-half price is just like giving money away. We would like to do it we wish we were able to give every man in Plaltsmouth not only one half, but both halves of a suit or overcoat. Since we cannot do this, we do not want to deceive you by saying we will. A BUT LISTEN Here is something we can do. We can offer you the remain der of our Ladies Coats, not at Yz price, because we don't have them marked high enough for that, but at a straight, clean, bona fide re duction of 20, We can do this simply because this market has not been upset, cleaned up and overbalanced like the men's has. You know that our prices have always been about 20 (c below the city stores, so that with this reduction of 20' you can depend upon it you are buying these goods at exactly 40 off of city prices. We advise 3'ou to be among those to get first pick of these splendid Coats at J his reduction. C. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE' ,t'?? Special Union Services at the Methodist Church Every Night. ki:'i::i:!:K raK.s :;:r:nrs rn : : a- :x: a . 2 :c .. z : 2 , u. : x r-. c . c rsi f B. K. F. Timers I for FORD CARS This little accesory on your Ford car will work wonders. Starts easily in,zero weather, puts pep into the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford. No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short your motor. Money Back Guarantee With Every B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed. GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU. Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived. BENSON HIGH SCHOOL WINS IN BIG GAME Plattsmouth High School Basket Ball Team is Defeated at Benson Last Evening by Score of 38 to 23. J. F WOLFF, Main St. Garage - Telephone 79 Block South of Postoffice Notice to Ford Owners! i How are your lights? Does your motor crank hard? If you have these troubles your magneto is weak. A new magneto would 1 cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge your magneto without taking your motor down fcr $5.00. Gome In and Let Us Explain! W.W.WASLEY Krom Wednesday's Dally. The Plattsmouth high school bas ket ball team had their first exper ience this season in playing on a strange floor last night when they met the Benson team at Benson, and the result proved a triumph for the Omaha lads hy a score of 38 23. The Plattsmouth team while playing a good game were up against the frt.rcngeness of the Benson gym which made their try for the baskets very difficult owing to the low ceiling of the room aud which while easy for the Benson team was a hard propo sition for the locals. Sattler at cen ter and Brubacker as forward were the bright stars for the Plattsmouth team and contributed largely to the scores made by the team. The team will go to Auburn soon to play the team of that city. There were a large number of rooters accompanying the team to the metropolis and encour aged the boys during the course of the battle. FORMER CHRISTIAN MINISTER IS JUDGE Rev. A. L. Zink, Former Pastor of Christian Church Here, is Appoint County Judge of Red Willow. From Wednesday's Daily. Rev. A. JL. Zink, for a number of years in charge of the Christian church in this city has definitely abandoned the ministry to take up the more interesting role of county judge in Red Willow county, Ne braska. Rev. Zink was appointed last Saturday to the vacancy caused Boundaries of New Districts Made by School Redisricting Committee to be on Carpet Next Week. From Wednesday's Dallv. The maps showing the boundaries of the proposed new consolidated school districts of the county are now printed and awaiting the inspection of the taxpayers and citizens of the county who can view them by call ing at the office of the superintend ent at any time and seeing just what territory has been included in each proposed district by the board. One the 12th. 13th and 14th of January hearings will be held by the redistricting committee at the county seat at which time complaints against boundaries and school sites will be heard and adjuster so far as possible. The following circular from the county superintendent's office is a definite statement touching upon the situation. Plattsmouth. Neb.. Dec. 22. 1919. To School Electors of Cass county. Nebraska. Enclosed you -will find a map of the proposed new consolidated dis tricts for Cass county. These boundaries and school sites are not settled as yet and we are calling hearings to receive your ob jections and suggestions in regard to the proposed changes. The law re- luires that these questions be set tled before the people vote on wheth er they are to consolidate under the new law. As it will be impossible for us to meet all the people at one time, we ippoint the following time for the different districts.. Hearings to be held in the office of county super intendent. Complains on boundaries and school sites must be submitted to the committee in writing not later than January 14. 1920. Please inform all school electors of your district as to the time, place and purpose of this meeting. Monday, January 12, 1920. 10 a. m. Proposed Districts Num ber 1-2-9. 2 p. m. Proposed Districts Num ber 10-11-12-21. Tuesday, January 13, 1920. 10 a. in. Proposed Di.-tricts Num ber 3-S-13. 2 p. m. Proposed Districts Num ber 14-l.r-lC-20. 10 a. m. Proposed Districts Num--0 a. m. Proposed Districts Num ber 4-7-5-18. 2 p. m. Proposed Districts Num ber 6-17-19. J. M. Teegarden, J. J. Gustin, Alpha C. Peterson, Redis tricting committee of Cass county, Nebraska. YOUNG PEOPLE ARE JOINED IN WEDLOCK! Miss Agnes Born and Mr. Otto E. Peteriet United in Marriage This Morning. From Wednesday's Dally. This morning at 9 o'clock at the St. John's Catholic rtiurch occurred the marriage of Miss Agnes Born and Mr. Otto E. Peteriet. the beautiful impressive service of church' being celebrated by Rev. Father M. A. Shine, rector of the church. The wedding was a very quiet one, the young people being attended by Alisa Margaret liallahan and Mr. Frank Fight, uncle of the bride. Following the wedding the bridal couple were entertained at a nuptial breakfast at the home of the grandparents of the bride, Mr. and Mr. John Fight, on Pearl street and later motored to the home of the bride's parents west of the city where a reception will be held this evening for the young cou ple. Mr. and Mrs. Petcreit will reside on a . farm west of the city where the groom has a home awaiting the com ing of the bride and where they will be at home to their friends. The bride is the charming and ac complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Born and was born and rear ed to womanhood In this community where her friends are legton. The groom is one of the Industrious young farmers of the county and has made many warm friends by .his many sterling qualities of character. PAINTING! We now have a Paint ing Department and have an experienced Automo bile Painter. Let us dress up your old car with a new coat of paint and make it look like new. Better stop in and ar range for a date as our paint shop is always in use. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Only a Limited Number of Ford Cars There are mighty good reasons why you should buy your Ford car now. But the. biggest one is that there are only 0 many Ford cars just a specified limited number allotted to this territory. Those who buy their cars now will b wise. They will have them to use whenever they wish. Don't put it off nest spring, even next month, h an uncertainty. Evn now, we must have signed bona-fide orders before our monthly allotment is ship ped us. So the only way for you to be sure of getting a Ford car, is to order it now. Get your name on an order. It i$ your protection. Again we tell you, the allotment for this territory is limited and you must buy now while deliveries are possible. A3 ever, the demand for Ford cars is away in advance of production. So, it's first come, first served. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are all the same to the Ford car. It is a valuable servant every day of the year. Rain or shine, it is ready for your demands. Buy now and get prompt delivery. You won't have to store it. Yon can use it. Buy now while the buy ing is possible Phone us at our expense and we will have our salesman call on you for your signed order. BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR REPAIRS! Now is the time to have your car overhauled and tuned up. We can do your work promptly now; later in the season ycu may have to wait your turn. T. H. Pollock Garage, PLATTSMOUTH PHONE NO fa II! I 1 YTTi-nT . I III I JDXUVSJUl III H M 1 f V n by the appointment of Judge SIT. H. Pollock Garage M. C'olfer and at once entered Garage Thone 650 House Phone 502 ... e- . --" , office. Mr. Zink and family came to PHONE N0.-1