The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 08, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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platts&outh semi-weekly jouenal
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
ts.t)TO?Uie radpi-s of th
Journal knoy of any, social
eTnt or itm i.f Imprest Id
this vicinity, and will mall
time to this office, it will ap
pear under this headinp. We
want ail news items Editor
System (M
M In Yar Savings $4
Mrs. Lome Puis is numbered anions
the sick at this time.
For Sale Bred tows, the best ol
Oldham Stock Kami.
Make your bank book
show some headway for every
pay-day. The man who cultivates a sys
tematic savings habit when young reaps
prosperity and happiness when old.
Why not figure now just how
much you could put away
every pay-day, then start
your savings system
by opening an
account with us
on next pay-day.
Sa fetyHo nesty Courtesy Serif ice
Four pr cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
AH business transactions held i.i strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Holding School Meetings
The citizens of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct are holding meetings at the
various school hou-os looking to the
settling of the proposition of making
one district of the precinct in aocrd
ance with the recommendation of
the committee. The boundaries of
the district will he nearly at the
lines 01 1 ue precinct. I nere are
many both for and against the proposition.
e nerd.
Robert Stafford is spending a few
days at the home of his uncle. I). A.
Airs. George Khoden spent a lew
days with her sister, Mrs. I), C.
Air. and Mrs. AI in ford were dele
sates to the farmers' congress that
met in Omaha this week.
Albert Schlaale of Magnet was a
visitor in Alurray and the near com- Is Taking the Census
r .1., 1 . . . . . 1 I
. . ? " w. UVV: V . Clarence Brown lias vecentlv been
l.,u ..1 . iltl d iiv appointed the corpus enumerator for
jtor in and near M-.n-Hy last Sunday . AV(,S Ko(k Bluff preCinct. which
l. iuir th.e of relative aml inc hides AI urray a:, d began his work
mends. ... Inst Tuesday, making verv good prog-
I. (. Khoden wa-. a visitor in ress aml doinp tl, ,vork' in the best
I lattsmor. th where he "was looking I mancr. Mr. Brown is fullv capable
after some business nun tors 1 uesday j of l0()kin? af(er ali the detans of the
atternocm. j wcrk and win liastcn it through in
V. H. Puis, the merchant, was a as short a time a. is consistent with
visitor in Nebraska City last Sunday j the best service,
where lie was vNitii!" for the dav i
i Mrs. L. H. Puis Has Grip
! Airs. L. H. Puis has been very sick
i at her home for the past few days
with The lagnpp . and was kepi to
scat last
sedan of
with friends.
John Ferrh; and Dr. B. F
wtre visitors at the coui'.tv
Tuesday, driving up In the
Mr. Ferris.
Searle Pavi- is jmttitm i:i a wag
on sai at his farm Alaplc Grove,
and expects to wvii;h passing events
very closely in the future.
Aliss Laura Pub- d nr rtod for Los
Angeles- last Snndav evening where
she will sp7id the i:' throe mouth.
with relatives and friend-.
Albert Jones, the drayman, ha
neon on the sick iist witii an attack
of the lagrippf . but i- feeding stme
what improved at this time.
Gra.iulma White, who ha.- under
! her bed for a fe
friends wil'
: he -.'hall be
davs. Her many
rcjoi with her when
well Mough again to be
!iie part f : v.
J for l.y Mrs.
e:; perieiH i (I r:
Kay AlcAlakei; was a visitor in
.urray ir.e-tiav. vesttrt av and to-
. liauii:".: cross arms ior the Ne
braska Gas and Electric company.
P. I. (Proud Dad i Katon some
few n.iks southeast of Altirray is
rej icins over the arrival of a fine
hoy at their home. All are doing
nic iv.
K: nest Buttery and Mr. Teakoiter
wire d'n from Plan.-mouth la.-t
Tr.i day supplying the merchants arid
:;a:;ges witli a (juantity of gasoline
and oils.
The enterprising firm of Hiatt A:
Ttiti and also that of Alfred
mer. v '. d urine ;h fcr-f part
of ;I.e veck tal-.:g ft nek f:r their
anraial inventory.
Mr. V. M. Batrersoii wlio is visit
i::g at the home of her parents.
I. Wheeler and wife, east of Mur
ray, coming from her home at Brazil.
Ind.. went last Tuesday to near Alan
ley v here "he visited for a short,
time at the home of John Kauth and
family, before returning to her home
in the eat. Percy Wheeler, her
brothr. took her over in his. new Hud
son fneedster.
Alviays Ready for Sale
D3tes fsr or near.
Telephone 1511 Murray Exo lange
Ernest Carroll and family of Xe
hawka were visiotrs at the homo of
his parents. Charles Carroll and wife,
lasi Sunday driving up with their
Walter Sans, who shipped a car
load of sheep to market last week.
al:-o shipped his feeding cattle. b. -inc.
the only carload to the South
Omaha market from Alurray last
Gc :rge Prinl.lov . Jr.. and E. S.
Tutt ;f firm of Hiatt A: Tutt were
visiting in Plattsmouth last Alonday
looking after some business matters
am! returned home in an'auto. find
ing the roads not the wors'.
I. AI. Davis who will in a shor;
time remove to Lincoln where he ex
pects to make his home in the future,
will ship his household eff.ts to the
capital city, while the farm will be
conducted by Ernest Afilbourne.
Koberr W. Stafford of Fr rest Cr:y.
S. I)., who has been a' the h'uie of
his mother. Airs. Ellen Stafford, call
ed there by her death, was a visitor
In Murray at the home of his untie.
1). A. Young, visiting from Sunday
until Tucsdfiy evening, and then de
part eu tor his home in the nonn.
G. W. Alinford proved himself
somewhat of a blacksmith, or any
v. .iv a !:orse;;lioor. when the pony
which he took t: the Mack-mith shop
was M) fractious that the "smithy"'
would not tackle the hind feet. Mr.
A!infofd soon had the shoes set nice
ly and no trouble, thank you.
Aliss Margery Brinklow. who is
now visiting in San Antonio. Tex.,
with friends, having been there for
several weeks, writes of her friend.;
there liavuig given a party in honor
or her birthday at which all enjoyed
Muni.-eives. . Miss Aiargery will re-
the weather for
and is being care
Law-ton. who is a::
Air. and Airs. John C.ihnore. broth
er of I)r. Gilmore. :; -.-nt a few day.
at the Gilmore home. Air. Giizuoro
was the banker of Murray for fJ1'-years.
Alli.rt Philpo
making his horn
p. ist hw months,
short vjvjt with
CSV- Sl'-'ee.
The library suppers will begin Sat
nrday evening. January lo.
Margie Walker as charmnia n
good eats and the -an-.t- good
Be sure to come.
!l.:rrv Gte- and wife wit I;
little child who h:ve beta vi
at their old home in Lincoln
Was Operated Upon Tuesday
! Mis Frances AI: ore. who with her
j parents went to Omaha last Alonday
evening aooompai. led by Dr. B. F.
Brende1. where she entered a hos
pital and underwent an operation
yesterday morning for relief from
npendicit is. 1 h young lady was
?s a very critical rendition and after
rrivirtg at the ho' nital had to await
rest before she was able to under
i the ordeal.
i t . who has tieev,
e at Grant for ;he
arrived hotiie for a
the parents a few-
t illie
II eir
i'or a
few dnys reii"ned to their home east
of Murray last Sunday.
AI'-s AIargcry Walker war- a visitor
in I'lattsmouth las Tuesday evening
spending the night with her friend.--and
attending the Kensington club
of which she is a member.
Hairy r.'f.Cui'oeh and wife with
their little one were visitors ir
Plat smout h last Tm day w here tlu y
were iOfi:ing trfrrr S':me b':sines
n'r't'ej-c for a sh;;rt time.
Oldham stf c.k farm hl(i--"d 1 hr-:
sows to Fred Griffin and Joe Open.
wo boys of Vermillion. S. IV. who
have entered t'"e hoes" r-iir lah of
that 'ect ion of S Dakota.
A.'is Pr-eli::o Ai : -re of C'll' ii w:.s
a visiter in Murr.-y. a gupt of
her friends. AUsses iT.ip-, Mateh'tt
and Louise ScvUto::. tliev returning
home ulth he.- f;.r ;, s)u,r, visit last
S un day.
?Ir'-. Philiin Lambert v -. s-ier.
ATiss Alii'oel Jo' ioi.ii. arrived in .Mur
ray and rHis'UMr r:.iil Ti:e-dar.
when they re: ur hi! ! 0:)i:. m
with Air. Lambert who is convales
cing n-lcly though it seem.- io him
very flow.
John Durgin. who had two fine
niares making a team whi-h v..o
worth well over $100 running in the
stajkfie'd went "ut look after the
cattle and found both of th
Corgratulatior.s are in Season
Gec.rge Nickels, the manager of the
Tnniber firm of Banning & Nickels of
Murray and Alis? Gertrude Long de
i ar'ed far Omaha last Tuesday morn
;pg. where they were united in mar
Hago. after the brile-elect had been
the recipient of a very pleasant show
er given by some forty of her friends
a few days previous. , They were e;c
iKvted to marry in Omaha and then
depart for a short wedding trip af
ter which, they will occupy the beau
tiful modern bungalow which had
just been completed for their home
This is a very popular and much
loved couple and have hosts
of friends who are extending good
wishes for their happiness and pros
perity to which this paper joins.
Neat Profit Realized During the Past
Year Despite Inability to Se
cure Cars for Shipment
The annual meeting of stockhold
ers of the Farmers' Elevator com
pany, of Alurray. was held in this
city on last Alonday, at which time
a review of the business done dur
ing the past year was had.
Upon auditing the books of the
company as kept by their manager,
T. E. Barrows, the same were found
to be in excellent condition with a
balance to the cent. After paying
all expenses, the net profits of the
year will amount to something like
$4,800.00, which is a very credible
sum, considering the shortage of
cars that prevailed throughout the
busy season of .the year.
The stockholders voted to lave to
the board of directors, consisting of
the officers and three other stock
holders to transact a large part of
the business before the meeting, in
cluding the hiring of a manager for
the present year. Air. Barrows, who
has had the position for some time,
and who has made an excellent offi
cial, painstaking and possessed of
the good judgment and business acu
men which contributes so largely to
the success of any enterprise, has
notified the company he cannot re
main with them unless given suffi
cient remuneration , to justify his con
tinuance. It is expected that he will
be retained by the directors.
At the election of officers for the
coming year the following were se
lected: C. D. Spangler. president; G.
AI. Minford, vice-president; W. H.
Puis, secretary; Charles Herron.
treasurer. These .together with C.
R. Troop. H. C. Creamer and Fred
Lutz. comprise the board of direc
tors, to whose care has been entrust
ed much of the business affairs of
the company.
If you are goir.g to have a sale, do
not fail to arrange with me for fur
nishing of Lunch. Alost up-to-date
equipment in Cass county. Write or
phone Xo. 2S12.
Alurray, Nebraska.
Frank Lillie and wife were shop
ping in Plattsmouth Saturday.
. W. F. Chalfant and wife were call
ing on friends in Alurray Alonday af
ternoon. Air. and Airs. John Hendricks en
tertained the following guests at a
watch party New Yesr's eve: W. F.
Chr-lfant and wife of Centralis. Kas. :
Will Hutchison and family. Airs. W.
P. Hutchison. Alarie, Ernest and )
Claude Hutchison.
Christian Church
Next Sunday. January 11. is to be
one of the biggest days in the history
of the church. An annual meeting
is called and every member is urged
to be present. Things will happen
concerning you, so come and hear
about it first hand. Conic and have
a part in making plans tnat will af-
fiet you and your church for yvar
to come. Church officers will bo
elected at that time for the year
1JL0. Be present at the roll call of
your church next Lord's day as you
expect to be "In the Sweet Bv and
By." The day's program follows:
O:4r-10:00 Short storv for all
the bible school.
10- 11 Bible school for all.
11- l":o0 Annual I in
port ant.
7:S0-8:o0 Regular evening ser
A cordial invitation ex'enaed
everyone to worship with us; a very
urgent appeal extended to every
member to attend the most vi'al
meeting of the Murray Christian
church in years. C. E. Hannan
Helps Eat Birthday Dinner
Fncle J. W. Edmonds and .two
daughters. Alesdames William Spor
rer and A. Alpha Long, were guests
at the home of Ivan Balfour and
wife who had also the invited guests
of the parents of Air. Balfour. Wil
liam Balfour and wife, and Air. and
Airs. R. C. Ferguson of Otoe county,
they being the parents of Mr. Ovan
Balfour and the occasion being the
birthdav of Air. Ferguson. A very
pleasant time was had by all present
W. F. Chalfant
Hutchison and wife.
and wife. Will
John Hendricks
c-s to know what
turn home in the course of a few
Pllif III Be
Through special arrangements with one of the
best photographers in the business we have a propo
sition for you, for a picture of each member of the
family. It costs you nothing. A genuing photograph
Size 1 1 x14
Ak us about it the next time you visit our stoie.
Hiatt ,
i J
K m
dead. He is at a l
w;. the cans -f their death.
Air. and Mrs. SearP- Davis who
h?ve been vispi"g in Lincoln for th
past jew- days returned home after i
having enjoyed their stay -In the cap
ital city a-id report the mother as
onj.'yin the best f health. Thev
returned The la'ter portion of last
we k.
K. E. Johnson of Colorado Sto-ings
iias been visiting; ft the home of
his daughter. Airs. G . XV. AlcCracken.
coming last Saturday evening, and
departed on the evening train for
Plattsmouth. tr. j)u,l Mrs. Mccrack
en taking him to Plat;it h tr
make the train west.
Air. and Airs. Arthur Han sen wore
in Omaha Thursdav. going tin to he
with Airs. Harry Van Ti:e who "-;-operated
upon for aurendicit is Last
I reports were that Mrs. Y;p Tine
d'o'ng as wdl ;is well could be expect
ed. .Mr. Vn-i Tine js i;,,. daughter
of Thomas. Hansen ;f ;tiis place.
Airs. Harry Vnniine. who about a
I we j since underwent ?,tj f ion
for arpendicit iu in a he-;ital is re
ported as getting ai-ng as well as
; eould be ox-ported. 1Um- mother. Airs,
j Th'mias Hanson, was with the danch
I It-" for several davs loe.i,-j;ig after her
j welfare, and reoorts Airs. V,.ntine a1
j getl ing along fir:-.
( I'-rt Root, -vho with th" faiii'i
j vijuf. t'tne J4';-i removed to the we-t.
! expecting to locate at Big Springs,
j Ne)i.. sifter havir"- lived there eon
, eluded that the indu'-emt.nis at. Sedg
wick., v '.re better and has lo
cated there. He returned a fw davs
si per and secured hi-; e;ir which he
j had left here until he had settled,
i and drove it home.
I Miss Etta Nickels and Pauline Old-
j "am gave a miscellaneous shower
i for Aliss Gertrude i,n-i;: at the Old-
i ham home Fri't-iy afternoon. .Tanu-i
( ary '2. Almost 4 0 guests were present j
i to enjoy the occasion. At re
i froshments were served. The manv ;
friends of AIis Long gfve her many i
itear.tiful and useiul girts as mo
i ' j
I The 7 T D
New V ill is here!
j here
on our salesroom
has all motordoiu on its tiptoes is
It is all that we promised and
mentos of their
cn of their love.
friendship and tok-
You must SEE THE CAR to appreciate the striking beauty
ot its new Straight Line, High Cowl Body Design Distinctive Ra
diator and Hood Bevel-Border Fenders Octagonal Lamps. And
you miiFt TRY THE CAR to know what the sensational new motor
does. THIS IS THE FIRST SHOWING of the greatest automo
tive engineering feat of a decade. Burns low grade oil. Has more
responsive power more speed no vibration no noise. Costs
le a to run.
Come in and see the car the first authoritative example of
TODAY'S beauty and style. Ride in it. Judge for yourself how
lar in advance of the ordinary the new Velio is! There arc Five
Body Styles.
La O
Murray, Nebraska
As we predict much higher prices in a very
short time!
Highest prices paid for all kinds of
Farm Products!
The Service ticre,
ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor
and wife. Glen and Thelnia Hutchi
son and Vern Hendricks were guests
of W. I. Hutchison and family Fri
day evening.
,Vern Hendricks returned to Platts
mouth Sunday afternoon to continue
his studies in the high school after
spending the holidays with his par
ents, Air. and Airs. John Hendricks.
Uncle George Shrader. who has
been sick for the past three months,
has taken worse again and had his
nurse come back who had only been
released three days. Mr. Shrader's
health in very poor.
Kay Campbell and family who have
been visiting Peter 'Campbell at Im
perial Neb., returned heme Friday
reporting that Air. Campbell and fam
ily are getting along nicely and that
Pete's health in much better.
Alisses Mabel and Jennie Ulaci;
ledge from Liueoln spent Christmas
week at the beautiful home of Air.
and Mrs. Tony Klimm.
Will Seybolt was a visitor at Un
ion over Sunday.
Andy Campbell was a visitor hrc
Oilier Yard I y delivered his hog-, to
the Alurray market Alonday.
Fred Ueil was a Alurray vleitor
Connstent advertising Is the kind
that reaches the public every day Id
the year. The ofT-agaln. on-agaiu,
Fmnigan kind usually doesn't get
yery far.
We are prepared to give special care to storage
batteries, both those usep in autos and lighting plants.
We have a large assortment of parts and an excellent
workman. We can repair and replace cells, giving
absolute assurance of satisfaction.
L. H. Puis Garage,
dison Records!
Just received a new lot of Edison records. Come
in and pick out what you want. We will be pleased
to play them for you any time. We also handle
needles for any talking machine.
Let Us Show You the New Edison!
ier Drug Co.
Murray, Nebraska
Hardware Company
will always carry a complete line of
Hardware, Paints
, Farm
Implements, Tractors,
Ws do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing,
and will also save you money on furniture orders.
Come in and get our prices on everything in our line.
We will treat you right and save you money.
W. Efl
Yours for "Real Service"