iHllTlSliAY. JANUARY 3. 1920. PLATTSMOITTn SEMI-WEEKLY, jotttiwat. PAGE THTirfc 13 m ion DepBrSmnieM Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. SERVICE is a word you often see in advertising with many it is only a word here it is an actual fact. Seryice means to us just what it means to you. Service is seme thing we practice as sincerely as we preach. ark of OmiDOini UNION, NEB. Miss Fannie McCarroll was a visi tor in IMattsmouth last Tuesday, at which placf she was initiated into the mysteries of the Order of Kust crn Star. .1. l'ollinu and K. C. Wade, of Nebraska City, were in 1'nion last Monday in attendance at the timet -inn of the Keystone Pipe Manufac turing company stockholders. Mrs. J. I). Cross, who has been confined to her home with an at tack of la grippe for nearly a week, is so far improved that she is able to b- up again and hopes soon to be in condition to get outside. L. K. Cpton. J. M. Clarence and 1. A. F.aton were visiting in the west -during the past week, where they looked after some land deals, and upon their return they stated they thought the country splendid. John McCarthy who is one of the executives of the Keystone Pipe Co.. was in I'nion last Monday to attend! Joe Banning was a business visi tor in Omaha last Monday, where he was called to look after some busi ness matters for a few hours. Mrs. K. K. Foster was a visitor in I'laitsmouth the latter, part of last week, being a guest of her parents. L. fJ. Larson and family for a short time. David Katon, S. C. Keckler and J. M. Clarence were looking after some business in Lincoln last Sat urday, returning home on the even ing train. Mrs. K. L. Daniel, of Diller, has been visiting for the past few days at the .home of her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Harris, of Union, and enjoyed the occasion very much. Mont liobb was a passenger to Omaha last Tuesday, where he was looking after some business with the Payne Grain company before going out on the road for that concern. Miss Dee Garrison, who has been L. V. Fitch and wife were visiting with friends and looking after some business matters at Nebraska City last Monday. W. H. Porter is assiting with the work of taking invoice at the busi ness emporium of the Farmers' Co operative company. Julius Nelson, of Wyoming, was a visitor in I'nion last Monday, where he was looking after some business matters for a short time. Mrs. Mattie Garens was visiting with friends and acquaintances as well as looking after some business matters in the city one day during the past week. Luther Mead was a visitor for a few days this week at his old home at Mt. Zion, Mo., where he was meeting old time friends and rela tives and looking after some business matters. Mrs. O. W. Finney and two child ren, Alice May and Clark, arrived in Union last Sunday evening and are visiting at the home of Mrs. Finney's sister. Miss Lydia Clark. They will remain for a week or so. Frank Vallery, of Murray, was a visitor in Union last Saturday even ing, being accompanied by Wm. La Hue. They came down to attend the wrestling match which was put on by the Union Social club. John H. Taylor, Jr.. the little son of Hev. and Mrs. J. B. Taylor, has been quite sick at the home of his parents during the past week, but is reported as being somewhat bet ter as this paper goes to press. Joseph Felthauser. the real estate comes more widely known. Besides possessing grace and simplicity, it lias a very efficient power plant ami is equipped with all the kitest de vices that go to make driving a real pleasure. LARGE CROWD EN JOYED THE MATCH Ministers Hold Retreat Meeting Last Monday Itev. A. V. Hunter, of the First Methodist church at Plattsmouth; Itev. Wm. llaskins. of Weeping Water and Rev. (' k. Moore of Nehawka met in convention with Rev. L. Morrison of this place, to arrange the matter of boundaries in the distribution of territory for the coming Inter-Church movement be ing carried on by this denomination The pastors of the different The Men So Evenly Matched that the Result Proved a Draw Af ter Much Hard Work. The wrestling match which was staged by the I'nion Social club, at its rooms in Union last Saturday evening, drew a large crowd of peo ple interested in this popular sport. Alter the preliminary exercises were Cass over, the main feature of the even- countv churches were in .complete was mu m r"r ,nt frymem accord regarding the matter and ac- of t,1P crowd which proved so large comulished a great deal tmvard com- ' was l'!-r1 ,r) ,in(1 roor to accom- pleting the object they sought. The modatr movement will soon be launched and it is planned to extend it to every home in Cass county by means of this systematic arrangement of ter ritory which will allow nf a thor ough canvass and at the ;arae time prevent duplication of eflurts. BUSINESS GOOD WITH ONE LOCAL CONCERN them all in the hall. This was a wrestling match between Frank Schmader. of Louisville, who is well known in southeastern Ne braska as a mat artist of no mean ability, and Jess Queen, of Union, who has been showing up well in fast company of late. Lee Fickler, .of Plattsmouth. had been secured as the referee and the event was called on time, the men j going to work in real earnest, both proceeding with the utmost caution against any surprise tactics of their , opponent. The match developed in I to a surprising display of physical ! strength, with the result that Sch- , T- . -n- n . r.iader won the first fall in :5S min- The Keystone Pipe Company Elects m.s whilo Qlien camo hack with Officers at Annual Meeting (the second one in 27 minutes. Al Held This Week. though they were both well wind- j i d they entered the ring for the 'third fall, appearing fresh and de Last Monday morning at the office termined and after a considerable of W. B. Banning, secretary of the time had elapsed were still strug Keystone Pipe Manufacturing com- gling for the mastery when the elec pany, in this city, the stockholders trie lights went out and the referee of that concern held their annual called for a breaking of holds until agent of Nebraska City, was a visi- meeting, received the various reports the return of the lights. When the tor in Union for a short time tatur- concerning the business transactions lights came on a little later thev of the past year and devised plans again engaged in the struggle, and THE FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS MADE AT ACTUAL COST per annum and all net earnings belong to bor- Kate rowers. Two (ITr, dividends have already been paid and borrower's stock now producing much greater earnings. Secure your loans through your own co-operative land bank. Kstablished and super vised by the United States Government. Owned by farmers. Federal Land Hank bonds are secured by first mortgages on farm lands. They sell readily at 4Vs'7o interest und furnish uu abundant supply of money for farm loans. NO RED TAPE! NO DELAY! For Further Particulars, Apply to DALE S. BOYLES FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK ALVO, NEBRASKA day evening, coming to witness the wrestling match between Jess Queen and Frank Schmader, of Louisville. Miss Bessie La line has accepted a position as bookkeeper and sten ographer in the office of W. H. Ban ning, filling the same position that) after some five minutes more of fast work both showed signs of begin ning to break under the strain. Ac cordingly. they were informed by the referee that they would be given but five minutes more m which to secure a fall, this completing the stipulated two hours on the mat. At 9 t T 1 ft " t tin ft . ft - -v V- at j-ft. the annual imvtinc: ot the stockholu- ,7 , . ....... r . . . . , iiuiuc ui tin uai cuia ucai i ins iii. returned to her studies at the state rs. coming up irom nis nome ai i . . - . . . . . i -i . .I 7-rVr 1 i-'i ri- on 1 1 university last Sunday afternoon Ralph Davis. Cliftord (lark and! , r- , , .. K. S. Roddy were visiting with old friends and attending the show at Omaha last Thursday, returning on the midnight Missouri Pacific train. They all enjoyed the movies, which thev sav were excellent. FARM FOR SALE! Price $210.C0 per Acre. SO aero farm for sale. 4'i miles northwest of Union, well improved. Will rent lt!0 for live years if de sired, corn ground, two-fifths deliv ered; 15 acres alfalfa at $10.00 per acr-; 25 acres pasture at .$4.00 per s.cre. Will lease only to party pur chasing thn SO acre tract. Call Phone No. 64 FARMERS MERCANTILE GO. UNION. NEBRASKA WE CARRY a complete general line of Staple Merchandise When in need of anything call on A. L. Union, Nebraska Lem Barritt. who has been spend ing some time at home during the mid-winter vacation, returned last Sunday afternoon to Lincoln, where he is attending the state university. Miss Mary Becker was a visitor with friends in Nebraska City last Monday and was also looking after some business matters there as well She returned home on the afternoon train. County Commissioner C. F. Harris was a passenger to Plattsmouth last Tuesday, where he was attending the meeting of the county commis sioners, who were in regular session at that time. Mrs. N'ettie Stanton, of Omaha, was a visitor in Union over Sunday, coming to bring home her little nieces. Misses Dorothy and Lorine Foster, who had been spending some time in the metropolis. Mr. B. A. Taylor resceived a let ter last Monday from her son. Attor ney C. II. Taylor, who with his fam ily, are spending the winter at Long Beach, California, saying that the weather is pleasant and warm down there. Mrs. John Clarence, who has been visiting in the northern part of the state for some .time past, with friends at Coleridge and Hartington, return ed home last Friday after an absence of two months. Mrs. Clarence enjoy ed a very pleasant visit while away. Mrs. Harry Graves, who with their little daughter has been visiting in Union for some time past, was strick en a few days ago with heart; trou ble, which kept this good lady in her bed for a number of days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mark. While Mrs. Graves is some what improved, she is not so she can return to her home at Central City yet. It is hoped that she may soon regain her usual good health. for the coming year During the year 191ft the com pany was offered more business than could possibly be cared for and since June no new business w;is sought or contracted for, the plant being op- was formerly neiu ny .miss .war , erated to capacity in oruer to nil the Austin, who is now Mrs. Palmer Ap- contracts already made This is plegate. having been recently mar- surely a mark of good business and the end of this time neither had se ried and left for the south to take . speaks well for the quality of the cured a decided advantage over the up her abode. local product which has bad to com- oilier and the referee declared the J. W. Edmonds, with his (laugh- pete with innumerable other brands match a draw. The purse, consistin ters. Mesdames Wm. Sporrer and A. I and yet has gained the confidence of the admission monev and amount- G. Long, all of Murray, were visit- of the buyers until the demajid has ing to .? 100.25, was divided equally ing last Sunday at the home of been unprecedented. Just now the Ivan Balfour and wife, as were also1 plant is completing a contract for Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Ferguson, of, $50,000 worth of pipe at Nebraska this city. The occasion was that ot , city, and several others of equal the birthday of Mrs. Balfour and it ; size await fulfillment. was enjoyed to the limit. The twin sons of James C. Roddy proved one of the drawing cards at the room of the Union Social club on last Saturday evening, when they staged a friendly bout. The little fellows are very clever for their age and many were pleased to witness their performance with the padded gloves, as well as the other features of the program. Miss Hattie Reike. who is attend ing the state university and learning a trade at the vocational school at the state farm, was home for the holidays, and returned to her studies jtt Lincoln last Sunday evening. Miss Reike, who has been in attendance at the school for some time, has just about completed her studies there and will graduate in a short time. W. C. T. U. Will Meet The Women's Christian Temper ance Union will meet this week on Friday at the home of Miss Jessie Todd, when an excellent program will be presented. Mrs. Mont Robb will conduct the services and preside over the program which Is being arranged. Services at the Baptist Church There will be regular services at the Baptist church this coming Sun day, Rev. Taylor preaching at both the morning and evening sessions The Bible school will be held at the usual hour as will the meeting of the B. Y. P. U. in the evening. Among the other business trans acted at Jhe annual meeting was the election of officers which resulted in the following being chosen: John McCarthy. Wyoming, presi dent; L. G. Todd, vice-president; W. B. Banning, secretary-treasurer and J. C. Poling. Nebraska City, man ager. These officers, together with K. G. Wade, of Nebraska City, com prise the board of directors who will look after the business. artairs of the company during the- oiijrejit .year. Went West to Sell Wheat C. F. Morton departed last Mon day morning via Omaha for Grant. Nebraska, where he went to look af ter some business matters and to dispose of this year's crop of wheat which was raised on the land he re fently purchased there. At thresh ing time the inability to secure cars made it necessary for him to carry it over, piling it on the ground, but now he had an opportunity to mar ket it and he hastened to do so. between the two contestants. All who witnessed the match were well pleased with the magnificent work of both men and are hoping they may he brought together again at some near future date. The Social club is receiving excel lent encouragement in its effort to provide some good, wholesome sport for the people of I'nion, and the boys are well pleased with the patronage accorded their various events. NEWS FROM ALVO Special Correspondence r a Ming mi toD! A Union Business! Will Have Regular Services The regular services will prevail at the Methodist church this coming Sunday, including Bible school and preaching in the morning; Junior. Primary and Intermediate league in the afternoon, and Senior league and preaching in the evening. The Sen ior league service will be led by Rob ert Roddy. who was overseas for many months. 4 Owned by Union People! Managed by Union People! We Solicit the Patronage of the Entire Community. HONEST SERVICE IS OUR AIM! 1 Frans Bros. Phone 38-A Lumber Co., Union, Neb. The Union Schools Reopen. After a vacation extending over some two weeks, the scholars have been called from their play to a re sumption of their studies. The var irus teachers who took advantage of the vacation period to visit at their homes have all returned and are again looking after the welfare of the pupils entrusted to their care. Superintendent McDonald spent his vacation at his home in Wahoo; Miss Anna Alhuesen. at Otoe; Miss Alice Crozier. at Weeping Water: Miss Grace Bogenrief. at Elmwood and Misses Elizabeth Rabe and Petra Anderson at Lincoln. They all re turned rested and refreshed from the respite from the work, but no more so than their pupils, and with re- Will Make Home in South To properly round out the old year. Palmer Applegate and Miss Mary Austin, a very popular young couple of Union, took the morning train for Omaha and while there se cured a marriage license, and were united in holv wedlock. Thev spent the day in Omaha, taking the late Missouri Pacific train for the south, passing through Union about mid night enroute to their new home at Minden, Louisiana. Many of their friends in Union turned out at the station to greet them with old shoes and rice, notwithstanding the high cost of living, but the young people, who had to travel all night, had re tired before reaching Union, ami the porter of the sleeping car which the newlyweds occupied, refused to even think of awaking them for the hilar ious greetings which might have so easily been theirs. The young couple will make their home in the south, where the groom is engaged in driving a truck for an oil refinery. The Journal joins their many friends here in extending con gratulations and good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Applegate and hopes that their sorrows may be few, and that their joy and prosperity may come lully up to the scriptural measure. "Heaped up, pressed together and running over." IT IS SO OBVIOUS ISN'T IT? It Is obvious that every machine inust be kept clean, otherwise it will stop some day. If you clean your automobile carefully, you must not forget that your stomach is also . . , . , . . . t-iivii . uiaviiiuc. Alluvia i, 1 1 1 v i ii . ncwed activity better work is looked , .., ., . 'for during the second semester of lAiir of Hitter Wine is the 'best the present school year than was cleaning remedy. Indigestion, con accomplished during the one now so stipation, gasses, headaches, insom- !-!i:!.Ui0".Sh,exceIilnt Pr" "la. all will vanish as soon as the iico uttn ujauc i i uiu l ii e very opening day in September. Gets New Baby Overlands Last Mondav Robert Willie iha enterprising automobile man, accom- ley, Mich., wrote us on Dec panieu oy nis son, Albert, made a' triD to Omaha. where be receive! two of the famous new -riahv Ovr. Klixir of Bitter Wine for land" cars, and brought them to this years and I am very satisfied with it city. One of the cars had already us well as with Trlner's Liniment. iounu a Duyer wnne the other is intestines will be clean. N'o won der if so many thousands of clients are satisfied with Triner's remedies. Mr. Martin N'etry, P. O. Box 71, Oak- 6: "I am using your excellent American several practically disposed of. Mr. Willis which is very praiseworthy, being considered himself fortunate in be- excellent especially for stiff muscles." ins able to secure these two cars, as Your dealer has now after the in they are very difficult to get even ventory a full stock of Triner's rem. -CWeri?od" tblV7axi7 edies' please pay a visit td hi3 store.' shower for the former's sister, who among the buyers and promises to Joseph Triner Company, 1333-43 was Miss L. V. Harlan until her mar be In even greater demand as it be- S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. riage to Mr. Lester J. Darnell, of Ft. Henry Koleofsz. of Lincoln, was in town Tuesday afternoon. Uncle George Skills, of Murdnck. w.id in town Tuesday forenoon. K. W. Stewart was taken to a Lincoln hospital Sunday for an op- t rat ion. Mrs. C. B. Strong was out enjoy ing a day's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Collins. Mrs. Ray Cole spent several days last week with iier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reefer. G. L. Stone returned to the state university Saturday after spending the two weeks' vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kitzel, son Ken dall and daughter Corine and Mr. pnd Mrs. O. A. Kitzel spent Saturday with the Stone family. Don Keefer was accidentally scald ed on the left limb below the knee est Saturday while at the school house and is unable to attend school. The burn is not deep. Miss Lois Keefer returned to her position at Shelby. Iowa, Saturday. Her mother, Mrs. M. C. Keefer. was in Lincoln with her, that day, she taking the train there. New Year's eve, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Bornemeier entertained the Jolly Neighbors' club and their husbands, the occasion . being their fifth wed ding anniversary. A very delightful evening "was spent. Among the list of recent renew als to the Plattsmouth Semi-Weekly Journal are Roy Coatman, J. C. Dreamer and Chris Neben, while the new subscribers are Rev. K. A. Knight and II. P. Hinds. On Xew Year's night, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Stone entertained at a six o'clock dinner, Mr. and Mis. Harry Appleman and daughter. Miss Marie; Farley Young, of Lincoln; Miss Clara Dickerson and La Verne Stone. On Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan were dinner guests at the E. M. Stone home. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone and son, f La Verne, spent last Friday with Ed Carr and family at their home near Eagle. The daughters of the family were spending their holiday vacations with the honie folks, they being Miss .Marjorie, teacher at Sen eca. Kansas and Lola, teacher at Augusta, as well as Merle, who is a student in the state university at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Harlan enter tained on ;ew years nigtt, at a Laramie, Wyoming, which took place at Lincoln. December 24th. About fifty guest;; were present, all enjoy ing the evening thoroughly. Numer ous presents were received by the bride who had won many friends during the year she and her mother lived in the home of her brother-in-law, Mr. Hanks, caring for his three little children. Mr. and Mrs. Dar nell spent about ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Harlan, returning to Lin coln Sunday where they will visit a few weeks among relatives before departing for their home in the ir rigated section near Ft. Laramie. Wyoming, where the groom lias farmed the past year. Methodist Church Notes Last Sunday was a good day at this church. Ten persons were re ceived into the church, nine by bap tism and one by letter. We think this is but the beginning of a larger movement on the part of many peo ple in the community to find a church home with us. We want our church work to be broad and comprehen sive enough to attract to its fellow ship all those who love God and de sire to follow Jesus Christ. We be lieve we have largely outlived the day of religious dogmas that keep ns divided into small groups, in more or Lss antagonism to each other. The Sunday school under the new leadership of Mr. D:r!o Boyles, start ed oir witn spienuui promise. It is a fine sight to see young business men alligning themselves thus with Christian work. We are to have an unusually good picture entertainment on the even ing of the 15th. "Smiles" is the title and the two Lee sisters are the stars. E. A. KNIGHT. Minister. JACK FOR SALE. Big young Jack, a good foal getter, also one black mare, eight year old. weight 1,400 pounds. One set of heavy work harness in good thape. Also some White Plymouth. . Rock roosters. Ira Bates, Cedar Creek, Nebraska. sw-d Poultry Wanted! I buy poultry any day of the week except Saturday. On account of sndden ; market changes, I cannot quote prices. When having any poultry .to sell, please call Phone 241 L W. f. RICHARDSON MYNARD, NEBR. ' ! Things Good to Eat! I am selling Staple and Fancy Groceries. Come in and we will help you solve the problem of the high cost of living. We everything in the grocery line in season, and sell at the lowest price, consistent with re liable lines of merchandise. Give us a trial. R. D. STDWE, UNION, NEBflASKA That Baby Overland" We have accepted the agency in Union and vi cinity for the "Baby Overland,"' which you mutt tee and ride in to appreciate. We are also carrying Old smobiles and Trucks and Reo Cars and Trucks. We have a good quota of excellent mechanics for any work which may be offered. We alio carry a full stock of tires and supplies for all kinds of cars. See us for cars and work. ROBERT WOLLOS, UNION, NEBRASKA DRS. r MAC II & r.lACII, THE DENTISTS The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized after using. FLOOR, PAXTOM BLOCK, OMAHA . Fistula-Pay WfierfCured A mild yntem of treatment tost com Pum, Futal u4 other Recta IDisecsea In abort tiae, without tew vatr Steal operation. No Chloroform. Ether at othar rnmi . . mimsuwucioeq. ASuremnmRQin rrv7CIM ICtaptM tor treatment, and no money to be paid until cored. Write far book on Jfecta 1 tMaeaaea. wtu aasea nd testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have been perataneotif cured. . t DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Building OMAHA, NCSRASKA J Fl 1 1 xs