THUHSEAY. EECEKEEIl 25. 1910. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE on M 4J y a SERVICE . is a word you often fee in advertising with many it is only a word here it is an actual fact. Service means to us just what it means to you. Service is some thing we practice as sincerely as we preach. c ejr UNION, K( .1. ': T..; 'r ami family ' li! ,,. ; -. -i, ;'(,r I'hri-n.'a- ditsmr at tl.e ot .'a:;. i - Krai.s and family. CI. a:'. jarri-on a- fatnily wiii .;. ;t !'.. h;-ti e ..f t he mother 'v . o rri-:,. Mr- Kh-ra Sa:s. u Murray. i--r ;;:u:- r ':iritma. Je( -i k. of rial'staou'h. was a vl r :n i'n! "U h'.-t week, being a a: ti..- !.'-m of hi- bn : hers. K. ). .,;.! W . i. Stlhe and fan. '.lie-. y,--. Mar; Mid (laughter. ;..!: !. . ' l'!a'-. w re i-i'i : : it. i t.iot; 'su.-nig i ii- past ! w .ia-. ;'.'! v. retnaiu until af u - t ! - f.o'itiia y s- asor.. :'. !!- t'r.ii.s wa- a visitor in N-bra-!wi 'ity lor a few h'a;rs hit Momia v. w'.-r- sh- wa.- looking af t4.r h-i-:; - mat'. rs !'r th" day ami i. Vl-1 :. '. t rtem's. .. and !:: o ehibl Mr- K. ;. w er- v i !'::.- n N '. Monday . g. ',g ! w u t rain a lei r--; urn '. n i: i V.diit : !. r- t !o did a .- C ! . Ka t h. t he '!!.' It V 1 - morning evening, r hopping ;f- are enjoyinc ir .l.iugliter. Mis "tiding, school ttl J. C. an tl.e pr s- !n ot 1 M area ; ' . win i- ( 'uial.a. ami ' !: i home to tl.e i i -' n ! a : ca t ion . ?pt-ml W:, ; , r "i" !: notir and Will Kick- j t-r, I'i.i" u-out h. tw.i :in-m-u for the 1 g'.rir.g m': l'.;;.' of 'ha' eity.:, were n i nion lsi .Mon-iay tooKing after - hu.inws matters for th Colt'tcmy. : ( I'.ristn.a- ! ;n l- ed a Joyous i -caaion isi this r it is made .-1 ii-ciall- so by Mrs. Helle Frans pre-. s. nii:L- to lor daughtt r. Mi Kula.1 a very ! irisol , r ... .. a token oi her mot! t. . ml -eason of go g'.:f t.. all. liev. .!. Taylor and family and Charier- t;arr:.-or and family were gue.-t- a; ti;e home of Harry i'rai - and familv hr Sunday for ,i dinner. . p a the aftermou v-ry j.leaai.:y. .iff r n hi- 'i f !.-y retttrn- 1 in tine for the -nmg services ;,.re ! -Mrs- -Mrritt I'ollard. ot .Neiiawka. Ir v," V . Tuck, a v-i.rinary stir- ' was ?al;-n sick while visiting at the g-on ' ''ton. N iira-k:, Ci'v. was a pro-' home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. r-T.V..':! "y i-; or iti Uni -n. being call- H. M. Frans. residing east of Union, ed to th- form of li-nrv Chileott. Th nature ,f her troule is some t,, tr.-a: a .-ick i.iub- la-t Monday. J throat a miction ami sh- is still con Thc diaiii.os-i- of the case proved the- fined at the home of her parents, al animal la! b-. n affected by the con- though dn is showing consi;'.. ra hie sumpti"!. ot too n:ar.y corn stalks. .improvement. - .. ttAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA3 NEW LOCATION ( & Short Ordeis a Specialty We Keep Open Until Midnight In the Modern Woodman Building Also Operating Luncli Counter and Ho'.el near the Depot Y0ULS FOFi THE BEST SERVICE FRANK BCGGS -:- -:- UNION, NEBR. n '.iVa-i'Ms,,.. Kitchen Conifer hk ' f. ts, t:-' t ...v.-? p ' - ..:! C- tW? c. r. you. t.t ou.cJ. V. ... 13 ar.d cc,'.s ih it arr -- .. --is..J -::y c.ejtic-i.', a fvff, z-.r.""'' K.fcr.jr. -.- -f .is r-giul: is so c securod hv K fV-.'1- V, 1-3 '-.-J. rJ els lor Vaili. G-:i.: sntl T'rmnjzxi Fc-poiri Al criL.;:j or I.cwW'urte t tto - hr v nn-.-sf c c .- y color. oa.I iif Ir ir-w.-v i.rt. it r:;n t. ct- ro -i.i.-.. du c.-.n I thr 1: vou cftio... 1 t.i. ttir--.-ior . r- T- t...:-. ilv. C;.rn- :!-V f-.-b-ifi 1- -t!-.t rove-i:r,, l-it- v,:o, t -..a-t.:. fit. i r.rnn r . (, .-...h-tr::rif iu .f ,i),iirv''.rr.s,( Lurch .- Come in rr. J let us shew yoa Come '1-Wot id-Board suir.ples anJ explain luny prr. :ticol v.-jy s in wruca y wii caa ii. Frans Bros, Lumber Oo., Union, Nebraska - Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. NEB. K. II. K-aeh is mourning the loss of a litie cow. which for some un known cause laid down am! died. Art 1'earsUy was a visitor with fronds in Nebraska ( ity last Mon day, taking advantage of his visit th-re to look alter som- i ties matters. Kemuel Karrett. who is a student at the state uni er.-it y . arrived hou.-!a-t Saturday, am! will enjoy a two weeks' vacation at the home of his parents here. Mrs. .1-nnie Fraus was vir-iting 'ith friem in Nebra.-ka Ci'y lor a few hours la t Morula y. going down in the morning and returning home ::. the evening. Mrs. ."etti Stanton, who is n;ak-in- 'o r home in Omaha, arrived in Union a few days ago and is visiting he hone of inr brother. e hone of her brother. K. K Fost.-r 1 family . .'ack Cliaifan! atten.ieil a trader school in Uincolii la-t wok. wliicl. was conducted hv the Case Manufac- tining company, as an i:it met or in the use of one of th.-ir tractors, ?U ; St.niv Met'arrcdl. who has , ...,..;.... ,,,.1 , ... i...r ..rriv. ed : em-, last Sattird.iy and will en joy a two v.-ek.-' vacation at her ,e n-ar this city. Mrs. Talitha Smith is reported a ... nig hick at her home in the city. 1u, latHv has i.ten showing some ..... .,.,.;,, itUll are enter- Tain-.i tlmt she vill soon be w ell igain. Waldo Kassau, of near Murray. i v a- a vt.-iror in i n;on o.r a s.ioi . Mil la ;' S inday. r-'urnini: from a at Weeping Water where he had be-n a guest of friends for a !ev days. Attorney C. II. Taylor, of Omaha. . wa- a visitor m i nion las; r-unua. rieiiv; a :::om a: mo- iioin- o no il. other. Mrs. narbara Tay!' r. for the day. and also visiting with his ...-.i.i- t'r i t i .1 1 . rr Frank Boggs Restaurant e.nd Lunch Counter i i y. -,Ii- - . -"neT in ':n -1. IS j y' fj Jtii. octtt to k ,'- - . i 1: ti - ihe -5i-te t y v..' Pi nuiiC : i.n -j: -! lor V, CfrK-R VfaSt jySW ii cf i- t-sit'crr .rr.. & t .-. 1 heaters, s. -H; ln,P,''.1'" S ZJL2 Mrs. John Shepharl and children were visiting with friends in Omaha; lor a iew uas last w Ured DvoraV. o! snmx ( My. m an ovr ('Prismas visitor :n I r.ioti. th gu-st oi his friend. Miss Mary FecK er of this city. Miss Flirmbeth Kabe was called to her home it- Lincoln las' Sammy on aco.ant of the ,!.ness oi lor mother. who lives in that city. Henry ODoiiimil had the nr.,-.or- tune ic. iom one oi h s hol-us a (lays ago. lie is umuoe to asee.iaiu the cause of its demise. Clearge Slirader ami James Tigm-r .-hipped a car of cattle to the South Omaha markets la-;! Monday, accom panying the shipment. Miss (ha Clark, who has b.-eu tending school at Lincoln, is heme for the holidays and will njoy the occasion greatly as a idled of her many friend- and rtlative-. Mrs. August 0!or.. who was rt - Ik rt eu :. - er irk a few day.- ag'o. is ; i . , w -aid to be slightly in. proved. I v :i:id h-mes are enterwiii'-.; that slm ; will again be ab'.e to be out soon. DkU "hri -sw eis-er. of Nehawka. w, s .: vi-lior in l iiloii or a .-.10: i ; 'ime la.-: Monday afternoon, v hile on j hi-' way t,, ; 'f;i t ' r men t h . v. Iter- P.". loohiirj auer some- Pti-u !.. m; t- ti p;, ii.-. t r. t.ct 1.. horrts a lew diivs ;igo, it oeing one of tt.e he-1 ones he owned. He had given it the hod of care and is at to ow what cause! th- a:n- to (:'. - 1" i: VcJIugh of th , st . m i M I s.-i i ; i i r i a i i .. l ai i .to-- ' ' Union for a .-iiort t iu.t Monday .ft' r - noon wi.i!- ret urn in- lro-. a vi?i; .. ; . i i. , , t 1 ! , t so., .'o )i i). . r Sut:day. !r. I'.arrit. h.o has bee-: cor. tine'! to his home for several weens on ;,- count of, is rport-d as, n.aking '.im proure tov.anl r-c v-'( rv ami i: is hom-d thai he will s on i ie aoi.. io h- on: again. l:. r. I n ;, j.:.t -! th- :;i. -r.ejr' ! '.. . e euntpin g r-t at . a pa: .- :...i r last '.Ii'f'i i :: f. ." h 11- Ci'y. v. k. re h c v i i ! i I . - tuir't.-rs conreCtel . irn i n g on i th,.- a flair-, of ; he company - (. H. Si.iliy. of Omaha a tr.'.v l i'.g -; !,::'. w.-s a vi io r in Unsoo. over Sutiday. th- g'ie.-t of his ntx b . A t i t-ov i . C.r;.' . II- r-'urn-.l Iioin.' SumhiV ee::ii:g to t; '-.- t:ji his work on :!: ro;:d tire hr.-; o. the Week. Misses D-e Carrison and Kiith Frans. who are attending sen....', at Lincoln, arrived mm a i-w .'. : ago for t !.--ir mid-v. in' r va;a;i a. an., v ill :-pe;:d two we. : -e-.-' In.,' . . ,. I to -:r pa ." n t - a :; 1 ot iri-n 1- here. Mi.- ii.lit l"o-ttr. who v. a-- -....ti::-i r , . : .t ; om 1 1 t h i - ci'y' v - h a v-r '. . at t .': of t on-ilit is. is rrporred to h'-ivr in provfri to sticii ati p: -;:f that th- rain-d nire who was in ; 1 o-n dt. iret- is no ion-- !' me.l- -J. This v in he ILii.'V l'rieilrls of I J t 1 r- il !,i Ws t ) t !o yoiiui; lady. oiiim ladv ouut, i..o. the tiathers 1 , t , a l-.L1.- ' .o.i -i- n-v -el o. 1 '- " 11 f i'i- .In" or .diss Crozicr. one of the tiathers ; .. rj : v s-i,o. !. as" w .r in !. Method's; an- s'ip-ri:.i emiejit i It a,'1.". gn(l th- t'.;-:noers fd" that .-.ocotv an er. jovg h.t .- ,"is;!i ml- o: last W ed -.1 sd I V. N'eeul-.-s to say it v-a.- i.i iicn annrociaie.i t!, ir.v folks. Wir.i'-r cf the Keo Six .o - t Iit-.ri.irgo. of Wo ping Water, v.-!:- was a contestant for the first prir.e giv-n Ly !i:e State .Journal i'.! lii.-hing co!;;. any in their suh : t-ript 'fui contest f-r th- If-' T-i.;ts-seng'r for.rii.g car. was hmcc- r 1 in o:r distat'ciiiLi ail com pet i'orV hy a good sate n:ar:-:itr ami won t,e ("v-ett-d ; rize. Mr. Ion;inpo had a total of m. mi'iion lo-tr loin ire.! t te-'tisanil vot"s atol as a result ;s the o-.viu-r of the tine car. V.':ll I.Iove to To An ii. M i l!-r. v ho some t ago '-chase, 1 i),. hoi: formcrlv owned hy lUmjamin Tillman, is having the ti!.-' i,it in excellent condition and will move from the farm some time duritir th- winter and make ins home in Fnio'i in the luttire. Karl Merrill, the painter and d-cora'or. is retin ishiti.g the iiisid- and putting th'.' phi-e in shape for occu pa ncy hy Mr. Miller and familv. Visited rrionas Here Mr. V. T. Art, and little son. Vern. of ! l:i 1 1 smou 1 h . w r- visi'ors in I'n ion last Monday, Mr. Am coming (iii'.viix to jurcha-e seme turkeys, dinks and gee.--, which he shipped to tl. S. S. Chase murk'-! in the con nt y ; e;i i . w h- r- he is t m ploy t-d. Littje , rti came along to visit with i a ud mot u : Atoier.-tiii lor th- day. .Mr. Arn it- well known in I'liion. having liccn engaged in luisiness at I hi- place for some time, and has a host of friends in this locality. A Very E;:citir.r; Runaway The ic.i-,11 of Kytu APnin. wl;ich I ' dr(' (- to tow ii hist Monday, whip lo'tiiing soni' grmn to tne i-arrner 1 (levator, bt came frighten -d aioi ran'TsfmCrQ' MpTPSiltilP flmnpflV 'away with the bob sb-d to which ; IslBlbaHUIS UsilUGilJ .they were hitched, making a lively i chase up Mam .street and Continuing j on to th-ir home northwest of town, j It looked for i time as though a'mnx- 1 up would occur, but the frightened j 'animals threaded their way :-.foiy, j through the labyrinth of sleds ami i i men on the street ami when lest ob-j (served had bidden good bye o th-' city ami were on their way over tht hill tor home. Thankful for Year's Success For th- many blessings which have been visited Upon the Methodist church of Fnion, being the blessing of Almighty God. the pastor and members of the church are exceed ing" thankful and feel that the Christ mas title may be .truly welcomed with "Peace on earth, good will to men." Tkey as a church have cause to be .thankful and are now about to enter1 ! uv-or. another year's work with re - ! newed vigor. The last Sabbath of the year will see services at the cnurdi as lollows: Mornint; worship uu Mine sciiooi; junior i.eaue in the afternoon: Senior League ancl preaching m the evening. Celebrate Anniversaries I JliTm.s Fr;ins and faniilv. Rav Ger- kijf. fiin,Mv and K, v j I;- Tav. . . ..... i.,ir,i ... i.,,,, of the hitter in Union last Monday return of one of the best housekeep cvtninu:. where they partook of a ers in Cass county. erv deiiim; t in evening dinner. l lie aiy.-.r arraneefl in llom,r (lf th(, ,ix,h anuivt.rsarv r Ih, marriage of yr ;in( ,rs Rov Gt.rkins an1 1li0 u.1!h anllivt.rsary of ,the wedding of Kt y T vlor aml wife- The evening was vi ry pleasantly spent, and a vcr delicious supper was enjoved by ; all ))resent. HIGH FRICED LAND STILL PROFITABLE Healies $3,100 from Seven Acres of Orchard Land Durir.q; Past Year. V". I ilo- biv Ha'inii w ho has sen... i' priceil I.:iid ('ass oounlv i ami which .some j" ojo.- .-a. i- 0.11 in make tiiiv a return on the in i .. l.r.i . ." .... :. ve.- i.ient icmtnensurate with the labor leuuired. reports that from the seven acres which lie has in or - chard he harvested ami soin appHs ; last sea.son to the amount of J .'1.1 d . This makes the return nmre than the.nn so large a score. i lie personnel r.ri ,f the e.-i ai what ir, ot tin- hoys' teati' includes Clar. lie- . considered a high p ii per act.- I o mu io.-e fai'ii in the pro . (1 in i i v- - i d 1 of Cass Co a n t v. ! -.-ni "MffMp"- Well AtteTuV-i - rr n ;- ,nsay even n g t i. I'.-ipt 1st ciiurci; v. er. " t nde.i. Th" t In n servic e- ! in 1 i y - oi Hie e i. : u - . il : "T Se -i' ll':-e v .-at l'l-at Ise ol l '.gmer -." i pot-n of : '..-. k of ilrve'.t ion .. K. v. .. his t.amili- ..f ti.. sub- showed thai he had given it , !.o'!-:u and s!;,:!. ,.,! s trom 'i.udtioint of the iu'.de and from 1 1 th : ; the hist..rv of t he world. v. ! -"in th. p-oj iiesi-s writt'n so ina i - --ears ago have come and are coming true. At this s-rvie- there was aiso some excel!, nt music n m iler. d by the chorus. Miss I less;;' I.aKue sang a -p-cial t umb-r iti her usrn cliarminc nmntor. that war gr-atlv appreciated and eiijoved bv !i i hose present. Sick at Eomc Brother . . s . ; : . . , ,i . ; ( ; h ' ah-.ta. w ho ha .1 si.eariish. -en here for sen, d. i time, eadlej to. Union by the !-. of her . mot Li r. Mrs.. John Fhelfat.t. whose d-atn was recorded , . .. ift-" i a short tin.e-siuce. lu len conhn-d . i , . u i iL 4-i i , to her l.d at the hon of tier hroth- if. .lack Chalfiint. with a cast pe. .Mrs. Jo! - . - some improvement t this writmg . i 41 i i i i am it is confident Iv hoped ) her , ,i . . i . .. Il;a:.v friends here th.t she nrav soon . '. , . , , , , he aid- to he ahout again. xlere from the West id -mining; W. Rohh. of Hilling's. ! r5 l t 3 RCDHOT HT M-t,tana. dropped into Fnion on last f b.f SI nrrl'fS I til Snnday and visited for a short time'8 wl with his parents. Mont Rohh and wile for a few days, departing the for- part of the week for Klmwood. whore he went to join Mrs. Ilohh. wh,. is vi.-iting at the home of p:. reins, n. .. 1 yson ami' wne. i nev will return to I "nion for a longer visit expecting to remain until after the holidays. Family Will Enjoy 'Dinner The Frans families, of Fnion. have estahlished a nice practice of getting K.irether on Christmas dav at the home of some member thereof. amF enjoying the fellowship of the rela- ; fives, arranging to hold each succeed- . ing dinner at the home of a different t member. This vear the good fortune - to entertain the relatives falls to Mrs. Ltdle I-'r;m.-. who will entertain then: in a inns' joyous manner. JACK TOR SALE. F.ig young jack, a good foal getter, al -o one black mate, eight years old. weight 1.4oo pounds. One set of heavy work harness in good shape. Also some "White I'lyniouth Iioek j rceist ers. Ira F.ates. Cedar Creek. , en- x Xebra-ka. Farm for Sale! So acre farm for sale. 4 C. miles m.Mhv.od of Fnion well improved. Will n;it 1M' tor live years n ue- wpok Th,. n,imals were hauled to sired, corn ground, two-filths deliv- 1hjs pl;K.p wr,n ,he asis,.,Iirf. f,f ins er. 1; IT. acres allalta at 510. (Mi pe r ,; ilt,ors- a!Ki u:uie(l here for ddiv-acr.-: iT, acres pasture at $4.00 per ' ,rv .,t th(. gf)Uth side iimriet. Mr. Call Phone No. 64 UNION. NEBRASKA WE CMY a complete general line of SiapEe EVJerchandEse When in need of anything call on A. L. BECKER, Union, Nebraska - Returns froin Extended Visit ; Mrs G s Upton, who ha? been" visitjnz for several 'weeks past at ti,e home of her son. Karl Upton and wife, of near liurxvell, returned home ast wcek au1 sports everything in excellent condition there," and the folks getting along nicely, but that the weather has been very told. There was rejoicing; at the Upton home on the return of Mrs Fpf m as Unci- Simeon had grown rather tired of ntukinsr and he weictmed the UNION IISGH WINS FROM EAGLEITES Both High School Teams Take the Eagleites into Camp 65 to 13 and 35 to 10. Fast Uriday the two basket ball teams of th Union High school went to Kagle. where they contested with the two teams of that town for the honors in basket ball. Tl e young ' ladies tea-m ot I nion. which is com posed of Misses li ssie Kaiine. Flora (lairison. Verna Mortcui. Marie Hv.kes and Kllen Chapman. with Marie Fr.-itis as substitute, tinder the abb. direct ioti of Miss Anna Alhousen. dircotinted the Kale team to the score of to or the ratio of live to one. The vou ladie- oi Union Know now to pia goo..i uasiM . i-n. as wi ll as how to ilo it in a lauy-iiKe , manner. o' "". nam u..-w ..... ' in defeating their opponents but not , . , . , , I'o.v'es. lianas i.anniii-. iiei eei i i.a- :'arry t'earsity aim i iiitoti ioir- I r: Idie score cif tlieir game play- I ed with the Kaele "Ifraves' was ::" i to 1". wliif li was a very good win ' nir sr. e-:eeia!!y from so strong an , an..reat ion. . Savr. Ecsd ir tad 3'ia-e ' t::y 5 avles.- wa.. ri '1 c 1 1 y a : '"" days ago. .nd when ar-i-.ed 'oo th roads- wire. gave im th- horse 'laugh, saying. 'There i a bridge u,: le'wee:. me and town w liich cause: r,e to drive .some three or t''r ndies out oi the way to ct t te town, and I have helped haul 1 bu hf Is of grain that much farther, Trond has he-ti in this condition loi same four years, with no hopes of iing immediate f." lie said he thought the road should h- va cat-- or put in condition lor 'ravel, St iii the taxes' go on. Extends Xrr.p.s Grct;;!it:s Iraving been a resident of Union for i lie nn-t vrar ami liavinir h-comt t- - , , . . ,,l,arei! to the people ot this -.-.y. tKitn as memiiers to ine ciiiii-n ot. wnich it is my pleasure to preside .... ,-t r ..,..1 1 1. ..iti-.. ..,s flf a. , V liiv ti ec ncral v. leeling it a 11 - . p h :tsure to have known thorn. I am . . . t- ; .1 t. j 1 1 s, i ii ir-. . ' ' .i"i'.' ' ' v . v . gr-'c t l ann iesi w isnes ior in . i: iiri nt ann tuinre wenartn ami ;e- f. i r i ftrr to wish all th- meinhcrs of tht , , ,, , , ,- church and all people ot T nion ; ' ,. .'. ' .mo t Merrv i hri.-nnas am: a nappy i , ., Ei'..' Cro.-peroiis New ear. ..,.,-1 ,,t, ,v.. I. r,i rill. .O. KKV. J. If. TAYLOR. UNION RED GROSS i , ! Kp idsome Sum cf $1,380.50 Turret! ill to County Tre?.rurer at the Wind-Up fcf Chapter. The Fnion Red Cross dhhancied on N'ovemher 2 J. 1919. with Sl.34ti.94 in th' treasury. I The following Red Cross articles , , . i , i . i. ,. . .i -i . "ave 'n som ami me mone; auueu to funds already in the treasury: 1" r"!5s al- fottoti at 4:.c..$' Small amount of yarn d: R-'-' ''f wrapping- paper 1 . . sewing machine Total amount realized 01 KXRKN'l 1TFRKS Hall rent. Nov. meeting ?L(o Fn;. on box of hit over articles sent Red Cross hosp.. Ieiiver l.n" Total amount (xpemled ?:'..(o" F.'lance cleared $ :::.. r.C An t. in treasury 1 , f. t . !' 4 iotal 1 .:; o r, o be-n sent tt the up ich amount ha ount y Ireasurer lor national work of the Red Cross. .ors. i.. ii. j odii. i nairman Mrs. C. AY. Cheney. Sec'y Mrs. K. AY. Keetly. Treas. Shirs Hess to Market William Ost. living near .Vehawka. , shipped from Fnion a ear of hogs to t,K, 0n)aha ll)iirkH f ,v, of Ost accompanied the shirunent. re maining over Tuesday, when they were soul. He tells ot paving lost tw" h,e'rs recent ly. . and after havill. pcrforn.e.l a post mor'.-m. he was convinced that the death of th j animals was due to the cornstalk dis , ease which seems to Le so prevalent just now. Clarence Mason and Robert Brew er were among those going to Oma ha this morning to spend the day in that city visiting with friends. Unicn Postoffice Mail Schedule. NORTH. Arrival . Departure 6:0o a. m. .- tl:00 p. m. 2:35 p. m. n . 2:35 p. ai. 9:30 p. .m. . 9:30. a. ni. . . Lincoln Branch 0:35 a. m. 3 : 1.5 p. bi j LTD A CLARK P. M. ienty of Funds rompt Service r arm en the Co-ctralive Plan We r' jire ent T!ie rul Laud i .anl. o' i t,,:i). , .N'.-'ora-ka The oniv i t. -t it ti; ion v.-hi-, h males Farm L-n-r- ; i t 'i t'A L C'.-'i' . r. 1 on a FliOFiT SHAFIXG hash in tins da,-. This hank h' i-'.-rs i xciirivt 1 .- -. -.,'t' f.'i ;:,-r t-id.'e r I'.ivii'er. is a .ol t h- w - : : t!.rr.!':!i t!:..- co-i-p r.i'iv '. i-ysn in. S -e '. r uddreS: li; I"! HI ft he!' DALE S. A!."". Ni No Rensv.-als ro Worry 1 ,'ei:- Etra-.ght I"3 lis flTT. OVJlfCr;- 3" --'d' ;.; : -X 1. J . The ',:i'-" c: -i- . : i- r: las; Sa ' u : day nun !" r of n: -d clal- .iii-.i ::: ' ; h i . ' i . t i d h of .-. h-d, w a- th.- b. '; f r ;.. :i ' of two hoys ; i Mr Romd. id -..a a drav. each ret- ivinn an e -ui' t!iv ; o i of t j ' . 1 1 ';'!: e v-ti 1 if t '. c i '. '' i : g ' -v. ri-Miii.K i.i:.; h I a i n (,'(- ol ! ni'rii. and Jo- i rr..-r. I.'W. il. The conie.-t n I are t wo .. N-c'ivoi yo:ni i . in th- pink of pby- n ;ii ( - i. i entered the rin: f-. !ir.g fi: Ml - m' in thf- bt ; of h'l'r.of. ei' il . ' ' 1 '. 1 g '.' a'oi.'e b a fair tst of ureni 'h ui skill. ' Throiig-iont th- tia- thfv v . re engagctl iii the con'e-;. i! -xi 'b ited the uit-o.-t c,i , !.':.. -at . ami Courtesy toward each ot!.-r. a'v.'.f. -smiling titrd submiiiinu iu l in- o-. i sion of ;he r-f- r---. Mr. i r-u '' if!-. Tl.e nrst . v.-or. bv d be -.7 ' man, Mrs. ,ei.:. in -i minutes a w as gra.ciot: iy gknowlt cgcl hy Mr. SIAilT T.-v 1' irker. '1 !i- -i cond fa! man. Mr. Q-e in :' i tites. and a; graciously at .a- a . -o :-- at;n a : k r. Roth men s: -iningy j di forth their' utmost streni'.t h and d. il! at 1 t hi match was r-onsid-red hy th ..-e :i- l!-.s-,i;; it fair den .f eac!: man's ability, forum? 1 v lived n ::: now m :ik.- s Fnion host of frit nils her Mr. Parker, alt-m- i; v no Cfio:. v.! o t.; u . . Las a 1 ; is 'ifi'iii. n.t . 'h he can:-' I;rr; a y w'i t h t he n "r- a strati r. went frh. ntliv fe-!ir.g: of cve rvsne whom he met or who th" route-1. Th-re were a iv-r-.l uurnber jt r f In dies pre-ent to wit;. ess the ecuit-- t ami they were all loud in th ir c tuendntkn of th' good "'('.r a n-l t in cleanliness of th.e r-.-nttsi. The t'-e.i' hi ing for the b( st t've out c.f li.ree fails, th.e referee. Fred Clark, at tl.e end of the so. on 1 fall, awarded th- victory to Mr. (Jo-em The prenotio-, -f such contest!' is a good thing for th. town and the lew SocmjI c'rl is o be ' ;ir:iue;ide i upon the firrt public i ;.t ertai; they have arrange 1. 1) til'tie.-s oth ers will follow fl nring- the course cf the winter. FOR TRAD Ten shoals, a .' . s fr-'ta ei-lo weeks. Will trade for eem. M. 15. Allen, telephone LMS-J. Call Things to Eat! I am selling Staple and Fancy Groceries. Come in and we "wiU help you solve the problem of th high cost cf living. We everything in the grocery line in season, and sell at the lowest price, consistent with re liable lines of merchandise. Give us a trial. 2 R "iiV B "That Baby a Vv'c have accepted the agency in Union and vi cinity for the "Baby Overland' which you muct see and ride in to appreciate. We are aho carrying Old smobiles and Trucks and Reo Cars and Trucks. We have a good quota of excellent mechanics for any work which may be .offered. We also carry a full stock of tires and supplies, for all kinds of cars. See us for cars and work. L Kyi? ikJ Lzsa ta li ?U b jra Ess li W j- UNION, NEBRASKA Lonrst Ra'.cs Liberal Options ' -t Li ly to rro-.v . r. w.. !.;:.- a loan v i: n a on! iii- an 1 h-m-t.ts v ':i- h p.. . ri iai"t llitii h.'fi. BOYLES loiASKA i ro.nt-i'.-zsrinrj . . -s . 7n "".l i? A)j.-;tiMxe cf r.Tort:; by r'i(;er3 ir..i Friends rj?:f:sr P.-rt Ycir. 1 ! if .- .':-. ;n ol l,nieii a a d ' ; n ' i e ;; r-t-f a!i in the I l.e jr.T.ii- al.d "m r.M-ni ot ! It I to . y t t ha-'i .- for thir ' d a . ; ; . t " mat e t ! e n. :. :. i t --w ie.-t p.ihl r-;i . j. 1 Io sta'e. Wit h 'ear. w. ' t till - .v i" 1 1 i. -;!!'!: i'. Io t en i io..-d to l '.. -I ' a I. i i : u ' h ( i i : ! - ti n or :,. .. - i ha n r. L- t ti.-. a'i w ork tt g -tivrt r the I -- int. rt - - -of th- oi-inuni'.' and you' -ill find .ad t( e.di-ii'i a helpin- hatid to all !-iiiig t !. i - aim in i-w . At 'hi- paiid-hir line., .ye wu-h you :. M--rry ( !i : ;sl r. as atol he-peak for '' '! ;. t ro.-p-rit - t-:i gre:"-r in !"!'(. fnn that of the prist 'YUlZ J.OLRXAL.. .: .v yeah 7-v:tii H'.'C : 1 1 trouble,, p.o.idjn Ji ' v ' -rrv a ml rob it oi .ill h.apj i'n-. s. Put an tad to this .e.:t -io.: ':.! ' nr: t !, m , r v itti ; ed ' m, to ' : ill t' r - d : ' or1 . to . lf.a-1 t h- f v on in --: ' w- . t. -a-. I i . 1 :o !. i'-incr's Amtrii'in Kliir of I'.'Mt ''. : ' w i the hi'-hf-t jir.ii.-e. -.! .dfe was a!v.-ay. ti-;. tl.e lo id- i'1- n-jrd.y evt r 1 ft h r. Lad m. in.-, 1 lioit her Tt incr's .n.o ri -i-I'ir of Pitfer Wiio. she took .' r-.-. u i.: r'y. r. :i,l tot'.-y ! is h'-a' -th'-r r-b-- lrt-a v. in year- Ti dhsc . a . 1 ! 'irm-i's nil. too. in: . Ait--bl'v aif . it-ri ;t n lilixir '' ii I raits- it never dd- i f you r '''' i :: t ii' f r ::..: h n i. i .. . ; r oe ili-r f T. it. ( ;'.- .A t -. 1 i -; i p.; r ''" "ie lie has :.! -m a beaut t ; j-i Wa '. ! .i-.tnr f c r y ,-u Ire t;-r ! - .. :. at t ?': .:. lj nm i' f--r ie. Jo nil Trin r ' , ivpany. 1 -f .1 .". A-hlat'.'l A . Chie;i'-o. IP. I 0:V;. Snpiies ? 'i l:n s where we 'chie The Journal Frintery. n mm m Overland"