The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 25, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Itterest cf the. People of Murray asd Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If tny o? the readers of the
Journal IcnoT- of any social
erent or item of interest In
this vicinity, and will mall
Itmr to this- office, it will ap
pcar under this headinc. We
want all news Items Editob
To Oar Many Frinds
ho. hy their patronage and kindly acts,
have assisted so materially in contributing to
the prosperity of the Murray State Bank, and
to the pleasure of our residence here, we wish
to extend cordial greetings for a Merry Christ
rnas and a Happy and Prosperous I 920.
State Bank
Aliss .Margie walker and ileiei
Giliuore were Omuhu visitors .Mini
da v.
-Mrs. Ona LuWtou is in Aoca
nursing, but is expected lioiiif for
Plenty of hooks for all at the li
brary. A splendid line lor very
small children.
Mrs. V. K. Dull received word of
the serious illness of her sister, whose
home is in Ohio.
The lihrary is open from 4 to .".
on Wednesday and lrom JS'.it to
Murray loing- Herself Proud in the
Preparation of Christmas
Eve Celebration.
TtiV.'J and 7:00 to i:M) on Saturday
Roy Cole, of 1 'lat tsniout h. was a
visitor in Murray looking after some
matters of business for the leleplione
company last Tuesday.
John Campbell was a visitor in
Platlsmouth last Tuesday, going up
on the aiternoon train to .uji. afur
some business matters.
Pert Lloyd and family were visit
ing ia Omaha last Tuesday evening,
going on the aiternoon train to do
some shopping in the metropolis.
Kay Henry was called to onial:::
last i uesday ti look alter some busi
ness matters for a few hours, return
ing home on the midnight Missouri
Pacific train.
Word has been rc -i ed here ol'
the serious illness of .Mr.-. Eula Fai
terson Long. Mrs. Long ha.- many
friends lor- who will regret it! hear
of her illness.
i the lart
fits, fc3 b-J &
We are prepared to give special care to storage
batteries, both those usep in autos and lighting plants.
We have a large assortment of parts and an sxcellent
workman. We can repair and replace cells, giving
absolute assurance of satisfaction.
hi urray,
Charles Kennedy, who has been
making his home in Iowa for some
months past. v.crkiug mar Onawa.
leiurned home last Tuesday to visit
over Christina with I. is lather.
Walker Oilmore. who is attending
the state uniersity at Lincoln arriv
ed home the last ol the week to spend
the Christmas vacation with hi- par
tuts. I r. and Mrs. G. 11. Giimori.
Like all the things thai the peo
ple of Murray and vicinity accom
plish once they take hold of them,
the Municipal Christmas tree to be
given this Thursday t evening will
be a grand success.
The a hair is in reality a Christ
mas CommuniTy Festival, including
as it does a proirrani .u the hall, fol
lowed by dis.1 ri but ion of gifts from
e tree in the street nearby,
udies were first to take hold
matter and when the sub
scription lists were passed around.)
i t hey found ready response from citi-!
i zens generally, who were eager to'
do their part towards helping defray'
it lie expense of the enterprise. Lists:
; were published last week of donors.,
I aru in auu.tion another list ol later
u:es may be found in another part
ol tins issue.
Miss Pauline Oldham was the one i
v'io first conceived the idea and as
sisted by Mrs. V. S. Smith, these1
two good ladies soon had th
mint: forward.
Gus Splitt, 50c; Mrs. Olive Lloyd.
50c; Mrs. Katie Bintner, 50c; Etta
Nickels. 50c; John Campbell, Sr., 50
cents; H. M. Ruby. 50c; E. M. Kerns,
?1; Oscar Nailer, $1; Tom Ruby. 50
cents; Omer Schlichtemeier, 50c; Roy
Howard. $1.50; Ivan Deles Dernier,
$1; Henrv Kircher, $1; Robt. Burr,
$1; C. M. Read. $1; V. F. Moore. $1;
Mrs. Emilv Kniss. $1; Henry Rice.
$1; Mrs. C. E. Carrell. 50c; C. II.
Boedeker, 50c; H. W. MeCulloch. 50
cents; C. E. Petty, $1; V.'ni. Troop.
?1; I). J. Pittman. 50c; C. C. Tuck
er, 50c; Wm. Patterson. SI; Wm. La
Rue. $1; George Ray. 50c; Grover
Hopkins. $2; Frank Mrasek. $1; Fred
Meisinger. J 2; Otto Puis. 50c; I. A.
Hild, $1; Fritz Lutz. 51; Warren
Wiley, $1; John Eppings, 50c; Rex
Young, 50c; Aubrev Hopkins. 50c;
Mrs. J. Sans, $1; Wm. Seyboldt, SI.
Mindful of Past Accomplishments
Let Us All WoTk Together
for Future Results.
We were always safe in saying
that Murray is one of the best little
towns of its size in Nebraska and
doubly so since the strides of the
past few years. The city has really
hustled. Electric liehts. a wide
awake commercial club and live citi
zens are among the numerous assets
the town may well boast of.
It is a genuine pleasure to work
with such a co-operative lot of busi
ness men and citizens generally and
although we have been publishing a
Murray department in the Journal
for a good number of years past, nev-
matteri'' have our efforts met with more
i encouragement or our enterprise been
Season of Good Cheer!
We are all feeling the prosperity that has
been so graciously accorded us in this com
munity where it is a real pleasure to dwell
and to do business.
Just now we are exceedingly grateful for
the many kindnesses of friends and without
which we couldn't have succeeded as we have.
Please accept, therefore, our sincere thanks
and wishes of a Merry Christmas and Happy
New I ear to one and all.
I Ob
Yours for
'Real Service
Nick Friedrich kindly furnished Piven more generous support than
(the tree, while L. H. Puis, with t he 1 during the year now Hearing its
assistance of Wm. Marsh, "plant ed" e,lti-
it and dressed it. Mr. Puis was thet- Wt' are indeed grateful for this
moving spirit" in its decoration bv;Jil,irit of co-operation and helpfulness
electricity, and also made a large
gilded star, which was placed at
Master Ch-ster and Miss F.Iuer
Shrader. who make their Lorn- v.
H. Long and wife, depart d a
days ago for umaha. w h r - they
spend Christinas with thtir par-
Homer Schlichtemeier am:
were visiting with friends and h
ing after some business matters
i" i.
u w
III s.
i n
(Dm!:;. 1
st anct
nearly live o'elo.-k 'I'm
Must t r KvT' tt Lai;
lit train. w
did not tut
returning on 'i.'.
iich in that in
ns Murray until
sWay mornii-i:.
s-n of Wm.
the very top of the
is a very nice piec
; nd required consid
m l:e.
Murray ir to ,c
srra'ulated upon the
her dtizeiis that ha
i he working out of s
dij'Vult propo' it ion ;
id" a Communi'v Chri
tree. The star
': wiirkmaiiship
'Table time to
e-periaoy con
enterprise of
s made possible
ich a large and
as ;he bidding
mas Festival.
Others Who Have Given
By your friendship
ant. a
ed to
W residence in this town hf b-?en made plens
ycur patronart and kincfy dCts have contribut-
business successful, for which pierce
d heartfelt wishes that you
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
m v
ni"' sincere tlianks
is assist
and niukes
luinr. co
to assist
The yotlT:
:akinu an
in .1
a v ry
; ri e- -us :
:i t he :
La Rue ;.nd v. i!
.Meier iru store.
uei:t lem::n! clerk
to all and will:: -:
shewinn of goods.
bears evidence ot making an excel
lent salesman. Hatciiett i nursing a wr
sore thumb, caused b' hejnu mashed
bv a cake of ice whicn sougiii to
get away while beinu placed in 1 bl
ot hers i nion
t inui
addition to th).'-. listed in last
week's pa ni r as doners to the Coni-
t i Cliristm.-'.s tree funr
hrve giv-n as follows:
En n.a 1 ! i leii i g. ?;:; Clarence
.. ! : Tom Till-on. $ 1 ; Guy
c: Mrs. Rust erhidt?. ,".c:
ckr.r. 25c; Merrel Peckner.
. Sporer. ? l .."e; Arfliur Han
."."; Herman P-ck. SI; Mrs.
n. . 1 : Hern. an Gansemer.
rrv. ."c
W i Ie.
-Mrs. ;
:i : m.
sen. $ .T.i
Tom Tiih
s : (liui:
C. A. Davis.
is lie
. n
The ice harve
arly completed
st at
aid in h
heavy this year.
A letter rec-ejv
near Murray, fro:
Pi!:, tells of many
exposure and cold
,s b.
1 by
hi s,
i a ' i ie
iii the
irl the
us itailv
; t
neighbor of Mr. I
t: u nd red
. i s
yi:.g rrom
iiirih west .
;;:n r.
'i'liir l 1:
1 r
ry '-"i;
Mil-mar. S 1 : Harry W.
?1; Cash. .".be; Otto
si: . F. Lloyd. ?1 ; C.
."..( : Mrs. T. AV. Vallerv.
CP ti Valiery. ?1; Mrs.
r.'te; Cab. T.Oc; Mrs.
. 1 : J. W. Morgan. ,",oc:
and from the results already brought
about, are assured there is promise
of accomplishing still more through
the medium of sticking .together.
Murray merchants and business
men have always been generous in
their support of our efforts to give
Ihem the next best thing to a news
paper of their own and such a pro
ject is too expensive an undertaking:
for the support .that could be had.
even with the merchants spending
money almost gratituously in order
to keep such a paper alive.
Your interests have been our in
terest and we have tried at all
times to work with you for the com-
ood of both. May we ever con
so to do.
And while expressing gratification
for this friendly spirit and helpful
demeanor we wish to express our
sincere wishes thai the people of
Murray and all the surrounding ter
ritory may enjoy a most Merry Xmas
and a Happy and Prosperous New
To the many friends:
Who by their patronage and friendliness, have contrib
uted to make my business successful and my residence
here pleasant, I wish to extend best wishes for a Merry
Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.
William Tuey and wife departed
this afternoon for Omaha to visit
over Christmas at the heme of Mr.
and Mrs. O. H. Ehlers and family.
Buys tli2 Blacksmith Shop
Mike prit- . v ho l as conduct e
bhicksini'ii s';o;j a? Mynard for
number : y ars past, d
shop at Murray a few days ago. ;
in t he near f t.r tire
T.ik" possession .! t
make Murray hi- in
an able workman,
plowed in this line
ears. Previous to
iness for himself he
line of work by tin
railroad for a long tin;
er. the Idacksmith lor
iviil co
he business an
.mo. Mr. Prifv i
h::ving been in
for a r.'rti.h'T (
engaging in bm
was emplovefi i
this same
not as yet know
but being an oxci
will hud little din
ing himself in a
somew here
what he will do.
dent workman, be
culty in eslablish-
lucrative position
i -
;:i or
,it or
f a 1 1
Kodaks and supplies at
Keedv's the druggist.
E. V,
This Christmas Time
We wish to greet all our friends and patrons
v.-ho have so kindly contributed to our pleasure and
1 .1 - 1 11 1 A , . -.T-l-
r.ropeniv by their Kinaiy acts, ana 10 expus um wis,.,
X f I . 1 I - I J 1 J- . , , r- o,jr
a Aiarrv c;;n?; ana r iaupy emu i luciuua "
ar biincr:n happiness that shall endure.
are t
f.ich we have spent in Murray and many
he friends we have made during our stay
and the kindnesses shown us.
this community have been
we have all worked together
our city. It lias succeeded.
To continue to work together for a better
town and conimunitv and for better and last-
Our efforts in
eciated and
gooo. or
r r? T' r '
- i r-r
lor tne
nrn nentv -.-.IT rictrr.
s I
i Merry Christmas
at this time.
accept our
and a Happy
l.;st some tw.lvt
ran:-h near Candy.
This week the Farmers
comj.any of .Murray was ah
a car for th" shipment of w
first in a long time. Tlie
iias ben crowded to capaci;
on account if the car shor
the aluhtv to secure evel
a great help.
Mrs. I. S. White is riportee
ing verv sii-k at ti.e home of i
Mark Whit", near old Rock Bluffs,
and while weakened bv advancing
years, beir.g S5 years of age. she is
showing much vitalitv and is recov
ering from the attack of lucrippe
with w hich she has been t usrlinc
Mrs. Charles f'arndl has be? n cou-
fin d to her bed for some time v.i:h
ja ury severe attack of la grippe, hut
iis slowly improving, though she was
I very sick. Her many friends w ill be
pleased to Know o: Mr convalescence
and hope that she may soon be able
to be up and about again.
Dr. .1. F. Brendel and wife with
their little son. Richard, were visi
tors at Lincoln for Christmas, where
they will spend the holidays at the
home of Mrs. P.renrlel's parents. T.
F. Jamison and wife. The visit will
be one of much pleasure to both the
guests and tiie host and hostess.
Frank Good, who was injured sev
eral weeks ago. by an iron beam
falling on his foot, breaking it. is
so far improved that he can be about
and on last Tuesday morning depart-
ed for Craig. Colorado, wl ire he w ill
make his home with his brother.
' Charles and sister, Ida. on their farm.
! E. M. Stenner and family, of Lin
coln, are visiting in Murray, guests
lat the home of J. W. Herger and wife
land with J. H. Brown wife and two
Slaughters, Misses Leona and Cath
! erine, who are home for the holidays
' from Cotner University, will take
dinner Christmas (lay at the iierger
and Goods Wishes!
Sent in cordial appreciation
of the only asset that money
cannot buy
ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor
A Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year is the wish of Drs. Brendel &
Brendel, to all the citizens of Murray and surrounding
community. It has been a pleasure to work with and
for you during the past years, and with the Season's
compliments, we are also wishing you all permanent
health, happiness and prosperity. May the coming years
bring you joy and peace.
Takes Advantage of Price
Knowing full well of the contem
plated advance in the price of the
Velie automobile. which now sells
for Sl.SlKt. but which after the first
of January will cost more money, P.
A. Hild purchased a new li20 model
from th" Puis Garage this week and
iias the new car now as a Christmas
present. And with foresight did he
make the purchase, as after tLe 1st
of the year another hundred dollars
will be tacked onto the price.
Mr. Puis advises all who are in
the market for a car of this make to
"come a running" as it is only a few
days now until the advance in price
becomes effective.
Al the news in the Journal.
It is with pleasure
We are afforded an opportunity to
extend greetings cf the season to our
friends and patrons, who by their many
kind acts have contributed to our suc
cess and prosperity, and trusting for a
continuation of the same, we wish you
all a Merry Christmas and a New Year
filled with happiness and prosperity.
L. H. PULS, Proprietor
Displaying a Good Spirit
Dispensing with the obi established1
custom of calenuar giving this rear.'
ti,e firms id iliatt Tut t and G. W. j
McCracken. of the Meier Drug tom-i
j patiy, together with
j Oldham, secured the na
. famil v in Oma ha . coi:
'widow woman, with one hand gone I
Miss Pauline
me of a needy
.lsung oi a
and four small children, a real, sure
en:, ugh Christina.-. Included in the
! large
ina n. v
box they sent were
. butter, lard. milk,
other needed things.
mea t
j Shipped Pour Fine Hogs
I The Oldham Fine Stock company
j shipped last Tuesilay lour of their
I line Duroc Jersey hogs to O. A. Jen
!sen. of near Oshkosh. Tlie animals
brought a handsome figure. This linn!
is constantly disposing of the finer J
bred animals which it raises, to buy-j
ers over this and adjoining states, i
In Appreciation of
the Friendship
Which has been the basis of the permanent
success that has come to this institution, and
trusting for its continuance, we take this oc
casion to extend greetings to all our friends
and patrons and wish them a Merry Christ
mas and a Happy New Year.
May we all work together more dilligent
ly than ever before during 1 920 for the con
tinued growth and prosperity of our fair city.
Oanning-ickels Lumber Co.
Is Now With Us
The individual succeeds just as the com
munity as a whole succeeds and it should be
and is the effort of all who work for real suc
cess and happiness, to make all partakers of
this added prosperity and better conditions of
living. We are pleased to live in this com
munity and to work for that end. Please ac
cept our heartiest good wishes for a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
The Meier Drug Co,
G. W. McCracken, Manager