PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSEAY. DECEMBER 25. 101 "THERE IS A BEST IN EVERYTHING" v r - z' , ! PLATTSMOUTH PLANT HANDLES A B!6 LOAD OMAHA DE-LUXE HYDRAULIC PRESSED CONE BAKING MACHINE The Only Perfect Cone Baking Machine in Existence The word in Pa-try ilaking Machines- -Xu Waste. No Trimming. M ii,.r.-. No Plow ;T. No Revolving Klenents. No Waste lit at. No Over he. i i linnuTs Hakes 1mi Coiws at a Time in Space 1'4 Inches Sijuan. loo Per Cent Product inn Hakes Inside and Out With Special Fittings will Wafers. Pattie Cups. Cookies. Ktc. -Weighs L'.SOO Pounds All .Mollis Fill-i! Simultaneously Operatic on City Water Pressure or Compress. -d Air !'nr.; ;i ;.y Nam-' 0:1 the Lone -Complete Instructions for Installing. (ijnr..iii;;; ;:nl Crinulas Full Information and Prices on Keenest. COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON L.C. SHARP MANUFACTURING CO tie Best Wishes to AIM Local Power House cf Nebraska Gas & Electric Co. Carries Load for Eight Towns in Emergency. From Tuesdays Pallv. The wisdom of the equipping of the power house of the Nehraska Gas & Fleet rie company in this city to care Tor a part of the service of the company was borne out yester day when a breakdown in the main plant at Omaha made it neces sary for the Plattsuiout h plant to carry the load for five towns for the ureal er part of the day. The trans mission lines east of the Missouri river including Glenwood and a num ber of the other Iowa town; could not be hnndjjikl from Omaha and the matter was put up to the Plattsmouth plant to carry the load and fur al most the entire day the small plant here served the patrons of the com pany with light and power. The local plant has the Murray and I'n-ion-line; as well as the Plattsmouth .service to handle every day and in addition to these was hooked onto the Iowa lines and with tins heavy load was able to keep the service uj which is a very plousinu showin? f.r the local plant here. AMENDMENTS HIT JUDGES Not because it 15 a prevailing custom, but with a desire to thank our many v iends who have contributed so liber ally lo our success, and who have made lue better Sy their friendship, we takes this means of publicly expressing our ap rraciticn and wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a. Happy Nsw Year. Holiday Greetin; to AH Th?t this Christmas tide may bring yen joy, lasting and true, and that the New Year may add enduring prosperity to you and yours, is our best wish today. our friendship and patronage have helped to make our business successful, and we bespeak a further continuance cf your good will rxnd friendship, with the assurance on our part that we will do our utmost to serve you. We extend to you our heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 0 MoELWWJ, jeweler I'nder the iirovisions of proposed const it ut ioiial amendments Nos. si and by Nye of P.uffalu a'id Oh son of Cumiiiu. providing for tl. l it ct 1011 ol judges ot the suprenit court by districts, it is allegei .Indues Kose. I.etton and Aldrieh Would not lie eligible lor re-election ill because tJie pi'oposals pro vide for elections of indues in dis tricts 1. .; ami anil 1. 4 and t m that year. The terms of t hose judu d(i not expire in I'.rj and if thev wouhl lie eli.uiole tor re-election then they would ee oliliued to re sis'.n. There ;rre no judecs (in tlu supieiio' bench ulii reside in th Second or Third onuressiotial di-- (nets. The 'onus of Judues Cornish. Seduw lei: and Dean expire ri 1DJ2. .Indue Dean lives in the . :th district. or retains ms ieu.:i .esidence there. .ludi-cs Kose. Aldri -li and I.etton maintain leual r.idenc" in Lincoln and 111 the first district. Judues Cor nish and Seduwiek are said to hnvt' told friends they did not intend to be candidates for re-election. The provisions of tfie prosposed amend ments to the constitution offered by Nye and Oleson have not yet been diuested by 1 be committee on Ju dicial department. RETU11NS HOME s T a!!y. Rawls. T'i v Mrs. C. A. Rawls. who has been li'Kinu ire;!imta! at oniaiia tor a snort time, has returned to I:or home in tins city and tel:nu much im proved in healthy This is nleasinu to the many friend of Mr.;. Ilawls throuuhou? the county and they arc trustmu that she tnav continue to uain in health until restored to her former ueod health. WILL LEAVE SOON FOR "SPICKLAND" From Tuesday's Dally. Tiie two enforced uuests of Sheriff C. D. Quinton. Pabalo Mendoa and Jose Orctua. are .-oun leave the kind ly shelter of our count v bastile and return to the land of lizards and rev olutions. Tile sheriff has received the blanks from the inimiuration au thorities for the examination of the two men and next week the repre sentative of the inimiuration depart int nt will be here to give the men a physical examination prior to their lonu journey southward. The men will be taken to the border and ex te.nbd an invitation to keep walking o.i Ho Mexic. t'lvii native lar-(! YOUNG PEOPLE MARRIED From Monday's Da 11 v. Saturday afternoon was a very busv time at the Presbyterian manse as Itev. II. O. McClusky was called upon 1r unite in the bonds of wedlock a bridal couple from Omaha as well as two younu" people of Nebraska City. The Omaha young people were Charles lierkman and Miss Jeanette Paradise, while Allen K. Holmes and Muss Velma Clause of Nebraska City formed the other couple seeking to have the bonds of matrimony per formed. The younu people arrived at the same time and served as wit nesses for the marriaue of each other. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes remained in the city over Sunday visiting with their relatives and friends. Wishing You All A Merry Christmas estor Sc Swatek MARRIED AT DAWSON. NEB. r r'.'ii Tuesday's Daily. Tin's afternoon at Dawson. Neb., occurred the carriage oT Miss Fay Crook of Plattsmouth and Carl Windham of near Dawson. The wed ding was a very quiet (die. being at tended by only a few of the relatives of the contracting parties. The mar riage Hues were read by the pastor of (he First Methodist church of Dawson. The bride is a daughter if I!. F. Crook of this city and a young lady who has a large circle of friends in the old home here who will extend lo her their heartiest best wishes for her future welfare and happiness. The groom is one of the well to do young farmers of near Dawson nnd ha;: a very cotntWtahle home await ing the coming of his bride. -SOME BOY" Prem Mi nday's Daiiv. This morning there arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McCarthy a fine 12-pound son and heir to make the happiness of the Christmas season complete and it is needless to say that this present is one that will be a source of happiness and joy for the parents and other relatives and friends. The mother and little one are doing nicely and Lee is feeling very proud and happy over the new addition to the family circle. TRINER'S 1920 WALL CALENDAR EXCEEDS ALL EXPECTATIONS Triner's Wall Calendars are al ways beautiful, but the new calen dar for 1!2' beats all its predeces sors. 'Civilization and Hygeia wel coming the League of Nations" is its subject. A new. better life rises from Ho- nuns. in the multi-colored throng you will tind the national ihiu of the country where you or jour parents were born. Fifteen small dainty pictures bring before you the entire process of the manufacture 01 i'ri;ier"s American Klixir of P.itter Wine and other excellent Inner remedies, from picking herbs to t!i domestic shipment and foreign ex port. Send Dc to cover mailing ex -Jos. Triner Company. 1. "::!:; !:: S. Ashland Ave.. ChK'au III. t Good custom tailor ing brings out the best that's in you; your build, the way you stand, your ideas, are all made to count. That easily can be seen in pleas ing expression, in the fine lines of FRED LUGSGH, Dry Cleaner and Tailor, PHONE 166 Plattsmouth, Nebraska It's the expert work manship, the correct style, the pure wool fabrics that makes our tailoring give you last ing satisfaction. e Measured No VERY ACCEPTABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENT Young- Ladies Employed in the M. E. Smith Factory of This City Re ceive Recognition of Work. From Wednesday's Dally. The ladies employed in the M. K. Smith factory in this city have just received from the head office in Om aha letter that is not only; filled with praise and good words for the fac tory in Plattsmouth but incloses a substantial present for each employe of the company. The letter states I hat the past year has been the best in the history of the factory here and the efforts of Miss Mary MeGuire and the young ladies employed there are recognized as entering into the making of this splendid success and j com pany A Merry Christmas to All! We also wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR Assuring you Ine best ser vice during the coining year. L. IVJ. MULLIS, Florist Plattsmouth, Nebraska Green House Phone No. 15 Residence Phone No. G5G extends to everyone ! B::W:S:9 ;B'i!'!B m I.BTiB'.r'B'il'BTIffllCH'ira :: M :E' PXZ m T.B r W:ilt 'D: :.3 . V the their heartiest thanks. In addition g to this the company is issuing to each j employe of the factory a certificate1 fi which will entitle them to receive ajs present for their services during thejl year. To each one in the employe j J of the company for one year or niore'K a certificate of $15 is issued, for six ip months $10 and under six months ig $". The company in issuing these! J certificates makes them good in any Is; store in Plattsmouth and by this demonstrates their spirit of hearty co-operation with the merchants as well as a worthy recognization of their employes. TO SPEND YULETIDE HERE r immtli For any pain, burn scald, bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil tho household iinndy. Two sizes i'.0c and ''.He at all dreg stores. Wall Taper, Paints, Glass, Tlcture ' Framing. Frank Gobelman. J DELCO-iiGHT IM'.o iir.'n'z u-ia ' Power Plant Ak us for a demonstration in your own home. See for yourself. No obligation. ISY ROSENTHAL. 1. D. 501)3 Omaha, Neb. From Monday's ral!v. Sunday morning I!. A. McFlwain, the jeweler and watch merchant, re ceived a message from his brother. K. L. McKlwain. dated at Los Angeles saying that he and his wife would arrive here in time to celebrote the Christmas tide with their mother. Mrs. S. K. McKlwain. and the remain der of the family residing here. Iioj has no been lionie for eight years now and returning will he accompan ied by Mrs. McKlwain. They have been married for some seven years. Mr. McKlwain is now with the Willys-Knight-Overland Motor company, being employed with the selling de partment of the business, and has been making good with the proposi .non. Koy is a very clever young man and an excellent salesman. He. his mother and his many friends will enjoy his visit at this time. ENJOY SPLENDID SELECTIONS 'v. m Monday's Pally At '.he Presbyterian church at the morning worship h'uir yesterday t vo very pleasing selections were given rv the male quartet composed of Messrs. (. K. Pratt G. L. Farley. Fii'iik A. Cloidt iwl Rev. II. G. Mc Cl'isky. who gave a beautiful rendi tion of "Oh. Holy Night" and "l"n fold Von Portals Eternal." These selections artdeu great Iv to the en joyment of the morning service hour and were great Iv enjoved by the members of the congregation. The children of the Presbvterian j Sundav school will give an enter tainment on uednesday evening en titled "Santa Clai&j' Vision" and the public is cordially invited to attend this entertainment. (3 El H a n .!! Christmas Greetings! To our many friends, who by their kindly acts have been instrumental in contributing to our success in business, and who have ad ded pleasure to our residence here, we take great pleasure in extending hearties wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Trusting that the future may bring lasting prosperity to each and every one and that ihc pleasant relations we prize so highly may continue uninterrupted, we arc, Gratefully Yours Vi FSt :B:rB::B,:n,:'B'.: ::B ,tb ra i, V ra m ;m-- a r a:.: w; ,r :;:b i ::b jib :: B -i K a n B IT K (S IC fc X u lb b B...B Holiday Greeting SECURES MARRIAGE LICENSE Fiom Monday's Pally. This morning marriage license was issued in county court to Hoy Nor- ris and Miss Nelda Snoke. both of Kagle. The wedding will be held on Christmas at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snoke at Eagle. Both of the contracting parties- are well known throughout the western portion of the countj' where they have made their home for a great many years and their friends In the home community are legion. TO LEAVE FOR WEST Henry 11. Herold. who has been en gaged for the past two years as one of the travel in ir renresentatives of the Henry Ii. Gering Co., of Omaha expects to leave after the first of the year for Montana and Wyoming where he will open up that territory for the line of goods carried by the Gering comnanv. Mr. Herold has had charge of the south Platte tern torv for his company and has Keen very successful in his work, standing at the head of the list of salesmen of company and in his new territory will find excellent field for his work as salesman. Mr. Herold is now at home for the holidays and" will re main until after the New Year. 4 w, A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. Est ot Hiley Hota! 'oates Clock, Se-ond Flcr. At this joyous time of the year, wc wish lo-express our appreciation of the many kindnesses and for Ihc continued friendship of our friends and patroi.s, which have contributed so materially to our success during the many years of our residence here. We wish you a most Merry Christmas and with the dawning of the New Year further prosperity and enduring happiness. Plattsmouth Steam Laundry iKTB'iiB irxrarci'KTa :::b-":;b:x.;: :u m a .-. a -a ...a . ma va " s a. r.a Our v.ishes to vou for a Merry Christina The kindly feelings and patronage of our many friends, is, we assure you appreciated, and to them we attribute, in a large measure, the success that has come to us during the years that have come and gone. 1 We trust our service may ever be such as to merit your continued patronage, and extend to you all'lhe season's best greetings. May the New Year bring you new joys and happiness. Kroehler s Brothers ti B IB 3 Zi M C 81 U A fj St 6E m R B U B it u ay BiiBaaKiBiiiaxBiiiia::!: mi bis BinaiiHai,: a.ii.H.:!; a, . w B,ia:.u b. : a. '.a:,:; b... h- a. a... Accept our wishes for a Merry Christmas Being mindful of the kindly feelings and friendliness of all, and attributing to these no small amount of credit for our success in the past, we trust our service may be ever such as to guarantee a continuance of the same. And now, at this season of good cheer, let us extend cordial greetings to all for prosper ity and happiness throughout the coming year. Subscribe for The Journal