The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 18, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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XZbc plattsmoutb journal
Entered at PostofTlce, Plattsmouth. Neb.. &a second-clu. mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
A nation that is half producing,
half striking and all consuming can
not endure.
. -:o:
Relief from the hardships of the
coal shortage1 looks brighter and
will make a very pleasant treat for
Motorists who like racing for the
crossing with a "limited" continue
to join the celestial choir where
they are otherwise eligibly pious
and sanctified.
The Iiritish government has re
leased for sale 115.000.000 gallons
of whiskv. The Britons must be
im -mirinsr to tear a hole in the
- - K '
earth Christmas.
When Dr. Garfield declared the
American people would not pay any
more for coal, he evidently stated
only half of it. the people are not
paying anything for coal.
We hadn't noticed that there was
any crying need for a camera that
would take SO. 000 pictures a sec
ond, but we fuppose there must have
bt-n. as necessity is mother of in
vent ion.
; :o:
The government, it is announced,
is to abandon sugar control. Coal
control, we assume, is to be contin
ued by the present effecti-e method
of announcing what the govern
ment's policy will be next week, or
somet ime.
The country is r ciwergiim
limn a war. and naturally is a little
t-hy of new expenses, but we have
yet to hear a single objection to
any expense devoted to deportation
of immigrant reds although a good
many have suggested that it .should
be made as inexpensive and de luxe
less a.s possible.
Last year the government bureau
of engraving turned out nearly 40.-
00(1,000.000 in currency, Liberty
bonds and certificates. Of course.
that isn't so much money as the Le-
nnie money printers turned out in
Russia, but mir's stand up a little
better with the grocer and shoe man.
vTlio were immediate objectives. j
An enormous item in the national
budget is the interest charge of
$1,100,000,000 for the war debt.
This is more than the entire ex
pense of the government before the
war. If it should be determined to
pay off the debt when due, it would
be necessary for the nation to pro
vide $1,000,000,00 a year in ad
dition to the billion paid for inter
est. :o:
Preachers next will organize a
union and demand better wages,
time-and-a-half for overtime, more
chicken, real cider, apple butter,
pumpkin pie and other ministerial
emoluments. Speaking a.s a lay mem
ber blades and sometimes snores, we
der blades and sometimes snors. we
warn 'em right now that they'll nev
er get very far with that time-and-a-half
for overtime.
Public Service Corporation
Can be had in amounts of
Investment Securities
First National Bank Eld'?
Omaha, Neb.
In the pursuit of happiness we -tire
in constant danger of falling over
other people.
Every adversity has its lesson. A
nation-wide coal strike may prove to
be no exception.
The Kansas Industrialist wonders
if there is any chance that the re
cording angel will strike for a C-hour
The old woman who lived in a shoe
made the mistake of living too soon.
Nowadays she could sell her house
and be wealthy.
From an advertisement we learn
what cigarette cases, manicure sets
ana vanity are. Tliev are
"symbols of love eternal."
Another futile thing is for a news
paper man to try to convince his
wife that a print paper shortage is
as serious a.s a sugar shortage.
Just about one more reduction from
that Chicago hotel proprietor and he
will find himself with a houseful of
people who have just jumped their
apartment leases.
"Deportation and naturalization."
says a headline in the New York
Times. In most Bolshevist cases, we
are in favor of both, in the order
named by the Times.
With other cities resuming nor
mal activities it should Cot be amiss
for Plattsmouth to open ;ip once
more and give everyone a chance to
prepare for the holidays.
Special Correspondence
a a
now in the
looks very holidayLsh
business district of
All the sights and all
the people are very Christmasish
at least to vision if not to smell.
The republican majority in the
senate is finding the Irish republic
is becoming an embarrassing issue
for them as recognition of this na
tion has been put up squarely to
the senate commit toe.
Want to know whore Santa Clans
spends bis time between now and
Christmas? Well just now. he's
occupying a place among those fel
lows who are digging coal out of
the strip mines near Pittsburg. Kan
sas, and he is making a "full hand."
It probably is not worth while
keeping the bolsheviki in this coun
try on the hope that some day they
make wake up and have some sense.
Kven if they were completely shat
tered by a stroke of wisdom, the
odor of redness would hang round
them still.
Living costs again mounted in
November, according to figures of
the bureau of statistics. The fact
may cause surprise, but not the cir
cumstances dwelt upon In Washing
ton dispatch that the increase was
in spite of the government's cam
paign to reduce" them.
The Douglas county district court
has requested that the Kirk "fur
lough" be given a thorough exami
nation. We may expect disclosures
that will expose a lot of dirty polit
ical linen in Douglas county before
it is through, as well as something
radically wrong at the state house.
The national fuel commission has
decided that amusements are neces
sary for the maintenance of the gen
eral morale and this is an undis
puted fact as has been shown in the
management of the great army of
C. 000. 000 and in which amusements
was one of the problems to provide
Airs. J. A. Shaffer was in Lincoln
Den Weaver was a South Dend vis
itor Sunday.
Mrs. A. Christianson was shopping
in Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George lira tin were
Lincoln visitors Monday.
Henry J. -Miller was a business
visitor in Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Doyles were
passenger to f.incoln Monday morn
ing. Mrs. Wisby who has been ill in a
hospital in Lincoln is improving
George P. Foreman visited his
wife and children in Lincoln Sattir-
dav and Sunday.
George D. Dabbitt of Albion. Neb.,
is visiting relatives ami friends here
having come down last week.
Mrs. E. M. Stone was in Lincoln
Monday to visit her son LaVerne.
who has been suffering with throat
Sam Hardnock returned from the
hospital at Lincoln w here he has
been doctoring the past two weeks.
His health is greatly improved.
Mrs. Harry Appleman went to
Lincoln Monday where she will
spend a few days with her daughter.
Miss Marie, and brother, Frank l"p-
tegrove and family.
Miss Alta Linch came in last wed;
from Grand Island to visit the home
folks until sift or thf Iiolionvs ft 5
schools closed at that place on ac
count of the coal shortage.
The ice harvest has begun nround
Alvo and a good 10-inch crop is be
ing reaped. Next summer we will
enjoy the use of ice so much, that we
will forget all about there having
been a coal shortage this winter.
Tiie Alvo high school recently put
in a fire escape but on account of the
extreme cold yeather the children
were unable to drill until the first
of this week. We are very glad to
note this fact and every one appreci
ates a safe exit from a fire.
Next Friday the Alvo schools will
close for a two weeks' vacation.
There will be Christmas entertain
ments in each room for the children
on Thursday afternoon anil Thursday
night the juniors will give a party
for the high school in the auditorium.
The proceeds of the box social held
recently at the Alvo school has bi en
invested in a new Victrola of a ty-u
especially made for use in the school
room. They have used it in all of
the rooms this week and the chil
dren are all very much pleased wi'ii
Mrs. Morgan of Lincoln, our for
mer primary teacher having resigned
her position on account of her health
the board has hired Miss Fern Dim-
mitt to teach the third and fourth
grades formerly taught by Miss Ma
rie Stroemer who now teaches the
primary both having taken up their
new work on Mondav of this week.
Word comes from California that
Miss Ituby Stone of Long Peach wa '
married on Steptember l!0 to Paul
Wisely of Ixis Angeles. Mrs. Wisely
is the granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. It. Jordan of this place. She
was born and reared in this vicin
ity. About five years ago she, with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. A
Stone, moved from Alvo to Colorado
and later to California. We wish
them happiness and success.
Community Church News.
Our "lurch is moving steadily
along with its program of commun
ity services. The extreme fold and
the heavy snow has hindered but j
our surprise is that things move so
One hundred and twelve in Sun
day school last Sunday in spite of
the extreme cold and full houses
loth morning and evening for the;
preaching services.
Next Sunday morning the sub
ject of the service will be "Angels'
Visits." In the evening an evange
listic services preceded by 1" mimUcs
of pictures.
This week our Ladies Aid is giv
ing a parcel post bazaar and supper
on Wednesday evening.
Friday evening we have the great
moving picture drama, "The Man
Without a Country." This is one of
the really great film productions of
the time and we are fortunate to be
able to have it in Alvo.
December .'50 and 31 we are giving
that great 8 reel production "The
Heart of Humanity." This will run
two nights so that everybody in the
community may have a chance to
see it. Do not forget the dates.
We want to see a lot of people i't
church and Sunday school next Sun
day. Ernest A. Knight, Minister.
Miss Chailottce Elizabeth Whipple of
Waukcgan, Illinois, and Charles
Ambrose Patterson Married.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The announcements have been re
ceived in this city by the friends of
the contracting parties of the marri
age on Wednesday. Deccembor 10. at ! (.'itv.,,f i'lfttsmoutii. diss (
i ir:tsK:i, ano in ifons iliiiiniin; any
Waukcgan. Illinois, or Mis.-; Charlotte
Elizabeth Whipple, daughter of the
Iiev. and Mrs. John J. Whipple
of that city and Charles Ambrose
Patterson of Arapahoe, Nebraska.
The groom is a brother of Thomas
M. Patterson and Kae F. Patter!
and Mrs. T. H. Pollock of this city
and has for a number of years been
located at Arapahoe, Nebraska,
where he is engaged In the banking
business. Mr. Patterson is a former
Plattsmouth young man. the young-
t-t son of the late Hon. James M.
Patterson, and made his home here
prior to locating at Arapahoe. The
young people will be at home to their
friends after January 1 at Arapahoe
Dtian's Kegulets are recommended
by many who say they operate easily,
without griping and without bad af
ter effects. 30c at all drug stores.
From Monday's Daily.
J. U. Vallery one of the old and
well known residents of Cass county,
Is quite ill at his home southwest oi
'.his city and it has-become necessary
to have a trained nurse from Omaha
to assist in his care during his ill
ness. Mr. Vallery has been in very
poor health for several months and
during t h r late summer was operated
on at one of the Omaha hospitals and
f z r several weeks was compelled to
remain there but for the past three
months has been at his home bu: his
condition ha; not improved as had
been hoped for and be has become so
poorly as to cause his family a great
deal of iipprehonslon.
The Noyes farm, which is located
one mile east and one mile south of
Louisville, is offered forsale in order
to settle the ets;:te. The farm con
tains :20 acres, has modern improve
ments: an S-rcH::i house with Mght.
heat and bath, new basement barn
:0x."0 feet. A .Vrooni house for ten
sotial representatives and :ill other
persoii.- interested in the estate of Mrs.
Isaac liallinger, deceased; A. I'.. OaifT
and Mr. A. C Ciuij, his wife, iirst
and real name unknown; the unknown
In irs. devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in tl'e est site of A. ' '. e'rai,
dee.asid: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. A. t'raiu'. deceased;
the unknown claimants ami the un
known owners of the west half iv..
of Lot six ( and t he west twenty
L'i) inches, more r, of the cast
half e'.,i of Lot si: t;. all in i:ioek
thirty-live ::.", in the City of I'lMtts
inotith. "ass county, Nebraska: the
west f iv.-'ii of Lot six I H I and the
west twenty ( I'll )' inches, more or less,
of the east half ( e i. of Lot six I'il,
all in JUocIc thirty-five ::.r. in the
Cass county, Ne-
interest of anv kind in said real estate
or any part thcieof:
You and each of you arc hereby noti
fied that on the l.'.th d.iv of December,
A. D. i:H!. Plaintiff filed his suit in
the District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, the object and purpose of;
which is in iiict and confirm plaintiff's!
t i t It in ami tit the west h:;lf i w 1... I lit' '
Lot six I i ami the west t went y" ( L'0 I
inches, more or less, of the east half
('.I of J.ot six ;. all in Illock thirty-five
Ki, Orthe City of Plattsmouth.
Cass county, Nebraska, and to enjoin
each ;t:ul all of you from having or
claiming to have any right, title, lien,
or interest either legal or cijtah!e. in
or to said real estate or any part there
of and to enjoin you and each of youlKj
from mi any manner interfering with I
plaintiff's possession and enjoyment of'
said premisTs and for eipiitable relief.)
This notice is given pursuant to un
order of the Court. You are reunited'
to answer said petition on or before'
Monday, the iM'.tli day of January, A.J
D. l'.'o. or your default will be enter-'
ed therein. I
KM1L A. Wt'KL. !
dli-'.' Attorney.
McElwain's Gift Suggestions!
An unusually large and varied collection gathered
especially to answer the vexing question
Useful and practical articles of artistic design tint
make such excellent gifts.
Cigarette Cases
r.e'.t Hucklcs
Loose Links
Eversharp Pencils
Diamond Itins
YValdemar Chains
Kuby Hines
Military Sets
li.lMt to f'2 t .. ,
ivr.o to im
I. IT, to in . , .
:',.oo to a :.
:;.oo to i m,
?,.'!' to t; o 1 1 ii
50.00 to to :
14. 00 to ii)
5.00 to lo.iiM
Mesh I5aKS $ COO to ?ln.,
Silver Bar Pins Platinum finish !.oo to 1 I mi
Dorines l.."0 to :: i n
Vanity Cases 0 to ." mi
Lorgnettes " 2. CO to .".on
Lingerie Clasps . "j 0 to l.r.n
Diamond Kings CO. 00 to WIT.
La Vallieres ! ",.00 to ;..
Bracelet Watches 21.00 to 4 '..'."
Not an article in this Master Stock can be replaced B
berore Christmas and the choicest will be selected early.
Hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturdays, 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.
rr7JMAA .JT'Fij tITOiw..MU Jixw-..ti Fmwwri
!;m;it or m:iti;
mill llce on I't-tifioii for
et tlciii-iit of Account
In the County Court of Cass ciuintv,
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. IN
To a!! persons intersted in the es
tate of i;i!en Danihcr. deceased:
in reading the petition of I :. :.
Danihcr, Kocetor. praying a final set
tlement and allowance of his account
tiled ia this Court on the .. day of
December, T.'l:. ami for his discharge
as executor of said estate and final
closing of said estate;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, tin the L'l'inl day of December, A. D.
1 !!!'. at 1 a cloi L a. m.. to show
cause, if any there i.e. why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be rant
ed. and that notice of the pendency
of said petiti m and the hearing then
of be uiven to all persons interested
in said matter by oublishinti u -oov
of this order i.'i the Plattsmouth .lour
n. il. a semi-.'cck I y newspaper printed
in said county, for one week prior to
said dav of Icarin.
lit WMIO-SS VV llCllllf I hV' hfl'4'llllto
t my hand and the seal of said IieW Copyright fiction as Well aS
Court, this ltu day of December. A
D. II' 19.
B. A. McEIwain,
Jeweler to the People
I ;
i Pea I I dl"-lw
a i.lkx J. i:ki-:s x.
County .Indue.
ruoiiKNt'i-: wiiiti:.
ii n-
All kinds of Christmas tree dress
ings at the Journal office.
i.i.i;m. Minn;
In the Distrhl Court of Cass
t . .Nil ras ka . A. Win'. PI. ni, lit'!'. Vs.
ck.d!s i t al. I lefcmlants.
To the Defendants, S. I". NmkolN.
.ml Mi -. S. I". Nil. kol!. :,js -..ife, tii. si
ilid real m: me unknown; the unknown
iuiis. .!e isees. legatees, personal ir
t sent at i v s. and all other persons m-
ti teste,! in the estate of s. I-. Mn hm.s
Icccased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
coatees, personal representatives, and
ill other pels m s interested hi the es
ite of .Mrs. si. !'. Nuckolls, ib-ieastd;
vV. C. Warbrition a, id Mrs. . i'.. War-
britton. his wife, hist and real mime
".:;r.owu; the unknown heirs, devise,-.-.
cLval'-es. person;'! representatives, ;,,;
ill other p, r.-oiis interested in the s-
'at - ot W . K. Warbrilloii, itec. ;is,,i ;
he unknown 1 eiis. devisees, beat',.-,
rsimal representatives a 'id all other
i.'isons interested in the state of
Mrs. W. M. Warhritton. de. -eased: il-
iain Warb: :: ton and Mrs. illiam
Wat britton. l is w ife, first and rai
lime unknown, the unknown heirs,
IvVlsccN, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all persons i.i-tei-csted
in the estate of William War
hritton, deceased: the unknown heirs.
le isees. b-natees, personal it p;ese:i -
talives and all other persons inteic.-t-
I in the estate of Mrs. William War
iritlon. deceased: William 1 :. Wirlrit-
tmi ami l-.lia net ii a turn ton.
A iff. the unknown heirs. devisee--,
fiiatees. personal representatives and
ill other persons interested in the es
tate o William l. warmiMon. m us-
d: the unknown heirs, ilfvisi'i-s. lc",-a-
s, personal representatives and all
ther persons interested in the estate
f Kiixabeth Walbtitton. deceased: Win.
Warbrittoti and Mrs. Wm. Warhritton.
lis Usi:"' first and real name unknown:
the unknown heirs, devisees, lefiatc-s.
personal representatives and all of r
icisons interested in the estate oi win.
Warhritton. deceased: the unknown
icirs. devisees, legatees, personal rc;i
estii ta t i ves and all other persons i:i
crested in the estate of Mrs. Will.
Warhritton. dectased: Anytime Mi:v-
de: the unknown heirs, devisees, leya-
ttcs personal representatives ami an
it her persons interested in the estate
of AiiKeline lliubie. deceased: A. I'.am-
bi'rcer A.- Co., a co-partnership com-'
posed of Abraham Hamburger. Din:'
Hamburger ami Henrietta Sit-nel: the
iiknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other tier
sons intetested in the estate of Abra
ham Hamburger, deceased; the un
known heir, devisees, leiratees, per
sonal representatives and all otner
person.-: interested in the estate of
una 1 1 a m bu rvrer. ucccasett; tiie un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all oiler
persons interested in the estate of Hen
rietta Sp uel, deee;:si,j; out e-I' a ' I-
lcinh K- Co., ii co-partnership consist
ing tif Milton Tootle, .sr., William ..
'iiii leili. Jin k Musson. Daac l-ta 1 i in
i't- ami A. C. Craitr: Milton Tootle, Sr..
and Mrs. Milton Tootle. -.. his wile,
tirst and real name unknown: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives ami till other
persons interested in the estate of Mil
ton Tool le. Sr.. uecenseo; Hi" til.Knowii
heirs, devisees. b-nale s. p,-i snnal rep
resent a t i ves and all other persons in
terested in the estiite of Mrs. Milto'i
footle. Sr.. deceased: William 1 1. I'iiir
leiwh. and Mrs. William :. l-'aiileiwh.
his wife, first himI real name unknown:
tin- unknown heirs. ib- isees. ,-i;atees.
personal i eprcscn I a 1 1 ves ami all other
persons j uteres! t d In tin- estate of
William C,. I'a irleih, deceased: the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives ami all other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs.
William '.. I'a irlciifh. deceased: .lack
Masson. and Mrs. .luck Massoii. his wife
first and real name unknown; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives- and all other
persons interested in im estate ot .liU'K
Masson. deceased; the unknown heirs.
U-yisees. leii.itecs. personal representa
tives in il all other persons Interested
in the estiite of Mrs. Jack Masson, de
ceased; Isaac i ;t 1 1 .1 u. e . , ano .n-. imiii
I la 1 1 i :iki'-. his wife, Iirst arid real name
i:nkii'n n: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Isaac Halliner, deceased: the
unknown heirs, deviates, legatees, per-
ty. ss:
In t!
ii.'iu T
ium:h it ifiAieiMi
IVIilio.'i fur piitoii t mcnt of
tliiiiiiist rn t ri .
slate ol Nel'i a.-kii, ass coun-
Ctuinly Coin t.
matter of the
tvlor, deceased.
e.- late of Wi!-
A gift that is suitaMe for young
or old, man or woman, is a good
book. It gives a lasting pleasure
that a more costly gift could not pos
sibly bring to the one receiving it,
and the choice reflects discriminat
ing judgment on the part of the giv
er. The Journal has Just received
from the leading publishing houses
of the east an exceptional line of the
large number of the older popular
novels which would make a most
pleasing remembrance for the ab
sent friend. These books embrace a
very large line and are well worth
looking over when you are seeking
for a gift for the Christmas time.
Drop in and look over the books and
see what an opportunity is offered
to the book lover or seeker after a
suitable gift.
Wlf I 11 II MlllllMI M n M II
said petition when all !- Ma""""
m read in--; and tilin"T the petition (f
C. I-:. Taylor prayim; that administra
turn of said tstate may be srantcd to
Mary .1. Taylor, as ad m i n isl i a 1 1 i :. :
ordered. That December J7th. A. D.
l'.U!'. iit o'clock a. m.. is assigned
for hearit!
sons lntt it ted :n said matter mav ap
pear at it t'oitntv Court to be held in
i ii I lor said coiintv. and show (ausu
win the prayer of the petitioner
should not be maiiti-'l: and that no
tice of tht- pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be fiivrn to
all persons intcrest'-d in said matter
by piiblishnr; a copy ol this order in
the I'!:: 1 1 - tMoiit !i Journal, it s'lni-weck-
l newspaper printed in said county
for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hcarinjr.
Dated In cembor 1st, l!Mf.
ai.iwon J. iu:i;sr.".
County .linl'e.
i:y i'i.oi;i;nck wiiiti:,
di-::w. Clerk.
We print everything but money
ind butter. Let us serve you.
During the past few years vj have
had a great many patrons who have
bought Christmas cards with engrav
ed name plate. Remember this line
of work must be placed early in or-
;der to insure delivery at the time
desired. During the Christmas rush
all engravers are very busy and ' in
the past we have had some orders
returned to us too late. If you are
planning an order of this kind please
see that we get it at an early date.
Remember the big line of Christmas
cards is always found at the Journal
Light Iirahma roosters for sale at
$2.50 eacli while they last. Mrs.
George Reynolds, Plattsmouth. Neb.
Denatured Alcohol!
mum i: of nr.AitiMi
On IVtilitm tor llctt-riiiiiinllim
ol II t'irxlilp.
Kstatc ot Aunts Knot, lleceasctl, I'll SI
tin- county court oi ass county, .c
The Slate of Nebraska. To all per
sons interested in said estiite. creditors
and heirs. ta!;e notice, that Jesse A.
Hoot hits tiled his petition allcsiniT that
Atrnes Hoot died intestate in Murray
on or about September 2. 1911, beins a
resident and inhabitant of Cass conn-ex-.
Nebraska. and the owner of the
following described real estiite. to-wit:
l.,ots numbered ciiiht CO and nine ( !M
in Illock .seven iTi in Latin's Kiist Ad
dition to !!" Village of" .Murray, Cuss
coiintv, Nebraska, bavins as her sole
iin.l only heirs at law the following
named persons, to-wit: Jesse A. Koot,
her husband: Vincent A. Kennedy, her
father ami Laura .Kennedy, her mother,
and prnvinK for a decree barrinn
claims: that said decedent died intes
tate: that no iippi icii lion for adminis
tration has been made ami the estate
of siiid decedent lms not been adminis
tered in the State of Nebraska, and
that the heirs at law of said decedent
sis herein set forth shall be decreed to
he the owners in fee simple of the
above described real estate. which
has l-cen set for hearing on the 22nd
day .!' December. A. D. 1 B 1 '.. at ten
o'clock si. m.
Dated at I "1st t tsmou t h. Nebraska, this
Hth !av of Nov fin her. A. D. 1 '. 1 :.
ali.i;n j. hi:i:son.
I'niinlv .Indue,
Ul-Sw) Clerk.
lint what seems like a higher price f
to most of us is SO cent a piece for j
4 Lawyer.
J. East ot Riley Hotal.
J, Coates Clock,
J. Second Floor.
We have a good supply of alcohol for your radiator. Call in ami
t tilled and feel safe when a sudden drop of the thermometer comes.
The. '"one" safe unu-freeze; will not injure the radiator or hose.
Goodrich and Firestone tires and tubes. Silvertown cords carried
in stet k. Truck tire agency solids or pneumatics.
Trop Arctic and Eu-Ra-Co oils. We have an oil that wilHlow free
ly at 20 below zero. Just what yau want for winter Special price on
five gallon lots.
Sfudebaker Cars Maxwell
Cars and Trucks!
Our service department will serve yon on
any make of car or truck. Try us out!
Main St. Garage Telephone 79
Block South of Postoffice
I -i
f ;
r i
.. '. -j
i n m m m i mm mi m w x
I & I lift: JR CJl
N 51
WebaTclaifVt IICtoiBcrcl
i 1 r tit
rv-rv erafluate Kn'l prt- ram
itimi. Low t-jitwa. Sladeali ;taioCC
nir work lor hoar. 'nOYIIS COLLCCE
Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. VVorK
not to be paid for until it is set in the spring.
To many wait until spring to buy.
Cass County Monument Company
. M
Telephone 177
Plattsmouth, Neb.