pagi: TWO TIIUEfEAY. EECEMSEK IS, I'M'.:. rLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL 1 P. r i i1 fgj?&v&& Wag kSWT1' b Ui ONE GRAND THE old men :ftMH CAFT. ISAAC WILES VISITING OLD HOME IS EXAMPLE OF SPLEN DID TYPE OF PIONEERS. CAME HERE IN THE FIFTIES I're-Empteil Homestead Near This City in 1S5G and Resided Here Up to Two Years Ago. i I'll'!!-. V'-llt .I;IV'! IliillV. The history of tin- Mate of Xc- br,i-ia is 1'iiled with many rugged t and :-: -u-ilv ;wti w ho coining w est in tt -.Titoi i.;! days uiatK? tneir nome this community and by their ;.:: ar.d fore. ill character assist materially in tlif building up of then unsettled country into one tr 1 'I i n s'ates of the union. j Such a t y p j Wilt s, w ho t ho in si ;' . -1 1 he of -1 ywm 83 JS3S& So ncrfcctly tailored and finished so faultlessly' correct i:i style our tailoring will be worn Christ-: mas and ether days by the most careful dressers. -T r. tsx-! -x. f r; n z. 'Tj EH U b & fc-a CiS? lies tLi i; i EE Dry Cleaner and TaiSor Phone 166 Fla Ismouth, Neb. All you could ask oi tailoring you et here ia full measure; pure vjool fabrics in variety end range to please every t2.ste. "We'arc not satisfied unless you are," Vi&t Mssirei Mom w "a Vj? iT, f ! r W 3 rf hi; ? 2 - f! :UT VvIIiCH CAN BE PAID SOONER IF DESIRED such, leans through the LINCOLN rOCK LAND BANK, of Lincoln, Nchrctj'xa. iiich curing iho piist yecr has lo3ncJ over $5,000,000.00 to the farmers of lov.-a. and Nebraska. NO DELAYS! NO RED TAPE! A FAIR RA TE OF INTEREST . (MS. J Ask Us About It G? yass i iatt; month Nebrasl; of man is Captain Iaao now fa-t narin tho niiutit th mil. stone tf life is as K'.'-n afti- u - ;: any mt'ii of far lfss tars. and t:ijoiii'r hi- lite eah l;'.y a; only a 'ran v. ho has aoconip li. m 1 a well sj t nt life fan do. Cap t r. ? ii Wi'.-s 1 .is made his homo for I 1: pa -m two year; in he vsfrn '-r'ion of the -ta.te with his son. I M W iles, rt-idiuu. a Minatnire i 1 :.nd h' 's tiow hark in th" old home vi-'tin-r with hi-' ti . Luk L. U'iles. i and his daughters. Mrs. J. H. Hall of thi; citv. Mrs. Mijor Hall of I'acific .Timft ion and Mrs. 1?. II. Dean of C'ciiw ('(. as well as his son. T. K. W'ii- s of (m;ha. and the visit h'-re is th. rciPiii' iict'int tit of a Ioj-.l' and pleas;iit vacation t!:-r Mr. Viles i ii'iininLT in i-it in:r w ith his chit- t'.t'-n. !!e is to niret his son. Ray i V.'iles (,f St. I.onis, here and acconi- pan;- l,;r-i to th." ?!isoi;ri city for a. vi- it and tht-n cxpocs t r start vi-:;.rd to visit a'-ain the scene--I where as a youM he joined the horde of s(,.i;ers for tl e golden argosy of I Califortiia ami ill spend some time v. jt'i his daua hu r. Mrs. Ursula Kr .ritt a' Spok-ne. V-!sh. It was iti ; is.".' t'.iat :;iiif Wiles, then in th.o ' iirt fiii-b of ni:sn!o-)d math the trip ! a ro-;s the ()!. f iiur.t of North. An; rica to eck fortune and advent are in the. new land that the trold ei.,r had .'-iveii to world on the Vacific -'otie of the Tinted States and the h.ii'4 trip was tade with a cotn pa'.v il'ii:v herls of cattle. It is int. re tinir to hear this .splendid eld :it 1 in -i ii r. late the wonderful days o'i the rest where Hi" rule of niiplit v.ns that it riuht and th.e doctrine of the pupalar will the only law that held sv.av from the Rockies to the 1':m i;:e. On his return from the Hold fields where he failed to find the promised fortune Mr. Wiles made th.f trip by way of Panama but then no an it eati.'l offered easy passage to tiie bouts but the trip across the isth- !'o;s lv wax bv way of the pioneer rail road and staires which were crowd ed with those oinv; and cninins from ( '.iliforn ia and from there an ocean voya.-.e of a month awaited the trav eler to Xew York. Failitr-X to locate in California the 1 rotnised fortune this hardy youth Had yau thought of a House Coat? Ii suest cozy evenings at home. Let us show you what we offer $5.75 to $12.50 Owing Shirts and Ties BRINGS GOOD LUCK At least we know he will be a mighty lucky man ii ou give him some of our Mini attati ;.k sliirts. They arc sim ply beauiier-, $10 to 315. Other Detachable Fur Collars for Men's Overcoats Tho rr-if t DeLuxe aua'.iti 52 L up. Open Evenings Till Christrncj& A !3D TIES Well we can't say enough about our neckwear shewing. This is the hardest year to secure good patterns. We have shnply exerted ourselves to the point we s'-o'.v the biggest and brightest line ever in our store. Prices 63c to $3.50. In Neat Chri3ima8 uoxbj 93c, D5- iind 31. 0 3 8 V Q esco"0 s . dobs 'EVERTBODV'S STORt" I good i I came westward afcain and decided to bring from the virgin soil of the west the promised fortune he sought and located in Cass county making his homestead at the outskirts of Plattsmouth in 1S.1C and the old homestead still stands as a monu ment to the untiring spirit of the pioneer, who there found realization of his hopes. Through the times of territorial days and in the dangers of the Indian invasions Captain Wiles bore his part with bravery nd cour age and his service in the army in the opposing of the Indians develop ed and strengthened his character and fitted him for the later days of life. It is now in the sunset of life, when the shadows have begun to lengthen out their eastward course, that this worthy citizen and friend is enjoying to the fullest extent the heritage that he has wrought out of the wilderness' for himself and his family and l is days are full of pleas ure as he goes from one to another of those whom he brought into the worltl and prospered In the material things of life, taking the fullest measure of ha princes as he prepares his way for the dawning of a bright er day. whose rays of hope lighten the heart of the weary traveler along the long and roughened way of life. ZBI52ES5E TRAINS GO BACK ON THE BURLINGTON Travel Over Burlington Once More JTonnal as Trains Removed by Coal Shortage Restored. P.-oai Wednesday's Taily. Th.e travelers between this city and Omaha as well as more distant point rejoice today that the badly disarranged train schedule of the ISiirliimton route is once more back in its old time condition and he who desires to travel to and from the me tropolis of the state may do so with out the necessity of arising at the early hour when the morning train departs northward. No. 2? which is due out of this city at 1:"S p. in. is restored to the schedule and will care for those de-iring to go to Om aha while the niithl train back from Omaha due here at 0 p. in. will also be run and while many have cursed at this faith. fill ai-.C slow plodding combination train, still it is very convenient to the traveler from our little city who does not care to bask ia the brist lights of the metropo lis until the weary midnight hour. The branch trains are also restored in the order, inclining the "Schuy ler" as well as the stub trains oper ated by Yardmater Charley Johnson. RECEIVES ANNOUNCEMENTS. From Wednesday's lally. The friends in this city of th Stephen A. Davis family have just re ceived the announcement of Mrs Davis of the forthcoming marriage of her daughter. Miss Kate Pauline Davis, to Donald Travis Kepler. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride's mother in Lincoln on Thursday, January 1. 1920. The Davis family are old time res idents of this county where they made their home prior to their removal to Lincoln and the bride-to be spent her girlhood davs in this city, and the old friends of the family will be pleased to learn of her forth coming marriage. A FINE BOY. From Wednesday's Pally. The stork is a very busy bird and in his flights over the community his visits are sometimes overlooked bv the dispenser of news and this was the case in the arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Former of a fine bouncing baby boy on Friday The little son is doing nicely as is the mother while Ted is one of the happy men in the world who is not disturbed by the H. C. L. or any of the small troubles that beset us. now that the little son iswithin the family circle. Jsk, mk'Mm HI i ; pi 1 1 ? It feN-sf:?jM Psise; to k ?M pi T FORM Some Xmasly Hints HOUSE COATS BATH ROBES SWEATERS CAPS GLOVES LIUITLERS GARTERS SUSPENDERS n NECKWEAR SHIRTS COLLARS HOSIERY HANDKERCHIEFS MEN'S JEWELRY Give HIM something to wear Going or Coming! Let us help you with your gift. A young man invariably appreciates so.nething to wear, moie than an article that he could just as well as not get along without. If you buy it her; it here it amounts al most to a guarantee that he will b. as much pleased as he can be, ki ing that men's stores cater to men, that it is correct in style, workmanship a::d quality. You'll play safe by buying WIS 5iirt here where you can be certain that the price is lower than vou are lik-j'y to find anywhere else. if it's a "Family" gift, choose aroLb sSi suit or overcoat from our coruplc te slur!: of "PITFORM Clothes for Men Philip Shiaicil 9HOX9 A PLATTSMOUTH COUPLE MARRIED Miss Xatlurine Foster and Mr. Ray Randall. Railroad Man of Miles City. United in Marriage. 'mother made hor home here. gr,i- i ... lrem this citv to Oma:ia wnere i I made her home with her sis.: Mr.-. i Trimpey. The friends here will join in wishing the young people a long and happy life through th.e future ! years. 8' la ! Jritrb Ftj ver PI: L?'.- llfct lit.' FOR SALE. I have several fine pedigreed Pol and China gilts for sale. Died to Orange Model 2nd. a pig of Orange Model, grand champion of Iowa. S. Hay Smith. I have only a few so get in early. 2tv PIES! PIES! PIES Prom Monday's Dallv. At the home of her mother. Mrs. C. M. Foster of Yakima Washing ton. Miss Katheiine M. Foster a few days since was united in marriage to Kay Kamlall of Miles City. Montana, an officer of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad. The young peo ple were intending to go to San Fran cisco where they were to visit with the brother of the bride. Sergeant Ralph Foster, formerly of this place but now in the I'nited States hos pital where he is having treated his arm which was shattered by six bul lets from a machine gun during 1 ! I S . The young couple also ex pected to come to Plattsmouth on their wedding trip but owing to the sudden illness of the chief clerk of the department of which Mr. Kan dall has charge. The trip was de ferred. Mrs. Kandall who formrcly lived in Plattsmouth is the sister of Mrs. Fred Kissling. and daughter of the late Charles M. Foster, who died a few months since at Yakima Washington, and his wife who lives in that city, but who is expected to arrive in Plattsmouth in a few days for an extended visit with her daugh ter. Mrs. Kissling. The Journal with the many friends of Mrs. Han dall. extend to this young couple their best wishes for a life of happi ness and prosperity. FOR SALE. I have for sale several good milk I cows, tuberculine tested. Will he j fresh soon and are good heavy milk- j crs. See Neil I). Cameron. Ilellevue j Blvd.. block north of Child road, j Telephone South 3517. Omaha. Dor.- i i.-ot "ot ion ;ot your pi . i: Tel. ISY ROSENTHAL. T). :""'. 5 Omaha, NV YOUNG PEOPLE ARE WEDDED HERE Tli ere will be a pie social at the Tritsch school next Friday night. December 19. We will have a Christ j mas tree and a program will be given, which will begin at 8 o'clock. Ladies please bring pies nd the gentlemen come pie hungry. Glen na Jov Barker, Teacher. 2td-2tv Any skin itching is a temper test er. The more vou scratch the worse it itches. Doan's Ointment is for 2333 piles, ,eczema and skin itching. a all drug stores. 60c Walter Burritt and Miss Abbie Brown of Omaha United in Mar raige by Rev. H. G. McClusky. From Monday's Daily. At the home of Rev. and Mrs. II. O. McClusky late Saturday afternoon occurred the marriage of Walter Bur nt and Miss Abbie Brown, both of Omaha. The young people were de layed in reaching this city owing to the late train and on their arrival hastened at once to the McClusky home where the wedding ceremony was performed. The double ring service was used bv Rev. McClusky in uniting the lives and hearts of the two estimable young people. The bridal couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Trimpey of Omaha. Mrs. Trimpey being a sister of the bride, and following the wedding the young people departed on a wedding trip to Winnipeg. Canada, where they will visit at the home of the groom's parents for the holiadys. The bride is a former Plattsmouth girl being the youngest daughter of the late Z. T. Brown a'l'L w ife ami is a sister of Maldon Brown of this city. She was educated in the schools of this city and up to the time of the death of the Christmay Joy in tho Home! 1 lome it so? We siioiild In have the- the dearest place on earth. Why not make NEW COMFORT TALKING MACHINE The Very Best cl Christmas Gifts 1 !v one. Ct me iti and hear the excellent mi: ;; prodiu prke is moderate and terms can be arranged. Have that pv.u:v of the loved one framed for tin make a hutirg giit - i:ie ever smiling from the walls a We ;t-- making -one very artistic trays which pleasing remembrances. See them. io;n.' you. make , e!V Frank Golielman's Paint Store. NORTH SIXTH STREET PLATTSMOUTH Bdnlcyour Money $$Ml , Then, some dayoii can 0 duv inatnew V . ;7 HAVEN'T YOU AND YOUR WIFE OFTEN TALKED ADOLT "BUYING A HOME?" WELL, IT CAN BE DONE, IT RESTS EN TIRELY WITH YOU. THE FIRST THING IS TO COME IN AND START A BANK AC COUNT. THEN REGULARLY ADD AS MUCH AS YOU CAN SPAR! KEEP THIS UP AND IT WON'T BE LONG UNTIL YOU CAN BUY THAT HOM E AND YOU CAN BUY IT CHEAPER FOR CASH YOU WILL RECEIVE 32 .' INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Farmers State PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA ank r t :