The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 15, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Good custom tailor
ing brings out the
best that's in you;
your build, the way
you stand, your
ideas, are all made
to count. That easily
can be seen in pleas
ing expression, in
the fine lines of
Dry Cleaner and Tailor,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
It's the expert work
manship, the correct
style, the pure wool
fabrics that makes our
tailoring give you last
ing satisfaction.
e Measured Nou
i -1 r i
i. mitk i:
t Court of
in c' i
u n -
i-. N.M':iska.
Kniil -. Win!. I'i.ii'ditT
S. F.
tiekoFs el a!. I t feiida nts.
To tlie I lendants. S. F. N v.i oil s.
and Jlrv S. F. N-nkoils. his wife, first
and real name unknown: the unknown
1:4 ui-nci'i, lenat inrsin:ii i ep-
: 4 ni.ii i . s. and all other persons in
I , :-,st-i'. u: the ;.it4- of S. I-'. Nuckolls.
N cea-oe ; ti. iipl.nown Ii4-irs. d.-visec--.
!. 1 1 "4 v. ;.. t -...;;; i's4-n t. t i vi . me
all oil i p 's':i :ni4 ievi : ,;i the es
ate . f Mrs. 1". N urkolls. ilei-eased;
. l;. WiirhriHon and Mrs. W. It. War
t.:if:i. lis wife, first and real name
u:iV:iown: the unknown liei is. -le visees. I
h-u.i . pvrs4iiial repr-sentati ves. ainili'p
nil i'iIiit i4ison interested in
the es-
fate of W. !;. W'arhrit ton.
the nnkli'iwi 1.4'irs. devisees,
;.4-i-v4iial representat ivs and
.i -...1
legatees! I
all other ;
Persons interested in
tate of
Mr. W. !:. Warhritton. dec.-aseM : I -i-.-ji
i I.: :t ton anil Mr.. yiiliam
Warl'ritton. his wif,-, first and r-i:
mine unknown, the unknown heirs,
.. y "-, legatei-s. personal represen
takjxes and all olhel' persons, in-tiMitt-il
::, tl,- i stale of WiWiam War
hritton. il i.M-i:: Cio unknown ;i-irs.
,1,., js... s. t.-.'a!o -. iv-presen-l:iti-.(s
ami ;!1 c ii . r persons inter-st-;-,
tl(. estate of Mrs. William War.
I.rittoii. decense.l: William IS. W'irbriW
ton ami Kliza hot !i Warhritton.
inl'i : the unknown heirs. leises.
) t4-i-s.,.rial ! prfscti t a 1 1 vex and
all otlo'
l t of V
4 .1. t o- U
person interested in the es
i liam IS. Warhritton. l-ceas-ikvown
l efrs. ilevisees. lega-
t s. )( rso:
oth'-l pet so
epresentat ives and all
sons ii,i -rested in Hi'' estat4
til Warhritton. de.-eascd: Win.
ii ami Mrs. Wm. Warhrit tfn.
..f i:!ii-.:: h.
W:i i l lit'
iii- wit-, tirst and i-a! iiuin- unKiown.
ti4- riiknown :,eirs. devis--s. It-catft'S,
p.-rsonal rent esentatives anil all other
persons iT!terst'-d in the estate of Win.
Warhritton. de-eased: the - unknown
heir, devisees, letratees. personal rep
res4 ntat i 4 -s ati'l all other j.ersoi.s in-;.-iesi'-.i
m the -st:t- of Mrs. ni.
Wjii-i-riltini. !.-. ase.i : Angline llis; the unknown heirs. l-viseVs. lega-ti.-s,
jiei ,inai l epi 4-scntat i ves and all
oth-r p4-rs!is interested in the estate
4.f Ang-:;i:e Hic-hie, .leceased: A. Ham
hnrger x- Co.. a co-partnership com
pos, -d f Alraham Hamhurger. Pina
Hamhurirer ami Henrietta Siegel: th
i. ii known loirs. il-visees, legatees, per-s4-nal
r4pres-nat ives ami all oilier p-r-iinns
interested in the -state of Ahra
hani Hauihuiuer. il-.easel ; tnc un
known heirs. '.4- lse.-s. !ecat-4-s, per-
ina I
1 r r.i t.seiitntn es ami an otner
For "Him"
These gifts will always be acceptable to "Her," whether
she be mother, sister, sweetheart or wife.
These things are gifts in which a real man delights
things he can use, things practical.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Rexall Store
persons interested in tlie estate of
1-iina Ham liurper. deceased; tiie un
known heirs, devisees, lejratees, per
sonal representatives and all other
lcisons interested in the estate of Hen
rietta Sn-Kel, deceased: Tootic-r iur
leisti Ai Co., a co-partnership consisting-
of Milton Tootle, :?r., William tl.
Kairleipti. Jack llasson. Isaac HullinK
er anil .. (". O-aiir: M1lUn Tootle. Sr.,
and Mrs. Milton Tootle. Sr., his wile,
first and real liiinie unknown; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Mil
ton Tootle. Sr., deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. Milton
.Tootle. Sr., deceased; William CS. Fair
' Uiph, and Mrs. William G. Faii-lnli.
his wife, first and real name, unknown;
the unknown heirs, devisees, lvpatees.
i personal representatives and all other
( persons interested in the estate of
William ;. Fairieifh, deceased; tlve
unknown heirs, devisees, lepalees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Mis.
William tJ. Fairleitli, deceased: Jack
MasNon, and Mrs. Jack Massort. ids wife
first and real name unknown: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
I'Tsims interested in the estate of Jack
Masson, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, N-ealct-K, jiersonul relresenta
tives and all otner persons interesieil
in tlie estate of Mrs. Jack Massoii. de
ceased: Isaac Kaliinuer. and Mrs. Isaac
Hallinirer. his wife, first and real name
unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives ami
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Isaac iiallinter, ileceased; tin
unknown heirs, devisees. P tratees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Isaac Hallinjjer, deceased: A. OraiK
and Mrs. A. J. Craig, his wife, first
and leal name unknown; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of A. C ".'raiir.
tieceasod; tlie unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. A. C. Craig, decease.!:
the unknown claimants and the un
known owners of tlie west half (w'2
u!' L.ot six (".) and the west twenty
('t inches, r.iore or less, of the east
half ifi of l.ot six . all in '' -k
tiiirly-tive (".".. in the City of I'iatts
incuth. t"ass county, Ncliraskii ; tiie
WfSt half w-j of I-.t six Mil and the
west twentv C- inches, more or less,
of the east" half ic'-i of l.ot six it.
all in F.lock tnirty-tive :;.".!, in the
Cite of P!::ttsnioutli. Cass county, Ne-ln-a'ska.
aiid all persons claim, ng anv
interest ot any kiml in saci I eai esiute
anv part thereor:
Von mtk! each of vnu are hcrehy noti-
tied that on the day of leiemher.
A. I J .!!. I'laintifT tiled his soil in
t !
l'isliii-t Court ot Cass cnunu. -N,'.
hraska. the
w h i c 1 1 is to '
titie in and
l.ot six t ii
inches, lien
K'l.l of Lot
tv-tive "".
(;i.S CC III t.V
it and purpose m
juiet and confirm planum s
to the west half ' w ot
and the west twenty -'"
or less, of the east half
six iti. all in I'lm-k thir
in tlie Citv of I'liU tsniottl h,
Nebraska, and to enjoin
(each and all of on trom having or
claiminir to i.iive :.?. riuht. title, lien.
I or iuieiest either legal or ei u i t a hie. in
!.., t.. renl fstate or any part there
of :i'u! to enjoin you aim
-h of you
from in anv manner iuterferini;-
plaintiff s possession
and en.'oymeiit !
said promise
This llotic,
older of the
and for ei,ui!ahe r'-ln I.
is given pursuant to an
- Court. 1 mi are lequirco
answer sain petition on or i-eioi
,r,i:ix- the L'llLh ilav of January, A.
1!L'H. in
vour il- iauit win in
1 'la i ii t i i!
TH'l '.
A. L.
Jose'iili 11. Smith of this city. v. bo
is now at the national soldiers home
at Leavenworth. Kansas, writes to
Journal that he is doing nueiy
I at the heme and cnjoyin.g ni:n.-eii as
much as possible, and requests that
the Eveninp Journal
assist in makinc: the
li-ihmont sem more
Smith slates thai the
up fast owins to the
be sent bin' to
niilitcry estab
HV:e homo. Mr.
home is filling
winter and the
high cost of living to the old veter
ans of the civil war. There are now
2.24 8 residents of the heme and 1,00
are absent on leaves from the insti
tution. This establishment is one erf
the largest soldiers' homes in the
count, y and one that carts for tht
soldiers of the middle west.
This morning in the county court,
application for the probate of the
estate of l'hil S. Davis, deceased, was
filed by the attorney for the peti
tioners, W. A. Robertton. The es
tate is located near Weeping Water.
For Sale:
Main street.
Price $2, COO.
Residence property on
Close to high school.
Inouiic of F. G. Egen-
For "Her"
Plattsraouth, Neb.
Alien ilnemy and Members of Organ
izations Who Aim to Destroy Gov
ernment Should be Deported.
Lincoln. Neb., Dec. 10. 1919.
' In our Nebraska state convention
of the American Legion held in Om
aha in October, 1915, certain meas
ures were advocated and members of
congress from the state of Nebraska
were respectfully requested to ex
press their opinions concerning
them. Semitors Gilbert M. Hitch
cock and George W. Norris and Con
gressman W. E. Andrews did not
consider the request of 14,000 ex
service men in the Mate of Nebraska
as enough' consequence to even reply.
The executive committee of the
American Legion, now in session, be
leves the following matters of prime
importance, necessitating immediate
1. The deportation of aliens who
are members of organizations whose are to overthrow the govern
ment; and the cancellation ot" cit
izenship of citizens, and their depor
tation also, vho are likewise mtm
1 ers of such organizations, 'ihe mur
der of fur of our comrades at C'en
tialia. Washington, stirred the coun
try for a day. She state of Washing
ton, through the attorney general,
asked the deportation of 14 1. V. W.,
who ;.re aliens, but the department
of lai'jor refused. Tiie leiter or the
attorney general of Washington de
manding ;i reconsideration of this re
fusal is conclusive evidence and au
thority for Mich deportation. Wc
leti'.ic.t every member of the cun-gre.-ft
ion::l delepatk-n from Nebraska,
to read the leiter sent by the attor
ney general of Washington to th
depariuient id labor and then to de
mand action accordingly. It is re
ported by the American Legion post
at Centralia, Washington, that thai
W. W. organization has raised over
$100.00 for the defense of the mur
derers and that a change of venue
has alroudy been secured. We be
lieve that this is not the time for de
biy but that something must' be done
and done immediately.
2. We further believe that much
of the defiance now exhibited toward
governmental authority may be di
rectly traced to the leniency .shown
by the government in dealing with
alien enemies, slackers and consci
entious (injectors during the war and
immediately subsequent to It. The
national convention of the American
Leg?on demanded that congress in
vestigate the release, resroration to
duty and discharge under hcnoral)le
circumstances of so-called conscienti
ous objectors and that officials of
the war department, "be they high
or low," be suminaiily punished
therefor. We haw herird of no such being taken. We believe that
it should be and we desire the con
gressional delegation from Nebraska,
if no other legelation will, to see that
it is talren. We have called upon
the secretary of war for an explana
tion. The "two-line" reply from his
private secretary and the printed
document, prepared for public con
sumption by F. V. Keppal. we con
sider an insult to our intelligence and
an insult to the memories and gal
lant deeds of our comrades who sleep
along the Muese and the IWarne. We
want to know why the war depart
ment adopted such a resolution or
policy if there is a reason for it. and
if there is none, then we believe that
the head of the war department or
whoever is r'Tp.Tisibls should resTt:n
rnd get out. And v c consider the
punishment too mild at that.
::.We briefly call your attention
also to legislation in which the sol
diers, .sailors and marines of Ne
braska are interested: Revision of
ihe war risk act; the enactment of
n bill providing for homes for ex
Kervice men and loans from the nov
einment at a low rate of interest
and long periods of time; additional
compensation for th men who served
and as a consequence suffered fi
nancial loss, many of whom are nat
yet re-established; and better ser
vice from the vocational- guidance
board in the rehabilitation of dis
abled men. for many of whom little
or nothing has been done. On these
matters, however, through our state
resolutions you are more definitely
When danger threatens a com
munity it calls on the American Lcsr
ion for protection. We have not
Give way before the pene
trating effects of Sloan's
So do those rheumatic twinges and
the loin-aches of lumbago, the nerve
inflammation of neuritis, trie wry neck,
the joint wrench, the ligament sprain,
the muscle strain, and the throbbing
The ease of applying, the quickness
of relief, the positive results, the clean
liness, and the economy of SloanV
Liniment make it universally preferred.
35c, 70c. $1.40.
shirked this duty nor are we shirk
ing it now. We desire to do our
duty as citizens, but we demand that
others likewise perform their duties
as citizens. We also demand that re
'liiisite action be taken to eliminate
as many as may be possible the condi
tions which cause this danger. We
believe that the time requires action
action of some kind, and then rig
idly enforced. We know that the
times are filled with peril and that
?ocicty is in a great state of unrest.
We believe our present form of gov
ernment is efficient anC capable to
solve problems of importance and
magnitude; that the trouble is not
with our governmental system but in
the seeming powerless and impotent
iction of its officials.
(Signed! Earl ("line, Nebraska
City; F. A. Warner. Norfolk; Clinton
Rromel Omaha; E. J. Mover. Madison;
E. B. Chappell. Lincoln; Bernard G.
West over, Lincoln; J. Ed. Fisher, Be
it rice; Frank B. O'Connell, Lincoln;
Dr. Paul Gruesel, Kimball; William
Ritchie. Jr., Omaha; J. M. Fitzgerald.
As requested by the Bureau oi
Vnimal Industry of the Nebraska De
triment of Agriculture, I shall be
)repared to apply the tuberculin test
:ommencing the week of Decembei
loth, on dairy cows in this vicinity
;hat come under the new dairy 'law.
Owners of these cows may communi
?ate with me. Telephone No. ?.3S.
residence or 235, office, for particu
lars. DR. O. SAN DIN.
Cows may be brought to the M. E.
Manspeaker barn. Can test twenty
it one time, in order to reduce ex
pense of same. All cows in city
v.iicre owners are supplying milk tr
ihe citizens of Plattsruouth must b
:ested before February 1st, 1920. or
owners are subject to a fine, accord
!ng to the new dairy law.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon a short ses
sion of the district court was held
at which Judge Begley took up the
action of Gertrude Gamblin vs. Ar
mour Gamblin in which the plaintiff
asked for a decree of divorce. The
petition of the plaintiff stated that
the parties in the action were mar
ried at Omaha, Nebraska, on July 13.
1914. and resided together until Au
gust. 1919. Cruelty was the cause of
action alleged aid upon which the
decree was granted by the court in
favor of the plaintiff. Two minor
children were awarded to the cus
tody of the mother. Attorney A. G.
Cole appeared in the action for the
plaintiff and Attorney C. E. Martin
for the defendant.
To the friends and neighbors who
were so kind to us in our hour of
bereavement and sorrow we desire to
express our heartfelt gratitude and
assure .these kind friends that their
acts of sympathy and love will long
be very gratefully remembered.
Mrs. Adam Kraeger and family.
Journal -want ads pay.
Sycelal Atteatloa to ! mt Wate
Eyes TeBted and Glaasea Fitted
Right Calli Answered After Honrt
and Sundays by Appointment
1:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:80 p. tn. 16 8:St
Plattsmouth. Neb.
Pktt sua
For Infants and Children
Kn Uso for Over 30 Years
Always bears
Milwaukee Woman Says She Wasted
Over $500 on Various
"Honestly a few bottles of Tanlac
has done me more good than other
treatments and medicines that have
cost me $500," said Mrs. E. F. Wald-
hier. living at 1012 Wall street, Mil
waukee, Wisconsin, the other day.
"This may sound like n very broad
statement," continued Mrs. Waldhier.
but it is so, for I never got the least
benefit from all the other medicines
I took and after taking Tanlac I feel
like a new woman." Continuing she
1 have 6uffered with stomach trou
ble more or less all my life. I had a
poor appetite and could scarcely eat
a thing without it nearly killing me.
and especially for the last few months
when I could eat only the lightest
food. Everything I did manage to
eat would sour on my stomach and
gas would form and I would be bloat
ed something awful. The gas would
press up against my heart so I could
hardly breathe fnd I would feel like
I was choking. I never knew what
it was to be without a headache and
I had severe pains almost continually
in my right side and shoulders. I
lost so much weight I was scarcely
more than a frame and was so weak
I could hardly do my housework. I
was so nervous I could sleep but very
little at night, and would get up in
the morning completely worn out.
"I saw in the newspapers where
Tanlac had been of such benefit to
others whose condition was described
as being similar to mine so I con
cluded to try it. Well, it surely was
what I needed, for after taking only
four bottles my stomach is all right
and I never suffer the least bit after
wards. I am not bothered with gas
or bloating any more and the smoth
ering and choking spells have dis
appeared. I haven't had the head
ache since I began taking Tanlac,
and the pain in my side and shoul
ders are things of the past. My
nerves are in fine condition and 1
sleep all night long without waking
up once and get up in the mornings
feeling refreshed. In fact. I never
felt as well before in my life and I
will never miss a chance to say a
good word for Tanlac."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo
Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes,
In South Bend by E. Sturzenegger,
in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in
Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co.,
In Elmwood by L. A. Tyson, In
Murdock by H. V. McDonald, in
Louisville by Blake's Pharu-acy, in
Eagle by F. W. Bloomenkamp, in
Union by E. W. Keedy, in Nehawka
by D. D. Adams; in Murray by Meier
Drug Co.; and in Manley by Rudolph
From Thursday's Daily.
Mrs. H. E. Peery of Tasewcll. Vir
ginia, who has been in the city visit
ing at the home of Mrs. F. S. White,
departed this morning for Lincoln
where she will visit before returning
home. .
Tercy Wheeler drove up this morn
ing from his home east of Murray.
He reports the roads as being very
badly drifted with snow and the trip
from Murray required almost the en
tire morning.
Alfred Edgerton was a passenger
this morning for Omaha where he
will spend the day consulting spe
cialists in regard to his eyes which
have been giving him a great deal of
pain and annoyance for several
months. The condition of Mr. Ed
gerton's eyes has become such that it
will be necessary it is thought to
have an operation performed in the
near future.
From Friday's ratly.
Miss Alpha Petersen, county sup
erintendent of schools, was a visitor
at Murray schools today to look over
the work there.
Sheriff C. I). Quinton departed
this morning for Greenwood, where
he will hold a sale today of some
property being sold under judgment.
Harve Manners departed on the
early Burlington train this morning
for Omaha, where he will attend the
Avery tractor show being held in
the metropolis today.
Carl West of Wyoming, who has
been in the city visiting with friends,
departed this morning on the carly
Burlington train for Kearney, where
he goes to hok after some matters
of business. Mr. West has just clos
ed out his business interests in the
towu of Wyoming and will now seek
another location.
From Saturday's Dallv.
James S. Pitman of Union was in
the city today for a few hous looking
Children Cs-y
rnr r . Tfc i
Tbs Kind You Have Always Bought, and wh5cfc has been
la use or over thirty years, has borne tb.3 signature cf
p and has been made under his per-
y-j-7yAr . socal supervision rince its infancy.
&uzf j?. SZ4CUfc Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good r' are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience agcirst Experiment.
What is CASTOR i A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Urops and. Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine aor other narcotic substance. Its
ge is its Fcr niore than thirty years it has
b:er in constant us for the relief of Constipation, Matuisnc;
VJmc Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Fevcrishsess arising
t'irrt'frcn, end by regulating the Stomach aiid Hovve's, aids
the assimilation cf Food; pving healthy and natural sleep-.
The Children's PanaceaIbe Mother's Friend.
iumE CASTOR! A always
Bears the
a Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Tup r w 4t or cor
after some matters of business at the
court house.
Louis Reinhaekle. wife and. family
of near Murray were in tiie city to
day looking after some trading with
the merchants.
Charles Lahoda departed this
morning for Omaha where goes
to undergo an examination there for
a disability contracted while in the
service of the army in France.
Mis. Lee C'otner and daughter Mie."
Gladys "d -on Arthur were among
those go in:: to Omaha this morning
where t' ey will visit for the day in
that city with friends and look alter
some business matters.
Mrs. Ellen W. Rollins, mother of
Mrs. L. H. Cushman of this city is
here for the holiday season with her
daughter and family. Mrs. Rollins
makes here home in New England, in
Maine and Massachusetts.
Mrs. Fred Morgan was a passenger
this morning for Omaha where she
goes to meet her niece and nephew,
Albert Lee- and Elizabeth Thierolf,
who hove been attending r. private
school at O'Neill. Nebraska, and
which having been closed has neces
sitated the little folks returning
home. They will remain here over
Sunday and go from here to their
home near Yutan.
A line or stationery at the Jour
nal office that can't be excelled and
le hard to equai.
Make his dream come true!
Ask him if he would like a new suit.
We know what his answer would be
so do you. Lst him pick out the su't
he likes the very best, among- the
many nobby styles at our store.
Boys' Knicker Suits
as low as. .
as hifjh as .
Boys' Winter Caps
Nobby styles with Inbands
75c to $1.75
Boys' Warm Leather Mitts
50c, 75c, 95c, $1
Boys' Overcoats
$6.50 to $12.50
Boys' Mackinaws
C. E. Wescott's Sons
for Fletcher's
Signature of or hi:h..
la Mil Nuticr n I'rtilion for
t Irnirnt f trnmiil
In tlie t'i'uiity 'iii't t "ai.-s -cwiit.
Si;it- nf Ni ln iiska. i';iss muni v. .!-
T" h" jiTsiiti intT-st-'l lit the -t;il4-
of Kllcn 1 i;i n i bf-r. l4-f asoil :
n- ri'Hilinsr tli' I'l-tlti'm if M. I:.
I ;i riilifr. IJM-iutoi. j'liivinii a filial m-i-t
lenient :unl a!lowan'-- of bis ai eounl
f'H'il in Ibis I'ouit on tlie .. lav !'
i i.iciii ! r. !'!. ami fur bis 1 iscba ri;4.
as executor of said estate and lint"!
cbwine of sa bl estate;
It is liereliy onbri-il tbat you ami
all persons i i, t crest 4-. I in sai.l inatt-r
Tia". a ml 'I", appear at tbe Omntc
Coint to l.- IkIiI in ami for said coun
lv. on tin- "'-'ii'l lay of 1 ieccin tier, .V I .
i:M"i, at 1" o'clock a. 111.. to show
catisi-. if anv tbcri' lie. vby-4ln- prayer
of tbo pi't il ioni'r should not lie uraT't
01I. aid that notice of the pi mb m y
11I sahl i.itition anil tin bearinu lln'H-
of be Jtivcti to all
persons intercstei!
in saiil inatti-r by
of this onli-r in the
piiblisliinu a copy
iMatt sinout Ii .Jonr-newspapi-r
pi 1 11 1 I
nal. a semi-weekly
111 sani county, lor one wcck piioi iu
said day of In at inc..
In witness whereof. 1 have liereii 11 1 n
set mv hand and the si-al of Mini
Court, this U'th day of Iiccember. A.
I. liMf.
alui:n .t. i:i:i:sin.
Cunntv Jiide.
itv rLOi;i;.M'i; wnn i:.
(Pei:ll dl.'.-lw Clclk.
Leonard Hawkenbarry of Omaha
came down this afternoon for an over
Sunday visit here with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hawkenberry.
The Journal prints sale bills.
I.4li4Hil Auk tnt
bl-rl. -t4-r 1 llamo4l
Fills tn Bed Ml 4o:j
I. rc1t- AJIC'W. IIM 1II..TI H
M llikMtl
llAilO : IIKAMl FI 1.1.44, (, Kfc
ye-fifcnowiias Best. Safest. Always Kcliatiti,
cm n rv nri!r.rt-rc rtrovrjarDe
Boys' Waists
95o SI
$4.25 to $12.50