THURSDAY, BECEHREK 11, 1010. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL TAGE FIVC Murrav Department 'repared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If tETOf the readers of the Journal knor of any social fvent or iten of imprest in ti:is v icir.lty. and will mail s toie 10 t hi otlicf'. ii will ap pear under tliis lieacinc. We want all uews items Editoh NEWS FROM ALVO Special Correspondence 1 Frie The ; Secured $75 for Hin friends of Phil Lambert, who is in the Si. Joseph hospital i.t Omaha, found a way of disposing of a horse which he had here and did not want, as he is not able to use it. They took the matter in hand and sold' chances on the animal and at the drawing the horse found a home villi Col. J. I?- Seyboldt. who received the horse for a very small sun), although Mr. Lambert realized $75 for the horse and is well pleased with the action of his friends. MEETINGS KAUNG GOOD PROGRESS fen 3 i You not only protect your savings, but you get paid for inrr so when you have a savings account at this bank. Money that'sidle means mon wasted. and watch the interest Put vour saving to work We watch both the prin cipal and interest for von and relieve yoa of all the banking worries. Ill M 4r Phil Lambert is Imp roving: Last Tuesday, Mrs. Phillip Lam bert, who has been at her home for the past week, accompanied by her sister. Mrs. F. S. Haller. of .Council Bluffs, returned to Omaha. " where Mrs. Lambert went to assist in the care of Mr. Lambert, who is at the St. Joseph hospital, w here he is con valescing after the injury of some weeks aco when he fel) from the top of a car from which he was helping to unload ties for the Missouri Pa cific, break ins his leg and dislocat ing his am.. He was reported as getting along very well at the hos pital. George Nickels, while in Om aha a few djys ago. called upon Mr. Lambert and enjoyed a brief chat with him. T5 6 n 1 I v grow. ff1 W 1 HW- fe ty Ho n cs ty Co urtcsySerx nee Four rr cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY ST A All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Persona! Bank. Kodaks and sup; Keedy's the dm -cist i.. i ray ! up tr, ; ea m . aft-r VI- : or lb v. wa- a !fiii- ii'v.r fii!i'-' print nily W. Mur "i vi: c c ve inu ;ha I ' " -. . ; ( -ning lU-in''-S h-hiiue-r a; I t :: t; VI r pei.t.:: v d s; ii.- ill'l Mrs. Vii 1st. Mrs. P. ir.oim the Ti.e () .'. o male hi.- we'-k. T'.ie -....- "e prof-ee J.l:'! i Iker is again on the sick numbered A. sie:: ha :a i)ais is this wt'k. Stork Farm biiip; to hradrihaw. Neb.. i i: frit-:. Hiid r.iatit Imou'!: a the n.etr lieriiia lo'ikii!'- : tr I th i'UiS. t(, : Tr::in the th T 1 an ...r at the Presbyterian tirdav was w-!l attended, i- aiaounted to ? lol.OO. r:-;s was rt ported as be s.ek list a few days ago tark ol' The grippe. liOL:ks Ii GGML'iilNiTY TREE IN SUBBSY THIS YEAH Miss Pauline Sofliu of Lincoln is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Dale Boyles was a passenger to Lincoln Monday morning. C. K. Jordan went to Lincoln on business Monday on No. 33. On account of the deep snow the school was closed Tuesday. Mrs. Ivola Campbell and daughter j Miss Kee are visiting this week at Eot:t!:Ets:r.dir the Cold, Encw, and! the llome of Mr- and N,rs- Ha-rr' ap- Wir.d. There Uzz Been Until Good Accomplished. The revival meetings which have! been in progress for the pa-t few j weeks at the Christian church in i Murray, have been meeting with' success. luie to the cold weather,! there have been times when the at-1 tendance was scanty, but most of the time the church has been wtdlj filled, and the results are beginning i to be manifested. Rev. Scott, of the Christian church. at Plattsnicuth. who is in charge of the meeting, is a forceful speaker and bring. home his me-sage. He is ably assisted by his good wife, who has charge of the song service and who has organized a first class chorus. There have be n a number of ad ditions, most of which haw come as a result oT coniession of fait ii thruj listening to the preaching of the word 1-y the minister. The meetings will continue for' some time yet and it is confident ly i expected that there will be more re-1 suits manifest before the closing of1 the evangelistic compaicn. I The 'omir.unity Xmas tree i -ured ami everyone is taking a ; deal of interest. Most Jikcly the tree will b the lawn of Mr. K lmund? and program will be in the hall. This is a new undertaking in ray and ail are new at the busi but with so many good helper can't prove otherwise than a sue Arc Departing for the Coast i 1 Fred 1 i i lil ami wife departed for - Omaha yesterday ;.f ternoon. going Lit from there over the Union Pacific j to the west, their ultimate destina-J m'tio'i t r.;g Los Anscb'S. There thev the 'expect to tpend the winte the sunshine asking i"! i turning some time! Mi.r-jin March, to resume their work b-e 1 nes. I during the coming summer. It is; ?. it ; hoped that the change of climate1 ce--. aid the air. with it? salt permeated! i breezes from oC the ocean, will have! a" True a Have Enilt L. H. Puis and his a-com; :ishe d ' ni: workman. V."alter Tower. uti lized their spare moments about thej garage in building a truck from a Velie car which they had on hand, j V and now have the new wagon ready aero for bu.-incss. The iir.- t of the we. k. j v. ;. when we called at the place of bust-1 l;.t : in ss. Mr. Puis w finishing coat of pa eneh -fieif 1 effeer on the health of! 1 1 H I . who has not been health for some time. in ro ts a Hustler in Soiling: Land ' ! 4-r T, !; ,f Pciisr Prp.-k niT'anieri by Mrs. Hessenflow. j a visitor ai ttie nome 01 tne r's parentf. Frank Moore and is applying t he j laun.'y, ni to the wagon, I was a v. liieh will few days. be ready for service in for the pa-t lev.- days. Walter passenger to Plattsmouth on Tr.esdav. Vvhcre he role the goat in !: i:;i:s lodue ti-at night. Mr. iles-sen'i-.Av is er.iragcu in selling western Faika to Gew a i-abbi. , rolorado whith he is specializing in, John MonK-ornery. or Oniaiui. v:s j,ihj B:.n,t which he will soon have a visitor in .urra u me iM'--"-i!iTi ad in tr. Semi-weekly journal. home of Mr. nad Mr. . J. i nil ;'- j j.,.; i u forth tieir good (;ualit ies. during the past week and desiring j 'j-)jcy ;;re located not far from Bur- j to secure a rabbit while taking :u- ton. v "..ere a number of Murray j vacation, braved the stormy wtatii-j .iT1,j (l.;:-;tv people have large; .1.1!:"- ce (; 1 ' i rctur ! trore an c ; t a fur' .- j , r . e I r u i-.e . . a i visiting at ;h- 1 brother. Frank 1 t he past ; w d ." Ia.-t of tlie week :m. so they eoubl Tuesday Walt r id wif-- !a-e ci Mr. .-. comiuiz d ' and getting : not get houit win I'rtd Can his l.e.r daw. but er md the heavy snow and wer. forth Monday to give chase to th game little animals. Owing to th thit luna'.v kent so close a'oou his nest however be was not able :oj start on". Jn company v. itii .or. a hi ave arrived at the I Mr? . Philrot be left o;- Tuesday for is reading for alljOmahr. where the Philpots v.rn' o evenings. Get a i drain the steam pipes in th. ir Lome. after which .they will return lo the farm here until such time as the riul in Omaha onvn a train, when thev will return to the city to liv . which n order that their daughter may of M-.trra; fulvanlaacs of attending time lceu ;ave :' in many instances ::i a single year's tiavittVi fo' the Mr. Hessenflov.-'s the. c rop i land, j ad in nerr v i tit er ha; py. insc tner lias been confin c.iv with the grip for a us being i.- rep orted (iiiring the Lo-t ceived :i Iron; th" civefi a 7c?i ci Cattle "ennsdav Jack Philpor re ;r load of cattle to feed, stock yards at Omaha, and taken to his place west he h past few ! t n- L3S-L i hf built a fire to get the house rearly for the a room m o lat io:i rest fd" the fnmiiy, who re home later. wa rm . of !" turned i si. Walter Minniear. Al'tia Long and uriv -; Tucker were kind enenigh k li e- roads leading into town r-sdav afte-r the heavy fall of :re t T 1 'r.-. t . V AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. HAILS TlTIASONABLE SATISrACTICK OP- 110 PAY! liEVERSR ALL, CALLS Telephone 1511 LI array Esa':;ing Brendel and Brendel are hav cir ire . n-o filled with the oiling eornmodity this week as rainst tlte ceiming heat of next sea- have the' school there. pluce them on short a little of later to the io! On. return them aha market. 1 enjoy-; r.e- t own port e s. Aha Long. who has been t her home in the east part of f;;- the' past few days, is re d as being somewhat improved. lopes soeui to be able to be out ! ;:.c -i Ch:.!fant was a visitor in lurray last Tuesday, coming up t o isit with his friends and having ome iu'iness laatters to transact i!!i Dr. tl. 1!. Gilmore-. Mr. Chal- i w as caned lie re irom 1:1s nome tie v. est on iieeount of the death his mother. Mrs. John Chalfant, o was laid to rest last week. Mr. iit'ant will soon re turn to his home ti e west. in of All the Folks Home Sunday Last Kundav all the children Mr rind Mrs. Wm. Puis gat here i,n i,irin f.f tlirir Tiao:itr; and ed the time greatly, having a real; - reunion and an ciegant time, which ! ,l,,r i. .w. ,.ini-oi,iii in- riis.on if, alter, V III- l.U'IV jw.. nn flfcant dinner which the ladies i.e. iiio f:imilv nrenaxed. Those t enjov the occasion were Messrs. and Mesdames W. H. Puis. L. H. Puis. P. A. Hild. Fred Lutz and Alfred semer as well as Miss Laura Puis, of Omaha. School Notes Coldi" Sai'ih was absent from school Thursday on account of sick- Church il. eif Ilolyoke. ted the school Tuesday ii a. AHHODHCEMEBT! 1 ,1 ' . . 1 l.r. r vou rea.a iris coun u.j .. o tnd Christmas. Not many, and they go by very fast. It is an ideal time rifjht now to make selections for the prerents for friends and family. We Announce iho Arrival and Display or HAND PAINTED FAKCY PLATES FP.UIT SETS CELERY riSHES SALT AND PEPPERS SYSUP JUGS tli bet ween now CHINA CLIVE EISHES CAKE PLATES and SETS DEESSEK SETS TLA POTS FA2vTCY PITCEEHS Visit This Store for Your Holiday Wants f-r5! Q 1 Utt MURRAY, NEBRASKA Jlurray Christian Church Tlevival services eve wee-k. Much interest is fe-ted and a great deal l.een n ccom nl ished. Come and bringifor fflnie one with you. Frother and Sister Scott are rplendid workers, who preach and sing the straicht. r-i ui ,f Tf.n t-Jirist. Tlie heuise is heiucr filled, so come early and get a ! Monday pemd seat. We burn wood and the l-.iiildina is alwavs warm. None but the regular Sunday morning offer ing will be taken: and above all. P.rother Scott loves the babies. So come, feeling free to help and helped. Remember the Uibie schorl ft: 45 each Lord's day morning. that on Thursday evening the ser-j vices begin at 7:L'0 o'clock instead of the regular time of 7:.".o. C. E. 1IANNAN. Minister. Clar do. vi OOll. Violet Keil was absent frenn school o'last Friday on account of sickness. Helen Lead was absent -vionetay on account of sickness. Kverett La Ilue was absent from sch.ool Monday because of sickness. Gladys Mrasek aind Carl Dietl were tbsent fr.-ni school Friday. lienry Hild wth his parents. Mr. pud Mrs. Fred Hild. will start for v ?iir-lit this i-n 'inorn-a next Thursday. I hey ex- b' ing nam-! j.ect to leav? the snow anu com of good has; weather for sunny, southern Cali- pleman. Little Mhs Kathryn King of Lin coln is visiting Miss Blanche Moore as school is closed on account of the fuel shortage. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sliger autoed home Tuesday from a Thanksgiving trip to Kansas where they visited Mrs. Sliger's folks. Mrs. Hathaway came in last week from Eloomington to pack her house hold goods preparatory to shipping them to that place. Mi's Marie is home this week from Lincoln where she is employed as a teacher on account oi the schools be ing closed there for coal conserva tion. Tlie Knights of Pythias gave a banquet te the members and their families last Thursday night. A splendid repast was partaken of by ejuite a large crowd. Dr. L. Muir had the pleasure of a few days visit with his father who left here Thursday for his heme at Milford. -le with a party of seven will leave next week for California where he expects to spend the winter. Wilbur Thomas has returned to his company at Louisville. Kentucky, where he is bugler in the regular infantry, after spending the past sev eral days with his father. Fred Thomas and family and other rela t i ves. George Coatman. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Coatman. was taken to Lincoln Friday where he was oper ated upon the same day for appendi citis and was doing fine until Tues day when he was reported as having pneumonia. . On Monday and Monday night a lot more snow fell making a depth of from ten inches to a foot on the lev; and deep drifts nearly impassa ble on most of the roads. Farmers find it is the hardest work to get around to take care of their stock that they have had for a long time. The Rock Island train service was chasged last Sunday. Trains No. 37 and 3S and Nos. 7 and S were dis continued. No. 33 due at S:l.r. a. m. and No. 3 4 due- at S:35 p. m. and No. 1 due at 1:32 p. m. and No. 5 due at 3 : n"l p. m. are local passengers and exchange mail here. Travelers may take No. C tor points cast of Omaha as it is now our only thru train. This service gives us two trains each '--ilv. 'T.iJ-W5' Mrs. George Foreman had the mis fortune to fall and fracture her right wrist last Thursday as she was cross ing the street west from teh postof fice on her return home from the Knights of Pythias banquet. The in jury is very painful. She, in com pany with her husband, went to Lin coln Sunday to have an x-ray exam ination. As they neared the Lan caster county line he discovered that his two collies were following him. He started them back home but has not seen them since. STATE LIBRARIAN GALLED ON TO RESIGN Found Roads Impassable Last Tuesday after the sterm of anel Monday night, Lee H. Kni,s the efficient and genial rur- ' al carrier, found it impossible to get v-,ri arr.ur.ei wnn me .mu .-a.n-u n I make the trip en horsebacK. but at 1 ter burking Hie drifts for a number I .. ... . 1 ... . l. ,, .wl lwi ' Of mi!0'. SH. lllill I ill in in oiiu " iiuoi Tweitv miles of his route would .,t-not be possible and gave up the -ot..'trip until the roads should be better ' broken. There is rejoicing tit the home of Mr. and Mrs. .janes Lrehart over the' ! arrival of a little boy, who has justj a lew eiays si nee come u men uume 1 1 c live and will continue to make his parents happy during their life, to uay nothing of wreathing the faces of grandfather anil grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. P.ishel. of Platts meiuth. in smiles on account of the arrivtl. I Wm. Ost. of Nehawka, was up looking over fhe hogs at the Oldham j Stock Farm and bought a foundation ! herd. Mr. Ost has three hundreel ! Hampshires. but decided that the Duroc was his choice. j ! Word has been received that Mrs.' (Rose Cameron V.'erly will ppent the Christmas holidays with her nephew 'and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron iCathey. Mrs. Werly used to live in 'and near Murray and her many old ' friends here will be glad to see her aga.111. hilip Ka'nlc-r and wife, of Lemis- ville were visiioik in njuiia Tuesday, being guests at the (. . 11. i'.oedekVr home, and returning to their home in the evening, going via Piattsmouth and Omaha. DELCC -LIGHT 7 ho conr-'cts Electric Us hi and " Power Plant A cunstani help to the busy house wife. Savetime, work and worry 8 S2?ite:f -.--'---for ,: i it' r r ;. to. ISY ROSENTHAL, Tel. O. u()U3 Omaha, Neb Tot Circulation of Free Love Anarchy Books in North Dakota. and THE W. H. PULS will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Farm implements, Tractors, GASOLINE EflGINES and REPAIRSI J 11 Lv wTrty t n I , - r-r t nliimkin fT and will also save you money cn furniture orders. Come in and get our prices on an3thir.g in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. VJV ST' MURRAY 1 be Phono Mo. 24 PIP s y Xzy Lrrjs rx j NEBRASKA Rismarck, N. D.. Dec. 9. The state hoard of administration at a meeting here adopted a resolution calling upon C. E. Vangham, state li brarian, to resign his office follow ing charges made in theNorth Da kota legislature that circulating li braries sent to rural schools of the state contained many works on free love, socialism and anarchy. A near fistic battle between Rep resentative E. W. Herbert, of the minority and Representative Herbert Hardt. of the majority Non-partisan league faction, enlivened proceedings in the house at the special session cf the North Dakota legislature. DECLARES CANDIDATES MUST TELL INTENTIONS ator Miles Poindexter of Washing ton. "While I am not authorized to say that the secretary of state ef South Dakota will be enjoined from placing the name of any candidate fcr presi dent on the ballot until he has signed the required statement, it is my epin- ion that court action will be invoked if necessary to enforce the law,"' said Bryan's statement. WANT TO ENLIST AS MINE WORKER? Proclamation of Gov. McKelvie Pro vides for Volunteering Service Thru County Clerks. Conditions surrounding in Inade quate supply of coal, as a result of strikes, are rapidly becoming un bearable. Unless relief is obtained at the earliest possible moment, there is no telling the extent to which dis aster mav be visiteel upon the people- of our commonwealth. It is no long er a matter or ascribing cause's re sults alone will suflice. Therefore, in this great emergency. and in symnathv with movements that have already been started in this state, I have the following to suggest : Five hundred students of the I'ui- versity of Nebraska have- volunteer ed feir service in the mines in terri tory from which Nebraska obtains its supply of coal. This volunteer force may be greatly augmented by en listments from all parts of the state. I have wired the governrrs of ad joining coal pro;UJCing states to tne etfect that these forces are available for emergency service, with fhe un derstanding that "they are to he given adequate police protection and the necessary comforts of living." I am expecting prompt advice frtmi the governors of these states as to what the possibilities are of producing re lief thru these channels, anel I am in hopes that by the time their answers are received, the movement for vol untary service in this state will have been sufficiently well organized to go at once to any neiei in wntcn op portunity is afforded for service. In order that organization may be effected more expeditiously, it is re quested that all those who desire to enlist for volunteer service shall make the fact known to the County- Clerk, who in turn will report to this office. The more prompt and liberal the response, the greater the; hope of relief. SAMUEL R. McKELVIE. dG-2wdaw Governor. ELICIOUS i;o. Kit a: Pure and Coulee s!) IX LJ i.K holesome ricaiarv at i-kh i.i;. LP - r ii O vv you'll va: YOU vVAI'T IT 1 ti' t ;il it ( nil prom K 1 1 u ion t not fiN f iif-i itrit . it it -t ll tif i o tfl( k f 4-011I. l!:tum r, u hnt- liinl Si: !::!: kmm U f I In- li.U Ii rzi nK him! :in u p I m r 'Vwin1t nj,ii . If y it lt-l;i luiiiiu, t ii iiiii In i : 4 1 1 1 f r . y no i i . WE HANDLE Fruits, Nuts, Cis-irs TcLaccocs, Etc. California Chocolates III till It il II ll lliieca 411 It I'Ol I l I- Ol 1 I!!: 1 I. U KOI Ml i : GUY W. MORGAN v 4 -: 4- books ron ckrist::as. A gift that is suitabh or edd, man or woman book. It gives a la.-ti for ou hg i.- ;i pi-.od g pl ;i.-ure ir.1.1 i 't xis. r.-ceiving it. uinat- that a more costly uift siblv bring te the on and the choice reflects di.- ing judgment on the part ef ti e giv er. The Journal has just ni-iived from the leading publishing h .us.'S f the cast, an exct ri ionul line of the new copyright ficti'ti as we'l as a large number of the older popular novels which would mal.o mo-t pleasing remembrance for ihe ab sent friend. These books ern' rac a very large line and are veil worth looking over when you are .seeking for a gift for the Christ ma-; time. Drop in and lock over the l ' ks see what an epportut to the book lover or suitable gift. i i t y is soeher and of l'er'l after a Are you. Mr. Business Man, talc ing advantage of our stock of'rrint- . . . inks? Need letterheads. enci statements, invoices, checks or Ing opes cards? Let ns print them for you. a co il ea m- The money you spetul In cic'pnt newsnancr rdvertisii paign will come back to you trippleel in a very short time. Pierre. S. D., Dec. 9. President Woodrow Wilson and Major General Leonard Wood, indorsed as favored candidates for president by the dem ocratic and republican conventions here December 2, must formally an nounce themselves in the race be- i fore their names can be placed upon j the state primary ballot, according to a statement issued today by J. W. Bryan, campaign manager for Sere- BUY YOUR FALL AND WIKTER eTKI Librae ci EARLY AND SAVE MONEY! rWe have a large assortment of ail kinds of shoes rom which to choose your needs at prices far below prices you will have to pay in sixty days as you know shoes are advancing every day. We have a larce as sortment of school shoes in all sizes. Also men's and boys' rubber boots. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCTS! a ne service toireq ALF GAN5EMER, Proprietor