The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 08, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmoutb lournal
Entered at Fostofflce. Plattsmouth. Neb., u second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
air, wholesome food, hard work, good
appetite and restful slumber, all
contribute to make Nebraska boys
w.hat they are, the finest the land
Leaning back in his arm-chair be
side the kerosene lamp, the evening
Incidentally, it is quite newspaper across his knees, Aaron
possible that Wyoming's lead is due J- Smith. American, thanked the
to the fact that a very large propor- ftes which had kept his country
tion of its young men went there immune from Europe's contacts and
from Nebraska. infections.
Thrace, the Orthodox Christian !
Thracians of southern Bulgaria; for J
ne was president of a nation free
from European entanglements.
Aaron J. Smith also read of appeals
from or for wonien and children
starving in Vienna, Toland, Transyl
vania, Macedonia, Russia; and it did
not strike him as altogether odd that
the women and children should be
War may be hell but it is a picnic
compared with the coal strike.
Early to bed and late to rise is
the new slogan to save coal.
Keep cheerful, and help out on the
fuel conservation program.
:o: -
The modest persons who undress
in the dark are helping to save elec
tric juice.
Let us all hope that congress ac
complishes something at the regular
session besides talk.
Seal your Christmas package with
a lied Cross seal and help out a good
cause that is aiding humanity.
If you want your cigar or Bevo in
the evening be sure and secure them
before eight bells as that is the new
closing time.
Each great trial to the country
teaches us that no man lives to him
self alone and the need of the many
demands action regardless of the
wish of the few.
General Leonard Wood appears to
have the inside track in Dakota on
the presidential preference conven
tion. However it is a long time be
fore the national convention.
Tne sentiment among the republi
cans of this portion of Nebraska is
very much against the renomination
of Governor McKelvie. who -eems to
have got in bad with the rank and
file of his party.
,, ,:o:
Colonel Matt Tinley of Council
Bluffs, commander of the famous
16Sth Infantry is being groomed as
the democratic candidate for gover
nor of Iowa. A better man that Col
onel Tinley would be hard to find.
Governor McKelvie is following
the example of Governor Allen of
Kansas and asks the able bodied men
of the state to join in a volunteer
movement to operate the coal mines
of nearby states and relieve the coal
The favorite gathering place in
these coal strike days will be around
the old kitchen stove in homes where
they still possess these articles of
housekeeping and we may look to
find the feet of father in the oven as
in the old days before the II. C. L.
The fact that the Plattsmouth
schools are to be kept in operation
is a matter of congratulation among
the people of the city. A few weeks
lost in the school year is hard to
make up again and it disarranges
the program of the year's work.
A little over a year ago our coun
try emerged from the greatest war
of .all times with the gratitude of a
world delivered from strife and woe,
laid at our feet and became the great
principal that had made America the
foremost nation in the world had
been lived up to that of unselfish
The nation had given freely of its
wealth, it had sent its most precious
hope of the future, the youth of the
land across the sea to battle with
the spirit of intolerance and they
succeeded in wiping out that spirit in
the old world.
Today we stand confronted in this
fair land of ours with conditions as
grave or graver perhaps than as faced
in the days of the conflict that of
a nation divided into the most deadly
warfare within itself. In this con
flict there are no non-combatants,
the babe in the cradle is as much in
'FIGHTING PRESIDENT WILSON." front page, of traditional American calling for American food in spite of
problems arising out of the native the rejection of the treaty and the
'$ am fighting President Wilson,' soil. such as ilftishevifim. commun-Imvpnnnt
says Senator Lodge in an interview
printed yesterday. "That I am will- I
ing to acknowledge."
This is frank and truthful. Sena
tor Lodge is fighting President Wil
son, and he has lost sight of every
thing else. The total cost of the
war directly and indirectly has been
estimated at $338,000,000,000 and
the number of dead at approximately I
10,000,000 and responsible statesmen
sm, reds, TNT, anarchism, deporta
tion, Soviets, with their roots run
ning far back into the New England
of the Mayflower, the Virginia of the
cavaliers, or the middle west of Ab
raham Lincoln. He had read column
upon column of fascinating district
Aaron J. Smith frowned as he con
jured up America inside a league of
nations, pledged once for all to a
partnership in Europe's domestic
troubles. See what it would mean;
our share of initial expenses for the
league in the first place, perhaps as
aiiunitjr uunuuve ueamis um mucu as $i,uuu,uuu a year, tnen a-
old American names like Andreye- riot breaks out between one unpro
chine, Stepanuk. Lenine, Denikine, J nouncable set of foreigners and an
Kolchak, Karl Marx; with familiar other unpronouncable set somewhere
n vr crDPi'ivh r a c rnni ihof if tvili7- I . - ... . . I
" v ' - - American organizations, like white un the Balkans; excitement in Wash
n i r n flnoa rwif r ro von t xm.-sir war will I - . I
I guaras, red guards, greed guards, ington; expensive cables; cabinet
terrorists, spartacides; with familiar meetings; New York stock ecuange
only an academic interest to Henry American terms, Uke bourgeois, pro- gets nervous; sterling exchange suf
Cabot Lodge. What he is concerned Ietarian dictatorShip of the minor!- fcrs; rumors of war; contradicted" by
about is fighting the president of the tv sp,.lir r lnflllisfPV. idpnlnrv.
United States.
class morality; and all the other
In order to fight the president it commonplaces of our native talk be-
is necessary to right the treaty or f t,1Q iou in,i -00,15,
peace; it is necessary to add to the
political turmoil and confusion of
Europe; it is necessary to keep the
United States and the rest of the
belligerents in a state of war indefi
nitely and delay every measure of
of fighting President Wilson.
The South Dakota voters have reg
istered their choice for the two lead
ins offices of the nation with Gen
eral Wood as the republican candi
date or president and Governor Cool
idge as the runner up. The demo
crats have again decided on President
Wilson and Vice President Marshall
with William McAdoo as the second
choice for the presidency.
Public' Service Corporation
Can be had in amounts ofj
Investment Securities
First National Bank Bid's,
Omaha, Neb.
uanstr as ine Kron man. ana per- reconstruction. To Senator Lodpe
haps more as its helplessness makes this is merely incidental to the duty
it an easy victim to this intolerance
that is bringing on the nation the
menace of freezing.
The selfish interests of two groups
of men have said to the millions of ncc more America is challenged.
the nation "we win or von fi-PP" I The first time the challenge came
and it is up to the people of the I from autocracy abroad. Now it comes
nation to take charce of tho sitna. I from radicalism at home. Rut the
tion through their federal trovern-1 challenges and the forces making
nient. Operators who have manipu-jtnem are essentially alike
lated the coal production so as to in-I A minority in the world, the Gcr-
crease the price of their products I man nation sought to impose its will
have lowered the surplus coal supply I on the majority by force. It lost
of the country through short work- I Now other minority groups, in labor
ing schedules that permitted the men I organizations, are trying to impose
to operate in the mines only a few I their will on the majority of their
days of the week. Their system has I countrymen by force. They will lose.
sown the seeds of the present condi- I Americanism revolted against the
tion. On the other hand we have I German autocracy. It has been
the men who have labored in the J aroused to the same revolt against
mines and however just their claims j similar autocracy in radical labor
may be as to their cause their atti- groups. This nation is tolerant and
tude of unyielding opposition to the good natured. But there is one thins;
resumption of the mine operations it will not endure. It will not endure
under the proposition laid out by the I government by minority
federal government is bringing to It will not be frozen
these things he was thankful that
no league of nations had as yet swept
us out of our impenetrable quaran
tine and exposed us to the poisons
and miasmas of the aliens.
Where the front page in Aaron
J. Smith's evening paper failed to
speak of bolshevik! and reds, it
spoke of strikes and lockouts and
rumors of settlement; America flood
ed with appeals; a commission neces
sary with a couple of expensive
Americans commisioners on it; per
haps a conference of ambassadors
necessary: perhaps a conference of
premiers; the Balkan riot spreads in
to a guerilla war; America is in duty
bound to intercede, to plead, to
threaten; battleships perhaps may
have to ko; a detachment of Ameri
can marines, and perhaps a few of
our boys that is what the league
deadlocks and arbitrations. It spoke I and entanglement with Europe means
of prices and wages madly scrambl- hundreds of thousands, perhaps
ing after each other. It spoke of millions of American dollars, and
'the fortunate few enriched by a thing I American lives perhaps dozens, pos-
called war-profits and practicing a sibly hundreds.
mad luxury which the paper de- Whereas America unbound by a
scribed as the usual sign of after-1 leacue of nations is mistress of her-
war psychoIOEy. It spoke of large self, thought Aaron J. bmith. bucn
an unentangled America has merely
to sit ticht and brush away little
Serajevo and Liege incidents as they
arise at a cost of $22,000,000,000
masses of labor fortunately organ
ized for collective bargaining and
strong enough to enforce a high
wage in the face of a high cost of
living. It spoke of large unorganized j and 112,000 American lives
masses reduced to an apparently los-1 ;o; :
ing battle against mounting rents, NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE
mounting food prices, mounting
Rebuilt Overcoats
Why pay $75.00 to $100.00 for a new over
coat when I can rebuild your old one for a fraction
of the price of a new one. After having it repaired,
cleaned and pressed you've got practically a new
coat at a nominal price. I am dyeing a great many
army overcoats in navy blue, dark brown and black.
They dye nicely. Look over your winter clothes
now and have them put in shape to wear.
Main Strest, Vejvoda's Old Stand
Chester White boars for sale.
Prices reasonable. Full pedigree
furnished free. Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Call or
write your wants. C. Bengen, My
nard. Neb. 16-tfw
Newspaper advertising Is declared
the most valuable consistent with
Daily Journal, 15c a week.
East of Riley Hot 31.
Coates Elock,
Second Floor.
into sub-
the homes of the nation the want of j mission. It will not be starved into
coal, of heat and v. hat is, in this J submission. It will not be terrorized
season of the year, life. into submission. No group can take
Now is the time for the govern-J the people of the United States by
ment of the United States our gov-I the throat and say: "We will not
ernment to say to these warring j arbitrate. We will have our way by
groups in one of the vital. industries force."
of the nation. "Here, we have ar- I That sort of thinsr doesn't no. Gov-
gued enough, the government can I ernor Allen tested the American
and will operate the mines regardless
of either operators or miners."
If the selective draft did nothing
else, it gave the people of the United
States a much closer insight Into
their physical condition than they
ever had before. It paraded the
young men of the nation before the
critical eyes of the doctor, who
searched carefully for ailment or dis
ability such as would physically dis
qualify the subject from military
service. Those who crot bv were well
nigh perfect in 'condition. Never
did a nation subject itself to such,
scrutiny, nor gain such valuable
knowledge, although the application
of this information has not as yet
been made complete. Now, that
peace I with us once more and we
are in a fashion getting back to
ordinary vocations, some reasonable
and altogether justifiable pride may
be felt by Nebraskans that this state
holds second place in the list for men
who went through the "physical" in
good shape. Wyoming leads by seven-tenths
of one per cent, but Ne
braska Ehows up with 86.5 per cent
of its youth able to pass muster be
fore the army examining boards. The
reason for this is easy to understand.
Out here life is closer to nature,
with all the surroundings that make
for good health and bodily and ment
al strength and vigor. Xlear. pure
spirit when he called for volunteers
to operate the Kansas strip mines.
and the American spirit answered in
the rush of men. The American spirit
always will answer.
It answered the call to make the
world safe for democracy. It will
answer the call to make America
safe for democracy. This government
can tolerate no domestic power
greater than its own. These 110,-
000,000 people can tolerate no
dictation by the million who now
seek autocratic control.
If one minority group can have its
way by force, then another group
can do the same thing and another
and another. The foundations of
society would go down. There could
be no such thing as orderly progress.
The country we have known would
collapse. .-
There is something more import
ant that one's private business or
one s personal conuort. There is
something bigger than any one man
or any organization of men. That
something is America.
If the crisis should come there
would be only one course for loyal
Americans. They volunteered for
national service in war. They would
volunteer for national service in
peace: They would serve the country
with pick and shovel as they served
it with rifle and machine gun.
America first! America only!
clothes prices; and it explained that
rents were higher because of a lack
of house construction on account of
t lie war, and food was higher be
cause of the increased cost of labor
due to the war, and clothes were
higher because of the cotton and
wool consumed in the war. And this
war whose after-effects were sweep
ins the country,, Aaron J. Smith re
flected, must have been fought some
where between the Canadian border
and the Gulf of Mexico. It could not
be otherwise, since as yet no league
of nations had entangled America in
the affairs of Europe.
He read of a great political and
social ferment stirring in the land,
and of new political parties arising
on purely Amercan issues. He read
of a labor party which put in the
forefront of its program the with
drawal of American troops from Rus
sia. He read of a committee of forty-
eight demanding the restoration of
democratic liberties destroyed dur-
The Noyes farm, which is located
one mile east and one mile south of
Louisville, is offered for sale in order
to settle the etsate. The farm con
tains 320 acres, has modern improve
ments: an S-room house with light,
heat and bath new basement; barn
36x30 feet. A 5-rooni house for ten
Goodrich 6000 mile tires, any size or t
j. type, sold this month at list less 5 percent.
Denatured Alcohal $1.00 per gallon.
4- Avoid radiator trouble bv fillinc ud now.
Read the Daily Journal.
nm:it oi- iir.Aitix;
on IVtitlon for Appointment uf
Cass coun-
The State of Nebraska.
ty, ss:
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Ham Taylor, deceased.
On reading am! rilitipr t lie petition of
C. K. Taylor praying that administra
tion of said estate may be granted to
Mary J. Taylor, as administratrix:
Ordered. That Iecember L'Tth. -. IX
1019. at 10 o'clock a. m.. is assiKned
for Jiearint? said petition when all per
sons intereted in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to lie, held in
and for said county, and show cause
why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be scrunted; and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the lieai inir thereof bo priven to
all Persons interested in said matter
ing the war; again that mysterious j i,y publishing' a copy of this order in
the 1'lattsnnMith Journal, a scmi-week-
Journal want ads pay.
war which seems so closely to be af
fecting a non-entangled nation. lie
read of a nonpartisan party being
denounced by Its enemies as pro-German.
Amang the established political
parties, gathering themselves for
next year's election, he saw the
same intense preoccupation with
purely American interests; such as
the Sinn-Fein interest Sinn Fein
must be somewhere in Arizona, our
hero thought or the anti-Japanese
interest; or the pro-Hindu interest;
or the pro-German interest.
He read of the president of the
United States hissed at anti-British
meetings in Madison Square Garden,
applauded at pro-Armenian meetings,
hissed at raise-the-liussiun-blockade
meetinffs, acclaimed at save-thc-Uk-raine
meetings. And when Hie presi
dent was not being applauded or
hissed on such purely local issues he
was busyi receiving pamphlets and
open letters from various American
classes and communities: the Egyp
tians, the Shantungese. the Bulgar
ians, the Carpatho-Kussinus. the
Mohammedan Bulgars of northern
ly newspaper printed in said county.
for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing-.
Uated Ueeember 1st. 1919.
County Judje.
r.y fl,oki-;ncl: wiiiti:,
dl-:;w Clerk.
mitic i: or hi:ahiy
Use Your High
Priced Land!
With farm lands selling at three hundred dollars
per acre and wheat bringing $2.07, and com following
closely, why have some of this valuable domain loafing
and not producing anything? With trees and stumps
covering the ground which could as well as not be uti
lized for crops, Mr. Farmer, you are losing money. I
can remove these obstacles in the way of a good profit
to you cheaply. Call or write
-:- -:- Nebraska
Weeping Water
On Petition for lctrrniiiiittlu
.r llelrmlilli.
hMutu ,.r Air 11 ess liniil. decc-ased. in
the County Court of Cass county, Ne
braska. .,
rim sciuin of V.-braska. To all per-
nii iiiT. i-ivsie.l In said estate, creditors
it-i'. that .lesse A.
Koot has tiled his petition alleginK that
Aiines Koot died intestate in Murray
on nr about September U, 191 t. be in,? a
...,v,i,i....t iniui hitH nt of Cass coun-
v..i..-,. uml the owner of the
1 estate, to-wit:
i ... i. ....... i ..iirlif ist and nine (9)
in Itlock seven 7 In Ittas iwrsi .m
. lit ion to the Village of Murray, Cass
county. Nebraska, leaving V
and only heirs at law the follow nc
named persons, to-wlt: Jesse
her husband: Vincent A Kenned, lei
father and Laura Kennedy, her mot I et.
and pray Inn fr a '7 ' a,;r,'"
elalms; that said deeedent died Intes
tate: that no appli.-ation for
tration has been made and the citdt(.
or said deredent has not been Hdminis
tried in the State of Nebraska, and
that the heirs at law of said decedent
I herein set rorth shall be decreed to
le the owners in fee e Lldeh
above des.ribed real estate w ich
hs been set tor hearing on the J-nd
dav or Merrtnbcr. A. IX 19U, i
0Va,edtta,ni-la,tsmouth. Nebraska this
-th day Of November A '- ,J-
Count v .lii'lK'-'-
dl-o w)
Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work
not to be paid for until it is set in the spring.
To many wait until spring to buy.
Cass County Monument Company
Telephone 177
Plattsmouth, Neb.
: 1
: m aw4&,M Win. wiw t