riATTSJIOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL TAGE HVE NEXT LYCEUM NUM BER COMING SOON THE W. H. PULS l til I oy ITtcyof the readers of the Journal knov of any social event or item of Interest In this vteinii v. and will ms.il imf loihisotlliv. 1' '.vill ap pear under this heading. We want all newaitsns Editou WAX The Next Nuhpr of the Lyceum Course Will Indeed Be a Treat for Murray. Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers r -rTTviniTiM7Tririai i yv,7btt i THURSDAY, DECEilBEi! ?. 19 If). mi j 4-y a "?1 T 3. A, I I If u k. TW W. A If! V f -tvS kKn-UhlO- hti bn -dgnid lor tl.o 63 v3 S Make your bank book show some headway for every pay-day. The man who cultivates a sys tematic savings habit when young reaps prosperity and happiness when old. Why net figure now just how mucn you could put away every pay-day, then start v -it your savings system by open in 3 an account with us p J? Miss Opha Raker was in Murray Thanksgi vinp. -Miss Pearl Pugay spent Thanks giving at Lewiston. Frank Dupay wus (l:vu from Om a!ia for Thanksgiving at Lewiston. Mr. and Mrs. James Halincs wore ! visiting-friends here last veil inn. t;;vi . to-i 4. r r nouslas Til.on is reporud Whv Ielcr'& of County and on the. sick list for the past few day;-. Respected rr-bor and Frier.d Mioses Clara Yotmur and Olna M i ri- i lull to Il.'ct at Kcliawka. ford spent TLanksi vinn with hume t"l!':s' . " 'i'iio f (-!ii!U'.i::'t v ha -, i v.,t,.,. The dance Frld.iv evening was welH , , ... , . a U" 'J .-.(tended ami thoe who were there 1 "K" C1';;:t'" ::ul lamily a loviiiK had a iiaod time. lr.i.-ua r.::d );;: :.! ia pa-..;'.;; y: Mrs. Parr Vouns v ho lias leii i j:;'ihs i I.".-- lierni-.' (' , n . ra suk wnii um lai'.rippo is reported as i .viio xv;is l(, Hs ... ( ( ;J. r r .f ( somewhat i:ii;:roved. -,,, , x- ... . , . . : .'aturdav. .ovc:i: -r ' 1- i-'ie--Frank Katon is reported as henit: . 11 somewhat improved alter I einn con- al !"-'rvil',,i v.ere from t;.:, a;e fined ;o his home for .-em;' tin.:'. ! hunt' ai:d Acre c .i-.'u- i . d l.v l'. v W. J. V. Morgan w.st of Murray ha.; A. Taylor of I'-ii m ,r t :!:e l).,.;v ,,;.' heroine a reader 01 the J,nin.il. l.av- ' ,,. - , ... ,,, " ' - i i:e -i . I -.I'l i e.l , ery . Jain s D; L'..- .' err ie'- v. as Iktm near N't hawka, X'i,..;k:, ., The ii 'xt number of the lyceuni ft lir.-e which is to :iveii at the I'll ! s ha!! on Thursday. December 11. is one ot the tirat on tne Ions ion which ini; liivon hi:; order to have it m.ike rt'.culiir visi!.-; to hi:; home in ih- fu t ore. .Miss Mary Mintz of Talnia.'ic. a ."i-tei- of .Mrs. Cecil Pet ti. arrived last Tuesday fi r a few Jays visit villi her sister. For Sale: A 4x:J41-. Silvertown i Card tire, with rim and inner tuiie. i 1S70. Afti'i- a !,'h; iP.i-s ;,. p 'ried fr,;iu t:;; ; ;.. rovejMt ir ':. at the St. J.:lPl, 'iospi.j.2 of f)m:l!l:i. ir. D - 1. 1 I). lh- (M a -id hi;; j'M , lie (.m;:; y :s;oi j from s.( era! :. ; ! Fr-Mieh and S:-m'i ' ! 111 I .:r..-Hia I'nit'd Siate--. s ' ' ' one : i" li !y re ;:;er-r "d f.t rr. I 1 1 'S k .-.. W. 1 Safety Honesty Courtesy Service M Four per cent interest oa lime !p(s:t?: Our deposit are prctecte ? ly tii- :r.r- Guaranty Law. i'rv d " ' -c lei n . -:.!- i t ( ca me to t lie i I..'" are.i h;-!e in as.-i-tt-d in ! h :' ar rv. '; i.c " i r '-' ha w:-.a v.-!i.'": !o i ai im : r .M;ir:-- Ail busFnsss transactions Iield i.i strict confidence Your Personal Iscnk. very cheap. M. S. Iriui;s. Platts- mout h. Nebraska. Mrs. !!. S. Tutt wa ; a visitor at PlattMi. n:th last Tne-dav wh-re M1.:' sj'.-nt a short time with her fiier.d. Mi.s !itt:e Cummins. Mrs. O. A. Davis, who h-.s h. en fiavia;; a t;i-:!e with the lam'ippe. e- ri-i'nt(i lu'ttcr ami it is hi'ptd that s!ie will oon he cut a.ain. A'r::. F.;ivard T.ytnaii iv-i ciiiiiirt n from Sic.it h 1 lahet a are vi itia:; al "lie homo ot" her -ister. Mr-. On i Law. ,n. also her partnts. Mr. and Mrs P. A. Voiifi jr. Last Monday Murray was ei.tr-r-tained by a -liht ii' !:and .rti.-t vim caused the children t: laiiir'i for an Ineir aid l.reuaht a ;li!e to tile face - of ;;!le of t!ie el b r p-..p!. Ivan. Ira and F.Iv:. Viene. Dr. H F. Prendel an ! Pr d Hildl n. ,,;.. . i .- .ii, . , , , . ,., , , ' 1 - his l i 1 1 ! ,1'im .,. sl!t p red were !oi:kiiii;' alter -o::ie bo:iivss at , PiattstK.uUi h-r Tuesday dri.in u;, J -r a,,'''- i,;:t im-tin-d c.,Mcio.-i- ii! Sil Mr. liild's ear to lo.k after j"'' the las;. A': 'a..-;- h ;. Ik 1:v.t i.l l.'at't is bel'iie the -in:nfy board. Word has been i.'ivtd fr-' a and Mrs. S (1. l'. iic; n at I. or, P'-oi; ilia' th.'.v ale en je v in;; life i the .- tiimy clinic lat l licy oa: 't h"a Ti;-1 Chicav..) Orchestra flu1' which consists of three true artists. youiiK ladies who have graduated from mua ical in ti'utions of t.o . Miss Mil died lirown. violinist, fiva times winner of the diamond modal, a :'.;a-Piat of the Chicago Mu.-ical col loce; Miss Lona Msirie Have:;, harp ist. pni.il .f Tri'inoni and Salvo, and Miss Ih Louis Armdd. oellois:. :;r::d uate of Oberlin co;i::ervatovy of niu f. and ;. veil Known conceit lavorite. (;:);:(..(. I 1 1 ( ) 1 J; ;( 1 . V . ;j n d thoSO P) fuil to h ':! thi- splendid orcliest'-a will have mi:-. e:l one of i ho be-.! at tractions of lh. sr:t-(,:i. The l.iv.a papers iiavc to say this of ibe y;iins; l ulies: "Miid.-ed lirown ha iittaimd m u ! tan. ir the -er.tra) vi'-t thi;t .ionr;r.!;i w hero th (i vePij..in.'; o:" ; j... .-. f e:ied tn-.i'i'- 'n;s j., ; up uniil al' "!t I e moved tn t'::e i':-'. whore h.e resid.i' u:iM' death calP.-d him to l is f;.,;;! r, .. ... ..; 0il M:,,.oil 2. IS!1:!. vt,s uriiel in i.ua-n::' j to Mis-' Ku';rn:a. H- i.atk -i.nd In thi; I nr. ion was hern ciiPdi e i-w she is considered one of (he be American violinist - Mi-s llayts plays a imp with, s-ich rare brillian cy and power that she astonished a'l hearers. Louise Arnold has been featured with five different standard lyceuni companies as cell) fdni't, and has had lonir exporiepc. in r;; imvJiIo music as well." lie;ir them at the Pi:1s hall on Thursday. De ce'nlior 1 1 . will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Paints, OSIs, Farm Implements, Tractors, CASOUHil ENGJflEo and RnPAIRSI rrt -ill L r r J - f f 4 r- t r r liof mrv J nlnmltinfT and vill also save you money ort furniture orders. Come in and get our prices on anything in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. H u Vs.v Chsa vi&tfa? n MURRAY NEBRASKA Pfrone lie. 24 1 ': y y. i:r Dec. taller i: ll. C:,;,i.- ; . r;-i.-; on i lee. '.1 ni r- I'll . .! v p:a , .:t : !. t i r tiie Christian f.iiiii 1h iicv, r idc:t'- !'! 'i wiih uvc. n ixa ; 'on . but died r.crapti::; !: f " i ; r i - as his personal Savior. I!-1 wa kind arid loving "nu.-batul and fa'iu r and a ir.i. ii lodshl- r ar.d a :.( n I b -man h-M in th lii'iest in ev.t,i ;;i bv all v. i ! h win, I" he bad was ;l u.-ii..r ' formely resided at old Pock Pint is. ' f (.:ro j,, v,,nt:ict. 15 hie-; thr- wife i the jinule of t ! . sleigh ! . lis and s the beantiiu! ;-:.(.' and I'.i.r'y ove: ; the (.al bin and what, is life with .n jail t hese. Ttw.t'ias f.mv.. of Wall bill. for a i;o.d . i t ion 01 t ti t wh.ile on a visit at the h me of hi-;.' i re -:' ti; ... was .-arvu.u as a m cli:r tit jury in the on-:- ' ek v ith the laarijp- : i i nei ; i i !: tioia.' ot id i'": I Walker a . 1 1 . eVli mar Murrav was taken ! he ,('.; to ;i,..;:' n l;;s P.ieio 'd De Les Fran ::;ai..i of 'h.e a P r .-e ! Pi. :,;;! . v . ;. r i.u-.irie -:. It i ; hop d he v. ill soon be en th road to r-'coverv. ;. e . . matt ei" :. J. .'d.-i v. a ! or in ' e.-i a ; W a ! r ' '. ',: : lie W?.- io"ki:. ' : v . 1 1 ! 1! ..' I- ; s i ii - r.i .' : W l'.-s ;. i-'or Si'b': Pure i.-ed p -ra,-boars. t-r.-w:: ir. (i-.-r n.iurai 1. cond it ion---. l.o.ok at d i :- ;:: s and ; ee w t : y a S. -t , Davis. Marr :y. N'td,r. :-.-:) Tiie li-; ! i . o y ar oh' ; on f ? at:d Mr-. Alb'-rt .Pve-. mi:- v:n. had tiie la:-" -r .lie la -K rr! y e;:i!r; to roll off th" : ! v. io re vav' 1 1 ee 1 a 7 :: ' a! 1 i'u li re ii" i-i'i!i'.r trieni'.s ia Piatts- x i Monday .a !::r..u. ret ura , Th; .iuv ie. ''.'t: i r after ha v- . I ;. n e 1 !.:! i time. Hli ar.d v, if" were pa.-stti-: !:: Toe-dav I'vciaii ;i:ey . e.it to n'o ai."ei ;h' .. M :Cbl . la, has 'lot heel! .. .:,.. ii deliver the sermon rial wiil ! re ia- '.' ill : ( on I- on t iie roa Services Sunday. A ran dements have h "en p ri.'Ct v-i for : ervice.-v ;t the ! 'resby t et ia :; chijrt h at Murrav for n :'. S:n.., ti e Rev. W. N. Ha.l.-ev of i:a iha -.vi!i mem.ar.i a.. the niinisirr who l e ti e .-ervices here a few weeks ai. r i Ma. iihim" . i neu i iiii. i :a i -e . . o ' Vv ! m . . t v. ai o; l i ' ; i ' ' at Coaid 'in t!;e western merly was a teacher in tiie pu!-: ' ...I... I . in.. . . -1 t .... . . lat.. Was a Visitor with seaoa.-,ei . : a mi! ii:, ' n s.vei.ii .umi.. days j a;;o. an'! was at t.iat time a very popular intruc:ur. i-.very tioiiy is cordiaiiv in vi toil to a'tva.d ihe-e -cr- i, V. e Tl. (. p: ivsiciai' re: fraet ure and the lit ; ore ah.-'i'; as wtll as could ! I t ; ; t : -ri i" t hi ! 'i I -'.ds in t h ir; ( i y for a iff .;!' and. was ;a 'a.mpanii d by !:, i' i daughter. They were farmer resi- h :.: ; '' th. is cuy. i ; ; : s Vfi;i ip.pah.ett. opera or for '1. l.ir.crdn Teh plion" it Teicrranh ' n, .; y at th'-ir xeli.i:i';e at llave ' l v..;-- a vi- itor at tiie home of her i- i f.-':id.iy. and while hero ! ar.d children he Je; h'-'S. th'.ie brother: Dernier. Kin. wood: N'onr.an fie las Perrier. Ftiioti. and J. F. Te la ! rnier. Alvo. ar. v.-e'l as a lio'-: of at:; cr r-d :tiv; '- ar.d fr n i .. Pis par ents and two si-te- ba.via.t ;:ire(-:!id him to the FeMer Lr.;i j. C. rd of Th ;:il;;. We take '':is ia.t:.:- of -aare :';;. erally cmi' i : sin.; out tii.inhs i our '.'any friov.d-: -:i l n ;.;!i i.,rs .ho j;o itindly a: :-i.ded us in o l i'e sor row, and for the ')?ai:! iful floral of feriims. Wo also wi-'.i to thank the ri.oir fi!- t lie sei vie ' rendered Mr 5. .Tallies Do I.e.- Demi." a. ad family. vice.' 9 1 ff ;-a AUCTIOKES!?3 Alv-ays Ready for Sale Datesfar or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR 20 PAY! HKVEIISK ALL. CALLS TeleptoJie 1311 Marr.iy E:Jo':aiii;e Murray Christian Charch. The revival services conduet ed by IlrotluT and Sister Scott of Platts mouth will continue indefinitely. !etr.i ' Per i.irilahiv witli a din- : Service-; every nii;ht this week a! - -.::) frie-id :. the Mi' :.; Planche 7:M. Tiiis is the feeond week and ?.. : . S)o-io:i. v.h.i h she served j pr.pec-t.s :.re ood f.:r a r -'isiny, obi the ha:::" of !;.. r pa retit in thH ! Time revival. Come every ii i.ixlit anil Mi'w iliUk'tt return d to her J hciji make the meetitr; t ne to be irk a! Ilavcloek la.-' Monday. Jo:p; niii"i!:l;i nd. There is plenty L. 1 1. Puis i; rapidly prepariau for of wood and coal so that the house ic i e lie- t ,b'isir.ess wi.ifli his. will be warm. None but the one a re en.jav; atid is bavina eh trio J regular cfiVrin-; taten so come, feci ii;b'-; and powa r service lines in- j tree and comfortable and enjov and :is aaraaa- worKsnop ny wark!i; n from Ne jitid is a! -o ins!allin:r a profit by the services. Don't for pet the bible school. Short stor' class at !i:4.. opening exorcises ; .: : b i! I'! I v a c,,:.: I, bra-ka Fit i -w n'l.in" ( n the jrrindir.a, beiieh as af m. rtvival fcrvif f-s at the reaular v II a-- a la rcer motor for tiie other .i,nrs nn Sunday. IP-fore Snnday t ' ! e!h on drills and the like. Withj,)r vend to Pralhcr Sent! what yo 1 thi a i; b'P-y v.-ii'.i tiie work ni' n . of I t h i ti k to .- the :;-.:dd.-t verse i,: i h v i: :ti V;.!'er Tower i- forenasn. d:?- I bible. II" reouosts it and will j-rea'.di :: r vo,k wi'ich Keeps the place ' irtllJ1 that subj.-ot text Sundav. I I.' f : . .:.,... . . r.. iia.N..a. .ti ii: i a i . cro .vde d all tl '- tim". il Ii 11 U U I h V U JJJL JL r As you lead'llus count up the clays between now ChristmaA. Not many, and they go by very fast. ;! ia an ideal time i;ht nov to inake selections tor tiie nrcsents for friends and family. e announce tiie jih.ci ou i-' OF fAIjCY 1LATES HAND PAINTED CHINA. OLIVE LISHES CAKE PLATES and SETS ERESSER SETS p:u:it SETS CELERY EISI-IES c.-vtt .'.-vJD rXP?ER3 TEA POTS SYKUP'JUGS FASCY IITCIIERS Visit This Store for Your Holiday Wants 14 ;a jl :- . -Ml Tv: i7 ! MUflRAY, Nebraska Lewistcn Dinner a Su-vrp.rs. Notwithstanding the lirnited t i;;e for the pr-parat ion and ike lack i f advertising the dinr.tr which tl.e ladies v'.iv. at the L.-wiston tdirtrch east of Murray on Tlrinhsaivinc; i!,iv wa - a s.P ce-s beyond th" o:pcata' io:i of those who had it in hand. They desire to extend th'ir thanks ta ail who contributed to the success of the affair in any way, by their contribu tions, s-eivice or pat ronaae. Will Cojitir.ue Meetings Go:ne Time. Th" revival iiiieii;,p.s which are bein- hebi a tiie Chri-tiati clinch in Murray, conducted by He v. Lo.i W. SeaH atid wife, are making tuou-re-s. tl.ire heinjr some acce-sious ta the church. r.ot v ib t -l a nl i nu the cold weather which has and is pic uiin at this time. 9!rH We IT"ve A Community Tree. Wha' is the matter with ha vi'is a corimnnii Christ m-.is trc-e and an ooor.s ion far all the people of Mur ray and vicinitv to rejoice toaether. That is tiii' :tirit o. Christ tiias. a way for all in avt toaeiher and cultivate fi i'. ndlit.es a-:d t; aid fei lin;:. there is notl-.i'i!'; like sneers-: except th.e snares.- it. a If and f ri -nd 1 in ess and f rieniNiii j's are nv,n by cultivation. Let it; ail ret together and have a ood time with a lotumunitv Christ mas tree. What do you say? That's all richt. Viriting Old Time Scenes. .!c(i inr.i ; 'h it rr.l: ill and family, ".no have beer. nia'Aitts their liome ;it Ilolyoke. ('('lor; rio. for the past sev eral year, v. !a n- Mr. Churchill is i'-!;';iKf'i in the building business. :ir ri ed at .Murray lat Sutiday eveniii'; fur :i i--it at tiie home of 1 datives and friends for a short time. Mrs. Fii;:a Youtr-. who has been nursing at an i ta t i t iP ia.i a! Council liluffs for oi:.e time past is also visiting at Murray, coming to see Mr. and Mrs. Churchill and family while here. Was o Visitor in Murray. John F. Wolff, owner of a parage at PlatPmout h. wa.s a business visit or in Murray last Tuesday, comim; after a car v.rrifh ; party had "oo-mi unabie to pit over the road the n:;ht before and hail left -by the way side. Ho had w it'll him another car which he made the delivery of and took heme the one which the other parties wt re n; abb- to make the run. Tiie car was all liht ar.d ran finely as . (u;n as it was pot ti n warm. Hi.qli School ICctes. The box slipper piven by H.e Mur rav school was a complete success in seiie of the weather. The propram bepan promptly at S : 1 ." by an exer cise by the piimary room followed by flap drill by the grammar room and a nepta ininstrt-i by the High school. After the seliinp of the boxes a box of "andv was sold lor the most pop aid' piil. Mi.-s Mueller recrivinp the box. Cofft-e and douphnuts w ere sor'd. ai ) pop cora. and candy. The PO BLIG SALE! Kit. Sisd D.i'.is Very Sick. Lat Moiolav eveninp Jahn PavNj The Coal Situation in Murray. While other people are mi fieri up eon-ddei ably with the cold, and for lack of fuel Munay is not as ye? potion into a very serious pre dicament thouph some have potten intirely (ail of fuel, only to be sup- t , .....1.. i. Ai' r-.. 1..... r. fPined from trip to Denver where j b"r'' nnmeuiaieix . n. . -mci lacien. he was called to so. bis p.oiii. r. Mrs. ' ' 1'oine and store, was out lor Si-el Davis wha is v ry sick at her a l o'-t time but a load of wood .mi p homo in that "oil v where she had i I!i, (' "'h places and kept the fires pone some time sine- in th.e hopes j :,t the store and heal t list ancs at the that her health would be improved. k'Uiie p linp. e not iced six loads ot Her brother. Hen Dill, remained with wood on the streets last Tuesday at her and is endeavorinp to minute'- j 1 o'clock. The opport unit y to secure to her wants, as hut little hones of ! wood at Murray is sucn that there per reitvery are friends. Mt t ert a i n "d h Tiie Journal prints sale bills. need lie no preat Mifferitip. all 1'aper. Patuts, Giaos, Picture Framing. Franlt Gobeliiian. I will offer at public auction, to the highest bidder, at my farm, o miles west of Pla'tsuiou'.h and 10 miles east of Louisville, on Wednesday, December 17, 1913. tin follow hii;- described property, to wit: Sa.le 10 camnience at 10 o'tlock a. m.: Horses. One sorrel horse. 7 years old. weipht 1.200; 1 brown mare, 7 years old. woiplu 1,200; 1 black horse, y years old. weight 1.400; 1 black horse. 12 years old. weipht 1.200; 1 dark bay miii'e, " years old. weipht l.im): 1 black horse. 1 :; years old. weipht l.a'JO; 1 brown mare, a years old. weipht l.."00; one black mare, smooth mouth, weight 1.200; one team of drivers, " and 5 years old, weight 1.S00; 1 brown horse, 12 years old. weipht 1,50 0. Cattle. 21 hea l in all apes, includinp sev eral pood milk cows, and 1 high prade Durham bull, coming o years old. Hogs. :10 l ead of May pips; 9 head of July pips, all pood ones, ranging; in weight from 90 to 200 pounds; 2 old sow.;. Farming Implements. 1 Deerinp 7-foot binder, pood as new; 1 14-inch walking plow; 1 prand-De-Tour Rang plow; 1 John Deere 2-row machine; one broadcast seeder; 2 tonpueless cultivators; 1 ridinp lister, sing-e furrow; 1 John Deere corn drill attached to lister; 1 Newton farm wppon; 1 Bepgs run ning pear, with Galloway box; 2 Jen ny Lind tongue cultivators: 1 7-foot McFormick mower; 1 50-busheI Cloverleaf manure spreader; 1 Moon Pros, carriage; 1 Moon Hros. top buggy; 1 "-section harrow; 1 walk ing lister; 1 7-foot Coulter disc; 1 double row stalk cutter; 1 grind stone: 1 power washing: machine; 2 aO-gallon steel pas barrels; 1 la-gallon iron kettle; 1 1-horse I. II. C. pump engine and jack; 1 DcLaval cream separator: work tools of all kinds; 1 hay rack 14-feet, with iron trucks; 1 hay rack 10-foot; 1 stee! water tank; 2 sets of pood work har ness and one ,cet of buggy harness, also several other harnesses and col lars; 1 saddle and 2 pair fly nets, 1 heavy and one light. Household Goods. 1 dining room set, chair.;, table, 1 buffet; 1 kitchen cabinet; 1 Per fection 3-hole oil burner; 1 Quick Meal range; 1 Hound Oak heating' stove; several hundred chickens and many other articles too numerous to mention. Some alfalfa hay. Lunch will be served at noon. Terms of Sale. AM sums of $10 and under cash: on all sums over $10 a credit of S months will he given, purchaser giv ing pood bankable note, hearing S per cent from date. All property j must he settled for before heiii'; re-I moved from the promises. CUIUS" I'AiiKli.MMi. ! H. F. Patterson. Clerk. j Rex Youdp", Auctioneer. . 1 amount taken in roughly est ima: ed was ? 1 .".!. I a. The teachers and pu pil.; wish to thank all who helped out in this work. Myrtle CopenL. ver wa.s a High school visitor last week. The High school is managir.p to keep warm on account of the "hot'" debates given bv the Fob Kr.ali-h class. The pupils who were neither ab sent or tardy during- the month of November were Puth Daman j!r;ia k. Ada Campbell, Opi 1 Homan. Peri y Miniiiear, Catherine Long. Josephine Houteii, Leon fJansi-no-T. Charles Moron n. Kmina Fppnps. Lyle Law ton. Richard Friedrieh. Wiiliun Mrasik, Richard Durham. Douglas Tilso.i. Finest Kppings. Anna Morg an, Madge Human, Albert Griffin. "THESE AitF. 5IY JEWELS." j i:e--" are my j, i.e. ai. ! !' t; i . , t :l(.e ,.: t A . i t !ii ai - a a d vi- i r-s a i .-a.. I Cnr Ihe (i-.aehi, . w iii a a k c I FOR SALE. I have for sale several pood milk cows, tubereu'ine tested. Will be fresh soon and are good heavy milk ers. See Neil D. Cameron, IbUevue HIvd.. block north of Childs road. Telephone South ".".17. Omaha. FOR SALE. Chester White boars Tor sale. Prices reasonable and full pedigree furnished free.- Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Call or write your wants. C. IJengen, My nard, Xeh. Read the Journal for all the news. to show la"r j. v. els. a:n! pr- -. a I ed her son.--. At: ! tr be t j' .'.. I. of any ma n 'i fa i-: : vi a i . hi- pro.ia.e'.- itijay 5:;g a wo Id-wi b r :aa. a. Ka ry r''Ui- a v In- o II'-;. ( i! i a its p, i t i Ttin- r's A'm la-aa li'i.vir of Hitter Wi lie ,-;s 1 !a, ht to in. I 1 !.. t .'.) ; r : ;.:.-. Today it aa-- tie- r.pu'a- tien o :' i-.e pas; i pi ndaa!" aiedy f e- a- ! ip;t : ia :i . : r d i ' i m . flat u l 'l'.ee. he.; !a' 'o -. t: null' Ii'. s anI ( I her stomal h tnuble-:. .:d Triu e"'s Atoaiiea HPtcr Tonie. T:iner's Li'ii:rei.' i"..r : h "ii m i : i in and neur algia r i : l C.a-'l; S d .' i ' ami ti.e otlar 'I'ri'iir's r . i F i - - v, hiiii you can ail pi i : t yuii. dr'p gif are in 1 1: o a:n favor with th" people of T'ait ad' States and Canada. "Tin -." ;ir" our jewels." s.iy-; the Joseph, Trin- er company. i 1: Ae.. ChUago, IP. St bland Are you. Mr. Business Man, tak ing advantage of our stock i f print Inp inks? No 1 1, t 'erhe id--, envel opes, statement 5. invoici s, t keeks or .ards. Let us print theia for you. A male .;u in ef Vlil ".Ive : n I II-ter.ainm-at in the Pa.ls h.iil Thanks giving night. T.'.i': is tin third num ber of th" Lye.-iiTii course. EDISONS! CO-OPI EDISOM HECORDS! RATION According to Webster is "working together fcr the sams end." Why can't thi he applied to our communi: 'i lithe tc . i.atai ness institutions of Murray arc an a--et to the coniuno iiy. i L b. '-er they are the more service I hey can pi v. . and t he more val ae to i lie i .im munity ami to each indi viilual. A prosperous town is hut the n :';! i i of prosperous surroundintrs. You will nova r 'ind a im von to.a ;n a dead cotumuiiity, for the simple pea-on it istl"' In i.i'iag toetbe:- o. individuals th.it make a com in unity, ami as the people a re o i - t he e im munity. Our town cannot prosiei-at the expense of the lani 'T or the farmerattheexper.se of the town at least no la-tinp jros- rit; aa.i he assured in this way. 15ut hy proper oe opera' i. in or wo; k in;; to pether, t hins:s can he accomplished that wiil rot only hnihi npoat to-. o and add value to surrounding property, hut will make t i. it t be 1- com munity in the world in which to live. Wiien we begin to ri aii. tba" hy htdpinp one another we are only In lpinp ouriel vi-. t tiei e will he !e-.- knocking- ami niori: boosting'. Be a Booster for a Community Club. DRUGS! . IS mj l .V. t. ej v. . , u ja V. J SYSurray Nebraska DRUG SUNDRIES! BUY YOUR FALL AUD WlliTER HO rpsa i Lkcszi iZzcjs EARLY AMD SAVE MONEY! We have a large assortment of ail kinds of shoes rom which to choose jour needs at prices far below prices you will have to pay in sixty days as you know shoes are advancing every day. Wc have a large as sortment of school shoes in all sizes. Also men's and boys' rubber boots. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL FARiV. PRODUCTS! n ALV GANSEMER, Proprietor