t I riATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SIX THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1919. Muni THE USUAL DINNER THANKSGIVING DAY Murray Department THE W. H. PULS Hardware I f tny of Uip readrrs of the Journal knnr of eity soeifcl vi m or iii'in of lnu-irsi. In t,Ms v ioli.lt j-. anil will mad jMni to iliis oltire. it will ao-IK-ar uii'K r this ti'adiir. want all newt.riiii Eujtou Lewiston Ladies Promise to be On Hand with the Big Eats and Social Festivities. Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers On A&iS 111 Jr Teacla v JW Children m to Save W m M Start the kiddies Wy W W right by making them U fej tvant to save their money. iEf A personal savings account in tSrv if W a high-class banking institu- -" tion like this, where children AV-J are given the proper attention Sv anL encouragement to han- Xv die their own finances llijr Nf is a good start in the JiJy right direction. One WL fX"Tfv:V;.C dollar opens an account. s?5ig -reA-LUpj fa SnfntvHnncstvCourtesv Service rn Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. n MURRAY C? -7" All butiness transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. i Huy your aprons at the bazaar on ,-.. 1 1. ."!?. and Mrs. l-;ri:;-t t'arrol! v.vc :-i;ir. , 1 1 -. i ; i folks ii: Murray over S.i. .J ay. .u;cnV annual Thank Offering r Pr . 1 yt ri.m church on .'ovcm - .... .t-... Plan to attend the annual bazaar r.t the Murray Presbyterian churc'n in ;; 'ni'"r ;th. Mer-dams K. S. Tutt and O. A. Ij.ivis were visiting with friends in ; ittii; onth lat Tuesday. Coin i? to Murray for your dinner tfi DcifKibf r t;th and do Christmas shopping at the Pi esbyf erian bazaar. Mr. V. M. Hendricks departed for Plain view and other points on lust Saturday. Her daughter, Mrs. '"hark- Carroll accompanied her as far as Omaiia. If you are not a subscriber lo the Dc'Iy Journal let us enter your name on our subscription list. w. e. mmm AUCTIONEER ASays Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR 110 PAY1 REVERSE ALL CALLS Telephone 1511 Mnmiy Exo lanpe are a-ing to take vour Mire, you Thanksgiving dinner with the Per iston ladic. The very best of everything will le served at Lewnton for the big Thanksgiving dinner. Joseph Tilon. who has been sick ;i? his home for several days r.a-t. i reported as being greatly iiuprov.;d. J. A. Hoot and fr.mily and I'.. A. Knot were visiting in Louisville lat Sunday, being quests of their brcth- r. Allen Hoot and family. The Lewiston ladies expect to ycu on Thanksgiving. They are pre paring a bis dinner for you and your family. Please do not disap point them. Remember th" big Thanksgiving dinner at Lewiston. Evfrything g-.xjd to eat will be found there. Turkey dinner and oyster supper. You art invited to be present. I-'or Sale: l'ure bred Imroe Jersey boars. Grown under natural farm conditions. Look at dams and sire and see what they are. Searl S. Davis. Murray, Nebr. r.20-:itw. Mrs. Martha Peaumeister came down last Tue-day to do some sew ing for the people at Murray, where she is frequently called, having al ready done much sewing for the peo ple here. Albert Jones, the drayman, moved Tuesday from the :-!ore building owned by J. V. Holmes to the Con nelly property on the cast side fi the Missouri Pacific tracks. Outing Gowns! These are in a big demand right now, and as a matter of fact are a little hard to find in the market, but we have them and for every member of the family: Ladies' Outing Gowns, collarless, band cuff, white silk stitchine around yoke, neat stripe patterns; sizes 15 to 17 $2.25 Mioses Stripe Patterns, collarlesr, band cuffs, age 4 to 6 $1.25 Misses same as above, only sges 8 to 14 $1.50 Men's Outing Gowns, large and roomy, and good heavy fleezing; sizes 15 to 18 $2.25 Hiatt & Tutt. MURRAY, NEBRASKA A box supper will be Riven by the Murray school Xov. Every body is, invited. . '21 Messrs. Zach Shrader and Mont Shrader shipped a car of sheep to the Omaha markets last Monday. Dr. (J. H. C.ilmore and V. J. Phil pot were lookini;" after sonu' busi ness matters in Plattsmouth on la-t Tuesday. J. W. Cox. living near Xehawka. has been very sick at his home for rc-veral days, but is showing much i in pro vein en t of late. C II. Eodeker is spending tiii week in Texas, where he is looking after some business matters and vis iting with friends for a short time. Don Arries was a visitor in Mur ray for a short time looking at'ti r some business matters. lie drove down from bis home at Plat t Miiout h. Edward Slocum, living north -i town, has bi'eii feeling poorly for :: ccnsiderable !:; rth of time, but i reported as btiug much improved of late. George Y. Shrader, who !us !x . a conlined to !;i-; bed for .-'V i .il !.. -is reported :s being mucli in;p:ved and able to be up a part if the time once more. G. H. Minford is constructing a large concrete plafi'orni en vhich 1: i 1 1 feed his h : s. keeping the fed out of the mud and prei'.vU!:g i' fro tu d.'.iiitt Y. G. 1! ;..:.4.T !i.i been spen 1 ii'i' roii-i'U rat.i of iiuo up a', i'l.itt-niout !i ti: I- wi-k, lie luinu a lu.T.tber of the jury panel at t'i'1 X( vtml.or term of court. Frank L. Slieldon and Mike Kiai-. of ii'.-nr X 'viwk i. w-r; visior f'u a vj:'Tt tiin- in Mitrray last Til' -day ioj ?l:e:r v. ay to Omaha, v.i.tr.-tii'-y were 1 o : i i . g after oi::e busi ness matters. Searl Davis received a car lo;.d Henry Ci earner shipped a car cf hoes to the South Omaha stock mar ket last Tuesday. Morion Part let t and Dr. J. F. Hiendel were looking after some business at the county seat the first of the week, having driving up in Dr. Premiers (ar. The Capital Piidgc company. of Lincoln, is constructing a concrete ;culveit at the lean M in ford corner ta.-t of .Murray, which will add much I to the condition of the read at that j place w hen the work is completed and t lie grading done. Fred Cond n. who is employed with the Oldham farms, accompan ied Ben Xoell to the stock market at X bral.a City last Tuesday with a truck load of hogs, which were sold to the packing house. The trip w.i-. !! !!"' with the auto truck of Mr. Puis. B?x Social and Program A1 Xew Hope school, 2 miles w t and 1 south of Murrav. Xo- ' vemher 2 1. Everybody come. La i dies please bring boxes. ESTHER MCKDOCH, Teacher. The ladies of Lewiston are pre paring the ninth annual Thanks giving dinner to be given at Lewis ton on Thanksgiving day. The proceeds of this dinner will be used for putting the cemetery and church in repair. Every one in terested in the Lewiston cemetery will be expected to contribute. The ! dinner served will consist cf turkey nnd all the trimmings, eueh as sal ads, pies, vegetables cf all kinds and every known good thing to eat. Kev. V. A. Taylor will conduct services at 11 a. in. and the after noon will be devoted to a general good time, visiting with the old friends whom you have not met un der similar circumstances since the dinner of last year. At 0 p. m., an oyster supper will he served. Plan to attend. Plan to give. Plan to assist in making this a successful dinner as have been those preceding it in years past. (Continued on Page S.) For Sale. li. P. Kock cockerels $2.f.O and $3 each. Mrs. Win. Troop, Nehawka, Xeb. It Will HOLD REVIVAL CAM PAIGN tt iOfMY FOB WIN Mb : SOULS TO CHRIST CHRISTIAN CHURCH MEMBERSHIP PREPARING TO INAUGURATE AN EXTENSIVE EVANGELISTIC EFFORT of" cattl ' a few v ill fe.-d on hi : W.it i r. driving t ; nielia'ely ait.: t he sf a ion ):; W. 1 1. S::to7i. lived in Murray ing d i a- i of the corn crop dnys ar which r:u n a r Yi . r. em to hi ; !. . :-f Phit'.-U'oiit!: ; 'at M' i i.l ay mo? in the pi . it the he'iiie of C fj 0F.FRAY EXPENSES IS ALL RAISED Rev. Levi W. Scott cf Plaltsmoutb Will Preach while Wife Will Direct the Music Hoped That Much Good May be Accomplished th IX Jun a:, who lives a short distanc itorthv.est (f M-ttrray. Geor;;e Xickt i--. of L'anr.itig - Xb-",.. 1... wa visitor in Dmalia and last Mo:ida, at. both i f looked t:( !:rm o a bif-in"-- PlattMi!..Ot' ilicii pi. u i inaction o: lflcr the Fome 1 't-i:ie mat ters. Dwi.-i:' Surface ard wiA, f near Fnion. w re in ?,I".rray la Turs bringitiir with them thei". littU (laiiiihter who has been en the sic! list, and consulting with Drs. F.i-:i-del and Ur :!loi regarding the condi tion of her health. Walter Sans, who has been feed ing a car of sheep on his farm east, of town for some time, shipped them to the Scuth Omaha market this wfik having completed the fatten ing process to a point where he could realize handsomely on them. County Surveyor Fred Patterson Came down to Murray la-it Tuesday. i.nd was met by Mr. Waleott of the First National Lank of Weeping Water with his car. and taken over near Weeping Water, where he had some surveying to do on the Tee garden farm. George Hild and family and Louis Friedrieh ami family were visitors in Murray last Monday being guest' at the home of L. II. Puis. W. II. Puis and Fred Hild for the day. and returning home in the evening, after having had a most enjoyable time J w ith the relatives lure. j Fred Hild lias been kepi busy for ;a yhort time past hauling sand from ! Murray to the farm f Otto Sehaelfer j where a new home is being built. On the return trips he hauls a load of wheat to town for Mr. Schafier, thereby killing the proverbial two birds with one stone, i Last Monday V.". A. Scott. the ; merchant, was compelled to go to Plattsmouth to secure ice for his wares, the weather remaining tooj warm to asvure the goods he carries against spoiling. This speaks veil, tor the climate here, when one has j to have ice in the winter time for' their merchandise. Kunning a very close competition with the south and southwest. KEV. SCOTT Returns to Omaha Hospital Last Tuesday Mrs. Fred Hild. who has been feeling very badly, and who has been run fined to her bed for the pact more than a week, was taken to Omaha for examination and consultation with Dr. Lough ridge. Her husband and Dr. P. F. Biendel accompanied her to the city, where she will remain at the Ford hospital for sumo time. ! At a n.ee; ing of ihe official board of the Christian church of Murray, composed of Elders B. A. Root and B. F. Bren ('! luvtI Deacons Charles Reed. Warren Wiley and Lee Kniss, . held .Monday, it was concluded to hold a I camDaiii lor the winning of souls to Christ, and in their official capacity the bcar:i took action toward raising the neces eaiy fundi. Little difficulty was experi enced in securing the necessary amount of ' tr.jncy lo defray the expenses, the follow I ing morning, as the major portion of the I needed sum was pledged at the meeting the lr mi l . l - 1 evening belore. Mil that then remained was to look after securing Rev. Scott of Plattsmouth to con duct the campaign, with the assistance of his good wife, who is to direct the musical program at the meetings, which has since been done. All the minute arrangements have been made, includ ing the care of the church, the entertainment of the visiting' evangelist and wife while in the city, etc., and everything is in readiness for the opening of the meetings, which are to( begin on next Sunday, November 23rd. The church will bej heated at the beginning of the nheetings and the fire will not, be allowed to go out during the continuance of the cam-; paign. The enthusiasm with which the meetings will be cr.rried on will be kept at such glowing heat as to rival the constantly burning embers in the furnace. The excellent success with which Rev. Scott was met in his recent conduct of the evangelistic campaign at Nebras ka City, which has only recently closed, convinced the mem hers of the church here that he is the proper person to look after the soul-salvation efforts in Murray. Mrs. Scott is r very able musical director, and with the chorus which Mur ray already possesses, and such additions as she may be able to interest, some excellent sinorinsr is assured. In addition to the chorus singing there will also be numerous special solo and duet numbers While the series of meetings is especially arranged for the people of Murray and vicinity in general, a very cordial and urgent invitation is extended to the members of other churches in the community to participate in and lend aid to the campaign. Irregardless of whether members of the church or not they are invited to come and enjoy the ser vices. Especially is this invitation extended to the members of the Christian church at Plattsmouth, at which place Rev. Scott is the resident pastor. Many times has the church at Murray enjoyed the visits and co-operation of the church membership at Plattsmouth and been benefitted thereby, and now they are extending a cordial invitation to them to again join in promoting the good work. The meetings will continue as long as there is interest rhown and service can be rendered the Master in bringing' souls to him. i All who attend will receive a very warm wel com". Come and assist in this work, and also receive a blessing through your own efforts to help others. will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Farm Implements, Tractors, GASOLINE ENGINES and REPAIRSI We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing, and will also save you money on furniture orders. Come in and get our prices on anything in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. W. H MURRAY NEBRASKA Phone No. 24 Kodaks and supplies at E. W. A male quartet will give an ou- Keedy's the druggist. tertainment in the Puis hall Thanks- giving night. This is the third num- Tbe Journal prints sale bills. her of the Lyceum course. WELL, IT'S ANOTHER 8 smr I i H n r - L FRIDAY EVENING, November MUSIC BY Peerless Jazz Orchestra OF OA1 AHA Given by the Murray Dancing Club COME-"NUF SED!" EDISONS! GO' EDISON RECORDS! riON According to We6sfer is "working together for the same end." Why can't this be applied to our community? If the tow n and busi ness institutions of Murray are an as,et to the community, the l Iter thev are the more sei viee'they can pive, and the more value to the com munity and to each individual. A prosperous town is but the reflect ton of prosjerous surroundings. You will never !ind a prosperous ton in a dead community, for the simple reason it is the bonding together of individuals that makea community, and as the people are so i- the com munity. Our town cannot prosper at the expense of the farmer or the farmer at the expense of the town at least no lasting prosperity can be assured in this way. But by proper oc-operation or working to gether, thinpscan be accomplished that will not only build up our town and add value to surroundiay property, but will make this the best com munity in the world in which to live. When we begin to realize t hat by helping one another we are only helping ourselves, there will be less knocking and more boosting. Be a Booster for a Community Club. EUJEIEEi DRUG C DRUGS! Murray Nebraska DRUG SUNDRIES! BUY YOUR FALL AND WINTER fin Ca EEE EARLY AND SAVE MONEY! We have a large assortment of all kinds of shoes rom which to choose your needs at prices far below prices you will have to pay in sixty days as you know shoes are advancing every day. We have a large as sortment of school shoes in all sizes. Also men's and boys' rubber boots. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCTS! The Settee Store, ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor