THURSDAY.. NO VTHEEB- 2Q. iSid. PIATTSMOTTTH SEMl-WnZELY JOURNAL page nvz MEETING OF THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GATHERING AT A. 0. U. W. HALL .LAST EVENING WAS VERY WELL ATTENDED. HAD SMOKER AND LUNCHEON of the Knights of Columbus have Very kindly offered to assist the local post of the American Legion in al lowing them the use of the hall for their social meetings and as soon as the A. O. U. W. hall shall have been formally turned over to the local council the "Caseys" -will see that the service men are given full wel come to the use of the building for their meetings. SEEK GUARDIAN CAR SHORT AGE HOLDS UP SHIPMENTS ELEVATOR MEN ARE UNABLE TO HANDLE CROPS OWING TO POOR SERVICE. Pleasing Address by Fatlur Shine, On Origin of the Society of Knights of Columbus. FOR MOTHER0N LNE 0F THE MOi pagefig and a portion of the Murray grain has been shipped from this city over the Burlington, being brought here by wagon and loaded for shipment. The Murray elevator men have at several times taken the matter of tlie 'car shortage up with the state rail way commission and for a short time secured a measure of relief, but the conditions have dropped back to as bad if not vorsp than that pre vailing before and it will be neces sary to once mor place the car shortage matter up to the state com mission to secure the needed ser vice from the Missouri Pacific line. Children of Mrs. Frances S. Vallery Ask to Have Guardian Over Mother Estate Matter From "Wednesday's Dally. This morning a hearing was had in the county court on the petition filed by Mrs. Alpha Mae Sherpherd- son. Kdward ( Vallery. II. Vallery and Mrs. Blanche Meisinger. in which they seek to have a guar dian appointed over their mother, Mrs. Frances S. Vallery. The peti tion recites that the mother is pos sessed of personal property and leg-j Only Two Cars in a Month at Mur ray Elevators at Mynard Fare Still Worse. Boys' Sweaters From We liiifsday's Pally. The question of securing cars for the shipment of grain now stored in the elevaiors in tlti. county along the main line of the Missouri Pacific railroad is one that is giving the managers of the elevators'' a great deal of worry and their statement of the car shortage certainly looks acy amounting to $4,000 and real as though something should be done estate valued at S3. 000 with an an nual rental income of $1,000. and it in the way of giving them relief and permitting the farmers to dis- alleged by the petitioners that : Pse of their srain crops From Wednesday's Dally. Last evening the members of Juan do Padilla council. Knights of Co lumbus held a very largely attend ed and interesting meeting at the A. O. V. V. hall on Pearl street, and one that was most successful in every way. The members of the council pass ed upon a number of applications for membership at the meeting and will later take up the work of inducting the new candidates Into the myster ies of this excellent order. One of the pleasing features of the meeting was a short aidress de livered by Rev. M. A. Shine of St. John's church. who spoke on the origin of the society of the Knights of Columbus and its purposes and aims. The ill health of the eloquent rector made it impossible for him to make as extended an address as had been planned, but during the hort time of the speaking a, very inter esting and instructive address was given. Following the meeting of the lodee a short social and get-together meef ing was enjoyed with a smoker and luncheon that added a pleading touch to the meeting. The Knights of Columbus, during;that direction will be taken bv the Srain "'afnc- farmers who d VERDICT OF JURY IN DAMAGE SUIT Plaintiff in Case of Irene Berry vs. Wilhelm Knaup et al. Award ed $2,000 Damages. A big stock to select from every kind from a turtle neck cotton sweater at 75c to the finest all-wool rope-stitch at $6.00. In addition to our regular line we have two sample lines which enable us to save you 25 on the old price this means about 50 now. Boys all-wool slip-overs and button fronts $4.00 and $4.50. C. E. Wescotts ons l i 'EVERYBODY'S STORE" This is a "like -to-show-you-store. " is Mrs. Vallery, owing to her age and mental condition, is unfitted to han dle the affairs of her estate, and it is therefore prayed that the court ap point such guardian. The petitioners are represented in the case by Attorney A. L. Tidd. and the interests of Mrs. Frances Vallerv are being cared for by George W. point. One of the points that has the greatest complaint is at Mynard. where the manager of one of the elevators states that only two car? have been given each of the elevator? since the 1st of September, and this certainly has not been a fair deal to this very important grain shipping From Wednesday's Tu!ly. The case of Irene lierry vs. Wil helm Knaup et al, in which the plaintiff sued for damages in the sum of $r..(K't for injuries received in a collision between the auto of the defendants anil the buggy of the plaint ill', was given to the jury yes terdav afternoon at o'clock and at 5:::o the jury reported in with a I Home Place of N. H. Isbell West of verdict awarding damages to the AJns uir5"' 1S 10r an LAND BRINGS A VERY GOOD PRICE plaintiff in the sum of $2,000. This morning the time of the dis trict court was occupied in the se lecting cf a jury in the case of the ISank of Cass County vs. F. II. Wyn:i et al, and the attorneys, (. A. Rawls i for the plaintiff and I. O. Dwyer fori the defendants. took up the major Acre to Martin Nelson. From We dnes day's Daily. The constantly raiding land values in Cass county were shown yesterday when -the deal was closed whereby Martin Nelson, one of the enterpris ing farmers living northwest of the Magney, former county attorney Douglas county. of The elevators at that place have been filled for several months and it The Darties to the case, after fill- ,s now mipossime lor me manager. ly considering the matter, decided of the levators to handle the grain that it weuld be best for all concern- coming in owing to the fact tluV am! it is portion of the morning in the exami-' icily, became the owner of the N. II. nation of the jury to fnd the twelve Isbell property located a few miles men who would be able to try case solely upon its merits. the ' j west of the city, paying for the ed to have the court appoint some- ,ne' have nc) laie to store il FORES SOLD ON PAYMENT PLAN. one who would be agreeable to the with no cars being delivered Call on us and let us explain our plan how we will sell you a Ford their activities with the army and navy served a great purpose and as sisted very materially in contribut ing to the comforts and amusements and entertaining of the members of the I'nited Spates forces both in this country and abroad and imbued with the highest patriotic inspiration car ried on their work with great suc cess. To assist the work of the former service men the local council wishes of Mrs. Vallerv as well as the mipossmie to ciean oui me eiew.oi heirs of the estate to safeguard the ana vul 1,1 r"" t,n " "urMl- car. any model, on payments to suit interests of all parties, and steps in ' a result of the stagnation of tli- vonr alar-- Now is the time to get l new Ford car. if you wait till tract of six acres. $C00 per acre, or a total of $3,600. The place is not exceptionally well improved but was desired by Mr. Nelson for the reason that it ad joins his farm of eighty acres and has a more favorable location on i the main highwav leading into j : Plattsniouth. GETTING ALONG NICELY From Wednesday's Dally. Our old friend, William A. Taylor, residing south of this city, who for the past several weeks has been con fined to his home suffering from the effects of a dislocated hip, is now do ing very nicely. Reports from th bedside of Mr. Taylor state that he has now almost regained the full use of his limbs and is showing every sign of improvement. This will be most pleasing news to his many friends throughout the county and they trust he may continue to improve. Lost, on Cedar Creek road a weel chain last Saturday. Finder please notify P. A. Meisinger. telephone No. 2502. court. Most disfiguing skin eruptions. spring the demand will be so great that we will not be able to fill all sire to dispose of their grain crop. have bet ii put up against it. The condition at Murray is th" scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are same as at Mynard. as they have re due to impure blood. Burdock Dlood ceived only two cars so far t h i :-; Bitters as a cleansing blood tonic is 'month and at present it has beer well recommended. SI. 25 at all necessary for the elevator manager.-, j stores. I to bring their newly bought corn ' stipat ion is to take regularly into TM.ittcmmit h fir sViinni.nt Tli laxative. Doan's Regulets are recom- For Sale: My residence property orders. Buy now and pay while you jn South Chicago Avenue in Platts ride. T. H. Pollock Auto Co. Phone mouth. Four acres, '.-room house. with basement and cellar, well, barn. No. 1. chicken house. Well improved. Ad- One way to relieve habitual con- dress Mrs. F. M. Hrsse, 125 So. Cher- a mild ry St., Ottumwa, Iowa. Buy a new Ford car now on the payment down, balance on monthly payment plan. For particulars see T. H. Pollock Auto Co. Phone No. 1. liello! Heard ahrnt tLc dinner at Lewiston ? ; 0 0 f I G Solo Car Load of Good Dairy Cows Itching piles povoke profanity, but profanity won't remove them. Doan's Ointment is recommended for itch ing, bleeding or protrudnig piles. COc at any drug store. t Meet me at the dinner at Lewis- . Burlington railroad has been better ton again this year. ab!e to supply the demand for cars mended for this purpose, at all drug stores. :0c a box 1 Wanted to Buy T. H. Pollock. Good milk cow. Ii 17-r.d-lw For earache, toothache. pains, Thomas' Eclectric Oil. a splendid ! remedy for emergencies. Read the Journal for all the Dews. There will be a public auct ion of good dairy cows helJ at Murray on next SATURDAY AFTERNOON NOVEMBER 22d at which time a car load of ex tra good dairy cows will bs sold to the highest bidder. ' These cows belong to Henry Glissman, and will be sold on the usual terms. The sale will start at one o'clock p. m. REX YOUNG. Auctioneer. f Satarday, November 22 CZ a j PETTICOATS! When you think of petticoats, . sj) think of up, and then don't for- ((tSji!ikl JfUmlt V? get that we have just the skirt ( Ir&j uPri Jvi you want in both silks and Im ( jgl-c2vi satines. We have just received wl zrflll F some new fancy satine petti- zrrXnw, W Uoi llll coates at the very attractive I 3 Jul U $1.75 to $3.50 n I We also have a complete line vBU I cf silk petticoats, taffeta, Jersey P 1 1 I and satin. All colors , and in 1 1 d M beautifully embroidered flounces Df JfK I V at moderate prices. Wfyyyi M V lirnAfVr" Witnesses Our First Showing of Ladies' Wearing Apparel! CONSISTING OF LADIES' AND MISSESJ Coats Dresses Suits Skirts Presenting the Season's Latest Designs and Newest Style Features at Prices Reflecting the Market's Best Values! You are cordially invited to see this display of up-to-date and seasonable merchandise, and then you will realize the money saving opportunities presented at this time. Jx Saturday is Blouse Day! We are pleased to announce the arrival of a new allotment of the favored Wellworth and Wirthmore Blouses in Voiles and other pretty cotton fabrics at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50 If you are interested in keeping down your wearing apparel ex penses, then you want to come here and provide your Blouse needs before this limited allotment is gone. A beautiful and extraordinary showing of Georgette Blouses, beau tifully trimmed in yarn, beads and embroidery and in a large vari ety of new shades at three special prices: $6.50 $8.50 , $10.50 MKl, Phone No. 53 and 54 Plattsmouth, Neb.