MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1919. PAGE FOUR . PLATTSMOTTTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Cbe plattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Fostofflce, Plattamouth, Neb., as second-cl&aa mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN . ADVANCE Don't be wasteful of coal just be cause the strike is over. -:o: The total American casualty list for the war is placed at 293, 0S&, in cluding 215,489. This looks big: but is small in comparison to the lists of the European countries. :o: The I. "V. V. organization ha3 demonstrated their love for the former service men by killing four and wounding six in the Armistice day parade at Centralia, Washing ton. :o: The Knights of Columbus are to raise a fund from among their mem bership for the restoration of the educational institutions of Belgium A most commendable work and this order will put it across. :o: President Wilson has been able to leave his sick bed for the first time rince returning to Washington and this fact will bring much relief to the people of the United-States re gardless of political affiliations. -:o:- The Prince of Wales it is rumored will be the next Governor General of Canada. The heir to the British throne seems to have been very fav orably impressed with the import ance cf the American portion of the empire. :o: The government should s?e that the settlement of the coal strike situation is made with justice to all parties and that the public is not to be made the goat of a big boost in prices. The operators should run the mines to supply the demand of the public and not to create a short age as has been charged, and the working hours fixed so as to best suit the conditions, with living wages. :o:- SUFFRAGE. With the Maine legislature in special session this week to ratify the suffrage amendment, the ratifi cation game enters upon its second "half." California's ratification last week brought the number of ratifying states up to eighteen, just half of the required thirty-six. Maine will be the nineteenth. Can seventeen more be got in time for next year's national election? That is a close question. There are nine full suffrage states which have not yet acted Oklahoma, Washington, South Dakota, Nevada. Colorado, Arizona, Wyoming, Oregon, and Idaho. All these will finally rati fy, but will they call special ses sions to ratify? Four states where women have presidential suffrage y have, not ratified. North Dakota, Indiana. Tennessee and Rhode Is land. The North Dakota legislature is soon to meet in special session and will ratify. Should all. the full suffrage and presidential suffrage states ratify in time, the favorable action of four out of the remaining sixteen must be secured. Two of these, Alabama and Georgia, have already refused to ratify. The INVESTMENTS Public Service Corporation Paying Can be had in amounU of $100 PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank Bid'?, Omaha, Neb. needed four must come, according ly, from these fourteen: Conectlcut, Delaware, Florida, New Mexico, North Carolina, Vermont, West Virginia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Virginia New Jersey and South Carolina. Six of these are "solid south." Three more are middle south. All are tempermentally 6low to try new things. But for the political neces sities of the case, insuring that na tional party committees will put the screws to the local politicians in the backward states, hope for ratification before the 1920 election would not be burning very bright. :o: TURMOIL IN AUSTRALIA. New leaders are needed in many countries to guide the people out of the wilderness of post-war problems and the need seems to be especially felt in Australia, where the spread of bolshevism and the influence of reactionary political ideas form an admirable combination for unrest and upset. This is the way it look3 to an Australian correspondent of the London National Review, who Is positive in his declaration that "it is becoming obvious that the future of Australia depends on the Aneacs," and "signs that they understand this are multiplying." The impres- rion of home that the Anzac got on his return from the battlefields of Europe may "be gathered fuoni the remark of one that if this is the peace, let's get back to war." "He was merely considering the middle sheet of a Melbourne news paper," says this writer, "headlined with strikes and rumors of strikes and dotted all over with complaints about government extravagance and private profiteering, repatriation de lays and arbitration eccentricities. The acting prime minister and the judge of the arbitration court were arguing in a tone of repressed bit terness up and down one column; in another, next door" to the festivities welcoming the return of our war ships, alleged naval officers ventil ated their grievances about delayed promotion; across the page stretched the official announcement of restric tions on the use of gas and elec tricity, far more drastic than any issued while the war was on. That page was backed with a huge adver tisement of an astounding . cheap sale at which prices averaged 250 per cent advance on ' the ordinary prices of 1917. "The seamen have struck on all coastal boats; the wharf laborers have struck; the builders' laborers have struck. Labor on the great stacks of wheat awaiting export is hopelessly disorganized. The strike of seamen and wharf laborers has thrown out of work at least 50,000 innocent people in Melbourne alone. State school teachers have threat ened a stop-work meeting to pro test against their low pay; state po licemen have invaded the chief sec retary's office and harangued him against his will; other state em ployes (civil servants, not artisans) are arranging 'public demonstration' of their grievances. One section of coal miners is out of work and an other is working itself into a strik Ing mood. "And all this in a country posses sing the widest suffrage, the most legislatures (for its size), and the best arbitration system (according to its. traveling politicians) in the world." Literary Digest. :o:- THE GIRLS MEN MARRY. There seems to be no end to the fiiecusslcm of marrying and giving In marriage; and the viewpoints Of the disputants are as various as their previous .condition of efetri tud. The latest td add to the ever . lambent flame of tha controversy Is Dr. Kristine Mana, who tells the International Conference of Women Physicians that "what svery woman knows" today is that "pale, weak women are most appealing to men because of the chivalrous instinct of pity aroused in a man by the sight of fragility and pitiable dependence Tc this finding many will enter their respectful demurrer. There is i.othing particularly attractive to man in the prospect of having a life partner whose health is precarious and who is unable td look to the ways of her household or to be thi participant in the husband's inter rsts in his business or in his rec rcative hours.' There are all about us the most beautiful and touching examples of devotion and interde pendence between husband and wife .when the one or the other is rnfeebled by an inherited or an ac Cdental ailment but such an ail ment is a liability and not an asset in the partnership, and while in the mid-Victorian days, of which we hear so much, it may have been fashionable to look as though one vere passing into a decline, and It may have been considered soulful and spiritual to be unhealthy today it is held to be morbid and even immoral to make anything less than the most and the best of the bodMy tenement that is the home of the immortal spirit. Philadelphia Led- rer. :o; FOUR TO ONE FOR PEACE. The final ratification of the treaty of peace by Japan leaves the United States alone of the five great vic torious powers holding aloof from the compact. Only two questions appear to have been raised at Tokio, one in regard to the prerogatives of the emperor and the other as tc the possible effect of the new engage ments upon other treaty obligations, the decision in both cases being that nothing inimical was found. If the treaty-wreckers at Wash ington are to be believed, Great Britain, France, Italy and., Japan have compromised their sovereignty, assumed outrageous burdens, enter ed upon a career of war and proflig acy and subjected their domestic af fairs to intolerable alien intrusion. Yet is it not reasonably to be sup posed that these nations are as jealous of their own interests and as capable of recognizing them as arc we or ours, and is it to be imagined that they have gone blindly into a trap visible only to the all-seeing partisan statesmanship of the Unit ed States senate?' The truth is that by the terms of the Versailles covenant what one government concedes in behalf of enduring Justice and peace all gov ernments concede. Formulated by equals, with a common object, the agreement is to be enforced by equals on principles of internation al law to which all are pledged. It is only in this country, where the plan was first urged with any pros pect of acceptance, that, for person al and party considerations chiefly, it is held up to suspicion and threat ened with defeat. New York World. -:o:- It is quite possible for self-conii- dence to develop into conceit. :o: - There would be enough of every. thing if there were only kindness enough. . , " Let the attorney general have the laws be needs to deport the agita tors and men of the type of the I. W. W. and get action without de lay. :o:- Many have remarked about what a beautiful fall this is in Nebraska. The woods and river around Louis ville as well as along the Missouri south of this city present a nature study such as one might travel hun dreds of miles to find. But their nearness to home makes them some what unappreciated and ' it is only when we are told of the fact by pasting tourists, wo realizo' the real ! grandeur of soutaeastern Nebraska. WHEN YOU SUFFER . FROM RHEUTtlATISM Almost any man will tell you that Sloans Liniment means relief For practically every man has used It who has suffered from rheumatic aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results of weather exp'osure. Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neuritis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick headache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, economi cal, quickly effective. Say "Sloan's Liriment" to your druggist. Get it today. 35c. 70c, $1.40 THE CALL OF THE WILD It is a natural and logical thing that snipers of the I. W. W. Bhould murder, in cold blood, American young men fresh from the shambles of Europe. For the members of the American Legion fought for the flag of the re public, and anarchy and bolshevism and syndicalism hate the flag. They hate the republic. The legionaries fought to estab lish the supremacy of law and order, and anarchy hates law and order. The legionaries fought inspired by the precepts of the Christian relig ion, and anarchy hates Christianity. The legionaries fought for funda mental morality, and anarchy hates our code of morals as much as it hates the laws and institutions which protect that code. The legionaries fought to make the world safe for tiemocracy, and anarchy fights from ambush, when it can; openly,- when it dares to banish democracy from the face of the earth. The I. W. W. murder of the four ex-soldiers in the Armistice day pa rade at Centralia, Wash., was, there fore symbolical of the warfare upon civilization and all its works that is being carried forward under the red flag in this land and in all lands. It- is a war against all good men and women, and it is a war against God. For God, who decreed "the primal curse"' a misnomer for the primal blessing that in the sweat of his brow man should earn his bread, is hated and cursed by the hosts of red radicalism. Their war is for the establish ment of a new world" that shall defy and blaspheme God. It is for a new world that shall overthrow govern ment, burn the laws, defile and de ride morality, and establish the jun gle rule of might over unorganized and unprotected weakness. It would tear down the wall3 of every home, make every woman a piece of public property, and deliver over every child to be reared and trained by a god- iss and unmoral "state" presided over by .proletarian autocrats like Lenine. It is a movement to attain to happiness by establishing a soci ety, in which Ignorance and Bes tiality shall be Joint rulers and where all may live in luxury with out work. This Call of the Wild is a chal enge to every man who reverences God, who loves his home, who jle ires its protection, who prefers civ ilization to barbarism, who believes in law and order and democracy, who is willing to work hard for an honest living and who ,volues his rights to life, liberty, and the prop erty which his enterprise, labor and thrift have brought to him. And it is not alone those who frankly wave the .red flag thatouud the. call. Every selfish and consci enceless profiteer sounds it. Every idler and parasite, prodigal and lux urious in the fruits of other mcnTs toil, sounds it. Every employer who skimps production to enhance prices sounds it. Every workman who de liberately loafs on the Job, refublng to give an honest day's work for an honest day's pay,' sounds it. Know ingly or unknowingly, such as theso, alike are inviting the advance of the junglea as it blinks its slimy way to overrun tha cultivated fields and fair cities of our modern civilization.!. fttfht thinking men and women vefywhere will rally, in the name of God and humanity, to put down this foul thing that is the most evil and abhorrent menace to human hap piness to appear since time began. They will combine their strength to crush it as they would a monstrous prehistoric reptile threatening their homes and firesides. And in their War upon it they will make no dis tinction between the jungle deni zens filthy and in rags and those sweet scented and hypocritical, with soft bodies and hard faces, that mas querade in broadcloth and fine linen. World-Herald. '.:o:- UHDKH OF IIBAIIIX; and Notioe on I'rtltlon for Sr-t-tlrmni of Aecount. In the County Court ot Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass county, sh. To all persons interested in the es tate of William A. Edmisten. deceased: On reading the petition of Dan U'nn pray In k a final settlement and allow ance of Ms account filed in this court on the 13th day of November, 1910, ami for distribution and assignment; it is Hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter mav ami do. appear at the County Court to be held in. and for said county, on the 21th day of November. A. I).' 1919. at ten 10) o'clock a. m., to show cause. it any tnerel be. why the praver of the . petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing- thereof be triven to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the i'lattsmoutn Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county tor one week, prior to said day of heal ins:. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my liaml and the Seal of said Court, this 13th day of November, A l. 1919. ALLEN J. JIEESOX. Countv Judge. Hy KLOUKNCK WHITE. teal nl7-itw . Clerk. NOTICIO TO CKKniTOItS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. in the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Oney jsa belle carper, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room In I'latts. mouth. In said county, on November 26. 1919 and March 26. 1920. at ten (101 o'clock a. m. on each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is five months from the 21st day of October. A. IX 1919. and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said 21st day of Oc- touer. isi. Witness my band and the seal ot said Countv Court, this 21st day of October, 1919. ALLEN J. UKESON. (Seal) o2C-5w. County Judge. NOT1CK TO CHEIIITOMS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty. ss. In the County court. In the matter of the estate 6f Mich ael Timmas, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in I'latts- mouth In said county on November 26. 1919 abd March 26. 1920. at ten 10 o'clock a. m., of each day. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time limit ed for the presentation of claims against said estate is five months from the 25th day of October, A. I). 191P, and the lime limited for pay ment of debts Is one year from said 25th day of October. 1919. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 25th day of October, 1919. ALLEN J. BEESON. Countv Judge. By FLORENCE WHITE. Seal) o27-? Clerk. AKTICI.KS OF IXCOKFOftATIOX f t lie Farmrrii I'nlou Co-operative1 An orlntlou of Grmwood, fbr. The name of this corporation shall be the Farmers Union Co-operative As sociation, of Greenwood, Nebr. The principal place of transacting the business of this corporation shall be at Greenwood, Cass county, Nebr. The business of the corporation shall be the buying and selling for itself or on commission as well as that of handling' and shipping grains farm produce, coal, live stock and farm sup plies; to purchase hold.' or lease real estate or other property for the use of the corporation in conducting its busi ness: to direct, own, control, lease or operate grain elevators, warehouses, storehouses and other buildings and to acquire property in any terminal mar kets necessary in conducting said busi ness; to purchase and to hold stock in other corporations; to borrow money; to make, execute and deliver convey ances and to secure the same; and to do. peffofm and carry on the aforesaid business in the tUate of Nebraska. The amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall I' l-Ti.OOrt.OO. which shall be divided Into 2"i0 shares of $100.00 each. $10,000.00 shall be Sully paid in at the time of commence ment of business. This stock shall be non-assessable. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the paid up capital stock. The term of the existence of this corporation shall commence on the lStlv dav of June, A. D. 1919. and the same shall continue for a term of fifty Oi0 years from said date. unless sooner dissolved by a majority of the stock holders or by operation of law. The business of thin corporation shall be conducted bv the following board of seven (7) directors until the first annual meeting as provided by its laws. The seven 7 directors are John Iale. John Armstrong, Chat. Martin, llarrv V. Bricker, F. 11. Goodfellow, O. I' Peters and C. P. Fulmer. The officers of the corporation are O' F .Peters, president; John Dale, vice President ; Harry V. Bricker. secretary and John E. Wledeinan, treasurer. FOR SALE. Chester, White boars for sale. Trices reasonable. Fall pedigree furnished free. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Call or write your wants. C. Bciigcu, My nard. Neb. W. A. ROBEKTSOfl, 4. Lawyer. 4. East of Kliey Hot a! A Coates Clock., Second Floor. 4 'I-l-2"M"H- -H-M-H-" Re Why pay $75.00 to $100.00 for a new ovei coat when I can rebuild your old one for a fraction of the price of a new one. After having it repaired, cleaned and pressed you've got. practically a new coat at a nominal price. I am dyeing a great many army overcoats in navy blue, dark brown and black. They dye nicely. Look over your .winter clothes ' now and have them put in shape to wear. FCldO LUSHf OPPOSITE JOURNAL OFFICE Main Street, Vejvoda's Old Stand TELEPHONE 166 Perhaps the mildest friendship is the one with the old friend you met on the street who is so glad to" see you who asks for your address and telephone number and says. "Oh, do not mind writing them down I'll remember them." ? X 4. ON YOUR TIRES! t t J Goodrich 6000 mile tires, any size or type, sold this month at list less 5 per cent. Denatured Alcohal $1.00 per gallon. Avoid radiator trouble by filling up now. i .CEDAR CREEK ,...t ,h. I - x r.ia:j;B.m:!:B;T.;H:x;:;LTs:!;m 1 nnnn JUL HEADSTONES ij AND I Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work not to be paid for until it is set in the spring. To many wait until spring to buy. Cass County Monument Company H. W. SMITH Telephone 177 -:- BIMLillHIlll 1 rg,gar!ni:ai:c:Hrig!iWi3.aanm;aat Use Your High Priced Land! With farm lands selling at three hundred dollars per acre and wheat bringing $2.07, and corn following closely, why have some of this valuable domain loafing and not producing anything? With trees and stumps covering the ground which could as well as not be uti lized for crops, Mr. Farmer, you are losing money. I can remove these obstacles in tHe-way of a good profit to you cheaply. Call or write Vtfi J. PAKTK0OE, Weeping Water -:- -j- Nebraska ivercoafs . If there is any one thing local Elks like to do better than all cine, it is to dance. -:o:- W'e would all be million-dollar pn'ze beauties if other people would only see us as we see ourselves. 4. 9 NEBRASKA - n II u if h M M ti a n n U h b i - m a m ii fci ti ii ii ii 5 II LIU -:- Plattsmouth, Neb. ,1 II I.