PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL For Sale 180 acre Farm, 3 miles west of Plattsmouth O The Frank Steppat farm has been sold and the new owner, Tom Cromwell, has authorized me to sell it for him. Now Tom is a quick dealer and if anyone is thinking: of buying this farm, better see me at once. FOR TOM WON'T OWN IT VERY LONG Same Price as advertised before $280.00 per acre T. H. Phene'No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb. rirKTa..MF.iiiM j: COAL STRIKE TO EFFECT OUR LIGHT SERVICE CONDITION OF AFFAIRS HERE IS NOT SERIOUS MAY BECOME SO IN FEW WEEKS. OMAHA PLANT IS PREPARING Nebraska Power Company Issues a Warning: to Consumers to Aid in Saving of Power. NEGRO GOES THRU ! QUEER TACTICS. Seems to Have Had Too Much Cloth ing on for Comfcrt Peculiar Case at FJriwocd. : RETURNS FROM A TRIP TO ENGLAND to! from the naturalization department ;t Philadelphia to secure deposi tions in the ease of David Linder who has applied in that city for his final citizenship papers and to se cure which it will be necessary to have affidavits from residents of this city. Mr. Linder was a resident here for a short time and left here for the east where he has been en- . , i :.. ........., .. r u According to n-ports ..f schorl i P-t tw -'" Mr. Robertson will children in the di.-trict two nn:;,;lI;e the s?tT's necessary to assisting ctt, i ,...h,'f ..,.t nf tnv. ;, ;i securing the desired citizenship on Monday evening thry .,,v a n-! f(;r tho ycung-man. trro s;e? cut of a car close to the cr.i-j v-rt there. The car drove 0:1 the iitvro remained and took mV v." Hi Lis clothing, stacking tlina in pile and crawled into t lie uh Of course the children who had ii-iss that w.:v were somewhat friirht- c ned. but it was not thought much Krs. 3- E. PHllins. Formerly Miss of until the children saw the negro there again on Tuesday evening. A report wis sent to town an ! four or five auto loads with .rustic-X.-ihart went to th place to ma'.ie Mi) investigation. Judd Suth-rlaiid. however, was on his way with a s'.-.rr gun to Mke an i!;ve.-tigcii,)::. an 1 arrived j t; -1 ahead if the cars. A v. investigation- was made ai:l a thorough search 1 :a le with an in vest igatiou of nil the straw stac'. :;!..! barns in the community, but 1.0 i.e:,ro was to be found, nothing bu; a pair of overalls, a couple of slur's r.nd other wearing apoarel beiii-i found. The whole thins; to be Jessie Foxwell, Visits in This City V7it!i Ilcr Aunt. Mrs. Ramrey. ! Mr-. I. K. Phillips formerly, of j Chadron. nnd who has just returned i frrm a viit of several months in ; J-'nglar.d. i in the city for a visit of i some time r.t the home of her uncle c.ivcr aTair. 1 he r.esrro evtdcn had a s'ip"rabi::idance of Ict hisi and uesired to pet r:;l oT some of it. or had a number of change so that h' miuht bo able to hide his iden tity. The probable conclusion is that he was ins;::." from his aeticn-. !-r vert lit b-ss he disappeared : lid t v.hoie afi'air remains a my.-tery.--U! in wood Leader-KcI;o. DOING VERY NICELY. From Saturday's Pallv. The latest reports from Omaha ftate that Leonard Meisinger is con tinuing to sliow improvements at the Ford hospital and the blithest of hopes are entertained fr his early recovery. This will bo most pleas ing news to the hos: of friends of this estimable young man who have 1 sen finite worried over Lis case for the past week. The members of the immediate family are still at Omaha assisting in the care of Leonard and will remain there until lie is out or all danger of a relapse. and aunt. Judge nr.d Mrs. 1L S. Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips wove in IMattsmouth last May ju-t prior to sailing for England and have rinre been enjoying a stay in the island kingdom. The mother of ?.Ir. Phillips resides in the Cornwall provinces of England and it was in that portion of the kingdom that th? greater portion of their visit wa e-'jeyed. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips found that the prices in England were very hirrh and much greater than in the United States at the present time but greatly enjoyed the tour through the- beautiful south woftfr'i country. Mr. Phillips is at present in th vf lokiT? over p new locTtif n while the wife remains for a viit h'-re with her relatives and former friends. From Saturday's Dally. The continuation of the coal strike over the country is beginning to be felt in the large power plants that supply electric power and among these is the Nebraska Power company. which furnishes part of the electrical supply to the city of Platt.-mouth. Vice-president David son of that company has issued an appeal to the patrons of the com pany urging a saving of electric cur rent in every possible way in order to assist in the conservation of the coal supply of the company. In this city, the condition at the local plant has not been affected by the strike among the coal producers, but as tha strike goes on the condi tion will become more serious. At present there is a coal supply suf;i- cient at least for the next thirty days and Superintendent Kuyken- dall has been able to secure a small amount of slack from local parties, that will act as a reserve supply in case the supply of coil is exhausted. Should the strike continue over the next two weeks the result with the electrical power plants will be ser ious however and make necessary radical steps to conserve the power of the company to within the supply of coal. ' "he company, both in this city and in Omaha will serve its patrons with e'.rf-trk-itv as long as it is poss ible to do so. but in the event that the coal supplv is exhausted it will be necessary to close the plants un til relief can be had in the way of a sufficient coal supply. It is well at the present time to inaugurate a conservation of the light service and to burn only what amount is absolutely necessary as the less lights that are burned the less will be the consumption of coal it the power plant. DR. T. P. LIVINGSTON AELE TO EE OUT Prnm Patiirrtav'i" lOailv. This morning Dr. T. P. Livingston was able to be at his office for the first time in a week and while hi 'AiU feels somewhat the effects cf his illness he is much improved and expects in a few days to be back in form and ready to resume his prac tice. The many friends of the esti mable doctor were delighted to see him once more able to be up and around and are hopeful that he may crntinue to snow such niarkeu 1m J provement. DESIRES TO SECURE CITIZENSHIP From Saturrtar'c pnily f'lerk cf the District Court James Robertson has received a request Mrs. William Krecklow was a pas senger for Omaha this morning, at which place she will visit for a few hours looking after some matters of business. fss. THE UNIVERSAL CAP Ford cars have become such a world utility that it would almost seem as if every family ought to have its Ford car. Runabout, Touring Car, Coupe, Sedan, (the two latter have enclosed bodies,) and the Truck Chassis, have really become a part and parcel of human life. You want one because its service will be pro fitable for you. We solicit your order at once because, while production is lim ited, it will be first come, first supplied. k3 T. H. Pollock Auto Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. Phone No. 1 2E t ' -'II I 1 I W THE pi llj,, nave will be V1 $f! day you start MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, ld!9. KNOCKS OUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief from pain makes Sloan s the World's Liniment MEMBERSHIP OF A, F. & A. GFiOWif i This famous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness. stiffness, painful sprains, neuralgic piiin, and mot other external twinges that humanity sutlers from, enjoys its great" s-ales be-cau-e it practically never fails to brin? speedy, comiorting relief. Alwajs ready for use. it takes little to Penetrate zrithoitt rubHmj and pro- cfuce results, tlcan. refreshing. At all drug stores. 35c. "0c. SI. 40. SIX CANDIDATES GIVEN THE E. A. DEGREE LAST NIGHT, BEGINNING AT FIVE. HAVE MUCH WORK AHEAD Past Year Has Eeen One of Much Activity Many Taking the Higher Degrees. RED GROSS DRIVE IS PROGRESSING Fnrn Saturday's Daify. Activity in local Masonic circh:; has made wonderful strides during the past ytar. the climax heini; readied last night when six candi dates were fciven the Kntered Ap prentice degree at the hand. of the master workmen of I'lattsnfouth Large Number of Memberships in No. G. the Greatest of Beneficial Org anizations Secured in City. EXCITEMENT ON PEARL STREET From Saturday's ratly. The residents along Pearl street esterday afternoon were much ex cited when a strange canine that had been shot and mortally wound ed made its appearance along that treet and after wandering around the neighborhood between Ninth and Eleventh streets finally strayed into the yard at the home of Mrs. Peter Bates where the suffering ani mal made his final exit from the earthly activities. The ownership of the dog or the identity of the person shootMng it remains a mys tery but its unfortunate condition greatly excited the sympathetic feel ings of the good people residing in that locality. The city authorities have been notified of the demise of the animal and a hurry up call for the official burial wagon of the city has been made. SECURES MARRIAGE LICENSE From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon a marriage license was issued in the office of County Judge Allen J. IJeeson to Mr. Kenneth Easton Sedman, of Wahoo, and Miss Grace Gustin, of Murdoclc. Joth of the young people are well known in the central portion of the county and are very popular among large circle of friends. Miss Gus tin is the daughter of Hon. John J. Gustin and a very charming younu lady who has been reared to wom anhood in this county. Mr. Sedman a former service man, having served in the army during the war and prior to his entering the service made his home at Murdock. The young people will be married at the home of the bride's parents next Tuesday. Constipation. Most laxatives and cathartics af ford only temporary relief and should be used only for that purpose. When you want permanent relief take Chamberlain's Tablets and be careful to observe the directions with each package. These tablets not only move the bowels, but im prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Fr'irn Saturday's pall v. The sale of memberships .n the American Hod ('ro.s was epcp.ed in the city yesterduv when the girls of the Toka canipfire took up the task of selling the memberships at he postofHee and other places over the citv and the response to their nppeal from the generous people of the city has b"en very pleasing. There is nothing in the world morr deserving than t lie work-Tf the Ked Cross and the amount asked is fo rtnall that tew cannot aflord to give their aid to the movement. The members of the Hoy Scouts are al.-o assisting in the work of securing members for the great charitable organization and with the canipfire girls are demonstrating their pat riotism and love of their fellow beings in aiding the roeiety that is for the assistance of humanity. 1 von have not become a member of the Ked Cross do not fail to enroll this evening and help on the gr:od cause. The lodge met in special session at o'clock and ere the coming of the call from labor to refreshment. three candidates had been introduc ed to i lie iimuanieiuai leaciuns oi Ancient Craft Masonry. Adjourn ment was then taken to the dining hall in the Masonic temple where a tempting repast had been prepare, 1 by the stewards of the lodge, and to which all did ainpie justice. While the number in attendance exceeded the expectations of the officers, by juick work they were able to m stretch their feeding no one was permitted to go hungry although it did require a "second' table to accommodate them all. THAT IS THE DAY YOU BEGIN TO MAKE YOUR OWN GOOD LUCK-FOR LUCK IS SIMPLY DOING THE RIGHT THING. WHY NOT MAKE IT TODAY? CUT THE CORDS OF EXTRA VAGANCF THAT BIND YOU, AND WASTES YOUR MONEY AND YOUR ENERGY. COME IN AND START YOUR BANK ACCOUNT NOW AND REGULARLY BANK YOUR MONEY. YOU WILL SOON REALIZE THAT EVERY MAN MAKP.S HIS OWN LUCK. YOU WILL RECEIVE H INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. Farmers tate Pl.ATTRMOUTH. NFRRASKA lank MISS SPECK IMPROVING facilities that i Iteports received from the Iininun uel hospital state that Miss Ilelle Speck of this city, who is at that in- t 7::;0 the session was conf inued ! st it ution recovering from the effects PRESBYTERIAN LADIES AUXILIARY MET The Presbyterian ladies auxiliary met in the church parlors Wednes day afternoon with a goodly num ber of the membership present. Dur ing the business session plans were completed and committees appointed for the Rummasre sale to be hold in the Kbersole implement building. No vember 12. 13 and 14. After the social hour the hostesses Mesdames J. W. Holmes and Edna Shannon served daintv refreshments. The ladies departed at a late hour hav ing enjoyed a pleasant and profit able afternoon. THOROUGH WORK!; Hew a Plattsmouth Citizen Found Freedom From Kidney Troubles. kid- If you suffer from backache From urinary disorders Any curable disease of the neys. Use a tested kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills have been tested by thousands. Platlsmouth people testify. Ask your neighbor. Can von ask more convincing proof of merit? Mrs. II. P.rinkman. 1223 Vine St., Plattsmouth. says: "We keep Doan's Kidney Pills in the house all the time and whenever we need a kid ney medicine, they give satisfactory results. I take Doan's Kidney Pills now and then, when my back both ers me. and thev soon remedy the trouble:." Price COc. at all dealers. Don't simnlv ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Brinkman had. l oster- Milburn Co., Mfgrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. in eainudate. were given tiie h. A. ue- gree. after which tne lectures oi tne degree were expounded in able man ner bv fast Master U. C . novey. When the work was concluded it wr.s found that the hour nau grown h;te. but a few moments were m- iuiged in for brief talks, among which was a most excellent one by William Paird. superintendent of t he Hurlington shops. The work last night was only a part of that liefore the local louge for the next few weefcs. Numerous other petitions have been received. and a good number of candidates are in line for the F. C. and M. M. de grees. The attendance last night was ex ceptionally good, there being in the neighborhood of seventy-five present ihroughuut the long session, while nearly half as many more came and left as the time at their disposal woul permit. There is a tendency on the part of manv Blue lodge Masons to take the higher degree work this year al- f A. - A. so. and a numuer oi teams in me Iloyal Arch chapter have recently been advanced along the Yo'-k rite bile the Commandery has numerous petitions on file wnicn are toon to be acted upon, and work in that branch will be begun preently. In addition, a proposition to se- . i 1 . cure a class to taKe tne worK irom the third to the eighteenth degree, inclusive, is meeting with much sue- . . . 1 1 !.. cess. nausmom a uireauy nus a goouiy numner oi bcouisu rue .Ma sons and from present indications the coming year win see many moie au ded to the ranks. The officers and members of Platts mouth lodge No. (, A. F. & A. M. are to be congratulated upon .the splen- j did growth the past few months have witnessed in lodge membership, and; ail the more so because of the fact j of an operation for appendicitis, is now getting along in fine shape and her family and friends are greatly encourage"! over the fact and the brightest of hopes are entertained that she will soon be able to return to her home in this city. The opera tion has been very successful in ev ery way and greatly pleasing to the attending surgeons. FUNERAL OF MRS. N. H. ISBELL From Saturday's Daily. The funeral services of Mrs. N. H. Isbell was held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the late home west of the city and was quite largely attended by old friends and neighbors who gathered to pay their last respects to the memory of the well beloved friend who had been taken from them. The services were in charge of Rev. A. V. Hunt er, pastor of the Methodist church. The body was laid to rest in the fam ily lot at Oak Hill. - NEVV ARRIVAL IN PLATTSMOUTH From Saturday's DalJv. At an early hour this morning the population of the city was increased by the advent at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Moore of a very charming little daughter, who has been christened Joan Elizabeth Moore. The occasion has been one of t lie greatest joy to the parents and t lie friends will rejoice with them in the new happiness that has visited their home. Both the little daughter and the mother are doing nicely and Andy is simply in the heights of glory over the addition to the family. The little one has brought much pleasure also to the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lev-da and Mrs. Ada Moore, a1 well as to the uncles and aunts of the little lady. A Good Cough Medicine for Children Mrs. J. W. riiillips, Redon. Ga.. phoned to J. M. Floyd, the merchant there, for a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and said she had bought a bottle of it at his store recently and that it was doing her children so much good that she wanted to keep up the treatment. You will find nothing better for coughs and colds in children or for yourself. It keeps the cough loose, expectoration easy and soon frees the system from the cold. CURB ANT GUTTER SHOWS PROGRESS The work of installing the curb and gutter along South Fifth street is getting along in Jine shape and Bert Coleman, the contractor, in charge of the work is expecting to have it completed in a very few days and in readiness to turn over to the city for inspection and ac ceptance. The hill leading from Main street to Garfield park cer tainly presents a vastly improved appearance as the result of the in stalling of the new curb and gutter and the grading that has greatly re duced the steep grade formerly ex isting there. The rapid work on the south Fifth street hill gives hopes of having the north hill curbed and guttered before the winter weather et in and aid in the completion of a very extensive street improvement program for the year. We do all kinds of job printing. that ro man is ever solicited identify himself with the order. to ATTEND OMAHA LODGE This Means You. When you get up with a bad taste in your mouth, a dull tired feeling. no relish for food and are consti pated, you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only cause an agreeable movement of the bowels, but cleanse and invigorate the stomach and im prove the digestion. From Friday's Pally. This afternoon a number of the members of Home Chapter. Order ot Kas-tcrn Star of this city, departed for Omaha, where they are to auen.i a meeting this evening oi i-ineny Chapter of that city and take part in the initiation ceremonies of the Omaha lodge. Those in tne pariy were Mesdames William Baird. W. C. Tippens, Val Burkel, U imam ccn- midtmann and Mr. and Mrs. Luke L Wiles. ANOTHER Daoce Only a Cold. Are you ill? is often answered: Oh! it's only a cold." as u a cum was a matter or nine tuuwiiuci., but people are beginning to learn that a common cold is a matter not J. E. Wiles was among those going to Omaha this morning to spend a few hours looking after some matters to De trifled with, that some of the . lit. A of business. most serious diseases start wim cold. As soon as the first indica- B. F. Goodman, accompanied byftion of a cold appears taKe tnam- rou eh Remedy. Remem- - i departed this morning for Omaha, at which place they will visit for the ber that the sooner you get rid of vour cold the less the danger, and Fancy stationery at this office. day and look after some matters of j this remedy will help you to Ihrow business. it off. COATES HALL, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Wednesday, November 12th MUSIC BY Celebrated Bungalow Jazz OF OMAHA Say, Folks You Are Going to Miss Something If You Don't Come Out and Support a Regular Jazz Entertainment. It starts at 8:30 and you can go home any time up to ONE and after, but listen brothers, it can't be done with this MUSIC! You just can't leave! Dancers $1 and tax; Spectator 50c and tax; Ladies Free -DANCE GIVEN BY K. K. CLUB I