The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 06, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
is a word you often see in advertising
with many it is only a word here it is
an actual fact. Service means to us just
what it means to you. Service is some
thing we practice as sincerely as we
ami of
your aprons at the
Mtthodist bazaar November
lZ-th. at I
; lif Farmers store.
Koy O. Cole, of near Mynartl, was
lo.' after some business matters
Union the first of the week. '
dam Fallmer. of Shubert. was
lof.king after s-mie business matters'
in Union tor a short time last Mon-J
Miss Harriett, little daughter of;
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Leach, was re-:
ported as being vcrv sick at the homo ;
of her parents in this city the
the weeK.
Miss Mildred Clark, who va vis
iting for several days at the home
of her sister at Auburn. returned
home last Saturday after having eit
joyed a most excellent time while
Hew W. A. Taylor was anions,
those who took a ride in the air
plane which visited Union on last
Thursday, and reports the coin?
(Hi', or. to use the words of Joseph
Banning, "the experience is exhiller
at ing."
Mrs. Clu.rles Garrison. who has
been so Mck at her home for some
time past, is reported as being great
ly improved and is so much better
that she has been abl to pet along
without the nurse who was kept
during her illness.
J. D. Cross, the manager of the
Farmers Co-operative store, accom
panied by his wife and Miss Jessie
Todd, were visitors in Plattsmouth
last Monday, driving up in the car
heb-nging to Mr. Cross. Their trip
wa made primarily for the purpose
cf looking aft.T some business mat
ters for the Farmers store.
Union Postoffice Mail Schedule.
6:"0 a.
2::::. p.
9:o0 p.
t; : 0 o
p. m.
a. P-
Lincoln Branch
,i a. m.
Short Orders a Specialty
We Keep Open Until Midnight
In the Jlodeni Woodman Euilding Also Operating
Counter and Hotel
Car of Cement!
These cars just came in the
past week.
Cold weather will soon be
here. Build NOW!
Frans Bros.
Phone 69-A
Miss Gav Laon. the teacher of the
Factoryvilie school, was a visitor at
her home in Louisville last Sunday,
spending the week-end with her par
ents. Charles Smith and wife, of Falls
City, were looking after some busi
ness matters in Union, arriving: here
last Sunday evening and remaiair:,
for a couple of days.
Miss Anna Alhausen was a visitor
at her home in Lincoln over tln
week-end. returning Sunday night
to resume her work as an instructor
in the public schools here.
t Professor L. A. ward, ot the I 1110:1
: schools and Hon. W. R. Banning
were looking after some business
i matters at Weeping Water last Sat-
urday, driving over in Mr. Banning's
Miss Klizabeth .Rabe was visited
by her parents last Friday evening,
they having driven down from their
home at Lincoln in a car and Miss
Elizabeth returned home with them
for an over Sunday visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Pollard, of
Nehawka. were vi.-itin.g in Union
last Sunday. driving over in their
; car to attend church and also taking
dinner at the home of the parents
j of Mrs. Pollard. II. M. Frans and
i wit-, east of town.
! Homer Anderson and wife and
' Mrs. Mae Sorwell. all of Omaha.
, were visiting in Union over Sunday,
1 coming down in their car. They were
, guests while here of Mr. and Mrs.
Matt McQuinn, who also had as their
: guests Mr. and Mr?. Oliver Mc
Quinn. of Nebraska City, the form
i er being the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Quinn. of Union.
K. J. Mougey. of northwest of
town was a visitor in both Omaha
and Plattsmouth last Monday, look
ing after some business matters at
each place. While in the county
seat. Mr. Mougey also visited with
numerous of his many friends living
there. During his stay he called at
the Journal office, and paid the edi
tor and force a short visit. We are
always glad to have our friends call
on us when in the city. Come again.
Mr. Mougey.
Frank Boggs Restaurant
and Lunch
near the Depot
of Lumber!
Lumber Go,
Union, Nebr.
Jack Chalfant was looking after
pome business matters in the coun
ty seat the first of the week.
Dr. Charles M Swab was a pa-iSen-ger
to Omaha last Monday evening,
where he was called cn some profes
sional business.
Lemuel Barrett was spending a
few days at his home in Union this
week while the state teachers asso
ciation was meeting in Omaha.
I. W. Foster and wife who have
bt en making their nome with their
daughters in Omaha. were visiting
in -I'nion for a few days the first of
the week.
Fred Clark and wife and It. H.
Leach were looking after some busi
ness matters at Nebraska City last
Monday, having driven down in Mr.
Clark's car.
Wi:::ield Swan and F-lmer 15. Chap
man re lookiiig after some bu;i-:o.--!
matters at the county seat last
at." m .1
eve ni ni
driv en
up in the
out on
road, so timing his return to reach
home in time to vote at the election
held Tuesday.
j p Roddy reuirned from Omaha
last Monday morning where he had
spent the week end. and departed
via iiutomi bile for Omaha, where he
had seme business matters to look
aliej .
Ivan Balfour was in town last
Monday. coming from his home
southwest of town to look alter some
business matters. He said he had
iusr begun nicking his corn, which
promised a fair yield.
Sunerint endent McDonald
of the
Union scho.
ds departed for
this (Thursday i morning, where he
w-iti attend the state teachers asso
ciation meeting which is being he'd
there tor th" remainder of the week.
Wit; iff Id Yonker ar.d family were
visiti:;- ;:: Plattsmouth last Sunday,
being guests at the home of J. F.
(;,!!: v :.?:d family and of M. T.
Thacker ami sons Len and Lee. They
drove op in their ear and returned
Lome i:i the evening.
M. i.eydci is supplying the peop'e
of Uiii.-n ar.d vicinity with fresh
m. :. 1:
M ond.a y,
i:r.g butch
ami v.-ill
the winter
ered a b'-ef last
every few days
butcher a hog or
r. beef and stir.-idv the people by the
quarter or as much as they desire.
Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, the latter
a daughter of .lames C. Rot'".y and
wife, wore spending Sunday : the
home of Mrs. Dickson's r-iren: near
Union, coming from their home at
l-'i Calhoun last Saturday and re
turning home the first of the week.
Lloyd Yonker am! wife, who have
been stopping at the home of his
tarents. Winfield Yonker and wife.
where Lloyd is assisting in the gath
ering of tl.o corn crop, after having
vi.-ited in Plattsmouth for the week
end retrrned to resume work here
last Monday.
Kyke Mason. who lias been at
Plattsmouth lor the past few days.
returned to his work tn I nion on
last Monday and hustled out to look
alter the telephone lines which were
needing his attention. Kyke is a
hustler when it comes to looking
alter the telephone lines.
Sheriff C. 1). Qutr.ton was in I nion
last Saturdav looking alter the serv
ing of some official papers and again
he end County Attorney A. G. Cole
passed through town on thtir way to
Eagle where they were both calle.
to look after some legal matters ot
last Saturday, making the trip m a
M. Krnestine, of Nebraska City,
a youth who is visiting at the home
of Hugh Anderson, coming up for
an outing over the week end. was
fortunate in that he was able to
shoot a number of squirrels on last
Saturday, thereby adding to the en
joyment of his visit.
Attorio-v W. A. Robertson. Mayor
If. A. Schneider and Realtor J. P.
Falter, all of Plattsmouth. were in
I nion last Monday morning, com
ing down to 1 ioV After the interests
of Hon. Ernest M. Pollard, who was
a candidate for the portion of dele
gate lo th constitutional conven
tion, the selection of which occurred
on last Tuesday. After having left
a number of cards and posters they
departed for Nehawka, Avoca and
We' ping Water and other points in
the county. The matter of the elec
tion of a delegate received consider
able attention.
Departed for Visit to Springs
Mr. and Mrs. Mat( McQuinn. of
Uni-n. and Dr. P. F. lirendel of
Murray departed last Wednesday
for Excelsior Springs, Mo., whore
they will remain for some three
weeks an-! will while there take
treatment for their health. This
treatment will include a course of
baths and they are hoping upon their
return to be much benefitted in
Will Erect a Monument
ul Lynn, administrator, and
I ht i
Cbar'es L. Graves, attorney for the
estate ef William E. Kdruinson, have
made arrangements for the erection
of a monument to the memory of Mr.
Edmiuson and have given the order
for the same. Mr. Lynn was a busi
ness visitor in Nebraska City Mon
day afternoon to look after some bus
iness connected with the order.
Methodist Church Notes
There will be no preaching services
in the morning as Rev. Morrison
goes to Wyoming this week to hold
Sunday morning service. Bible
school at 10 a. in. Intermediate jun
ior and primary league at p. m.
This service is conducted by Miss
Alice Crozier, who is the superinten
dent if this department. Epworth
League at l:4. Eveuirg preaching
service at 7 : '!0.
ri'j a Thriving Lusincss
The two brothers ho came to
Union on last Thursday with their
airplane and engaged in carryins
local citizens into the clouds, did a
thriving business and were richer
after some two hours of service by
- o o n -. i 1 ...... . . . v. . A . , - t
bouie Jiiu.uu, jesa uui 11 loOK 10
purchase gasoline and oil. The peo
ple cf the city who rode, and of
whom there were about 35, were all
well pleased with their experience.
To Teach School in Colorado
Robert Roddy, who but a short
time ago returned from a period of
two years' service overseas, has ac
cepted a position as teacher in the
public schools at Seybert, Colorado,
and departed last Saturday for that
place, where he took up his work on
Monday of this week. Mr. Roddy is
well qualified for the position to
which he has been called and will
make a success of his pedagogical
work as he has that of a soldier.
Charles Dysart Suffers Severe Injury
as Result of His Buggy Ran
Into By Automobile.
Saturday evening a very serious
accident occurred on the main road
a mile east of the town of Union in
which Charles Dysart, one of the
farmers residing east of Union sus
tained two fractured ribs as the re
sult of having his buggy ran into
by the automobile owned by A. L.
Pecker and which at the time was
being used by the sons of Mr. Beck
er. The accident occurred on the
;teep hill leading into the town of
Union and was just, after darkness
had fallen. The members of the
Pecker family had started for town
and were using the spot light on
the automobile to guide their way
over the road and as they made
the ascent of the hill the light burn
ed out as the members of the ante
party states and left them in the
darkness to complete their journey
into Union where they were to have
their light repaired. Mr. Dysart
was also going into Union and his
team and buggy was slightly in ad
vance of the Pecker car and it was
not until the automobile was almost
onto the buggy that it was seen and
then the driver of the car attempted
to turn out to avoid striking the
buggy but the distance was too
short and the car crashed into one
of the rear wheels of the buggy,
wrecking it and throwing Mr. Dysart
out into the roadway and in the
fall he sustained the fracture of
two of his ribs. The team of Mr.
Dysart. alarmed by collision became
frightened and started to run. and
as they tore along over the road in
to I'nion smashed the buggy to
ruins and it was with difficulty that
a number of the citizens were able
to check their progress in the east
tinrt of the business part of the
city. Mr. Dysart was taken on into
I'nion and received medical atten
tion for his in juries and was at last
reports resting easily.
Erected a Monument
Albert Lillie. of near Tecumseh,
but formerly a resident of Platts
mouth and who lost a son about a
vear ago from the "flu" was in Union
the first of the week with his two
little sons, Roy- and Ralph, on their
wav home from Murray, where they
had been looking after the erection
of a monument over the grave of the
deceased son and brother. The monu
ment was erected by Ora S. Mason
of Tecumseh, who is engaged in that
line of business. While in conversa
tion with the Journal man. Mr. Lil
lie took' occasion to order the paper
fent to his address near Tecumseh.
so that he may keep in touch with
events occurring in this portion of
the state.
Makes Big Real Estate Deal
After having had some realtors
working on the sale of the two places
without success. Carl Stone of Ne
hawka and Joseph Brandt, of near
Union get together and effected the
Kale to each other of their respective
holdings, which went for $350 per
acre. Mr. Brandt had 120 acres
which brought in the sale J42.000.
while the farm of Mr. Stone includes
2;r, acres, and brought $9S.OOO, or
a total of $140,000 for the two farms
that were exchanged. After the
completion of the deal, Mr. Stone has
Ghas. L. G raves
Union Bank Building
a complete general line of
When in need of anything
call' on
Union, Nebraska
concluded that he will enter the real
estate business on his own account,
and is now open for contracts.
Epworth League Picnic Success
The Hallowe'en picnic party, held
bv the members of the Young Peo
ples' society at the home of one of j
their members. Miss Mary Becker.!
was a success in every particular.!
There were in all nearly seventy-five
in attendance, all of whom enjoyed j
me nospnamy oi me luamins nur-
tess to the utmost and were royally
entertained by her and her parents.
Those to enjoy the occasion besides
the members of the Epworth League
were the Campfire girls and other
friends. A majority of those in at
tendance were costumed. Ghosts,
witches and fairies predominated.
A fortune teller was present to
tell your fortune and games of all
kinds enlivened the fleeting hours.
A splendid lunche formed a pleasing
feature of the evening s entertain
ment. Baptist Church Notes
Preaching in the morning at 11
o'clock. Also preaching in the even
ing at 7:30. The subject for the
evening's discourse will be "Hell,"
and it is one of the series of ser
mons being delivered by Rev. Tay
lor, notice of which appears else
where in this paper.
The Death Angel Came to Claim the
Spirit of Mrs. John Pnt chard
of Weeping Water.
Mrs. John Pritchard. the sister of
Miss Alice Crozier, of the faculty of
the public schools of Union, who
has been suffering for some time at
her home in Weeping Water on ac
count of a cancer which was sapping
her vitality, was called to the other
world on last Sunday evening, after
having endured many months of suf
fering. Miss Crozier was called to
the bedside of her suffering sister
and ministered to her during the last
Hours of her life. Everything possi
ble was done for her relief, but to
no avail, the good woman answer
ing the call with a smile, knowing
that a life of faithful service
such as she had lived would be re
warded after death.
The funeral was held at the First
Methodist church in Weeping Wat
er on Tuesday of this week and in
terment was made in the Weeping
Water cemetery. Mrs. Pritchard
leaves besides her devoted husband,
a daughter. Miss Grace Pritchard.
of Weeping Water, and her sister,
Miss Alice Crozier. teacher in the
Union public schools.
Buvs a New Reo Truck
Fred W. Young, who has extensive
'.and interests in the western part of
the state, and who will remove to
that section of the country in the
spring, has sown a large acreage to
wheat this fall. He has just made
the purchase of a new Reo truck
from the Robert Willis agency here,
which will be used in handling the
work on his western farm. Mr.
Young looks at the matter of farm
ng in the same light as any other
business proposition and does not
propose to get anything short of the
most of his efforts when good im
plements and improved facilities will
enable him to do so. Hence the rea
son fer the purchase of the new
truck which he believes more eco
nomical than horse power.
Got a Free Ride Out of It
Last Thursday afternoon while the
two men in the aeroplane visited in
this city, a crowd was soon attract
ed to the landing field just east and
south of Fred Clark's and J. P..
Roddy's houses, and when the men
offered to give twelve minute rides
for 10 to all who wished to tour
the clouds, Fred Clark said he would
not mind taking a whirl skyward,
but the ten plunks deferred him. So
his friends joshed him saying lie did
not have the nerve, and said if he
would take the ride they would sup
ply the ten simoleons. To this he
readily assented and was soon skim
ming about in the clouds. This start
ed the ball rolling and many took
rides during the afternoon, the sixth
being on his way up as our train
pulled out.
Hear Next Sunday's Sermon
The next of the series of sermons
being delivered at the First Baptist
church of Union by the pastor, Rev.
J. B. Taylor, will be on the very
warm topic, "Hell." You have im
doubtely weindered tibout this place
and what it has in store for you. so
come and listen to what the Scrip
ture has to say and learn for your
self whether it is a place or a state
of condition of the mind. See wheth
er it is a literal fire with smoke and
sulphur and brimstone and how long
it will last. See if there is any way
of escaping its torments. Will it be
eternal or consuming? Is there any
difference between purgatory and
hell? Conic out ami hear Ibis able
address founded on actual Scriptural
doctrine and listen to the excellent
music that is being prepared. A cor
dial welcome is extended to all.
Receives Call Prom Beatrice.
Rev. J. B. Taylor, pastor of the
Baptist Church, has recently had a
flattering call from the First Bap
tist Church of Beatrice, Nebraska.
Beatrice is a city of thirteen thous
and people, supporting twenty-one
churches, two of these are Baptist
churches. The church which ex
tended the call to Rev. Taylor, has
for sears been among the leading in
the state.
Rev. Taylor advises us that he has
not accepted this call however, be
cause cf the shortness of his pastor
ate in Union, coupled with the fact
that the loyalty of Urn Baptist mtm
bertdiip in Union has never been sur
passed in his twelve yesr experience
personal regard toward the Union
brethren, and there is a bright out
l'Kk for a great advancement along
Unes of real services in Union Bap
tist church.
Miss Margaret Swan, member of
the Senior class of Union high
school, met with the painful accident
e f having her collar bone broken
while playing basket ball. Monday
night. This being examination
".eek. however, and the fact that
Miss Margaret has been exempted
from taking them on account of
good grades, has made the accident
come at an opportune time. since
she will be able to resume her classes
in another week if she continues to
improve as rapidly as at the present
Union Public School Notes.
The attendance of the high school
this vear is thirty-five.
During convocation, which eonics
between the first two and last tWo
periods in the morning, v.o have a
rest from study. On Monday and
Tuesday we sing, on Wednesday we
have chapel. Friday is "class day."
i.aoii li.ns 11-. o i rivib'ge of doing
what it wishes,
class organization
in?:;. At this twe
we usually go on
Sometimes it 1
or business meet
:.ty miri'.ue period
hikes about town.
from si'.ulv ihor-
enjoying the- rest
or.ghly. The fresh air and sun-nine
rives us vitality, and we go back to
the school room feeling that life is
filled with .s'inny hours.
The High school raised a fund
some time ago for the purpose of
purchasing a basket ball, foot ball,
and vollev ba'.l for the school. Mr.
Ward kindly donated a two dollar
This shows that the teacher?
are 'hit ere:-ted in the athletic affairs
of the students.
Its awful to be a "Fresh ie" in U.
H. S. when you have to have !'0 in
Latin ar.d !" in deportment to g t
ut of exams, but as "proper" is our
middle name we'r.- all sure of getting
We had (.;ir fortune's to.d 1;-'
Wednesday night at the party and
our future certainly look.-i bright,
a'thouc'i we are t drift far ::part,
.,-,i;,p to be s:Ctrc-- s. while i"rs
mi i,9vi to b.- sati.-'icd with gtttr.'g
The peppiest class of I'. 11. S.
everyone knows??!!
Our class officers are:
President Sarah .loiinsen .
Vice President Harold Frans
Secretary Nina i)ukes.
Treasurer Alton Young.
Sivinsor Miss Rabe.
Cnr,s".r we '.ist had to have you
mav know. . .
With whom we the burden migat
In the English department we
loo!-"d high and low.
xi;. IMlm ua; l!ip one who W3
i woiir ici1:iv evening the
lACll , , .
t- 1 nrlirluitlwl the .lUniO
at the home of Alma I rans. The
entire decorations were carried out
in Hallowe'en effect. Affr the
guests had arrived a frrmal two
inn -liein was served. The
prettily decorated
r. d autumn leaves
Ward told seme
table was very
with candle a
ftii-n".i vHc AT 1"
thrilling gln.-t .stories. Aoout i
o'clock the gue t: departed d.'clar
inr iiio EreshmcTi rovn! en t --rt a: v f v
and all reported a rrdendid time.
Those "wi.ndenul
coming Thursday and
all of the Junior-- had
"-rude of !'", D 1 Cent.
f-amc are
Friday and
a deporimeat
M v '. Aren't
we good ?
We Juniors are thinking of giv
ing our class play before Christmas,
but there is nothing about
Rickety! Rackety! Rus!
What's the matter with us?
Nothing a all! Nothing at all!
We're the clas. the cla - ie-t class.
That ever was classed in any class.
Vern a
and 4th
Morton is teaching Mi?3
room this week.
Garrisoti taught the -'rd
grades Tuesday afternoon.
John Murtey
is drvvlng a Ford
runabout now.
Wayne Swart s was in Eagle on
business Monday.
Rev. E. A. Knight went to Lin
coln Tuesday afternoon.
C. C. A:iwer-on and family autoed
to Ashland on business Saturday.
Geo. Hall left Monday morning
for P.urwcll, where he expects to
buy mules.
Frank Uptegrove of Lincoln was
in town the first of the week to
visit his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Rosenow
drove to Kim wood Sunday spending
the day with the former's mother.
Benn Weaver returned from South
Bend Monday morning where he
visited over Sunday with the home
The Friday club nu-eis wi'h Mis-.
G. P. Kahlor, Nov. 7. The program
will be "Those Who iiav Made
Good." ,
Mrs. Dale Boyles entertained her
Sunday school class "The Willing
Workers" at her home We-dne-sday
A hallowe'en party wan held at
the school building for the high
school pupils, all being present ex
cept two.
The Misses Margaret and Ruth
Ganz of Dunbar, autoed over Sun
day to vie it their brother C t
Canz and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolfe of Ash-
land were guests at the home of
their son Sherman Wolfe and wife
Saturday night and Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Prouty was taken to
the hospital at Lincoln, Sunday ev
ening for treatment for rheumatism
with which she has been suffering.
the past few weeks.
Friends of Mrs. Walter Collins
gave her a mi.-ee llaneons j-hower
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Roy Coalman. About thirty
Indies were present.
Mr. : ;.d Mrs. j . 1. Rouse f.p-v
to leav the la-! of this wcdi lor St.
lo. Mr... where they will make r:u
extended it with th ir daughter
Mrs. Ralph Uhley and Mr. Uhby
Miss Nita Mullen gav? a miscel
laneous shower for Mrs Walter Col
lins last Tueday night at her home.
About twenty girl friends of Mr.
Collins were present and a jolly good
time was had.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Fcieman re
turned to their home t.t Valparaiso
Sunday evening. Mrs. Foreman
sprtit the past two weeks with her
ni(t!i"r. Mrs. Billie P.enctt and oth
er relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. P. 11. Davis and
grand daughter Miss Geneva Davis
rf Syracuse autoed up Sunday to
vb-p Mr. and Mrs'. J. P. Rouse j:nd
other relative. They returned
home Sunday evening.
The Woman's Reading Club enter
tained their families at a hallowe'en
party Friday night at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey. A three
fours? luncheon was served. M ne
than forty guests were present
Mrs. Billie Bennett entertained
at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Foreman and children of Valparaiso.
I-' i.- Bei.nttt (f Elm wood. Piek
P.ooker of Kan-as. Mr. ard Mrs. Earl
Be-nnett and Roy Bennett of this
Geo. Clark of Lincoln. Mr. and
Mrs. Ray ("lark of Prairie Horn" and
their sisters. Mrs. Inez Gleason and
Mrs. Fay Nickols from the western
part c.f the state', autoed down Fri
day evening, 'pending th evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skir.ncr.
Mr. aiid Mrs. C. D. Rarp and son
Harvey Rasp and daughter Mrs.
Fred M antlers returned from Omaha
Saturday evening, where they had
b en summoned to the bedside of
Aloeit Rasp. Tiny left him ' i
very critical condition but slightly
Mrs. Harry Appleman went to
Lincoln Friday evening to visit her
daughter Miss Marie Appkman who
is teaching in the Lincoln schools.
Mr. Appleman autoed up Sunday
morning bringing Mrs. Appleman
home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Quellho;-.-t
entertained at dinner la.-t Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Davis ail .Mi-s
Geneva Davis., of Syracuse. Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. J;h.t
Weie'el rid Mr. and Mrs. Mai'
N'Icie' and children, Harold Mid
I irnice.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Geo. Whitman and
Mr. and Mr. Joe Fereman autoed
down fr()in Omaha Sunday. where'
they had been to visit the former's
daughter Miss Lucy Whitman. They
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Geo. Foreman home as were also
Mrs. Ethel Foreman and son Dick.
?diss A iircl Foreman ; -d Cha.s. Fore
man of Lincoln.
We are taking this means of v-pre-sing
to the kind friends and
neighbors e.ur heartfelt appreciation
e.f their loving svmpothy and kind
ly helpfulness in e.ur hour of grief
and sorrow at tlif death ef our be
loved husband, sen and brother, and
for the many beautiful flral re
membrances lhat wercj-Htlt by these
kind friends.
Giilbranse'ii Player Piano is tl
easy pedalling player. A child can
operate it and it's fool preof. A.
Hospe Co.. of Omaha, has been sell
ing your friends in this territory
since 1S74. Why not to you? !-ltw
On Monday evening a number of
the children of Mr. J. 1 1. Becker
gat In red at t!r.' home on Ptarl s-treet
to assist him in the cedebration of
his seventy-ninth birthday anriver.
ary and a very pleasant evening was
enjoyed by the members of the fam
ily, who spent the evening in visit
ing and at their departing time ex
tended to the father their best wish
es for many more such happy events.
You owe it to your family to fur
nish them with a player piano. A.
Hovpe Co., of Omaha, i ccouin-e nd
ami -ell thy fimous Gulbraii.-in
Plaver. Wiite or phone thtrj for
particulars. C-4tw