PIATT5IJ0UTH SEMI-WEEKLY J0UPJ7A1 PAGF SIX LIOHDAY. HOVFMETE 3, 1319. 3C AUTO SMASH UP PIONEER RESIDENT A VISITOR IN CITY DON'T NEGLECT A . RHEUMATIC PAIN Go after it with Sloan's Liniment before it gets dangerous LEADS TO SUIT THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford cars have become such a world utility thai it would almost seem as if every family ought to have its Ford car. Runabout, Touring Car, Coupe, Sedan, (the two latter have enclosed bodies) and the Truck Chassis, have really become a part and parcel of human life. You want one because its service will be pro fitable for you. We solicit your order at once because, while production is lim ited, it will be Hrst come, first supplied. Car Belonging: to J. M. Calkins, of Lincoln, Crashes Into that of John H. Ruhmann. IT. P. Pollock Auto Co. Plattsmcuth, Neb. Phone No. 1 ISSUES MARRIAGE LICENSE. From Friday Pall v. Yesterday afternoon marriage license v.-as issued in t lie otlic? of ("junty Judge A. J. Heefon to Mr. Curtis Hobbs of Avoca and Mis Gladys Day of Wet-ping Water. The young people were united in niar i iage last evening at the home of the bride in Weeping Water. COMPLETES DELIVERIES OF SUPPLIES County Clerk Geo. K. Sayles last evening took a trip out over the eastern portion of the county deliv ering the remainder of the election supplies to the five eastern precincts and in three hours had trie supplies all delivered and receipted for and now everything is in readiness for the election on next Tuesday. Frc-n Saturday'!" Hally! There was filed this morning in the county court an action in which John If. Knhmann. a resilient oi near LI ni wood, is the plaintiff and J. M. Calkins, of Lincoln, the defen dant, asking for the sum of ?SG.SO as the result of a collision yesterday afternoon on the () street road near Kim wood and seven miles east of Kagle. The plaintiff alleges in his peti tion filed in court that he was trav eling along the highway and seoing the car of the defendant coining, turned to the. right as far as possi ble in order to permit the approach ing car to pass bun. but that the driver of the car belonging to Mr. Calkins drove in a neglect ail manner and allowed his machine to crash in to that of Mr. Kallmann, re.-ultin, in the breaking of one of the front wheels, bending the right axle and badly damaging the right front 1 fender of the car. The car of Mr. Calkins was being driven by his driver, a colored man. and also was somewhat damaged by the head on collision that will make Thomas W. Evans of St. Joseph. Mo., an Old Time Business Man and Banker Here. AppJv a little, don't rub, let It Pcne trat, and good by twinge! S:-.me for external aches, pains, strains stiffness of joints or muscles, laments, b: u;sts. Infant rebel without nunsincs or jpM tim)1 fri(.ml;. soueu doming. Kt nai :c--i;ie ini eesi selling liniment year after year. l-co-nomical by rea.-on of enormous ra!cs. Keep a big bottle ready at all ti-'Ks. Ask your cruepist for Sloan's Lir.i mcnt. 35c, 7c, $1.40. WHAT 1 STAND FOR IMatt.vniouth. Neb.. Oct. 31. 19 Hi. Editor Journal: Owing to the fact that a number of false stories have been circulated as to what, it is said, I stand for. a number have asked me to state my position. I therefore beg your in dulgence for a brief space. I saiil I knew of one farm in the som repairs necessary. ....,..,. v.. , Mr. Kuhmann was in the city to-8-000 acrts- aml that 1 Wi's 'I'Psed dav and secured the services of At-'to sucn landed estates. There could be but three For Sale 180 acre Farm, 3 miles west of Plattsmouth To d You So: The Frank Steppat farm has been sold and the new owner, Tom Cromwell, has authorized me to sell it for him. New Tom is a quick dealer and if anyone is ihirking of bu3ring this farm, better see me at once. FOR TOM WON'T OWN IT VERY LONG Same Price as advertised before $280.00 per acre T. H. POLLOC Yesterday Thomas K. Evans, of St. Joseph, Missouri, was in the city en joying a visit at the borne of Charles C. I'armele, and meeting with his in the city with whom lie was associated in the long ago when the new state of Nebras ka was but a frontier post of the settled portion of the United States. Mr. Evans has for many year3 been connected with the First Na tional bank of Kt. Joseph, Missouri, and his influence there has led to the upbuilding of the city. Some fifty ye:;rs ago be was a resident of this city and for r.ome time served as casb.i'T of the First National I'.ank of I'latt-'inoutb. prior to going to St. Joseph to engage in the banking biisine'-s. While in Plattsmouth he was con nected with the pioneer firm of Tootle, Hanna it Clark, all of whom later moved to St. Joseph to estab lish business interest there and have been vital factors in the progress of the Missouri city. Each year Mr. Evans finds oppor tunity of visiting the old home here and spending a short time among the old friends who are growing few er in numbers each year with the pasi-ing of time and these occasions are very pleasant ones for the old friends. i The old residents of the period of Mr. Evans' residency in Plattsmouth , have to a great extent either remov ed from the city or been called to RESaEBSSaSSE ZZZ C-I9I9 citv but few remain. tonifv ( A Kawls to look after his ul- uul .n:i wi a jm e- interest in the case. Mr. Calkins, j Iikt IMattsinouth precinct oi the defendant, is a former resident ;in' otIlt'r precinct of sections, of Cass county who has been making ,If ,hree nien owned all of Platts his home in Lincoln for a number of 'mouth precinct or any other pie years and he was enrdute back to;cinrt' v-'hat NV(,uhl the otlu'r far,!"'" Eincoln from a visit at his farm near ers Jo- Alvo when the accident occurred. I It has been falsely reported tbatjthir last rest an1 among thore who T fnvore.l .-.ti fU-ht hnnr i:v mi tii. were then active in the life of the FORDS SOLD ON PAYMENT PLAN. :farm. When I worked on the farm. ,1 know it was impossible during the Call on US tnd let US explain our 'crc pping season to raise a crop and plan Lew we will sell you a Ford harvest same on an eight hour day. car. any model, on payments to suit I d not favor any schedule of hours your salary. Now is the time to get Per day. nor any schedule of wages, a new Fcrd car, if you wait till ; because I do not know what is rir.ht. spring; the demand will be so great , Ut I v.-as opposed to the daylight that we Will not be able to fill all -aving law, especially in peace time. the farmers :rgani.-i:v.: or unions or leagues. No. 1. tfd&w iTheii I do favor the farmers unions RETURNS FROM SAD MISSION IN IOWA PITFORM I high 1 I Don't Let $55 Scare You! if you need an overcoat. That is what it takes to buy a Ford Coat, one of those real 100' Coats, with the 100' guarantee. A NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED We are in shape now to take care of your needs when it comes to good warm overcoats. If you cannot afford a Ford, we have many others that are wonderful values for the prices we ask. Eelted Models, Half Belts, Single and Double Breasted Greys, Browns, Blues $25 to $40 Philip Shi orders. Buy now and pay while you ! I do tavor ride. T. II. Pollock Auto Co. Phone 'associations i George W. Homan, of This City, Ar rives Home from Corning, at Deathbed of Niece. FOR SALE. Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb. and labor unions getting together ti. . Homan. oi mis cn. nas and eliminating all of the middle-! just returned home from a two monV u-ntti. tint 1 . nncaihlo T :ni 'Weeks' StuV lit Coming. lOWa, where Eighty acres, about four miles : also in favor of the farmers and la- he was cnlUd by the serious eondi west of Plattsmouth. Price $ 300 pr boring men formulating the best tion of his neice. Miss Gertrude Ho acre. Well improved. Inquire of l". I possible public pidicy agreeable to man. The neice bad been suffering G. Egenberger, Hotel Wagner block, ! both. I am, Very truly, -from an attack of typhoid fever for Plattsmouth. 20-ltw-tfd j A j, TIDD. everal, weeks and her condition he- ,t:ime such that the uncle was call- Daily Journal. lHc a week. led to her bedside but shortly alter Coming-, '-The Miracle Man." his arrival the well beloved r.eice j casions with her uncle and is well much worse and passed .'known to a large circle of - friends became much worse away. Miss Gertrude Homan was thirty six years of age and has since the death of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Homan, been making her home with her sister. Miss Lucy Homan and the death of Miss Ger trude breaks the last ties of the home. Miss Homan has been a vis- here who will regret to learn of the sad news. Buy a new Ford car now, any model, on the payment down balance in six months or one year plan, or 12 monthly payments. T. H. Pol lock Auto Co. Phone No. 1. tfd&w Allan Holubar's super-production, itor in the city on a number of oc-P'Xhe Heart of Humanity." AbsoioteSi CO the Oireatest Pictur Emi to re Se a so on v Two Shows Each Night! M LJMLri Two Shows Each Night! V ADMISSION Aduhs 55c Children 30c including war tax im r pwpy ADMISSION Adults 55c Children 30c including war tax AYS WILL BE AT THE PARM Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, November 4th, 5th, and 6th Your money will be most cheerfully refunded to any one not entirely satisfied with this picture.