mm 3I0SDAY. OCTOBER 20. 19l9. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THP.EE Lot Lot Lot Lot lxt Lot I,ot It v NOTICE OF DE LINQUENT TAXES OF CASS COUNTY MAMEV Inscription Lot H Lots' B to 8 Lot 9 Ml Kit V Inscription Lots 10 and 11 l.alta'M Klrot I 'script ion Lots 1 to 6 Lot. 1.". to 19 Lots 20 anil 21 Lots 3 to 7 Lots 10 to 17 .'. Lot :t m:ii VK v Descript ion Lots 1 to 4 Block . . 4 .. 4 . . 4 Amt. 6.68 9.S6 1.76 Plattsmouth. Neb.. Oct.-1. 1919. Notice is Iserel.v Biv-n that I. Mike Trif-.h. Tr:isuri-r of Cass county, in tin- State ol" .i .r:i.ka. will on t!i.- first :"ii.!;i v. In t(.f :fn! lay of Novem-. '-j of Lot S. all Lots 9 to ' r, 1919. as iciuir-.l bv law. rom-j Lots 1 ami 2 n-r- in-. s-i) ir: uf j-1 t hf o-'r'ii e of the Conn-' Lot .1 to 6 . . . i l-.- T r-: .-u i-'.r of sai-1 romitv. in t lie t-itv.Lot 19 I l'lattsmont1!. at public auction, so m,ih of the following tracts of la mis ; ti'l town luts as slial! n.-eessary to iav tho taxis, together with interest Mid costs may J:avi aeerued tl;ere- n ilay, l.i invc tin- del in tien t taxis for tli- yi-ar 11l ami prior years, as apu.-ars fn.-m t!..- tax lists for said Block .Amt. 4 . 7.10 lililition to llnrriy Hlock Amt. 7 5.76 7 4.37 7 l.SC. 8 4.36 S C.87 13 1.76 Block Lots Lots Lots A .III. 1, li it ,.... 1 7 to 9 10 and 11 12 and 13 Iv Inurru'H Inscription Lot 17 Lots 13 and 14 Lot 10 "WW HASH 12. 2 X 9 9 10 10 13 to i-hmvkn Block Amt. Amt. 20.02 9. 4 9 20.02 10.11 2.57 13. S2 124.10 .63 l. twcf-n the I T't'Fcription m. ami foui-il-ot 1 Lot 2 Lot ! s until all of said propi-rty tipon '. Lots S sf liji ! I 1i- sold or olfered ff.r sale. MIKI-: TlilTSC'il. Tn-n.eurcr of Cass Co., Neb. aid Falf will If held irs of iiino oVlm-k a. 1'x k p. in. or sanl lat-. ami will con tinui- from dav to dav liitweiii said l'ii if! until all of said protn-rty tipon '. Lots S and 9., Lot 1 Lots 2 to 5. . . . Lot C Lot 7 llortou'M I leseri pt ion Lots 1 to 5 V of Lot 7 . . Lot Lot 7 r 'i ! Lot 8 J .1 ' Iits 9 and 10. . I ;i I f script ion I. t MIS TII'TON I'lliriMT Tot iiKliip IO, Kani it 1 Fcript ion ' Sec. N i : 1 1 m : , i .mi s !:! soutii if m. . Y . NV, 2 4 ;tti:r.ooii i"ni-: icr '! Iiollip II. ItllMUTI It 1 t script ion Sec. M.'i 1 Alt:.', on V.. SW'i 27 i.t" ui:i:k i-iiim im t Tnlii 1-, Itaniii !' Amt. f 21. A lil. to Block A V 7 9 9 9 9 Wnhnth Block 1 1.36 1.43 .72 Amt. 2.31 .23 34.3S 2.13 i o .76 C3.67 .92 Amt. 5.13 .15 24 III' HOCK Ami. 21. Inscription -. Lot 1. S' . NW', 16 Lot : Xl-fi: N W 1 1 16 Lot 1 XK'i SW'i 16 Lot 1 SW 'i SK", 20 I t.M.ots J. ::. 4. SW, SK1,.-'" Lot 1, SW'i SK', 20 Lit 15. SK', Xi:',....j 21 Suli Lots 1 and 2 of 17. SW'i SK', and SW' SK', 31 I't. Lot 7. SK', NW!, 32 Lot 13. SK', NW, 32 vrovi: iii:i:k nti: i. r 'luiihi l. Itaiif Ii 1 ii'si i i -t ion Sec. W'. SK', 12 CI.MWIMill I'll I '. I I CT 'low li x hip II, llnuur JO 1 i,. si i i..t ion Sic. N. SW, 2! 1...T 7. sw, nw, ::r. SOI Til IIDMI I'HI'.I IM'T 'I o nlil 12. IUiiup IO I csc ipt ion Sc,-. T i ts l. 2. :;. 4. .". 5 Lois 7 and S 5 Lot 11 ' X'S'', SW, a i: 1 1 S'-. SW',. 5 Lot 1. XK't XK', 6 si-:1, si: , 6 L..I '.' 10 Lot 1 and snh lot 1 of Lots . 7, . 1 11. 12. l i. 1 I ... 11 AV i , X W ' , X V 1 , 16 .x i ." si : !, 16 si:', sw'i is sw, si:1, is w i:i.i-i; va i i:k iMti.cixcr tit!i In II'. Kmiur II 1 ' 1 i : t iv !l Sl'C. I.. I sv si:1, l Lot ::. x w ''. si:-, 2 i i:m i:k imsi i ict Tnlii II. Kaiim- II 1 csi-!-ipt urn Sec. S'-. XK', 27 X'. Si;', 27 l...f . Si: ', S W ' , 36 Lot 11. SK', SW, 36 i.oi is ii.i.i: T 12 1 -scription t 1 t 1. XW, Ami. 1.1 All of... ' All of ... Lots 1 to I Lots Lots Lots ..7, Lots 16. .ii i , VI , Lots 'aii or. 1 ,0 , Lot. 10 . . ! Lots -s6 1 T 1 J' I Lots Lots Lots Lots 1 Lots 1 Lots 1 Lots 1 Li ts 1 Lots 1 I.T.t 5 All of Lots 1 Lots 1 Lids Lots Lots i Lots ' Lots Lots . Lots I Lots ' Lots Lot 1 ... Lots 2 . . ljt 3 ... 1 Lots 4 to 12. 12. 17 !m).3S 2S.94 Amt. 41. 7S Amt. 3 1.9: 5.1:: 12 1 to 12 1 to 12 1 and 3 to 12. . . 2 and 13 to 16. 1 to 8 1 to 12. 15 13 a rul 1 1 . and 16. 3 Amt. 42.03 16. 4 l.ftl 3!t.2'l 1.J0 14. 4S 6.5 9 10.63 - 31.63 2 1.69 21.03 11 and 1 to 3. . . 4 to 9.. 10 to 12. 5 and 6 . 1 to 10.. 1 to 10.. 1 to 10. . 1 to 2... 1 to S.. 1 to S. . . 12. to 10 1 to 8 1 to S 1 to 12. .1S-1. 1 to 12 1 to 12 1 to 12 1 to 3 1 to 12.3S-1, : 1 to 12. 1 to 12.. Amt. 6.3S a.i.6 Ami. 47.32 10.61 12. !1 6.2.-S i ' . XK', 16. . . I'KKI l T , ltitii:ic 1 1 Sec. 1 12 13 14 15 . . , 2 4 2 6 3 5 Amt. 25.67 i :.r-7 97.11 9.20 3 . j 29. 5 .; ".i. W'i it in and XK', XK-, K' X W ' i I...f 13. XW, XK'i Lot 5. XK', X W , :.- voc rin: ixcr T nhl Ml. limine 11 Inscription Sec. SW, XW, 1 K'... XK', 2 S'. XW, 2 XK'i SK', - si:', si-:'. 2 I't X'. XW, west of Al. I'. Laifway 19 2S i:h;iit mh.k ;itovi: i'm:( iri l'lviihi 12, ltnnf 12 Description Sec. Siil lots 3 and 4 of Lot 16. SW, XW, 5 Suh lot 1 of Lot 16 SW,, XW, Lot 15, XW, SW, 5 Lots 2 and 3, AV'i SW'i 1 Toil n-liit 13. Knuur 12 lii'scripttoi, Se-. Lot i; 25 Lot 7 2S T ll-.lii HI,' ItuiiKr Lt 37.7 1 2.': l.6 Amt. 4 1 . 1'! 41.61 51.1 :: 24.15 29.12 Amt. 1.30 1.12 .56 3.9 I Amt. 2N.97 i j f 1 escri pt ion Lots 3 and 4. SK', XK W'-. SK', X ! : 1 , XK'i Lot U SW, S W,, . . SW, SK', S:. SW'i X ". X w , sw, sw; SK', XW, Lot 13. SK'i SW, 'lumiNliiii 111. I (escript ion I,ot 10. S W4 XK'i . . X W . SK 1 1 Lots 3 and 6. XK'i Lots 4 and 5. XK1, X ' i SW, Sec. .12 Lot 1 S W ' , Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot ::. in N 2 1 S 15 '- X 2 I '2 S 15 '.. SK'i Lot 13, L"t i oi Lot Lot : ' . X w. XK si:1, . s w, S W ', X W ', Tnv-ihi i-ription 17 21 2 .......2.1 26 29 34 llnner I I Sec 6 19 .10 .19 . 2 0 . 2S .28 SK'i, SK ', , SK ', S K 1 , X w . ..... .33 Knuisr 13 Sec. acres. XK'i SK acres, x K 1 1 si.', ai res, SK1, SK' a i ri s. SK', SK' t . 1 X K ' SK', v ; : . XK'J XK', XK'i XK', N.W ' ; , X W ' i , X W ' , . Tir iiKtii I ii-scription Lot 11 Lot 1. II. 1 1 1 1 8 12 12 21 24 ..21 Itllulfe 1 I Sec. 4 4 i.ot 1.', AV'.. SK', and Lots and 6. K ' SW, Lot 2S. XW'i XK'i Lot J2. SK1.; XK'i Lot 1 I, X W '.; SW U Lot 5, -si:', SW ',, . TomiKhlp 1 1 lescript ion Lot 4. SK', SK'i.. , Lot ;. SW 'i SK:, KVi XK', K'2 SK', W'j SW', S V. SW ', SK', Lot 5. XW, Lot 6. XW'i Lot 13, XW, 4 9 21 21 -J '. '. '. '. l6 Una tie 13 Sec. . 4 6 9 9 10 11 14 -. . . 11 II XK'i XK', XK', rviiuiii i:t. itmiKt i.'t 1 icscrl pt ion Sec. Lot nouth of c ft. & Q. Lailway. SK'i SW', 35 'I om iikIiIii 12, It unite It I n.cription Lots 178 1 ox. 129, XW SK'., i SK', SK'.,., 23 42 8. NF.'i 2. XK'4 NK', 5 and 6 12 and 19 19 13. . Lot 7 . Lot 9 . Lots 11, X - Lot '.. Lot .oi 21 ts 22 and 23 ots 25 and 26 ... . Cl-.ll tit I nseriptioii Lot 1 Sec. . .18 . .19 . .19 . .20 .20 , . 20 .29 . .30 ,.33 .33 j 33 33 33 33 CltLKK Block Amt. 23 V0 42. S3 20.92 2.05 3 3. 06 69.4 5 47.32 49.36 23.34 18.1 Amt. 10.7: 27.3: 22.34 12.63 1 17.82 101.74 2SJ.71 126 2. 05 37.4 Amt. IX. 2 2 8.58 H.l 9.1 SS.10 15 01 15.37 14.33 4.19 15.98 Amt. 26.38 9.4." CS.63 7.16 1.27 1.4 1 2.00 Amt. 7.10 3.69 28.71 55.0i; 5 5i 22.0: 5 ft 5 37.79 22.8:' Amt. 10.96 Amt. 3.0V 2.9M .59 14.02 8.4. 18.6" 10.96 K.3S 5.58 2.5i .99 10.47 .39 .39 1.39 2.39 6.9) Amt. 3.04 11 . 1 to 12. . 1 and 2 . . 3 and -4. 5 to 12.. to 12.. to 10 . to 10. . , to 12., to 12.. to 12., to 12.. to 12. . to 12.. and 2. Lots Lots Lots Lots lxds Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lot 3 Lois 4 Lots 7. Lot 10 Lot 11 and 12. Lots 1 to 3 . . . 4 and 5. 6 to 9. . . 10 to 12. 1 to 12. . 1 to 12. 1 to 3... 4 and 5. 1 1 1 .110 2 K 3 K 1W 3 V 7 W SW IX IX and 4X IS IS and 4S 4S 4S 5S -.5S 5S 13S . .1X-1K . .1X-2K . .1X-3K . .1X-4K . .2X-2K . .2X-3K . .3X-4K . .1X-4W , .1X-SW 10X-3W 11X-3W and 4V . .1S-7W 1S-8AV 2S-1W 2S-5W 2, 3 and 4-V 4S-1 W 4S-3 and 4V 5S-1 W 5S-1 W 5S-1W 5S-1W 5S-2W 5S-3W 5S-3W 5S-3W . . . 5S-4W 7S-3 and 4W SS-3 and 4W 1S-1 K .IS-2 and 3K 2S-1K 1S-3K . LS-2 and 3K S-1K .. 7 .. 7 ..11 .23 ..11 2.78 III, t KFS Block Amt. 3.52 .59 .58 4.61 15.66 4.79 1.39 .65 .29 4.33 1.20 29 1.56 1.67 .30 .28 .37 .29 6.22 ' 2.72 .55 Pt. Lot 1 and all of : Lots 4 to X'M: Lot 4 Lots 4 to 6 Lots 10 to 12 S4 Lots 7. 8 and 9 Lot 9 Lor. 10 Lots 1 and 2 Lot 10 Lots 11 and 12 Lots 9 and 10 Lot 10 lA)t 4 Lot 5 lMtn 11 and 12 Lot 7 Lot 7 Lots 1 and 2 Lot 4 Lots 8 to 12 Lot 2 Lots 7 and S Lots 11 and 12 Lot 4 X 60 ft Lot 7 L'nd. fc Lot 8 Allrkflvinit Descript ion Lots 3 and 4 Tunnnrml Add. to Description Lot -1 Lot 2 Lots : Lot u Lot 6 L6ts 1, Lot 4 Lots 5 Lots 7 lxt 8 Lot 1 and X 10 ft. Lot 2 Vhuiik A. llujex Add . moii I U Description S 66 ft. Lots 3 to 6 . Lots 1 and 2 Lots 3 and 4 Lots 5 to 8 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot Lots Lots Lots and 3.85 85 21 S8 88 89 Ill 1.67 2.39 58.90 332.57 65.48 Lots 5 and 6 Add. to 123.60 Ill 23.82 122 156.35 122 20.13 122 148.86 13S 50.80 149 23.62 152 4.51 ....164 81.48 164 23.82 165 25.09 . . . .166 547.95 171 11.96 171 .83 173 6.82 221 ' 24.7 4 ....221 91.36 .221 SI. 02 223 1.67 224 1.94 221 14.50 224 5.22 IMattMmoutb Block Amt. 1 1.86 I'lattxtnouth. Block Amt. I ml 4 .... , 2 and 3.. and 6 . . . . to 12 4 4 4 4 4 12 12 12 12 13 16 PlnllH .40 6.71 27.5(1 .83 15.54 32.54 S.19 2.4 0 26.66 25.22 23.72 to Block I and 6 ! and Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lot 6 I .cits Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots All 2S-2K 2S-2K 2S-2K . 2S-2K 2S-2K 2S-2K 3S-1K 3S-1K 3S-1K 3S-1K 3S-2K 4S-1K 4S-2K 4S-2K 4S-2K 7 to 9 4S-2K 10 and 12 4S-2K 1 to 12 5S-1 and 2R to 10 6S-1 and 2K to 10 7S-1 and 2K to 10 8S-1K to 5 SS-2K to 10 8S-2K to 10 9S-1K to 10 10S-3K 12S-IK HIT LOTS TO THK C1T" OP I'liATTSMOlTH TuwiiHliio 12, Knuicr 13 . 1 .1 2.N8 .56 8.7 4 li) .85 .92 ;.oo .96 .96 2.00 4.02 2.01 .60 1.26 .15 .15 .15 .51 .92 .30 .29 .42 .51 1.00 .75 .65 .S7 .59 .65 .87 .59 ' .29 .15 .29 .29 .15 .27 .30 .29 .32 1.S2 2.13 5 and 6. to 8 and 2 . . . Lots 3 and 4 . . . . Lots 1 and 2... Lot 6 Lot .7 Lots 7 and 8 . . Lots 1 to 8 Lots 5 and 6 Lots 3 and 4 . . . Duke- Add Description Lot 5 Lots 9 to 11 lA)t 12 Lots 1 to 5 Lots 6 and 7 . . . X pt. Lots 2 and Lots 1. 2 and 3. Lots 10. 11 and 12. Lots 3 and 4 Lots S and 9 SK', Lot 12 Lots 5 and 6 Lots 3 and 4 Lot 14 Lots 7 and 8 Lots 10 and 11 Orchard Hill Add. to Description Lots 3 and 4 Lot 5 Lot 10 Lots 11 to 16, exept. By. Lots 21 and 22 Lot 10 11 13 15 15 15 15 18 23 23 24 33 38 39 43 45 46 l'laitxmoutli Block 3 3 3 3, ex. By. . 6 . 7 . 7 . 8 .12 .13 .19 .20 .20 .23 .12 Amt. 88.40 6.08 4 4.91 6.08 74.29 74.29 53.70 50.1 S 23.72 4.61 22.78 17.84 38.32 11.96 4.61 47.21 347.37 29.60 Amt. 11.12 18.57 1.67 4.61 4.61 3.4 5 3.6s 26.66 2.55 2.55 10.64 14.90 3S. SO 1.57 13.43 14.32 Iok Water description Block Amt. Lots 3 and 4 1 1.47 Lots 1 to 4 2 3.75 Lot 5 2 33.77 Lot 6 2 40.21 Lot 7 2 74.33 Lots 1 and 2. Kl. 1-3 Lot 3.. 3 42.82 C 1-3 Lot 3.' 3 11.58 AV 1-3 Lot 3 3 11.57 Xortli pt. of Lot 5 3 12.10 Lots 6, 7 and 8 3 9.6 5 Lot 3 4 9.84 X 22 ft. Lot 2 S 28.09 Xortli part of Lots S and 9.. 11, 67.87 Kltchle Add. to AIiik Water Description . Block Amt. Lot 1 2 10.22 Lot 2 2 10.00 Lot 3 2 10.23 Lot 4 2 38.56 llifliir Add. to AVeepluic Water Description Block Amt. Lots 5 to 9 1 2.3 2 Lot 10 1 2.07 Lots 11 to 14 1 3.60 Lots 1 to 8 2 18.91 Lots 10 to 13 4 12.10 Lot 14 4 12.55 Treat Add. to Weeplnic Witter Description Block Amt. Lot 3 3 1.04 Lot 12 .53 13 i to Weepliuc Water Block Amt. I'lnltHiuuulh - Block Amt. 4 .and 25. and 27. Lots 26 8. , .1 .29 .43 1.4 .29 .19 Description K p4. Lot 53, SK'i Vt. S V. . Lot 13. I- Lot 28 SW'i SK'i... It 33 Lot 60 Sub lot 1 of 46. SK'.i Lot 4 0 TownNliIp Description Lot 3 Lot 16 Lot 7 Lot 18 Lot 2 4 Lot 3, Lot 6 Lot 24 Lot 49 Lot 23 W pt. Lot 66... Lots 67 and 68. Lot 69 Lot 78 Lot 79 Lot SO Lot 83 Lot 8 4 Lot 93 Lot 94 Lot 97 Lots 8 5 Lot 19. SK'i . . of By. SK Sec. .12 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .24 ItanRe 14 Sec. 7 ..' 7 7 7 7 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 IS 18 18 18 .18 .18 18 an. I 86 ... . SK'i SW'i CITV OK Description Lot 10 Lot 3 Lots 10 to 12 . Iot 9 and west Lots 9 and 10 S'A Lot 11 and Lots 4 to 6 K 3 4 ft. 8, AV 11 ft Lot 1 Lots 2 to 4 Lot 6 Lot 5 All of Block 2 and... Lots 5 and 6 X 10 ft., S',4 Lots 5 and W 21 ft. Lot 10 . V'2 of Lot 10 W 23 ft. Suh lot 6 of 13-14 and W 23 ft.. Sub lot 6, X ri.ATTSMOl'TH Block 5 6 8 9 11 11 19 19 t 22 22 23 25 27 28 28 30 Lot 10 "Lot" 12!!" 9 Amt. 7.4 13.73 13.4 3.1 3.1 293.71 25.19 Amt 14.90 6.24 19.30 13.43 27. 25.19 22.46 189.71 4.61 S3. 65 .93 28.0." 3.14 28.77 26.92 40.41 9.82 21. 29.65 80.55 8.44 8.36 55.02 Amt 29.50 58.90 14S.95 283.87 283.13 129.91 89.55 72.41 31.18 884.41 35.77 2.46 r70.81 165.22 4. 68 138.1 I 68.88 16 30-100 ft. of Lot K14 of Lot 6 X 4SV ft. of S 68 4, Lot 7. 16 inches tv 24 ft. Lot 8.. Lot 10 and of Lot 11. 4 6 . 3 12 10 11 12 ft. Lot 7. By Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lo t ot N 90' Lot 5 Lot 10 Bt. of Lot 1 . . . Lots 4 and 5. . . I't. I.ot 9 except Iot 11 . . . Lot 4 :.. Lots 3 and 4 Lot 4 N 78 ft. Lots 7. 8 and 9 Lot 10 Lots 7 and 8 Lot 12 lot 11 Lot 9 Lots 9 and 10 Lots 11 and 13 SV4 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lots 1 and 2 lAla 5 ami 6 Lots 5 and 8 f 32 34 35 35 35 36 .36 .39 .40 .42 .42 .42 .44 .46 .46 .48 .48 .49 .49 .50 .52 .53 .54 .54 .57 .57 .57 .58 .61 .61 .62 .62 .63 .63 .73 229.15 79.96 50.18 .40 19.31 57.36 79.23 79.48 328.83 26.68 21.91 13.17 23.62 1.57 29.50 278.92 407.22 57.79 7.85 14.80 31.70 44.65 44.36 6.43 61.45 8.S9 3.21 25.24 8.92 4.81 19.21 4.79 ' 16.77 29.60 15.61 Lots 2 4 Lots 26 Ml if. on lA.t 28 Lot 20 Lot 30 Lot 32 Lots 1 and 2. Lots 6, 7 and Lot 9 Lots 10 and 11... Lot 3 Jtlchey IMace Description Lot 9 I't. of Lot 10 Lot 17 Lot IS Lot 19 llonelan Add. Description Lot 1 Lots 2 and 3 Mi lex Add. to I escription I-t 4 X'i Lot 6 and 27. 12.71 1.99 7.64 2.8 1.9 12.7 1.96 IS. OS 10 2.04 2.04 2.0:l 2.04 2.0j 26.00 10.3: 2.8 21.8 Lot Lot 2 Clark Add I es-ription Lots 1 to 5 Lots 8 to 14 Lots 1 to S Lot 9 Lot 1 Lots 4 to 9 Lots 10 and 11... teed Add. to Descript ion I't. of K2 of Block All of All of Lots 3 to 8 All of Block Lots 1 to 8, in . . . . Ilul verxlHtlt Add. to Weeping AVuter Description Block Amt. All of Block 1 and 2 15.50 HIverNide Add. to Weepint; Water 4.60 1 6.2C 2 7.10 2 1.00 , 3 1.S7 , 3 10.10 3 2S.30 Weeplur Water . Block Amt 2.59 . 3 . 6 . 8 2.7 . 9 .SO .11 5.30 Lot 10 13 OITLOTS TO ALVO Tofrnnhlp 10, Rautfe ! Description Sec. Lot 7. NK, XK'i 3 i vii.i..i: OF AI.VO Description Block Lots 13 to 16 1 Lot 19 1 Lot 5 2 X 24 ft. Lot 3 4 S 1 ft. Lot 3 4 Lot 14 5 Lot 13 5 Li: Amt. 9.02 Amt. 9.02 21.64 16.4U 52.50 9.7 5 2 5.2S 16.4 0 1 lescrlpt ion Lots 1 to 3. . . Lots 4 and 5. Lot 6 Lots 3 to 6.. Lots 12 to 14. I'nrk Add Description Lot 4 .Noble IlelKhtM Description K pt. of Lot K pt of Lot Block Amt 1 560.37 2 27.67 2 46.81 3 .222.64 3 123.79 . to Weepint Water Block Amt 3 8.60 Add. to Weepluir Water Block Amt. 12 13 .28 15 13 oi- I.oi ls I l.l.i: Lot ISO and to I'lattMiuouth Block Amt. 2 32 , 2 5.3 4 3 11.11 3 51.10 3 10.01 to I'lattMmoiith Block Amt. 1 2.30 1 4.6 IMat turnout b Block Amt. 1 11.86 1 3.04 ild. to KlatlHmOtith Lots i. a X'-i Lot 4. Tlionipmin S 4 ft. Lot 4, XK',, and 7 Ixts 8, 9 and 10. Lots 6 and 7 I Aft 2 Lot 12 to 1 . . Lots 1. 2. 3 and Lots 3 to 6 lAit 18 Lots 21 to 26 Lots 1 to 6 Lot 9 i of Lot 13.; i of Lot 13 Lots 14 and 15 Lot 16 K 4 4 ft. Lot 17 Bal. Lot 17 Lot IS Lots 19 to 2 4 I'almer Add. to Description Lot 6 Lots 1 to 6 Lots 1 and 2 South Park Add Description Lot 16 Lot 5 Lot 1 SV2 Lot 5 Lots 1 to 3 Lots 1 to 3 2: Lots 7 and 8 26 Lots 1 and 2 35 Wine Addition to .th Ward l'lnttxiiiuiit It Description Lot 34 Torter Place Addition to llattmoutl Description K of Lot G X'Vi W of Lot 5 Lot 8. Sub lot 3 of Lot 9 OWell Add. to I'lattMiuouth 4 4 ' it 6 6 8 11 11 11 ...... 1 2 1 . 1 2 1 2 1 2 ..!.... 1 2 !!!.'!".! 1 2 ....... 1 2 1 ' IMattMitioiith Block Amt. 3 67.74 8 11.6 9 1.96 to I'lattMmouth Block Amt S9.26 2.40 8 2.73 25.83 14.90 14.90 190.34 8.57 670.78 3.72 .84 70.38 70.39 1.3 6 .6S " 3.77 6.86 84.81 4.61 . 8 .19 .24 63 10.11 19.95 .83 38.99 4.90 17.84 10.54 Amt 9.65 Description Lots 1 to 12. , Lots 1 Lot 12 Lots 1 Lots 1 Lot 2 Lots to 9. 12. 12. Block 3 . . 3 . . 4 Amt. 10.39 14.80 22 21 Amt. 29.60 35.48 13.76 11.96 17.84 2.58 5.19 9 1 and 6 10 Dove Add. to l'lattninouth Description Block Amt. Sub lot 1 of N 65 ft 8 3.34 KReubericer A Troop Add. to I'lattMiuouth Description Amt. Lot 4 1.79 Lot 7 '. 1.91 U T LOTH TO WKI-:iI. WATKIt Inscription Sec. Amt. rt. iMta 10 to 19, N'AV',4 NKi Twp. 10. Banife 11 2 17.21 WrMCPINU WATKIt flTl Description Lot 1 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 X',4 of Lot 1 and Lot 2.. X 70 ft. of Lot 3 Lot 1 SMs of of Lot 10 N 1-3 of EM of Lot 11... V 5-6 of 3 and of 4. C 1-3 Of Lot 2 I't. Lots 6 and 6, ex. By. Pt. Lots 7 and 8, ex. By.. AV ft. Lot 3 X',4 Lots 5 and 6. Lot 7 , AV 49 Va ft. Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 2 Lots 1 and 2 Lots 11 and 12.- Lot 2 Lots 1 and 2 Carter Add Description N of Lot 1 Lots 7 and 8. N and AV creek Lot 8 Lots 7 and 8 KlemluK- 4i Itace Add. Block . .36 . .36 . .36 . .36 .36 , .46 ..48 . .48 . .49 .50 .62 .67 .67 .68 .69 to .69 .70 .75 .75 83 85 88 99 99 100 102 Weejilna; Water Block Amt. 1 24.47 Of .. 1 8. SO .. 7 8.08 .. 9 8.70 to W eep- .Amt. 38.02 6.59 2.59 33.58 23.96 13.92 98.02 131.42 54.77 .53 30. OS 405.21 78.85 13.80 114.54 1.90 5.30 55.73 1.05 10.30 12.85 12.85 112.10 28.26 30.76 1.S0 1.47 vili.a;k Description Lots 27 to 30 Lots 81- to 83 ... . Lots 99 to 101 . . . Ixits 1 55 to 157.. Lot 162 Lot 169 S 1 ft. Iiv 60 ft. all of Id 181 Lot 182 Lot 190 Lot 227 Lots 263 and 266 Lot 300 Lot 310 Lots 31S and 319 Lot 320 Lots 321 to 323 Lot 321 Lot 325 lxt 3 26 Lots 333 to 333 l.rfH 339 Lot 340 Lot 341 Its 312 to 34 4 Lots 351 to 353. exc. By I't Lot 354 to 357. exc. By.... KMj It 369 ami K 90 ft. 370. K 90 ft. Lots 371 to 374 Lot 37S. exc. By Lots 3S9 and 390 Lots 375 and 377. exc. K... Lots 398 to 400 exc. By Lots 422 to 424 Lots 425 to 427 K 20 ft. Lot 447 Lots 490 and 491 Lots 50; to 501 Lot 511 Lots 512 and 513. exc. Hy;i. Lots 532 and 533 Lot 552 Lots 578 and 579 Lots 598 to 600 Lots 628 and 629 Lot 630 Lots 6S5 to 6S7 Lots 779 and 7S0 ; Lots 7S1 to 784 Lots 7S5 and 7S6 Lots 7s7 ami 7ss t.. Lot 793 "". yii.l;i: 01 Description Lot 1 and Ki Lot 15 Lots 29 to 3S 39 to 50 (pt. 50 St.) 62 to 68 102 to 162 and 200 and 210 Amt 4.27 21.5S 66. SS 20.4 67.3 26.5 40.84 61. OS S.2I 32.79 10.2S 10.4 1 o L 3 25 1.02 1.63 -J.6 2.62 1.62 1.63 1.6 2 K.00 5 I. SI 4 l.SS 2 1.64 30.75 3.17 12.42 10.3S 20.57 36.86 16. 19 .70 24.6 I 12.32 2.13 10. 3S 1.73 16.43 3.23 4.7S 3.25 10.28 35.67 2.23 106. OS 2 23 li'! 4 2 10.2S tiiir.KWvnoD Lots Lots Lot Lots Lots Lots Lot Lots Lots Lot Lots Lots Lots 156 199 209 270 33 4 374 !71 . 390 403 436 Lot 442 . Lots 480 lxits 505 Lots 5 47 Lots 553 Lot 557 . H'4 Lots Lots 693 to 336 to 377... "to" '399 . .'! to 412... to 441 and" 481 and, 506. and 548.. and 554.. to to 611, 612 and 613 to 697 WeMt tJreenwooil Description Mtif. on Lot 6 Lots 14 and 15 Lot 22, sub lots 1. 2. 5. ana 4 of Lot 23 and Lot 26 Lot 24 Lot 31 Jonm Addition Description Lot 11 Lois 32 and 33 ltrder Addition Description Lot. 12 rf Lots 3 and 4 OCT LOTS TO TimnHhlp 10, Itnuce Description Sec. Suh lot 3 Of Lot 30 SW'i SK 'i Of 20 . VILLA OK OF KAOLK Description Hlock Lot 1 LI Lots 1 to 12 ...In Lots 1 and 2 17 Lot 7 19 Lot 4 20 Lots 13 and 14 22 Lot 15 23 VILLA OK OF KI.JIWOOII Description AV of Lot 9 . . KU of Lot 10. Lot 9 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 4 Lot 5 VILLAOK Description Lots 5 ami 6 AV 1-3 of Lot 6. ..... . AV 1-3 of Lot 2 C 1-3 of Lot 2 Carter Addition Description Lot 1 Out Lot to Amt. 9.01 37.66 34. SO 19.79 5.31 20.S1 14.50 3.22 1.23 21.16 27. SS 1.76 223.16 31.34 17.01 5.4 5 13.65 1.92 17.5S 40.10 3.71 4.83 Amt. 12.9.' 15.32 19.75 3.12 10.68 (i reruwooil Amt. ' 9.17 3.22 Greenwood Block Amt. 9 1.67 9 7.60 i:a;li-: Amt. 22.70 Amt. 4. OS 31.95 9.27 4.13 13.70 57.65 68.73 Amt. 10.96 11.75 8.04 14. OS 3.98 12.53 24.81 Amt. 40.60 .65 .65 3.37 Amt. 3.80 11111 Mllim WILL NQTJOEQU1REL) Definite Improvement in Condition of Chief Executive Prostat ic Trouble Relieved. Washington. Oct. 17. Definiia improvement in President AVilson condition was noted in a bulletin if sued tonight from the White house The prostatic condition, four phy sicians called in for consultation de clared, was greatly improved and no operation will be necessary. Tin: general condition of the presidenl. it was said, remains good. The chief executive has been in formed of the defeat of the Shantung amendments in the senate and seem ed highly gratified at the action be ing taken. iiBBiiBmnimtminaxB-xaiiinBXanLB :, ALV0 LADIES AID. The Ladies Aid Society will give a "Harvst Home Supper" on Fri day evening., Oct. 24, 1919, in the Dale Boyles store buliding and they will appreciate a large crowd. Ev eryone is very cordially invited. BIG SALE AT PACIFIC JUNCTION. One of the biggest hog sales held in this locality will occur at. Pacific Junction on Saturady, October 25th when the firm of Anderson & Davii will offer for sale forty-six head of big Poland-China swine. This firm has held many successful sales in the past and the stock offered has been of the very best and this season their sale will be one of the best held in this oprtion of the west, advertisement of he sale will found elsewhere in this issue. AV. It. Youner of Murray will ciate as auctioneer. Those who de sire to purchase fine thoroughbred stock should take advantage of tho Anderson & Davis sale. The be Pol. offi- it rj B a ri q 9 d g tt a ti B a u I B Studebaker's New Models We can make immediate deliveries of these classy cars and take in your used car at prices you can't afford to turn down. All factories are speeding production and each new car means another used car placed on the market. What will result? With a steel workers' strike, prices of steel are not going to decline to say the least. Now is the appointed hour to make your purchase. FOR DEMONSTRATION CALL 79 :B:!B:?mMili:a3!!3!r!B!:iTJimjgM3iai3 J. 1. WOJLFF, I Main St. Garage Telephone 79 Block South of Postoffice :ii;a:iT:axB:.;:m&;H;::BT In lli fiinnlv Court of tlie Oounty of Cass, Xeliraska. In the. matter of tlie srun rl lansii n of Ifr-tiry Kikt nliary. mentally nirom- Now. on tills l5in oay ui unuwi. 1919, tlii.s ravise rame on for hearing upon tlie final report of Alice Johnson. ti sruanlian of Henry Kikenbary, mentally incompetent, ami now oVi-ea.s- eil. ami for discharge of saiil tuar.lian. .mil it appearing to tlie eouri mai a hearing sliouM be liail on suut report uxl application on the t li c.ay ot oc- lober, A. 1. 1!M9. at J0MIO a. m.. m the County Court room :it I'latts moutli. Xciiraska; It is orilere.l that notice o: tiu- pen li'in y jf saiii cause he Riven to al! persons liiteresten. ny piiinicuiuii '." .il ropy of this orilei- for one week in the "l'lattsmont ii Journal, a s-.-mi-week ly newspaper in general circulation in Cass county, NeiirasKa. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my ha ml tins lMh ilay ol intoner. 1919. Hy the Court. " ALiI-KN .1. 15KKSOX. Count v Jinle. r.v FI-OKEXCK WMITK. (Seal)-? " Clerk. Tuts 185.00 per acre 100.00 per acre LIVE STOCK, LIFE, AUTOMOBILE AND FI3E INSURANCE CASS COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE Also City Property 168 acres west of Plattsmouth , S300.00 per acre 160 acres on Louisville road, 300.00 per acre 286 acres west of Plattsmouth.. 168 acres west of Plattsmouth.. WESTERN NEBR. LAND FOR SALE Irrigated and Table Lands House on Vine Street One acre and house, south of IiurlinRton Shops IIou?e anil on Washington avenue House and 5 acres, south of Plattsmouth House on North 4th Street 'orner lot on North 4th Street Ten choice building lots in Plattsmouth. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK ineludins ,nod building and up-to-date fixture-;. Entire -stock or any part, to suit purchaser. Kiglrtyrve per cent of this stock bought on old prices. Terms on building to suit. Located in eastern Ne braska in thriving country town doing" fine business. Farmers- Insure Your Hogs in Our Live Stock Insurance. Eest apd Safest. F. Phone 103. wi kssa m umtf bran it ftard km b i Office Wp.gner Hotel Bldg. -:- -:-"Plattsmouth, Neb. Block 15 15 ....... 1 8 19 19 AVIH'A Hlock 7 12 19 19 to Avora Hlock 11- A vora Township 10, I'.ange 12 Description Sec. Ix-t 10, SWV4 XWVi 31 VII.L.AOK OF VXIOX Description Hlock Lots 12 and 13 1 a , 27 ft. SK cor-6 Lot 9 Lot 5 and pt ner or Lot Lots 6 and 7. N of .. Lot 1 Lots 2 to 8.. Undivided VA 5 .. . 6 ... 7 ...10 ...10 . . .11 of Lot 4 . . . . Month tnlon Description Block Lota 15 and 16 2 IlaDnlnar Addition to t nlon Description Block Lots 1 and 2 2 Lot 7 2 KA of Lot 8 and all of 9... 2 , W of Lot 8 2 VII.I.AtiK OF Ml'RIIOf K Description Block Lots 16 to 13..... 9 Amt. 11.12 Amt. 43.25 " 13. S7 21.72 29.45 59.5a 1.112 12.2'j 4.35 Amt. 1.72 Amt. 1.92 17.75 23.44 .96 Amt. 0.93 OTICK OK ni:ni.i In tlie County Court of Cans county. 'i.irnskn. in tlie matter of the estate ot jonni McNeal. leceat:ed. To all peisons interested in saui es tate, creditors and lieirs-iu -iav . You are hereby notified that w iinam l:. VounK has tins day Hied a petition in this court alleuu? that one joiin McNeal. late a resident of Watson. At chison countv, Missouri, tlie-1 lniesiaie on or about tlie day of February. 190fi, at his place of residence in said state, seized of tlie title in fee simple of real estate in Cass county, Nebras ka, described as follows: Commencing at a point 426.7 feet west or tlie southeast corner of the southwest uuarter of southwest quarter ,S'U SWVi ) of Section eighteen (IS), Town twelve (121 North. Kantre fourteen (14 east, and running thence north 190 feet; thence west 152 feet: thence south 190 feet; thence east 152 feet to the place of beginning-, and .that said decedent, left surviving as his sole and only .heii s-at-law. three sons and on sriand-iiausliter. to-wit: Winfred Z. McNeal. Merritt A. McNeal, and Keith McNeal. sons, and l.ulie Bal 'ard, a Krand-daiiRliter, and that tlie title to said real estate descended to said heirs at law, and that petitioner is now the owner of said premises by virtue of mesne conveyances from said heirs and others, and prayinK for a determination of the time of tlie death nf li Kiiid John McNeal ami a neiei- mination of his lielrs-at-la w, the nf kinsliii) ami the rialit of scent of the real property beloiiK'ntf to said deceased in the State of Ne braska, and for such other orders anil decrees' as may be necessary for a cor rect determination of said matter. Said matter has been set down for hearing on tlie 22nd day of November, 1919,- at ten (101 o'clock a. m., in the Countv Court room, Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebi-aska. at which time and place all persons interested in said es tate ,may appear and contest said pe tition. Hated October 18, 1919. ALLKN .1. HKKSO.V. o20-3w. County Judse. TWO UNUSUAL VALUES IN Cass County Farms ICO acres about C miles from Plattsmouth and close to market. 130 acres under cultivation. CO acres of fine pasture and riinnin water the year around. There are no. improvements excepting a Kood fMice. This is a fine quarter section &i land and priced right. AVe believe it is the best buy around here. Price $200 per acre. Good terms will be given purchaser. 160 acres not far from Plattsmouth and close to market. This is a mighty nice farm and has a jvood complete set of improvements. Well fenced and cross-fenced. This farm is priced for quick sale at $30,000,000. Good terms can be arranged with purchaser. IT'S A PLEASURE TO SHOW CASS COUNTY LAND. Falter & Son REAL ESTATE Phone 28 INSURANCE ....' HiWUt'WII de de- CAR LOAD OF POTATOES A car load of Hurals to arrive soon and will be sold at $1.90 per bushel at the car on M. P. track, Platts mouth. Place orders now by call ing Chas. Peacock, phone 2505 or John, B. Kaffenberger, phone 2011. A 33-Year Loan, FOR SALE. Chester White toars for sale. Prices reasonable. Full pedigree furnished free. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Call or write your wants. C. Uengen, My nard, Neb. lC-tfw BUT WHICH CAN BE PAID SOONER IF DESIRED No Commissions We place such leans through the LINCOLN JOINT STOCK LAND BANK, of Lincoln, Nebraska, which during the past year has loaned over $6,000,000.00 to the farmers of Iova and Nebraska. NO DELAYS! NO RED TAPE! A FAIR RATE OF INTEREST Ask Us About It ank of ass Co., -:- -:- Nebraska Plattsmouth m y l i H ii f M t i B H u a ii - i a I I H n a y -i B B a H ft (1 1 - , u' v 24