THUP.5DAT. 0C102ZP. 16. 1919. PLATTEMOTTTH SEMI-WEEKL JOTHtffAL PAGE TKPSZ, PROCEEDINGS QF COMMISSIONERS OF CASS GOUNTY Office of County Commissioners of f'ass county. Piattsinouth, Nebras ka. October 7, 1919. Board una pursuant to adjourn ment. Present: Julius A. Pitz, C. F. Harris and II. J. Miller, County Com rn ii-ion-rp ; George It. Savk-s, Coun ty Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved, when the following busi re::s was transacted in regular form: Bond of Key Bennett for compb' t ifii of channel, .as per agreement on I.!" in tlie office of the County Clerk, examined and approved. Assignment if) Louis Keil of tax Kale certificate No. 979 for taxes lev ied in 11.". not patented until I860, on i he l-j of the sw1 of Sec. 1, Tup. J. iiunge 12, examined aiul approved. .Application of the Myers Crushed Stone company to permit the Mis Miuri Pacif.c railway company to build a sidewalk across the highway that run between the neVt of the , and the st-'4 of the seH of Sec. 1. Twp. 10. Kans-'e 11, examin ed and p-rmit granted. Claims Allowed The following bills were examin ed and approved: (J UNI-: HAL FI ND Expense of Special Election I'irot ICix-k llliin l'r.iiil L. 1). Iliatl. judge $ 4.20 Geo. I. Llovd. jud'-'e. returns.- 7.40 J. W. Edmunds, judge 4.20 O A. Iavi-. clerk 4.20 W. I.. Seyboldt. clerk 4.20 .-vpliti; Wulrr I'rrrirt V.'. '. Woll'-n. judtre. returns.? 7.40 Chri.- Johnson, judge 3.00 Harry Wulf, judsre 3.60 Fred Sehaefer. clerk 3.60 1 1. A. Eugha. clerk 3.00 i:lnmiMMl I'rrrlurl August I'aiiika. judge $ 3.90 Jacob Goehry. judge 3.90 Chris Gurr. judge 3.90 ( has. 1. Lour, clerk 3.90 11. K. Schmidt, clerk, returns. 13.75 i:n,l Wanl. l'ln t tinut b ilj W. I:. Kishel. judge, returns $ C.30 fia'is ilottel. judire 4.20 P.. I;. Dar.ib.'T. judge 4.20 Jacob Tritsch. clerk 4.20 J'--se I'.rady. clerk 4.20 l.t W nnl. ntrr i lty It. D. McNuriiu. judge S 3.90 J. I.. Kennedy, judge, returns. 10.35 C .M. Cherry. j::'!ce 3.90 G. L. Spohn. clerk 3.90 11. C. Wilkinson, clerk 3.90 l.ilirrty lr-Hn-t W. A. Tavlor. judire L $ 4.20 W. H. Mark. judge.' 4.20 J. 1). I'.ranibltt. judge, returns 7.90 L. It. Upton, cb rk 4.20 F. H McCarthy, clerk 4.2e ocii I'rrt-Iiifl .t. S. i:..u-l;. judge, returns $ S.S0 E. il. Nnrris. judi:e 4.20 ult C'rrt-U PrcHuot C. E. Kurlbut, judge $ 4.20 John Mtfford. Judge, returns. 9.90 Geo. L. Fels. judge 4.20 C. F. Gartner, clerk 4.20 W. E. Hand, clerk 4.20 , :tr.l Ward. Pint Omunl h iliy F. B. Shopp. judge 5 4.20 C. C. Despain. judge, returns. 6.20 Itobert Troop, judge 3.30 P. P. Meisinger, clerk 4.20 r.ih Wsril, I'lallHinunth Itr J. 15. Higley, judge, returns $ C.40 Fritz Heinrich. judge 4.20 George S.dianz. judge 4,20 El wood Buttery, clerk 4.20 August Bach, clerk 4.20 rbnnkn I'rariiirt J. W. Magney, judge, returns.! 7.90 Chalnier Switzer, judge 3.90 A. A. McReynolds. judge 3.90 I). Steft'ens, clerk 3.90 J. J. Pollard, clerk 3.90 Mor "rr-k IrHiiot Ed Gustin. judge 5 4.20 Win. judsre 4.20 E.JI. Boyles. judge 4.20 C. S. Hart, clerk 4.20 Aulden A. Turk. elk., returns. 11.60 l.uuiot iilr lrtvin-t W. A. Cleghorn. judge, rts.$ 8.10 V. A. Besaek. judge 4.20 C. G. Mavfield. judge 4.20 It. J. Krart, clerk 4.20 P. E. Phelps, clerk 4.20 South ltrnd lrfln- B. F. Dill, judge $ 4.05 A. D. Zaar. judge, returns 8.8a W. J. Clouse, judge 4.0a Chas. Campbell, clerk 4.05 Wm. Richards, clerk 1 4.05 1st YVnr.l, l'latHmulh 1ly Fred H. Black, judge, returns.! 6.20 Wm. Hassler. judge 4.20 John Cory, judge 4.20 F. A. Fricke. clerk 4.20 J. W. Holmes, clerk T 4.20 - inl llork. Illnfl' l'rrrlnct Wm. Wehrbein. judge, rts 8.80 Frank li. Slagle, judge 3.90 E. L5. Hutchison. Judge '. 3.90 R. M. Wiles, clerk 3.90 F. G. Hull, clerk 3.90 Titu Irrlnct G. W. Fetersou. judge $ 3.90 J. 15. Elliott, judge 3.90 M. I.. Hursli. judge 3.90 C. P. Snyder, clerk 3.90 Geo. Reitter. clerk, returns.. 12.60 .rrruMil I'ri-liict R. M. Coatman. judge, rts 114.50 Carl D. Ganz. judge 3.90 C. C. Eucknell. judge 3.90 H. L. Rornemeier. clerk 3.90 J. A. Shaffer, clerk 3.90 laundry, Sept., 1919 113.001 Frank Rouse, dragging in 8.00 6.00 M. M. Straub. j':dite 1.2 0 .1. M. Dunbar. Cierk 4.20 II. J. Stutt. clerk 3.9c I'InltNiiKMitli I'rt-riitrl J. F. AVel:rtein. judge $ 3.90 W T. Richardson, judge Adam Fli'i-i r. judtre 3.90 3.90 Win. Ru:::ni-:1. clerk, returns. 6.50 J. I'., l.ivii.gston. cbrk 3.90 I tli W nnl, rinlfnmfiutli H v Ward Clark, clerk S 4.20 John L"drevay, judce 4.20 c. A. Edg-rton. judce 2.70 Geo. K. Staats. clerk 4.20 D. K. Eberso'e. clerk, returns 6.20 ii. I uril. --ina Walfr I'rrvlnrt W. O. f)srd. n. judge $ 4.20 C. S. Newlan, j-idge. returns.. 10.65 Geo. E. i-toner, judge 4.20 It. G. Glover, clerk ' 4.20 O. K. Cromwell, clerk 4.20 VI. I'l-:imt I'rrrlm-I I Wilson Gilmore. judge $ 3.60 U. A. P.rown. judge 3.60 Win J. PLilpot, judge .30 1 .1. W. M unlock, clerk 3.60 P. A. Iliid. clerk, returns 3.95 -nl-r 1'rerliicl Dan IJourke. judge, returns $ ft. 85 James Murphy, judge 3.90 T. A. Wiies. jv.dse 3.90 Ceo. E. Coon, clerk 3.90 A. F. Rauih. clerk 3. SO i:iult Mil l.rovt IrM-lin-t P. A. Hoin. judge, returns 6.70 '. Johnson, judtre 3.60 J. W. Tritsch. judpe 3.60 E. F. Hennines, clerk 3.60 R. W. Heil. cierk 3.60 John P. Sattler. hall rent, election. 2nd ward. Platts mouth City S Claus Poet el. w ork on elec tion booths Piattsinouth City ("has. E. Martin, official can vas primary election voe Wm. Holly, official canvas of primary election vote School iust. No. SO. room rent for primary election. Mt. Pleasant precinct Aug P.ach. Sr., room rent for primary election, 5th ward, Plattsmouth City Clerk of Elm wood, room rent, election. Stove Creek precinct Wm. Hulfish. wofk on booths Ora E. Copes,- mgr.. room rent, election, Avoca ret Nehawka Aud. Co., room rent election, Nehawka precinct Henry A. Tool, clerk, room rent election Elmwood Pet. It. W. Stewart, room rent, election. Greenwood Pet A . Vi. Panning, room rent, election. Liberty Pet W. E. Hand, room rent, elec tion. Salt Creek Pet H. D. Reed, room rent, elec tion. 1st ward. Weeping Water City ('has. Campbell, room rent, election. South Bend Pet Geo. Olive, room rent elec tion. 2nd ward. Weeping Water City Earl J. Quinn, room rent, election, Center Pet Mrs. Dora Fleischman, care of blind man for the 3rd quarter. 1919 K. li. Printing Co., supplies to county offices Opal Fitzgerald, salary, clerk in office of Co. Supt. and Co. Atty., Sept., 1919 John Kopia. provisions to Mrs. Furian. Oct., 1919 Geo. E. Farley, salary, Co. Assessor, Sept., 1919 1'nion Mut. Tel. Co., toll rent for Commissioner Harris, for Sept., 1919 E. J. Mayfield, printing en velopes for County Clerk.. II. Sievers, salary janitor, court house and jail and C.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 1.00 C.00 COO 6.00 6.00 '6.00 C.00 6.00 COO 6.00 6.00 30.00 54. C9 85.00 5.00 50.00 7.65 4.00 LIVESTOCK. LIFE. AUTOIIOEILE AND FIRE INSURANCE t CASS COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE Also City Property 1GS acres v.cst of Plattsmouth $300.03 per acre 1C0 acres on Louisville road 400.00 per acre 2SG acres ve;t of Plattsmonth 1S5.00 per acre 1G3 acres vest of Plattsmouth 100.00 per acre WESTERN NEBR. LAND FOR SALE Irrigated and Table Lands Ib,u:e on Vine Street One r.cre and house, south of Burlington F! Ho'ive and 2 1 i lots on Washington avenue House and 5 acres, tooth of Plattsmouth House on North 4th Street Corner lot on North 4 tli Street Ten choice building lots in Plattsmouth. Farmers Insure Your Hogs in Our Live Stock . Insurance. Best and Safest. F. G. E&ENBERGER, Office Wagner Hotel Bldg. Phone 103. -:- -:- Plattsmouth, Neb. H. J. Miller, salary, mileage and expense, Sept.. 1919 John F. Gorder, material and labor to county farm E. E. Day, provisions. Brown for August. 1919 A. J. Beeson, costs. State vs. King et al C. D. Quinton, costs, State vs. King et al Fred Haffke, threshing at county farm Philip Thierolf, indse. to the county farm E. J. Richey, 24 posts to count v farm F. G. Fricke & Co., nidse. to county farm Julius A. Pitz, male hog to county farm Bestor & Swatek, mdse. to counjty farm D. C. Morgan, postal suppls. to Co. Supt Fred Haffke. use of wheat drill at countv farm Frankel Carb. & Ribbon Co., two ribbons to Co. Supt Milburn Scott Co., supplies to Co. Supt B. C. MarquaTdt Co., nidse. to Cottingham, for Sept., 1919 John Hirz. carpenter work at court house C. G. Fricke. fuel to Kusch insky and Warthen F. H. Nichols, mdse. to Mat zke, for July, August and September, 1919 M. Homan, helper to county surveyor 10.00 J. E. Hatchett, helper to the county surveyor Fred Patterson, office work on records and surveying Bestor &. Swatek, files and grease to road district 27 D. C. Morgan, envelopes fur- 40.50' road district ro. o 93.40 A. M. Newsham, dragging in I road district So. 6 16.50 23.40 Chris J. Elgaard, dragging in road district No. 13 Frank Grauf, dragging in road district No. 27 E. 13. Hutchison, dragging j in road district No. 27 50.24 Peter HenricUsen. dragging in road district No. 16 71. 4S I. T. Rover, for dragging in I road district No. 13 11.00 II. C. Creamer, dragging in road district No. 10 lO.SO.Emil Holke. dragging in I road district No. 6 4.75 Robert Mickle, dragging in road district No. 14 45.00. A. J. Schafer, dragging in road district No. 9 2.25 E. L. Shoemaker, dragging I in road district No. 11 4.00 Henry Eikerman, dragging iri road district No. 6 4.50 H. A. Meisinger, dragging I in road district No. 2 C. F. Vallery, dragging in. road district No. 1 C. R. Hixon, for dragging in road district No. 1 Jno. P. Meisinger, dragging in road district No. 1 13.50 6.37 12.75 10.13 13.50 19.50 3.05 10.50 14.50 1.70 I 30.92 1.00 24.00 8C.2i 14.15 22.50 COO 29. ROAD FUND J. Johannsen. road work in . road district No. 7 $ 19.13 J. Johannsen. road work in ! road district No. 7 78.00 22.50 Walter Bvers, road work in road district No. 27 200.50 J. Johannsen, road work in I road district No. 7 21a. 00 12.00 , F. H. Baldwin, repairs to j grader, road district No. 9. 3.75 10S.40-Aug F. Krecklow, road work i in road district No. 8 142.00 2.15 j Aug. Krecklow, road work in I road district No. S 86.60 nished County Clerk 135.72 a. J. Hoover, road work in 10.00 50.00 , Wm. Holly for clothing and shoes to county for poor Mogensen & Hart, nidse. to Allen. August and Septem ber. 1919 Miller-Davis Co., supplies to County Clerk D. C. Morgan, stamps to the County Supt; W. E. Gilmore, tracing and 50 blue prints furnished to County Superintendent Florence White, salary, clerk to County Judge for Sep tember. 1919 A. G. Cole, salary. Sept., 1919 and expense, nigger case 131.00 Vestal Cheni. Co., mdse. to Sheriff . 22.50 L. F. Terryberry. auto livery to Co. Attorney and Sheriff 24.20 Geo. R. Sayles, sal'y. stamps. express and freight, Sept., 50.50 15.00 . 15.00 22.50 1C.00 15.40 ISC. I road district No 12.75 Aug Krecklow, road work in j road district No. S F. M. Hunt, road work in road district No. 16 W. J. Partridge, blowing out two trees, road dist. No. 1 Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co., one drag scraper, road dist. 12 J. B. Elliott, road work and grading, road district 16 Chas. Frolich. road work in road district No. 16 W. H. Puis, mdse.. to road district No. 10 E. B. Chapman, road work in road district No. 11 E. B. Chapman, road work in road district No. 11 133.50 Frank Rouse, road work in road district No. 5 Walter Wood, road wurk in road district No. 16 S5.00 i8.25 10.51 76.00 15 4.00 10.00 1919 173.68 w. E. Aument. sharpening B. F. Good, helper to coun ty surveyor Plattsmouth Journal, print ing and supplies to county offices 272.65 James Robertson, salary and ' fees. 3rd quarter. 1919 210.00 C. E. Hartford, coal to court ' house 205.45 t grader, road district 27 10.00 peter Henrichsen, road work in road district No. 16 I. T. Royer, road work in 4.50 4.50 Jess F. Warga. plumber's friend to court house I.estor & Swatek, nidse. to court house Weyrich & Hadraba. mdse. to County Clerk A. B. Smith. 7 keys and la- . bor to court house Mike Tritsch. box rent, post al cards and stamps A. U. Morse & Co.. one case toilet paper to court house. Dr. G. G. Douglas, salary, as' physician 6th district, seven months and expense C. W. Crabtree. mdse. to Adams. Sept., 1919 D. C. Morgan, envelopes to County Supt. Hatt & Son, mdse. to Lam bert. May, June, July, Auerust and Sept.. 1919 J. H. Tams. salary Supt. of mart district No. 13 136. 0 Highway- Maintainer Co., re pairs for Maintainer, roau district No. 1 Krecklow, road work 45.00 Aus 1.00 1.10 1.44 1 . i ; 106.00 C7.30 7.4 5 iC.35 and grading, district 8 Joe Vickers, for 'road work in road district No. 16 SO. 00 Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co., two iron culverts, road dist. 10. II. C. Creamer, road work in road district No. 10 137.50 . Robert Mickle. road work in tii.lU 50. SI road district No. 14 A. J. Hoover, road work and posts, road district No. 3 I 70.40 A. J. Hoover, road work in road district No. 3 CO. 50 I. T. Rover, road work in road district No. 13 106.00 10 00 I- T. Royer, balance due for I pulling hedge in road dis- 11. Si; trict No. 10 330.00 Chas. Godbey, road work in ! road district No. 6 14.50 rn-- p it V.aldwin. repairs to t roau giauci, uin vi u .00 countv farm. Sep't.. 19l'9 120.00 F. H. Baldwin, sharpening Alpha C. Peterson, salary and expense, Sept., 1919 Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co., rent for Oct.. tolls for Sept Fetzer Shoe Co.. mdse. to county farm Mrs. A. L. Marshall, care of Barger. 3rd quarter, 1919 L. L. Coon, auto drive to Omaha, Mrs. Emmons i grader and repairing fram,e oAftiT road district No. 9 7.00 48.15 Stair nuil Count? va, SIikIi linkrr WIIncmi Cn. ' A. M. Newsham. roal wors ' in road district No. G 113.50 A. D. Zaar. road work, sand S.70 and cement for use in road I district No. 4 13 00 H- A- Meisinger. road work I in road district No. 2 i n. W. H. Meisincer. road work in roau uiiun i. - - Neb. Culv. & Mfg. Co., one 18x18 steel culvert, road district No. 10 111 31.50 !4.34 James Robertson 7.50 iA j schafer, road work in Roy Flannagan, witness C. I). Quinton, witness F. J. Libershal, witness James Robertson, fees C-. D. Quinton. witness. Roy Flannagan, witness 2 50 ; road district No. 9 141.10 J.oo.pred Gardner, road work In .00 7.25 2.00 2.50 Male awtl County n. Joitm II a nam Cadillac Co. James Robertson $79.0; A. J. Beeson, witness Sam Finsol. witness C. D. Quinton, witness John VanCamp, witness Earl R. Travis, rep. fees B of X 2.00 2.5 0 2.00 2.50 9.50 MOTHERS' PENSION FUND Mrs. Chlora Allen, Oct., 1919$10.00 Mrs. Lucy B. Lyle, Oct 10.00 Mrs. Ellen Davis, October 25.00 Mrs. Hettie Covert, October 10.00 Mrs. Viola Auxier, October 40.00 Mrs. Margaret Lahoda. Oct 20.00 Mrs. Clara Matzke, October 15.00 Mrs. Edith Duckworth. Oct 25.00 Mrs. Martha Haddon. Oct 25.00 Mrs. Katherine Myers, Oct 10.00 Mrs. Mae Hyde, October 25.00 Mrs. Esther Heneger, Oct 20.00 Mrs. Martha Franke, October. 20,00 Mrs. Ida Schlieske, October 20.00 Mrs. Hallie Black, October 15.00 road district No. 1 A. J. Snyder, road work in road district No. 1 Henry Timms, road work in road district No. 1 John P. Meisinger. road work in road district No. 1 Albert Ientz, engine on grad er, road district No. 1 Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co.. one iron culvert, district No. 10 C. F. Vallery, road work in road district No. 1 J. D. Allen, road work in road district No. 16 Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co.. one 18 in. band, district No. 13 J. D. Allen, road work and grading, road district 16 DRAGGING FUND J. Johannsen, dragging in road district No. 7. S 38.00 Aug Krecklow, dragging in road district No. 8 2G.63 Fritz Vallery, dragging In road district No. 1 18.50 A. J. Hoover, for dragging in road district No. 3 Frank Martin, dragging In road district No. 16 21.75 Chas. Frolich, dragging in roan district No. 16 16.74 G. R. Rhoden, dragging in roud district No. 10 18.00 E. B. Chapman, dragging in road district No. 11 12.75 20.2J BRIDGE FUND A. D. Zaar. wire and spikes, road district No. 4 $ Mead Lumber Co.. bridge lumber, road dist. No. 4 Aug Krecklow, bridge work, road district No. 8 C. F. Vallery, bridge work. road district No. 1 John P. Meisinger, bridge work, road district No. 1 Fred Buechler, bridge work. road district No. 1 Robert Mickle, bridge work, road district No. 14 Henry Eikerman. bridge work in road district No. 6 C. F. Vallery. bridge work. road district No. 1 Walter Byers, bridge work, road district No. 27 Walter Blake, paint and tur pentine, road dist. No. 3 H. C. Creamer, unloading lumber, posts, in road dis trict No. 10 E. J. Richey, lumber, road district No. 17 14.40 3.50 2.50 3.50 207.00 25.42 98.15 36.00 92.50 19.40 49. 6S 50.50 38.10 12.60 1.80 19.20 2.50 15.60 62.60 19.00 2.00 im it "inr'ftl i l.1 .fip ra a an How Much Oil Not What Price The wearing quality, not the price the protection it gives your engine unci the power efficiency it maintain these con siderations should govern motor oil selec tion. They measure the true economy of hijjh grade Polarime Oil over cheaper, less efficient lubrj cants. Polarine not only lasts longer gives more miles of operation per gallon hut it gives an engine better protection. It retains its body and lubricity practically unchanged at ail engine heats. It provides an oil film that keeps compression tight and gets every possible ounce of power from the explosive force of the gases. It is the year round lulmcant for motoring satis faction, economy and elTioiency. Buy Polarine where you buy Red Crown Gasoline, the economical, clean-burning motor fuel at first class garages and service stations wjiere you see this sign. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) Omalia 3 a a P p 3 . t aauuDapu anna h OILS nAMMBw on. coKxurr G Z c c z b g n n p h d EZE2 K. J. Richey. lumber, road district No. 1 7.0; Board adjourned to meet on Wed nesday, the Sth day of October, 1919. Attest: GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. Off.ce of County Commissioners cf Cass county. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. October S.1919. Board met as per adjournment of yesterday. Present: Julius A. Pitz. C. F. Harris and H. J. Miller, Coun ty Commissioners and George R Sayles, County Clerk. The following business was trans acted in regular form: Transfer of $10,000 to Bridge Fund The following Resolution was pass ed bv unanimous vote of the Board: RESOLUTION Whcrca. There is an unexpended balance of 40,056.67, in the General fund of Cass county, Nebraska, and Whereas, The interests of th county seem to require a transfer of $10,000.00 from the General fund tc the Bridge fund of Cass county; Therefore, Be it Resolved, By th Board of County Commissioners o; Cass county, Nebraska, in regulai session assembled, that the sum of $10,000.00 be. and the same amount Ten Thousand Dollars, is hereby transferred from the County General fund to the County Bridge fund. Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 8th day of October, 1919. JULIUS A. PITZ, C. F. HARRIS. II. J. MILLER, Board of County Commissioners Attest J GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk mileage. Sept.. 1919 Dr. E. II. ser vices to county patients John Clarence-, bringing wild man to Plattsmouth Lloyd Lewis, auto to bring in wild man L. J. Clarence, bringing in wild man J. H. McMaken, auto, deiiver- i ing election supplies Busch and Knorr, decorating committee, refund cash for ; decorating the court house a nil i a i 1 State Journal Co., 24 sets of election supplies and two warrant books Neb. Gas & Elec. Co., service tw court house, and the county farm Mrs. Edna Shannon, postage and recording Hoover-Colbert deeds Will T. Adams, salary, dep uty county clerk. Sept Julius A. Pitz, salary aud mileage. Sept., 1919 S. M. True, bringing in wild man Roy Bennett, auto trip for Commissioner Miller ., Justice of the Peace ' Petition of Thomas Murtey aiu eight others for the appointment o Mr. E. P. Buck as Justice of the Peace for Weeping Water precinct examined and said E. P. Buck dulj appointed. Official Bond The official bond of E. P. Buck, ap pointed Justice of the Peace foi Weeping Water precinct was exam ined and approved by the Board. DRAGGING FUND Fred McGrady, one road drag and bolt, road dist. 14 Winfred H. Bixby, Wallis Cub tractor and fender, for road district No. 1 F. E. Carter, for dragging in road district No. i:. II. J. Miller, freight advanc ed on road machinery Monarch Eng. Co.. bridge No. 5 in Sec. 17, Nehawka, road district No. 12 lighway Maintainer Co., one Maintainer. road dt. 7 lighway Maintainer Co., one Maintainer, road dist. 1 lighway Maintainer Co., one Maintainer, road dist. 8 Wm. Brothwell. two road drags for road dist. No. 1C 9S.10 2 5.00 .",.0 0 6.0 3 3.00 27.00 20.00 315.00 29.4 5 i O . I o 104.17 67.90 3.00 4.50 $ 6.90 16S5.00 7.50 6.21 66S.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 Monarch Eng. Co.. bridge No. 5:'. between Sees. 13 I and 14. Liberty 127.33 Monarch En sr. Co.. bridge No. 54. Sec. SV Nehawka 21S.90 1'nrl I'n ytii-iit fur Itrhljir l" a, ii IIiiimI lit Miir-H. ; ( Fcr t!.f Following liriilf. Monarch Eng. Co., bridge No. 24, between Sees. 1 anl 12. j Mt. Pleasant precinct I Monarch Eng. Co., bridge No. i 25J-i. in Sec. 5, West Rock 1! lulls precinct Monarch Eng. Co., bridge No. 9. Sec. 13, in West Rock IUufi's precinct Monarch Eng. Co., bridge No. 10, East Sec. 24, Weeping Water precinct Monarch Eng. Co., bridge No. 31. Sees. 32 and 33, East Rock Bluffs precinct Monarch Eng. Co., bridge No. 4 7. East Sec. 1, Liberty pet. Monarch Eng. Co., bridge No. 49. Sees. 35 and 36, Platts mouth precinct Monarch Eng. Co.. steel at Weeping Water for bridge No. 50, between Sees. 16 and 17, South Bend pet Irrlnl f S00.00 4 00.00 400.00 400.00 600.00 MMI.OO 600.00 80 0.00 MOTHERS' PENSION FUND Mrs. Ethel Boetel, October $25.00 No further business appearing, the Board adjourned Jo meet on Thursdav the 6th day of November, 1919. Attest: . GEO. "It. SAYLES. County Clerk. Quarterly Reports of the County Officials. County Judge Allen J. Beeson filed a report showing fees -to the amount of $567.75 as being collect ed for the quarter ending Septem ber 30th. 1919. - Clerk of the District Court Janie Robertson filed a report showing fee: collected for the quarter ending Sep tember. 1919, $424.05. County Clerk Ged. R. Sayles filed his report showing fees collected for the 3rd quarter, 1919, to the amoun of $81.38. Itegister of Deeds Edna D. Shan non filed a report showing fees to the amount of $406.15 collected for the third quarter, 1919. State Property Taken Off : the Tax List The wi.4 of the sw'i of Sec. 36, Township 10, Range 13, Cass county, was ordered taken off the tax list, being property of the state and not subject to taxation. Claims Allowed The following bills were examin ed and approved: GENERAL'FUND Cudahy Packing Co., soap to court house 1 $ 17.75 H. M. Soennichsen, mdse. to Collins, Hart and Worden, September, 1919 25.00 C. F. Harris, salary and ROAD FUND r. F. Stroud & Co.. mdse. to road district No. 1 $ 3.00 Chas. Keesee, road work in road district No. 27 5.00 A J. Partridge, balance due on claim of July 25, 1919. for blowing out hedge in road district No. 1 25.00 "ebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co., for three iron culverts, road district No. 4 303.86 lohn Iverson, sharpening grader blades for road dis trict No. 1 30.00 H. C. Creamer, road work in road district No. 10 75.00 J. E. Owen & Son. road work and filling bridge, in road district No. 11 194.80 Aug Krecklow, labor and freight on Maintainer, road districUNo. 8 13.55 W. J. Partridge, bal. due for blasting out ditch ihree miles west Weeping Water 75.00 J. H. Latrom, mdse. furnish ed road district No. 16 9.60 Indigestion, Biliousness, tion. Constipa- Chamberlain's Tablets have re stored to health and happiness hundreds who were afflicted with indigestion, biliousness and consti pation. If you are troubled in this way give them a trial. You are certain to be pleased for they will benefit you. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy is intended especial ly for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. From a small be ginning its sale and use has extend ed to all parts of the United States and to many foreign counries. This alone is enough to convince one that it is a medicine of more than ordinary merit. Give it a tnM and vou will find this to be the Che. . BRIDGE FUND Murtey & Co., bridge lum ber, road" dist. No. 16 $112. Murtey & Co., bridge lum ber, road dist. No. 16 217. Murtey & Co., bridge lum ber, road dist. No. 6 43. Bestor & Swatek, nails for bridge, road dist. No. L E. J. Richey, balance due on claim of June 30. 1919 10. Capital Bridge Co., 4S inch culvert on West Main St., Piattsinouth 1200. Monarch Eng. Co., bridge No. 37, between Sees. 5 and S, Nehawka $565. .92 78 80 50 00 00 CASTO R IA for Infants and Children In Us for Over 30 Years Always the 3t num bears .ryf DR. II. C. LEOPOLD OESTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAK ttr-nflB ta Ilarmr of W'tiirt ACUTE DISEASES TREATED Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted i Night Calli Answered After Hour and Sundaya by Appointment m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to S:3u Plattsmouth. Neb. 1:30 Cornea lilork Pint MM i