rLATTSMDUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9- 1919. V r Murray Department Prepared in tbe Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers, If tnyof the reader of tbe Journal knor of any soois.1 fTentorUciD of Interest St this vicinity. nd will mail naif to tliis office, u will ap pear under this headintr. We want all pews Items Eojtod 'Xjk' Class Of Our Clients M The depositors on our m Is? books include the leading busi- p3 a visitor at relatives at i.'r a nam-- Mrs. Will Lanuc was the Lome of friends and N'eolu. Iowa, lust week. her of days. i S. (). Cole, of near Menard, was a' visiter in Murray last Tuesday and was looking after some business mat ters fur a short time. ! Frank Valiery departed for the western part of the state last Wed nesday, where be is looking after some business matters for a few days. ' A. L. Kaker and Curl Meisinger were visitors in Avoea last Tuesday Secures an Excellent Workman Li. II. Puis Las added to Lis force of workmen, in Lis garage workshop,' Walter Tower, who is an excellent ! workman, being a mechanic far sur passing ihe ordinary man, and a conscientious worker as well. His work should add to the patronage of the institution. Mr. Puis is fortu nate in securing such an excellent workman. i Breaks Ankle Digging Cistern DeWit Servaee, while digging a cistern for Eli Smith, near Union, had the misfortune to have his ankle broken in a peculiar manner. He had gotten down quite a distance and was digging under from the neck of the cistern, when the earth above caved in on him, catching his leg under a large quantity of dirt, and breaking his ankle. Dr. J. F. Bren- 1 del was called from Murray and re- !duced the fracture. The injured leg lis getting along as well as could be expected, though it is causing con siderable suffering. where given tl: b ey were the dai a ! t c n u l n eing club has rented the John for the coming yev-r, there. Km is at! e. aml will r.:;kc the The depositors on our books include the leading busi ness and professional men people whose financial transactions through us often involve considerable sums. Their faith in us has been established by careful atten tion, to every detail a service which is ex tended to all depos itors, both large and small. We solicit in vestigation from all. Safety- Honesty Courtesy Service Four pr cent interest on time deposits. 0;ir deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. $ k. 1 evening. 1 a dance oT t hat . j Em Carroll j ChaPant place and will fitrm ' cello nt farmer i place pay well. j John Vantine and wife, who were ! visiting in the western part of the ; state and l-.oLir.g after some bu-;i-' ness matters as well, returned home last Wednesday, j Dr. T. V. Davis, cf Lincoln, was a ; visitor in Murray bjst Sunday, being ! accompanied by Mrs. Davis and to : gether t hey were gue--t.i of relatives i in and near Murray. Ivan Dclles Dernier, Lien codd a nr. Walker Giiniore ' dro e to Lincoln l.oo Sundae iri a car. Walker going to i. ; l 1 1 1 ' m 1 t ' : from the I'orthwest Todd, who has been work- t he northwest for several where be was looking after work of putting up the bay on r.-ncli. returned home Sunday. .nd his wife and L. G. Todd and wire were visiting in Plattsmouth on last Tuesday, where they bad some hmiiiess matters to look after. Harry ing iu we?ks. the lie Rally Day a Great Success Last Sunday, which was rally day at the Christian church of Murray, was well observed by the members cf the Sunday school and also by the members of the church. There was a large crowd out to Sunday school and church services, both in the morning and evening. There will be services at the church this coming Sunday. Bible school in the morning, and preaching services both morning and evening. An invitation Is extended to all who are not wor shiping elsewhere to attend these services, and also the sessions of the Bible school. j.. Ai Lecture Course E'uniber The next number of tne lecture cuif-e which is to be given at Mur ray, is that of the funmaker. Rob ert O. Prigg. who comes very well recommended. Mr. Brigg, who has rained the r.obriquet of "Smiling P.ob" Uriggs. always has a strain of '..n:i r in his addresses, which grips '.is hearers, and a serious side as we'l which compels them to accept ail he says as the absolute truth. Nearly all the material he uses in i i lectures is original with himself. : : i you will have to hear him to get 'he iituefii of Lis many trite payings. Are Changing Pole Line THE W. H. PULS IHlairdlwaire o will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Farm Implements, Tractors, GASOLINE ENGINES and REPAIRSI We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing, and will also save you money on furniture orderf. Come in and get our prices on anything in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. W, MURRAY resume .1 we::, visit it;; while '.vith 10 e. I!" NOTK'i; - -Miss Mae Loughridge, voice. (;j.ening lor suui- K l-on and wife, of Lin visiting wiih friends in Murray for a few nays p; IT t : in i 1' tetl' .f 1 ed 1 in ; - i.er ( ; Term. ,r:ro v ( re ;ov. r week. W. i; road- ! v. 1 ; ,1 one liavin Ttitt ;;i bis . !'V. ;m:.- is sp'Tting a new wit!; ;:! electric start beju'y :.nd a car that as the writer can w11 g experienccl a ride 1 V reecntiv T.t v i w received a Article! Niias. j" t ret orii- : - ' d t r:'. cm s'-rvice -neld writes that he ii'id heme ji'tv of his r fr ' !1 'i',1 ri na I'l'iii c i 1 .- f 1 i ;i ; -v; in enjoying t:.( nn t'i -r alio isi'-r. T !; ?udire t'.oi't'jn. 1 1: carpenter, dep.-1 ted a fev days since for Grant, i :,r ioT" ;;e has rent"d a farnj and will i!g:iK- in lanaing during the coining He will j.ut ;n some winier wleat this full and continue at l.:s trade until tin:- to resume fur'i'inu iti 'lie sprinu. IT. I.'. F. i:rend 1 i at Lincoln for a :!;urt time rec-iving treatment at the ai.iturium at that place for rheuma; i -:n. He has lecn troubled with a i-t ubl.orn attack of this di y f for some time and goes to the -:iTti-.iri':m to ree'ive the efficiency of the hot baths which they use in t'iiir treatment of this malady'. V. K. Mo r-. who lias open-d up an auto repair shop in the livery barn of D. C. Hiiodr'n. was si V.i-i-v. : s vi.-itor in riaftsmouth on last ii- nday, l.as'eiMf.ir home to fnd t lie cars standing aroand his place wait ing fur work to be (U)iie on them. Mr. M,Mre is enjoying a good li;si ! since la-ic'-i-.'-'g Into the game C'li bis ow.i a' count. .1. B. Seybold: sliipped a car of ruixed cattle to the South Omaha I stock market Tuesday evening. ! Herman Gansmer, northwest cf ', town- chipped into this place for feeding purposes a car load of cattb : from South Omaha and drove l hern t to his feed yards at the farm, where i they will be fattened for market, j Roy Howard. of southwest of : town, was a business visitor at My- nard last Tuesday, and aT'.er trans i acting the business callini; him there ! he went on to IMattsmouth to loo': after some further matters chiimin his attention. Kay CLrisw eis: er. Will Phumaker and (Jlen Whltenian. all of near Nchawka. were in Murray on la:-t Tuesday, coming for three loads of bridge map-rial, which is to be used on the bridges in that portion of the county. J. P. Amick and wife, of North Yakima. Washington, who have b -en living away from Murray for th Ma't -4 years, going first to Carroll, Iowa, and later to the west, arrived in the old town and visited with their manv friends for a number of davs. They were guests at tl.ej other beys were ticular friends. Lu-.!w ig Hnllas. tbe ge::tL::.a:i'v and eJl-cieiit clerk and bookkeeper :'t t!- .Tnrray state bank, was a visitor in Plattsmout h "Vcdnes-iay eenii'-r. g.ing tin to attend the Jnitt and ,!ei't : bw ;t i !" c i-armele. Ralph Lent eiiy was r. pasi-nuer to Omaha last Tuesday morning, o.'. the early Missouri Pacific train where he went to look after some business m: it-rs for ii short time, returning home on the late train at midnight. George Parks, with the assistance t.l John Saru as tender, both gentle men being experts in their line, com pleted the chimney at the banl. w inch was construc ted for the ac-. c-on. modal ion of the new beatiuul plant wlil'.h is soor. to be installed. Mr-. Will G. Gilmore. whe- "n a bca vf-'itic.; ':ir some time in Ohio e.uri w ith relatives and end i i . -r I home a few day . ;iimor -. who Las been liv-, distance west of town will i- .1. A. Walker place the: 'asuti. I a Haihaway and his worthv i'! ceb-b-ate fi r many a day r, of the arrival at their la. t Monday. Octbi-r ith. iltU- i:-'.-. who prcmi:-es tc ir lives one of supreme jo nt of her jeining tl.-e hou-v- Roy Cole, of Plattsmouth, and a coterie of helpers, together with crews of workmen from Weening . Water and Nehawka. all employes; of the Lincoln Telephone and Tele-' GOOD 0.UA2TEE SECxION LAND graph company, were in Murray on last" Tuesday, being engaged in changing the line of poles running! south from this place to Union in order that the graders could work to advantage on the roads. -:- -:- NEBRASKA Phone No. 24 -member the date, October ISth Will Hold Services Sunday At the Presbyterian church there wil be Fundi y school and services r.t eleven in the morning and also in i i- i veiling. Mr. Harry Wicherson. f Onoiha. who is a student attend ing the academy there which is con ducted by the church, will lave full churpe of the service-. Ii -member and attend the B Lie sehoo , which will lie held at ttn o'clock in the raon.i'ig. T! Hold Ba: and Mi- i I l.i.: . in-T s-in far:n t !. con.i.vg ! Ait -; : spo'is:" V t:.o v : b.ome i: a tiny ' make tie on a '-con :aar Late in Season 'oman's Missionary society of e Prasbytcrinn church held a meet iast S: P.'.rd '.v evening, at which ;iu- it v:n- deritied to give a ba;;aar the close of autumn. Returns After Long Service George Small, who has been in V. S. service for the past almost two vears and a half, being a member of! the navy, arrived home Saturday, getting into Plattsmouth just in time to attend the homecoming celebra tion given for returned service men. George declares that it was arranged especially for his arrival. During his long term of service, he has seen a great many interesting sights, hav ing been a member of the crew on the transport America, at the time it rtttled in New York harbor. He al so made seventeen round trips across the Atlantic The America, when it settled in the harbor early in the j war, was on the bottom 35 days and ' out of- commission for more than i four months after it was lifted. Mr. Small was ashore in France a num ber of times and saw much service, with many rough voyages as well as a few pleasant ones. He is glad to and for'pel home again and is staying with I have for sale 168 acres of excel lent black prairie rcil, located in a good neighborhood six miles from town, with a good six room houf e j Price $S0.O per acre. in good condition, good barn, and an M. S. BRIGG3. abundance of out buildings, and with plenty cf fruit- a short distance from school and church. Terms can be arranged on a part ef the purchase price; can carry back sixty per -ent. which, a appoint tmbc 1 lo d Hi iw 'f committees the- necessary were i '"" work ; Pent. March and wife for the re thai time. The committees out ami in due time will make heir report.-, after which appropri ate notice regarding the entertain ment will be given. hold. V.'-- are hoping tnat this jo: may 1 ,-: forever. ! Y'n. S. ';..' dt an.! James Brown: w ere visiiing in Piattsmont h la ! Tne-d'ty. wior-' ? hey were called to look after some btisine wiih t!-.'--comity commissi-iiers regarding ii e, si : !'-n, r.t the Lome guard com-1 pai.y s:::t -and ;.r:: i.-sne, part of: which is to be returned to the cor.n-i ty wliile ti e re. t goes to the men. : L. W. Young and son. Parr. oi ntar Nehawka. were looking after! !--.t :c bo- i.o in Murray the- first of the wee'...- Mr. Young says that the farm vi.rfc is coming along nicely. they having just completed the s ed-; ing of scrap i acres of winter wheat ; and !:avc also finished the plowing; of some l::t) acies for next year's! farming. j :; of ('. Ben gen and , is a glatiacs which tlie1 ather of las! Saturday. At t coilbi i: of tile I l!l: o nrrivi 1 i of a nd all 11 V on accoitnt little td tie- home of Mrs. D. L. Amick anil others j eye 1 while here and departed for the; to la! northern portion of the- state for a v.-it ti;- first part of the week. Rev. Lovell Massie and wife, the former a son of Frank Masfie atid- a nephew of Dr. C. II. Gilmore. pass ed through Murray last Tuesday, stopping for a short time to visit, as he was on his way home fnun a con vention of tbe United Brethren church, to which denomination he ministers, which has been in session ' for the past week at Geneva. Rev. ' Massie and wife reside at Vermilion, ! .-'. .nth Dakota and are we'll pleased iwitli Hie pastorale there. v w inter J9 Wt bought early on blankets and these prices are as low, if not lower, than, ycu will find elsewhere, for quality, size and workmanship: Gray wool finish, extra size, size 72x80 $ 6-25 Blue ploid, krge size, cotton blankets. 4.85 Pure white, all wool, size 66x80 11.00 Tan plaia, ai! wool, extra heavy, 66x80 12.00 Plain gray and tan, cotton blankets, $3.50, $3.75, 4.00 MURRAY, silt it m1 NEBRAGKA :o oe'iares sli-.- is going residence up her permanent with the ior.d parents for a nuni ix-r (;; fd years, an;! to which de-e larat ion ! ;irt ti.ry are acq a iei-cing vith pleasure, j .lt; John Campbell, wjio Lhs oeen in the western portion ejf the state for! the past summer. where be wa: working for Lloyd Gnpen on hi: new farm, returned home last Satur day and lias been viuting with oh I?cw Home Nearly Completed ! The home of George Nickles, that has been under construction for some time hy Mes.rs. Young and Scot ten. and Bert Root., is now Hearing com ok ti -n and when finished will make one of the most complete homes in; fiis part of the country. The struc ture which is a semi-bungalow type,; '.ontains eight rooms and will bo modern in all its appointments, hav ing electric lights, bath, toilet, fur aaee heat and finished first class im . very respect. Lloyd Lewis, of Col '. :;e View, was here last week and sanded the foors. with a machine of 1 is invention which he runs with an U-ctric motor. The current for this work was generated from the Metz engine. .He is doing an excellent job of this highly particular task.' ill'! in addition has just finished a imiiar bit of work at the home of Capt. Harry Gayer, east of town. I Will Give Dzntc Friday. I The Murray Dancing club has ar ranged for one of their delightful dances at the Puis hall in this city,: 'wnch thev have on the calen- Murray Christian Church Regular services at the Christian church Sunday. October 12th. 9:4T, sluirt story class for all; 10:00. Bi ble school, with a class for everyone. There will be a recitation by Helen Reed at the opening exercises. Atj 11:00. morning services. All services: begin by slow time. Come to the) church that has a message and at welcome for one and all.- C. K. H ANNAN, Minister. i i i i ii P p i Social jrh ui fa 3 AT PULS' HALL MURRAY, NEBRASKA Friday Night, Oct. 10th Good music and an enjoyable time will be had by all attending. A cordial in- . vitation is extended to all. TAFT EXPLAINS LEAGUc States Basic Purpose in First oi Series of Six Short Articles. l'i' Lnen'!.- re since. He departed last Wednesday far Ne'nawka, where he spent the day visiting with his ris tcr, Mrs. ". W. Ciiriswisser. While in the wc-t he was mak'tig his hom near Palisade. We fai'e'l to notice the arrival of a fine b:y at tin- h n.e of Mr. and i ' ' Mrs. ' hi.rii-s Moore, which arrival j1'" occurred on September 24th, and':t' caused untoid happiness in thatin"' ho'.;seb, V,. They were not aloiie. for on the iame day at the home of (I'M ftpl'.rt and his good wife, there :il-!i came a y!;i:g American who gladdened that household. All con cerned are doing nicely and joy re-igns supreme. Joseph Mrasck, the genial sales man at the W. H. Puis hardware store, was a business visitor in Oma ha la; i Moiifh'v. where he was look ing after some business for the firm, and where he bud with him a list oi articles running into hundreds of d liars, pll of which were wanted at this time. He was only able, how ever, to get one 32 calibre rifle ane a few other minor articles, showing ho- difficult it is to gut goods as or (irrM at this time. Mrs. Berger, who conducts the hotel in Murray, and who is known' for her good cooking and the excel- lent manner in which she conducts1 the hostelry, is reported as being on the sick list the first of the week, j Due to the large patronage which comes to her house. Mrs. Berger is burdened with more work than anyj rue woman should be called upon to; go. but it does not seem possible to secure the necessary help that, is reejuired to coneluct a place of this kind, to this good woman- has held up the responsibility herself of keep ing the place running as it should be run. lor Friday evening. These dances proving very popular and are tided by a LfVge number of peo- The bect of order w ill be nialn- i .i tamed, rnu every com iff fAimuvu to tho-e in attendance. The Peerless Jr.:::: orche'Stra of Omaha, which has no mnerior. will furnish the music. ..'nub is a guarantee that it will .he best. be Ships Cattle to South Omaha .Ti,?oph Wa sreiier. of near Grant, was a visitor at the home of his sis-lor-Mi-lrtw. Mrs. George Wagener. i -r a short lime last Tuesday, having down from South Omaha, where was marketing a load of cattle. which he had shipped from his home in the western part of the state. Mr. V.'agcnrr went west last spring and reports thtw the crops are excellent in that part of the state and that with the exception of some hail there is nothing to complain of so far as crops are concerned. He will return to his home in the west short ly. Mr. Wagener is farming on the place of George Kreager. Frank Moore returned the first of the week from Peru, where he was attending the funeral of Fd Parriott. who died a few days since. Mr. Par riott and Mr. Moore were cousins. Read the. Daily Journal. W. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Alvkays Ready for Sale Dates far or near. HATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OH NO fcAY! HE VERSE ALL CALLS Telephone 1511 Murray Ezo'urgc By EX-PRESIDENT WM. H. TAFT. The chief purpose of the League of Km ions is to keep the werld in a state of peace. Another way of expressing It is to say that the League is de signed to prevent wars. We have just finished the greatest, which is to say the most horrible, of ell conflicts between nations. We have won a glorious victory. But-that vie-tory will be wasted ur.less this war has made the nations ready to put aside their differences and co-operate to end war forever. It Is not enough, however, to provide for the prevention of wars and the settlement of disputes after they have arisen. We must foresee causes nt trouble and remove them before they have reached nn acute stage. Hence, there must be provision for frequent consultations of members of tbe League for exchange of information, for agre-ement on common policies and for the gradual formation of rule of international law which at present are uncertain and incomplete. The representatives of the great free rations which won the war have met at Paris mid, after Uflg consultation, have drawn an agreement which they believe will accomplish these ends. At the very leat it will net in motion great eJianges which will result in uni versal benefit to all mankind. This agreement Is called the Covenant of the League of Nations and it is a part of tbe peace treaty. j There will be no League worth talk ing about, however, unless the United State's is a member. The decision as to whether the United States shall join rests with our Senate. The Senators, chosen by the people, will in the end Tote as the people desiiV. For this reason the people themselves will de cide whether or not the United States will join the League. In this question every -citizen should have a voice. He or she can express opinion either by writing diree-t to Senators, by letters to the newspapers, by speeches In hia lodge or local union or in conversation with friends. f 3 Murray Dancing Club gnam,is.Kazic;3ri::Ba::::B:'y: mt. HTaxa-i: s: ;: u, rn,:::ffr btb S' B H U B a a B a a u m a & ts is to H L B B IJ M B a a a BUY YOUR FALL AND WINTER EARLY AND SAVE MONEY! We have a large assortment of ail kinds of shoes rem which to checte 3 cur r.eetfs at prices far below prices you will have to pay in sixty days - as you know shoes are advancing every day. Wc have a large as sortment of school shoes in all sizes. Also men's and boys rubber boots. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCTS! The Serv me Sstos via ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor ira'r'!-ns!i !K"!::B':'."B ::B rE'IiHi.il'EiaB'a !HT. 'B IB CT 2 iS !TB CSt'Z'S. I STOCK FOODS! SCHOOL SUPPLIES! i WE THINK if a man prospers in a community he should help the community prosper. In other words he should not be a parasite. The business man whose sole aim is to enrich "himself, without thought for the interests of others, is a detriment to the community, no matter how complete his stock or how priced. We are interested in this town and community. nnnrD - MODI bll. n ta t A line or stationery at the Jour nal office that can't be excelled and Is Lard to equal. a Murray, Nebraska SICK ROOM SUPPLIES! STATIONERY! g-grgHrraoBcai