The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 25, 1919, PART TWO, Image 7

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There Was a Fire in Omaha
the Other Day
A man lost $500.00 in War Savings Stamps.
Because he had placed them for safe keeping in
a vase on the mantle.
A Safe Deposit Box would have savtd him this
loss. v
Are you protected?
Mis Grace Uogenrief was a visi
tor at the home of her parents in
Elm wood last Sunday, returning -to
lesumo her school w.rk here Mon
day morning.
Husell Knott. Ji-rone St. John
ml Frank ValWry. the latter of
Murray, departed last Saturday for
the western part of the state, where
they were looking jitter s-ome land.
H- f ,.-i. .1.!.! ifu .f P!-ittc
mouth. sj'Tit Sunday at the home of j
Mr:. Lev i..- mother. Mrs. 1). E. Pick-
erinn and returned to tlieir Jiome
Monday eviiinir. alter having en
joyed a very pleasant visit.
W illiam Dell, s Denier, of Elm
womt. was i!i the ciiy last Sunday,
coiniiiir on account of the death of
Mrs. Noriiian D. iles Denier, which
occurred :"t her home west of the
city lu.-t Saturday morning.
J. 1 1. MiMer. of uvt of Union, was
a visitor in town last Monday, com
ini; to vet soiiie seed wheat which
In- h:is had stored at the elevator,
and which lie ha.-; since seeded. IH r
inu his brief -ojcurn in the city Mr.
Miller arranged with ye scribe to
hav tlie Journal pay hij home reg
ular visits in the future.
C. II. Fuller, the n;rw operator at
the Missouri Pacific station, has ad
ded the Jotrrnal to his reading mat
ter, an.! i pleased to see so much
v.t v.s of interest concerning the citi
zeur of his town appearing each
week in the Union department. It is
our aim to iv? sulstriberr. all the
w.'.rth-whiie news and we hope to
keep up the quality of the paper at
all times.
Union Postoffice Mail Schedule.
Arrival Departure
jr,:00 a. m.
2:.V p. m.
p. m.
p. m.
a. m.
p. m.
9 : .'J 0 p. m. 9
Lincoln Branch
9: nr. a. m. 3:15
Short Orders a Specialty
We Keep Open Until Midnight
In the Modern Woodman Building Also Operating Lunch
Counter and Hotel near the Depot
With Pickets Indented by Power
With P3o. 12 Galvanized
Sfeei Cables!
400 Bushel Capacity!
For Sale at Yard
Phone 69-A
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. .
mo mi
For Sale: Red Weatherford seed
onions. Excellent quality, very mild.
S2.00 per bushel. H. E. Warden.
Union. Nebr. 2tTissue
Professor E. A. Ward, of the Union
schools was a visitor for the week
end with his friend, Leslie Everett,
l residing near town.
Miss Alice Crozier, one of the
teachers in the Union schools, was
a visitor at tne nome ot her parents
in Weep
eping Water last Sunday.
intendent McDonald, of the
Union schools spent last Sunday at
his home in Lincoln, returning to
his work early Monday morning.
Charles E. Cook and wife, of
Plattsmouth,. were attending the
funeral of Mrs. Norman Delles De
nier, at Nehawka. last Sunday, and
wtre also brief visitors here.
Mrs. O. C. Lloyd. of Murray,
changed cars here last Monday on
lier return from a visit at Eagle,
where she was a guest at the home
of her sister. Mrs. Ben Minchau.
Mrs. J. II. Frans and daughter.
Miss Edith, were passengers on last
Monday evening for Lincoln, where
they visited for a few days and
were also looking after some busi
ness as well.
J. C. Dreamer, Mrs Elizabeth
and. family and Mr. and Mrs.
Da via Kuntz ana chlmren were
attending the funeral of their sis
ter, ?dr3. Norman DellesDenier, at
Nehawka last Sunday.
Mrs. L. IJ. Ost and daughter. Miss
Edith, were passengers on the even
ing train for Chicago last Monday,
where they went to visit at tile
home of C. W. Ost and family, the
hitter being a brother of Mr. L. Ii.
Ost. They will remain for some
Sam Lindsay, who formerly lived
near Union, but who has been mak
ing his home in Omaha for some
time, and who is working with the
crew of graders employed in grad
ing the federal aid road, was a pas
senger to Omaha via the Missouri
Pacific last Monday afternoon.
Frank Boggs' Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
Corn Cribs
Lumber Co,,
Union, Nebr.
Kodaks and supplies at E. V.
Keedy's the druggisl.
Rev. J. 13. Taylor -was a visitor in
Xehawka for a short time last Mon
day afternoon.
A number of people from Union
went to Omaha last week
iO fett?
the wonder man at the
The school board has secured the
services of Miss Anna Alhausen as
an instructor in the city schools for
the Fifth and Sixth grades.
W. H. Porter was a business visi
tor in Nebraska City last Saturday
afternoon, going on the flyer and re
turning Sunday morning.
Ed Fullerton was a visitor in
riattsniouth last Monday evening,
where he was looking after some
business matters for a short time.
Earn Carroll was a visitor in
Union last Friday, coming with the,
remains of Mrs. Frances Hodge, en
route to Nebraska City for interment, j
.miss uarner. a ueaconess i rom m
Kansas City training school spoke at
the M. E. church Sunday morning
and evening. Her topic was "Home
H. Stromer and wife, of Omaha,
were visiting with friends both here
and at Weeping Water last week,
returning to their home in Omaha
last Saturday afternoon.
John McCrearv and "Kike" Mason.
the telephone men, were visiting
with friends in Plattsmouth over the;
week end. returning Sunday night
to take up their work here.
J. R. Roddv was a business visi-
tor in Omaha during the first of the
week where he was looking after!
matters connected with some real es-
tate deals which he has on hand.
Delbert Switzer, of near Nehawka,
was a brief visitor in Union Mon-
day evening, as he was changing:
trains for Omaha, where he was
looking After some business matters,
Mrs. R. A. Smith of Scenis. South
Dakota, is visiting at the home of
Mrs T. T. Smith this week. Mr.)
Smith is on his way to Omaha with
car of horses. He will visit with
his mother a few days.
Lloyd Yonker was down
Plattsmouth last week for a
visit and returned home Saturday,
being accompanied by Earl Albin.
who was looking . after some mat
ters of business for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moore came in
Sunday afternoon from Missouri,
where they have been visiting rela
tives and friends. They are visiting
E. Austin and family for a few
days, and then will return to their
home at Walthill.
A. W. Propst. who has been in the
west for some time, was a visitor a't
home for a few days last week, com
ing to look after some business mat
ters, but returning to Grant, where
he is seeding a large numner of
acres to wheat.
Karl Payton, who has been work
ing at the carpenter ktrade at Grant
for the past month, returned home
last Saturday evening, and was look
ing after some business matters in
Plattsmouth Monday. He will make
that town his home for the present.
Oreon Doud. who has been living
in the northwest, residing at Spen
cer, but formerly a citizen of Union,
being in business here, was a visitor
in town last week, and having dis
posed of his interests there will
probably return to Union to make
his home.
C. S. Stottler and a number of
others of this vicinity and the sur
rounding country were passengers
for the western portion of the state,
where they are looking after some
lands in which they are interested.
Mr. Stottler is having some wheat
sown on his place.
August Brunkow of Ispwich, South
Dakota, is visiting at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. S. C. Keckler, of
this city for a few days. He was ac
companied here last Saturday by
his two daughters, Misses Anna and
Kmma, they returning to Elm wood
the first of the week.
Paul Smith, Charles Prince and
Pharo Hawskins, all of Huntington,
Va., who have been spending the
summer west of this city, where they
have been working on the farms of
James Crew. Ross M. Prince and C.
A. Balfour, completed their contracts
last week and departed Saturday for
their homes in the east.
L. F. Bowdish, of Lincoln, was a
business visitor in Union last Sat
urday, coming to look after some
land transactions which he has in
hand with a number of Union peo
ple in Colorado lands. His son,
Charles, was also in the city Satur
day morning and departed for Platts
mouth, where he had some business
to transact.
Taylor Wilson is caring for the
business of the agent of the Mis
souri Pacific. H. L,. Swanson, while
the latter takes his vacation, and is
now visiting at his former home at
Osceola. Mr. Wilson, who is well
known with the Missouri Pacific peo
ple, formerly was stationed at Louis
ville, but has been working in the
capacity of extra agent for that
company for some time.
George P. Barton who for a num
ber of years conducted a barber shop
in this city, but who Is now located
at Subuen, where he is employed by
the Burlington railway, was a visi
tor in Union for a short time last
week, looking after some business
matters and visiting with his many
rKiAM.i l- t x A j - 7.1 I
ii iciiub ii fie. mi . uanun is sun an
interested property owner in Union,
owning the building which is being
used by Ira Clark for a barber shop.
Baptist Church Notes
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morn
ing service at 11:00 a. ni. Big mas3
meeting at 7:30 p. m. All hours
named are old time. Speakers for
the mars meeting will be Dr. Swab.
Roy Upton. Mr. Cheeney, W. D. Ban
ning and Elmer Chapman. A cordial
welcome will be extended to the re
turning M. E. pastor and a short ad
dress given by Rev. Morrison.
All are cordially invited.
J. B. TAYLOR. Pastor.
Abandoned Silver Ore Shaft Sur
rounded by Tales that Excel
Arabian Night Story.
fiumw Fntnn who lias hut rpppnt-
,v returnt.j from a trip to Virilla,
T- At nV.i Hilt fl ft moti tnllfts
from (limberland Gap, Tcnn., a his -
tnrii was ihpre for smnp tim,.
,irinv i, nn..r r,f wiiifh ho I.4..
U U 1 i II X, V -.-v- -.. -
t -,.,, ,,,
journal Df important events in his
nfe wnicn like that of his father,
has beeu hamlej dovn through the
j,t.ner.ltions ail(1 is now in the hands
()f George
The stJry toM of the mjne js t()
t, effect lhat many y,,ars afo a
f Frenchman can,e to that part of the
niountains which form tlu- boundary
. Virginia. Tennessee and Kentuc
ky and there, through the aid of the
Indians found the mine. The silver
was said to be so plentiful that the
came one of a, company of four, who excenenr soitiier, as ne v.m iiKewise
are removing ' the fallen dirt and aai Iuake a Sod citizen now that
rocks from a silver mine, which his he lias been released from iurther
father was interested in years ago. i service. His host of friend? and
According to a journal which his neighbors are pleased that he is
father. Albert Eaton, kept, this mine.'1,0,"c again, and the family is more
which was once in part the property , than overjoyed to have him back.
of tlio rrmiflfnthpr of Mr. Katun. Mr
saying originated among the Indians resided for some time past Xo the Da
there, that "It is wronn to shoe a i vis property which was recently va
horse with an iron shoe; it must bejeated by W. H. Ranning, he having
done with a silver shoe." 15e that us Isold his place to County Commission-
it may, the trenchman, whose name
has long been forgotten, and who
lived in a time when the govern-
ment allowed the coining of silver
at the ratio of 14 to 1 (but far in
advance of the world famed ratio of.
16 to 1 advocated by one Rryan ) !
formed a co-partnership with two:
silvejsmiths, who were to make the Mr. Harris will have the property re
silver into dollars. j finished and put in excellent condi-
Some time after the partnership
was lormeu me two silversmiths, larm to. other parties ana -Mr. i iarK
Messrs. Swift and Morgan, were dis-!will live in the property to which he
covered not to be "toting" square t has moved for some time, as Henry
with the Frenchman and when anVest and family are occupying his
accounting was had it was found farm at present.
that they each had six bushels ofj
dollars while the Frenchman had
only nve ousneis. in the quarrel
! that followed they killed the French-
! man and endeavored to make their
' way out of the country. but the
niountains being thickly wooded,
they lost their way and when they
endeavored to establish the direction
by means of a compass which they
carried. Hie image of the Frenchman
came over the face of the instru
ment, obscuring their view of tht
needle and they wandered in the
woods for some time, when they
were apprehended by a vigilance
committee .who meted out justice to
''em as the guilty murderers of the
' Frenchman, leaving naught but tra-
dition of the silversmiths
The mountain, which was an over
hanging one, caved off, covering the
opening leading to the silver depos
its and tradition has it that a black
smith whose shop was nearby gob
bled up the seventeen bushels of
M. R. Ballard, one of the incor
norators of the new company which
is now working the mine, found
hundred and seventy-eight silver
dollars about forty feet from where
the mouth' of the mine is supposed
to be, recently.
.Mr. Eaton has been havin
number of dreams, all of which point
to the value of the mine recently ac
quired by lease from its owners for
i term of three years. He tells al
so of having seen, while there re
cent! v. the cave where the miners
kept their horses, which has now
been partially cut away through the
operation of building a railroad past
the place
The company as now constituted
is composed of George Eaton, presi
dent: Will A. Manning, secretary
Grover McGeorce, treasurer and M.
It. Ballard. The last three named
are working at the excavating now,
but the work is progressing slowly
on account of the distance necessary
to remove the dirt and rocks from
the scene. An effort was made to
obtain permission to place the dirt
on the road now being built nearby,
but as it is a federal aid project the
countv judge would not allow the
dirt placed thereon until next spring
when there will be a permit granted
'.iy the government for its construc
tion and the request of these men
will probably be granted.
Mr. Eaton is encouraged over the
prospects in view of the fact that he
was in Plattsmouth last Saturday
and had his fortune told, the facts
being stated that he was a joint
possessor of some good property by
which a small creek ran, and that he
would soon be offered a thousand
dollars for the property, but was ad
vised not to accept as he would
soon realize a great deal more.
Mr. Eaton is now awaiting the
Ghas. L. Graves
Union Bank Building
a complete general line of
When in need of anythin g
call on
Union, Nebraska
result of the excavation operations
of the other members of the company,
before deciding what he will do, al
though he thinks he may have to
return to Kentucky. ' He is desirioua
of spending the winter at the home
of a brother in Kansas, however,
and if his presence is not needed at
the mine, he may do so.
Last Soldier Returns Home 1
This (Liberty) precinct now has
cause to rejoice on account of the
return of all the boys she gave to
the country in its hour of need. Har-
.rv CJubelman. who has been away
for a long time was the last one
to return. Mr. Gobelman made an
Ctty Commissioner C. F. Harris
j " " vf' T.
Purchases a Home iere m
Which to Reside.
Fred Clark began moving the first
rf iliu u'uclr from t h e nlnep vlierr
, whose C. F. Harris, who will move to
er C. F. Harris, who will mov
i Union in a short time in order that
his children may have the advantage
of attending the city schools. At the
I present time Mr. Harris is bringing
the children in in the morning and
calling for them in the evening.
Rtfore moving into the new home.
tion. Mr. Harris is renting his
Mrs. Frances Hodge Passed Away
After a Short Illness Buried
at Nebraska City.
Last Friday the remains of Mrs.
Frances Hodge, aged seventy years,
passed through Union from Nehawka
to X braska City, where they were
laid to rest after appropriate cere
monies by the loving hands of her
son. W. C. Hodge.
Mrs. Hodge, whose maiden name
was Miss Frances Kradt. was born
in Worcester, England. January 9,
1S50, coming to this country when
she was fifteen years of age. She left
but one son, with whom she made
her home, her husband having died
a number of years ago. She has liv
ed in Otoe county for the past thirty
years, and only last spring moved
from here with her son to near Xe
hawka. Mrs. Hodge was a sufferer for a
short time from the dread disease,
cancer. She leaves besides her son,
two prandchildren. Leland and Stan
ley Hodge, sons of the former. The
funeral was in charge of John Fass
bender, of Nebraska City, interment
being in the cemetery there.
Will REMAIN ii!
Sev. L. Morrison Unanimously Re
quested to Continue Pastorate
at This Place.
Rev. and Mrs. Morrison, who have
been at University Place for some
time past, returned home last week,
having been assigned to this place
another year, or rather having been
given the choice of Union or some
other charge, and having chosen
the former, in accordance with the
expressed wishes of the congrega
tion that they return to the pasto
rate here if possible. Rev. Morrison
has just completed a successful year
as pastor of the church here, and the
work he has accomplished stands as
a testimony of his fidelity to the
church and the good work which he
has accomplished for the Master.
And the fact that he is returned
here for another year in accordance
with the wishes of both himself and
his congregation, means that he will
be in better position to cater to the
spiritual needs of his. flock than be
fore. A mass meeting will be held
at the Baptist church Sunday even
ing by way of welcoming Mr. Morri
son nnd family back to Union and a
number of local speakers will make
short talks. The attendance of ev
eryone is urged.
Nelson Martin Getting Better
Nelson Martin, who has been con
fined to his room at the Clarke ho
tel for several weeks past, under the
care of Dr. Swab, who is treating
him for an injury which he receiv
ed in Omaha some time since, is now
showing good improvement, and has
hopes of getting out of his bed and
back to work again in a few days.
During his illness, C. H. Dysart is
fitting up the room he will occupy
with his business in the best of man
ner,- installing some shelving and
otherwise getting things in shape.
Mis Eva Hithaway left Monday
morning for Lincoln, where she willj
take up a course at one of the busi
ness colleges.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roddy and
familv drove to Fort Calho jn Satur
day to visit Mrs. Wayne Dixon.
Come to riattsniouth Homecoming
day, Saturday, October 4ih.
To Omaha
To the Aksarben Festival
And to the Burgass-Nash
We invite you to make use of the many con
veniences of our store during your visit to Omaha
and to spend a few hours agreeably in seeing the
fashions and new goods assembled here.
Burgess-Nash Company
Because the health is too precious
lo be endangered by dubious experi
ments; because you look for a rem
edy which acts perfectly and at the
same time is not loathsome; and be
cause you want to get a remedy
which removes the very cause of the
tickness. you will buy only Trinor's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine in
all cases of stomach disorders. This
remedy has enjoyed the best repu
tation for thirty years, it acts with
out griping, is very palatable and
cleans the intestines so perfectly
that all dangerous waste matter ac
cumulated in them is removed. You
wil feet Triner's American Elixir of
Biter Wine at every ding store.
Don't forget to have also Triner's
Liniment always at hand, because
in case of sprains, strains, swellings,
tired muscles or feet, etc., this prep
aration rcives the desired quick and
sure relief. Joseph Triner Co.,
1333-4-n S. Ashland Ave., Chicns;o,
We take this means to express
our hoartfel thinks to those who so"
ably and kindly helped us daring
our dear mother's last illness.
Also to officials and choir of Bap
tist church at Nebr. City, during
last sad rites.
Likewise to those who paid tri
bute to her memory in beautiful
floral offerings. We will ever re
member you all.
For Rent: The Elizabeth C. 'Wiles
farm. CT.-L'tw-tfd
IV Till: i .l TV ( III IIT.
The Stat.- of X.-I.i ask:i. Cas County,
In the matter of the estate of Om-y
Isal.elle 1'arjjvr, I c-asfl.
i'n I'-adinsr unl tiling tin petition
of William H. Porter, v ravin a: that
;-.lmiiiistration of saiil estate may he
MTantcil to him as Ail m 1 n ist ra t or.
iitleied. That Octoher Jlst. A. I".
191!, at 10 iKlnck A. M.. is assign. -.1
for hearing sahl petition, when all
persons interest il in sahl niaiu-r may
appear at a County Court to be hehl
in ami for saiil Comity, ami show
eauso why the pravtM- of petitioner
shouhl not he mante-l: arM that not
ice of the p mleiK-y of saiil petition
anil tlio lieariny: theivof he K'ivcti to
il lursons i i I e resteil in said inntt-r
hy publishing a copy of this orI r in
the 1 Mat tsmout h Journal, a semi--veoKly
newspaper piii,t-l in said
County, for three successive weeks
prior t sahl ilav of hearintr.
latel September ?:'rl. J H 1 r .
Countv .1 mitre.
By Florence White. Clerk.
Wanted: A good, steady gentle
manly salesman to handle a Ward's
wagon in Cass county. No exper
ience needed. For full particulars
write promptly to Dr. Ward's Med
ical Company, Winona, Minnesota.
Established 1836. 11-Stw
Drs. Mach & FVIach, The Dentists
The largest and
- i
etYs-X "ftaTia t-xperts m charge or all wort. Laciy attendant, liioa
ffMMmwM crate Prices. Potcehln filling iust like tooth. Instru
ments carefully
. . . " t anaswetic uea. A core guaranteed in every case accepted
for treatment, and no money to be pail until cared. Writefor book on Rsctail)ifae. with names
and teiltimnniA h OT mnrp rhn trUYl nrnrninnt numla twhA Kau j
u.uu. -
PR. E. R. TARRY 240 Deo
Ira Bates, residing near Cednr
Creek, returned home a few days
iic-o from the western part of 'the
.-tale, where in company with Geo.
Hild. the real estat man, he pur
chased 100 acre-? of land in Chase
county. He was out in Wyoming,
and spent some Jime in Colorado.
:ilso in Crawford couny, Nebraska,
nnd made two trips across the state
on the Union Pacific and Burlington,
and the best crops that he yaw in
all his trip was in Chase county,
whore he purchased a farm. It is
not his intention to move west for
a couple cf years fit least, as the
place is rented and has 100 acres in
whp:it. Ira expects to move to Xe
hraska City in the near future,
where he has purchased a large i-;
that he will furm.
Immuned Registered
A number of good fall
and spring pigs. The
pigs are sired by Path
finder and Gold Model,
and contain the best
strains known to this
popular breed of hogs.
Philip Schafer
Address by Hail Nehawka,
orPhonsV.W. Ex.2031
best equipped dental offices in Omaha.
rn 111.. 1. HIT 1
sterilized after using.
Jme c: y
. Fistula-Pay When' Cured
mini ojniuni v. wcaiiucui Ilia I tUrm t lltTB, r ISEulS SOU
other Recta 1 Diseases in a short ume.'without a severe iur
fiical opera lion. No Chloroform, Ether or other general
buau n uw M V VCtU '.UOUCUU UUICU, H