The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 08, 1919, Image 1

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    Kcbraaka State Histori
cal Society
vol. xxxvn.
No. 22.
Four Daughters and Nine Sons Rear
ed to Useful Womanhood
and Manhood.
From Friday's Daily.
It was just fifty years ago Tues
day, September 2nd. since L. ('. W.
Murray and Miss Rebecca A. Wiles
were united in marriage ami in
honor of this their golden wedding
day. the children of this estimable
old couple planned and carried out
a happy surprise on thm at their
pleasant home in Weeping Water
by going with well filled baskets and
s-ponding the day with them.
This day was also, the 2d birth
day of little Dorothy Spangler, one
of the grandchildren and daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Spangler.
It is wonderful to contemplate the
many changes that have taken place
during the 50 years which these
old people have traveled together
and they have reared to useful man
hood and womanhood four charming
daughters and nine stalwart sons,
and it was indeed a happy day for all
present at this gathering.
At the noon hour a b licious din
ner was served picnic style on ' the
beautiful lawn of the Murray home,
which every one greatly enjoyed.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs
." Miirrav: Mr. and Mrs. i-.
- . -.. . .
Spanuler ami chiMron. Fern. Pearl
and Doris: Mr. and Mr3. Philip
. i i mi. ; l : . I
Spangler and daughter Dorothy, all
of Weeping Water; Mr. and Mrs.
David Murray and children. I-ouis
and Margaret, of Union; Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Murray and daughter.
Mildred, of Plattsmouth; Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Murray and son. Dale, and
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Murray and the
children. Clarice. Jane and Carol, of
Mynard and Mrs. Isabelle Yost and
daughter. Gilla. of Nebraska City.
Mrs. Ida Berger. of York; Chas. A.
Murray, of Alva. Oklahoma; I... C.
Murray of Hennessey, Oklahoma and
Kdward Murray, of Union, were un
able to be present. Four other child
ren are deceased.
After wishing their parents many
more happy years together each left
for their homes, hoping to be able
to help these fine old people celebrate
more such pleasant anniversaries as
was this one just past.
From Friday's Dally.
Bert Spies came down from Oma
ha last evening for a short visit
with his parents and other relatives
prior to leaving for Colorado where
he goes to look over the land there
with a view of locating on a home
stead if possible. Mr. Spies will be
eligible to file under the provisions
of the solders' land act and as he
spent something like three years in
the service will have but little time
to make up in order to secure home
stead. Bert will Join his brother.
Edmund Spies, who is already in
Colorado and with him look over the
land situation. Bert after looking
over the land and filing if he finds
snivthinc suitable, expects to return
to Omaha where he is employed as
a lintoype operator in one of the
large shops there.
From Friday's Dally.
This morning County Clerk Geo.
R. Sayles departed for a tri$ over
the county to post the notices of
tii forthcoming primary election
and to distribute the supplies to the
different nrecincts. The election
will be held on Tuesday. September
16, 1919, to select those who will
appear on the ballot at the election
in November for members of the
constitutional convention of the
state of Nebraska which will con
vene in December. 1919. There are
three candidates appearing ou the
ballot from the 7th district consist
ing of Cass county, being Searl S.
Davis of Murray, Attorney A. I...
Tidd of this city and Hon. E. M.
Pollard of NVhawka. As candidates
in the Sth district, comprising Cass
and Otoe counties there is only one
name on the ballot, that of W. H.
Pitzer of Nebraska City and unless
the voters write in 'the name of
someone to oppose Mr. Pitzer at the
November election he will have a
clear field.
From Friday? Dally.
Philip Schafer of near Plainview.
Nebraska. Is enjoying a visit with
his old friends in Cass county, where
he made his home for a great many
years. Mr. Schafer left last spring
for Plainview and located on a farm
in that sect ion "of the state and has
been very successful in his farm
work there and been blessed with
excellent crops. He is very well
pleased with the country in general,
and his friends in old Cass county
are pleased that he has been so suc
cessful in his new- home.
Returns from the Orient where He
Kas Been Serving- in the Army
for the Past Two Years
From Thursday's Dally.
Last evening Charles Wittstruck
returned home to this city after an
absence of over two years, the great
er part of which time has been spent
in the service of the nation in the
army. Charles was assigned to tne
medical corps and has for the great
er part of his term of service been
in the Philippine Islands. This voting
soldier has many friends in the city
win were delighted to see him re- ill cur'Vl friTl h 1 1 ll mid
lui 11 nviiiv . i . n ....... ...
fi,u xierieiice has been such as to
give him a broad view of the world.
. . ...
The record made by Mr. Wittstruck
in the army has been a splendid one
and one that his friends and family
can well be proud of.
Charles arrived In the United
States the 28th of August after a
voyage of thirty-five days across the
Pacific. The trip was made from
Manila on the transport "Sheridan"
and grew very tiresome as weeks
slipped by on the water with only
stops at the Hawaiian islands to
lighten the monotony of the journey.
The climate of the islands of the
Pacific. Mr. Wittstruck states, is
very bad and especially to one from
a temperate climate as the sun has
fierce white heat and combined
with the moisture makes it very un
healthy and the vegetation in the
Philippines especially is very rank
and the jungles makes for the dis
comfort of the soldiers who are sent
there from the states for service.
T II Pollock, wife and daughter,
Miss Alice, who have been in Colo
rado for the past month enjoying an
outing in the coolness of Estes park
and at Grand lake, have returned
home. The trip was one that was
thoroughly enjoyed by the members
of the family and they certainly
bear the appearance of having had
a real outing.
The Pollock family was quartered
at Grand Lake during the greater
part of their stay in the . west and
in the cool of the pine trees .spent
the time living in the open, fishing
and otherwise enjoying themselves
to the utmost. The region of Grand
lake is one of the best fishing re
sorts in the west and Mr. Pollock
has some interesting fish stories to
While at Grand Lake the family
was joined by Charles A. Patterson,
of Arapahoe, who motored out to
the park and spent some two weeks
in the delights of the Colorado re
sort. The occasion has been one of
much pleasure to the family and
Miss Alice became quite expert in
the fishing line and made a record
catch of rainbow trout while there.
Among the Nebraska guests at the
lake during the stay of the Pollock
family were ex-Governor A. C. Shal
lenberger and wife, of Alma, who
remained there for several weeks.
$500,000 is Nebraska's Quota,
which Sum a Large Portion is
to be Spent in Omaha.
From Thursday's Dally.
The last ten days of September are
to be devoted over the nation to a
drive for the benefit of the Salvation
Army, to aid in carrying out the
work of this noble organization in
the home service in the United
States. After the record that
the men and women of the Salvation
Army established on the battlefields
and with the service for the troops in
France, there is little doubt that
there- will be a generous response
from the public.
The Salvation Army for years has
conducted the war against poverty
Mid fin in the slums and by-ways of
the great cities and in their self-
sacrificing work-got in touch with a
class that needed their services most
and whose lives seldom .came in
touch with the well-fed and cared
for church congregations. But it
remained for the trials and sufferings
of war to bring forcibly to the pub
lic eye the great value of the Salva
tion Army, and through their work
among" the soldiers" they" have 'won
undying gratitude from those who
served over there and from those
over here whose loved ones were
aided and comforted by the brave
men and women of the Salvation
Army during their hours of privation
and suffering on the battlefields and
In camps in a foreign land.
In their work abroad the Salvation
Army knew neither race, creed or
color in giving aid and comfort to
those who needed it and whether or
not the soldier was able to pay was
never asked by these faithful friends
of the Salvation Army. It was simp
ly a matter of come and take pay if
vou were able but take anyhow.
Nebraska's quota in this coming
drive will be $500,000. a large part
of which goes into the erection of a
home in Omaha to assist in carrying
out the good work of the army. This
sum should be raised easily in the
great wealthy state of Nebraska and
especially now since the fact that
the Salvation Army has delivered
the goods, although they went into
the field with less resources at their
command than any organization, is
made plain to everyone.
From Thursday's Daily.
George W. Young, former county
commissioner of Cass county, and
for the past fifteen years a resident
of Alva. Oklahoma, came up a few
days ago to spend a short time here
with old friends in Murray and
vicinity and in this city. Mr. Young
was in Plattsmouth today and is
looking hale and hearty. Mr. Young
is one of the active and progressive
citizens of his section of Oklahoma
and one of the big good roads men
of that state.
From FrldayT Dally.
Postmaster D. C. Morgan has ad
dressed a letter to the patrons along
the proposed extension of rural
route No. 2 in regard to the condi
tions prevailing along the route
He calls their attention to the
necessity of having proper mail box
es installed along the course of the
route and also to the condition of
the road. It seems that a part of
the road over which the route trav
els is under the jurisdiction of the
city and part under that of the
county and at a great many places
It is necessary to do work on the
road in order that it might be able
for tjie carrier to drive over the
route. Mr. Morgan calls this fact
to the attention of the patrons and
urges them to make special efforts
to see that the road i. fixed up be
fore the time for starting the new
extension as it is necessarily requir
ed by the government that the road
over which the rural route travels
be kept in first class shupe.
Prom Thursday's Dallv.
The funeral of Henry Kaufmaun
n-aa held yesterday afternoon from
the Sr. Paul's Evangelical church
and was one that was very largely
at (ended, the old friends from this
section of the county fathering to
pay their last tributes of respect to
the memory of this good man. The
sermon was delivered by Rev. J. 11.
Steger, pastor of t;ie church, who
spoke touchingly of the life of Mr.
Kaufmaun and spoke words of com
fort to the bereaved family of the
departed. The chrr of the church
rendered one of the old and veil
loved hymns which had been a fav
orite of the deceased during his
life time. The pall b"r. rers were se
lected from among the old friends
being: William S'arkjohn. Fred
and Peter Mnmm, It. M. Soennkh
sen. John Rauer and George Meis
inger. Interment was made at Oak
Hill cemetery west of the city.
Highly Respected Pioneer Citizen of
Tovva and County Passes
From Friday's Dally.
Mrs. Turner Zink whopiad lived
in the county forty-three years died
at her home here early Friday morn
ing after a serious 'Jness of a num
ber of weeks duration. Funeral ser
vices were held Sunday afternoon in
the Congregational church (as the
M. E. church is closed for repairs.)
The services were conducted by the
Rev. W. E. Haskins pastor of the
M. E. church.
The attendance was very large as
manv old neighbors and friends
from Wabash were present to show
their last respects to this highly
esteemed lady.
Three of the pall bearers were
our townsmen Win. Coatman, Clark
Newlon and John Colbert, while the
other three were nciahbors of years
ago when they and the ZinVs lived
near Wabash. They were George
Towle and Neil McCrory of Lincoln
and Sam Cox of Murdock.
Relatives, from a distance who at
tended the funeral other than the
two sons of Murdock were her bro
ther Walter Jones and his daughter
Mrs. Thomas both of Springfield.
Mo Walter Zink a nephew of Oma
ha and Miss Erma Jarbo of Lincoln,
adopted niece.
Lucy Jones was born near Zanes-
ville in Muskingum t'ounty. unio.
on Dec. 6th. 1 S 5 1 . and with her par
ents moved to Illinois when five
years of age. Here she grew to
young womanhood and on Marcn
1st 1870 at Farmington she was
united in marriage to Mr. Turner
Zink. To this union four children
were born, two sons and two daugh
Mr and Mrs. Zink moved from
Illinois to Iowa in 1871 and from
Iowa to Nebraska jn 187C, locating
on a farm nine miles northwest of
Weeping Water and after spending
twentv-six vears on this farm, that
is. seventeen years ago, removed to
their late home in our city.
Six vears ago last April Mrs. Zink
suffered the loss of her husband. For
a number of years she has been a
great sufferer from rheumatism ajid
for a number of weeks past a patient
endurer of the fatal malady that re
sulted in her death on Friday morn
ine. August 29th. 1919.
At the age of fifteen she united
with the Methodist Episcopal church
and remained a faithful member of
the same until the day of her death
She leaves to mourn her loss her
four children, two sons Oscar and
Fred of Murdock. Nebr.; two daugh
ters, Mrs. Lora Rouse of Richmond,
California, and Mr Herbert Rat-
nour of Weeping Viter, Nebr.; one
brother, Mr. Walter Jones of Spring
field. Mo.; two sisters, Mrs. Anna
Hunter of Weeping Water. Nebr
and Mrs. Lou Chrisiuger of Deni-
son, Kansas, other relatives and a
multitude of friends. -Weeping
Water Republican.
The Store House to Meet Black
smiths Huia Won Overalls in
Last Night's Contest.
From Thursday's Dally
Last evening at the Red Sox goat
pasture the Burlington blacksmiths
wiped up the slate with the machin
ists, who were in a crippled condi
tion owing to their star slab artist.
Kdgar Hoggs, being out of the game,
and as a result t lie blacksmiths
came away with the goods by a
score of 10 to 7. The chief features
of the game were the fielding of Ru
dolph Skalak at third for the vic
tors and the batting of Schulhof and
Hula.. Hula also enjoyed the dis
tinction of securing a real honcst-to-
roodness home run. putting the ball
to the center field fence for a circuit
of the bases.
In the opening session Schulhof
of the blacksmiths picked on an easy
one and made two sacks on the hit,
later ' scoring on a passed ball; Ska
lak hit safe to short; Neil hit safe
to center. Sk?!ak scoring on a pass
ed ball and Neil coming in on the
hit of Hula; Gradoville hit to center,
scoring Hula; Ruhb hit to left and
scored C.iudorillc. Yejvoda hit to
short and registered Rabb; Schulhof
was up for the second time and his
hit scored Yejvoda. making a total
of seven for the inning.
In the third the Steinhauer colts
added two more to their list. Grado
ville hit safe to left and Yejvoda was
walked by Burbridge. both men scor
ing on the bingle of Jack Schulhof
to left garden.
The fourth saw more humiliation
added to the machinists when four
tallies were made by the black
smiths. Neil hit a single to left;
Skalak was safe on an error by
short; Howe was hit by one of the
spit pills of Burl-ridge and Hula
leaned house with a three sacker to
eft scoring his three teammates.
Hula scored on the out of Gradoville
at first.
The machinists broke their jinx
n the fifth inning when they were
ible to pick up a couple of scores
that cheered them up somewnat.
Copenhaver was safe at first when
veil failed to get down for a ground
er at second and he was followed by
Wilson who hit clean to the left gar
den scoring Copenhaver and "Tex"
cantered on in home as a wild heave
to third base gave him the chance
to score.
In the eighth two more were ad
ded bv the machinists as Janda was
safe on the bobble of Hula at first
and later scored. Tom Rabb hit
safe to left garden for two sacks and
cored on the hit of Kelly.
The ninth was truly a swatfest
with both teams going good and
adding to the list of errors and hits.
The blacksmiths opened, with a home
run by Hula followed by hits by
Yejvoda and Gradoville, but both of
these were retired at the third sack.
Rabb hit safe to left garden. Schul
hof was walked. Persinger hit sate
to left field and scored Rabb while
Schulhof scored on a passed ball.
In the machinists half of the in
ning Wilson hit safe and scored
when Janda retired at first; Bur-
bridge was walked and scored on
the hit of Boggs to right field; Tom
my Rabb then made his second hit
of the game and scored Boggs, clos
ing the scoring for the inning.
The final results showed the score
to be 16 to 7 in favor of the black
smiths. The next and final scheduled con
flict in the league will be between
the blacksmiths and the store house
and unless different arrangements
are made in the meantime it will be
played next Monday evening. Ow
no- to the earlv twilight at this
" o -
season of the year it will be neces
sary to either start the game prom
ptly at six o'clock or stage it durini
the afternoon, and there is some talk
of Sunday. If the store house is
able to defeat the blacksmiths they
will be tied up for first placet with
the freight department, and extr;
games will have to be played to de
.terr.iine the real league champions.
Frr.rn Thursday's Dnilv.
Mrs. L'roy Christensen yesterday
afternoon met with a very painful
accident at her home in the south
part of the city while engaged in
canning some fruit. Mrs. Christen
sen was tightening the lid on a glass
jar and as she so engaged the jar
broke and the left hand coming in
contact with the jagged portion of
glass was badly cut and lacerated
and making it necessary to take
seven stitches in the hand. The in
jured lady i-; still suffering some
pain from the lacerated hand but it
is getting along very nicely.
From Friday's Dally.
In the state and nation wide
movement for a drive for the home
service department of the Salvation
Army, the quota assigned to the
state of Nebraska is placed at 1500.-
000 and in turn the quota assigned
to Cas oountv is $5,700, which cer
tainly should not be hard to raise in
this great and prosperous county.
In order that the work may be prop
erly handled in each county in the
state a county organization will- be
perfected and in Cass county Dr. J.
S. Livingston of this city, has been
named as chairman, and certainly
no better selection could have been
made. Each precinct of the coun
ty will be organized with a chpir
man of their own co-operating with
the main organization and carrying
on the work of securing this sum
needed. The eyes of the world have
been opened to the work of the Sal
vation army both in this country in
the big cities and in war stricken
Europe where the members of the
organization served with the armies
of the allies, and from the hearts of
a grateful people there should be a
ready response to the appeal for the
funds to more fully equip this org
anization for their future good
From Thursday's na.ily
Yesterday afternoon the little
five-vpar-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Slafinsk'y. while playing
around the house had the misfort
une to fall and fracture the right
forearm. The injured arm was set
at once and the little sufferer made
as comfortable as possible.
Liberty Policies.
Are fault-proof and will stand the
are made to sell on their merit and
when sold will stay sold.
Liberty Strength:
Behind each policy are the best
securities on earth, first farm mort
gages, and government bonds. $100.
000 of such securities have been de
posited with the state of Nebraska
for the safety of the policy holders.
General Agent.
What An Account Here Implies
When you receive a check drawn on this bank you can
feel assured that the check is "good" and its maker reliable.
Patrons of this bank enjoy a reputation for reliability in
money matters.
Accounts are not solicited from those whose integrity
is not established.
First National Bank,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
"The Bank where You Feci at Home'1
And Failure of Wholesalers to An
ticipate the Market at This
Particular Season.
From Friday's Daily.
After a thorough investigation of
the sugar shortage said to exist in
Nebraska and other portions of the
west, the sugar equalization board
at New Yorl; today wired its r-uiu up
of the situation to Senator lliu'li
coek at Washington.
In I he telegram it is pointed out
that the pinion of the sugur ex
perts is that wholesalers are trying
to anticipate the market, and that
consumers really have enough for
mmediate needs.
The telegram in full reads as fol
'Short supplies, primarily df.e to
general reticence to buv earlv in
the vear bv wholesalers and iobbera
who anticipated large supply, hi.. I
possibly lower price. This with
holding from the market caused
large cumulative buying in the
spring from cane refiner?, re.-ultui'?
in large oversales. - The marine
strike seriously interfered with raw
supply from the West Indira for fully
six weeks, and refiners are only Just
about running full once more.
"Refining capacity of country
more than sufficient for need, pro
vided used over entire year. but
heavy - demand naturally C';vv
with wanner weather and out;-:t i'l
sufl'cient. it being necessary for t'.o
cotin'iy to have some reserve i : r
heavy summer demands. Histribu
tion to country for first six inonti!.;
about 200.000 long tons greater t':; .1
last year. Increase ascribed to ae
r u:i:ii!at ion by householders ai.l i .
creased manufacture of comino,. i i
in which sugar is used.
"We are i:f" lined today that con
sumers in 'Nebraska seemed to havo
sufficient sugar for needs, but wlm't
salers and jobbers trying to antici
pate the future. We are trying to
buy California beet offering, there
fore, 9 'z cents per pound net at
factory, we reselling same at 9 cents
nnd absorbing some freight t cer
tain destinations in order to equal
ize price and make it conform to
regular selling price at that partic
ular destination. Have wired Judge
Rolapp of beet distribution commit
tee. Chicago, and George Rolph of
California and Hawaiian refinery.
San Francisco, for best means to try
to ai.eviate condition ,, .e,.,-..
A number of Poland-China boars,
March and April farrow. Inquire
of Teter Halmes. Plattsmouth. Tel.
3803. 4-4tw
Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture
Framing. Frank Gobelman.