The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 21, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Cass County Monument Co.
V Ii.iw !oau-l in I'laiWiK -nth t uv.iLc iur 1h:ik Wo
want t tct acijuainU'! with all i.':i o -nitty lc, :ul :!'.
x-ki!i i-r lini;u- in ur line
The Monumental Line
Monument Co.
Main Street
! Constant Demand For More Homes
j and Apsrtm-nits Shown One of the
Great Needs of City At Present.
From WVt1n1a-! Dally.
One of the Plattsmouth bit inoss
institutions that believe in practic
al patriotism is the L. ('. Sharp
Manufacturing Co. and Mr. Sharp
has friven a demonstration of this
fact. At the outbreak of the war
with Germany and during the fol
lowing few months Mr. Sharp had
in hi employ Harry. San ford.
Thomas and Karl Short, sons of Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Short, who heeding
the need of the nation for men at
the front to serve in defending the
world's freedom from the Hun
menace, joined the I'nited States
array and were sent overseas to serve
on the hattlflelds of Franc. The lat
of these young men. Karl Short, has
just recently returned home and
they arc now once more in the em
ploy of Mr. Sharp, who has kept
th-ir positions awaitinsr the time
when they might return and to
show his appreciation of their ef
forts in defending their native land.
h has given the !oys an advance of
twenty per cent in their salaries
which makes a pleasing addition to
their wages in these days of high
living prices. If anyone has a right
to display a working service flair
Mr. Sharp is certainly entitled to it.
! in marriage today at the home of
the bride's parents Mr. ami Mrs.
John Sayles, near Greenwood, and
expect to make their future home
near David City, where the groom is
located on a line farm. The bride is
one of the well known and popular
young ladies of the Greenwood com
munity and held in high esteem by
a large number of friends. She is
a niece of County Clerk George R.
Sayles of this city. The groom i.
one of the prominent young men of
near David City, and has been rear
ed to manhood in Butler county,
where he possesses a ha.-t of friends
who will join in wishing him joy
in his new found happiness.
From V.'e.lnfp!ny's Iriliv.
At;.i;i: ( every day there are iu
euirie; r-e ived asking where a
hi.-.i.-e suitable for a small family
can l.e secured for rental and the
situation has become such in the
city that hemes of any kind, large
or .-mall, lor rental purposes are ini
nossiMe to yccure. This is despite
ithe fact that many new homes have
h.ecn built io the pa-t by the
j fuiidentii of the city, who tiring of
jthe h:irdhips of house hunting have
di t ided to build their own homes,
j but a number are not in posi-jti'-n
to build at .this time and . in
cou.-equenco must depend upon rent
ing. The Commercial club tf the city
has been laboring with the problem
for some time trying to induce those
who have idle capital to invest it by
the building of several cottages or
in the erection of another apart
ment homo that would be ab'.e to
shelter several families but so far
the effort has been without result
and those who have erected cottages
have been able to sell them almost
before they were completed.
():: of the chief reasons given by
many for not attempting te build
these houses for rental or, sale has
been the co.-t of building material
i: ; well as labor scarcity but those
who have the sale of building ma
terial have made the bet possible in
ducements t the public to allow
them to build as far as the change
abb markets would permit.
The succors of those who have ul
rei'dy erected cottages and homes
for rental purposes shriws that it is a
very paying investment for anyone
who has some idle money for in- 1
From Wiln(t(5av'5 Dnl'.v.
The case of Walter W. Wasley vs.
Wallace Warner, in which the plain
tiff was awarded judgment In th
sum of $294. 7". in the county court
before Judge Beeson. is to be ap
pealed by th defendant to the dis
trict court for trial at th coming
term of court. An appeal bond of
$900 was filed this mornint; by the
defendant to carry the cae to th
higher court for trial.
From Wednesday's Pally.
Yesterday afternoon County Judge
Tteeson issued marriage license to
Laurel Johnson of David City and
Muss Edith Sayles of Greenwood.
The youns couple are to be united
Frem V -lnsi'n v' I ""'
The new Cecil R. DeMilb Art era ft
picture. "Don't Change Your !!u--band."
which is being displayed at
the Parmele theatre next Tuesday
-:nd Wednesday, is a photoplay of
such deep psychological interest
that if will repay all husbands and
wives to see it. If you have seen
Air. DcMille's picture "Old Wives
for New." you will find this com
panion picture amply worth your
while. Elliott Dexter ' is the h ad
ing man and Gloria Swanson plays
opposite to him. The cast is of the
usual order of DeMillo excellence.
er. was in the city today for a few
hours, coming in from Omaha, where
he has been looking after some busi
ness matters.
Carl Thomas came up yesterday
from Nebraska City and spent the
afternoon r.nd evening in visiting
with his many friends. returning
last night to the Otoe county city.
G. W. Leech and son. Mdward
Leech of Union were in the city
today for a few hours looking after
some business matters and visiting
with their friends in the county
Mrs. Joseph IJurbridge and two
children of P.h at eie. Idaho, arriv
ed in the city Friday for a two
v.t.ehs. visit ::t tha home of Mrs. I!ur
bridge's fat Iter, Jehn Heu'and and
II I'll yd J-'ionc and bride. who
have been visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Stone. near
Cedar Creek, departed yesterday for
Dawson, where they will visit for a
lew weeks before taking up their
school work.
Kverott Felix and family departed
today by automobile for Texas,
where they expect to visit different
points and probably make their
home there in the future. Mr. Felix
was formerly connected with the
signal department of the Missouri
Pacific in this city.
A Traveling Man's Experience.
You may l'-?m something frcm
the following by M. H. Ireland, a
traveling salesman of Louisville.
Ky. "In the summer of 1SSS I had
a revere attack of cholera morbus. I
gave the hotel porter fifty cents and
told him to buy me a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy and to take no subs' it ute.
I took a double doe of it according
to the directions and went to sleep.
At five o'clock the next morning I
was calkd by my order and took
a train for my next stopping place
a well man."
For Sale: Single Comb White Leg
horn roosters. Price per bird.
Grace Vallery. lS-2tw
10-20 Titan kerosene burner, with three-bottom
plow, delivered $1,300.00
Also the 1 2-25 Huber Light Four tractor with
three-bottom plow included, delivered. . . .$1,640.00
DODGE BROS. CARS AT $1,185.00 Delivered
CHANDLER CARS AT $1,975.00 Delivered
I. H. C. Trucks DeLaval and Primrose
Cream Separators.
Used Cars!
Five-passenger Ford touring car $250.00
Monroe roadster, a bargain at 450.00
BB"T "flB"'" flV'Hff BBWB1 BV ' Bff BTT I
-ABuutBBit B4wBB-iBB4mJbL-.AbA1uBBi I
From Wediesila vs Pa it. v.
Je-se Hardnock and wife ot Alvo
are in the city enjoying a visit with
their relatives and friends for a few
Walter and August. Minnier of
ne.-ir Murray were in fTie city yes
terday f c r a short time looking ,i;t. r
seme matters of business.
J. !!. Sutherland and Pert Keber
of Llmwood were in the city today
visiting with friends and looking
after some business matters.
Mrs. Fred Kear and soi.. Joy and
daughter. Madrine. and Leon Miller,
all of Alvo are in ihe city for a few
days vi.-iting with their relatives
and friend-:.
Louis Reinhackel. wife and family
came up this morning from their
far tn home near Murray to spend i
few hours looking after some trad
ing with the merchants.
Frank J. Lihershal and Charles K.
Ilaney returned thi- morning from
a visit out in the western part of the
state where they have been looking
over land in Chase county.
Mrs. W. T. Melbum departed last
evening for Kansas City. Missouri,
in response to a message announcing
the fact that her mo her. Mrs. Mary
Reynolds had met with a very sjr
ions accident.
J. M. Dunbar of near Avoca. was
in the city, today visiting with
leunves ar.u attending to ome
business matters and while here wa3
a caller at the Journal office and re
newed his subscription to the semi
weekly edition of the Journal.
S. 17. Rhodes of Auburn was in the
city today for a few hours enroute
home from Omaha and stopped off
to view the city. Mr. Rhodes was in
Plattsmouth forty-five years ago and
spent some time looking over the
old land marks here.
Miss Gertrude Stenner who is
making her home at Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, and who has been enjoying a
short visit with friends at Kansas
City, Missouri, arrived in the cfty
yesterday afternoon for a visit at
the home of her mother, Mrs. Inez
Stenner, and other relatives and
President E. L. Rouse and Vice
President Delzell will spend the
next two weeks visiting institutes in
Nebraska. Professor Brown will be
an instructor at Wilbur, Saline
county, in the institute, and at
Plattsmouth, Cass county. Miss
Burley is instructor in the follow
ing counties: Thayer, Garfield, and
Loup. Miss Hanthorn will teach in
the Nuckolls and Cherry county in
stitutes. Peru Pointer.
Frorr Tnclav's raily.
Julius Kalasek departed this aft
ernoon for Clarkson, Nebraska,
where he will visit for a few days
with friends and relatives.
August liebnier, of Grant. Nebras
ka, who has been visaing in this
city for several weeks at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. August Hoes:--ler.
departed this morning for his
R. I!. Moffett and family depart
tomorrow for Omaha where they
will make their home in the future
and take with them the many well
wishes cf their friends for their fu
ture success in their new homo.
Mrs. Harriett Morrison who has
been visiting at the L. G. Larson
heme departed thi afternoon for
Storm Lake. Iowa, where she will
enjoy a visit with a msut at that
Raymond Larson today took up
his duties at the postolhce in this
city, which he laid aside on enter
ing the army in 1017 and is lm-jy
helping Postmaster Morgan r.nd the
ret of the force in handling the
business of the office.
M. II. IlOiick AT'd w'.fi? of Oma
ha came down this morning to at
tend the funeral of the late .J. M.
Johns, accompanying the family
from that city by auto. Mr. llcuek
returned this afternoon by train to
the metropalis while Mrs. Houck
will remain for a short visit.
1 -ank P. Sheldon and wife and
M.s. Yil?.s P. Sheldon mote. rod lip
ln,m Nehawha to.lay ami i-;n
caught in the rain storm divided to
leave their car and proceed to Oma
ha by train and in company with
M. II. Pollard of Nehawka departed
this afternoon for the up river city.
Andrew Thomsen motored in yes
terday from his country home a
Cedar Creek and returned in com
pany with County Clerk Geo. K.
Sayles ami family who enjoyed the
hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Thom
son for the day and delighted in
fried chicken and water melon.
I K 1 i A z i
Plattsmouth Young; Man Eischarg
from IT. S. Navy After Serving
Yens en Pennsylvania.
,s uoiuity r;arms ior I
From Vc ilnesitay's IaITy.
This morning Jam s lVrsingor ar
rived in ihe city from tie- Gre-tt
Lakes (raining :t ;tion. near Chicago
where he rec-t ived honorabh? dis
charge from the I'nited States navy
aft -r a j:--riod of service covering
over two years. Tl.i:; young nun
entered the navy early in I'.'IT l:ii'.'
In- Horn!.? el the con. in -r w;.r
i lie
-service on
the navy.
)! eniioti
a nu
. a.-
U -e;if
machines e
Mr. Persingvr va-
.ent to the Lake; training sta
tion where for several months, he
was ei.-i n the course of training to
fit him for active duty ;.:id was then gned to service with the- Atlai -tic
fleet and fi'su'ned to the super
dread nought I'enr.-ylvania. the sef -ond
larg. ::t ship in the American
navy and ore' of the greatest fight
ing machines of any of the ser'd's
navies. 1
During the war he wr.s riv -n ih
oj -port unity of seeing much servic-
in both the heme waters and with
the battle th t .-.broad. During hi.;
la t i'e'.v ntonthf, in service he
stationed with ti.e fleet, near .W v.'
York and was on the Pemis; Ivauia
when it acted :s one of the escorts
of Presidei.t V.'il.-ou when he arriv
ed in New York harbor on hearu ti
:i c r r i' e Was ! : i : l g (. o ; i .
Mr. iVrsingcr is a son f Mr
Stella Per.-inger r.nd grf ju'..-i.:i of t
C. I)e.pain of this city and u
::i.-.-;l!ess to say t!..? :!' rct'irn
i!- :ii.e v(i;:n' i.uui has teen t!
120 acre farm 6 miles west of Plattsmouth.
65 acres under cultivation, balance blue tra?.-;
pasture. Ihe farm is well improved and vA
fenced. Anyone buying this ned spend no
money on improvement?. Small farms v.eli im
proved in this section that are for sale are
scarce and this farm wiii cell quickly at the Iou'
ve on it. ihe price is $183.00 per
price v
Suitable terms can be arranged.
80 acres of prairie land 8 miles west of ci?;
of Plnttrmcuth. .This land lays r-ood and is
the virgin soil. it cannot be beaten far pro
ductiveness. Only one mile from market. This
is the first time this land lias ever been offered
for sale and is a good buy at the price asked fc
it. Price $225.00 per acre. Reasonable terms
can be arranged.
Cass County Ferms do Net Stay cn the Marks':
V ery Long I will be Glad to Show Ycu
These Farms at Any Time.
1 B
r :
Prom V,";n'-'-,'!:iv's I).iiy.
The eondiLion of .1. '. Petersen
iio has been quite .-ick at his hoi.e
for the jr."! si r.'.:;;!h. remains about
i.e same ; hc-ug h t he sick man h:is
;e-.-ii feeling somewhat, inoro com
.ittil.le sine e t h ? rain i t h i -i-
ved him of the e-xci-. sive ot"
he J)ast few Weeks.
to the
source of great j
inl the other of the
hoy. A sple.idid ciiaraf! r h.
."or Mr. I'ersiii-er mcvi." ; in th
that will serve him well i:i hi
iati life in the l-.iture. The
friend-; of the voung" ma:t v
iiim hone- and a re
:-.:s reiurt.e.l s. i? ;c,d
lllof 11
;- Slav
e; Vi
I .:;:::
hte.I that
Last evening YV
utme-d fr-'Ti 1 1; -the
.-i;:'.' i - r
: r:i
i V:
Kr-in VYe.lnesuay'." I'.'i'.y
Yesterday was t!ie ?ity-eiginh
birthday anniver.-i'ry of Mr-. George
Perrv. residing in the south j.rrtion
of ei'jeM'Kii' v-:i- the daitit" three w
event she vva
".e!ity I
hOT.l lit1
t. The'
v. ry rap
not a:
C! Op-".
o'iii r
: with :
f-n. t. t he
sol.! lands
l-. i h : e
v. and v.;
they ar
ii.l bid
port i-'n
5 f-.r the
fro;:: h--re
e ot. p.s r.y 1
i: i :i j , j r i : y f
n ;.a:e eei!i
are jid v.i;H ::g
v si'.emi'l ti'.eV
roducing excel! eit
:ir to i::cre:i-.
that Leo
tent ion.
co'ihl rec -iv
rerji v r.e -.In;.
Judge .i::i:;e-
eM i . ::o;
1 eiily.
i:r! 1;
; . r ( r ;
t" .-
!i; t:i.
.1 ei'!;
I 11 is is t
his count;.- !"
! r tlie get o
,"'.r. atijoi :'':
-aHers in the
?rntes or tiie
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r.: ! (.:.
(it ::
; :o t'
s rviet
v.:c:i v
. l. g
1 '.
-) 1
lr.ost delig'ht fnlly
hsnds iiere are excesiv iy high, and
l the lands et t'-.e west r;. tse
crop.; aggrc :.: t : : g tli'ise of i!i:s sf-c-
se.rj'.rised I y her little
ter. Catherine. Nellie
Gorde-r. who with the
nd dau-i-h- j
and IMni
rsistnnce ef
a 1
fourth -f ti.e priev.
wondt-r t ha! gm,l. j:n!
From "dne:la v's Dally.
Mrs. R. P. llolloway, one of the
oid time residents of Plattsmouth
was in the city yesterday for a few
hours between trains visiting at the
home of Mrs. II. J. Streight. one of
the old friends and neighbors. Mrs.
llolloway now- resides at Boise. Iela
ho, and it has been nineteen years
since she bid the old home here good
bye and moved to the west and dur
ing the time of her stay here she
was kept busy viewing the once fa
miliar scenes and noting the
changes that time has brought to
the old town by the river where she
had spent so many happy years
Mrs. llolloway left on No. 2 for
Glenwood, where she will visit and
then proceed to Columbus, Ohio,
where she will attend the grand
army encampment in that city.
their met her. Mrs. An:
prepared the very jd :
for the trra ni'.mot h.rr.
ihe frien.ts of
vited to b- j rg
ust G.rier.
M'.li! event
. number of
.Irs. Perry were 1,1
nt and in i:i" even
ing the merry pr.rty fathered to
tender the estimable i u -t of lienor
many happy return? of th day. On?
of the rhief fe-.'ures cf the evening
of njoyment iva; the dainty three
course luncheon which comprised a
tempting array of good things ami
a special attrae.ii"". o! the luuc.ieon
wps the large birthday c;ike with
its array of sixty-eight candles and
these Mrs. Perry w a ; reepiired to
blow out. The event was a very
happy one for nil those in attend
ance atul at the home going hour all
joined in wishing the ruest of hrr.or
more such happy occasion".
farm in
s a :
1 1 s no n y
-es of lands for
e anxieeis to
From Monday's Daily.
Mrs. John Hendricks of near
Murray was in the city Saturday for
a few hours and while hero found
time to call at the Journal office.
Jack Tatterson, the Union bank-
A Great Remedy.
The merits of Chamberlain's Colic
and Diarrhoea Remedy nre well
known and appreciated, but there is
occasionally a man who has no ac
quaintance with them and should
read the following by F. II. Dear,
a hotel man at Dupuyer, Mont.
"Four years ago I used Chamber
lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy
with such wonderful results that I
have since recommended it to my
friends:" ;
For earache, toothache, pains,
burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid
remedy for emergencies.
Office Supplies? That's where we
Bhlne. The Journal Printery.
From Wednesday's Oaile.
The State of Nel.ra-ha. represent
ed by the slate railway commission
has filed an action in the districr
court of (ass county against the
Murdock Telephone company, in
which the railway commission com
plains cf the telephone company
failing to install and use a system
of accounts as prescribed by the
state railway commission for tise of
the telephone companies of the
state. County Attorney A. G. Cole
appears in the action as attorney
for the state.
From Wedrifsftay's Paily.
The pleasant homo ef Mr
' M--. Joseph Tladraba on v. -'.-t i::e
! r'rtv-t v:i-: the ecet.e f a delightful
! gathering cf !i;t! foll-ts yesterday
! af'erm.on to e-si--t litti" Mi-- !leh:i
lrgiria. i nee in tiie cejenrattoii or
her sixth birthday . ; nni versary.
The heme rang with merriment dur
ing the ern.'.oi lamr,- ae th
tiatg- a
iy re-:
June. lfilS", i u!i-ervh-e
of the r
itkg hi.-: !i.-'.d. ar
hist. The court
tpplicat fr (
ihe rrat''.-; a:.l
: I r.
1 !
r o
in th
ft er
::al a
t a. :
r ; i v
J jr..
lo ar.
r. Ar-Jf.
- ef ta-
i a
' .IS
: i s
The Ecst Physic.
When yo'i want
try ChnriV ria in'.-
I-" eaav to tal
i r,-:-.inni r,:iyie
Tihlets. They
nd mi id and ger.tie
; folhs
freiics klv
twelve li'tl
games and
passed very
of ih.e merry party. At a
hour a dainty luncheon wa
hv Mrs. TIadraba ac'-i' ted
i t. joyed th.oir
and the time
t : the rue nihers
v Mrs.
IMancli Price and Mrs. Charles 3ydo
botham v.-hieh. served tf comjilete
the afternoon of rrre enjovment and
a feature of the luncheon was the
dainty birthday cake with its glow
ing candles. who were jires-
ent were: Teresa and Ruth Olson.
Max i no. Cloidt. Rot,e Ina and Adelia
Loet", Helen and Tina Knubek.
r.tary Wynn, Edith Craig. Mary Ann
Hadraba, Mary and Eleanor Pwaic-
and the little hostess. Helen Virginia
;n effect. 1
peep1" v h.o
with their p
' v C'.. t a
! -,'V LIT" 1! 1 !; il ! V
!.- vc bceme
goed qualities.
prired I y
Tiav o-
-t? ipa t i-
me'i.iori f.
at all ii r
y to r- ! ye
s to t os e n g'l!
lean'-- Reg ulet;
r t i TMirpe.- e.
g steres.
are j
:: a
c ' I1
mi hi
i-cr Iaf3iis and Children
Wwavs tears
From Welne-luy's I":iilv
The local postolhce has been busy
in the last two days in arranging
the orders of the Plattsmouth peo
ple who taking rtdvantage of the
sale by the government of the sur
plus food supplies of the war de
partment. The sales however have
not been as large as was anticipat
ed by the ofTiee here as a greui
many do not seem to fully under
stand the ordering of these sup
plies. The low prices quoted iwu-
attracted a large number or pur
chasers. The goods are ordered in
hulk lots by the postmaster and cn
receipt of the foodstufts the oraeis
are prepared and delivered to those
ordering the same.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Schlestemeier
of near Nehawka were visuoi -
the city Monday for a few hours
visiting with their friends in the
Pre-1 W ii nPftn y's lnl)v
Leo. the little five year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schneider, re
siding near Cedar Creek, met with
very painful and serious injuries
last evening when he was run over
and kicked by a horse. The little
boy in company with his older
brother, Don. aged nine, had gone
to the pasture shortly before (1:00
o'clock to drive up the cows for
milking and while they were so en
gaged, a horse that was running
loose in the pasture charged the
boys and knocking Leo down pro
ceeded to injure him severely by
kicking and trampling him. The
little man received a severe gash
over the bridge of the nose as well
as several cut3 and brut'??- on the
body and lower limbs. The pr rents
hurried the injured lad to this city
where the injuries were dressed and
the boy made as comfortable as pos
sible under the circumstancs. Mrs.
Schneider and the injured lad re
mained in the city at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hirz in order
) V
Stetson Hat
Ntty new shapes and shades
to match your new Fall suit.
L;ght and medium weights.
The green and red silk lining
equala your best choice of a hat.
.9. 77". ID
Zt99 t tunic!