The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 14, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Che plattsmoutb lournal
Entered at Postoffice. Plttmouth. Neb., a econd-clas matl matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
The goose that lays the golden
egg don't do half as much cackling
as the cold storage pirates do.
A specialist on bugology says ev
ery crazy man is afraid of a woman.
Huh! So are we, and we are only
half crazy.
A few spring styles are still ling
ering in the lap of summer. There
is a whole lot of lap-lingering going
on, here and there.
At its national convention at At
lantic City organized labor gave
bol.-dievism a swift kick with a pair
of stoga boots loaded with feet.
Abusing the president apparently
is regarded by some republicans in
congress a. a fair subst itute fur per
forming their duty. But what do ! jCg
the people think?
In peace, war, politics or matri
mony, watch your safety valves.
A man may wear as many medals
as Rear Admiral Tripitz and still
bo henpecked.
A current magazine says bigamy
is a compliment to women. Which
one of the women?
proximately 17,737.000.000. The
addition of the 3, 623.000.000 mili- j
tary passenger-miles will give an ;
aggregate of approximately "1.362.-!
000.000 passenger-miles, an increase i
of 20 per cent of the total of civilian S. W. Bill of Port Crook Hubbed by
riflio niono I Car Driven North at High
The extraordinary demand on the J
Rate of Speed.
passenger carrying equipment of theFrom Mnj.iy-S naiiy.
country exolains why the railroad1 Last evening after the rain.
administration has not been able to
meet all requests for excursion
S. Y.
Hill, of Tort Crook, was motoring
into the citv from his home and !
when coming down the hill near the
trains, and why in wme cases the M.,s llic wlm, Nva.i unfortunate
of the rear
When you do any mourning, don't
wear the insignia around the coat
sleeve or under the finger nails.
Do you give your wife carte
blanc when she goes shopping or
give r the dickens when she gets
cars on regular passenger trains enough to havo one
have been crowded. In the month wheels of hi-; Ford car put out of
of June alone the railroads trans- 'commission by a collision with an-
. . ... , other car which was going north at
ported 914.314 troops, not tncruding .. , io , .
' jibe time of the accident. It is stat-
nien discharged or on furlough. I , jat ;.,,C(ri(1 car w.,s ,ravoliliK
The Bulletin. !nt a high rate i;f speed and the slip-
:o: ipery condition ;f the road made it
di'licult for
Mr. Hill
to control lib
fROWTJ ANT) HARP (nr :,n'' r,:'l!t was the strangers
! tn r struck one of the rear wheels of j
And now conies a prominent New Mr. KM car and bent it in such
i manner as to put the Ford out of
York woman lecturing on the tern- i . .
inist movement who says that her j TJjp n,:lct,io brought to the
sex will not achieve its full measure ;.ieMnken garage this morning fur
of independence until the rearing of repairs. The driver of the tar that
children and all the duties of the 'a used tin
The boozers now have nothing
left but remorse, like some of the
rest of us used to have next morn-
Tl.e man who can't see anything
in this world except the "stamp on
the guinea" has eranip of t he vi
sion, strabismus of the optic nerve
and prolapsus of the soul.
Women do not kiss eacli other as
much as they used to. which leaves
a larger crop of kisses for the men
to harvest. And that field is about
the onlv one where harvest hands
are not scarce.
No. Christian science will not cool
:f the busine.-s end of a hornet, or
r move the eau de cologne from a
polecat; and neither will it endow
with braius the piDhead who pro
pounds such queries.
National suffrage is now only a
matter f a few days and details.
Clad of it. but boy. lock thosn
pantaloons in the safe, and don't
you dare let any female woman on
earth have them.
Senator Hiram Johnson of Cali
fornia is a very strenuous man. If
he fails in hi. laudable aspirations
to be president cf the I'nited States,
any I'nele Tom's Cabin company
would be glad to pay him a princely
salary as leading Siberian blood
hound chasing Eliza over the ice.
Senator Urandegee, republican,
wanted Klihu Root's opinion as to
whether the senate's inquiry into
the possession of unoiTicial copies of
the peace treaty had "done any
damage" and got it. "I cannot see
that any damage has been done un
less it be through withdrawing the
attention of the senate from the very
serious questions before it," Mr.
Root replied.
Some reactionary republican sen
ators would have us and all the
world besides believe that the only
interest this country has in foreign
nations is interest on American In
vestments. And still they seem to
forget that peace must precede pros
perity, here and abroad; that we
can not recover our trade with Eur
ope until, with our help, Europe has
re-established peaceful, permanent
No other color scheme requires
so much explanation as a black eye.
as Messrs. Dempsey and Willard can
German recalcitrance toward the
peace terms followed republican op
position to the league of nations
and the senatorial attack on Presi
dent Wilson. These things may not
have had the relation, but they cer
tainly were in the order of cause
and effect.
Public Service Corporation
Can be had in amounts of
Investment Securities
First National Bank Bid's,
Omaha, Neb.
Chairman Hays of the republican
national committee delivers a speech
to tell the public his party will not
make the league of nations a parti
san issue. Why tloesn t be writj a
few personal and confidential let
ters to the senatorial "robins" to
notify them?
. :o:
The only serious cff'Tt ever mad
to end the war has been given the
endorsement of thirty-two nation.--.
It is generally -conceded that the
league of nations has little chance
of succes without the participation
of tho I'nited States. The partici
pation must be with the approval of
the senate. Is it within the bounds
of possibility that the hostility of a
few republicans, inspired by parti-
sanism to one man, th? president, is
going ta defeat the plan to end war?
All the press dsipatches and dope
sheets we ever turned into copy
never set forth yet that Christ
was a esJeyite. Presbyterian.
Campbellite, Episcopalian. Catholic.
Baptist or Congregationalist. Ah wc
get it, mostly from picking it out
of the type care, he was all of them
rolled into one. and it seems to us
that that is what we all ought to
be, a3 near as we can, for they are
all good, and it takes all kinds of
stones to build up the temple of the
home arc placed in the hands of ex
perts. Presumably she means wo
men experts, for Lord knows father
hasn't time to take care of the kids,
rustle the grub and attend to the
summer house cleaning. Not until
then, she says, will women be fro.'
to go out into the world and dis-
damagc is unknown and
his identity will probably never be
ascertained, as he continued on in
the direction of Omaha without stop
ping to ascertain what damage had
been dope.
charge their responsibilities as lead- j
ers in thought and action, as voters
and olhce-holders. '
When the women got to turning
the household management
tare of the babies over to experts,
while they get out into the world to
exercise a lot of higher duties, so
called, in thought, action. politic
and office-holding, that will be about
the limit. We used to get sad at the
thought of having to die in a few
years and pass on to Lord knows
where, but when we conten plate
From .Monday's I'aily.
This morning Judge P.cgley was
(iisragcd in tryir.g the cae of Mich
ail A. Hoylan vs. Sheriff Quinton.
in which the plaintiff seeks to se
cure the King roadster which was
and the. taken the latter part of June m a
booze raid by the sheriff. Mr. Loy
1 in. who claims the car as his prop-
. rtv
Only ONE out of
147 does it!
There are actually over 147 brands of ciga
rettes sold in this country. But not one of
them does what Chesterfields do, for Chester
fields do more than please the taste they
touch the smoke-spot they let you know you
axe smoking they satisfy!
It's all in the blend a blend of fine selected
TURKISH and DOMESTIC tobaccos just the
right kind and the right quantity of each.
There never was a cigarette that grew faster
?n popular tavor because no cigarette ever gavu
such value.
Prove it ! Smoke a Chesterfield fresh from
the moisture-proof package.
. 9
h:is secured the ear on a writ
lot of ther' new-fangled fad.s and j
hop-dream brain-storms. we are;
reconciled. As soon as a few more j
internal and infernal wheels get to
revolving in the modern nut factor
ies we will be pleased to don our
white robes of peace, adjust a larpe
i f r pKiii and the hearing today j
' t sustain' rh writ. The at- j
torney for the plaintiff sought to .
, have a new bond substituted to cov- i
' er the cost of the case and the value I
I ' the car, hut this was objected to
I i.v the countv attorney and the mat- I
1 i 'er wi s taken under advisement by j
1 e court.
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos - blended
sUed pair of wir.fzs and commence
practicing up on harp music. .May-j
he we might be sent in another di-
! To
red ion. but. even at. the worst, any
'liange would then have to be for
the better.
Freight Department Team Last
Night by Their Refusal to
Play a3 Scheduled.
. "r i : i. Tue-ut.iy'is Iaily.
I'.y virtue of having a game for
ieiied to t lit 111 l:;t night by the
toach shop team, the freight depart-
! pient ( Itip track) nine now heads
The devil wanted to be an angel,
but his foot slipped.
Hooze and calico i- sure a fierce
An ounce of tniile is worth a
pound of grouch.
No dentistry is painless, because
of the bill.
i the list In the Hurlingion league
jjerientage column, having won tour
jiut of live games, played. Tomorrow
j: i.v'it, if the weather is favorable.
ihe freight boys and the locomotive
department v.iil cro-s hats.
I The game hot night was forfeited
ji.y (He's aggregation when they re-
JU.-til to play, as sehedulfd, but the
forfeiture does not cause them to
This is the package
with the moisturc-proor
jacket that keeps Chester
field's original freshness
and flavor intact.
ay from being "Old Taylor" or any i number of handsome and useful re-
oiher good brand of whiskey, but
v, as a home made production and its
! anything in the percentage col-
' in as vim can't subtract not hing i eaeering powers about e;ual to so
Tlic worm toift no boxiiiess be i 11 ir M iiti tiolliintr aiol get any dlteren'
During the first six months of
1919 the railroads of the I'nited
States carried 4,276,94! troops on
special and regular trains. In ad
dition two million officers and en
listed men made railroad trips while
on furlough. Approximately one
million men also traveled to their
homes from camps. The aggregate,
therefore, was approximately seven
and one-quarter millions.
The average Journey of the troops
carried on special trains during that
ncriod was 6G0 miles. For other
military passengers the length of
the average trip is not available. As
suming that the general average
Journey was 500 miles, the seven
and one-fourth millions of soldiers
made approximately
wassenjrer-miles. While the final
figures for June are not yet avail
able it is estimated that that the
pa?senger-milcs of civilian passeug
ers in the six-month period were sp
oilt so early.
There is always room at the top
also at the bottom.
The innocent bystander does too
much bystanding.
Mor.t yellow journals cater to yel
low minds.
Why call it common sense when
it is so uncommon.
They say fish is a brain food.
Wanted, a whale.
Kve Is dead, but the snane is !
Lord help the rich the poor can
And now the Sanjak of Novibazar,
whoever in blazes he is. has also
declared war.
We are sorry for t lie north pole,
as we have been discovered sevral
times, ourself.
i esillt.
Icon t:
The coach, shop team
iil enders ever since the
much water.
has j The wrath of the purchaser knew
be-'no hounds and he at once had the
ginning of shop lesgne ba: e ball and
:: is possible they may forfeit all
'remaining scheduled games in pref
creiice to Pinter continuing the
! "glit against, odds, each of the other
four teams in tin- league having
hem outclassed as ball players.
Egyptian cigarettes j veil known fact among the old resi-
- , dpntors of these Darts that "Old Tay-
recpings of camel "cmcrs oi no e pain
I'eter and Paul were Arabs, but
did not smoke E
mane ot me. sweepings
A dispatch states that a tliou-and
I'Vom Monday's OaTiy.
1 has been ofleo said that "ail
i not go!d that glitters." and it may
alL'o be stated that all is not vvhis
1 ey that has a deep golden yellow
tint, as one of our citizens discov
ered last, evening. The gentleman
who had the great desire to partake
of the beverage long since under the
ban in Nebraska, made the acquain
tance, of a stranger who confidently
:lated that he was in a position to
deliver, in exchange Tor numerous
hunches of kale, fi ,iff' pizt"(1
im:irt of "Old Tavlor." Now it is il
matter reported to Chief Manspeak
or. who is now on the track of the
parly disposing cf the supposed v.his
! ey, but at the time of going to the whiskey salesman was still
r' Saturday's Oaily.
Duiupsey White of Rising. Ne
braska, who is enjoying a Wsit at
the home of his nephew Mark White
and wife near Murray was in the
city yesterday afternoon in com
pany with -Mr. White, George W.
Shrader and William Gilmore. Mr.
White is one of the pioneer residents
of liutler county and has frequently
been a visitor in this locality during
the lifetime of his brother, the late
Ivan S. White. lie expects to de
part Monday for his home and has
had a most delightful visit with his
old time friends in Cass county.
membrances from the host of friends.
The pleasures of the evening were
heightened by delicious and dainty
refreshments of ice cream and cake
served at a suitable hour and the
merriment and pleasure continued
until a late hour when the guests
departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Ter
ryherry many long years of happy
wedded life.
Glancing over Europe we can not
see that the dark ages were much
of an eclipse.
East of Riley Iloty..
Coates Elock,
second Floor.
Plastering, Stucco. Mason.
l- and all kinds of concrete
-I work. Strictly first class. .
I Murdock, Neb. v
lor" was a very choice
lintmr iii tlio ihivs before May
1017, when th- great drouth visited
v. i.r:i..L-:i mihI f.f course our fellow
Frm Kriday's Dalty.
The handsome country home ot"
of, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terryberry, in me
people were killed by Bolsheviks at' citizen at once agreed to supply tue entertained
necessary Jack while the stranger
was to procure the bottle of whis
key. The delivery was made all
right and the mysterious stranger,
recuriug his money, disappeared, but
curses.- when the purohaser hoisted
the bottle to allow the soothing
liquid to trichh; down his throat,
and hit the right spot he faund that
it was a bac deception and that the
contents of tha bottle waa a long guests
vicinity of Cedar Creek was the scone
of a very pleasant gathering last
evening when the host and hostess
a large
KkaterinodariskingofT, Russia. Pre
sumably the name escaped, as noth
ing could knock that out.
An exchange remarks that if you
don't make good where you are you
cannot make good elsewhere. Sounds
reasonable. A fellow can t very
well make good where he ain't.
large number of
friends in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Terryberry. who were just recently
The Terryberry home as well as
the shady lawn was filled with guests
who Imd gathered to honor the
newly wedded young people and the
evening was spent most delightful
ly. The affair was in the nature of
a miscellaneous shower and the
of honor received a iarg
Telephone Men Wanted!
Telephone linemen and groundmen needed t
many of our exchanges at once. Also inexperienced
men to learn the telephone work. Standard wages
and steady employment. Apply to Manager or
Wire Chief at the nearest telephone exchange.
Telephone subscribers will confer a favor upon
the Company by directing applicants whom they
are unable to employ, to our nearest office.
Applicants unable to call in person may tele
phone our nearest exchange Manager free by re
versing the toll charge.
Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph