PTTTfOUTH 5EMJ-WEXEI.Y SOVRKn. Ltll .4-! will return TO LAP OF HIS BOYHQO i l. treated r.t the hospital. The 1 prrty was accompanied by John I Parri- of near Murray. It had l.t-f-n t l.o original intention of tLe ! doctor : ii. 1 ill" other members of the parly to main- the trip l.y auto jii:hi!" l .:t iiwin:; to tlie heavy rain yesterday if was decided to make ! the journey hy the Missouri Pacifi;'. n -n "ti :--y I y H O- II f: ""- tail wr f 7T Et i t A, il Jl tLL j. n.IY. !Vu7i 34, 1913- One r.LCTor. or till eoly sosary r I SPEEDERS UP IN POLICE COURT CATHOLIC CHLilCH WILL a vjlc'.tio:; 1 Fl"""i Vpiln"si'n v's I;;i!v. The (o.t of speeding is keep ing i i f . h tie h;t"i of liv ing as wu evidence I l.v the docket li'hl rrMfJf.C? M:n:5Cvn!s-r Jud-r, Archer's curt today when , t! i.'v v. as -nncbed by the sum of :.:'!t d-. l.iicil by parties charged ly t'l.i'f of Police MatisTieakcr with T'r. V-iti.rf TnV n YMrr.T- Prtvoi l-.... it. ... . . ..r uvi.ii vitA vui: tt.ii- ii;mi lint, ai a ril.e ui uru i!ia. t ii a t allowed hy law. A. P.intner and "William P.ach were two of those charged with ; pending and in addition to thi charge they were also the principals p!-t:;;; Tiip to His Old iionie In 3oL? d-liU;: Mil t:'p : v :::!.r. I ri.n W'it;-si!ay ? I.;Hy. i. v. Jcl.n Vie. rector (.f the; in a collision eecuring at the corner H-sy i:oj-a?y e i.urih in this city. i:vT Sixth and Vine streets last cven- n.i.'t.ii-.K i la;:- :;.r --i. his li.i ho::." ;:; i !!. i:: ia. '.' i :i ' -a l.y irs since Kat '.i- r '!fk I f! the (.id h ni-' to take ..- v.,.r'.. f -r the church in the Lev.- u .r:: :.!. i i:i ; 1 '-art ha.- i f;en .1 ! , - ; .! !. ah lit t ho riven '!;:-:- c f '.:ri::: r anj g th" pl'-a.-ures "f vi iti:ig t 1 ..(' ; y.r p..;:t h is T: ! - ' n n:.:i'y : " - .1- ji:'r:-T.- I .r ' :. - f T i i r- f i : ' f'd ( .:! A r. '' . : ' c..!Vf t . T ' :. :.-. : " . I:, r- :v : " v . ' v ' ." ri . '.T' ar;' r i ..".-. : 1 lir-I Its '.-v.-ry .-f a fi-n-I-ni 1 -l ... i .,i f Ih'- f. .r I. t in--. l.ach v;;; traveling we;t o: 'in street with a motorcycle and sidecar while Mr. r.intner was fio- :uz i::rth n Sixth .treet and as tliy both can:o to the intersection cro-sinsr the nfitcrcyc'e and one u'. the rear whr-ds of the car of Mr Mint ! rnixed tip and tlu result wa- il.iit Mr. Ilach. was hrui6 ed up Fcmr hut not seriously. Ju' wh.o was the one re.por.sihle for th' cn!l:cn U a matter of jtidpmnt 1 tit with the wisdom gathered hy 1:.'4: experience the ch.ief gathered in l"th parties and t!;i morning 'l ey v ere Jand' d a tine of $10 nil" cos's e:i(h amo'tr'in-T to ? 1 ?. whicJ wa paid. K-y M- i!'irn was :.l;c riven a $1 f',: ih th.e t ri. '..!!. in ;s for spe1.' ' ''.!' a m. toreyc-le r.lf.n? ti e cvenr f :h- ci'v ';.v:ut' hr-r:; 1 -or .-.'! i 1 v C!:i f y, :i peah-T v ',:' 1 V ! Hi i ?! 1 ic:--t !f in n- the ilan' - r.-; r:-e on ' v t f. r th" rpe-'d of t- rs a t."r :he :n'-: ruet -:-v TTtt.Cil. i. i-ct - i-.ili. v.!;j I. a- i..-e.i .. (. u.-.-at !; J :): tw v t-w.. .;;;:!; .-:.t: I: i : ill it no.':! r..aU this ii:-'M!U. l;t "i . V ; t v .",:-ir'.e:i a:.j :: it i J- (is.; itirJ t . r hi- hc:..L in ii.e c::tra! part c ! ...' i'j c r.-pafy vit:i narl:. '. -. ;. v. ,i. :t i;r a t::.:e t :. :.i: he:.--. T: t mai. - : :.- t .-ij' v... th- I- '1 r.u.t i. I. ..('.' a art h.-'i s -:ac Ti.-j:v: v :tl : t a-...: if rs.i.- (a: h.e .i-w:-; f'.at :' w.'.t.l.i 1." I.' e..j-:y lo m I ; I Vailed il tO I :'!;. .-r ::.!. T;j"y a k:-, p t For. r .-..;: .::.sri.,i; a i ; :" in-ton, c ' : " it :: t f the ! ':.! n: 'I s -c pre an ex- f : r . Tarris and K. F: rri- me !::., ...a . f li e K c f '..'!. y r.c : i'iti!..I the f id;. t. :ar-- 1 le.idi:i;; liurdufos Tra'uin ir. the we-. the rc'iol cr.- . r .c, :.y k.. c; i.itiurciil Luase..-. ,.:id !i:sines firms everywhere. Sen. ..t fr-e f :..!:".: . r.::tc-r now. Schio in -e--.-i .i ail the yar. Address the I- !;::id I'.ssire. s Coli.-re. Cran I ;. 'a:' 1. . h-u -Ua t he school hui!'. 1 -i b',,uu.r ; n j :;r, .j.., ( ti tar..:a.-l. t.t wn .-. ,-. y.r:,y phrrrraph n-.-. 1e ' '-rIcc- 9ft" it. ; "l ! d r vf i ! r - Ir T-1 -. I r:. has r rr f-tily rer ..ver.- fr' m ! "-'-. r can te'l when yeu'i I' " -'"' c: . f ri;" ::i jury. Mr. :I !- j a finder or sttf.'er a cut. hruie. barn i-:: ! i. trotihV.-l v. i t h a .:; id. Ih prepared. Thou.-.unds .'.r!:.' in o ,..r ,..., fri piv- !-.-!. n l)r. Thomas" Keleetie Oil. ' :: 1 :::i : :t:.-h v.-'.n t.i.d t h is ". ill al o ' v: !.r drtir'i-t sells it. ::'c and ftc. H I! t v. r- tl-' HI Is About All it Takes to Insure Your Hogs Against Loss by Death in the American Live Stock Insurance Company This means that for the approximate cost of one bushel of corn more than it ordinarily takes to raise a hog, your profit is guaranteed, even though the hog dies You carry insurance on your Imilil'mss, your implements- and your crops. Whv not on voiir liojjsV The bos" is the quickest money producer of anv farm animal. The hog has lifted more farm mortgages than anv other farm pro duction. The ho? has bought more farms than any other farm production. The ho? has done more for the producer than any other single, and manv combined products. Yt ym are mw liable- to lose your hojrs throuuh ilvse than you are in ihuisjci- of lo.sinir your l)UiM"m;s, implements or ero hy lire or .storm. One epi'I'-mie may take the profits of ay entire season. Packing Houses Don't Pay for Bead Hogs Tlie Amerirjin Live "to.-U Insurance Company forms the eoimectir.jr link between 1 1 . c farm i'li.t the ino-kinir house. It makes certain that your hoes will either he raise.l ami nu.rketeil or that you will receive adequate compen sation should they die from any cause. It juts hoir raising on a sure footing. You can't lose you're bound to make a profit. "When V'lii take out insurance in the American Live Stork lnu ranee Company, you are deali:iff vith the larirest lie sto-k ii:sur;.i.. e M..a!.y in the -world. It's capital and surplus are. veil oxer a million dollars. Tin officers and directors- are amonp- the best know" and n.o:-.; s;icces.-.ftd ii'ilnt ieu of Nebraska. The American Live Stock Insurance Company i oryani.ed under th Letral lieserx e old Line plan and is supervised by the depart moot of Ne braska and every -other st ail e in xvhieh it transact?. L;:s;nos. The y -uv:!-''i of the Nebraska laws, requiring that insurance companies invest their . apital. surplus and reserve in interest bearing securities, specially set forth in the laxv, gives absolute protection. In addition to the compensation given by Ibe American Live Stock Insurance Company in case of death amon? your herd, you receive, ABSOLUTELY FREE, VACCINATION. MEDICINES AND VETZI; INARY SERVICE for yotir hopfs, if nccesf-ary the first and otilv rcil protection oSerec: to the farmer engaged in the great hog- raisin j industry. Remember, We Guarantee a Market for Your h'ogs, Dead cr AHvo Hog- insurance is the best investment you can make. Your business judg-e-ment demands heg protection at once. A policy in the 'American" pves yon a business rating in the bank and absolute hog protection. Don't put off insuring until your hogs are sick and it is too late. Get protection at once by applying to your nearest local agent, or by writing" to the American Live Stock Insurance 704710 World'Herald Building, Omaha, Neb, Company Th? fcd'owlng agents will be glad to furnish you with rates, information, etc, AARON E. PAILING, Greenwood A.J. TRILETY, Plattsmouth - J. H. DOMINGO, Weeping Water W. A. CLEGHORN, Louisville W. G.BOEDECKER, Murray I SUBSTANTIAL j chief improvenient-s to be noticcl in j are really the chief asst of tlie com- Constipation ca uses licud-ic'. -. , Money to loaii on city real estate ! the city is that of the paving (.1 munity as it i- here that the fatore ' d creation, !rc -v. r by the Plattsmouth L-ian & Buildit.s i (.'hiaso avenue and this wcrrk viil . itizemliip is develcpet! an;! tl; AT to MURRAY, ri7-ERASKA Satiirday, August 16th 1 : v,ri crll 250 choice Free ding Ewes and LamLs .1 Cr.Luruay, August 5GtIi, at 3:00 p. m., at ; V1PR0VEMENT IN DOR CITY J be more appreciated as time poes ; greater the educational ?uvantar;es a iioiu, opening nit-d: In-. ti.-e i on. Instead of a street whore it j offered the higher is t lie standard of . IL.-suitts. ."0c a ho. at .1 ''.. Association. Secretary. See T. M. Patterson. 3-rtfd DUELMG THE PAST COUPLE OF! '.'lis a question in muddy weather j whether or not you could drive j down to the business fcectioa of the j city there is a beautiful and mod- ! "rn drivewav a fine as anv cif i:i ' .. . . trie state and along tins street are citizenship attained. TaUen a:- e whci--.- t'-.e t v; vcprs tEa'!':B;T;BJ':;E::'a::'C::::cn: . . . . a vonderi"ul th? citv and tl past lii shown Mir. cement for this. too. in the midst of a trreat war thnt vas demand in? th a U YEARS THE CLE TOWN HAS THINGS mas:y batid-o:ue li'.-nic... Tii"i; jr-eatest TTili''i thi the e-'tiren- I Ht Xuf kmm Fa tan m lUFPAaENT TO THOSE ABSENT m t i T:.. 't ewes fv.d I zmvj are th. pick of my he.'d. EVERY SOD Y OOSViE ! t: :"7jz i. noticing paying the rA?.:.:r. so well as sf ieep U'-Ind iio Were rairaiiar with the .v-0 c,rp,f, ,.avo ,vr Plansmcu.h cf Ye Olden Lays unerei and" placed Fro;jre2s is Eeyr.ote. j nt the itzter-ectio'i of t'hirarvo a'-e- ' ship of the city. May the erootl v.-erl-: ! i. ue and I'i'arl am! 7 r !i sre:-t n it ' 2,0 on and even rnr ad vniie-'iin rt. si i modern cottages have replaced the ! recorded in the futrtre. f? old livfrv rJnhlp lh,'i f ( r vi-jr.; nrcn- . H Pied that l!,u ad I the chaise U one! G0 LANI) SEEEERS. that makes for tee rerutifyjnfr of, The c:ty. ; r-roiti TlmrsiiaVs f inilv. fj in numerous- places over t lie city i hi.- ?.ii'.l:"n '.rown ; I EI.MS To suit purchaser on approved security ir,'-:o?i from catc of S. L. AMFSLOT, Stvnsr :E:. ;i 'ltG, ccticnec: V7. G. EOEDLHEE. Clerk ti ) 1 1 in1 .rm fVofti V",.i! n.-s.l.-i v's I ji IT v. The i:::i.rjumeiils I hat have been "r :i.aue in I'iattsnioutli during' the last two years probably t-eeni to a pree.t ? many ;f the residents to have been Jl nrjall but to one who has not been I refilling here during the time the improvement were bing made and who was familiar with th citv be- fore, the changes are quite notic j pble and speak well for the efforts Qof the public spirited people of the city of Plattsmouth. One of the curbed np placed m excellent shnpe ami perrr.'innt slt'wpis-? ; stalled, doing away with the j makeshift walks that fir years v;tp J a menace to life aiul limb. Lat but not the le-j-t in th things acl-ieved in this perJ-u! r Tine is the T"".attcr,iouth high, school building occupying' a comm.'1:: ";" position on the hill from which a view cf the buc's reet'on nrd the old Miouri mv.x be eiil-yel. iC rthr.r Karcp-nu. two cf the I'latts-tfl " 7th ycxmg men who reronilv re- j j turned from ovcts derrte j fo jP astern ('r!.-'r:;d.' w'htp tb.ry wi;i :B 'r-!; over the Jr.nd :'titab!e f,r:S ;i"nr'o-- r!"' if tbf.y f-.;' 'g " t'lol a ti '! i i' bT.' v.'iM 1 :1:p a trip up in Y.'yoming and :i Ulvhn to Iot'o a ?rst-We f.?rm. It !8 3 with r.g-.-t tbat the commr.njty ' pcrts with th.r-p tvo : V. ?v' C yung men but their fr'r.d- v;:!! V -'V. Li.:. a.T- ' V certainlv wish them ti e grentr;t .f Thsi btilding is one that reflec;" j success in their venture ;r. the .--t credit upon the city ami the live a:'.: , and trust that they may find n h-me l; energetic citizens who have luher- ' that will be to their sati-factlon and ;f ed long to make this schrol bui'd- where they may meet with the hst ;B ing possible. The schools cf any city of success. m i f OA B n a H n is s ri u r. T 'J t ft K EVERYBODY COE GUT! V Trie HcJ vs OF OMAHA Ball Park ..,..H'i;..i;,;jc:;:.,C';':.E1, n,;ris:... a....:;ffi;':':x; "ms; -5,.;;a::.i2is;i3:.:3::..(5; :. .a;...:a .;: c il.