The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 04, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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LIU.',. I.. J1
r 5f
m '
Your Declaration of
Follow yeur country's example. Declare your inde
pendence independence of the tyranr.y of financial
worries. Banish the fear of the future. Win your
complete freedom and hold it. You do all these
by starting to save znd keeping at it.
Your signature to your initial savings deposit slip
is your declaration of independence. Every daily or
v. eekly deposit will be a celebration safe and sane.
Save for Your Future
Ready cash makes you ready for opportunity. To
be financially prepared is to have practical insur
ance on success.
You dream of the future. Why not plan to realize
those dreams? Decide on a definite saving policy
rr.d stick to it with determination. You v?ill be
budding character
as well as capital.
And character will
bung you extra
carina! when you
ned it. Sign your
declaration of in
dependence today!
To s.vs
The Bank Of
Mrs. '.Mabol O
I'rown ard baby
iver and Mrs. Wm.
daughter vi-ited at
V.!t"n Sunday.
Grandma McCartney had the mis
fortune of haxing her arms phoned j
t ; some wm';
A 'large nur-ibtr of Elmwood P'-o-!
'e have 1
:n in attendance
2., ..c-r:ii a.-.--:: .!! in I.hiolr..
'. L. T"i nt"rniar l::-s pur-:-;:-:-:.-1 i
f..-.:i,;e of hue lots rf Win. Wilkins
1; in ju-it v:(i of hi
. r ., p,.f i-h.r ti.p i.atipone looked after their land inter-
l.cdi attending fi'rarmr school.
Llair". of City
v ::s an over Sunday v
r:.oh-r. Mrs. Annie I
tor with l
rhardson at i
this place.
C. :i. Guernsey. the f -arpentt r, I
ha- juv-t f nihed a large corn crib j
an 1 shed- f'T Gorg" Bopenrief r. i
x'.c farm.
John Go is a vi.-itor tnis
v.'V !.t Oaialla. Nebraska, wheie
y.r- i, loking aft-r Iiis cr-'ji and land
in t crests.
!M Gilbfcnk corr'-jenced Tuesday
efava?mg the citch f.r the layiup
,f the tile for city water to the west
c:m1 of town.
Mrs. M. L. Gollaher and sister,
Miss Gladys Coatman left last week j
for BouMer, Colorado, where they
10-20 Titan kerosene burner, with three-bottom
plow, delivered $1,300.00
Also the 1 2-25 Huber Light Four tractor with
three-bottom plow included, delivered. . . .$1,Q40.00
DODGE BROS. CARS AT $1,185.00 Delivered
"CHANDLER CARS AT...' $1,975.00 Delivered
I. II. C. Trucks DeLaval and Primrose
Cream Separators.
Five-passenger Ford touring car $250.00
Monroe roadster, a bargain at 450.00
Cass County.
will spend several weeks in recrea
tion and for the benefit of Mrs.
Collaher's health.
Dr. J. M. Neely left on Tuesday
ev ning for New York. He will see
San ford Clements and will be gone
for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. L'erger went
to M unlock Sunday evening to visit
with friends before they started on
their trip to the coast.
Mrs. C. G. Lailey left on "Wednes
day for Council Bluffs. Iowa, to pet
hpr . Warrenrwho has been quite
lJick there fr some time.
y'r- A; T'son Ieft last Satur"
sho will visit her daughter. Mrs.
Il-hb r.nd r.lso her rr-.n, Floyd Ty;-r..
, V:n. Minfcrd and wife left Sat-
' i - .- 1 . . - f r . . w n-fi T ! 1 n ' i tin r vie.
it the i eu i oruner ramiiy ana wnne
esis there.
Rev. and Mrs. Longacre and child-
ren ere among tnose attending r.p-
u or,n assembly at Lincoln. They
took their tents and equipment.
pared to stay
Reynolds Deles Dernier and fam
ily moved on Wednesday to Rock
well City, Iowa, where he has a po
sition in the grocery department of
a larg? general store.
Clarence Irons had the misfortune
ta get one of his hands cut on some
barbed wire, and having the wound
become Infected. thereby causing
him considerable pain.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bolmeier
arrived on Thursday of last week.
from California, driving through In
their car for a visit with Rev. and
Tlx ' i d
MffMh. . mum
Mrs. H. Pieper. Mr. Bolmeier is a
brother of Mrs. Pieper.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Marshall, their
daughter, Gladys, and little Eva
Fowler, started on an auto trip to
Sioux' Falls, S. D., Wednesday, at
which place they will spend several
weeks visiting relatives.
William Deles Dernier returned
Saturday morning from Carroll anl
Rockwell City, Iowa, where he vis
ited his son-in-law, Wm. Penternian,
who is moving from Carroll to Rock
well City, having purchased an in
terest in a general mercantile store
. ...... . A ........
District home coming celebration
August 27, 2S and 29.
Mrs. Hogue went to Wymore last
week to visit her son who recently
returned from France.
J. R. Noyes was ill with heart
trouble the first of the week but Is
now able to attend to business again.
A number of Louisville people
have been attending the Epworth
assembly in Lincoln the past week.
Mrs. William Anderson returned
Tuesday morning from a short visit
with her son, Elmer, in Chicago.
Superintendent W. J. O'Brien of
the state fisheries was attending to
business matters in Louisville Tues
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Mayfield and
little daughter, Beth Jean, drove in
from O'Neill the latter part of last
week for a visit with relatives.
Rov Clifford came in from Elgin.
Nebraska, wnere ne is manager 01 a
general store, for a visit wttli ins
mother and other relatives.
Miss Eleanor Heil has returned
to the business college in Omaha to day morning.
resume her studies after a week's! Martin Mogensen, of North Piatt?
vacation at home with her parents. 1 who was called here some two week
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Heil. I ago on account of the serious ;11-
lillip Hennings and Elmer John-,
son left for ( uster county eones-
day with T. E. Parmele to look at
some farms he has nsteu ior sate.
Misses Gertrude Phelps. Margar-
et Seybert. Eva Phelps and Ethel
Hazen. four graduates of the Louis-
ville high school last spring, went ,
to Plattsmouth last Saturday to take
the teachers' examination.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lau, Jr..
are rejoicing over the arrival of a
beautiful little daughter that the
stork left at their home in the
country on Sunday, July 27th.
A. II. Peter-on t::; at Omaha three
days lat week, where he went to
take his daughter "and son. Verna
nni r"V)-irio tn nn.ioro-n nnoMtii.r':
for the removal of their tonsils and
adenoids. j
N. , Benedict and soji. Alvin. !
have returned from . a visit
relatives in Nebraska City.
The platform dances near the
fisheries conducted every Saturday
evening by Bob Newell are proving
a great success and are well attend
ed each week. )
Bert Jacobson and Miss Maude
Barnett. of Omaha, are at Bayard,
where they are visiting at .the farm!
home of Mr. Jacobson's parents, Mr. I
and Mrs. P. A. Jacobson.
Mrs. Cora Thomas and her sister-
in-law, Mrs. John Thomas, left on
Tuesday for Beverly, 111., where they .
go to visit their old home. .
Hugo Oberg and son, Stanley,
came down from Omaha Saturday to
visit relatives and friends. Stanley,
remained for a more extended visit
with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
August Carlson. j
George "Myers was at Omaha last
Friday, going up to visit his daugh-j
ter. Miss Anna, who is at the Metho
dist hospital, where she underwent
a recent operation for appendicitis.
Mr. Myers also saw Miss Locia Had
don. Miss Eva Thomas, Jas. Thomp
son, Johnnie Koop and others from
Louisville who have undergone op-
1 crations and treatment at the same
institution and says they are a live
ly bunch and seem to be popular at
the hospital with the nurses and
Miss Dorothy Stander has been
elected to teach in the Aurora
schools for next year. She taught "at ag f0uows.
Cedar Rapids, Nebraska, last year.g jb 27(J
and . was offered the school again. ; Springs, per lb. 30c
but the Aurora school board offered 01d Cox pfir lb 15c
her such a substantial increase in Duxljj Der lb 0"
salary that she decided to make the
Born, to
Engelkemeier a son on July 29th
Lloyd Wolcott and his mother re
turned Sunday from their visit in
, Riley Rector left Monday morning
foe Denver for a visit with his son.
Frauk and family. '
Mrs. TV. L. Hobson went to Eagle '
Tuesday morning to attend the fun
eral of an old neighbor.
Attorney C. E. Teft and family,
left Friday for an auto trip to the
western part of the state.
Will Lyfnan, of Mtnatare, was an
over Tuesday night visitor with his
mother, Mrs. W. H. Lyman.
Dr. and Mrs. M. U. Thomas re
turned Friday evening from their
two weeks' trip to Colorado.
Supt. II. B. Tibbels, who is in
Chautauqua work, was home from
Monday night until Weduesday fore
noon. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Whitaker have
moved back to town from the farm.
Lee is working for the telephone
E. F. Marshall left on Saturday
morning for Bloomfield to visit his
son, Alva and see how the bank was
Mrs. Sam Compton returned on
Wednesday morning from Alvo, at
which place she had visited since
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Charles Spohn and little son
and her sister, Mrs. Miller, who is
visiting her, were Omaha passengers
Saturday morning
Miss Ruth Gilmore returned home
Friday from the hospital at Omaha,
wnere sue underwent an operation,
for appendicitis.
The Misses Dorothy and Edith
Olsen went to Omaha Saturday
morning for a week's visit at Uie
home of Dorothy's aunt, Mrs. Brown.
-Miss urace toumrymiii ien on
Monday morning for Ogallala an.l
Garden county to spend her vaca
tion with her brothers. Miss Helen
Reed will have charge of the li
brary while Miss Countryman is
Mrs. GecVge Schroeder end littl"
"y iu aiiuuivaiij . '""-
! H. Davis home from a visit there.
left for her Kansas home Wedues-
ness of his mother, Mrs. Christine
.ius"i.-u, i"
Monday morning.
-..uu. .o.. . -
ten years as a missionary in Africa.
. is 1 i 1 1 T -
auurcsseu uie pvopie ai me .utuuu-
nite church Sunday night. Miss Cre-
iars wm return 10 me uiiuu
n Airica soon.
! Mrs. R. C. Fry returned Saturday
! morning from Auburn. w here she
j had been visiting. She was accom-
panied by her niece.- Misrs Helma
Black, of Bedford, Iowa, who came
. for a week's visit.
i Mrs. L. A. Foilis of Dawds Lerr.-j
' der. Iowa, who was called here by
the death of her brother. J. M
Sperry. returned
home u ednesuav
"'" ""f
far as niaha Mr- and Mrs- xvii!
r . . . .
of Guthrie, Okla-
noma, arrived Monday night lor a
visit with his half-sister, Mrs. Jesse
Davis and husband. Mr. Bates came
up from Oklahoma to look after his
200 acre farm near Ashland and is
visiting his sister, while waiting for
the threshing to be done on the
C. D. Stanholtz and wife, of Louis
ville, were visiting friends in this
Cjty today, and will spend the week
end here
Live Poultry
A car load of live poultry, to be
delivered at poultry car near Bur
lington Freight Depot, Plattsmouth,
llebr., on Thursday, Aug. 7, cne day
tonlv. for which -top will nav in cash
Beef Hides, per lb. 35c
Horse Hides, each $15.00
Remember the date, we will be on
hand rain or shine and take all
care of all poultry offered for sale.
- ,
Special Attention ta Dlaeaaea of W'omea
Eyes Tested and. Glasses Fitted
Night Calls Answered After Eoun
and Sundays by Appointment
8:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 5:Sf
"'aiw PlattsnSOUth, Neb,
Mrs. Dan Wilson was a passenger
to Lincoln Wednesday.
Charles Trumble left last Monday
for eastern Colorado to attend a land
auction sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobson, of Weeping
Water ate dinner at the Conrad
Crabtree home Friday.
Ollie Trumble helped her friend
Mrs. Elmer Hughes cook for thresh-
'ers the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Trunken
bolz, of Lincoln, spent the week-en i
with relatives and triends here.
Neal McKay and family left Wed
nesday morning for a short vacation
in the mountains and in Denver.
The town waterworks has been
on a strike this week and Mr. Fitch,
of Elmw-ood, has been overhauling;
the engine.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lanning were
Lincoln visitors Wednesday, taking
Clare Gardner to the train, and the
fcditor lul daughter went up to see
hin, off
MisR Msr,ha wvbh of St Jnser.V
?.!o., who has been visiting her sis
ter. Mrs. Harry Cady left Tuesday
for a brief visit with another sister
in Howard county.
Mr. Harry Hogue and family, of
Cauams, stopped over Tuesday night
at the home of Fred Trunkenholz.
The Hogue and Trunkenholz fami
lies were friends out in Cadams.
La -t Monday evening Mrs. Gard
ner a id Clare returned from a three
weeks' visit with relatives and old
'finli M! Adams and Kearney coun-
ar.l in Republic county. Kan-
Ed Carr and daughter. Miss Mar
jory, left Tuesday for Des Moines.
Iowa, where Miss Meryl Carr, anoth
er daughter, has been ill. They re
turned Wednesday, bringing the
latter home with them. She is con
siderably improved.
Jes.-e Hani and Oris Knapton,
who left here about the first of June
for the harvest fields of Texas, re
turned the latter part of last week,
having followed the season from
Texas to Nebraska. They remained
home a few days and then proceed
ed towards the Dakotas. In their
southern trip they worked almost
oontinrally from Texas np at S7.5 0
per dr.y.
While cranking his Ford last week
George Stites got his wrist badly
Mrs. Lucy Davis and two child
ren left last Saturday for Hamburg.
Iowa, for a visit with her parents.
Mrs. Mary Becker went to Oma
ha Saturday afternoon, where she
spent the week end visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Douge. of
Spencer, Nebraska, came down last
Thursday for a visit with old time
friends here.
Miss Ida Reynolds returned home
from Omaha Monday afternoon af
ter visiting there several days with
a school friend.
Miss Verna Morton left Tuesday
afternoon for Oberlin, Kansas, at
which place she will visit a couple
of weeks with relatives.
Paul Swan is now walking with
crutches due to a fractured leg that
was hurt when his team ran away
while working in the field.
, Misses Lula, Beula and Amy Aus
tin and Miss Beatrice Keagle, of
Ellendale, S. D.. are visiting at the
home of E. Austin this week.
Miss Octa Austin, of Omaha, is
enjoying her vacation from her bus
iness duties at the home of her
parents, Mr., and Mrs. E. Austin.
F. W. Young and sons, Wayne and
Derrell, left Saturday morning for
Seibert, Colo., where Sir. Young ?s
planning his new home. They made
the trip via Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morton and
children, Harley and Edith, left Sun
day for Grant. Nebraska, to visit
with Enoett Morton and to-look over
their property there
Word has been received announc
ing the arrival of a fine baby boy at
the hc:ne of Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes,
of Howe. NebraslA. Mrs. Rhodes
was formerly Miss Vincent Everett,
daughter of George Everett.
Lee Farris had the misfortune to
fall 'from a hay rack last Saturday
and break. his collar bone. The ac
cident was not only painful but very
inconvenient as well, this being such
a busy time for farmers.
Misses Elsie Taylor, Jessie Todd.
Naomi Mougey and Rachel Taylor
left Tuesday afternoon for Lincoln,
where they will spend the next ten
day3 attending the Epworth League j
assembly. They will camp at Ep-i
worth park. j
Ruben Saxon came in from Lin-'
coin Monday for a visit with hi3
(brother, Lloyd and bis aunt. Miss
'Ida Freeman. This is Lis first vi:
Skinner's or Burns' Bread
Bulk Olives, 25c per pint
Fresh Green Peas and New Potatoes
Try us for all kinds of lunch goods for picnics
presh Celery Plants for sale.
Ml i
here since his return from Franco
and he eujoyed being back and meet
ing old friends again.
Carl Frans and Ellis Laltue, v.ho
have been working near Graiit for
the past few we As returned home
last Tuesday afternoon. There are
a lot of Union boys in Grant and
the surrounding territory and mott
of them like it fine in that part of
the country.
W. L. Dawson and family. Aly
Stewart and Aytch Baker, of St. Jo
seph, Mo., motored to Union, arriv
ing here late Friday night for a visit
with-J. H. Frans and family a:id
other relatives here. They drove to
Lincoln Saturday accompanied by
Mrs. J. 11. Frans, where they spent
the day.
Mrs. B. L. Reeves of the Inter
national Chautauqua was here Mon
day working with the publicity and
other committees selling tickets for
the Chautauqua which commence?;
this Sunday.
In honor of the T0th wedding J.n
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
IlofC. a picnic was held at the M.
McFadden grove north of town hist
Friday and a great number of the
immediate relatives of these mis'.
worthy pep!e gathered there to join
in the memorable occasion. After the
feast of good c!;'er and good viand
at the grove, all returned to town
and Mr. and Airs. Rose found a fine
huffct sitting in their dining room.
In the evening some of the neigh
bors came in to add their felicitious
good wishes to the many marks of
affection and solicitous attentioi
which had characterized the associa
tions of the day.
.................. -
Miss Verna Harris spent Sunday
with her parents in Union.
Joe Eaton end wife came down
from Omaha on Saturday afternoon
and spent Sunday at the heme of
II. L. Thomas.
John Krcpp, a cousin of H. F.
Kropp of this place, was up from
Wyoming Friday afternoon, shak
ing hands with old friends.
Mrs. A. McReynolds snd Mrs. II.
F. Krcpp went to Murray, where
the former secured a lady to care for
her mother, Mrs. Henry Behrns.
H. F. Kropp and family autoed to
Nebraska Cfty last Friday, where
they visited friends and Mr. Kropn
also attended to business matters.
The house belonging to John
Chcppeil was wired for electric
lights last week. Miss Khne, II. F.
Dated November 1, 1918
DUE November 1, 1938
Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter
est date after five years from date of issue. Coupon
bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi
nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually, May
1st and November 1st. Principal and interest payable
at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed
eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government.
Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal
and Local Taxation!
This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and
income from these bonds need not be included in returns
Chas..C Parrnele,
Bank of Cass County
NO. 4 OR 5
Ti c coinUetc- Electric Light and
F'oKver Plant
Self-starting-. Stops automati
cally. So simple a child can op
erate it.
Tel. D. 5051.1 OmaLa, Neb.
Kropp and H. Wessel als-o had their
houses wired.
Mrs. Dora Cowan and daughter,
Shirley McConnc-11, who are now
making their home near St. Ed
ward?, arrived Saturday afternoon
for a visit at the home of Frank
Joe Malcolm, who was for some
time head man at the Nehawka mill,
came in. from Dillingham, Colorado,
Saturday morning for a short visit
with relatives. and his numerous oi l
Mi.?s ?.T;.r:ia Nutzman, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs.' E. Nutzman, of Avoca,
ws married last week to E. L. Har
t7y. They will make their home at
Hamlet, Nebraska, where Mr. Ilar
Cy is neasred i-i the iriaiu butdnes.-;.
Ii is about time for F. P. Sheldon
to measure the ground again for
that new store he is going to build
seme day. Come on F. P. with the
building, your friends would like to
see you enjoy the advantages of a
real, up-to-date, modern store build
ing after 30 years in the present lo-
I cntinn.
; i
A Eugene Cole, of Weeping Water,
(and Lester Wood, of Lincoln, who
I are in the employ of the telephone
company, were this week transfer
red to Nehawka to assist Manager
Gorham in maintaining service at
this station. We understand it i
the purpose of the company to keep
three or more men here permanent lv
The father and mother of o;:r
telephone lineman, Mr. G. F. Gor
ham; and the father and mother of
Mrs. Gorham. all of Omaha, besides
Editor and Mrs. Edwin L. Huntley,
also of Omaha, came down last Sun
day for the day with them. All re
turned that evening with the ex
ception cf Mrs. Gorham and daugh
ter, who will visit her son and wif;
for the week.
N ioose anything? Try a Journal
want ad.