r I It II LT, J !1 Lazy Dollars Dollars merely safe are not performing their natural function. They are riot working. They are not doing the owner or the world any good. Moreover, most hiding places thought to besafe are decidedly unsafe. Not only thieves, but fire or other unforeseen happenings may rob you of your wealth. Savins: Is Using Dollars saved are safer! And they are constantly working to earn more for you. They are constantly working for the good of the whole community. Consider this. We pay you for sav ing. And while you are caving, your money 13 never out of reach. It is always ready lor you and ., ' w 1 aouar will go it. r' 1 xjt . in. f r r . . . i -i 1 I .; , "i-'i To &vs idisin-i 'k- t ) If ir&r rfo- 7 '111 BAMFL-WITfi US The Bank Of Ca.ss Couivty. Plattsmouth, Nebraska H'lfCD 7U UVLI1 I I IL. COUNTY E L M W O O D Iader-Kclio c to the h;ni: (or orv.(.- time, is imp roving slowly t!.e ;;:('.-": tinii. Mr. an: ?.ir. H'j-'h I rI cf Union and Htrhort Sranfcr.i tf Ncliritka City attdirh-.l t!:" fr:.:.rl of Henry Staia'. rtI h-r on Mi imay. Mr. aii'l Mr;-. V:n. anl f hii'jTMi anJ Mr. zil Mr?. ISm Kit s'! :--:it ia. at he Lcute of Mr. ir. A. i I . UiiiU-:. r.sl-ru-r an v. n. h Kn.ma. Mr-, v l.tj.-f l.-.il! or A ':ilan-. ;(! littli Mi.s Uristine Jf.r.e. Omaha, wcr SunIay vi-itori at t!;v f:. V.. Cr'-'ti lioi.'i--. - Mr. anJ Mrs. F. I Austin. ku;i, Clark, ai:u Mrs. C. G. Imu'.'I.is ai. i ilau.-ht'-r rtt'iritici .M-nlay evr.ir,.; ironi ii a io trip to ix-nei cctinty. to Nora f-nl Cr-.-sha:n. Xvbraeka. Ira Holms wa down from near Lincoln cn Monday vi.-itingr with frit-nds h-re. Ira w lof;k:nu aroun 1 tj p-e if. he could rnt a fjrin as ho would like to srot back !!ar Elm wood. Harry Green returned from Chi cago on f'riday r.itht. havii.R spent a week in the Maxwell wall paper house. lie. left Sunday night as traveling salesman f.r tLis firm fill ivs a territory in XebraFka. Io.a and South IaV:ota. Work will connr.ence this week on the dissirn? for the new water main to carry water to the west end of town. A pood many had hejrun to despair of ever having this work commerced hut are mighty pla't that it has at last started to look as thotiiih it would materialize. Lloyd Harnhart and wife were in town on Sunday visiting; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. 15. Cunningham. Lloyd has Ju-t returned from over- . having spent IS months over there in the engineers department and has -had much actual experience. He returned to this country as a convalescent having heen sick for some time. Mrs. John Parriott is quite sick suffering from the after effects of hums from an explosion when she Ett?mpted to start a fire in a cook strve with coal oil. It seems as tho she hreath'-l some of the fumos which is causing a good deal of trniihle. At preset. t a nurse is em ploye! to he!p care for her, but with pood care it is hoped that she will rspi'Hy improve. - On Tuesday morning Fred Fleisch n.an happened with an accident v. '-.-reliy he had his hand badly lac Ui.Z Lrti?il Ly c-oii,!tg ii com act with tl:e coupling between tr.e engine and separator in an effort to couple up. While the enjury was fonu what pninful and will cause him to have a s.;ire hand far some time, it i.j not serious and'medical atten tion will have it all right soon again. LOUISVILLE Courier Johnnie Koop and James Thomp ron are at th- yi. E. hospital in Omaha, where I hoy underwent an deration Lst v eek for appendicitis. They are getting along nicely and will soon be home again. August I'anska. a former promi nent farmer of thir. vicinity, but new retired and living in Mnrdock. Iv-is j. r chased a new Ford touring car and their old Louisville friends may hopt to f.ee them more frequently-. Mrs. Fred Schliefert was unex jxctedly called to Omaha last weok K. be present at an operation on her l.tpluw, Ralph Jones, of Omah. He has had several operations at St. Joseph hospital and is ntw getting along as well as could be expected. William Krecklow, cashier of tho Burlington at the Plattsmouth sta tion, son of W. F. Krecklow, of Louisville, is taking a two weeks' vacation which he is spending in-W-X-X-X-X-X-M-X-VH-': 1 WILL STAET PROPOSED Colorado. His wife has been visit- . M IT U A 7 IS A ing in the west and he went last News weelc to Join her. 1 I If T r. .I. mnr, .1 r, -. (T . ... from his duties as toll man at the Platte river bridge last Monday and t-1- 4. I THA1JSC0NTINENTAL FXIGHT IN FOUR DAYS drove to Ashland to visit with his Mrs. John Dale. son, Howard and family, it being' irs j " u steffens and son left Mineola. N. Y., July 25. Capt. Dorothv Goodman sr.ent this veek Ro-v N- Francis, who left Dayton at the home of her aunt. Mr. and - at S:0S 'clock Friday morninS in a Martin nomtung plane, landed at Hazelburst field at 3:57 p. iu. ation from which he seems to he en tirely recovered. Mr. and Mrs. X. F. Hennings hav-; moved into "their fine new home southeast of town, which has been under erection for the past few months. They moved back here from Oklahoma and expected to huild at once, but on account of the restrictions on building during tho war. they were considerably delayed- but at last the house is finished and they are comfortably settled and their many old friends are pleas ed to have them permanently set tled in their midst again. Henry Inhelder and George Wal radt of Stanton came down last week for a vis:: with relatives and old friend3 and neighbors. Henry went on to Xehraska City with his family to attend a camp meeting of tht Free Methodist church, before icMirning to Stanton. Mrs. Inheld er has been here for some time, visit ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Ingrim and family and other relatives. James Hessenflow, the Cedar Creek rural mail carrier, was in town, on Tue?day to have his arm redressed. Last Thursday Jim attempted to crank his tin Lizzie but why tell the rest. You know what Henry Ford's offspring will do when she 5ets. ohsteperouf. His wrist was not broken but Jim says the injury was jrr-- as had so far as pnin is concern ed. Dr. Worthman will have it in v. erkinr order in a short time. his first trip there since his recent j Wednesday aftefnflod for Lorion.' 1 ne ir,p was sa,Q IO Dave uw-n return from the hospital in Omaha. where she visited a few day-. . j out incident- Captain Francis will v, v, 1,n,i(,rn.(,n, n Eorimis nncr. , . ,, , . . remain nere aoom lour uajs ueiore wnere ne underwent a serious oper- John Chappell moved into Ray, ... Pollard's residence last Saturday and will work for him on the farm. II. B. Stone and wife left Satur day afternoon for Del Xorte. and Steamboat Springs, Colorado, for a visit with relatives. They expect to return home Sunday. jiic -iJ4es jaauwc j.uiii:, eAQ t r , .;ii v, Hinton. Alma Ost. and Anna Peter- j accorapanied bv Lieut. E. A. CIune. son left today for an outing -A Lake prom Nonh piatfe he wi continiie Okoboji. in Iowa. They wUl make gan rrancUco, lt315 miela away. the trip in Miss Sheldon's car Ag his machjne has a cruising rad The carpenter work on t..e scale, us of A su0 raile3 captain Francis house and office at the Farmers ele-: faid ne anticipated no trouble in vator was completed on Wednesday making either of the transcontinent evening and is ready for plastering. ' ai iegs. starting his proposed trans-conti nental flight. Captain Francis, who was accom- 1 panied by Lieut. T. W. Welch,' flew ; at an ltitude of 7,500 feet, bucking the win dall the 650 miles. On the next leg from Mineola to Xorth Platte, Xeb.. a distance of H. L. Thomas and family. Har- 1 UNION Ledger f. ...,..... . , , . , , , ,',,. -.,- ..--'- .... .i. ... 4 ... ... . ley Thomas, Walter Schwartz and ... Miss Lova Reynolds drove to Oma- ha Sunday morning where they spent the day at one of the resorts ... in the metropolis. Mr. Wm. Tucker, who is living with his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Mag ney was 82 years old last Sun- WEEPING-WATER Republican ......... . . ........ . . ..... riav and at about noon a number of 1 Miss Mildred Butler returned on Monday evening from Herman, at which place she had spent a week'at baskets to remind him of the day and i enjoy a picnic dinner. The follow ing families were nresent: W. B. Virgin. B. O. Tucker, Robt. Bur- the bankil business at the Ameri the home of hersister, Mrs. John Johnson, since finishing her school work at Lincoln.. Frances Olsen. who is learning can State Bank in Omaha, came down Tuesday night to attend the funeral of her grandmother, - Mrs. Stine Mogensen. Mrs. T. F. Jameson came -down Watermelons and Cantalopes ON ORDER YCUR CREAM OF US! f OEE Skinner's or Burns' Bread Bulk Olives, 25c per pint Fresh Green Peas and New Potatoes Try us for all kinds of lunch goods for picnics Fresh Celery Plants for sale. Hi ATT & SOlm TELEPHONE "NO. 4 OR 5 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lewis, of Plattsmouth were visiting relative here Sunday. " . W. 15. Banning and Ray Frans autoeu to Lincoln Saturday to look after some business affairs. Mrs. Joe Banning and two child ren.- Lucian and Xola were shopping in Xehraska City Tuesday. W. B. Banning spent Monday transacting business in Omaha prior to hi departure for the west. Mrs. Xettie Stanton ar.d Rev. J. W. Taylor went to Xehawka Wednes day on Chautauqua business. Miss Margaret Xiday came down from Omaha Saturday afternoon to spend the week-end with her par ents. Parm Applegate left last Monday morning for his home in Lincoln af ter visiting friends here the past week. Having completed her six weeks' course in sewing.. Mrs. Belle Frans returned home frcm Lincoln last Friday. Misses Marie and Eula Frans left on the early train Tuesday morning for Palmyra to visit a few days with friends and relatives. Mrs. Earnest Anderson is packing her household goods this week preparatory to moving to Brule. Xehraska. where her husband is lo cated. Mr. and Mrs'. Curtis L. Dixon, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Dixon's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roddy, left Tuesday afternoon for Fort Calhoun, where they will begin housekeeping in their new home at once. C. W. Clark, returned home Sat urday from Omaha, where he has been confined in the St. Joseph hos pital for the past four weeks re covering from a serious operation. Mr. Clark is doing- nicely now but is still under the care of a nurse. Ed Leach sold his property here in town last Veek to L. G. Todd. This is one' of the finest houses in town and has a splendid location, which makes it a desirable home. Mr. Leach is undecided as yet just where hewill go when Mr. Todd takes possession. Early Tuesday norning. W. B. Banning, wife and son,' Hallie, also Ray Frans - and Clifton Garrison packed all their traveling accessor ies in Mr. Banning's big seven pas senger Willys-Knight and were off for the west. They expect to be gone about three or four weeks and visit many interesting places in the J west including the Yellowstone Xa- tional park. ('has. Reed, C. Switzer. Philip Keil, O. V. Virgin and A. J. Tucker. Twenty-nine were present to enjoy the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sturm and daughter Miss Gertrude left the from Lincoln Sunday night, and the latter part of last week for the 1 following morning, in company with lakes of northern Minnesota where they will spend the remainder of the summer. The trip was made by auto and they will nof doubt enjoy the outing Their son Jus tin who returned some time ago from Jais school work at Boston is t -iking care of his father's business during his absence. Ed. Andersen, who worked here a few years 8 go for E. M. Pollard dur ing apple harvest returned last Saturday and is back at his old job It will be remembered this paper gave an account of him having been killed in a railroad accident. a couple rf years ago. He ihfbrmVTtisTrjnds it was a cousin instead, but hi? pparanoe here was quite a sur jrise as no tine kiew the truth of the matter. Like most other young men he has only been out of the fr rvice a short while. Dan Wilson, one of the first Xe- !-.awka boys to enlist in the army f nd also the last one to return Lome arrived here last Saturday f nd is visiting his relatives and friends. Dan enlist;d in the Cth Nebraska, went to Deming.' X. M., where he was in the M. P. Eervice end later being transferred into the infantry was sent to France where he saw much actual fight ing. He was in France one year. He returned home the southern rotue and spent about three weeks on the wafer. Shirt axd overall special at Wes "otts. Have a look. Live Poultry WANTED A car load of live .poultry, to be delivered at poultry car near Bur lington Freight Depot, Plattsmouth, ITebr., on Thursday July 31 one day only, for -which we will pay in cash as follows: liens, per lb. 26c Springs, per lb. -34c Old Boosters, per lb. 13c Ducks, per lb. : 20c Eeef Hides, per lb. 32c Horse Hides, each $14.00 Remember the date, we will be on hand rain or shine and take all care of all poultry offered for. sale. W. E. KEENEY. GOOD LANDS. DR. H. G. LEOPOLD OESTE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN Spcrlat Attention to Dtwaim of Woun ACUTE DISEASES TREATED Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted I have. some snaps in lands ' in Gage, Pawnee and Johnson' counties, Nebraska with easy terms. It will ! paj you to see me for a home or in- j Night Calls Answered After Hours vestment. Mockenhaupt Land Com- j anfl Sundays by Appointment Mrs. T. R. Boone, who was here. went to Murray to visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Brendel. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Xelson arrived Monday night in their car from Pal mer. They came down to attend the funeral of Mr. Christensen's sister, Mrs. Stine Mogensen. Soren Klgaard and family of Eu gene, Oregon, arrived lafi Thursday night and are visiting at the home of his brother. Chris J. Elgaard. Sor en has sold out in Oregon and is looking for a location in this part of Llhe .country v.. - John X. Carter sold his home and acreage property last week to Geo. Record, v.ho will take possession th" tirst of October. Consideration was ?.1,800. Mr, Carter had planned a trip to the western part of -ilie' state before he sold out, which he will probably take soon and invest in farm land. Chris Miller sold his SO-acre farm just south of town last week to Glen .Atchison of near Elm wood. The new owner will take possession March 1st 2s which time Chris will move to his 160-aere farm east of town he re cently purchased. Mr. and Mrs Will Streight and daughter and Mr. Streight's sister-in-law, were over from Plattsmouth Sunday calling at the L. P. Wolcott home. Mrs. Alice Jenkins and her sister. Mrs. Katie Mullens, were down from Manley Saturday evening. Mrs. Jen kins is staying in Manley while her daughter. Miss Clara, is visiting in Boulder, Colorado. John Boome. who had just re turned from France, where he spent one of the three years he was in the service, visited his sister, Mrs. Clarence Erhart, of Grand Prairie, Sunday, and left Monday morning far Missouri to visit his parents. Col. -Wm. Dunn, our auctioneer, goes to Casper, Wyoming, this week to cry a sale of 2,000 head of range horses. The sale is dated for three days, Thursday, Friday and Satur day. July 24. 25 and 2Cth and Mon day and Tuesday the 2Sth and 29th he willcry at the big horse sale at South Omaha and on Wednesday of next week Mr. Dunn will start from here with his family in the ,auto for the ranch in Wyoming where the family will visit, returning home in time for-school. The Colonel will be kept busy the next two weeks. "I5TBt:MF:NT4I.ITIF!S OF THR riVITKD ST4TES VKHXMnWT" FARM -LOAN BOPJQS ISSUED UNDER THE FEDERAL FARM LOAN ACT Dated November 1, 1918 DUE November 1, 1938 Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter est date after five years from date .of issue. Coupon bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually, May 1st and November 1st. Principal and interest payable at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government. Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal and Local Taxation! This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and income from these bonds need not be included in returns PRICE ON APPLICATION Ohas. . Parmele, Bank of Cass County Plattsmouth .... Nebraska claiming any interest of any kiii'l in , jsiiiil real estate, or any part thereof: You and earli of you are lierel.y no- tifietl that on t!ie :M.th lav of .July,. a petition was hied: in the Iis- j trict Court of Cass county, Xehraska, t in whii !i 11. K. Coiner ami J. V. Comer were plaintifls, arol Mrs. John Snyik-r, f.r.-t real name unkiiown, wife of. John Snyder; Sanloru . .-pratlen. it livinfr. if deeeas-'d. his unknown heirs, devisees, lotiatees, personal represen tatives a?id al) inner persons interest ed in his estate: Win. H. Spratlin, if living, if d-reased. 1 is unknown heirs ilev.isces. legatees, p-rsolial represen tatives and all otr.er persons interest ed in his estate;. W'r.i. II. Sprat len. if livintr. if deceased, his unknown heirs, nevisees-, letiatees. personal represen tatives and all other persons interest ed in his estate: Thomas .1. Miller, if living. If deeefc.se,!, his unknown heirs, i.evisees. legatees, personal represen tatives and al! persons intere.-ted in his estat-: the unknown heirs, person i.l I -i ; reseri tat ires and all other per sons interested in the estate of Addie Crime.', liii ta.-.ed: the unknown owners and unknown claimants of the south vest (iiiat'e! of the northwest quarter (SU'U NVV'4.1; t l.e northwest quarter 'if the southwest quarter (NWJ4 SV '-i 1 : tie n.Mth half of the southwest liuarter of the southwest quarter i.N '2 SW SV:4. all of Section nineteen Township ten ill1). North Kanee lourteen 1 14 t, east i f the t:th 1'. M.. Cass county. Xehraska: ami all per sons claiming: any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part there of, were defendants. The object ami prayer of which pe tition are to quiet the title in the plain tills. H. F. Comer and J. AS". Comer, to the southwest quarter of the north rst quarter 1SW4 XW'il the north east quarter of the southwest quarter INK' SW'4i; tlif north hulf of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter ( X V2 SV,' SV!i). all of Sec tion nineteen lliti. Township ten (Jut. Xorth j.anjre fourteen 14i, east 01' tl;e i:th i'. M., I'ass county, Xehraska. hecause said plaintifls have lad the actual, open, notorious, exclusive nnd, aoveis" possession tl.ereot and every part and parcel thi reof fur more than ten years last past prior to the com menci ment of said action, and for cqiiiiahio relief. i'ou and each of you are further no tified that you an- required to an swer said petition on.or hefore Mon da, the ..lh dav of September, 3 M 1 y. H. F. CoMKf:, ;. "w. cm 1:1:. Plaintiff.--. C. A. KAWI.S. ji'v-iw Attorney. 2. x 2. "Hif c?m:-VlJ L!Tri: tight and Fv.-rv Plant Endorsed lv more than .Vi,0f) satisfied users throusrhout the en tire world. - t r V I T,TL r-i i- n r-j tUr ' ISY ROSENTHAL. Tel. D. 50:3 Omaha, Neb. the cinned tomatoes are listed by the government at 12U to 16 cents, and are being advertised by Omaha tlealers for sale 122 cents. Thr The supplies stored at Omaha and cfiercJ for sale by the government include large quantities of rice, at ! 1 cent?; beans at 12 cents; hominy (in 2-lb. packages) at 10 cents; tc uiatoe?. at 12U to 1C cents can; evaporated apples at 14 cents pound; evaporate 1 peaches at 12 cents an ! rvripotatcd prunes at 1?. cent. There ire also 3 00.000 cans of ba'xed bean and largo qiinn'ities of canned corn beef. ro"uPt beef and correi f 0I.IAEA FIJTDS BUYING OF SUPPLIES DIPRACTICASLE Mayor Smith of Omaha, who has personally investigated the food sup plies being offered for sale by the War department says he finds them impracticable for the city to under take buying with a view to selling to its citizens in retail lots. The mayor says the so-called army bacon, is more salt pork than oacon. ps we know it, and is only eaten by a certain class of workers. whilo FREMONT MAN MAKES $300 PEE ACRE FRO! POTATOES Fremont. Neb.. July 2.1. Sain II. Maxwell, a Fremont true farmer, is harvesting more than 5300 worth of potatoes to the acre, while most alj other gardeners are sadly disap pointed in the yield of timbers. Mr. Maxwell has sold $1,500 worth of spuds from less than five acres. He attributes his success to treatment of the Feed bi fore planting and reg ular spraying done during cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goehner and little babe, of Seward. Nebraska, arrived in the city yesterday even ing for an over Sunday visit with Mrs. Goehner's parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Dovey and other rela tives and friends. I.COtl, AOT1CK To Mrs. John Snyder, first real name unknown.- wife of John Miyufr: San- ford Y. Snratlen. if livfns;. if deceas ed, his unknown heirs, devisees, lepra fes, personal representatives and all oiher Terons interested in h's estate; Wm. H. Spratlin, if livintr, if deceas ed, his unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representative" and 11 other D?rsons interested in hi estate: AVm. H. Spratlen. if livinfr. if deceas ed, bis unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees? personal representatives unit 'l other persons interested in his estate; Thomas J. Miller, if livinsr. if deceas ed, his unkno-wn heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representati ves and all other persons interested in his estate; the unknown heirs, personal represen tatives and all other persons interest ed in the estate of Addie Grimes, de rasfd: the unknown owners and un known claimants of the southwest ""ti of the northwest quarter 4SW XW'il: the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter (NW4 SW); i the north ha.- of the southwest quar 4 t f tho soi T h- -". 8:80 a. m. to 12:001;30 p. m. to 5:30 all of P-ct?n -'-teen n J. (1 HI M IC1I V i, i'Ui lij ii(UI t a i U 4 Cass persons tiagt at the icaiXJU OmOft. Pki i lailSmOUUl, iCO. county, Nebraska, and all pi f 1 f 01 i iff g M n H n p M i if i g i g Mmi2KMiai:CTiaM.:;:B im- ;;:;a::m;:.a.::;;E::::a zmot.xu im mm vm :mzm.a 10-20 Titan kerosene burner, with tliree-bot-'. torn plow, delivered $1,300.00 Also the 1 2-25 Huber Light Four tractor with three-bottom plow included, delivered . . . .$1,640.00 WE WILL NOW BE IN A POSITION TO MAKE DELIVERIES ON DODGE BROS. AND CHANDLER CARS. DODGE BROS. CARS AT $1,185.00 Delivered CHANDLER CARS AT $1,975.00 Delivered I. H. C Trucks DeLaval and Primrose Cream Separators. i i i i Used Cars! Five-passenger Ford touring car $250.00 Monroe roadster, a bargain at 450.00 jokn f. gorder; AUTOMOBILES FARM IMPLEMEOTS sjm:::azuzmm:':n.'.,aimz a:.;::a nrM?miai.wr:uz'n st;d: wmza