- - - - murdqgk ite.ms : mM&m iMMMMiippeci&is: r.:'.-j v 5,. j-. - t l-w r-,S&T a a V t n i .Miss ..-o,u R,h. or Lhu-oln k;.PIu -f v ?f""J M BfQW pl W Lj sundry i.,-.. "iXiv;;Ctc:rr-iL f!rfe3 M BIG OUTDOOR Summer Carnival PLATTSMOUTH i;i:i:r:r:T cr the plaitsiigutu. baseball association GHZ WEEK COMMENCING ir.Ci fT i! 11 V D n f y. p e ft o B 3 P tf h ii 7 U t r t ii p r r M Y i r i. i. . THE BIG 10 22 -i-r rMQpTnr-;i -nd recreation for vouns; and Capita! City Shows Fcalure Exhibitions 20 Separate Amusements Ser.sailor.al Acts, Riding Devices, Etc. CARLOADS EXHIDITICN PARAPHERNALIA r . ? 1 - ? t- 1 T ov lor trie ii-dcus. uouu, tiran del. li.i'. ng as y ?u lik .iriv doinr' c erv mi;.ule. - ' ----- "v-. .- " 4 :'. -'..v r : ' -..'" . -.' -r : . -. - .;..-;'.- . - - - - r : i - t-'. f ,- -- . - - - . . V'T v.-- .; - , . . - , , - -- 1 ' , 1 L' " ; : .-. ..., ,ir. ,,a Mrs. i-ai,,:, ,.0- ' ; A Rm1713 A M A DTFCT ,iv,s ,u V,,t,i,1S water thl. w,,, P i fAMD A MY a r.rauch., w,m to urc!n X" jfv ' NOTED ARTISTS ON OUR CHAUTAUQUA iuvht.r. - r'T;'rf. program iMt'.t-; m 1)1 Kin Milium ji-n- ; . .--!- ii " ' l;:-.-' V' 1 -'" - vjv 1 I ri ' . -:':---Ofiv "V ' r . '-.:.' r. I ilivsor-. Ir.-:ic McDonaW an-1 Mary ? "T V it . 'ZT w , '-J t- 7. - r t;.: 4 Ml,ah-U Tool are sp,mlir this wool: I - V-" '.7 i' r . , - . f-r'-iii,4 r-i a ' f.s&ar" -;-' -. 'a. y.r -., u-j 4"--f"Ji : -: . . . mk m -mmm& : - - f .1 IT I i i f-i" r refer. I.;;i(.dli: Ti!-.'.s(!.;y. Several nf iur ytnins Ik'(1' j:"- . u-i.ut-t! t ilt' da ( i: Cn etivo;;i un rriuuy rveiiins. .!ir-s Jvsie M'.'lv.n and her mot ii - 'r. Mrs. (ii'orse Melvin. niatoreil IJii.-Dlr. last "ri.lay. .Mi' so:-. Irrr.f Mt!)oi;alil ami Mary Iaii'-l! Tool are spi-ndiri.c: this wee-.: i::: r i u ci 111 t- ins-nviu, .vm. j .Mr. an:l Mrs. ('. F. Dackeiiieytr I ami children, of W aco. Xehraska. sicr.t Sunday at the An? Tansi.-i home. I J'rar.k Gorthy sv.cl sister. Mi.-s Ai: : na. cam1 in Sunday evening from Johri?To-.v:i. New York, to vi.- it Ito 'Crr;!iv and familv al.-!) (5cnre liu.-ii r and family. Mr. and Mrs. I'aur Goehry ain! li1 ;tie Krhart. (,f Rurchard. .Whrask-.1 : jal.-o Joe Taylor am! (ihn l:;jwman .iv Sunuay !-"ia-.-.ts ol J. L.(;ti:r.. a:.-i v i:4-. lb. ::ry Tod and family. II. V.". Mr Iior.ald and family and Mr. ami l.4,!rr. C corse Nicholas. of Omaha, i ... :r Fundav at tt:e latter s ca:::p w re cf fe-: locsn t i -' j :: :r Ore' n;: i ,ri is i VV VC 1":4iC::C"'. and clcrr.p c 'o run - . i j wiiiter i : t t incur4: 1 Nature f.rst cc.vr i.n:mal ali"v". Li' In a poor Lam ;-o;r ft d pio- !, l.-.V ..11 -'ii.i v I;-at. fed ii lr art! c"r ttu .v.c i'ui'.O'v. i .1 . f JUl., warn44, vcutr.'.r beet into rrior.r-" uric j: The essentials cf a rood lorn arc rood mate construe tic-., cir i .::ui:.::i. Other inateri J.z than wr rd h-vc L but nothing h-s. r't-t 1 c barn as a bu rr.inimiiiii ci rpcir: rials. pror;r ;o'.::-i outside witli . hitc Pir.c. t svlOC. ha:n. your L-r.i Lr.cu: in barn Lo.---ir-3 ,vuim and cirv An-i for !:.nu Ir I-, b4: (.jV4; J cn the -.tcriil Prsc:c-.l 'vorHng plnns, specification-: and !:!! o r.n for t!it i'r.o-.e Cpc cf Lira, or any cthtr farm . r te'.-rt nr rfr.;sst. tor' -tiier v- T e.-.rm"- c. t.'.e We will gladly arrar.-t the floor pln . i.h you to suit you: i--.-.-vicIurJ need;. v.--fr rv .f l.il'cir. V.. II. l!n. c , Nebraska. rou'r'-i-Mnt4 nicely on tl:- e m v.- h-n:e of !l'!i.-y Toid a n . :.!'.-. v,-hh will ! an ail moiern ::uaIov.- of brick vr.eer. Geora 4..(.ias. of Omal-a. i layinc the . i ura :ck l,:;i:ditlir. 1 !" horn-.- is located i:i v -: and v. iil be a beau; !'::.) Four Generations of Meisinger Family The above picture shows four f enerations of one of the oldest and most highly respected families of this county the Meisi risers. The older brothers of the .Meisincer family i-etiied in thin county many years ago, and have always been anions the very best and most progressive farmers in the county. In the picture above ve show Mrs. J. II. Meisinger, her -,..n. Adam Meisinger. Am.m's son Ralph and his son, Gerald, all residing :.e.:r Cedar Creek. Mr. J. II. Mei.-iiifer. who died about two years ago, luine to Cass county from I'ekin. Illinois. 44 years ago. and settled on a farm west of i'lattsmout ti, where he lived a long and useful life, and .here the remaining members of his excellent family have taken up life's battles where he left o". and are carrying them to the same successful end. There is no community that cannot bo bettered by having some Mouingers in their midst. "i emor.t Saturday to vi.-it relative. Mr. am ' Mr f:irr;i!l nr..! oSi'h'- n. of Lincoln. who vcre farmer iiirtiis if AIvo, called Sunua a.4- Sa'urdr. y ! Mrs. William Kmdi l"ft i ievr.'uc: in res'ionse to a teleura! i rec-'; veil from Heniingford. .""."e'.-i .. j i -.rating her dat'.fhtcr. Mrs. Yer;;a j ! ..r-wtinn wh lvitif in a critical con-; I " ' .lition filter a mcs?aae va.5 re-' ((ived stating that s-ae was letter, v. hic h was indeed good news. Mrs. Clara Iianure, of Kansas - l. .. , xw, 1 -vtr tl!!' . -r : if.-r uil,l mi. "jm -. !!. - : niri iim-iiI tr f li:ir. Uou-j. li;U llile .. llllTv l..... i--i;iii "- m.ii ! r:o-( i' tlilns lliai inn en- , i, I .,:ir l.iu.Ki-r r i-n.i-m. --..--. p: . Iif1!i;: I.:'C .! I. Kii. .'. , -. ( i.i-t-vn Hiii'-i" c.::rn'--. 4 li i-lili i- Mn-tl- c S r , -r .:a s :2: M. Lit . 2 4: :s 1.3 . .2LX. 2 ' "2 13 :: s .. :e. . :b '-n . ir. :.:a :rn 10-20 litan kerosene burner, with three-bot- ilivered $1,300.00 torn piow, del Also tle 1 2-25 Huber Light Four tractor with three-bottom plow included, delivered. . . .$1,640.00 VE WILL NOW BE IN A POSITION TO MAKE DELIVERIES ON DODGE EROS. AND CHANDLER CARS. DODGE BROS. CARS AT $1,185.00 Delivered CHANDLER CARS AT $1,975.00 Delivered I. H. C. Trucks DeLava.1 and Primrose Cream Separators. 13 II r r. Vr i- r c p a who is speiid i . - the sum me: v.itl. her parents here, rot timed Sat urday from Omaha, where she h? 1 l.e' M for a few days. S'.ie was : ; -cmipamed by her little daughter. Mi,;- Kleanor. who had been visiting in Omaha for more Than a week. j - rather disquieting to the force, v. no find numerous additional du- i s devolving upon their shoulders . trough the absence of the cashier. rao.m at the G. V. Foreman hr;m". j bat v. e opine that as soon as the .Mrs. George Foreman, son. J' wcrkmrn taiii h the job things will ul daughter, Mi'-s Aure! and cousi:i. ; resume a normal status once more. Sam Cr-hner, motored to Lii.- ; da last Wednesday. "Mr. Cmdnier . GETTING ALONG iurnui home with them. j WITH THE FAULTING I.Irs. John Muriey v ent to Clay ' enter Saturdav to ac-eomp uiv her . .m Monday's llr.ilj-. i:!, niece. Hi Li, i-r;:.e, h- :,u.4 L- hurley was at the office at j; v- court house thi morning, j v. here he is looking after the af-t-ir- of the county assessor, which h for several 4-n visitm . : l;er h.ome. Mrs. Dale S. Iloyles and Miss ' 4lara fiickerson entertained Mis i ia7.(-l I'ecter of North Len-l for t4. - week end. They gave a picnic hm-I-.-r Saturday evening in In r honor. Mr. and Mrs. Char'e--, Kirl jm.rick l 'turned home la'-t week lrom i'C- has beer, having. Mrs. Farley ;.nu Kalph Marshall looking after ir during his absence working on farm, he being farming on the 7 'ace of the Misses Horning. Mr. Fariev has the work well in hand. t ' NEWS FROM ALVO Special Correspondence if. ff. JJ ; .-wink's stay in lirighton, Colorado.! v !,:t nig m west ern Nenrasua on ..ay out and in Kansas on their re - J ; urn trip. Mrs. Clara T'routy received a 1- t-j !: r this week from her son. ILTbert j ".'routy, who is in the V. S. navy. htatinr that he was starting on hi-j t.avms the corn all laid by. and the harvesting done, but still has , tiie :t.rkin;; and threr-hing to look ! after. LL JIAxZC EI3 II0:.IE IN WEST Krnm Monday's liatvy. f.-urth trin across, going to Emv'ai: i v. ht i deal has just been consummated Joi n II. Ilecker has dispos es tim instead (. Frai:ce lorn- John Murtey went to Omaha oa business Friday evening. liay Clark and Arthur Skinner played bull in South Bend Sunday. Dr. Muir and JaSe Kahm autoe.l , to Lincoln on business Tuesday morning. Hoy Itennett and Kay Clark and their helpers are working at Union I hi.- week. Dr. ami Mrs. L. Muir and child ren autoed to Milford Sunday to visit relatives. Glenn Siiger and J. A. Shaffer motored to Lincoln Wednesday af ternoon on business. Met Prouty returned home from Kansas Monday evening, where he has been for several weeks. .Mrs. J. II. Srrcemer and daugh ter. Miss Marie Stroemr, were shop ping in Lincoln Saturday. t r i e ?! ti h IMPROVEMENTS AT THE PLATTSMOUTH STATE BANK hi- residence property in this j city, selling the same to his son, P. ! T. Keeker, who will occupy it hinv is.clf. The elder Mr. Becker will de j ;..irt a little later for Los Angeles, j Calif. rnia, where he and family will ! mrike their heme. George Becker will also make his home with them in ti;o west. WORKING WITH THE HAETFORD COMPANY PAINT. WALL PAPER AND ELEC-1 TEIC LIGHT FIXTURES ADD rrom Mon!ay.s Day. TO ATTRACTIVENESS. , Claude C. Smith goes from drugs - ! to fuel and this morning, his smil- &CTni-Indirect Lighting System Will.ing face greeted one as he entered Afford Iilaximura of Light vith , ( r parse d the offices cf the C. E. Iilinimum Eye Strain. from Monday's" Datlv. As a Journal reporter dropped in to the I'lattsmouth State Bark a Is-w davs Fince he was gre?ted with s cenes of general disorder and it at once became apparent that painting U-iid paper-hanging was going on. 1 o- llartford Fnel company. Mr. Hart ford is very fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Smith, as he is a very clever gentleman and an earnest and enthusiastic worker, one who places every care and cir cumspection in his work. BEGEMS THRESHING TODAY Used ars! Five-passenger Ford touring car, Monroe roadster, a bargain at. . . $250.00 450.00 MIsj Alta Line?! visited her br ith- Yerl Linch and wife in Univer sity Place Friday and Saturday. Jake Kahtn and John Murtey shin-. lie f:Cene js changing and out p?d stock to the Suoth Omaha mar- L f- llie cr.aotic condition has come sket Friday, accompanying the i-kip-1 1 eautiful p: pored walls, with a pan glment. reled wainscoating of beautifully si j Miss Idllian Curyea is spendinc a trained design extending from the ft i ten day vacation with her grand- fiCnr to a height of about three feet. father. John Wood and her aunt.) The front of the building has re PjMiss Grace Wood. jsponded to the touch of the painter's Sj Mr-, A. I. Bird and two little ; brush while the interior woodwork b j daughters. Iva and Eula, went to has also been treated to a "going Lincoln .Monday evening 10 visu rei- ever. atives a few days. t Another improvement, and which Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yan Andel j3 now under process of installation and Mrs. Ed Linch, cf University js the new semi-indirect lighting 5l Place were guests Sunday afternoon Fysteiu. Four large hanging fixtures. 5 at the G. P. Foreman home. !ro arranged as to spread even rays! the wheat is not proving as good as r - I From Monday's Da Mr. Today Ti. L. Propst began thresh !ng fir the scar-on. his first job be ing at the home farm of his moth er some eight miles west of the city. Mr. Propst will charge for the sea son eight cents for oats and ten for wheat. The unusually heavy yield of small grain this year will prove productive of much business in the threshing line and it it? a safe bet that every available outfit will 1p pressed into service. Seme of the few who have already threshed claim J 0 H K AUTOMOBILES .si. e T.:ii:... z .ins 1:5 :. s.i.a::a:4 IT. s:.:..a; J!rs. O. A. Sanborn, who has been of mellow light to even the darkest r vi'itirg her ciaugnter, airs, nernen corners 01 tne room prome um g Moore, left Tuesday evening for her pie light for all purposes as well as r home rt Clay Center, Kansas. improve appearances wonderfully. it gave promise of being, as there i.i a gcod d'al of shrinkage they say. Never before have we had the privilege of hearing such a group of artists on our chautauqtia platform. Wc are to be cngratulat'-d in having the American Artists as the third number of our chaut -inaua. We wiM be privileged to hear the finest ensemble singing that is posiale w ith a mixed quartet. Solos, tiuets. trios they will give a program ranging from best operas, oratorios, up to date musical comeuy, as well as th - cid folk songs so well loved. The personnel of the company presents such artists as Alice Widney Conant of St. Louis, who has studied in Boston, New York. L mibm. Pans and Spain with the b-t known teachers and instructors. She has a b"..u tiful soprano voice of wonderful clarity and sweetness, aided by l.iuItle.M diction. Merel Ophel finished her musical education in Boston. With her contralto voice and gracious personality, she never fails to please. Homer Compton comes from the faculty ol the University School of Music, Lincoln, NeLr. A second John McCormaek, a lyric t nor. a haa musician. a delight to hear and to me?t. Roger Bromley of New York City, one of America's finest baritones The critics claim the best baritone outride, the Metropolian. Litest artist ever offered to a Chautauqua. Minnie Stabler, pianist and accompanist, from the faculty of the Uni versity School of Music. Lincoln, Nebraska, eh arm ins nd delighifil. PJattsmouth Chautauqua JULY 26-31 "INSTRI MEXTAMTIKS OF TIIK IMTEU STATUS i;( i:lt M l J r" 5 FAR&1 LOAN BOKBS ISSUED UNDER THE FEDERAL FARM LOAN ACT Dated November 1, 191S DUE November 1, 1933 Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter est date after five years from date of issue. Coupon bonds fully regislerable and interchangeable. Denomi nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually, May 1 st and November ! st. Principal and interest pa yable at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the red eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government. Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal and Local Taxation! This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and income from these bonds need not be included in returns PRICE ON APPLICATION Ohas. Q. Farmele, Bank of Cass County Plattsmoutf Nebraska Itching, torturing skin eruptions ( , att- Marr rfvinner and son. John. rnninir nt a time when the cash-; dicfijrure. annoy, drive one wild. FARM I?!PLEMENT5 P and .Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Friend ier, Henry Schneider, is out of the ; Doan's Ointment is praised for its, rnd daughter. Miss Irene, autoed to citv, the tnrn-up condition of aP.'airs j good work. 60c at all drug stores, j ::s:iB::rc"-a.;.a'::;si.::.c:;44nri'Bi4:BEi:i.fii J the aHy JournaE