PIATTSMOUTH SMI77IXKLY JOUBITAL PAGr THRTl r5ttZs?f indebted tu Mr Gurder for I rhi-ti iwa'.irins: damrer. Lav huvejfxrpul t the l.mu iiosp.l-i.lit siio.-.u us, us inrov.ii up Li harm., as a suieta. eu, Oitt All American Truck a it WORLD'S LOWEST PRICED "STANDARD" ONE TON TRUCK A 2 well a? to the young l-dles and j when the hue may have caught 0:1 little laisifs who turuisL d the read- j the entitle t brewing him to his inrs and music ; d-.ath. The hoe was broken to bits. I 'JV-ic train v.us I've hours late and 3; tf. ' 3 rr- I run nii; at hi ah speei V. Lptt- M NEWS FROM ALVO (tat Special ;Correspe.nu.-:ice Price $1295.00 a (f. o- b. Chicago) V- ; grove was Til jears oiu and leelini ! better the pa-t couple of months than formerly and had regained in 13 hi Orviile Roberta weight to v I thin ponn of his I A Giant in Strength! -'I .Oil crow to i'it ant Dale .Saturday. Jake Kabin v.a; in Lincoln on bn;in"-s Thursday. ry$ Joe Foreman returned h.ne ircm On-all a Si;;: -.lay evenlna. .Met Ptouty has tone to W. ";; Water for a few vo.'k.v gi Mr. and Mrs. CLa--. E iward-: mot-tf-2 orcd to Liucr-'.n fat unlay afternoon. ... . The infant dauuhter cf Mr. and magnificent in Appearance! m w. v.ckers . on . rVrl Inn Weaver tpnt s iioj.iy aad j"if Mondav in South Fend with, h. & f:!;i,,r- &C,! Will Kitr.f-l I.a.'l oT ' n tr.o rr. IT'S? Or.a)-a market Monthly. 1 to ;:- A faster In Performance! tr .o'.itif. I!nzir.e. Horsr-hill-S .i'.lman. lri:r cyii:i'br. ?, , i:u!i hr.ro, r inch , ..r. 'i'it . ust n rear axle v .rata, t-.l 1! yar--. Spriurs. rear. a-Jxl'1.. inches- .arrai.!v '. A. C. i-tamia-d ; ( : 1 1 !! i .1 . '. nL-k. I'.. tin;:.; :i.it:.ire.l in ti i-o.-iiiuc tloublt :i Lro.. i.i Nfbra:-i:a l'i?. li-r. - !. . i.- :;;.-p iiiJ -.l !:K'!ory a;.-nt t.r ihc s !!. s;.e y; 11 '-'.',. C'iai ! :;-jetini ovt r -.at in l:Ue eoaiiiv. car " ''hi b::y. ; ite lo.- ii intaloUiiL ef .-pt t-iilt-alioii.--. Li..:o':-i bar;. a ia . spe-. .'. made t-.-;.- ia:I far furn.er' i:- e. Mr'. i:th-l rore-i--:n ci I.ir-oln ir .pt r.OinT the w'-el; at : :: ;:. I'. r'oremnn honie. Fred E. Johnson 'v will c ;i at t ! w ; : 1 -n 1 . ; a : : a 1 - : ; tj inf.-. in:.. ;7. Kulph I. n. a :::: '-i- f Li.i " L of Johnson Cros , Nebraska City jJ ac;i:xt va:;tki - iv.:i:.ii:i: i'i:i:ri:::i;i;i -.-a I:.--.' on ih 'r unci.- : . V and far -,:ly Tliur-;!: y - : ;-. 'i W ; y tV- IJaik-'meyer and faniily in K!r.; .vi'jil Mrs. W. 1 Moore returned Iron. l' : ii ; it. a.- ealled bv ihe d-a;h cf 'a . r rnoti .;; r T"'t t: v. f r. and visited with 'relative - here. 1 !. retur:;;:::; to her he ine at : to ':...'..' T.n - .Murray. ! .'.L-x Landa.-iui rmrn-J Mnd-y v j. s' i:i f)'....i:i a.-t I from Omaha, v. hrre he went to have Ian Tjratin perfoiin-d 0:1 one (f 1 V;.lv:r. w:..- s'.ivppin"- ! haviiu- sttpped on a Ji!kf v. 'nicii has . n tivaii; hu.i a u 1 bit of trcu.oe. t .1 . . . Ved::e,d::y. in n-naha .Monday. "I. Tb ':'!.:.? t f S.: i t-'.l!. v; ".t i:: ri-ia'ives !.-. r:1. M -. and M:v. Will S;.-5:'. v. c -a .: i:: : m.aiia ( ti Tu-.-..; . Mi.-s. fhi-.e I.. 1:-: v:',- a j-.-e:.;-to L;i:-.ci:: Monday cv.nira. Mis., r.lady. . S .rich ;.-:it . . i: ...:.- ...ars. -ret ..:!-. ei.. Ir. ll'.rt.b.-rk !:; MorLy fi ti; -au to v ::' ts- :" r a s- i: ; -rr tinie. land wife. Ice cream and caUe were 'I i ret i:-t. .-nnL-v's rvvd. aftt r which thj P'tiiiv went v :' ir. :a a f.-w d.iy v: Monday evei.ina a reception was ' b.-id in benor of our la ys returned , from the service. Will Suck!it-tz-! hie who oniy a f . w days ;igo arrivev'. t fn m 'iine monta.s i-ervice in France, j hav'r.r been l'rc-11 h(me ir.ort h?c- :-'a:i day 1 .j,31, a year. The lU-il t'ro.- ladies I had chart' cf the reception, v.hicd ivj i held on thv lawn f J. Goebry 1 a- W. . pintr Wat-, r. Mrs. V.'allir.L : b a- ;:t : to the M. W. A. hail where tcrc-tir.s; prorrani was uiven. cri- ... 1 . .. . t.:..,. . 1 -i-i ill-' ::Oi ' . i ..ii i i or. broil;- j 4 r. deny II. Melius!: and fumiiy. .Mrs. C( '::. n-tward (L.:. hi. torf I-!:d all fiMinsr to the occasi"n. The hall ua". v ry beautifully d'-corated in fhers, and si reamers. the color rcheme liein the red. white and blue. NOTICE. Ju;v i?t will b- tiie endii.:' f otu ! " '! -a 11. 1. were Sun dav 1S1'!- r-.- j u"-t ! " J. (Jo hry horn.-.. Mr. . M i -r. : v retnrm'd Wod!i':: : v fr: :.i a vi-ii -.vit 1: i . r lianaht.r I.;.-- Homer s :. ! m. - i. :! I.n't L t ih- .'!--;. i.f V:Tt!'- fi-enl year. And as near a.- po: -ibh. 1.1" iv i; i : t i;. :;. .v. I in I v.o'ild like to have all bo..-: a"- : ?.e :;,! S't':.d..y i-',i-::;::i;. -1. , r :,tjnts re'tled .- I on i:.ab' tip r;y 1" : :.!; ! rtnteiiMiit tf the rt cl: h.dders cf Mi-. ;;- V.'..!-c:--- ; :: .1 1 :'. ' company. IU : rt " Walters . f Ar'i ni--- n. M l.a ' ' --!: vi--:tiTi.'. i-iativ- 1. f..r h vera! ;I..ys. Th- .-veninc -.va v.-y -n j-.y; le y j XEW BUSINESS EKTEZPHISE. and if 'hi- v;y a!i tri.d o j ; h..w 1 :r 1. 1 pr-f ia,.:. n f . ha: '.. I. The world's lowest priced "Siand-i.-ys ! av- did f-r us. j ard" all American one ton truck M.-. a;. '. Mr-. L-:'e li eck arl r.nd traffic two totj truck manu litLe !a:i-:b: r and Mr,.. Ka . i.en. v,t i fafturcrs have selected Fred E. . . . ' . f T 1... ... 1 iO.T-'T 1 . Stir..: S:i:.(:.:v v.:t:i i r'-l 1 .ion 11 son 01 jhuhmmi ..v...- 3fc Fe had vi-ited We.-f . i I - - . .1 (I 1 . i i i r , . . : ' . . : . - con-ins Mr. am! Mr0. IF:;.-r: ?:r. r: sr. j iiormal w. igiit and was proud of the tact that he was- able to care tor his ov.-.x i-.dJ.k:i. Ft r many y- rs be l:ie been a f'-.nl-.-r of the Masoni': ;-::d Odd Fe!hw.-j lodare--' On : ' -count of operators on strike h:s three b:o'hf-rs. and two listers in Misi'uri a Tsl otbr re'a fives and ! friends co'-bi v bo no'Ife-l. Tbt b"iiy was brought to Alvo on Xn. .",7 Ri-mlay evenins: acctiinpankMl hy bis wife p.nd son? William Vpt -prove and II. I.. Fpteurov.' jr.. We btter kavir? be.-n notified nt b.is .t-o j ?i Sidro1. rel., p.v t ( (eb T": r'. r.? :. v . re ,!:di: ;'-d fr'-n M. TI. c-btt-oh Ibir:r:v aft- rnir.-n at two o'oloch by the pastor Ilev. ('. F. ''nt r'dl ;ind ii;;"rr!:T" wr? made in th Alvo ceme-try. I : V- - i':' e) ;i ( : ;' ; . y, ;: - - lei'.': t: i,;:,- ".,l v r-1 "" w;! .,,,.! W:i!i:.m T'-,'e-rfve of :"-T:ir.u'b. F. T-. T'pfrovo jr.. ;- y. ;;. .. M-. and T'Trs. Frank "... Mr. and Oatl Xc!--:i ' . ' ; : ' -. I.-. and !: -.rl ".ir-. 'i:. ?!r. and Mrs. Kuireno K:i'. :::! Mr. :.nd Mrs. W. O. !byb f Mnroln. Neb. '.ty. for their fa; Jory ae,en:. s,-ll- ; Orvil Unbin- i ard T i.: Ine; direct at fact .ry pries, making 'took a iottd of ):or; i :::': d:.y i -c.vin.ir of .4'K.iii on a one-ton ha Tu": -hty ovon:n r in iro -nd JTo-o in; (ii a two ton i ruck n: The .- :r! F- - :;:: .be fa! iner. F.;'.-:d"s the lo'v pri(e- ;.',-:. Frcty rf-vd--d :; ; r' ley are made fn m trie same t.imi- n by .o .1 tT,v.a t- u'-l unit mic'i a;-, v re u.-ed :: t! .".-ttir-I:'v her priced truck-. Oata'o.u of D. A. iiaii of Mi-ill -:mv :-prcificat ions mailed free. We jr - F.I.. came in 1 ; . t W, o ,- -- . diet, it will not be a ma'ior of kim. spend a co v. r j.rice of truck, when the .bn.atid Ms. ';(". f'tir' : . omes but waitincr your turn, liny j ;,." v.- ,-; n- i: ' - r- n now while these cat: be procured, rrh'.py vi-Itir:'.' :1s hr-' br ' aee larac di-pb?y in bi- i:.-,-i". ; !:n n -v until ;-r.pd y v.-ben '-in! to F.i-y. v.fd to v!-'. o EETTJEIT HOME. rMr t ve,. , Oran bii'i Vi"krr v;:. t t Mis.- I5e-.-ie Eiurc '. k emier rc t urned 1 !:'T ;b;t:a!.t , r"s. Mr. V'. lt-r .Ta to her liome at We' pins; Water last ; ",w-r of Kaclf. Thursday ' . und.y to spend the summer with I tier health b.a-- eon irreat iy !ier!e folkr. She is a srraduato cf ; Tairr-d by tcvr-:' ."t'ari f !;e class of lLl!', and lias ai'eudej ;:;om- his school ;!1 her four years Sh- ' Mi---- IVla ?tFtf n rt-nrn-e b has net yet dec id d what her c ttr e : ! ' ir!a -- ..r V " v ill b- next fall, b'tt whatever !;i , tr:: t'-- of work she takes up. wo ;.r - st:r i th'-- ('loirb-s -b.e will sticc-ted, si auvn by b"f p-i -t !" i:o ' ':ot.- the trip v : 1 1 am i-cord in this sc! I i '. i .- i : : rr Cbv ti-o;r r.u'o. ii- 'r:u W C. T. TJ. ZITttZ WITH I ': I MFKDOOK MnrUWXTII.F CO. Fy Jerry McHugb. Mam:aer. UKITEO ST.TES RMLROiD A0MIHISTRA1I08 TBS NATSOW&L PARKS Wiih ill Thsir Venders re Yours Y-ZllGW STOKE Frm Wedr.es'ai v s- Pai'v Tiio Flower Misrion cf 1 1-o AV. C. T. F. met on M' 'ob.y aft "r:.ot r. r.l !: l.rrr..' - f Mrs. .! d; :i ' I "rd r. :a mmcmoi at b '! birt ,:..' ; founder. Mi,s .!(!':: ("a-:-o!.ii tbcu-Mi :mi invalid far urny -:'rs. e-ab M-dted ;. :, onr-i' i.:a: i ;t in-.vn 'he l'liw-r ?di--i'-n ;1 i.oui.-vii;.-. Ky.. atol Jeday iill ov r o-:r country tie W. T. 1. (.ie hrates her biriltday by sctuiir.u fb a f rs to the sick and aired. 'Ti h o anotlier lerson of 1 lie "irr.iin of mustard seed." referred to by 'he Ma or. Fnder the careful arraim'T.. n ; 'f 'hc president Mrs. CbarJ- Troop r. f-pU-ndid proaram consisting of readings, music ami rer p'i.si . " ex- . . r. - ...... n. - 1 .... . e t v. rt -mai. w i 1 a a i rpecial mention must bo male a their rendition was b.::".b!y en; ; :" by all prsent. Marion Copenbaver cave ; read in.C very appropriate to the occa rt r' " Mr. ; a"to"d :e.v. n S'T - 'ritfrlntr ?"rs. I'oreif.an's motiir-r. !ri. li.-I'e TJerni'-'t bonu- after av xtctKHM? v : - i ' witl tiiem. ;--. v the (V. with Mr. Fto .a;i'? rt ' c lie worship. Here he labor- ten traveiiiis long distances to Uiiui-ier to hearts, and touls hunger ing for the word of life. In 1 s j l he responded to hi foiiiitry's call and served with the alh Missouri regiment until 1S64. In lii. S he moved from Missouri 10 II-row n ille, Nebraska, where he resided until alj-at l&OG when he moved to Alvo. Lat August he and bis wile vent to Portsmouth. Iowa, to spend the winter with their son William and where he received the summons .f the Master to come home. Brother Fptegrove was a man who w;.s beloved by tho community where lie lived for his staunch Christian character, and the record of !iis life will live on in the minds and hearts cf those who were fortu nate trough to know him, and will be greatly missed by a host of true friends. The remains were brought to Al vo. Nebr.. and the funeral tervices w ";- hold from the Melhodi.M e'.iurr h conducted by the pastor lb-v. . II. Com. ell and the remain. were interred in the Alvo cemetery. WILL HAVE A MOST THRILLING EXHIBITION CAED OF THANKS. Wo oesire to express our most -:nr re thanks to all those Who fo b;;;d';- as i-ted 1;- a the death and burial of our dear husband and father I. or. iluward L. FpteL-rovo. Last Day Of Nehawka Chautauqua Will Ee One Of Much Inter est To All. :i J r beautiful flora! ofi'er- Obitrtaiy. F.ev. K. I.. I'p'e-rv-.ve was bo-n in m oin tutty. M:--- uri. .lura Ttb. in. r.r.d -'vr- d thi VI"'- .I'-r.o ' b. . I ' 1 '.' . reel - v it t '.-n ' z -n - e ;; r -; ' -cv :i ('-!-.- . ii. was uirbt-d in ; r:a ' w;; M 71!:. ni.,- i? C. 1 1 ? m - I't I.i:'C:ln o-v.t'-tv. Mb- -'''t'ri, b'1'11 :r.- 'T 1'b. I'-2. To tt1- :r ion ere h.-.r:i f.-ir sot! ", ar. i arse b v. vie-; follow-: Wiiibim cf :'.,: -i-u'!;. I..-.a. E. I.. ; . of Sb'.-c y. Xebr. Frnr.-: cf Tbn- MIIS. II. L. TMTECItOVE. ; '. 1 bblA.M Fl'TEGKOVE. ?.'i:S. IIARilV AI'I'LFM AX. TTCKMK FFTFGItOVM. II. L. Fl'TEGKOVE. Jib V II A X K I'l'TEGIt O V E . ; . 1 .- v ... . r. Tinker and Mi-. llari- 1 V - TO'. . e'T. .'v'-v. 1 n- v.-a c 11 vert d and td. ntifb'd i ':.- -If wi'ii ;be ( 'air bcr! a n :i Fres ' y:"rh r 'burch :.: c-M Qiijer Ct-r-rv;. ;bm in hinc'tbi county. ?!i ' urb J:.i::i!iiy r.th. 1 s."7. and V;: '. tlie ::-!'t river Fro-bv:'rv FOE SALE. Xrw model !. Overlni-d f'JS.'.OO. Several usd Fords, i" used t .n trucks. T. II. POLLOCK, d&w Garage. LOCAL NEWS From Ji iT,''".v'p-ri'.i'v "v qW.r n y t T-if. J.-ii;rri5-l r.rrr. Mrs. .1. I. V.'ale.A who has been .-tayinr in this town for some time. ! (l"tj;:r!("l tills afternoon for Omaha, - 1 . '-.'ere' i;e i.::ni;--try Or-obor r.th. where the Wales's will make their S : 0 . ; us vo ker it: the Master's fervi'.-o I i'.-r nearly fifty ye.ir?. lie v. ?. " ! 1 f toe p:of-e.-r T.rat b.or. of North- ILi-i; iraRicU.'rs in Intoxicants, (iiw in.1, v as r.n active and real- '"'-nif in tho future. S".perin; endent of the rleuth 'fab. wlu are v.-atrhing for tb.e The Chautauqua which is to he held at Nehawka. will be one of much interest throughout, and will be conducted at that place from June 23 to and including June i'T. for five days, and excellent pro grams and series of interesting events will he on the calender. The people of Nehawka will extend to all visitors every courtesy possible, and to thore who attend, there is as rured an excellent time. The peo ple having the matter in hand will spare n.i pains to make each day full and complete with interest, and of the worth while kind. The la't day will be one of much interest ui as much as on that day. there will lie two aviators present who will give exhibitions of their skill and will also carry a limited number of passengers in their flights. They will Mo give tail spins, nose dive. i.i:d v. ill also loop-t he-loop. Come and sec thi.s winderful exhibition. INDISPUTABLE FACTS. Are you lookimr around for facts which are too evident to admit of dispute; Bead the following letter: 'Gloustor. Ohio. KFD 1, box W.f,. May I'S, 1919. I will be glad if you use my letter for the public, because I wish everybody to know how go.xl is this remedy and 1 recommend it to anyone 1 know and who suffers the way I did. Since 1 was 15 years of age, I was sick with stomach troubles until three years ago when I started to take Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. And al though I am now 46 years old, 1 feel better than I did when 1 was young, because I can eat everything now and that makes me strong. I'll never be able to thank you for this remedy. Yours truly, Mrs. Nick Papura." Is this letter eloquent enough? It is indeed. And you can get this remedy at every drug rt ore, because Triner's American Elixir, of Bitter Wine is a remedy conforming in all respects to the prohibition laws. Your druggist sells all Triner's remedies: Triner's Liniment for rheumatism, neuralgia and sprains.' Triner's Angelica Hit 5 ter Tonic, etc. Joseph Triner Com- a-i;-ru Miscuri when e3.-2r.-h"- liver. v.-.i lookine after some bu-i- v er- s. arce and the little ;J- : ; io-- ,r--.-. in thht city far the day yes- j pany, 1 :;3 3-43 S. Ashland Ave.. Chi 3 "V-e v. as the only pk.ee - bo had terday. cago. 111. 1 1 r and Mr 'el I: v... i :i ti, !:.!!' of gey. .. rs. painted canyons, fore.ds and , r - ;1 t tl gratl'. Oil 1 rilliw? 1 1 Hit , . .)..;.. . . e:t!.e via the ( o iv v.,iV or Gardi- ... r v,.-. t : o ani r.'.nc e. li.ioirt.n s:e'p.'rs. ; ;(! e; :: p : vo n. 'dr-iar. as u;:al. You can 1( .f . .r via. Si ::. i-" rct!-.; r II .tby Moiai taii. X. tb aai-lb te- Park. R3CKY HOURTfilJI-ESTES PSRK (..'.. . :)';- btautifol v.. athm la!tl just north of i. cv.tr. tb.' : i uina r p'.ygrounus of fifty thous nu.' ' :rit. Y ;i car re: c ii Denver in the niorn ai..i ie ir. tne i'a.i; ai noon. GUC1EP. v'-.-uib-.t ni Gh'.fhr Pari: the climax of the ' ' r.'T grai dcur i- open to tourists. Thru J,...;.. r: :..5 'the I'i rk ctiiiutrc. Tickets either di-r- ; - v;a . ovr. Strnic Colorado, with Rocky -M- - on X"ti( n- 1-E: - ; tid Yellowstone Tarks I'.':'. rro.Vv TilitEE i'.tliKS ON ONE TICKET. A 1: Vour local ticket agent to help you plan ur trip aid furni.-h you with descripl ive ! oblets of points in which you are interested. ia;sirn. Miss Mable L-e (V;..-nli:,vr i j accompanied by V.r. Gordcr :'.t the f 'piano sane very .-weetly aid grea- j'lv pleased hor lit!ier. 'i R Tlie Mirses Gladvs rnd GoLive -1 'j I ir i O - 1 -f'.T" a'fiiniri"-twwl 4 1- I piano by Mis heien Boborts. r ".::- rd a bountiful duet. thee yremt: Kllodi'-s s rtrikinly re- mbb- o-h- other, and their voices are a per- feet unison f ha .-mony. iii;.l;i-a m tbflr pinsinn: vrv .-wct ito-d. 1 - . -, T - , . , . . ; .. . .1 , , , liiiui- r.uiiu tjuioi.'i: ai'.o .Marina Gorder sang very swooiy a soiur ,f aj;ri!!g, wliile Mr. Oirder accom panied them with thf piano. After tho rrosrrnni was cM'-pc iued wi'h the genial hoto-s r.-rved dr-'n-v rcfroshmnts rf ice rrcini. ral o. and lemonade, being r.ssistel in serving by the little girls present. Martha Gorder. Edith Quinton and Mnrion Copenhaver. After tho servinc cf tbo re- i frerlmtenf nil joined in sirring a -poevil eloetifn written for the W. T. V. "The New America," fol lowed 3,y the benediction. Many beautiful bouquets of roses, peonies, and daisies were brought for distribution among the sick and aged of our town. O-ir next meeting will be held .Ti'ty 7. and we hope to have another splendid time. I At a late hour in the afternoon. ITTffltrtn I ue dispersed for our homes feeling Lucy Whitman v.-;..o 3; Insr their grand par.-M-s. G e, pore-urn ,y f ... ? jrli;.. vi -; t t b "i r pa rent . ?. beo. Whitman. Tbo g-r! ; Sunday 'Z'l ve party i!'ur:a.:v :!'!" ; :1-e hon;e of Mis Xita Mtilbn in boner of the M - Carrie and A --'e I'et,r;a'i who !:: e returned to thtir h'-nie ir. (ikhth ma. A :: r: y -ood t ime is rcpori 1. The Frit' ay club met vitb Mr vv'i'. Timbiin .Tt-ro- ft:. For r. !i "all each niembi r child ted r. tata :,y relic, relaiinir it liistcrv. Mrs. '. II. Jo-dan gave ;n i v t i n z "lb ' ii "Tbiilbr of the 7 ("'."." M.--. L P. p Misc' s.,.i;;..r: was "Inab ti a" Ml the men.bors part icipated in fa liscU'sion of "lie Pcl'.us ?.!e.-t ing. o: tn Early I lay." After sc-veml vera1 'nd iiitr'it!i'-ntal i.tro!u nii;.;1--''-be clob ad.i'-trned w meet with Mr. O. I) QtieiiiuTat Friday. J-,.;,,-The ff. Lowing - f!i t-,,.....;.-.-: . -f the ciub: Mr.- Orvii;,- 3ob'-rt-:on. preic'rn!; Mr. O. I). Onell iort, vice pre--!dent ; M.ts Fnin.a orclan. sorretr.ry; M:-a V.'ill T::n--'I:n. Treasurer. The former ant be latter w ere re-eb ct ions. 3 iT Nil 70 v? .1 a3 t-!r!i.-i. Jh.VSt- e ' -1' THE JUNE SALE OF Wash Frocks! Commencing Thurda Morning 9:00 A. M. uar 500 Attractively Styled Garments in Silk and Voile for Dressy Wear! Te?th Of Rev. E. I. Itc.rr-vs. Tb.e cr mntunity was hofhr ? bai -biturday r.f;or;i,.on wh n Mr:. Furry X'.pl.-'inar. rc .-ivod t : -a sad rt"--sc-. bat her father. IL-.. K. L. FpP--Trov hjd l',n iit.;i.i!y 3;ilh.d at !l:"i4 that mornini: by a fu-t p" enyer train on the Chio-.ti-a. ?,lil wankoe and Sr. Paul II. IL, at Ports nont'i, Iov.h. v.lore -e ?nd Mr. Fptegrove have been making their lci-e with their j-co WiiLan: Here tliey are in gorgeous array n!my, sheer and fash i )!it c just as you like them. A most complete assortment. Though many are incomparably dainty and exquisitely fash ion d they are practical too, as haid wear ard numerous trips to tne tub will prove. Especially attractive for street, afternoon or travel wear arc the new Satins and Taffetas. There's a charm abuot the iU5t:e cf trfltta tl"c.t tl.efe i cc rr auhle fashicrttd fleets errpnasiie to a mcst pleas ing degree. AH New Fabrics With a Springtime Air In fabrics thoe loveK ficcks are most surprising, introducing voiles in flowered. emLroide.ed and ,atin ftr ped paUrens; organdies checked, striped and plain; Swisses in new colored effects; ccc ; linerr; Georgetttes and taffeta, or a chick combination of (T both. Wee rufF.es, fiichus end dainty laces are their only trimmings, but so irresis (able are tl ey, that our s(ccks will move rapidly at the exceptionally lew prices we are k quoting. Sizes 36 4G, formerly priced from $10.50 to $28.50 REDUCED TO c. i! Ti. n I'-dS "aV V-l NONE LESS Q. 75 O NONE MORE j. t b w t.c : c Lnt ocn rr d !r R$&ren!ber These Dresses Gc on Sale Thursday Horning no one ff-ms to know, other than j ?.5 - " I L brt the very few people who had ; fc- nf.l ir.xi T.,,. T ' . .. i . ire positive he was. not or. the main track when Ft ruck thou -timnhlv bad inst steltned ' ' -n Iris wav heme to dinner, from tfj their garden where he had been EvJ uteinr. I!e was carrying the hoe, and mav v.o have noticed the train tl2 until it was very close to him and rr t t!'La.-t?'b gfi.til?;iVi?,''-. -3 i l,Tu m Fr:dP.Busch MANAGER j Tiie Ladies' Toggery, Cass County's Only Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garment House! Plattsmoutti, NEBRASKA