THURSDAY. JUNE 12. 1919. PLATTSMOli rn skmmyklkly journal. PAGE FIVE. YPEBFGRJdS MANY OP Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the Peop'e of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers WHAT IS THE CONDITION OF YOUR Farm Machinery THIS SPRING? ERATIONS YESTERDAY If try of tl.e rvacH-rs of the Journal kiior- of any socil evt-ut or m-m of interest in this vicinity, mid will mail tiaie to this ofiire. it will ap pear unun litis tirauirjr. e waul all DewsiLai Kiiitoh The Offices of Dr. II. C. Leopold a Easy Place All Patients Get- ting Along All Right. 3 i V. 1. Make Safe Investments The protection of princi ple should be the first consider ation of every investor. But it's not always an easy matter for the ordinary investor to determine the safety of the issues offered him. The character of an invest ment, however, is usually reflected in the concern which offers it. Invest ments offered through this institution war rant your confidence. Safety Honesty CourtesyService Tour ps cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE DANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. Duck vgs for tale. Oldham Stock Farm. Mrs. J. V. Iicrccr was an Omaha vi.-itor over Monday, returning on tiit- late train. NOTICK Miss Ocla Minford. t'jicher of piano. N-ow enrolling pupils for summer term. Mr. and Mr.. Wm. Puis vent to riiiUMiiouTh la t Friday evening to atttMiil Hit- graduation exercises. I).trt forrei thai you can gtt a ill -ii of ire cnani at the Library Sittiriiay afternoon and evening. M Milord and ('reamer the local liutrrs of stock were on the Omaha market Thursday with a fine car of hoc. Mrs. ('has. Carroll was attending to Mime matters of business in I'lait.-iiiouth on Monday of this week. Mi'-s Grate Jameson of Lincoln, came tv Murray from her home in Lincoln on last Saturday and will i-p.nd i-ome few weeks visiting at the home of her sisier, Mrs. Mar garet Iircndel. Word has been received from ;he i:ev. J. A. IJarnes of Viola. 111., who was lo hive conducted services at the Presbyterian Church on the will be unable to be present. However the pulpit will be filled by the former pastor Dr. Jackson on this date, and a most cordial iny taiior, is extended to all to come out and enjoy the sermon of this capable gentleman. Walker Gilmore spent a few days in Plattsmouth this week, visiting with Ralph Holmes. Miss Mary Jameson of Lincoln, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. J Urendel, this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes, of Plattsmouth, were guests at the Walker home Monday. Mis. Jo. Hans and Mr. and Mrs. W. tl. I'.oedeker were visiting with friends in Union lat Sunday. L. I. Hiatt was elected director at the Monday evening school meet ing. Iledistricting and the consoli dation of schools were the principal talk of the meeting. An unusually large audience wan in attendance at the Children's Day exercises held at tho Christian Church on last Sunday evening, and one of the best programs that has been prepared in years greeted those in attendance. Under the careful training of Mrs. Margaret Hrendel all taking part did excep tionally well in their parts. " Mr. J. A. McCracken of Crest on. Iowa, was a Murray visitor on Wed nesday, having come to investigate the possible entering the employ of the Meier Drug Co. He is quite well known in this locality having spent some few years in the employ of the Fricke Drug Co.. at Platts mouth. Should he decide to accept the position here he will at once make arrangements to move the family here permanently. Something to Eat! The housewife says every day, "What will we have for dinner?" Now isn't that so? Sure, it b hard to find good things to eat right at this time of the sea son. That's why we like to suggest some good thing, for the pies and desert. ci iis Loganberries, one gallon cans, per can Yellow Cling peaches, one gallon cans, per can plums, one gallon cans, .per can r-,nr one fail on rans. per can Sliced peaches, heavy syrup, ready to serve, per can ti.i t.t nparhe. nothing better than these, per can Kt. Hamilton brand heavy syrup peaches, per can -oO Apricots, put up in rich, heavy syrup, per can -3o, Strawberry, raspberry and astd. fruit preserves, Mb. glass jars .5 Hiatt" Tutt, 1.15 .80 1.10 .40 .40 MURRAY, NEBRASKA Miss Laura Puis was an Omaha visitor on Monday of this week. And the next day it ruin.-d r the common talk on the streets of Murray these days. Miss N'ita Cook. arrived home from her school in Plattsmouth thh week. Miss Cook was one of the graduates from the Plat tsinouth High School this year. The many friends of Mrs. John Hobshcidt who has been in a criti cal condition for the past two weeks will rejoice at the good news of her s-light improvement. Mrs. Young and Mrs. Cook went to Plattsmouth last Friday evening to attend the graduation exercise: at the High School auditorium, at which time Miss N'ita Cook was one of the class. Miss Cook was one of the best in her cla-cs. and received a great many compliments upon her work during the school year. Aft er a few days visit with home folks Miss Cook will accept a position in the telephone exchange here for tin summer. The Murray Library Assoeiatioi have bought the building they now occupy. This building was owner by Col. Jenkins, and have paid hitr rent for the past ix years, and de cided that they might as well own it. The consideration was $S'().00 Mr. Latta offered the association a lot if they would build r.pon h within one year. For a time it wa the talk to build, but decided that it was too much of an undertaking at this time. Mr. Latta wa:- surely very generous and the ofi'er v. a greatly appreciated, even though i' was thought best not to undertake it at this time. Cannot Locate Farm I. T. Iioyer. trom i.ear Avoca. wa: in Murray Saturday for a lev hours looking for a farm that n:i-h-be for rent, something larger thai, the one he has been living on dowr near Avoca." lie was unable to fine anything here and went on to Plattsmouth. where he remained over night. While in the county seat he paid the Journal office a brief call, and tells us that ho h now thinking of moving west, u here he can secure suflicient acreage fot the employment of himself and two sons. He thinks s-'omc of buying s farm in the western part of J he state. We have been informed that there will be a number of good farmers in the vicinity of Murrey that will ho unable to secure farm" to rent next season, and will be compelled to look elsewhere. Home Guard Notice. Upon instruction from the state Adjutant (leneral, you are hereby notified to be in attendance fc.r the purpose of disbanding Tuesday ev ening June 24th. He on hand to receive honorable discharge. CAPT. K. L. KNISri. Christian Church. Regular services at tin- Christian church Sunday June li. - 10:00 A. M. P.ible School. 11:00 A. M. Morning worship. S:00 P. M. Kvening worship. Our Children's Day offering was $26.00. Come and won hip with us. C. E. HANXAN, Minister. OFF FOR NEW YORK IN GOAL OIL FORD Henry Gering to Make Hecovd-Break-ing Test Trip with United States Carburetor Henry Ii. tiering, pre: id'.nt of tin United States Carburetor company, of Omaha, and a former Plat tsmoutl hoy who continues to he well kiicw in the old town, will Ie;:e Omaha a; 7 o'rlock next. Monday morning i:. company with Raymond A. Dull, en gineer and W. D. Austin, in a Ford automobile with kerosene instead o:' gasoline for fuel, on a trip to Nov. York and return. The distance eov ered will approximate U.COO miles. ' No such trip was ever made in auto-. mobile history before. j The machine, equipped with u car buretor manufacture d by Mr. Ger-! ing's company, has already made v. ' total of 200,000 test miles, burning kerosene instead of gasoline. Mr. Gering will go through Des ' Moines. Chicago. Detroit and Cievc-1 land, carrying letters from Mayor! Smith to the mayors of thece cit;e;.j He will stop at the Ford plant in Do troit for a demonstration and upon his arrival in New York. Engineer James Tracey, widely known among automobile men, will test the car buretor at ;;;00 Broadway. Previous trips have' boon mad:, jsiiig kerosene as fuel, to Cheyenne, 'Vyo., Denver, Clnuiron. Neb.. Kan--as City, and the la: i tr?p to Wa' 1 ula. Fla.. and return, but Mr. Gor ing is more enthusiastic over this latent trip than any of the otiiers. While in Plattsmouth last Sunday, in speaking of the carburetor, he 'colored ii will i: ..I.e a saving :' .we-thirds of the c .-! in uutoinohile .'uel. The United State.-- Carburet;. r company, of which Mr. Goring is president has a lactnry in operation in Omaha and is planning on exten sion at once. Mr. Gering says they iave upwards of 21.0tu orders booi; d ahead now. ei;i;mh to keep tie' present factory busy for two year;:. From Tuesday's Daily. With the exceller;-' .rk -which Dr. II. ('. Leopold I .eon doing in the past and a growing interest in J his piooiioo. he and a specialist from j ivirksville. Mo., who was here with I i! i in yeterdiiy. were kept pretty busy performing the numerous operations i hey wore called upon to do. The pa lieir.s v. ho underwent operation: were Gu.y W. Morgan, who had hi.-to:..;ii'- removed; Harry Jordan, who had both tonsils and adenoids taken out; John Sanders, a little boy vho! j : -.iof os.-i'ul!y underwent a double op eration. Oiive F.oiige and Miss Kvu j:i!Mi:er. tonsils removed and the 1 v. i i 1 1 . i tu i- ii (it Mr. and .Mrs. itarry Crcanie-, who had both tonsils and adenoiijs removed. All the patients art.' getting aloiiu first rate. LEON STEHKEE HOME AGAIN. From Monday's lait. Judge to our surprise this niorn- ng. as the flock of peopie alighted "rem number four of the Iturling- iin to see our friend Leon Stenner 'iop off and grasp us by the liM'.d. when we were of the opinion he was in France, and would be for ;ome time. Leon was one of the members of the former Loyal Sous hiss of the Christian Sunday school nd was a close friend of the wrir-r. lie was in France one year with the exception of three d;ys and arri'. -Hi in this country on .May 2nl be 'ng discharged at Camp Grant las: saturdav. He v. as in the motor ruck transport;:! ion corps and was. in the most severe fighting of the rnmpaigns of the western front. Leon is an excellent young man. and iow almo-sf a six footer and mag nificently proportioned and looking fine as he could desire. We were zl:d to see him heme, and we are lelieving that the meeting when hi arrived at home, was one of much joy. as his mot her . wi, ile she knew lie v. as in America, did not know when he was to arrive at home. He was a menilx-r of the I'.t'.rd division nr the former old Illinois National Guards. DO NOT TRACE OR SELL YOUR LIBERTY BONDS "rem M.uiiln v's p-iily This is the advice that you wili !'iul elsewhere in the columns of I::.', paper. . in an advert isomer.: Torn tl'.e punk of Cass County, bu :t the same time if .you must dis pose of them they are ready to buy t the very highest price on the New York market. There is no better to deal than with the home people, and our home bankers, are ready to give you all there is in your bonds at the present time, and perhaps a little more. The Ijank of Cass County would also Mke lo explain how you can dispose of your bonds at the-- time Lit par. See your home banker be fore disposing of your bonds. MARRIED AT THE PARSONAGE. From Monday's t'ailv. Last Saturday evening Mr. Kk'h ard D. Gammon, aged 4S. ami Mis: Leonora Lwein of Winner. South. Dakota, arrived in ibis city on the evening train and after having nought out the county judge's office --rnred a license and getting in structions where to find the parson age of the Christian minister, wond--d. their way thither and had him proceed with the marriage cere mony which was to bind them for life as man and wife. They depart ed on a later train for Omaha, and from there to their home whore they expect to o-urprise their friends. HOLD CHILDREN'S DAY EXERCISES La; t evening a large crowd of people that ta::"d ti e capacity of the church building to accommodate listened to a very excellent play, which was given by the chiid ren of the Christian Sunday iohool, and which was given under the supervision of Me:-dame; P. F. Khiu. Levi W. Scott, John R '"tine and Olivr C. Tlmh.on. The church 1 rid ben placed in a very !r.v!in- condition by the elnbora'e anil beautiful decora t ions, which denoted the work of skilled hand- for many hours. The place was a. bower of beauty, when the exercises began. The program which followed war1 one of excel lence throughout and was e-omposed of songs, readings and a short play challenging attention to the people to the need of looking after foreign missions. Following the exercises an offering waa received for the furthering of this wrork. MEETS WITH ACCIDENT IN 10WA i-'rutii Wvd msd.i y's Iiaily. While returning last Sunday from a vitit at Glenwood. whore they had lion; the Saturday evening with friends, the roads lining so bad thai the i'ouoin s:re:th could not bo traveled to the river crossing. The party which consisted of Kenneth McCarthy. Mrs. Gladys Richardson. Claud-' Ri'-hardson. Floyd Kiehard x.n. Mrs. Ldv. aid Mci'uiloy, Mi:.:; Caroliii" Lahoda and Ralph Alb-u took the ridge road from Glenwood to Cov.rcil Llo.tis expecting to oro.s that way and return via Omaha. When about, t v. o miles out of Glen wood the car which seemed to have some defect, skidded and turned completely, over, throwing seme of the parties' char of the car. while others were caught under the wreck age of the auto. Mrs. Gladys Rioh ardson and Miss Caroline Lahoda. and Kenneth McCarthy. were all pinioned under the ear an! were bruised considerable. That they v. t re not injured much worte than they were is due to the fact lhat they were going at a very moderate rale of speed, traveling about 20 miles an hour. Also that in the turn ing over, they were cought in the friendly "meshes of a wire fence, thus allowing the car to fall with less force when it turned over. Many f the party are carrying some sore spots yet. and judging from the di-coloratioiis the impact at the time tif the accident was severe enough to suit the most fastidious. Do you know lhat we have a complete line? We make a specialty of the famous John Deere line and it is complete. We want to figure with you on all your farm needs this spring. Cur stock of staple and heavy Hardware is in ex cellent condition lo supply every demand. Come in and see for yourself. Si PR BD MURRAY NEBRASKA : .r.:::s- :sr : ;i.:b .2 ..:?3 '. a i.a . a :: : s - - x v , o : e si M ARRIVES HOKE FR0!-I FRANCE. From Wednesday's Pally. This morning C. L. Pitman ar rived home from overseas, having been in France for some nine months. Mr. Pitman was a mem ber of Engineers corps of the navy aviation and went to France in August of last year, and returned arriving at Newport News. Va., on May 2tth. and was discharged from the Great Lakes on Monday last. While in France Mr. Pitman, was engaged in larpenter work, and wa.s located most of the time in southwestern France at a town named Pauliac. Of the southern portion of the country he has not the best opinion as he says the people have very little energy, and are contented with raising a little grape vineyard, from which they derive enough to keep them eating a portion of the time. Other por tions of the country he speaks well of and thinks Paris a great place, and is all the country northeast of there, where the battle was raging. Heaid he was content to remain in the country while there was some thing to do. during the war but aftei the armist ice was signed he was very anxious to get home again. He was in charge of a crow of carpenters who -were reconstructing the devastated places and building barracks for the citizens to live in. litiEFi CO. Wi" Always Carry a Complete Line of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES WALL PAPER AND SUNDRIES TOILET ARTICLES AND CIGARS If It's in the Drug Line Wc will Look after Your Wanis at All Times TELEPHONE NO. 2 E. a B B Bl X E B : O C U EL S S BUB -.'B.. B-...R . B . B ' R. f for tile past couple of weeks with an aggravated case of rheumat is n said to be caused indirectly from the condition of his tonsils, had the of fending organs removed. As a result of the soreness following the opera tion he has been forbidden lo talk, and so carries a pencil and note tab lot to make known his wants. Under favorable conditions, ho expects to gel back in the store again by the hitter part of the we;!;. WILL MAKE TOUR OF STATE. From Tuesdays Iuiity. Wayne Propst and Edward Creamer are expecting to start to day via auto for the western por tion of the state, where they will visit many places of interest, and seo the country. Their object will be Perkins county and they will be away f i r several days. E. II. Schulhuf departed on the early train of the Ilurlington this morning for Glenwood, Iowa, where he is looking after une business matters regarding his line of piano work, and also giving instruction in music to his classes in that city and Pacific Junction. Fancy box paper at this office. W. R. VOUuG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sal Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! HEVERSR ALL CA1 LS Telephone 1511 Murray Exa :ange WILL HAKE' THELR II0IIE IN THE WEST FroTi Tnesdav'fi T'aiU. Henry A. Fisher of Pocatclla. Ida ho, and Miss Marie S ohlmart of near Louisville were visiting in this city this niorninr and while here dropped into the f!ire of ttie coui:ty judge, where they Feeured a Uconr-.e to marry. They did not choose to ?ny when or v he re they v.oul'l b married, but expect to return to the we-t to make their home near Po catclla, where Mr. Fisher is en gaged intho ministry. i HAD HIS TONSILS REMOVED H C5 E S ! We have a very large line of shoes for every .nem ber of the familj and bought at a price considerably be low the present market price fully from 75c to $2.00 per pair. If You Buy Now Wc Can Save You Money on Every Pair! WE WANT TO CLOSE THEM OUT! A Few Broken Lines to Close Out at a GreatRcduction! See Us for Your Spring and Summer Shoes Right Now! WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! The Service Store, ALFRED GANSEMER, Murray, Neb. Drs. Mach & ftlach, The Dentists The largest and Left equipped dental offices In Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod erate Prices. Porcelain fillings jast like tooJi. Instru ments carefully sterilized alter using. THIRD FLOOB, PAXTOK BLOCK, OMAHA From Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday' our genial di?po?it ioned friend. Guy Morgan, who eondnofrj the ice cream parlor and confection-! ery store across the street from the Journal oflice and who has been Eick Fistula-Pay Wherf Cured Itf. I I V7:"k uiuu argirill ucauucui (COI CUIOI I-IIPS. I MUfl and Ii L2 M Vv-?2 other Kecta lDiacBi'58 in a short tinie. without a invert: tur- fcTL S i2 NdSivSi 8ica 1 c,-.eration. No Colarofarm. ttber or oilier general , . . ... usu . curt guarnniesa 13 every case atxpted lor treatment and no moiT to fee paid csti! cured Write for bock on S ecta I Diseases, wuh uaie cad tesfircon-'als rf more LtaclOO prominent people vho tzrz Itr.a pcraianEntl-y cured. D3. E. R. TARRY 240 Be Bulldlns OKAVMA. NEORASKA