PAGE TWO. PLATTSMOUTH GEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, MAY 26, 1919. b a a ri H n B n a a M R K :::"!:: zwrm irnimi n:zm mrmm-zm aro innjira: nBBitiBrBxiB;raxaB BIG SOCIAL -DANCES- GIVEN BY THE EAGLES AT COATES HALL Wednesday Night, May 28th Music by Dan Des Danes Orchestra (Colored Orchestra of Omaha) Admission $1.00 Spectators 25c PLUS WAR TAX . Everybody Welcome a y a n a H a H a -a -c. b;: b:ib:;:b:b'"s:ii e;; a.rn: e : a- wnsr:.BJZ::ts :' LOCAL NE.WS From Saturday Ially. I.. 1. lliatt or Murray was a bui ncrs visitor in riattsmouth for a few hours. A. J. Tucker was a visitor in I'!a( turnout h from his home iiwr XrlnwLii yesterday, coming to look aftr seme matters at the county seat. Ira I'us from near Cedar Creek was a visitor in this city for the day, coming to do tome trading for the week. Leo Cole of near Louisville was a vi-itor in I'latt-ruouth last even-iir-,. dri vinf down fr-jm his town to Jcck after ic-me business at the our: houe. (Jetirge i.'niith and son and daugh ter were in the city this afternoon frcni tl'eir south of the city, an ! v. ere doing some trading. Troy Wiles from south cf Cedar Crek was a visitor in riattrmcuth tin--, morning, driving over in his auto to look after feme trading. Mrs. Frank R. Gnhelman who has been visiting for a short time at the heme cf h?r parents at Sidney. I."va. returned heme last evening. Jrscr-h Campbell and family were in the city Ia?t evening looking after the weekly budget of trading, having driven in with their car. J. P. Lau was a visitor in this city yesterday from his home near .'l;.nlcy an 1 was looking after some business matters at the court house. Hubert Shrader and family were visitors in riattsmouth from th"ir h; near Murray and were look ing after some business for the day. Homer Shrader and wife were visiting -with friends in this city 1" r the dny. driving up from their country heme near Murray in their car. John Long and family from La IMr.tto were in the city this aftt-r-i'.i;t n. coining to do some trading with the merchants and to visit with friends. J. M. Stone of N'thawka, was a visitor in I'latt.-mouth for a thort time last evening, coming to look after some matters and while here was a caller at the business place of J. W. Crabill. Charlen Wclf and wife accompan ied by Tncle Ceo. V. Shrader from t-a.-t of Murray were transacting business in thi city this afternoon and also were doing the weekly budget of trading. Adam Meisingcr and wife and Mrs. George Horn, departed this morning for Omaha, where they are visiting for the day with friends at one of the hospitals and will also look after some trading. Mrs-. George Luschinsky and Mrs. Otto Luschinsky, the latter who has been visiting here for a short time, departed for Omaha, where they are visiting for a short time and Mrs. Otto Luschinsk'y is returning to her home at KalMon. Sergeant Dm M. Rush was a visitor in riattsmouth last even ing coming for a visit with hU friend Leonard Jv Meisinger, with whom he served in tho army, and was with him in most of the camps, wh'Te their friendship for each other grew ftrong.. Mr.'. Elma Sykes of San Francisco arrived in this city this morning, and is visiting at the home of L. C. Sharp and wife. Mrs. Sykes is an old time friend of the Sharp family, having known them in California, and also in Australia, while they iived there for a year or two. Mrs. Sykes v. ill visit here for some time. Vr.lter T. Vallery and ton Glen from northwest of Murray were in the city this morning on their way to Omaha, where they went to see J. It. Vallery who is at the Iraman uei hospital where he underwent an operation a short time since and h?.s since been in a very serious condition, and with hut little hope cf his recovery. Mr. Vallery" while extremely sick is showing some wonderful staying powers and it is heped that he will recover. coming from his home west of My nard and departed on the afternoon train for Omaha, where he was call ed to look after some business mat ters for the day. Col. W. 11. Young was a visitor in this city this morning for a short time while on his way to Omaha from his home near Murray, and at which place he is going to look after some matters pertaining to a stock sale, in which he is interest ed. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hayes, of Mo dale, Iowa, arrived her,e this after noon from Hamburg. Iowa, where they have been visiting with rela tives for a short time and will visit at the home of John V. Klliott ?nd Jesse X. Elliott and families, Mr. Hayes being an uncle of the Kllioit boys. Hon. It. 15. Windham who has been at the encampment at York for the past few days returned home last evening, and expresses himself as having had an excellent time while away. 4 He stopped at the home of our old time friend George M. Spurlock and had a very nice visit with him and family, and his father Rurwell Spurlock. who makes his home with his son. Mr. Spur lock takes the Journal and keeps in touch with affairs in riattsmouth. From Friday' Daily. A. Hcenshe! of near Greenwood was a visitor in this city this morn ing' coming to look after some mat ters at the court house. Jacob Hill and family -were in the city last evening f rem their heme northwest of Murray and were doing some sLoppin while here. George Fornoff was a visitor, in riattsmouth this morning frcm his heme near Cedar Creek, and was doing "some trading with the mer chants. O. W. Virgin was a visitor in this city this .morning from his heme in Murray and was looking after some business matters for a short time. Will A. Wcttencamp from west of Mynard was a visitor in this city for a short time this morning, call ed hero to look after wmc matters for a short time. Tlioinas .Tilson of west of Murray was a passenger to" Omaha on tho early train this morning, where he is looking after some business mat ters at the live stock market for the day. Adam Kaffenberger. Jr., was a viritor in, fliis- city this morning. For Picnic Dinners JUST CALL ON US! Wc Carry a Large Lino of all Kinds of Meats COOKIES CRACKERS ORANGES BANANAS APPLES POTATO CHIPS OLIVES PICKLES BREAD BEANS SARDINES RADISHES LETTUCE CHEESE of All Kind CANNED FRUITS GOLDEN SUN COITEE TELEPHONE NO. 4 OR 5 From Thursday's Pally. Miss Alma Holly departed lat evening for Ixuisvillc whore slu? H visiting with friends for a short time. Jacob Kreager and wife from west of Mynard were spending the day in Omaha going on the early train this morning. Win. Puis, of Murray, -was look ing after so:i;c business in this ciiy last evening. h?vi::g driven up fn i:i his home in a car. . James Hatchett was a visit in riattsmouth this morning from his heme in Murray and is locking after some matters in the city. Mits Minnie Guihmann dtp;.r;-d last evening for Murdock. where si.e will visit at the home of her broth er Henry Guthmann for a few days. Hr. J. S. Livingston w:s a pro motional visitor in Omaha for the day going via auto to Orcapoli;, and there taking the train fcr the metropolis;. K. J. Meisinger who lives west of Mynard was a visitor in riattsmouth last evening with his family, they looking after some trading for a short time. George W. Rhoden was a visitor in this city this morning driving frcm his home northwest of Murray to look after some business ' here for :i hort time. Mrs. A. X. Long who has bcr-n visiting in South Bond for a few days past, the guest at the home of her daughter Mrs. Charles Camp bell returned home this morning. G. G. Meisinger and wife depart ed last evening for Cedar Creek, where they will stay for a few days at the home of the boys on the farm, and will help in the work for a short time. Roy Howard from south of Mur ray wr.s r. viritor in riattsmouth this afternoon, coming to look after seme business matters at the court houe and having some matters to look after in the city as well. K. S. Tutt member of the enter prising firm of Hiatt & Tutt of Murray, was a brief visitor iti I laltsmouth this morning. on his way to Omaha to look after tome business matters for the firm. C. A. Rawls departed this after noon for Huron, South Dakota, where he goes on seme legal busi ness and will look after the inter est of the estate of the late Fred Wagoner of near Ixiuisville. SCHDOL CLOSED YESTERDAY From Saturday's rally. The Cedar Crock school closed yes tcrday. and Miss Agnes Holly, who is one of the teachers, came home this morning, accompanied bv her sister. Alma, who went out to at tend the closing exercises, which were most excellent: RALPH TARRAR ARRIVES HERE FROM FRANCE From Friday's Dally. A few days since Mrs. John n .. onfl hor c--n Thtiim Fnrrar I1 41 l 411 UH . -v; 1 1 " or umana, who mis im.tu ik'o ; j this city for some time, departed j for Corning, Iowa, where Company j K of the lfiSth infantry, belong-! 3 ing to the Rainbow division were to be welcomed heme from the over seas struggle for human rights. Aniens this throng of young Amer ican manhood was a grandson of Mrs. Farrar, and a nephew of James Farrar. This is the great cause of their going to Iowa. The day was one of the largest, as well a the throngs assembled there that Corning ever soon. The welcome over yesterday, Mrs. Farrar. her son and grandson returned to this city and are visiting with relatives here. Mr. Ralph Farrar is the nephew of Mr. r.nd Mrs. Harry KuV.ney. a brother of Mrs. Roy May field and Mrs. Henry Her e and with what joy they met the returning soldier, and this i right so should we with the greatest pleasure wel come our boys home again. WILL HEAR CASE AT GRAND ISLAND From Friday's Daily. Subpoonas. have been sent here fur solving on a number of our town-men as witroes in the c;t-e cf they State of Xebraka vs. one Charles Haley. Haley it will be remembered appeared here som time since with a car and a woman stopping at the parage of T. L Amiek. where thoy s.Tught to her row, fifty dollars, which they f '.-cured frcm Mr. Amiek giIng H note with a Ford Aulcniobile us securi;y.'.i was a stolen vehicle, and for whiek the people wor" arrest o:l. and taken b:ck to Grand Island for This trial i - t tome of; soon. The subpo-Mia fo wit no so j from lure include Sl'eiiiT ()ui:i;e::, T. L. Amiek who i row at Lansing. Mick iran, John Fra-ly. M. L. Manspeak-t-r and a man by tie name of Tag- No. I'M I. Ttt-crvo Dist. in-J RKPOUT OF Till: COXHITIOX f tim: FIRST NATIONAL BANK At l-!:it tM:iutli. in the ?M;it.- Of Xt 1'iaska, at tlic clo.-c of 1-nsinvss ..n May l-t!i. 11K. FOR SALE 2 HERFORD BULLS I have for sale, two ;-oung high bred registered Ilerford bulls, four teen and fifteen months of age re spectively. Inquire of Fred T. Ramge. Thones 102 and 532, Plattsmouth. Neb. 5-tfw c About Rheumatism. People are learning that It is only a waste of time and money to take medicine internally for chronic and muscular rheumatism, and about ninetj'-nine out of a hundred cases are one. or the other of there varie ties. All that is really necessary to afford relief is to apply Chamber lain's Llnimen freely. Try if. It osts but 35 cents per bottle. Large sirfi 60 cpntp. Neat printing is assured if have it done at the Journal office i:i:s' h'kcks t.o-is ; T..1 ilisr-.iitits J iL't.ol I. ( v .-nit a rt --. s-(urf il. i-.i'in-; ii .!: 1 , I Q'.'j.Z S. l.i.nd.- ui-i'us-itel to .- lire Ir-i-tilatioa (iar val- . uc $:n,in.)i.ou I". S. IioihIh aii'l .i-l t it' a t s f in- ,-,1 as i-ol!rit--ral ''r State or ji ! r it-m its or li!!s r.:n-..!,i. -0.iihii.0i) 7O.Oim.O0 I. i i i'i t v F. a ii Imhii'is, -l a ti.l ! '4 ier at uni.!. .1. . . $ I I il-. i t v Loan l.oiiiis. 1 n 4', i. r i :t. I 1 -1 i to nf'-i:r Siati- or otl.t-r !ii"sits or l.;!rf j'.ivaMi" . i-o.i r.o.oo liniiflM it!:-r than I". H. IioiiiI.-. ml to Ki-fiH'i- pos tal savings k- -Its J.i.OO.fl') S -n ril l'-s o t Ii r than I". S. I'oii'ls. v !K-t ini l'l. storks n ni'il un!'I ileil . 7."."i J U.O.Y Stoi-k "f F-liral Jlcscrve bank ."0 j';er c nt ;" sub- si-ri ;t ion VhIih- iiaiikiig house.... Fiirni! a:i-! litni-s l;al tal- iiwiiiil itlu-r 1 1 tit ii liarikinu- liouso Law I'ul reserve witli l-"- ! I -a I KrM'i ii' l ank . l!asii i'l vau't ami m-t :iiiiinit tin.- Iroin National lianks.. 'h ks on othrr hanks in the saiii'- city- v town in re-' iMMtiiii hank t'JS. 'In"ks on hanks loi-ali-il out-t-iil- of t-ity or town of ro roiltng hank ami other eash items 1 loili in pt inn fi:nl Willi I". S. Treasurer and duo from I'. S. Treasurer S.r.Oft.oO -,-10.0 1 1 .llll'l. 0(1 I.::::o.o0 Total llcsiiuii-t's .$f.2S,ri."..4 I.I.MilMTinS (.'ai'ital Mock paid In Surplus fund t"ii! ivided tu olits . $1, J "7.1 I.ess r-lirreiit cx- pi'nss, interest S: taxes, pai'l S,l I I." t Aiaouiit r .-rv-d for taxes accrued 'ii c'ilat i.-iVf notes (n:ttand'K Net amount due to banks, bankeis, and trust compies I ml ivilna I deposits, siihjo't to chock Certiliratos of deposit (lue in less thiVP IP! iliivs other than for money horrou'cl ) . 'ci t ilica I e.s of ili posit (other than for money borrowed i . I'ostal S.-ivinss; deposits.'.... 15! I Is payable, with Federal Reserve hank , r.o.oao.od i;5,ooo.oo 5,0til,.7 17.713.00 :;o,ooo.6o Tutal LiahiiiUcs $tl'S. 503.4 Total Deposits, $466,502.52 ;State of Nebraska) fount y of Cass ) es- I. F. K. Kchlater, fat-hier of the iihove-natneil hank, do solemnly .swear that the above Matcnvnt is true to tho best of iny knowledge ami belief. F. SC1IL..T1-,K. Correct Attest: . Cashier. J I. N. Dovey. A. tS. folo. jc-o. O. Dovey, Direetoi's. Sul.scrilied and sncm to before iuc tai.s .-'Uh tlav ol Ma--. l'.l!. ANNA VVAIlf.A. eul) Notary I'utIic. (My tumiiiisf ion expires D"?e. "C, lt2-. TOR SALE. if f3 A ctp re3 ns nn f 1 Tr 7 U c-' rsi L I The Land of Health and Prosperity Offered for Your Approval by The Farmers' Investment Company THE FARMERS' INVESTMENT COMPANY of Lincoln, Nebraska, is a corporation owned and controlled by the f armers, organized for the expresV; pur r.cse or securing good farm lands at the right prices and to do away with the ex oibitpnt commissions that the farmer haj been forced to pay when buying land from land speculators. . OUR METHOD is to secure choice farm lands in a territory where the possibilities are frreaiest, not from land speculators, but from farmers and actual owners, and to put it on the market wit'i as little expense as possible. We do not employ an army of cgents to divide com -nissiens with, all the profits mads going into the treasury of the Company and are paid back to the farmer in dividends. WE DO NOT RUN EXCURSIONS. Did you ever stop to think, Mr. Land Buyer, tht when ycu buy land of a Co.npany running excursions yoa are pay ins' Lho expenses of a vacation trip for seerl of your neighbors? There are al ways men wko will go on an excursion who have no intention of buying land, ihey go because of the opportunity to se; the country at the expense of someone elec, and you can easily figure that the 1 -nd Company is not standing this less, it sirr.ply means that the man who buys m jst pay an extra $5 to $10 per acre to cover the expenses of tha men who go and do not buy. That is the reason we do not run excursions and is one reason why our prices are from $5 to $15 per acre cheaper th?.n other Companies operating in the same territory. Each man going wiih us pays his own expenses, and when ycu buy of us you are not paying the vacation expenses of someone else, you are paying for so much land at its actual value. t WE ARE NOW OFFERING 43,000 acres of choice Eastern Colorado land, located in the famous rain belt an 3 shallow water district of Lincoln coun ty, where every crop raised in eastern Nebraska has been tried out and has made good. Several thousand acres of this trac; is valley land and is a natural home for alfalfa. We have several well improved farms close to town that are real bar gains. This tract is near the town of LIMON, the junction of the main lines of the Union Pacific and' the Rock Island railroads. Already a splendid town with good schools, churches and stores, and with tie shipping facilities it offers is adding greatly to the development of the country. This country, like all new countries, was first settled to a great extent by, men who were too shiftless to make a living in the cast, whose assets, as a rule, were from 6 to 16 hound dogs, and about as many children and a double-barrelled shot-gun. Those men were largely responsi ble for the reports circulated of crop failures and lack of rain. They scratched in s. faw acres of grain and because it did not make a big yield while they were out chasing coyotes instead of cultivating it, they of course "cussed'A-the country. But it w?.s not many years until a few real farmers from the east saw the possibilities of the rich soil and ideal climate, and whrehese men, as a rule had a small amount of capital, they did not have the hound dog and shot-gun habit, and instead of try ing to run the legs off the Jack-rabbits in the country, they were at home culti vating their crops. These men commenced to raise good crops, although the rain f?!i showed no increase, and as more men of this kind settled and learned what crops were best suited to the soil and saw that moisture could be consented so that they were sure of a crop every year, they wrote to their friends and neigh bors and the real settlement of eastern Colorado began; so that now, going to Lin coln county, Colorado, to make your home is no hardship. You will find good schools, good churches, mail routes, telephones and much better roads than in eastern Nebraska. WE DO NOT want you to take our word about this wonderful country. We wa::t you to go with us and see the growing crops and talk to the men who have lived there for years. OUR LANDS range in price from $10 to $50 per acre. Our terms- are good, and we GUARANTEE our titles. If you are going to buy land, buy of a company organized to protect your interests, and the money you will save will go far toward improving your farm. If you are interested call at our office or drop us a card and we will send you literature. If you arrange to go at once you will be able to choose just what you want from this large tract. The Farmers' Investment Company 1044 q St. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Phone B-2621 ALVO IS ONE GASS COUNTY TOWN THAT'LL CELEBRATE From Saturday's aily. The Community club cf Alvo held a meeting recently and decided to celebrate the 4th qf July this year in era nd old style. A handsome sum of money has been appropriated anl committees ;irc busy with the work of making arrangements for a cele bration in which the eagle will cream as it never screamed before. It has been decided not to nuiu a hautauqua this year in Alvo. so the ourth will be made the one grand ig day of the year there. A Ford Touring car, in good run- you ning order. Priced to sell by An drew Stoklman, Louisville, Nebr. underwent' SECOND OPERATION yj5i.rvn--ii From Saturday p Daily. At a hospital at Omaha yester day Mrs. Dick Chriswisser under went a second operation and is re ported as being in a very serious condition. , Her uncle Geo. W. Shrader was a passenger to t)maha this afternoon for the purpose of feeing how the niece was getting along. Mrs. Chriswisser was oper ated upon some time since and was hoping she would be well ere this but had to undergo another opera tion before a return of health could be expected. I'aul btadelmann was a visitor in Omaha for the afternoon, going there on some business matters. Suggestion for a Camping Trip. Buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy before le'aving home. As a rule It cannot be obtained when on a hunting, fish ing or prospecting trip. Neither can it be obtained while on board the ars or Meamships and at such times ind places it is most likely to b needed. The sate way is to have it with j'cm. Subscribe for the Journal. INVESTMENTS ft f Public S crvice Corporation l-t Paying B 1 Can be had in amounts of $100 PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank BId'g, M. r i